
5 MUST-FARM Crypto Airdrops In Q1 2024! (Time-Sensitive)

Time is running out to capitalise on airdrop season. In this video, I break down my top 5 must-farm airdrops for Q1 2024.

Participate in Linea Park πŸ‘‰

Qualify for a ZeroLend airdrop via the Zero Gravity Campaign πŸ‘‰

Airdrop resources:


Disclaimer: The “Miles Deutscher” YouTube channel is a social podcast for entertainment purposes only. All opinions expressed by the host should not be construed as financial advice! Listeners are encouraged to do their own research.
0:00 – Intro
1:48 – Airdrop Update
5:24 – Airdrop 1
11:14 – Airdrop 2
17:52 – Airdrop 3
25:00 – Airdrop 4
30:05 – Airdrop 5
32:24 – Outro

Airdrop farming can be super overwhelming it seems like every day there’s a new 10 airdrop opportunities which crop up out of nowhere and it’s very easy for you to divert or lose your attention as these new opportunities come up so in today’s video I Want to Break Down The Core airdrops that I

Think are absolutely essential that every airdrop farmer should be farming in q1 2024 I’m not going to cover every single airdrop in today’s video but instead I’m going to be covering the airdrops which are the pillar of my personal airdrop farming portfolio obviously in recent times we’ve had some major aird drops

Like starnet Jupiter Dimension but these are now in the past and now it’s time to move on to greener pastures and focus on some of the key airdrop opportunities which are in front of us so in today’s video I’m going to be breaking down these five airdrop opportunities and

Telling you exactly how you can qualify by the way before we get get into the show I want to thank everybody that’s subscribed to the channel over the last couple of weeks we’ve had some amazing growth and actually you can see here that almost 50% of the people that watch

These videos are subscribed to the channel so if you aren’t subscribed already and you’re watching this video click the Subscribe button because I really would love to see this number tick over to 50% we’re so so close and I just want to thank everyone for supporting and watching the content your

Support has been absolutely amazing and I’m doing daily uploads at the moment to give you the best crypto Alpha every single day whether that be new airdrop guides and opportunities altcoin trades my general thoughts on the market and more my goal is to help you succeed in

What is a crazy Market in 2024 and hopefully we can all come out the other side of this year significantly better for it so without further Ado let’s get into what you came to this video for which is of course the airdrop opportunities now over the last few

Weeks we’ve seen some major major aird drops we’ve seen Jupiter launch it over a $5 billion fdv which is absolutely insane we’ve obviously seen the Celestia airdrop end up performing really really well for people that were lucky enough to qualify obviously if you were following my content in 2022 actually

When I was talking about Celestia on Twitter you should have gotten an airdrop I was saying that getting into the node sale could be a good idea and of course those participants ended up getting some nice Celestia bags we’ve also had Dimension we’ve had Stark net actually they just launched their token

Today which has I mean lached over a $30 billion fdv which is pretty insane the air drop distribution here wasn’t ideal in my opinion I mean some people still made a decent air drop but I think it could have been a little bit more generous considering the size and

Magnitude of starnet uh we also had Wormhole as well announced their tokenomics and unfortunately or fortunately if you have been aird drop farming the snapshot for this aird drop has now officially been taken so no more Wormhole farming it’s time to move on to other interoperability protocols two of

Which I’m going to to talk about later in today’s video if you did miss the Wormhole airdrop if you’ve been following my airdrop guides you should have had a window to get involved with Wormhole and I think this will end up being a pretty decent airdrop considering that they are Distributing

177% of the token supply to the community as you can see here and recently there have been some other major aird drops you can see in front of you the list of the biggest aird drops in 20123 of course arbitrum Celestia and kicking off this year we’ve had jitto py

Jupiter Di as I mentioned before so many air drops kicking off the year but I still think 2024 has a lot more in store for it when it comes to air drop farming and I believe that the ones that are fading air drop farming uh just maybe

Because the stock airdrop wasn’t as big as they would have liked to going to end up regretting it because there’s an absolutely massive air drop still yet to come in fact the biggest air drops of the year have not landed yet and I’m going to talk about them in today’s

Video but of course today’s video is going to focus on the ones that you can still qualify four and the ones that I think still give you the biggest opportunity to qualify and receive a sizable airdrop so as I said earlier this is really giving you the pillars of

My airdrop farming portfolio and of course I’m farming over 20 air drops and some of you that are really experienced airdrop Farmers might be farming 20 30 50 tokens at once you can see in front of you the list of tokenless protocols on defi llama keeps growing and growing

And growing Alpha tip by the way if you want to search for new aop opportunities defi llama is absolutely amazing but this is super overwhelming look at the amount of new projects without a token it’s absolutely overwhelming so that’s why today I’m going to take it back to

Basics and give you the essential airdrops that you can’t afford to miss in 2024 because although it would be amazing if we had unlimited time in the day unfortunately we don’t as we know all too well so you do have to be a little bit selective and especially

Those that are under time pressure maybe you have study maybe you have a job maybe you’re not full-time crypto in fact most of you probably aren’t fulltime crypto crypto um and you have limited time to invest in the market so this video I think is going to appeal to

You because it’s going to condense it down nicely into five airdrops but of course there are more air drops I’m farming this video is more so if I only had to pick five based on a variety of factors so air drop size time pressure in terms of where the onus is for

Airdrop farming and opportunity these are the air drops that I would pick so without further Ado let’s get straight into it the first one is polyedra so if you miss the Wormhole air or if you haven’t been farming ler zero for the past couple of years I think I started

Talking about it in mid 2022 which is absolutely crazy we were almost 2 years later I think polyhedra is still a great one to farm now it’s similar to wormhole in the sense that it is an interoperability protocol which Powers a lot of bridges and cross-chain daps and

They do have big backers and a significant valuation having investors on their cap table such as polychain hash key okx binance Labs actually LED their strategic round alongside Anoka brand so clearly polyedra has a lot of hype behind it and I believe they built an amazing product and as you airdrop

Farm you’ll realize just how cool the product is I think as well so how can you qualify for a polyedra airdrop well firstly the ZK bridge I believe is the first place to start so if you click onto the website I’m going to leave relevant links in the description and

Click on token ZK Bridge it’s going to bring you to a bridge that enables you to bridge across a variety of chains mostly layer 2 chains that enable you to essentially build up some bridging volume so I think the number one requirement here and this is similar to my thesis for other interoperability

Protocols like layer zero is making sure you’re building up consistent bridging volume over time and of course the more volume that you can Bridge the better now when it comes to bridging on some of these chains especially if you’re not using ethereum and you’re using some of

The cheaper layer 2os I know linear recently reduced gas fees you’re not actually going to be spending much money per se uh but you will have to have obviously some funds that you can transfer across so you can use usdt if you don’t want Market risk and all you

Need to do essentially is Bridge across from one of these chains and back and start building up some bridging history and you can actually track your history I’ve created a new wallet for the purpose of this video uh but once you start building up some history you will

Be able to actually see your past data and you can start to add up in an Excel spreadsheet the amount of bridging volume and on which dates you built up volume this is absolutely amazing so that’s obviously the first thing you can do working our way across the website I

I’m trying to hit every single uh possible thing I can do on polyedra to make sure I don’t miss anything so the next thing that you can do is import an nft or you can also redeem or claim an nft on the blockchain so basically you want to select your blockchain you want

To enter the contract address of an nft and you you can actually even create your own nft which is another thing that you can do which is pretty cool of course you have to pay gas to minted nft but there’s one more thing that you can do I would recommend doing every single

Possible thing uh that you can on the chain and if that means minting an nft why not go and mint an nft although I think bridging and ecosystem interaction is going to be more important why not if something is there for you available to do and this is the general airdrop rule

I have why not take that opportunity another thing they have is a messenger you can basically send a message across networks to from one wallet to another wallet so you can literally type in what you want so hi and you can send that message across any of these chains

That’s one more thing that you can do they also have their op BMB ZK Bridge so if you want to vary the type of transactions that you are doing you can use the BMB Bridge as well I don’t know how much it matters necessarily bridging with the token Bridge versus the B&B

Bridge but I’m doing both just to be safe and if you click on ecosystem this is really cool uh you can actually see the other protocols that are in the ecosystem and this is where you have the ability to interact with additional protocols that are utilizing polyedra

Tech so as you can see there are ecosystem campaigns which utilize the ZK bridge and they also have a Galaxy campaign and what I always recommend doing with projects is taking part in these campaigns and initiatives we saw with Manta Network for example that the Galaxy users actually received a very

Nice airdrop so what you can do is you can go onto search up polyhedron Network they’ve got over 400,000 followers and actually complete some of these Galaxy tasks there’s a lot that you can do you can follow them on Twitter you can Jo the Discord become a

Polyhedra OG and claim that badge then you’ve got a bunch of other initiatives that you can complete as well once again like the nfts it’s available so why not do it now something else I’m trying to do with polyedra is not only build up volume on their own bridge I’m also

Trying to build up volume on Integrations of their bridge in other protocols like Merkley so if you go on to Merkley you can see here that you can use the polyhedra bridge their gas refuel function to refuel or transfer gas across a multitude of chains and the there’s something really really really

Cool about this look at this at the bottom here layer zero and polyedra are both powering this bridge now why is this amazing well you’re killing two birds with one stone spoiler alert I’m about to get into the layer zero airdrop because this is another airdrop on my

List of five and one way that you can qualify for both or at least get some transactions in for both is utilizing a protocol like Merkley which is integrating both forms of technology because they both utilize Z K proofs in order to initiate these cross chain transfers so that is obviously something

That you can do as well to kill two birds with one stone so to speak now in the description below I’m going to leave any resources I think will be of value to you one of the threads that I think contextualizes these steps quite nicely is hito thread I was searching across

Twitter for the best threads because I wanted you to have some guides and this was the best one that I found it goes through some of the steps that I mentioned with also video guides for things like creating NF te’s that I don’t have time to get into in this

Specific video as well as how to bridge Etc so this was an absolutely amazing threat I’m going to leave it in the description below for those that want some more information on polyedra but that’s definitely one of the top Air drops that I’m currently farming now next let’s get into layer zero because

Clearly when we talk about interoperability layer zero is pretty much the king alongside Wormhole and this should be if they play their cards right unlike starnet one of the biggest airdrops of 2024 and it’s that I’m super excited about now I don’t really need to

Go too much into layer zero for the OG Watchers of this Channel or my Twitter because I’ve been Haring on about this airdrop for almost 2 years now which I’m I’m kind of getting sick of talking about ler zero but I will give you some of the latest developments uh in

Addition to Merkle in terms of what I’m doing in terms of farming so as you can see clearly stacked cap table we don’t need to get into this anymore $3 billion valuation they raised at I mean if stocket is a $33 billion protocol then layer Zer is a $30 billion protocol is

Going to be absolutely massive look I don’t know if it’ll be exactly 30 billion but it’s definitely going to be in that 10 plus billion range which means pretty big air drop and probably one of the biggest if not the biggest of 2024 so what are some of the things that

You can do right now to qualify for layer zero well interestingly my steps haven’t really changed that much in the last year now every now and then we get a new bridge come out a new DB come out a new integration come out and I like to play around with it but interestingly

Many of the steps in my original guide is still true today interacting with Stargate has been a main day of my airdrop farming for the last year and a half basically what I’m doing is I’m holding STG and I’m voting on governance proposals cc2 who I think is the king of

Airdrops on Twitter reminds people that they need to be voting on these Stargate proposals and the interesting thing is that this proposal is between Aptos and layer zero Now abos isn’t in this video but they are doing their second round of airdrop very soon it’s also an airdrop

On farming but I tried to connects my um air drops into my top five for the purpose of this video but this is interesting because it’s kind of one of those you know two birds one stone scenarios again with a bit of interaction across abos and layer zero

So Stark net is something that I’m certainly utilizing not just voting on governance proposals with STG because I understand not all of you are going to want underlying token exposure and that’s okay something else I’m doing is of course utilizing the Stargate Bridge it’s the primary and original dap on

Layer zero I would be shocked if Stargate interaction doesn’t end up being on the snapshot and this is simple you just need to swap tokens once again you can use stable coins okay you’re paying a bit of gas that’s you’re going to end up chewing through gas when you

Airdrop farm right but you’re not giving up your money it’s still your usdt it’s still your ethereum but you are using it you’re activating it essentially and paying some gas on it and you’re switching between any of the networks that you would like to switch on you can

Stick to the low gas chains I doubt they’re going to scrutinize and be like oh you know you were using a chain and you paid half the gas versus the people that used ethereum no I think generally just using a variety of chains is is

Okay and you can go with the lower gas fee chains for sure so so build up some bridging volume once again like polyedra be consistent Build It Up over time if you’ve been watching my airdrop shows you know what I love to do I love to have that EXL spreadsheet whenever I am

Farming airdrops and I apologize cuz I never actually did share my template with you this is something I still want to do it just completely slipped my mind I’m actually reminding myself now that this would make an amazing future video but to give you the tldr basically what

I do is I have uh tabs down the bottom of every single air drop that I’m farming so polyedra layer zero the next I’m going to talk about in today’s video Aptos Etc salana air drops and I basically have a checklist that I tick off every single week which might be

Like Bridge T ethereum from B&B to optimism stake funds in X pool swap between X asset and X asset and I’ll basically check this list off every single week and I’ll pick a time once a week let’s say 1 to 2 hours where I just

Sit down and I go through all of my air drops now obviously the more air drops you farming the longer it’s going to take if you’re farming five air drops you probably only need 2 hours a week if you’re farming 30 aird drops you might need to press buttons all week like a

Maniac it really just depends how much time you have but the key with airdrop farming is to be consistent so if you can find that hour or two every single week to sit down tick off those boxes in your checklist for each airdrop that is definitely the way to go and it’s the

Exact same thing when it comes to ticking off layer zero ticking off polyedra I’m just consistent with my bridging and over time I think this is going to end up paying off because we have seen previous airdrop snapshots really reward that consistency and really reward that volume and you can’t

Get that volume just for 2 weeks of air drop farming the people that have the significant volume a the whales but B the retail that were consistently doing it and they had enough time enough leeway to build up volume because the L zero snapshot might not be for another

Few months let’s say but the people that started a year ago that they have a significant Advantage cuz they got to do more now I don’t believe it’s too late but you seriously better start building up some volume if you do want to get something like a layer zero now what

Else am I doing on layer zero aside from Stargate and Merkley Sushi swap or any dap for that matter that enables swapping multi-chain via layer zero so like Sushi X is one way to build up volume you can see here that layer zero is an official partner to facilitate

Multi-chain swapping there are other daps as well in the ecosystem radiant Capital One that I’ve talked about many times before also utilizes layer zero Tech mugan Finance is a real yield protocol built on layer zero this is also a Dap You can interact with tapioca is an chain borrowing and lending

Platform that also utilizes layer zero text similar to radiant so all those applications in my opinion are very decent applications to interact with to take off some of the additional requirements so you don’t just want bridging volume you also want swapping volume you want to be interacting with

Multiple daps in the ecosystem just be diverse with it and as I said on that checklist just write down all these daps uh deposit x amount of collateral into radiant swap x amount on sushy Swap Bridge x amount on the abos bridge as you can see in front of you which is

Another Bridge utilizing layer zero Tech so this is another bridge that I use alongside Stargate and alongside Merkley as well it’s basically from the abos blockchain across to other evm compatible chains pum Network also utilizes layer zero Tech they have their wallet but I think the most interesting

And compelling thing here is liquid swap which is a DEX that is built on Aptos but utilizes layer zero technology to enable that cross chain element so you can also use this one if you want to play around on the network so that is what I’m doing on layer zero once again

I’ll also leave what I think is the best guide in the description below but I think those are the major components of course there are many other applications that utilize the tech but I don’t think you need to use all of them you just need to be varied in in your approach

Bridging volume I still think will be the major thing though swapping volume anything else you can do in the ecosystem is a major major plus as well now let’s get on to one of the air drops that I believe is going to be one of the biggest airdrops of 2024 now this isn’t

Probably going to be until later in the year but that’s an amazing thing because it means you still have time to qualify and by the way the last air drop that I’m going to mention in today’s video I believe is super underrated and I’m not seeing many people Farm it but it’s

Going to be very very important for a very key airdrop ecosystem so the air drop that I believe could be one of the biggest of the year is linear linear is of course consensus major L2 which utilizes ZK Tech and based on what I’ve seen technology wise it looks like one

Of the best launches of 2024 and I think it’s also going to launch at a fairly High valuation and of course this is great for air drop farming because the higher the valuation typically the bigger the airdrop because what the project will do is they’ll pick a percentage of the token allocation

That they want to airdrop so obviously the bigger the token the larger dollar amount per user the amount of users don’t change but the valuation distributed amongst those users May so what can you do on linear well linear unlike many of the other air drops that

I’m talking about today is one of the more straightforward air drops to farm because they literally spell out the XP system right in front of you via the linear Voyage campaign now what this is is it’s a campaign where pretty much every single week they’re launching new

Initiatives for you to take part in to earn XP so it’s basically festivals quests workshops all happening on chain to enable you to earn XP now if you’ve been completing these quests from the beginning because I started talking about linear Voyage last year when it first started you would be in a really

Really strong position because you would pretty much be on Max XP right now and the more XP the bigger the airdrop is going to be if you haven’t though you are watching at a good time because right now I think when the video goes live it should be out is a brand new

Initiative called linear Park as you can see there are a few other pending initiatives that you can take part in to earn XP but by far the best and the biggest new one is basically a web 3 gaming adventure for you to earn XP so

Right now this is the is the best thing you can do for qualifying for an airdrop so if you are late to lyia and you haven’t done anything this would be a good place to start now you have to accept that you’re not going to get as

Big of an airdrop as the people that started last year when I was first talking about it but that’s okay because we still probably have many many months of these quests and initiatives so you can start building up XP now so what is linear Park linear Park is basically a

Variety of initiatives across the web 3 gaming space on linear which enables you to interact with these daps for earning XP linear Park is basically like a theme park with 10 distinct zones that enable you to immerse yourself uh in the ecosystem so if you go onto layer 3 I’m

Going to leave a link in the description below that you can use to access linear Park you can see linear Parks here if you click on that button you get access to the theme park and there are basically different zones which unlock as the weeks of the campaign go on it’s

A six- we campaign that essentially enable you to interact with various dat apps across each specific sub sector of gaming so week one is going to be RPG and MMO games week two action and strategy week three social World week four experience the East week five mini

Game Gala week six nft land and of course the more of these quests that you’re able to complete the more XP that you’re going to earn and keep in mind you are going to need to use layer three to qualify for the XP it’s the only

Official host of linear Park so I will leave a link in the description below if you want to do it directly um I would recommend you don’t have to use that link you can also look it up yourself but I would recommend you do use either that link or the link in linea’s

Official website because there are a lot of scam links going around so you have to be very careful what link you actually choose to use if I’m 99% sure the Link’s in the description for you guys by the time you’re watching but those viewers that are really early like

Within the first couple of hours there’s a chance it’s not there yet and you’ll just need to check in a couple hours later because Linea park at the time of recording isn’t live I’m recording this video as it’s supposed to be going live so hopefully

By the end of the video it is live and then you can start and this is one of those examples where the people that have the post notification Bell turned on are the big winners here because you’re getting in super early and you’re pretty much guaranteed that you’re not

Going to miss the week one of XP um because um I actually delayed this video just so I could put this in the video because uh I wouldn’t how can I talk about Linea without you know the biggest next part of their Voyage not being shown on the video it doesn’t make sense

So I’ll leave a link in the description to linear Park and the details if you want to learn more about it on top of that I’m also interacting with linear daps specifically so I think XP will be the number one component of the airdrop but there are also some interesting

Applications on linear which also have their own initiatives plus could help towards a linear airdrop one of them is Linx Linx is the native liquidity layer of linear and basically what you can do here is you can supply liquidity to their Pools by pairing your tokens and

You can earn a yield on those tokens you can also swap if you want to do any native swapping on linear to build up some swap volume you can utilize uh their swap function as well and they are the liquidity layer of linear so they should have the strongest liquidity

Especially I mean they pretty much just launched so especially after more people start to get involved one other thing you can do is if you have their native governance token which is ly NX you can turn that into the elinx to earn and govern the platform so it’s basically

The governance token of the platform you will also earn bribes and trading fees for locking up your ve Linux which enables governance holders to have a stake of the platform essentially via profit sharing and it’s actually very cool uh just as a user of linear when I first started using the chain basically

Last year there wasn’t much to do the Galaxy campaigns were super simple it was basically like follow them join their Discord Twitter Etc but seeing over time the ecosystem develops seeing these new daps come onto the chain seeing now applications like Linx St 2 launch and more quality DBS and games

Like we’re going to get to test out during linear Park it’s super super awesome to see the ecosystem develop but I still think it’s at its early stages so I actually think these new chains have big opportunities on them not just in terms of aird drop farming but also

Spotting and identifying the top new protocols launching on these chains because you have to remember what an airdrop is in crypto and airdrop to an ecosystem is essentially stimulus you’re stimulating the usage activity on the network but you’re also giving people access via an airdrop to liquidity on

The network and that liquidity needs to go somewhere right so I’m always on the lookout for new applications that are launching on new chains because this is often where some of the bigger opportunities lie and we’ve seen the same thing across Stark net now that it’s launching some of the top

Applications there uh look really good ZK Sync has had some amazing performers it’s not even launched yet so that stimulus effect hasn’t really kicked into gear but just the additional network activity has been a major Plus for new applications on the Chain all right so that is three of my five top

Airdrop ecosystems that I am currently airdrop farming I’ve left two of the biggest ones for last and there’s actually a bonus airdrop in here uh that I think is is quite a good one that’s being underrated as well that I want to talk about so of course ZK sync is the

Penultimate major ecosystem I mean this is one like layer zero that I’ve talked about so much in the past I’m kind of getting sick of it but I mean you you really can’t deny it they’ve raised 458 million dragonfly a16z okx major major major backers for ZK sink and it’s going

To be one of if not the biggest air drops for 2024 I know I said that about layer zero but it is neck and neck because we don’t know the distribution yet zky could very well end up being on top by the end of the year Linea as well

I mean it’s going to be a close race it depends which ecosystem decides percentage wise to air drop more but we know for a fact that these three are going to be three of the biggest if not the biggest of the year so if you thought darket was big if you thought

Jupiter was big if you think Wormhole is going to be big I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet compared to what some of these are going to do so for ZK sync one of the most recent guides that I thought was really good was W fen’s guide of

Course I have my own guides but he’s updated it with a few newer protocols basically my strategy for ZK sync is interacting with some of the major protocols namely the dexes on the ecosystem so you’ve got syn swap you’ve got mut swap isumi Finance MAV protocol some of the major applications and also

Utilizing other types of apps so not just dexes but lending protocols for example zeroland now zerol lend is an interesting one because not only do they help potentially help you qualify for a Zeke a sync airdrop but they also have their own token which hasn’t launched

Yet uh that you can airdrop Farm via interacting so it’s another one of these two birds one stone scenarios where you can get access to two air drops through one protocol which I love because it makes my air drop farming so much more efficient now zero lens’s pretty crazy

Cuz they I mean just look at the tvl it’s nuts their total Market size is now $136 million and it keeps growing and growing and growing it’s absolutely insane to see the growth of their protocol and they’ve actually built a really good protocol so you have an opportunity right now to complete their

Zero gravity campaign and this is going to enable you to earn points to qualify for an airdrop they have a leaderboard now when a project has a leaderboard that’s a very strong sign that they are going to have an airdrop so zero lend basically what you can do once you sign

Up for zero gravity and I’ll leave a link in the description below if you want to access it is join their Discord say good morning in the Discord Supply some collateral to their lending Market borrow assets from their lending Market refer another user and stake pith and

What you can do is once you’ve connected your wallet you actually earn points as you can see here you earn different points based on for example how much tvl you contribute or you earn a static amount of points just for joining their Discord so you can actually get 100

Points just for joining a Discord it’s so simple and zerol lend airdrop especially the higher the tvl on the platform goes the bigger it gets cuz this will likely positively impact its market cap upon launch so zero lend is as I said good because you’re interacting with a protocol that has its

Own airdrop but you’re also interacting with an ecosystem ZK sync that also has an airdrop so you can use my link in the description below if you want to access the zero gravity campaign and I think this is going to be a really strong one for building up points which are going

To contribute towards a zerol lend airdrop and for the ones that are willing to deposit at least Le $100 um and you’re not just like losing your money it’s a lending protocol right so you’re providing liquidity as collateral to borrow an asset and you can keep your

LTV super low so you’re not taking up too much risk you guys are going to be able to earn a lot more points because it’s essentially one point per USD per day so you get 100 points per day for staking $100 if you do $1,000 you get

1,000 points per day so obviously the ones that watch this video and do it soon are going to be able to build up more points over the duration of the gravity campaign than you would if you’re watching this video in a couple weeks and once again this is why Mars

Deutche followers with the notification Bell turned on are always going to be in a better position sorry another Shameless notification shill um but it’s true like sometimes these airdrop opportunities are relatively time sensitive I mean that is the nature of airdrop farming right um so everyone

That’s watching this video as soon as it comes out you’re going to have a head start on people that are watching later because you’re going to be able to build up more points you don’t just need to supply collateral you can also borrow assets if you supply and borrow you’re

Earning so much more points than if you just do one or the other but interestingly the borrow Market gives you four times the amount of points than actually supplying liquidity which makes sense right because supplying usdt you’re taking on less risk than borrowing um assets so you can see here

That there’s a bunch of assets you can do stable coins if you want to be more risk off there’s also native tokens in the ecosystem like mute if you want to be more risk on and they all come with their own Supply and borrow aprs for you

To earn yield on top of your airdrop farming so that is something that you can can do now using the link in the description if you want to potentially qualify for a zero airdrop alongside a zkc airdrop and the final airdrop I have to talk about today is scroll I’m not

Going to go too much into it but this is another major ecosystem which is probably going to have a large airdrop I’m going to leave a link to the best guide that I found in the description below but it’s pretty much spoiler alert using major Bridges like Orbiter Finance

Al2 finance using the scroll official Bridge Etc to build up bridg volume I won’t go too much into it because I’ve given you more specifics on other airdrops but scroll is another one that is in probably my top 10 but for the sake of this video just based on the

Criteria I explained before like size and opportunity my top five for air drops in q1 now there are some airdrops which I think are amazing that didn’t make this list why well firstly I had to be concise and kind of cram it down into into five of my top Air drops of course

I’ll give you different types and varying types of airdrop opportunities in future videos but the other thing is these not all of them cuz linear might be later in the year but most of them are time sensitive in the sense that you need to be interacting now to actually

Have time to build up that volume linear included um zky and ler zero there’s probably more of a premium time wise on those ecosystems scroll I think Could Happen slightly later in the year but all of these I mean there’s so much stuff you can be doing now to put yourself in a

Good position to receive an air drop versus waiting so that’s kind of why I chose these air drops over some other ones which although they may be great they’re probably 2025 or looking a bit later down the timeline so that’s why I picked the edops in today’s video and if

I had to prioritize one in today’s video it would probably be linear because Park just launched so that gives you something to do probably layer zero as well um I mean all of these are a priority but I’m trying to like order them for you layer zero as well because

I think you’re probably running out of time there and and then I would say ZK sync zeroland um obviously with gravity starting you can earn more points now versus waiting and ZK s’s another one that I don’t think they’ve done the snapshot yet but time is ticking on that

Ecosystem oh and for full disclosure I am an early investor in Linx on linear as well as zerol lend I always want to be transparent when I’m an investor in a tokenless protocol I believe that’s super important to do with my audience and I’m super happy to be supporting

These protocols because I believe they’re Market leaders on both chains across Linea and ZK sync so there is a lot to like there in my opinion so that sums up my top five air drops let me know in the comments which five air drops you are farming if I sounded

Croaky in today’s videoos cuz I’m actually very sick my throat is like all swollen but uh I’m trying to pop out these daily uploads it really is a grind but um I honestly love doing this I love making content especially in this market and I really really really do want all

Of us to succeed this year it’s kind of boring making money alone it’s so much more fun when we can all do it together so I’m really trying to bring you guys on this journey as well and hopefully when we celebrate these air drops and

Our big wins we can all do it together as a community which would be absolutely amazing if you haven’t joined the community yet make sure to join by clicking the Subscribe button I’ll leave all the relevant links to get involved in any of the air drops that I talked

About in today’s video in the description for your convenience if like Linea Park isn’t out yet I’ll add it as soon as it’s live it should be by the time this video is uploaded but who knows who knows it could be a couple hours later let’s see hope you have an

Amazing rest of your day I will see you tomorrow I’m a new daily uploader and yeah that’s all I got see you later peace


  1. Hey Miles. Grate video as always! However some of this Airdrops you've been farming for over a year. Which ones would you advise for people to start farming and actually have the chance to qualify?

  2. Thanks for sharing this video. seems like the crypto space has become a very big platform for money to be made, id love to start trading and earning but with absolutely no knowledge

  3. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Catherine Gauthier.

  4. Look forward to seeing your spreadsheet. Only started airdrop farming recently, but have found your content really helpful and have made some good progress on both layerzero and Zksync. On layer zero, the area I seem to be struggling with is building up contract numbers, and wondered what you suggest as a good way of developing this. On ZKsync, it seems a lot easier with several NFT options to add unique contracts. Keep up the great content anyway, been following you since you first appeared on Banter.

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