    British Hodl Twitter/X: @BritishHod
    British Hodl YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@britishhodl23

    00:00 Bitcoin Spot ETFs
    04:11 Bitcoin Perpetual Cycle
    08:10 Bitcoin adoption
    08:50 Bitcoin Spot ETF issuers 1% adoption
    10:35 US economy
    12:12 The solution the current economy
    14:00 Bitcoin is the best asset
    15:30 does bitcoin have intersect value
    18:30 bitcoin mistakes
    20:45 Bitcoin’s volatility
    24:00 bitcoin as a world reserve asset
    26:00 Bitcoin vs altcoins
    31:40 Bitcoin’s ordinals

    Aimstone Bitcoin podcast:
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    Hey what’s up guys today I had an interview with British hodle he is a Bitcoin educator Bitcoin maximalist and seor Enthusiast in this interview we discussed Bitcoin SP ETFs Perpetual Bitcoin cycle the future for Bitcoin economy cbts and other topics enjoy this conversation H how you doing today my

    Friend I’m good thanks for having me back yes of course absolutely you have been uh creating a lot of great content uh lately and I think we can start this conversation maybe with uh Bitcoin spot ETFs uh Bitcoin spot ETFs have been approved like January 10 january9 I

    Believe that would be like more than a month ago so what do you think has happened uh since then I I think that they have been the single most successful Financial Market uh ETF product that’s been launched I think they’ve managed to secure six billion dollar worth of capital rotation

    I think that uh investors that didn’t have access to bitcoin or the confidence to get access to bitcoin and now have access and confidence in Bitcoin I think Black Rock and Fidelity and every other asset manager out there is now suddenly a Bitcoin proponent I think it’s stupid

    To be anti- Bitcoin at this point as Andrew rosin is finding out today from his CNBC bit I think yesterday so yeah like look Bitcoin has basically gone uh from a risk asset to a must own asset I believe it has started what I want to call a Perpetual Bitcoin cycle um and

    This is uh quite exciting over the first 26 trading sessions we’ve had uh you know 200 $160 million a day worth of net inflows that is also accounting for you know excluding gbtc uh outflows so it’s it’s been a fantastic most it’s been one of the most successful product launches

    In American Financial history and it’s Bitcoin right so far I think that inflow together would be more than like 5 billion while GTC yeah gbtc sold roughly like7 billion doll worth of BTC so far do you think uh BC will continue to uh sell BC Bitcoin and will they survive

    This selling pressure I I I think something is going to change once they hit a certain number of Bitcoin I don’t know what that number is but I I think something is going to change I think once this Genesis selling that’s been uh instructed by the court finishes I think

    You’re probably going to see discussion around maybe changing up uh the fee structure of gbtc and the bleeding is probably enough if gbtc reduced their fees down to let’s say .5% the bleeding would stop yeah like 1.5% is insane like all other Bitcoin SPS they charge like 20 30

    Basis points but they charge like 1.5% that’s like like sometimes five times higher than their competitors so no wonder yeah it’s an insult that’s what it is it’s an insult to your clients however you know when I think about it it’s like if they know that all of this

    Selling is coming down the pipeline why not keep the fees High until the selling is done and then lower the fees yeah that makes sense too but right now what they lost roughly like 30% of their Bitcoin AUM so maybe if they would preserve those 30% they would

    Potentially make more money at the lower fees I don’t know yeah but that’s the point though right I don’t think they would have preserved it I think there’s people that are just going to want like for example I’m moving my gbtc position um and I’m moving it because I want

    Diversification in custody risk right so I’m moving it to Fidelity because Black Rock most 90% of the ETFs are using coinbase so I’m going to move uh a portion of my uh ETF position to Fidelity to get the the the diversification on the custody so it’s

    You know those games are always going to be played and I and I if they reduce it you know soonish uh I would say within the next quarter I I think it will turn out to have been a smart play got it what does what custodian uh Fidelity uses Fidelity Fidelity uses oh

    They have their own custodian or yes yeah they’ve been doing it for years yeah that that makes sense yeah coinbase has probably like 90% of Bitcoin PF market for custodian but anyway so let’s move on to uh Bitcoin Market Cycles recently you made the video about about

    It um you called it Perpetual cycle I believe so maybe you can explain what it is yeah I believe a Perpetual cycle for Bitcoin has begun on January January 11th uh which is the first day of the ETFs what I mean by a perpetual is a cycle that doesn’t get affected by

    Retail emotions right these boom and busts that are crazy for Bitcoin that we’ve all experienced are not really institutional they’re not really institutional funds right this is a uh a this is a an emotional reaction for um for retail markets right and now you’ve got an ETF product that’s out here

    That’s going to secure $200 million a day worth of buying buying no matter what the price is because they just need to get an allocation if Black Rock wants to make a 1% allocation of their assets under management today they need to buy a hundred billion dollar worth of

    Bitcoin which is one institution is buying five times more than what drove the 2020 bull market think about that it’s it’s absolutely Insanity so and in order for them to do that they could buy $200 million a day right for 500 trading sessions which is two years

    Right so I think we’re we’re entering a new and that’s just black rock not talking about Fidelity I’m not talking about any of the others so I think we’re entering we’ve entered not even entering we’ve entered a Perpetual cycle so what that means is is that yes I think the

    Stock to flow is going to be is going to be very relevant but that’s going to be like a shot of adrenaline every four years and in between that I think we sort of just you know we’re going to have these ups and downs but I think

    They’re going to be muted to the upside and muted to the downside uh because of that steady buying that’s coming in so think it’s going to uh Bitcoin is going to be less volatile yes yeah absolutely as as generally as market caps grow uh the asset becomes less volatile and and I

    Think that’s exactly what’s going to happen to bitcoin and I think it’s a good thing yeah I agree with you but I think well till they probably going to stabilize more less when Bitcoin is like three 400 maybe half a million dollars but I don’t think it’s to happen I think

    It’s going to happen now I’m not saying it’s gonna what I’m saying is that Bitcoin is enter a Perpetual cycle right so so this is it doesn’t mean that all of this is going to build in right now but what I’m saying is that this is this

    Is what’s programmed at this point yeah uh that makes sense and I believe in 2017 I forgot what the guy name is he was advocated like super cycle but of course back then we not have Bitcoin spot ETFs and now Bitcoin spfs could be like as you said probably the biggest

    Catalist so far so yeah I do I do agree with you I think we might see like something different this cycle comp compared to uh the previous ons yeah remember right like there’s only two there’s only really two data points for the cycle structures that everyone keeps

    Talking about like it’s two and and in those two you have not had a buying Force like the ETF so I think you know super cycle yes I think all of these things make sense but I think the idea of a Perpetual Bitcoin cycle makes more sense than than anything else and I

    Think you know the idea of an Omega candle and all this other stuff like an Omega I think I was talking to Samson Mau on a on on a Twitter spaces and even he said you know like I don’t think there’s going to be one day where you’re

    Going to just see a $100,000 candle anymore and and and I put a tweet out and I said you know the Omega candle has changed from a oh my God it’s never gonna stop candle right and I think that’s really what the idea of a Perpetual cycle is Right another thing

    That Samsung mous stated recently that he counts Bitcoin now in a million right now bitco like 0.05 of a million like 5% of a million which is I think I think that’s a good idea yep that’s a good yep okay so let’s move on British hle so um

    Do you think Bitcoin will get like 1% uh adoption regarding uh from bitco Parts yes I my thesis has always been that 1% of all assets under management will move into Bitcoin over a period of eight to 10 years right so you know and I thought about that in 2020 and now the

    Vehicle in to to make that happen has now emerged um and remember there’s also ancillary benefits to an ETF it’s not just the ETF they might not buy it through the ETF but if you’re you know a multi-billion dollar family office you’re going to sit there and go okay

    Black Rock’s behind this let me call Black Rock let me call coinbase let me call whoever and get an allocation for us even though I’m not directly doing it through the ETF but just the presence of an ETF makes the asset more viable yeah that makes sense uh do you

    Like have any math how much do you think it’s going to be if like 1% of uh ETF AUM going going to going to BTC yeah so look you know Bank of America they have talked about the bull market multiplier right Bank of America’s uh research shows that every dollar going into

    Bitcoin was causing a $118 increase in market cap in the previous cycle based on the first 26 trading sessions of the ETS you’re looking at around a 55 multiple and we’re in the middle of a bare market right now so you know when I look at it there’s $130 trillion managed

    By the top 500 asset managers in the world 1% of that is 1.3 trillion and if if you get that bull market multiple which by the way I think gets higher but if you get that bull market multiple you’re looking at a $7 million bitcoin price yeah that’s sound insane but yeah

    I hope it’s going to happen I think M just you know let me you know people go crazy when you start talking about trillions right so just think about this black Rock’s 10 trillion doll in order for Black Rock to put 1% into Bitcoin

    Which by the way by the end of this year it’s going to be the number one performing asset in their perspectus it’s the number one performing ETF they’ve got it’s the highest fee growth product that they have so why wouldn’t they put 1% in their in of their assets

    Into into Bitcoin and so when you think about it like that 1% of just black Rock’s assets under management is1 billion do which is four times more than the entire bull market of 2020 in 2021 if you multiply by was it 118 then you get like humongous amount of number

    Like your money’s price yeah yep yep um all right so um let’s move on yeah we spoke about Bitcoin let’s move on to like economy are you like keeping keeping up with economy what you think is happening with inflation and so on and so forth yeah I I think uh inflation

    Is going to continue trending downwards I think if you look at true inflation’s data they’re showing a sub 2% inflation rate year on year um and I think inflation continues to Trend downwards now we can argue whether we’re talking about you know the inflation in the way

    That it’s measured right now or in the way that it should be measured and that’s a whole different debate right but but based on the data that’s presented out there and the data that decision makers use uh inflation is trending downwards um and that’s a good thing because interest rates have to

    Come down because I think 20% of the commercial real estate market needs to be refi this year uh and it’s like 8 trillion of government debt needs to be refi this year so interest rates are coming down inflation is coming down we’re about to enter a new period where

    They will need to do credit expansion to to keep the economy alive keep the inflation inflationary system alive um but yeah there’s a lot of deflationary forces right now and the worst enemy of an inflationary system is deflation yep I agree with you um the inflation I think for January oh yeah

    For January I think it was pretty low below 3% in United States at least in nominal terms real terms probably double than that maybe six seven something like that so um a lot of people still feeling this like um high prices in groceries gasoline yes came down by quite a bit

    But it’s still relatively higher comparing to let’s say even prior to 2020 prior to Corona crash but um anyway what what do you think is the solution for like high prices and uh like this kind of like stagnation for for the people yeah listen look that’s a really

    Tough question you know at the end of the day we’ve got to allow deflation to work if we want uh a solution for the middle class and unfortunately that’s just not how the system works it’s not how the system has ever worked so you

    Know unfor I can’t think of a Sol for as long as we are in this system what will happen is is that the middle class will continue to get drained wealth will cause disparity increase disparity between the upper class and the lower class and you got to decide if you’re in

    The middle class which way you’re going to go which way your family is going to go and which way your last name is going to go that’s it I don’t want to sit here and be like everybody else that says oh if we just did this then that no this is

    It you are so you either got to figure out are you going to move towards the upper class and be rich or are you going to keep moving to the bottom class and be poor one or the other because the middle class is going away yeah or in another way just buy

    Bitcoin yeah you need to you need to what are you going to do right you got inflation sitting at you got inflation real inflation sitting at probably like what six to 10% something like that uh you’ve got wages that aren’t growing right like what what do you do you got

    You got the one asset that everyone in that class owns which is real estate that needs to be brought down in price or kept the same over the next next decade what do you do like Bitcoin is Bitcoin is the only solution if you you either choose Bitcoin or you choose

    Hypers speculative options and you choose hypers speculative options and you got a 97% chance of losing your money so Bitcoin just based on deduction Bitcoin is the best best answer you have and and also the easiest to buy I remember back in 2018 2019 I wanted to have like more less like Diversified

    Portfolio maybe like one thir of gold one3 of Bitcoin and one3 of maybe stocks makes for something else but the gold was very difficult to buy I’m like I bought maybe like one ounce of gold you have to pay Market fees like five maybe 10% and then you have to pay um

    Insurance and the other stuff I’m screw this let me just buy Bitcoin like with a few clicks of the mouth I just bought Bitcoin like screw that gold so right yeah I think imagine most people are not in your lucky position to buy an ounce of gold right they’re going to buy a

    Gram of gold they’re going to buy two grams of gold and when you work that out the premiums like 40% which means that the the value of the gold the gold has to go up 40% before that person starts breaking even so Bitcoin is the one opportunity that wealthy people and poor

    People can use at the exact same time to get the same result there’s no other asset yeah Bitcoin is by far like the most Superior asset you can transfer anywhere in the world like try to uh go through the airport with ounce of gold is not going to happen but they do not

    Know you have Bitcoin so that’s one of the beauties of uh Bitcoin and some people still do not understand that there are many like Bitcoin critics they say Bitcoin is useless it has no value um what do you think what do you have to say to them if anything I just think

    They’re I just think they’re idiots like at this point I I don’t even I don’t even think about them like if you think that Bitcoin has no value you haven’t done your homework and I don’t think you deserve the conversation that we’re going to have you don’t understand how

    Bitcoin is a store of value basically if you say that you know Bitcoin has no value what you’re basically saying is that the entire Earth’s population does not have one single problem called store of value so therefore you don’t understand the basic fundamentals of the subjugation of humanity for 230 years

    Why the do I want to waste my time talking to you exactly um so speaking of value do you like do you think Bitcoin has like uh intrinsic value or is like like more like widely spread like we know Bitcoin has value but we do not know what is

    It intrinsic value is always an interesting conversation to have intrinsic value uh I don’t think there is such a thing as intrinsic value right I I think that Bitcoin has Bitcoin just has value right there is value in in the store value aspect of Bitcoin there is

    Value in being able to do crossb transactions there is like a friend of mine right now is Canadian is thinking about setting up a business in the Dominican Republic the easiest fastest way for him to move money from Canada to the Dominican Republic is through using

    Bitcoin right so there is uh you know there’s a lot of value uh around it then you look at the Bitcoin Network that can secure data right in the most secure network Humanity has ever seen so there is a lot of value to bitcoin and the Bitcoin network but for me the value

    Proposition that I focus on is the store of value aspect which is the aspect that affects every single person on Earth Yep um yeah I agree with you Bitcoin definitely has value but I’m not too sure like what is the intrinsic value of Bitcoin but is definitely

    Valuable it’s valuable to well if you had to look at the yeah if you had to look at the intrinsic value of Bitcoin you would look at the cost of uh the mining Network and say yeah and say that was the intrinsic value but that’s stupid right like if if nothing trades

    At its intrinsic value right houses are not at their intrinsic value it costs you 150,000 to to build a $300,000 house who gives a about its intrinsic value because it’s going to sell for 300,000 it doesn’t matter yeah that’s true yeah but Bitcoin is like if you transfer for example I’m

    From Ukraine for example if you transfer Bitcoin from here to Ukraine it’s it’s very valuable but if you transfer let’s say uh money through the vest Union you’re going to charge get charge like 5% or whatever but Bitcoin will like maybe 10 bucks or something like that so that’s definitely that’s another value

    Proposition right that’s another value proposition it’s the it’s the it’s the foreign exchange uh transfers so there’s a lot of value for Bitcoin in different places but I think the intrinsic value debate is is is pointless in every aspect by the way yeah some investors say value is subjective for example if

    You’re thirsty I can drink water right now but if you like in the desert island there’s no water there so you’re probably going to pay $100,000 for a cup of water yeah but um anyway British hle let’s move on to he also made another video about uh Bitcoin mistakes maybe

    You can uh name what are they when you say Bitcoin mistake what you mean my Bitcoin mistake which which video are you referring to I think that was a maybe three weeks ago one month ago yeah so that was my Bitcoin mistake where I bought 20 Bitcoins sitting there smoking

    Cigars with a friend of mine uh in 2016 2017 it ran up it we doubled our money in the space of two weeks and we sold the Bitcoin because we wanted to pay for pay for six months worth of cigars or whatever work out to at the time um yeah

    Like we there’s always going to be you know if you’re an investor you’re always going to have these stories right and the and the difference is is that one thing I’m trying to warn people on is that the new buyer that’s coming into Bitcoin at this point has already made

    These mistakes so if you’re sitting there going I own Bitcoin and now I’m going to start trading it because I see this opportunity in salana and nfts and all the it’s like the person that you are selling your Bitcoin to has already lived those mistakes in other

    Assets so they know never to sell that asset right they they’re trained they they’re prec Precision trained to never to sell an asset with absolute scarcity so this is why I keep saying like boomers are going to end up with all of the Bitcoin that Millennials think that

    They own right now because Millennials going to think they’re too smart and boomers are going to sit there and go oh remember when I remember when I uh bought gold and sold gold before the ETF came out because I thought the ETF wasn’t going to do anything because I

    Believe some Doom and Gloom Boomer at that time like I remember that and so therefore I’m not going to ever sell Bitcoin now right so they’ve already learned those mistakes where the Millennials haven’t you know the the Gen Z hasn’t yeah remember I learned my the first like investing mistakes when I was

    A freshman in college I um was like investing stocks I had maybe like $5,000 I bought like Apple stock it it went it uh was down by 5% I’m like I I got scared I sell and then I tried to get my money back I start buying some like gold

    Mining stocks and then eventually I just lost my entire like $5,000 and that was the only money I had back then but that was very like valuable lesson so it’s better to yeah it’s better to like learn your uh through your mistakes while still you’re young because like if

    You’re like 50 years old if you get like wiped out then it’s going to be a problem yep I agree yep um okay so let’s move on right now Bitcoin was like $50,000 Bitcoin was more less I I would say like kind of volatile after like

    Bitcoin having we had like a like pull back to like 38 now we are about like 450k we also touched like $53,000 I think was it yesterday I think so and uh so yeah we can say that Bitcoin is still volatile and as you said that volatility probably is going to subside eventually

    Like what price level do you think is going to happen wow um that’s a tough that’s a very tough question I I don’t know I think you know I think the the volatil volatility of Bitcoin will reduce but I can’t tell you when it’s going to match

    The S&P 500 it’s certainly going to be significantly higher than here uh and that’s because of the finality of the scarcity of the asset right um you’ve got absolute finality of scarcity with Bitcoin which means that as I I would say that the volatility slows down after

    We reach a 1% allocation of assets under management that’s probably gonna take a few years at least yeah I age with you yeah right yeah we did not know the price but we can see like through adoptions or where Bitcoin is through the volatility and uh we also can see

    Like close correlation between like M2 uh money supply and uh Bitcoin and right now us still uh does not like print money they do like quite the thing I think at least that’s what they say but while other countries around the world they do print money um do you think

    Bitcoin appreciates a based on like money printing or there is something else behind it Bitcoin is not really appreciating right it’s the currency that’s depreciating so so really what’s going on is when new liquidity is is is injected into an economy it starts searching for a home because it knows

    That the second it is born its value is going down certain that’s absolute certainty on that so therefore it has to find a new home and now what we’re realizing with the help of of you know uh Larry thinkink and Fidelity and Abigail Johnson and all these people is

    That Bitcoin is the best protector of value for New Capital that’s just born so do I think that Bitcoin is going up not really I just think these dollars are are going down now the differen is with Bitcoin is that right now we’ve got a period where there

    Is a rush to adopt this is the adoption curve idea where there’s going to be a short period of time where a lot of people suddenly adopt and if if anyone’s wondering oh this sounds like a new Hocus Pocus all you got to do is go look at the chart of Tesla from

    2019 to 2020 which is when the Russell 2000 managers decided we need an allocation to Tesla same thing’s happening to bitcoin at this point yeah I agree I think Bitcoin um yeah you skyrocketed for the past 10 years but uh look for what happened to US dollar in the past 100 years Bitcoin

    Just trying to like catch up to what happened to inflated currency um but do you think if they would let’s say if they would like Stop Printing and let’s say they would adopt a gold standard or some type of commodity backed currency then um do you think Bitcoin would still

    Be able to appreciate from there yes but for a different reason right so you’re at that point the reason why you’re appreciating is because people have chosen to take adoption of Bitcoin and so you’re going through that adoption S curve uh when it comes to the value of

    Bitcoin appreciating in dollars if the the the smartest thing that the United States can do to stop Bitcoin adoption is to move currency to a gold back currency right that’s to a to a secure currency 100% Reserve currency but even then they can’t do it because there’s

    Already a $900 trillion melting Ice Cube out there that has to find a home somewhere and that that that’s the issue so that is what will continue the adoption yeah I agree with you uh even if you look at the Bitcoin versus gold uh we can clearly see that Bitcoin appreciate

    Against gold in the past like 10 years by a lot cly has been flat for a decade while Bitcoin generate like uh what is it thousands or 100 thousands percent something like that and uh do you think Bitcoin will continue to appreciate against gold or gold will eventually

    Catch up because as they say like gold is also like a hatch against inflation go Bitcoin will appreciate faster than every other asset because it is the scarcest asset really what people are buying when they buy gold real estate equities whatever is scarcity right scarcity is the ultimate asset and so

    With Bitcoin you have ultimate scarcity so unless something can come along that’s more scarce than Bitcoin and widely adopted Bitcoin is going to perform the best out of all of those assets yeah I agree uh what do you think uh yeah I kind of know your opinion a

    Bitcoin versus like altcoins yeah there could be maybe like one altcoin out of like 1,000 that outperform Bitcoin but what do you think uh Bitcoin versus altcoin looks like into the future listen to me anyone who is focused on altcoins doesn’t understand themselves you are you are still chasing you’re still chasing Fiat

    Gains right so when people tell me okay I need to generate income I need to generate returns in order to put money into Bitcoin in order to stop making okay well go create some value the problem right now is that you got all these morons that are sitting there

    Trying to speculate and scalp off of the Fiat markets their little Returns on their shitcoins not realizing that 97% of the time they all lose money right 97% of the time they all lose money you’re doing this in an unregulated Market where the big players have every

    Incentive to SC screw you rather than just focusing on bitcoin and its value protecting mechanism that’s out there and figuring out how to create value in the world but you know why they don’t want to do that because it’s hard work it’s hard work to create value in the

    World it’s hard work to convince somebody to buy the value that you have in the world and it’s hard work to scale that and it’s hard work to build a business or a job around that that’s why they’re focused on shitcoins because they want an easy way out and they want

    To sit behind their computer and they think they want to trade in and out of something and they want to try and grab that value right it’s not value it’s not value you’re not creating anything you’re speculating right so to me like good if anyone succeeds which I’ve Got Friends that succeed with

    Shitcoin trading right it’s like okay that’s cool but what are you number one what are you going to do with your profits right if you put them into Bitcoin at least you did something smart but what was the purpose of you doing that like okay could you not do that and

    Create some value in the world you have to literally sit there 24/7 you know trading shitcoins to do that so when people ask me what do I think about shitcoins the truth is I don’t think about shitcoins I have no reason to I’m focused on the single one problem that

    Every single person in humanity is affected by and that is the subjugation of their financial well-being every single person in the world is affected by that issue that’s what I choose to focus on I do not give a damn about any shitcoin trying to tell me that it’s

    Going to pump because we’ve now thought of a new solution to some that nobody cares about anyway yeah I agree with you uh humans nature is very addicted to gamble and that’s why we have uh old coins why we have casinos and a lot like gambling

    Stuff but um hey ultimately look let me ask you a question let me ask you an honest question okay let’s ask an let’s ask we’re here it’s just me and you let’s ask an honest question do you really want everyone in the world to

    Win uh yeah sure I mean I don’t I I don’t who’s gonna clean your car no what I what I want to say that everybody by definition cannot win of course there will be like uh winners or losers or there will be like op so but

    No my question was do you want everyone to win I mean I wouldn’t mind but I don’t think it’s possible but I’m not asking whether I’m saying do you want it do you want that to happen uh I mean I don’t know right I don’t right I want my team

    To win okay I want the people that I care about to win I want the people that take the action to win I want the people who sacrifice their time their energy their their their their desires the people that put aside whatever else they could have been doing to focus on

    Whatever they want to focus on in this case we’re talking about Bitcoin to win and I want people out there who need to earn money at some point because I’m going to need my car cleaned I’m going to need my house cleaned I’m going to

    Need to fly on a plane I’m gonna need to have a driver I’m gonna need somebody to make my food I’m gonna need all of this so here’s the thing I don’t care what anyone says I’m not I’m you know you’ve heard me say it like I’m not I don’t

    Come from the happy hippie vision of life like we’re going to hug trees and suddenly bitcoin’s going to fall out the sky for all of us ain’t going to work like that right now there’s 500 something like 500,000 accounts with more than one Bitcoin correct if am I

    Getting that right if I remember correctly something like that right yeah I think I think 500,000 right something I don’t know it’s EXA let’s just use that as an example there’s 500,000 addresses with one Bitcoin on there I have three which means if we extrapolate that out right you’re probably looking at 150,000

    People in the world with more than one Bitcoin that distribution is is is quite intriguing it’s quite interesting to think about what the distribution of Bitcoin is and the TR the reality is this I don’t care I care about the people that are on the same mission that

    I’m on that’s why I started my YouTube that’s why I started everything else everyone else can think about it and mentally masturbate about it and have a have a great time thinking about what’s going on I want my team to own Bitcoin I want them to control the direction that

    The world is going in if anyone wants to join on that mission they can otherwise we’re all going to need people to to help us out with stuff once we once we get there yeah absolutely uh moving on uh yeah as you said you are a Bitcoin Maxim

    Maximalist but uh we also recently saw some ordinals on bitcoin nfts uh they uh transfer from like ethereum from other coins to bitcoin what do you think about that I’m a capitalist right so when I when as a capitalist I’m in support of uh people having the right to

    Make make and lose money right that’s that’s basic basic capitalism and so the problem that I have is when people don’t do it on a on a on a system that is secure and that’s what it is with all these other all these other things so if

    You want to do nfts on all on on bitcoin go ahead right I have no issues with that why because the underlying system is fixed and it’s fair whereas I know I know people that have been involved in all these other nft projects shitcoin projects and five people have decided to

    Rug the whole project right like that’s not a fair system at least if you’re going to do it do it on bitcoin build it on bitcoin have a fair system and then have fun doing what you want to do because I own mining stocks so my my my

    Mining stock values are going to go up you keep doing ordinals yeah 100% agree that uh ordinals better on bitcoin than elsewhere but I would say I am more as a a monetary Bitcoin Maxim maximalist I would more Focus just monetary value rather than some a bunch of stuff being

    Built on bitcoin that then do not really um create any value because like I’m not a fan of nfts no ordinals because let’s say there is a ordinal on a Bitcoin blockchain but that ordinal is probably attached to some physical item in the world let’s say Mona is backed by

    Bitcoin ordinals so let’s say somebody burn Mona and nobody’s yeah I agree I I think that’s yes the stupidest thing on Earth is to think that a block nft is going to relate to anything in the real world right like that interaction is not going to take place they can’t solve the

    Oracle problem they can’t solve all these things so like that’s not going to happen right but if you really think that there’s a market for trading Satoshi that have images attached to them that you think are worth for Bitcoin go for it do it on bitcoin yep I

    Agreed um right uh British hudle so yeah we are what we like two month away until less than two months away until the next uh Bitcoin having uh do you think Bitcoin having is priced in and how significant is going to be the Bitcoin harving is never priced in especially

    Now with the consistent flows that are coming in right you got $20 million a day worth of flows coming in and they’re going to be CH they’re chasing 900 Bitcoin today plus whatever morons are selling uh and in 60 days they’re going to start chasing 450 Bitcoin a day plus

    Whatever morons are selling so um you know yeah no it’s not priced in there there’s no way to price that in because you got consistent flows now it’s not no one’s really trying to front run the market they’re trying to get in every single day no matter what um and the

    Supply is about to go down by half simple as that it’s not it’s not priced in yeah I agree with you I think if if it would be priced in already it means that people would not think that BTC would went up higher after Bitcoin

    Having which is does not make a lot of sense and I remember I think uh back in early 2020 Plan B uh made a poll he asked if uh Bitcoin hav was priced in and I think like maybe 85% of people said that it was but we can clearly see

    That it wasn’t because Bitcoin skyrocketed from after uh Bitcoin having was approved so I think that um makes lot ofense don’t get your don’t get your data from Twitter I guess that’s what the uh that’s what the information is there yeah like most whenever retail says that it’s going left you should

    Probably vote right yeah be like contrarian uh yeah I actually like the idea of being like contrarian investor um so what do you think is going to happen later this year or maybe like mid to late 2025 to bitcoin so if I had to really guess

    Right and it’s again me guessing um I would say that we’re going to approach the all-time high before the Haring and we may even surpass it for a day and then I think we’re going to see some form of pullback um as people rotate and sell because remember there’s a lot of

    People from 2020 2021 that bought at these or 21 really they bought at these high levels and they’ve been really you know nerve-racked by by sitting on the price going all the way back down to 155 and so between 41 and 69 let’s say there’s going to be a lot of people a

    Lot of retail that wants to just get out because they’ve had enough so that needs to be chewed up and then I think we approach 100,000 before the end of the year um and I think there will probably be a dip at 100,000 2 yeah and I think uh Plan B and his

    Model stock to flow predicts as a average price to be after Bitcoin having to be around $500,000 which means that bitco probably have to go above like 700k Drop to like maybe 400k then like balance it out through the volatility uh do you think it’s possible do I think it’s possible yeah

    Absolutely but I I think that again what I said at the beginning my idea of the Perpetual Bitcoin cycle fits well within that model right because we could go up and then we could come back down and then we could go up and then come back

    Down and we could do this motion until we match the stock to flow uh stock to flow model and again it’s just a model right it’s just a model we don’t know what’s going to happen I I don’t think stock to flow factors in $200 million every single day worth of purchasing

    From people who will never sell and trade in and out of the asset yeah stock FL did not know that Bitcoins but that would be approved back in 2019 or whatever but uh going back to plan B he created back in 2019 2020 number of Bitcoin models one be Stu to flow like

    55k the one the current his current model then 100K and then 300K like cross asset model so it seems like two models of his were Incorrect and 55k was barely catching up do you think um he was wrong about his like stuff like Bitcoin

    Prediction or I like Plan B A lot I like Plan B A lot I think the work that he’s done has been uh very very impressive um it’s certainly the idea of stock to flow not necessarily the model the idea uh helped me understand Bitcoin as a

    Previous gold guy so yeah I think he’s done a lot of good work and I think that first model is the one that we should look at and anyone hating on Plan B just remember firstly you probably haven’t put out a model of your own right and

    Secondly Fidelity has not put you know your model in their brochure they have put the stock to flow model their brochure you don’t think Fidelity got their nerds to sit their army of 200 nerds to sit there and comb through the data before they put it out in their

    Perspectives to send to their highest net worth clients I think there’s a lot of validity to the idea of stock to flow and how Bitcoin moves but I just think that we get there slightly differently this time compared to the previous times yeah I agree with you I like the idea of

    Stocks to flow when supply drops in half obviously there has to be some uh demand shock happening into uh the uh Bitcoin Market but like he’s clearly stated that like average price like literally 10 AIS like every every uh cycle but I’m not a big fan of that because like we do not

    Know where Bitcoin is going to top or where Bitcoin is going to bottom but I think we know that Bitcoin is going to go up after the supply shock yeah I mean even he himself said you know he thinks that it would probably be relevant for

    Two or three Cycles right so you know it’s a model it’s a it’s a model at what point it’s going to break and and and it’s going to be proven useless uh but I don’t think that’s going to be you know the last cycle it certainly wasn’t and I

    Don’t think it’s going to be this cycle I think the last cycle the reason why people started attacking it was because it was too bullish right and they got their little hearts broken that was it like it’s just simple as that but then again if you think about you know the

    55k his first model that he put out it was perfectly fine you know I think it was a perfectly fine model again I understand it was a model right like it wasn’t it wasn’t the Bible it was a model and he said it himself so I

    Think he’s done great work and I think he’s added a lot of value and you know certainly Fidelity managed to put that model into their perspectives I’m pretty sure there’s some value there yeah all models are are good until they’re broken and uh yep and uh moving on uh British

    Hle so um let’s say we are in 2030 do you think Bitcoin can actually work as a global Reserve I would say money not currency what do you mean by that what do what do you mean by let’s say uh prior to 1971 we actually had uh Fiat backed by gold and

    Then of course uh after 1971 they uh broke the promise now we have a fiat-based monetary system do you think uh Bitcoin can actually work similarly to Gold prior to 1971 yeah so if you want to do it exactly in the in that particular strategy then abely absolutely because

    The US dollar was never backed by gold 100% it was backed by gold 40% right so in that scenario yes I think that’s absolutely possible you can back the United States dollar 40% by Bitcoin and and have you know a cbdc or something else trade uh for people to use to do

    Transactions I think that works really well but I don’t think that’s what most people mean when they say can it be the reserve do I think that the entire world can move on bitcoin and that will happen no I don’t think so yeah I think Bitcoin

    Is more as a like could be like a reserve asset because obviously it cannot be transacted like every minute like 100 times a day just like a US dollar can but uh anyway yeah you mentioned like cbtc what do you think about cbtc and do you think they will materialize

    Eventually yeah I think I I don’t think there’s any getting out of it I think that they will materialize because that’s the best way for the inflationary system to stay alive um so yes I do think that it materializes at some point um do I like it no because I think it takes

    Behavioral economics to the next level I I find that quite dangerous to think about what that will mean for a lot of people um but do I think it’s G to happen yeah I do I do think it’s G to happen do you think people will have

    Choice choice in between cbtc and maybe like something else let’s say I don’t want to use cbdc like what what do I have to use well listen look we already have a cbdc like what are we talking about here like most dollars are are digital now so you know I think

    Everyone’s using this Boogyman idea of how the cbdc would work but I think the reality is we already have a cbdc what I’m trying to say is let’s say we have cbdc there’s no uh cash and they control your spending they control your earnings let’s say you have diabetes you

    Cannot buy any sugar because they literally press the eliminate button and you can only buy certain items wouldn’t that be good though that’s actually a positive so you want you want them to control whatever listen look most I’m never I’m never shying away from the

    Idea right like and this is one of the things that I found when I when I was like coming up and trying to figure life out and stuff that this that and the other I was all for like okay everyone should be equal and all this other stuff

    And then you experience life and then you meet people that are absolute idiots right and you go right democracy works on basically you know 50% vote right so you basically got the you have to live under the rule that the that the majority picks and the majority is dumb

    So it’s like I don’t know it’s it’s a very weird world to live in I don’t like to associate with most normal people nowadays I don’t like talking to them you know why because they keep talking about stupid maybe they need a cbdc maybe they need a cbdc that says

    Okay you need to spend time reading the Bitcoin standard because British Hollow for two years has been saying you need to read the Bitcoin standard and you haven’t read the Bitcoin standard maybe I’ll program that into your money and then you might do it no but my point is

    Like if you have CBC it will be very totalitarian idea it already is Hey listen it already is go outside you live in America the freest country on Earth go out into the street and Shout something about Israel or Palestine right no what is what is the

    Point of everyone always tells me about Freedom all of these freedoms right what is the value of you having the freedom to say I don’t know F you to the president when you can’t actually control how your kids are raised what is the value of that freedom everyone talks

    About that right it doesn’t make sense to me it’s like everyone’s like oh but I’m from London right so they say oh at least in America I can say you to this one person right but your children are being raised in schools that are overrun by ideologies that don’t make

    Any sense for the world and is destroying your children’s brains From the Inside by trying to convince them that they need to chop their private parts off what is the value of you being able to say f you to someone because I think like most uh main stream media being controlled by

    Government and like like upper class of course they want to like brainwash your children and what they want they want them to learn whatever they want them to learn they they don’t want to have like entrepreneurs investor good investor they want to have a bunch of zombies

    Bunch of workers and that’s all freedom is an illusion freedom is an illusion and you have to buy your freedom from the second you’re born either your family is successful and bought it for you the day you were born or you have to work and buy your freedom freedom is an

    Absolute illusion so in anywhere in the world anywhere in the world anywhere in the world freedom is an illusion the only way you gain your freedom is by creating enough value making enough money and then you can actually decide which way your world goes but if you

    Really think you have freedom and you’re living in America is the freest country on Earth do what I said and see what happens yeah we do have like freedom of speech in America but uh of course like you right about your previous point we like brainwash a lot of kids with with

    BS but um anyway uh moving on like so if not America what do you think like the best country to leave if you like bitcoiner I don’t know if you’re a bitcoiner uh I don’t know I’ve never visited El Salvador but I think they’re doing a good thing you know I think the

    President there is is is doing a remarkable job with El Salvador um I don’t know right I listen look here’s the reality of this you want to reality of the situation once you make enough money I I just I learned this and it was kind of a

    I always wanted to think okay maybe I need to move out of London when I was younger and this that and the other there’s better opportunities in other places and this that and the other once you make a certain amount of money every city you go to is the exact same city

    You’re eating at the same type of quality of restaurants you’re you’re going to the same type of cigar lounges you’re driving the same you’re being driven or driving the same same type of cars you’re living in the pretty much the same type of Apartments it’s B basically a different language right

    Most of the time that’s it but the world is exactly the same so really it’s not about which country do you go to it’s about which country do you create for your last name and that is based the foundation of that is based on your wealth and then you can utilize your

    Wealth to create that foundation for you but you can be the freest person on Earth in America if you have enough money right can be the freest person on Earth in London if I have enough money right but it’s all about having enough money that’s why I’ve been piping on

    About get to one Bitcoin because these happy hippie Visions are not going to come true you’re just going to be left on the fields again so uh money is the problem yes of course it’s the 230 years subjugation of humanity that’s why I’m saying focus on the money right focus on

    The money it’s not about anything else so everyone’s trying to distract themselves with this that and other which country do I live in like focus on the money because once you have that then you have the choices You’ got to get the money first yeah I agree with you um all right

    British hle we came to the end and um so where can people find you online just go to youtube.com and type in British hodle and look for this face you’ll find me all right British hle it was nice talking to you no listen my pleasure my

    Friend and uh best of luck for the Hing and the rest of this year if we if we don’t do another one of these thank you for having me back and uh yeah everyone subscribe to amstone right now because otherwise if you don’t subscribe to amstone right you’re one of these people

    That’s on the field that doesn’t want to do anything with their life and only people that subscribe to amstone have freedom so subscribe to amstone right now thank you much I appreciate the Subscribe of course to British hudle I will leave all the links in the description box below thank you so much

    Hope you guys enjoyed this interview with British huddle please follow British huddle on YouTube as well as Twitter account if you guys have any questions please shoot me an email or message me on Twitter thank you so much for watching


    1. There is no freedom unless you make enough money and can buy (some) freedom for yourself. Harsh and true.
      Big challenge might await you when you have enough money, because what then?

    2. That maths makes sense to me and I like him. I just don't know why he calls himself British Hodl when he's not from Britain and doesn't even have a British accent.

    3. HODL is the wise owl. …. the old investor already made the mistakes… true nuf.
      I'm 65, I now know to buy the asymmetric juggernauts (Tesla and BTC) .
      Avoid leverage, and never panic sell near bottoms…. look to add whenever they fall hard.
      Figure to hold long term. Take profits if the cycle tops out but always maintain a long term core holding.

    4. The BTC downside is 1x and the upside just through 2025 is 10x.
      To sell today at $50k when you have that kind of asymmetrical math in front of you….
      PS. My plan is to consider selling 20% of my BTC bag around summer 2025. Just in case the 4yr cycle is still in play.
      Max 20%, maybe no sale at all. Flexibility of thought, clarity of mind, and a strong signal to noise ratio…. recipe for success.

    5. Asking the intrinsic value of Bitcoin is like asking what the intrinsic value of Gold is or of global real estate. Bitcoin is not a stock. There is no cash flow for you to try to calculate it's intrinsic value.

    6. 0:43: 📈 Success of Bitcoin spot ETFs leading to increased capital rotation and investor confidence in Bitcoin.
      4:45: ⚡️ Institutional investors like Black Rock are driving a perpetual cycle of Bitcoin buying, impacting the market.
      9:11: 💰 Bitcoin's potential price surge to $7 million discussed in relation to asset management and market cycles.
      13:27: 💰 Bitcoin is the best investment option due to ease of purchase and high potential returns.
      17:40: 💡 Debating intrinsic value of Bitcoin is deemed pointless by some investors due to subjectivity.
      22:35: 💰 Bitcoin is seen as a protector of value against depreciating currency due to new liquidity injection.
      27:09: ⛏️ Hard work is needed to create value in the world, not through trading shitcoins.
      31:36: 💰 Capitalist perspective on Bitcoin NFTs vs other coins, emphasizing security and fairness.
      36:28: ⚖️ Bitcoin's potential price fluctuations based on stock-to-flow model and market dynamics.
      40:50: 💰 Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are inevitable for maintaining the inflationary system.
      45:05: 💸 Freedom is an illusion, must be earned through creating value. Best country to live in discussed.

      Timestamps by Tammy AI

    7. The idea that crypto = Btc and that everything else is pointless 'shitcoins' is just retarded. Remember, that new paradigm 'perpetual cycle' which you mention also impacts the altcoin market and takes away the volatility

    8. 15:42 Bitcoin meets and exceeds all of the properties of what real hard money should have always been but was impossible to be until now. True finite scarcity is chief among those properties with a fixed supply of 21 Million whole bitcoin. At best gold is hard to get but the future supply is potentially unlimited. Gold can also be counterfeit, Bitcoin cannot be faked. Bitcoin is easy and cheap to store, transport, spend or exchange; Gold is not easy to do any of these things. I could go on. In short, the intrinsic value of Bitcoin is a laundry list of positive, irreversible, properties that define perfect hard money. NO OTHER asset on planet earth is even close to having all of the same unchangeable properties. This is the value of Bitcoin and it will forever be in high demand from this day forward.

    9. 46:32 This is the point of Financial Freedom. If you can afford the best of the best you can get it anywhere. Maybe the table cloth and linen colors change from place to place or country to country but the service is always top notch when you can afford it. Excellent point.

    10. British hodl, He must have a US citizenship? Because im a UK citizen and we cant invest in the ETF via an ISA. Making it tax free. If your going to waste time and money buying an etf and still get taxed. You might as well just buy btc and self custody. Is there a way im missing we can buy the etf's via an isa ?

    11. Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Tobias Hawke for helping me get into his trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some weeks I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with…

    12. Re: Intrinsic Value of Bitcoin is inherent in the trustless nature of bitcoin ie: money that is issued based on a set of incorruptible issuance rules and not at the whim of a governmentally controlled centralized entity. If anything, in the history of mankind had intrinsic value,….it would be bitcoin based on this fundamental premise.

    13. British Hodl is a man who says exactly what his opinion is. That is not arrogant. That is genuinely being yourself, many people can't be themselves. Respect for BH! Enjoyed watching, thanks, Aimstone!

    14. If you love bitcoin, you will like litecoin, the digital precious metal. The scarcity of litecoin (LTC) is a key feature of its technology. Litecoin the digital silver is the second oldest coin on the market, and since its inception in 2011 it has been never so far compromised or hacked, and like bitcoin, litecoin has a finite supply of 84 million coins, cannot be debased, frozen, or seized, and as a store of value and a true decentralized digital commodity, LTC possesses innovative Mimblewimble (MW) protocol that enhances transactional privacy and scalability, and Proof-of-Work consensus (PoW) as well, unlike e.g. ethereum and other cryptos which became centralised unregistered securities when they transitioned from PoW to PoS.

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