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Bitcoin Miners’ Investment Strategies Key In Next Economic Cycle SATURN CRYPTO PODCAST Ep 7 #bitcoin

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Please note that financial astrology, similar to technical analysis is not 100%. I Maya Raghavan am not an influencer, I am not a financial advisor, rather I am a financial astrologer, using the planetary positions as data inputs in my analysis of the probable nature of price movements. I do not make Your decisions for You, Your decisions are up to You. ShiningBull content is here to stimulate Your own thought process as You make Your own decisions relating to Your own finances, for Yourself and by Yourself.


In this thought-provoking episode of our podcast, we delve into the fascinating intersection of Bitcoin mining, the stock market, and astrological cycles, inspired by an insightful interview from WuBlockchain with Wolfie, a journalist with a deep focus on the Bitcoin mining industry. As Shani Dev Saturn, the celestial ruler of mining, makes its transit through Aquarius, we explore the significant implications for miners’ financial strategies and the broader cryptocurrency landscape.

Key Highlights:
– An exploration of the strategic shift by Bitcoin miners starting in 2022, investing heavily in the stock market to secure future capital and manage loan repayments, and the ongoing impact of these decisions as we move through 2024.
– Astrological insights into Saturn’s current transit in Aquarius, its own sign, and the harmonious trine to Gemini and Libra, signifying a deep connection with trading and market dynamics.
– Predictions for the period until the end of March 2025 when Saturn transitions into Pisces, meeting Rahu, and the anticipated effects on investment trends among Bitcoin miners, including potential forays into real estate and the rise of fractionalized Bitcoin mining.
– Discussion on the critical juncture in late March 2025, as Saturn and Rahu’s paths cross, heralding a period of significant transformation for the Bitcoin industry, with a special focus on how this alignment correlates with shifts in miners’ investment behaviors across various financial markets.

Join us as we navigate the astrological undercurrents shaping the future of Bitcoin mining and investment, offering a unique lens through which to view the evolving dynamics between traditional financial markets, real estate, and the cryptocurrency sector. This episode is essential listening for anyone interested in the confluence of financial astrology, cryptocurrency trends, and strategic investment planning within the Bitcoin mining community.

Subscribe to our podcast for more in-depth analyses where we marry the ancient wisdom of astrology with the cutting-edge developments in the financial and cryptocurrency worlds, shedding light on the cosmic forces at play in the global economy.

Sheny Dave Saturn rules mining I read an interesting interview on woo blockchain with Wolfie a journalist specialized in the Bitcoin mining industry in the interview this Wolfie says that beginning in 2022 a lot of miners invested heavily in the stock market with the hopes that it would provide them with future Capital

As they had to sell off a lot of Bitcoin in order to repay their loans at the time they say Wolfie says that for this reason in 2024 the way that the stock market moves will be important in how those miners organize their Capital currently shiny Dave Saturn who

Rules mining is transiting their own sign the 11th sign of Aquarius and is is therefore trining the third sign of Gemini Gemini is related to trading shanid Dave is also trining the seventh sign of Libra which rules the markets shanid Dave transits Aquarius until the end of March

2025 and then enters Pisces where rahu will be transiting soon to exit Pisces traveling backwards as always into Aquarius they will the two cross cross paths and then rahu will enter into Aquarius at the end of May of 2025 to track back over the path that Saturn transited in that sign for the

Next 18 months in my book Bitcoin by 2026 available on Shining bu.com I mentioned that this is a major and incredible Turning Point moment for Bitcoin but I also see that once Saturn enters Pisces and starts transiting with rahu starting end of March 2025 something interesting is going to

Begin related to how Bitcoin miners are investing or trading in various financial markets both traditional markets such as possibly even really estate the stock market and also crypto markets in fact I do see something quite clearly related to large Bitcoin miners investing in real estate at scale at a

Large scale and I also see that fractionalized Bitcoin mining will become more prevalent beginning at this moment I will probably speak more on this I’m going to research this um it looks very interesting it looks like something really interesting like I said with big big miners investing in the real estate

Market and it looks like it’s going to be a pretty important or a decision or like them doing this is going to have a lot of consequences or or move a lot of things and um really change a lot of Landscapes um so this was the Saturn crypto podcast

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