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    This is how to buy Bitcoin on cash up and send to another wallet we’re gonna open up cash app click the icon in the bottom left we’re going to go to the Bitcoin graph right here where it says buy Bitcoin and first you need to buy a Bitcoin

    We’re going to enter any amount that we’d like to invest in but for this example I will only do five dollars so you can ask for your verification it’s confirmed you have now bought some Bitcoin done now I’m still staying in this Bitcoin graph right click this Arrow icon right here

    We’re gonna press send Bitcoin now this is going to be the amount of Bitcoin that you want to send to the person now below where it says send Bitcoin it gives you a point number amount BTC available that’s how much of Bitcoin available that you have that you can

    Send to a person and now with the four dollars that I want to send to somebody the number after the zeros is currently one five one two four that is less than the amount I have available so I am eligible to send this amount of Bitcoin press send now the very first option

    That you see here it says to name hashtag or BTC address this is where you’re going to copy and paste the Bitcoin address that’s connected to the wallet that you want to send so it’s going to look something like this is going to be a long address we’re going

    To confirm who’s is going to by pressing on the name now once we confirm this is the Bitcoin wallet address that you want to send it to we’re going to click the name and go next now right here it’s going to ask you how fast you want the withdraw to be done

    I’m going to go with the first option priority and click next now here’s going to say you initiate a withdrawal of that much Bitcoin click done you’ve successfully send an amount of Bitcoin to another wallet


    1. bro when I do it after the 10mins I get my money bacc like it sends it bacc To me like not it’s sendin it it to the person it jsuy refunds me after the time? Do you even know Wht to do to fix tht

    2. It’s my first time sending btc to a wallet address on cashapp and along the line, they asked for verification and it’s gonna take a few days. So after getting verified, does that my transaction automatically go through or I have to start all over

    3. I'm knew to this bitcoin thing but I heard you say the $4 would not be the amount that's sent. Now if I bought $200 worth of bitcoin trying to send someone a $160 worth of it would I need to put more than the $200 at the going rate?? I'm knew to this so any info would be very grateful, thank you in advance!!!!

    4. Deeply happy I come across this trustworthy legit vendor is a second time of getting cash app filp from him Darkorbo1 big ❤️ for yo bruh my friends coming for more deal

    5. Some important steps is missing like do you have to use your Apple Cash App wallet??? Also it appears that you have to transfer money from your bank account to the wallet on your iPhone. Then you have to buy the bitcoin. I’ve not found a thorough video on the how to.

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