
New technology, including AI, is being used in romance scams

New technology, including AI, is being used in romance scams

my mind was just so brainwashed that I
said okay I believe this person that’s
why I fell for her this person doesn’t
even exist this person wasn’t a real
person those are the voices of victims
suckered by scammers we’ve shared
stories like this time and again
Romantics left with broken hearts and
empty wallets more and more people are
getting played CBS 2’s Lauren victory
explains how the game is getting more
sophisticated nearly
everyone looks
for a love
story Kevin Davis is literally the face
of one several actually he’s a romance
novel cover model I have a pretty large
following now and and so a lot of my
photos are out there for the general
public steamy pics and sultry videos are
on his Instagram and all over Tik Tok
problem is I don’t have a Tik Tok
account so none of those are you none of
doesn’t me and then they will say oh
this is Kevin this is a special account
I have uh to talk to to my fans it’s a
classic page out of the romance scammer
handbook express interest in a victim
profess love then ask for money I hate
to hear about these situations
situations that cost Americans more than
$2 billion since 2021 according to the
Federal Trade Commission and you think
it’s just going to get worse yeah it
will Natalie Rita is a former Postal
Service inspector for the Chicago area
her Mission invest investigate romance
scams that involve male she knows
victims who’ve sent and lost loads of
money this way and I’ve cried with them
because it’s so hard to listen to their
stories almost worse than the Heartbreak
the feeling of falling behind the
scammers have all day to learn new
technology where you know we have to get
our paperwork done new technology like
this AI was told to create this and this
is all fake it’s all fake Mike Riley
teaches journalist Nancy is missing
teeth here how to spot phony content
created with artificial intelligence
software smiling and thinking about you
we played him a series of videos
apparently sent by romance scammers to
their lovers sending you this quick
video so that you can know that I’m fine
the eyebrows are big tell there what’s
obvious about this one um the movement
of the mouth doesn’t sync up well with
the audio at all clearly this is
low-level work but technology is getting
better these photos show ai’s
improvements in less than 2 years from
ugly pixelation to horrifyingly real the
AI is great it’ll do many wonderful
things but in the hands of Bad actors
this is you know something that’s very
very dangerous how easy is it for the
Bad actors to access this type of
software most of it’s free another way
romance scammers are flipping their
script ditching cash for cryptocurrency
like Bitcoin what makes it difficult
when somebody comes to you and says well
I gave them money via Bitcoin mhm just
the just how fast that money can kind of
disperse Oscar Maldonado is a financial
crimes detective with the Neighborville
Police Department more and more of his
cases involve residents who fall in love
and feed cash to cryptocurrency machines
like this they’re found at several local
gas stations that money is basically
there instantly it isn’t like a wire a
bank-to-bank wire which kind of takes
some time cash transfers to something
called a wallet
then money goes from here to here it
gets deposited into those you know
different wallets
there and then and this is where it gets
turns into something like that a
spiderweb of transactions often too
cumbersome for investigators to track
that money could be in eight or nine or
10 different wallets by the end of the
day in Chicago fraud reports involving
cryptocurrency are coming in by the
hundreds each year cbs2 calculated a 50%
% increase in crypto related cases in
just a decade a big jump for crime stats
several police writeups include the same
detail for how the swindling began the
victim met someone online take it from
Davis the model whose stolen pictures
are used to trick people I would just
say if someone’s contacting you and you
don’t know them be very suspicious
shining the spotlight I don’t want to be
the face of a scammer on a dark side of
Love Lauren victory CBS 2 News the CBS
News investigation into the troubling
world of online romance scams continues
tomorrow on CBS mornings we explore A
daughter’s crusade to prevent others
from falling for the scam that ended
tragically for her mother watch on CBS
Morning starting at 700 a.m.

CBS 2 calculated a 50% increase in crypto-related cases in just a decade, according to Chicago police data. CBS 2’s Lauren Victory reports.

1 Comment

  1. If you look in the mirror and you're a 5, then seek out a 5, maybe a 6, and be alright with a 4. If some 8 comes along then be very wary. Once they don't meet and ask for money, understand your being scammed. It's like some dude going to the strip club and giving all his money to a dancer he thinks likes him because she smiles and gives him attention. He bought a fantasy. It wasn't ever real. Most of these people who get scammed know something is off and it's too good to be true, but they wont accept who they are, and would reject a person who is in their scale of looks. Sorry people, but stop crying after the fantasy is over. You did this to yourself and didn't want to accept that you can no longer get younger, hotter love interests. You're missing out on great real folks that you could have good times with because you need the hottie.

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