
Don’t get into crypto without watching this video!

Don’t get into crypto without watching this video!

happy Monday James Pelton here we are
going to be talking about something
really cool so stay tuned for that um
this is Greg and crypto Sensei I’ll have
them introduce themselves in just a
second um but they have a new uh project
um that they are working on I am also a
part of this project and so we’re here
just to talk a little bit about it um
the main goal is to help everyday people
get into crypto and I love that that’s
actually one of the main goals of my
channel uh crypto there’s a lot of ways
to make money a lot of ways to make
Financial Freedom a lot of ways to make
passive income but a lot of people don’t
get into crypto because they feel
daunted by it like I don’t know anything
about crypto how am I going to get into
this we have a solution for you here
today so welcome everybody in the
audience please hit the like button the
currency of YouTubers we appreciate it
and question of the day just to get
comments flowing a little bit how long
have you been in the crypto market and
you can comment not in it at all if you
want to but just let me know how long
you’ve been in it if you have any
questions as we’re going feel free to
ask can be about crypto can be about
what we’re going to be talking about
here today um or anything happy to talk
about it uh crypto Sensei Robert I’ve
been in crypto 45 years so love that
let’s go ahead and start with
introductions you guys know me I’m James
Pelton um let’s start with Greg and then
we’ll go over to crypto Sensei just a
short who are you and how did you end up
here okay James thank you um I’m Greg
Tucker and I am the president and CEO of
a company called Spartan Bitcoin mining
and we recruited a number of individuals
to help us promote that company back as
early as April May of last year and uh
as we did that we realized that we had a
very unique group of individuals that
all kind of worked together well um and
they all agreed that something was
missing from the crypto space and that
was an
all-inclusive everything you’d ever want
to know about crypto it doesn’t exist or
it didn’t exist up until now there’s
plenty of people out there that have
done smaller segments of the crypto
space they’ll focus on one aspect of it
and do a great job of presenting it um
or another aspect but no ‘s ever slowed
down long enough to take the time to put
together an all-inclusive Soup To Nuts
everything you’d ever want to know about
crypto and make a long-term commitment
to that project and that’s what we’ve
done with project
2033 so that’s why we’re here today to
kind of discuss uh that project and
where we’re taking it over the next 10
years awesome love it yeah we’ll talk
talk more about project 23
2033 what it is uh we’ll talk more about
that here in a second um let’s go over
to crypto Sensei Robert Doyle tell us uh
just slightly a little bit about
yourself and then we’ll jump into
project 2033 suspenseful uh crypto
Sensei been in crypto about four to five
years when James asked I run a community
called Krypton and uh I I met Greg
through a few connections uh I I run
Crypton I run a team of people that that
provide great content and and
information in the crypto space being
early is how you make money in crypto
and uh finding all of those good gems
and pieces of information
we kind of facilitate that inside of
Krypton aire’s Discord we just moved
into uh getting into VC rounds and Seed
rounds for Crypton Aire members too so
uh maybe I’ll come back and we’ll have a
conversation about that James another
time but I’m glad to be here with Greg
uh I’ve been working with Greg for for
over a year now and uh you know he came
to me and a lot of other uh you know
other people that make content and had
this vision and this dream and we’ve
been working really hard to make this
happen and it’s just really great
because at the end of the day you know I
got into this to help educate people in
crypto and project 2033 is a great
platform uh to even for newbies or
intermediate or people that are Advance
you know getting a Refresh on how to do
things in the crypto space it’s just a
great great program that we’ve put
together awesome and welcome to all the
people watching on Twitter I found these
Twitter live videos blow up all the time
so welcome everybody if you’re on
Twitter and you want to join the
conversation you have to come over to
YouTube um but thank you for joining us
over on Twitter as well um we got some
good people that are here great project
geared towards education good thank you
funny turo he says I’m brand new to
crypto that is not true you can tell by
the wink face but no funny turo has been
around for quite a while great member of
my community so all right well let’s
jump into project 2033 a little bit so I
always like to start with kind of a
highlevel elevator pitch and then we can
dig in a little bit more um but Greg do
you want to tell us elevator pitch
you’re on elevator floor one to 7
somebody says hey what is Project 2033
what do you tell
them okay good question well project
2033 uh let’s start with the name
project 2033 that insinuates a 10-year
uh time frame everybody that’s involved
with this project including YouTube guys
have made a 10-year contracted
commitment to ensuring that we take
project 2033 and turn it into the best
educational platform for all things
crypto on the planet Bar n and I can
tell you uh we just launched last week
it was a four to five month process to
get all of the um videos compiled and
put together in a way where it’s a
curriculum where each video Builds on
the next it allows people to learn at
their own pace but um also gain
confidence as they do so and um you know
that 10-year commitment is is crucial
because a lot of projects have uh
similar to ours have kind of died on the
vine they’ve just kind of fell by the
wayside people have lost the uh
enthusiasm to continue It Forward um
they don’t get upgraded in real time
they don’t get revised as they should
and new content doesn’t get added um as
it as it should so all of those features
we have included in Project
2033 and even though this is a starting
point I think we’re starting out James
with around 120 videos um with around 16
hours worth of content right out of the
gate and I would wager that by the end
of the year we’re probably looking at
closer to 20 to 24 hours worth of
content based on everything that we have
um planned in addition to what’s already
there okay very good I love it um yes
and I’m a part of this as well I
recorded few videos um a lot of other
YouTubers who you’re probably familiar
with um maybe can you tell us who are
some of the YouTubers who are part of
this I was going to start listing off
names but then I I want to be careful so
go ahead tell us I hope I don’t forget
anybody but you guys are involved I’m
involved so there’s three right
there uh Alex um yabon is involved um he
uh did the I’ll just tell you what
specifically each person W worked on of
course you guys um worked on um um
various different projects including
nfts where to find uh token projects um
uh Robert you feel free to jump in here
um and talk about some of the um modules
that you worked on specifically but um
Jim Longden down home crypto does a
fantastic job covering everything defi
related uh we’ve got um Keith that’s uh
ta with Keith lay he does a great job
thank you that’s helpful uh he does a
great job with the um technical analysis
um summer fire hustle does a fantastic
job with a multitude of uh topics
including Bitcoin the Bitcoin foryear
cycle the Bitcoin having tokenomics you
name it um Justin does a great job with
several topics liquidity pools man I
could go on and on Paul talks at at
length about um blockchain blockchain
technology um scroll down a little bit
let’s see else I’m forgetting
uh uh cam covers Robin Hood and some
other topics you can see the team is 14
strong and we’ve thought of everything
not only do we have the instructors that
are capable of filling out a full
curriculum on all things crypto we’ve
also got people uh that are supporting
us from an administrative standpoint
marketing uh social media Community
Development you name it so one thing we
have uh ensured from the start from the
get-go is that we’ll have staying power
because we have a big enough team to um
to make this go and we’ll continue to
add additional instructors if it makes
sense to do so as we move forward in
order to maintain the momentum we’re
we’re starting out with this week Robert
uh remind me of of the topics that you I
know air
drops have so uh I I I think I completed
like 24 of the videos uh and so uh it’s
a mixture right so like uh there’s some
stuff in there about you know good
research tools that you can use if you
know if you’re kind of newer to crypto
and and you need to you know you not
want to pay for more some more advaned
features you can use uh there’s like
coin market cap coin uh coin gecko Dex
tools uh Dex screener there’s really uh
good good content there on how to use
all of those platforms we have stuff on
nodes how I make money in in passive
income uh with nodes in the Crypt space
supporting blockchains uh I mean you
have stuff about defi how to you know
use uh Central centralized exchanges how
to use Robin Hood uh there’s just really
everything that you would need to get
started in crypto uh I have uh just a
little story here uh my I I went to my
wife’s foot doctor for support as she
had needed something you know to do and
the guy asked me what I do and I said I
I educate people on crypto and
technology and he’s like oh great I’ve
been waiting for somebody like you and
so I’ve had to work with him for a few
hours and trying to show him how to use
like metamask and all stuff and I was
like you know what go sign up to this
course and start learning from this
because this is what I need you to do
and he started and he’s actually got a
lot of value from it and that’s what
we’re trying to do here right we’re
trying to help people better understand
all facets of the crypto market and how
you can use crypto to better your life
right at the end of the day that’s what
we’re trying to do and when Greg says we
made a 10-year commitment to updating
videos there’s always something new and
you know late breaking that is coming
out in the crypto space and we’ve made a
a very long commitment to updating this
content to keep you up to date with
going what’s going on in crypto so you
can sign up today and get that 125
videos that everybody worked really hard
on I mean talk you’re talking months and
months and months of hard work and
editing and and um Greg’s being a little
bit light about how you know Greg’s gone
through the content like seven or eight
different times and he’s done a really
good good job making sure everything
fits and he goes and does uh voiceovers
in between the content to make sure it
all flows really well and it’s just a
really great course that’s been put
together and so instead of you having to
go search YouTube on how to do a hundred
different things and getting content
from really random people is is all put
together by some people that are trusted
uh in the crypto space and you know I
hope you can better your education and
and trade smarter and trade better and
uh you know take advantage of this
incredible Market that we’re in that’s
fantastic I’ll just add this
um we put a lot of thought into the
curriculum you mentioned um how I kind
of serve as a narrator and fill in gaps
where necessary um the curriculum was
something that two things one it started
at 70 videos it morphed into 120 next
thing you know we’re up to 150 plus
videos that we have planned and it’s
only going to grow from there but
serving as a narrator and filling in the
gaps where
necessary is kind of uh I don’t know
college course approach you know if you
look at this thing and and and you you
look at it in terms of what would be
similar if you’re if you’re in a college
uh curriculum and you’re um learning
online then it’s something similar to
that and uh the narration just serves to
kind of tie it all together so that you
feel comfortable and confident moving
into the next module I think there’s 38
modules total 33 of them have content
already available um like I said 20 plus
videos and uh we’re just going to keep
continuing to grow from here and uh that
10year commitment allows us to the
confidence level that everybody that’s
involved is going to stay involved and
uh it’s it’s just been a by the way it’s
been a blast ever since it’s been a lot
of hard work but it’s been a lot of fun
putting this together you guys have just
knocked it out of the park awesome yeah
no it’s been it’s been a lot of fun
working on it so really enjoy that um
got a couple questions from the audience
let’s take those and then I have some of
more some of my questions as well um
funny turo says I’m assuming in this
project 20333 you’re staying away from
recommending any particular project just
the concepts of how to do your research
is that correct Robert you want to tell
that uh yeah so so uh you know this is
really a base on how to do things better
in crypto or refresher on maybe maybe
you’re doing some of this stuff already
but there’s a few t uh tips and tricks
that maybe you could be adding to your
uh your big tool belt right you
everything in crypto is is having the
right tools and understanding how to use
those tools to better and you know save
time and and get right to what you’re
trying to learn right and so we are
going to have a community aspect around
project 2033 where we’re going to bring
in you know different instructors that
are participating in the project 2033 to
talk about different crypto stuff and
updates so there’s the the the education
course which is what you’re paying for
and the community aspect you can also
come along that way if you want to get
updates on maybe like what’s hot in
crypto what projects to look out for
that that type of thing but in the
actual course we don’t recommend any one
or two particular you know projects
we’re mainly educating you on how to do
crypto research better okay awesome and
then Kevin B says do you have any
education on scams and scammers no but
I’ve just added that as an as a u module
because I’ve got three or four um
completely tucked away on my computer
here that I want to add that I think
people will get a lot of value out of
because you never know what’s out there
and they get more sophisticated every
year so yes we will have a module on on
that particular subject and we’ll have
numerous different examples of things to
uh avoid yeah we have a little bit of
stuff on wallet security and if you know
some stuff like that but particular to
deal with actual scammers uh that’s a
great uh area that you know we could
probably add some value in to help you
guys okay very good yeah I would love I
I could do some videos on that as well
I’ve learned some things over the years
about reach out to you on that yeah
that’s right um all right so let’s uh
few questions that I had just uh who is
the intended audience is this for anyone
um is this for people who already have a
lot of crypto knowledge um or who is
specific who would this be best for
that’s a great question um I would say
it’s for everybody or anybody that wants
to perform well and when I say perform I
mean trade well in the crypto space okay
and the reason why I think project 2033
is the place to go is all three of us
have been doing this for years but as
the individual who is responsible for
taking all of this content and compiling
it on the school platform form
that’s where we built this entire
project um I can tell you that each time
I look look excuse me each time I loaded
a video I also watch the video I’m
watching it for a couple of reasons one
I want to um review the content two I
want to make sure I link that particular
content in the glossery of terms because
when you’ve got 125 to 175 videos let’s
say you never know where you left off or
where you might have heard a certain
subject covered was it in video 87 was
it in this module well the glossery of
terms allows us to take links to each of
these videos and put it under those
glossery of terms so that you can always
use it as a frame of reference um but
while loading this information I learned
more putting this together in the last
four or five months and to whole lot
more than I thought I knew about crypto
and I think most people even our
instructors um have experienced the same
thing as they’ve gone through and
watched what other um individuals they
put together so man it’s just a wealth
of information uh the target audience
originally if you recall the the email I
sent you guys it was like this imagine a
50y old guy who knows nothing about
crypto he’s got some money in his pocket
he wants to invest in crypto but some
friends have told him it’s a scam his
heart tells him it’s not he wants to
jump in but he doesn’t want to hunt and
Peck all over the Internet he wants to
go and find it all in one convenient
location and he’s willing to pay to do
so so that’s what we put together and my
role was to make sure that each video
and each module Builds on the next and I
think we’ve uh pretty much done that um
prior to launch and we will continue to
just tweak it and make it better so that
we do in fact become the go-to for all
things crypto um education and uh there
you go okay very good very good makes a
lot of sense um and then so uh there’s a
lot of crypto courses out there a lot of
crypto training courses um what would
you say to somebody who says oh no this
is just another one of those I know
you’ve touched on some of those key
points but maybe you can go through
those again what sets this apart from
other crypto training courses well we
start with the origins of Bitcoin and we
work all the way through um all of the
different centralized trading platforms
plus decentralized trading platforms and
we um mix in a lot of discussion about
topics that are important to know any
Joe Blow can go right now and find uh a
series on how to trade on let’s say
metamask with
uniswap but that same Joe Blow is
probably going to lose 80 90% of their
money in the process because they don’t
have a firm
foundation what project 2033 is
attempting to do is to help people avoid
all the stupid ass mistakes we’ve all
made over the years and avoid those
because we’re teaching you what to look
out for and what to avoid um every step
of the way so you know that narration
there’s several times in the narration
where I say okay I can already feel you
wanting to move ahead but just stay the
course we’ve got another module coming
up here that’s important for you to
understand before you move into trading
so we’ve got actually got nine or so
modules before even get to coinbase
right so that’s a lot of information to
take in but if people are willing to do
that if they’re if they have a 10-year
project or a 10year horizon for
themselves or a 10year trading um uh
time frame then why not take the hours
necessary to learn all of the basics and
all the particulars that are going to
help you be a more effective Trader
versus just going out there and
willy-nilly trying to learn it uh on
own yep totally agree from my
perspective this is the most
comprehensive uh triangle covers pretty
much everything that we could think of
um and you don’t have to go through it
quickly so you might hear oh 135 modules
and 150 videos that’ll take me years to
watch but you can go at your own pace I
mean there’s no rush you just you know
in the evenings instead of watching
Netflix watch a couple videos about um
and these are very bite-sized videos I
might add to they’re not hourong videos
but each of them you know five to 15
minutes or so um very educational and uh
I think it’s the most comprehensive
course that I’ve seen so and happy to be
a part of it um let’s go ahead and talk
about the community aspect of project
2033 I know that’s another thing that
we’re kind of looking for to be a little
different than just a you know training
course that’s thrown out there tell us
about the community aspect of project
2033 okay can you hear okay
yes okay um the community aspect is uh
coming online soon okay um that will as
Robert said earlier be a chance for us
to talk about specific token or coin
projects that are out there do some due
diligence on different um ways to um
make money in the crypto space and that
uh particular component of what we do is
something that we’re going to put
together and make sure that we hit the
ground running hard okay right now we
know that we’re not going to launch that
any earlier than May 1st no later than
July 1 somewhere in that time frame
between now and then for those that
join they’ll be grandfathered in for one
price when you pay for project 2033 for
the course right now you’re going to be
grandfathered in so no matter what the
community looks like once it’s up and
running and running 100% you’ll never
pay another dime for it if you join
between now and the time that we
actually have it up and running so we’re
behind the scenes working on what does
that look like and how do we contribute
we know for a fact that we have a
calendar that’s going to be filled with
different um live discussions on
different token projects we’ll have amas
with different individuals in the crypto
space we also know that we’ll do due
diligence on different um token projects
that’ll be included not only included um
in real time but they’ll be recorded and
housed in one particular particular
module in Project 2033 in chronological
order that people go back and review at
their own pace um so I would encourage
people if you’re listening today to get
in as soon as you can because there is
an advantage to being an early adopter
for project 2033 because once we’re once
we hit the ground running and we’re all
you know all cylinders go then um that’s
when that monthly fee kicks in for the
community aspect of it right now that’s
not uh being charged and we’ll pull the
trigger on that when it makes sense with
a 10-year Horizon we’re not in a big
hurry we want to make sure we do it the
way okay very good um and then let’s
talk about cost obviously this is not
something that’s free we didn’t have 20
some YouTubers put together 150 videos
uh just you know as a charity although
that would be that’d be nice and fun as
well um tell us a little bit about the
costs that are associated with this sure
well let me start by by saying it this
way every single person on our team is
incentivized okay I mean that
in 100% our instructors are incentivized
to participate and keep revising content
and add additional content our social
media and marketing folks our
administrative folks they’re all
incentivized to grow this project
together so um same thing applies with
our members and I’ll get into that in
just a second number one the cost is
$297 we want to keep the price as low as
we possibly could that’s not to say that
that price will not increase at some
point if it makes sense to do so but for
right now it’s
$297 the the plan cost of the community
itself is also low $29 per month right
now you can join at
297 when I mentioned that we
incentivized everyone involved even our
members incentivized our members have
the opportunity the day that you go to
project20 and put in your name
and email address get um an email that
provides you an affiliate link so
whether you end up joining or whether
you want to help promote you actually
have an affiliate link where you can
promote project 2033 to others and we’ll
pay you onethird of the revenue that
comes in as a result you’ll also get a
link to an affiliate Dash dashboard
allows you to track any and all
transactions that take place um through
your affiliate link so once you have
that you can share it on social Med
friends and family and email and uh Hey
if you make a few sales make three uh
and the whole course is free make
anything beyond that and it gives you
additional dollars that you can invest
into the uh crypto space so it’s a
win-win for everybody yeah it’s a
win-win I to totally agree um also too
I’ve really found that free information
uh people don’t really do anything with
it they think oh easy come easy go and
so there’s a lot of I’ve done free
training courses that I put a lot of
work into and then I find oh nobody
people maybe watched a couple of them
never did anything with it because they
think oh it’s free it must not be
valuable um but when I charge a lot for
a training course I people actually when
they buy it they actually watch all the
videos do all the calls to action um so
there’s definitely that as well um let’s
see oh we got some questions about uh
airdrops is that something that we go
over in the training
course Robert you want to take that yeah
I did I did an airdrop thread I mean
right now people are making tens of
thousands of dollars right uh what
happened what happens this with aird
drops right 2023 2022 and 2023 were
pretty much the bare market and a lot of
projects waited to launch in 2024
because they wanted Market the market to
be better and so uh right now there are
you know at any time you know 20 30 40
airdrops going and farming certain ones
of these can you know be up to 10 or
$20,000 in value it really is kind of
crazy the dimension air drop is worth
about 20 grand and so uh we do a uh a
few lessons on how to find certain aird
drops you want to be following certain
people on Twitter obviously and uh on
YouTube and uh there is a few I think
two videos on how to farm airdrops and
what uh you need to do for most of these
airdrops so yes there is a great a few
few classes on how to do that uh
obviously if you want more of the
understanding of what airdrops are
currently going on that’s kind of
joining the community aspect of what
we’re going to be offering and we’re
going to have a lot of that information
in there for
you great okay good good answer there um
let’s see any other questions from the
audience the wise learn from the
experiences of others good ideas guys um
yeah and that’s totally true again you
can go through the pain that like me and
Rob Bert we went through a lot of pain
uh through the bare market and over the
years and so you if you want to learn
those lessons on your own and go through
those painful things on your own totally
fine um you will learn it uh it’ll take
a couple of years it’ll cost you a lot
of money a much better way of living in
general is to find other people that
have walked before you and just walk in
their path learn from their lessons uh
you don’t have to experience the same
pain uh as as those people and you get
access to people like Robert like Robert
is somebody who spends a lot of time
researching these things so you know
even project 2033 some of the videos
I’ve watched I’ve learned things from
where it’s like oh I didn’t really
realize that’s how that worked exactly
um so I think whether you are completely
new it’s gonna be great for you if
you’re completely new but even if you’re
seasoned in the crypto industry I think
this is a great way yeah like where did
Bitcoin come from what exactly is the
blockchain I mean we go through all of
that which is stuff that a lot of people
even that are in crypto don’t know um
and so uh that that it’s amazing so I’m
really happy to be a part of this James
real quickly I think I think what it
comes down to is like how much time do
you currently have to do you know crypto
and a lot of people you know have a job
they have their loved ones they have
hobbies they have you know family they
don’t have a lot of time at the end of
the day to learn certain aspects of the
crypto space and there are projects
every day that are going up tens of
thousands of a percent if you’re able to
get into something early right and
understanding how to do all of that
takes learning and experience and if you
don’t put the time into learn and get
experience you’re just gonna kind of be
going into the market with with kind of
being unsure about yourself and you
might not have the full potential that
you normally have so having a course
that goes through all of these different
things that you need to learn I
guarantee you that if you go through the
entire course you will be a much better
more educated Trader and at the end of
the day that’s what we’re all trying to
be and you have to kind of invest that
time in yourself if you want to get up
to that next level of actually making
serious money in crypto and it’s
definitely possible but you have to take
it upon yourself to to learn and do your
own due diligence and I would just add
that you’re probably going to cut your
learning curve from two to three years
down to about 90 to 180 days which is
huge in the crypto
space yep totally agree totally agree um
and Rob I agree I want to Echo what you
just said where um you can rely
completely on other people just to tell
you hey buy this don’t buy this um but
you’ll be much better off long term even
if you do listen to other people who
give advice like that if you know how to
look through it yourself if you know at
least how to read a chart how to use you
know a DEX and how to use a centralized
exchange I don’t like to say sex it
doesn’t sound right uh but if you know
how to use those different tools that
are available you know what the
blockchain is you know what Bitcoin is
you will be much better positioned uh to
make those moves um and even if you’re
not huge into crypto now or you feel
like I don’t have enough Capital to even
get into crypto technology is going this
direction so blockchain and Bitcoin and
crypto are going to I mean they are the
future okay they’re going to be here for
the Long Haul whether you want them to
be or not um there are still some people
who are resistant to the internet and
computers and cell phones and it’s just
you it’s hard to function in the world
if you don’t use the internet if you
don’t use a phone if you don’t use a
computer and I think before too long
it’s going to be hard to function with
business if you don’t know anything
about the blockchain so uh it would
behoove you it’s my favorite word so I
try to FL fit it in wherever I can it
would behoove you to uh educate yourself
on Project 23
2033 so and I would say educ you know
investing in yourself people always say
what’s the best thing for me to invest
in if I had $500 what would you invest
in um honestly yourself is a lot of
times the best investment you can make
education and those are things that you
can’t be rug pulled your your knowledge
can’t be rug pulled um unless you have
amnesia or something like that so love
that anything else from you guys any
other details you want to go into I feel
like we have a pretty good feel for
things um but anything else that you
guys want to add before we talk about
calls to
action don’t think so I think we’ve
covered everything uh I would just
encourage you know most of you guys are
probably going to shy away a little bit
from your affiliate link um but I would
encourage everybody that’s listening
today since U James took the time to put
all this together to go to his affiliate
link you know even our instructors um
have the ability to earn additional
income to put back into the market we
want you to do the same thing and by the
way there is a section there is a module
that talks about how to become an
affiliate How to Be an Effective
affiliate so um take advantage of that
um first and foremost it’s all about the
education but hey if you’re going to be
there anyway why not go ahead and share
that link with friends and family help
us build the community help others find
um what they’re most likely looking for
and uh it’s like I said it’s a winwin
win for
everybody totally agree so um if you are
interested in getting going I did put my
link in there um so you can go ahead and
go there and then you just put in your
first name email address more in uh
click here for more information you’ll
get an email um kind of showing you how
to sign up is that correct that’s
correct um if you put in your first name
and your email address you’ll get an
email instantly talking about
um uh what to expect and then it’ll have
your like I said have your affiliate
link and the affiliate dashboard um but
what it also does um James if you want
to go ahead and just put in a name and
an email address there um real
quick click there’s my email address
feel free to spam me there you go it’s
going to take you over to uh an
information page and that information
page is going to probably answer in
about every format you can think of all
the questions you may have about the
course either in video format or text um
there’s summer one of our Superstars she
does a great job covering a wealth of
information but she um does a
three-minute video there talking about
um what to expect when you’re on the
inside and then if you’ll scroll down a
little further um it shows everybody
that’s on the team there we go and then
on down that ugly guy I don’t know how
do he get in
there yeah you know real quick can I
just Echo something like you know a lot
of people are looking for side hustles
and how to make some extra money right
signing up and becoming an affiliate for
this it’s actually pretty cool like not
only you’re sharing a valuable product
but you also can get a hundred bucks for
every person that you you refer in and
so you know you refer you know five or
10 people a month that’s you know
$500,000 extra that you didn’t have
before and you know you’re not sharing a
terrible product you’re sharing
something that actually can help improve
somebody’s education in the crypto space
so I I think uh you know if you you
actually take the time you go through
the content you start sharing it I think
you’re going to find Value uh not just
helping yourself but helping the people
around you become better Traders and you
know you want your circle to be
extremely smart in crypto right if if
you’re the smartest person around you
how are you going to learn and how are
you going to grow if you don’t have
people better uh that surround you and
so this is going to help you get to that
next level and that’s what we’re all
trying to do at the end of the day yep
and you just you just pulled up the
order page we gave you four ways to
actually pay um to um Access Project
2033 you can pay with crypto you can pay
with venmo you can pay with credit card
or you can pay with PayPal so almost
everybody has at least one of those four
I love that I’m glad that you can pay
with crypto that would seem kind of
counterintuitive if uh it was a crypto
training course that you had to use fat
to to pay for so love it uh Gary Gensler
oh Gary welcome to the YouTube channel
nothing to see here uh just get back to
your your job get back to your work so
all right well we will go ahead and wrap
up there first off thank you audience
thank you Twitter viewers we ended up
with a three or 400 Twitter viewers so
appreciate you guys all showing up um
again head over to YouTube uh if you
want to see all the comments and get all
the links and all that um thank you
audience appreciate you guys the only
reason again the whole reason I’m able
to be a part of project 2033 is because
of the audience you guys made me a
YouTuber and that brought that connected
me with Robert that connected me with
Greg and then that has worked into
project 2033 so thank you guys um and
then thanks Robert for coming on had you
on many times and thanks Greg for
organizing all this putting this all
together having a vision and you know
it’s one thing to have a vision but this
is you know getting a whole bunch of
YouTubers together to do something is
quite the task so good job getting that
all together and thank you just for your
hard work and moving the space forward I
really appreciate it
well thank you guys for being a part of
it we really appreciate it and pocket a
says we’ll end with this Gary should get
into project 233 maybe learn what crypto
is really about totally agree totally
agree Gary if you’re watching hop into
project 2033 and then maybe we can
change your mind about a few things so
we will wrap up there thank you everyone
I hope you have a blessed day God bless
oh look Robert’s got some balloons nice
exciting how did I do that that was fun
was that the peace sign that did that
peace sign God Bless yeah is it the
peace sign that’s pretty cool I’m having
fun I’m having fun there you go there
you go you’ll have to find all the
hidden features of your webcam or
whatever is doing that so but thank you
everybody have a great rest of the day
and we’ll talk to you later

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