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The Sun Is Undergoing Frightening Changes, Scientists Warn

The Sun Is Undergoing Frightening Changes, Scientists Warn

the sun is getting ready to flip as its
magnetic poles are reversing similar to
Earth the Sun has a magnetic north and a
magnetic South but unlike Earth the
reversing process of the sun’s poles is
more frequent and easier to predict the
next flipping is expected to take place
this year between April and August as
apocalyptic as it might sound you don’t
have to worry if you’re around 30 you’ve
already experienced this phenomenon more
than once as the sun flips every 11
you probably didn’t notice any changes
back then because this process doesn’t
impact Earth’s life so much but this
time things might be a little
different on Earth ocean currents are
movements that play a crucial role in
influencing both climate and weather by
Distributing heat from the equator to
the poles on the sun these currents are
more like an ocean of plasma but they
not only transport heat but also carry
electromagnetic energy that happens
because the sun is a huge ball of hot
and ionized gases that keep flowing
inside its
core by fusing together hydrogen atoms
and forming helium our star releases a
massive amount of energy leading to
these very heavy flowing electric
currents and whenever you have currents
you have magnetic fields it’s easier to
understand if you think of that classic
experiment with a wire and a nail that
you probably conducted in elementary
when electricity flows through a wire it
creates a magnetic field around the wire
so when you connect a wire to a battery
and wrap it around a nail the nail
becomes a magnet this is similar to how
electric currents create magnetic fields
on the sun this whole process with the
help of which the sun generates its
magnetic field is called a
Dynamo we can’t observe it directly but
we can see its effects on the sun’s
surface when plasma and magnetism flows
become un stable and intense they
manifest as sunspots you know those dark
areas on the sun surface much about how
the Dynamo Works remains a mystery but
scientists have learned something
important after observing these sunspots
for centuries the Dynamo process follows
a pattern about every decade it
reorganizes itself the sun’s polar
magnetic fields get weakened eventually
reaching zero and then they return but
with the opposite polarity
back in the 50s researchers figured out
that when sunspots start to ramp up and
become more intense it means the PS are
gearing up for a reversal and over the
past few years solar activity has been
off the charts we’re talking about more
solar flares more electromagnetic
radiation bursts and more plasma blobs
being ejected into space it’s like we’re
sitting in the front row at the Solar
System’s most epic fireworks display in
fact the sun hasn’t been been this
Lively in probably two decades right now
experts think the polar fields are
almost in sync and steadily weakening
inching closer and closer to zero but we
haven’t reached the point of reversal
yet although it might sound like the sun
flips its magnetic poles like clockwork
every 11 years the truth is that it’s
not as neat as it seems this path can be
bumpy and some aspects of the phenomenon
are still very hard to ICT take the last
solar cycle for example the Northern
Hemisphere started its magnetic flip
back in early June 2012 but then it kind
of hit a snag and lingered around the
neutral point until late
2014 meanwhile in the southern
hemisphere things were smoother with the
polarity switching over in mid
2013 this time around the sun is
actually playing nice things seem to be
running way smoother this cycle with the
poles transitioning more evenly but
here’s the thing reversal processes are
never the same that’s what makes this
phenomenon so interesting to observe but
at the same time it’s hard to predict
how it’ll affect us down
here here on Earth we don’t have to
worry too much about those intense sun
explosions happening 93 million miles
away but if and I emphasize if a solar
storm were to reach our planet the main
threat it would bring would probably be
the disruption of communication
satellites in space
however things might be different in
this cycle reversal happening in 2024
because the number of satellites has
skyrocketed in recent years for example
Elon musk’s starlink system alone
involves more than 4,000 of them all
these satellites along with
communication and GPS satellites could
be impacted or even destroyed by a
powerful solar
storm although the chances of a powerful
solar storm hitting Earth are low it’s
not impossible back in 1859 during the
Carrington event a storm occurred near
the peak of the solar cycle causing
currents to Surge through Telegraph
lines sparking fires and disrupting
messages worldwide Earth fell silent as
Telegraph Communications failed just
imagine what a solar storm could do to
our vast number of satellites today it
could affect everything we rely on daily
from space-based communication and
navigation to weather forecasting
Services the ground level power
distribution could also be
affected you can forget about watching
YouTube or bright side because if such
an event occurred today it would cause
an internet apocalypse sending countless
people and businesses offline there’s a
prediction that says that if a
Carrington class event happened today it
would result in Damages ranging from 0.6
to 2.6
trillion and I’m talking about the
United States alone fortunately for us
solar storms as intense as the
Carrington event happen only once every
500 years or
so bad news for communication satellites
but great news for Aurora
Watchers during the Carrington event
dazzling auror Borealis lit up the sky
as Polar light shows stretched far
beyond their usual ranges the northern
lights were spotted as far south as Cuba
and Honolulu Hawaii while the Southern
Lights were seen as far north as
Santiago Chile for many people around
the world this was their first glimpse
of the Aurora leaving them obsessed with
the unusually bright Skies some of them
thought it was the end of the world
While others began their day early
thinking the sun had risen after hearing
birds chirping and seeing the bright
Skies today we know there’s nothing
strange about it considering that the
appearance of auroras at lower altitudes
is one of the expected effects of the
sun’s magnetic pole reversal typically
these dazzling phenomena are found
between 60 and 75° latitude but during
the last magnetic pole reversal in 2013
intense auroras were observed below
50° eyewitnesses describe these auroras
as blood or deep crimson red shining so
brightly that you could read a newspaper
in their light it’s important to study
this phenomenon and not to fear it the
inversion of the magnetic poles on the
sun is actually a great opportunity for
scientists to better understand how our
star Works since many pieces are still
missing in the whole Dynamo situation
we’re still not very good at predicting
why some solar Cycles are more intense
than others or when exactly a coronal
mass ejection will erupt but being able
to predict that is becoming more and
more necessary as we venture ourselves
into space the more people are out there
beyond Earth the more exposed they are
to these strong solar storms that’s why
the scientific Community wants to know
more precisely when a solar storm can
cause damage to spacecraft and space
stations plus it would help
meteorologists make progress in
predicting weather not only on Earth but
also in Space the whole point is to make
space travel safer as the interest in
crude missions to the moon and Mars
grows every year another reason why it’s
important to learn more about the sun’s
Poland version is to better understand
how the mysterious interior of the sun
works that could actually help us figure
out the aspects of other stars in the
universe and maybe get closer to
answering the ultimate question why are
here see this you’re looking at the best
full portrait of the Sun by far
thankfully our 4 and A2 billion year-
old parent star didn’t use any makeup to
fix its skin tone before this photo
shoot and now we can study its surface
in great detail this iconic image was
taken in March
2022 NASA wanted to gain a better
understanding of solar behavior and its
impact on life on earth and the future
of our space Technologies of course to
do so they launched the Solar Dynamics
Observatory satellite or sdo mission in
February 2010 this legendary photo shoot
happened 12 years later when stto was
halfway between the Earth and the Sun
scientists had to assemble 25 individual
images like a puzzle so the final image
contained 83 million pixels yeah the
resolution is about 10 times better than
your fancy 4K TV
screen look at this amazing cookie-like
pattern typically the bright surface of
the Sun overshadows it when we observe
the star from Earth thankfully NASA
explored the light beyond the visible
range which allowed them to discover
some invisible details of the Sun’s face
when you adjust your selfie with filters
and effects you can end up with
completely different portraits
highlighting different spots of your
face even those you didn’t know existed
H the same principle works here all
these plasma balls are the same photo of
the sun captured at different
electromagnetic wavelengths the revealed
spots and patterns can help us
understand events happening inside the
sun’s skin a little
better at the speed of light is supposed
to mean super quick but this rose gold
Ray caressing your cheek at dawn has
come a long way and is incredibly old in
human terms terms photons generated by
the sun’s core take between 10,000 to
170,000 years to travel through the
Stars atmosphere and then around 8
minutes more to reach Earth so let’s
explore what’s taking them so long our
tour begins with the upper layer of the
sun’s atmosphere remember solar deities
and movies and theater plays they often
wear luxurious crowns with golden Rays
well the real sun does wear a fancy
Corona too which is the outer layer of
its atmosphere but of course its size
and Glory are incomparable with those
plastic costume crowns and its shape is
not so stable Corona is a gas shell
enveloping our parent star so its size
and form constantly fluctuate under the
influence of the sun’s magnetic field
you can spot this crown with a naked eye
from Earth during total solar eclipses
it looks like a beautiful intense
radiation around the solar disc which
itself is completely blocked by the moon
the corona stretches 5 million mil above
the sun’s surface whereas our blue
planet is only about 8,000 mi in
diameter so one hypothetical Ray of the
corona equals a row of about
625,000 earth-sized planets and suddenly
all my problems begin to seem
tiny now here’s another fun fact the
sun’s Corona kind of breaks the laws of
known physics because it’s hotter than
it should be its temperature reaches 2
million de f
whereas the surface of the Sun is only
about 9,000 de although the word only
doesn’t fit here because it’s still
super warm in human terms usually
temperature tends to fall as you move
farther from a heat Source but it’s not
the case here space scientists are still
scratching their heads trying to
investigate this mystery thankfully the
recent photo shoot allows us to explore
what’s going on inside this massive hot
stuff without risking losing our sight
take these beautiful bright spots for
example they depict solar flares
happening under the corona layer solar
flares are powerful explosions that
happen when magnetic fields bump into
each other when it happens they change
shape and quickly reorganize these
fields arise from plasma which is very
turbulent itself so these events are no
surprise for the local weather now who
would have thought that the sun has dark
spots on its skin just like people these
darker areas are known as coronal holes
earthlings can experience their impact
when they observe the beautiful Aurora
lights in the polar regions coronal
holes look darker because Plasma in
these spots is cooler less dense and
magnetically open these conditions allow
the solar winds to escape outward across
the solar system rather than hang out at
the sun surface and when they bump into
the Earth’s magnetosphere auroras emerge
to Fascinate our eyes thankfully the
local Fields cool down the solar winds
nobody wants their eyes to melt right
now now if we were looking for an
analogy to the sun’s hairs the best
candidate would be solar prominences
these large bright plasma Loops arise
from the sun’s surface and stretch for
thousands of miles into space their
lifespan varies from days to several
months it’s one of the most common
events in this region although the first
detailed description of solar prominence
dates to The 14th Century Modern
scientists are still researching how and
why they’re
formed diving further inwards we facing
the transition region the thickness of
this layer is about 62 Mi and the local
weather is Unthinkable temperatures can
rise up to 900,000 de F the transition
layer sits between the Corona and the
last region of the sun’s atmosphere
called the
chromosphere now speaking of which
Welcome to our next stop the
chromosphere region is famous for a
scientific mystery called a spicule come
on say it with me spicule that’s fun
these spect spacular grassy likee Jets
of plasma fire upwards from the surface
of the Sun and reach speeds of
approximately 224 m per second as if
they’re jumping on a trampoline from the
surface of the Sun each spicule lasts
for just a few minutes in outer space
before falling back into the solar
atmosphere astronauts were having a
challenging time trying to explain how
magnetically charged particles could
manage to escape the massive gravity of
the sun while being so close to it the
possible answer emerged in 2017 a group
of scientists discovered that neutral
particles provided the magnetically
charged particles with extra boyancy to
escape the solar gravity for a while
which is better than my cousin’s
explanation which is happy thoughts and
pixie dust yeah now let’s go ahead and
travel 1,000 M inward toward the
chromosphere to finally reach the solar
surface the Photosphere it’s around 248
Mi thick but unlike planet Earth the
sun’s surface is not solid or stable at
all the temperatures here are insanely
hot for any matter to exist on the other
hand scientists often call plasma the
fourth state of matter and why not it’s
made of ionized atoms and free electrons
so it kind of deserves to matter so
what’s the matter maybe someday we’ll
happen to meet the local civilization of
plasmoid people but I think it’s best
that we skip their welcoming warm hugs
you know hot hot hot and anyway the
Photosphere is our final stop because
humankind doesn’t have the technology to
explore the sun any deeper so if you
want to learn more you’ll have to invent
your own spacecraft but time’s a wasting
you’ll only have about 7 to 8 billion
years after that our sun will fade away
according to scientist estimates
actually those same scientists will be
first now you have a serious competitor
though NASA’s Parker solar Pro is the
current champion for the deepest dive
into the Sun the spacecraft managed to
travel 42 million miles from the sun’s
surface toward its core on September
27th 2023 and then the Parker probe
repeated its own record once again in
December of the same year so why didn’t
it melt I hear you asking the probe has
been designed to withstand insanely
intense conditions and temperature
fluctuations it’s equipped with a custom
heat shield and an autonomous system
protecting the Mission from the massive
solar lights NASA has further ambitious
plans in December 2024 Parker will make
its closest approach to the sun it will
travel faster than any man-made object
has ever traveled at the speed of
435,000 mph the probe will be just 3.8
Million Miles Away from the sun’s
glowing hot surface it’s like landing on
a star astronomers have already compared
this epic upcoming Milestone with the
moon landing I’m thinking however it
might be safer if we you know landed at
night yeah you’re right that’s an old
joke what if the sun went boom well you
can guess it would be super bad news for
us H this was sure a short video huh n
wait I have more if the sun blew up
chaos would ensue in our solar system
but scientists tell us that it will
certainly happen one day but why how
exactly would events unfold and is it
possible for us must to somehow survived
this event hey let’s delve into it first
of all get ready for a journey to the
sun’s core the sun’s heart is packed
with hydrogen atoms having an out of
thisor dance party these atoms are so
excited that They smash into each other
with all their might and when they
Collide something magical happens it’s
called nuclear fusion and in this Fusion
Fiesta the hydrogen atoms combined to
form helium atoms a chemistry EXP
experiment on a grand scale during this
nuclear fusion a teeny bit of Mass from
the hydrogen atoms is transformed into a
massive amount of energy it’s Einstein’s
famous equation eal mc^2 coming into
play energy is Unleashed in the form of
light and heat radiating outwards to
brighten up the entire solar system and
once all these processes get going a
bunch of energized particles called
photons join the fun these photons are
like tiny packets of light bouncing and
zipping around in all directions they
play a crucial role in carrying the
sun’s energy through space Illuminating
our world and warming our cozy Planet
but to keep all this going so that atoms
don’t escape and create complete chaos
the sun’s core needs to be under
tremendous pressure this pressure comes
from the immense weight of the sun’s
outer layers pressing down on the core
the outer layers are squeezing the inner
core but the inner layer players don’t
give up the energy created from Fusion
and the bustling Photon party tries
really hard to escape the sun’s core but
the core is so dense like me and the
pressure is so big that the energy takes
its sweet time to make its way out it
bounces around gets absorbed and
reemitted by other particles eventually
after a long time it reaches the sun’s
surface and zooms off into space
reaching us as sunlight so now you know
how the sun works now what happens once
it reaches the end of its life well
here’s the twist our sun has a limited
supply of hydrogen fuel in about 5
billion years it’ll run out of its fuel
after that the star will undergo some
big changes now pay attention because
there’s a pretty good chance we’re all
going to miss this first the sun will
puff up and become a red giant exploding
like a balloon it will grow so big that
it will swallow up the inner planets
including our beloved Earth talk about a
sun taking up all the space so we won’t
even see the end of our sun unless we
move somewhere further away after the
red giant phase the sun will shrink a
bit its outer layers will fade away into
space leaving behind a beautiful
planetary nebula it’ll be revealing its
glowing core ooh the core now filled
with helium will start sounding weird
and will start fusing heavier elements
like oxygen and carbon these reactions
won’t be as energetic like a party with
less dancing and more Chill Vibes
eventually even the helium will be used
up and the sun will become a compact
white dwarf a stellar retiree enjoying
its retirement home scientists estimate
that the sun has about 7 to 8 billion
years left before it dims its lights
don’t worry though by that time humanity
might have traveled to far off galaxies
or maybe even evolved into amazing space
beings so our sun won’t go out with a
bang like fireworks it’s not big enough
to become a supernova or a black hole
those Stellar Superstars need way more
mass than our sun to pull off those
Cosmic tricks but what if it blew up
very suddenly just like an Abrupt event
without any reason well let’s see
imagine this the Sun goes boom and Earth
is in for a wild ride the event
unleashes an insane amount of energy
sending a shock wave racing through
space at the speed of light it takes
about 8 minutes for this shock wave to
reach her why well the sun is a whopping
93 million mil away from us on average
so it takes a little over 8 minutes and
20 seconds for the Sun’s light to travel
all that distance and reach us but let’s
talk about the event itself it would be
a great sight to witness but sadly it
would also be the end roll credits the
crazy amount ounts of Unleashed energy
would cause the sun to expand rapidly
again swallowing up the inner planets
including our Earth and that’s not all
brace yourself for a massive burst of
radiation the sun would unleash a
torrent of supercharged particles we’re
talking about X-rays and gamma rays the
kind that can seriously mess things up
when these high energy particles hit the
atmosphere they go wild causing all
sorts of chaos they ionize the
atmosphere creating a ginormous
electromagnetic pulse this pulse is like
a shock wave for electronic devices it
fries them zaps them and leaves them
useless so if your gadgets aren’t
protected they’re in for a rough time
speaking of rough times after that it’s
instant vaporization for our planet but
the sun’s Grand Finale just doesn’t mess
with Earth it WS havoc on the entire
solar system that massive burst of
energy would be crashing into everything
in its path planets and other objects
get knocked off of their cozy orbits
causing chaos and
unpredictability the asteroid belt
between Mars and Jupiter kapow it’s gone
obliterated or scattered to the cosmic
winds and even planets that will survive
this event will probably go off their
orbits to wander somewhere and let’s not
forget about the outer planets like
Jupiter and Saturn these Giants generate
their own internal heat which keeps them
cozy and attracts lots of moons but the
sun’s boom would steal their warm
turning them into incredibly cold places
and now that we discussed how
catastrophic all this would be for
everything in our solar system let’s ask
The Logical question can Humanity make
it the Shor answer is nope we wouldn’t
make it everything would be wiped out
except maybe some sneaky bacteria hiding
in the shadows but in a crazy scenario
where the sun gave us a heads up about
its plans we might have a fighting
chance if we knew advance and had time
to prepare we could get our survival
gears turning so what could we do since
Earth itself won’t survive the sun’s
tantrum we’d have to move somewhere
remember how we mentioned that not all
planets would be completely destroyed
well sadly the ones closest to the Sun
Mercury Venus and Earth would disappear
so the easiest option would be to move
to some other solar system with its own
earthlike Planet but what if the Earth
somehow managed to survive this
catastrophe let’s not think about how it
happened and just discuss the
consequences well our climate would go
crazy during the first moments of the
sun’s Kaboom the radiation and particles
would crank up the temperature big time
like a NeverEnding Heat Wave we’re
talking major greenhouse effect the
oceans would evaporate creating thick
fluffy clouds that trap heat and refuse
to let it Escape into space and after
that without the Sun’s Warm embrace the
Earth would quickly become an icy
freezer so we’d have to think outside
the box one idea would be to take
shelter deep underground where we won’t
be that much affected by radiation and
sudden temperature changes as you dig
deeper the temperature rises so with the
right tools and resources Humanity could
hunker down in fortified bunkers
surviving for a couple of years without
the sun’s Rays why just a couple of
years well remember how we said the sun
is a gravity center of our solar system
without it Earth would be a drift in
search of a new center of gravity
imagine our planet our trusty satellite
the moon and all the other planets
slowly floating away into space luckily
our trusty sun is hanging in there
keeping us warm and Shining for many
more Cosmic Adventures to come so we’re
safe for a few billion years but it’s
always fun to imagine impossible
scenarios so stay tuned for more or what
ifs from where we stand the sun seems so
calm and peaceful but like humans and
basically the Whole Living World the sun
has its own phases when it’s more or
less active it’s just that the
consequences are way bigger and more
chaotic when the sun becomes
hyperactive let’s zoom in to see what’s
happening up there so one of the ways we
measure the activity of our star is by
counting sunspots on its surface
sunspots are dark patches that form when
the sun’s magnetic field gets all
tangled up it’s simple Le the more
sunspots the more active our sun is and
it seems the sun has been parting like
crazy recently the number of sunspots
scientists have seen is the highest for
nearly 21 years in June 163 sunspots
appeared on the sun’s surface the last
time we had so many dark patches across
the Sun was in September 2002 when there
were 187 of them uh-oh it seems this
chaotic party is getting closer to its
peak and that’s something we call solar
Max maximum how does all this even
happen the sun’s magnetic field is
strong and organized at some point but
as we said sometimes comes the time when
it kind of ends up tangled sort of like
a ball of rubber bands that are wound
together very tightly this also means
plasma is rising from the surface
forming loops and causing a mess in the
shape of solar flares and something we
call coronal mass ejections CME that’s
when Plasma in the sun’s upper
atmosphere called the corona goes crazy
and bursts really
strong then at some point this ball
snaps and completely flips and turns the
South Pole into the North Pole in vice
versa all this happens every 11 years or
so so when the sun comes into this phase
when it becomes very active it shoots
out hot Blobs of plasma gets big dark
spots as large as planets and releases
powerful eruptions of energy and
radiation something fascinating happens
when the sun becomes more active a thing
called plasma waterfall or polar crown
prominence PCP it’s like a mini eruption
that starts on the sun and it seems like
it tries to get away but then the sun’s
magnetic field pulls it back before it
can escape into space and this plasma
waterfall is really spectacular it goes
up to 62,000 Mi above the surface it’s
like you stack eight Earths on top of
other then there’s something called a
polar vortex it’s like a gigantic Halo
of plasma that rotates around the sun’s
North Pole really fast this Vortex
happens when a large tentacle of plasma
snaps apart and falls back toward the
surface similar to how a plasma
waterfall forms scientists don’t know
why this plasma stays above the sun’s
surface for so
long and one of the cool examples of CM
was a giant one in the shape of a
butterfly in March this year it got such
an unusual shape because it exploded on
the side of the sun we couldn’t see so
it was impossible to fully measure how
strong it was fortunately that one
didn’t explode in our Direction but it
might have hit Mercury a little bit and
it’s possible it knocked off some dust
and gas since mercury has a weak
field all this sounds cool in theory but
it’s not such good news for us because
of all this we might experience more
intense solar storms that can again lead
to geomagnetic storms on Earth and these
don’t just sound alarming they indeed
are they create chaos and disrupt the
magnetic field of our planet geomagnetic
storms can create beautiful Northern
Lights true true but we’d all rather
enjoy such Beauties as the Aurora
Borealis in regular conditions or just
watch a good old Sunset above the
ocean it’s not that every solar storm
will necessarily hit Earth even if there
are more of them to reach our planet
they must be pointed in the right
direction at the right moment but if
that happens the storm can ionize the
upper atmosphere and bye-by our
Communications it can cause temporary
blackouts for systems such as GPS and
radio it isn’t necessarily a big problem
on on its own but it can be very
dangerous if it happens at the wrong
time like during a tsunami or an
earthquake the storms can also damage
electrical infrastructure like Rail
lines and power grids if you’re on a
plane at that time you might be exposed
to higher levels of radiation it’s still
not clear how dangerous that will be for
you but it can be a serious problem for
astronauts in
space when solar storms mess with the
magnetic field this can affect the
migrations of some animals such as sea
turtles whales and birds since things in
the animal kingdom mostly work in the
natural order who knows how these
animals go through or even survive such
changes and when the sun is at a maximum
of its activity satellites in space are
in trouble too we have more satellites
in space than ever before and when the
upper atmosphere becomes denser because
of all these changes this can push
satellites in different directions they
might crash into one another or some can
even fall back to Earth which again is
only cool in movies with superheroes who
can relatively easily deal with this
stuff hopefully we’ll avoid a massive
solar storm like the Carrington event
the story was similar in August 1859
astronomers across the globe watched how
the number of sunspots was getting
bigger and
bigger a man named Richard Carrington
was among them at the beginning of
September he was sketching the sun spots
when out of a sudden he was blinded by a
flash of light it lasted around 5
minutes but it was spectacular he later
described it as a white light
flare it was a very strong coronal mass
ejection CME and in only 17.6 hours this
storm crossed the long way between the
Sun and our home planet 90 million miles
and Unleashed its force on us even
though this usually takes
days and when this storm started
Telegraph machines across the world
sparked operators got electric shocks
and paper even caught fire people were
really scared and confused because they
had never seen such bright Skies
before some even thought it was the end
of the
world the next day Telegraph workers
still couldn’t work properly because
Earth’s atmosphere was still charged
they even managed to send messages using
the auroral current instead of regular
electricity but it brought something
incredible two stunning auroras in the
sky people in Hawaii and Cuba could see
beautiful Northern Lights while those as
far north as Chile could see the
Lights it’s all slowly but steadily
escalating take solar flares for example
these are powerful bursts of energy from
the Sun in 2022 there were five times
more of these flares compared to the
previous year plus the strongest ones X
class flares have been getting stronger
and more common than before too and this
might be way more extreme than anyone
thought plus it’s likely to start a
little bit earlier than we predicted
scientists first thought the peak would
happen in 20 25 but it seems it could
even occur by the end of
2023 we can’t completely protect
ourselves if a solar storm hits us
directly but we can still do some things
like ground planes adjust the paths of
satellites in space and try to make sure
vulnerable infrastructure stays safe to
do all this we need better solar weather
forecast to help us get ready for the
worst all this might sound very bad at
first but don’t worry solar flares won’t
destroy our planet they do send charge
solar material toward us at pretty high
speeds but it’s not like we’re
completely doomed if these things hit
us our planet won’t leave us unprotected
we still have the atmosphere and
magnetic field that keep us relatively
safe our thick atmosphere is like a
shield that blocks radiation that might
harm us so these solar flares can mostly
affect technology but they won’t destroy
Earth I guess we have our own
superheroes after
all ah consider the Rogue Planet the
Cosmic Wanderer that nobody wants to
take home basically a rogue planet is a
planet that has been ejected from its
own star system and is now floating
aimlessly through space like a cosmic
loner these planets aren’t just a theory
scientists have actually detected some
in our galaxy in fact estimates suggest
that there may be lots of these Cosmic
Nomads floating around the Milky Way and
they aren’t just small rocky worlds like
Earth some of them are actually Mass of
gas giants many times larger than
Jupiter these behemoths could
potentially have their own moons and
even their own Min systems orbiting
around them for example one of the most
famous rogue planets we know of has a
complicated name here you read it for
yourself it’s located about 80 light
years away from Earth and it was
discovered in
2013 this Rogue planet is estimated to
be around 6 times the mass of Jupiter
and is believed to be around 12 million
years old and yes just because these
Cosmic loners don’t have a star it
doesn’t mean they’re super cold they can
still generate heat and light from their
own internal processes some may even
have magnetic fields and auroras just
like Earth in other words rogue planets
could potentially be habitable if they
have the right conditions so what would
life on such a planet look like and
could we potentially live in such a
world well living on a rogue planet can
be a lonely existence they have no warm
sun to bask in no cozy atmosphere to
cuddle up in and no Cosmic neighbors to
have barbecue with that’s why we’d have
to get creative let’s start with the
most obvious problem we’d have a hard
time without light and heat so how do we
fix this well we’d probably have to
invest in some really fancy space
heaters and wear fashionable super War
space suits or we could advance a whole
new way to generate electricity without
relying on solar power for example how
about using geothermal energy now that’s
hot stuff each planet has an internal
source of heat without it they would all
be nothing more than cold lifeless rocks
floating through space this internal
heat can be harnessed and used to power
everything from homes to factories to
spaceships it’s like having a hot tub
big enough to power an entire city and
that City most likely will be located
underground closer to the heat source
and as for light Well we’d probably have
to build some really bright flashlights
or maybe even learn to genetically
engineer some bioluminescent organisms
to light up our homes just imagine space
space is overgrown with neon mushrooms
and plants by the way speaking of plants
plant life would be pretty hard to come
by without a star so what would we eat
what well we could use the same
geothermal vents that we talked about or
some chemical reactions to sustain
ourselves and hey maybe we’d develop a
taste for sulfur rich foods or we’d
start fermenting our own drinks from the
bubbling volcanic mud yum but besides
food we have a more important problem
living on a rogue Planet would be
breathtaking literally we’d have no air
you see not all rogue planets have good
stable atmospheres it all depends on
their size composition and other things
but even if our new home does have an
atmosphere it may be incredibly thin and
unstable we’d have no pretty blue skies
or dramatic sunsets to admire instead
we’d be staring out into the infinite
void of space where the stars would be
brighter than ever before and forget
about weather patterns without an
atmosphere to create them we’d have no
rain no snow and no thunderstorms and
that’s just some minor problems what’s
worse the temperature on the planet
would be wildly fluctuating swinging
from unbearable heat to unbearable cold
it would be like living in an oven
that’s always being turned on and off
and finally we’d be exposed to all kinds
of space debris and Cosmic radiation so
if you don’t want to get crispy you
might want to invest in some serious
SPF so how do we fix it Well we’d have
to find a way to generate our own o
oxygen and probably create something
like a space AG biosphere for example we
could grow some plants that could
produce oxygen or we’d learn to filter
the air like a high-tech air
purifier finally we have the last most
important problem finding water and
here’s where the underwater oceans come
to our Aid now we’re really diving deep
into the possibilities yuck yuck but
seriously scientists suggest that some
of these planets May indeed have
underwater oceans it would be like
living on a giant water balloon that’s
been buried underground with the ground
beneath your feet made of ice and rock
in other words we could just tap into
these underground oceans they could
provide us with a source of water for
drinking farming and Manufacturing maybe
even with some other resources and
materials we’ve never seen before and by
the way who knows what kind of strange
creatures might be lurking in those
underground Seas but don’t worry even if
we don’t have any underground Oasis
there are also other options we could
get some water from comets ice Mining
and even from the atmosphere the one we
just created before finally we need to
find and mine some resources to build
our homes and other stuff and a rogue
Planet might not have the same kinds of
resources as a planet that orbits a star
it’s like trying to find some Treasures
in a desert not exactly a sure thing we
may have to rely on resources from
nearby asteroids and things like that
and if we want to extract resources from
the planet itself we might need to drill
down through miles of ice and rock but
hey if you’re up for the challenge
there’ll always be a chance you’ll
strike it rich on a rogue planet and who
knows maybe you’ll discover some new
resources that are even more valuable
than gold or diamonds Great Looks like
we’ve solved the most important problems
now there may be other small
difficulties for example we’d also have
to deal with some seriously long days
and nights depending on how fast our
planet was rotating and we wouldn’t have
a normal regular day night cycle the
rotation of our planet could be wildly
unpredictable maybe we’d have weeks long
nights followed by weeks long days which
could really mess with our sleep
schedules we might have to develop some
really strong coffee to keep us going
through those long dark nights but
hypothetically we can adapt to all these
things and overcome all the challenges
and now finally welcome to the Rogue
planet where the Sun never Rises but the
adventures Never End thanks to our
advanced technology we’ve managed to
create a comfortable and habitable
environment in this once Barren world
the sky above us is now a beautiful
shade of blue filled with fluffy white
clouds and the occasional flock of
flying creatures don’t ask as we venture
out from our underground habitats were
greeted by a world that’s full of
surprises strange plants and animals
have adapted to the unique conditions of
this planet some with bioluminescent
features that glow in the dark and be
careful if you want to go swimming in
the underground ocean they might be home
to some bizarre creatures who want to
Feast on well we’ll come back to that
maybe as you can see we’ve created
sprawling cities and thriving
communities powered by the planet’s
geothermal energy we also created a
bunch of artificial light sources that
keep things bright throughout the dark
chilly nights of course we still have
some problems with navigation and
timekeeping but things aren’t as dull as
they used to be are they overall living
on a rogue Planet would definitely have
its challenges but it could also be a
pretty exciting way to experience the
universe and who knows maybe someday
we’ll find such a planet and actually
turn it into a bustling Intergalactic
Metropolis someday but until then let’s
enjoy and tidy up our dear
Earth it’s becoming colder by the minute
the temperature drops below zero very
quickly and although there’s no snow the
cold is becoming unbearable por Frost
appears on the ground the grass and the
trees and Ice forms on bodies of water
at an incredible
rate shivering people all over the
planet raise their eyes Eyes to the Sky
and their jaws drop in disbelief the sun
has become twice as small as it used to
be it now looks like a distant Speck and
it won’t be able to heat the Earth any
longer but the worst thing is there’s a
huge blazing Rock coming right at the
horrified Spectators from the sky and
the impact with that thing will
undoubtedly do a lot of
damage okay let’s go back to our
objective reality the Earth is exactly
in The Sweet Spot of our solar system
it’s neither Too Close nor too far from
the Sun making the temperature on our
planet not just tolerable but rather
Pleasant scientists often call Venus the
second planet from the sun our Earth’s
evil twin because it’s so hot and
inhospitable that no life is possible on
it of course there are thick clouds in
its atmosphere that rain acid and the
greenhouse gas gases rais the
temperature on the surface to unbearable
values but even if Venus didn’t have
those nothing would still be able to
live there because of the proximity to
the sun if there was any liquid water it
would evaporate too quickly leaving life
no chance to
develop on the other hand Mars going
next in line After Earth is a bit too
far away from the sun which makes it
cold and lonely the temperature on its
surface is below freezing and it never
warms up enough for water to stay liquid
for long that’s not to mention the lack
of atmosphere on the red planet the
element that provides the Earth with
air so if our planet shifted closer to
or farther away from the Sun its
temperature would either rise or fall
respectively a few hundred miles
wouldn’t make much difference the
circling of Earth around the Sun is
uneven anyway and we constantly get
nearer to our star or fly a bit away
it the distance that would matter is
measured in millions of miles and yeah
just like I showed you at the beginning
of this video we’d see the Sun a lot
smaller than we do now if we went that
far the temperatures might not fall at
the exact moment of the shift as there
would still be some warmth left but in
the following winter our planet would
probably stay cold forever
the oceans would be covered with ice and
the overall sea level would drop and
ultimately the ice would reflect more of
the sun’s heat back into the atmosphere
and space not allowing the surface of
our planet to get the necessary
warmth and more ice means less water
vapor in the atmosphere water vapor
captures heat too creating clouds so the
colder it is the less rain the cold and
the lack of rain would not let any
plants survive for long so the areas of
icy and Barren landscape would grow fast
leaving only the areas along the banks
of rivers intact for a
while after some time the rivers would
stop running too either Frozen or dried
out because of losing their sources
lakes and seas which would of course
freeze as well any life dwelling near
them would disappear plants first and
with them everything else since plants
produce both food and breathable air and
with that the Earth would become a
Wasteland as for the giant blazing Rock
I mentioned it was an asteroid coming
from outer space because of the shift of
our planet’s orbit Jupiter the largest
planet in our solar system acts as a
natural shield for us against space
rocks it has a huge mass and most
asteroids flinging from Outer space get
caught in its gravity and fall on its
surface there’s no life possible on
Jupiter and its surface is gaseous so
asteroids tend to disappear in it
Without a
Trace still some manag to get past
Jupiter where Mars comes into play it
also contributes to our defense by
holding the asteroid belt between itself
and Jupiter in place the two planets
combined mass creates a gravitational
field that does doesn’t allow the
asteroids from the belt to fly in random
directions hitting everything in their
path if there was no Mars between us and
the belt we’d be used to meteor showers
almost more than actual
rains say the Earth has replaced Mars in
its orbit and now we’re hundreds of
millions of miles farther away from the
Sun the mass of the earth is more or
less similar to that of Mars so the
asteroid belt is still in its place
the temperatures will still fall though
and life will soon go
extinct but if Mars stayed where it is
and the Earth just shifted away it would
be a recipe for disaster there’s no
chance the planets would orbit the Sun
at the same rate because their mass is
not equal at some point they would
collide with each other taking their
speed into account they both crack and
shatter perhaps creating another
asteroid belt in our solar system
it would be no more hopeful for us if
the Earth decided to jump closer to the
Sun apart from the Stars seeming more
like a giant pitiless blazing ball in
the sky its heat would melt the glaciers
on our planet making sea levels rise
abruptly the water would flood major
parts of the continents and more
surfaces of the planet would be covered
with water which means more heat
absorption that would bring about a
further rise in the temperature also Al
those large bodies of water would
evaporate like crazy releasing tons of
water vapor and carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere carbon dioxide is a
greenhouse gas that absorbs heat and so
does water vapor together they would
trap more and more of the sun’s warmth
creating thick roiling clouds in the sky
almost like on Venus but without the
acid and that thick blanket of clouds
would also contribute to heating the
surface of our
planet in the end the entire Earth would
heat up so much that life on its surface
would become unbearable for most only
the sturdiest of creatures would be able
to survive temperatures so high those
that dwell in our deserts for
example despite the rainfall which
wouldn’t cease as in the cold scenario
plants would still have difficulty
adapting to the new and hot environments
the ones in the cooler regions of the
planet would be the first to wilt and go
but then plants from the moderate and
finally tropical climbs would also give
up and yet again the Earth would turn
into a Barren ball of rock only this
time an overheated one rather than
Frozen our planet’s distance from the
Sun its tilt its speed of rotation
around its own axis its orbit around the
Sun and even the presence of the Moon in
its Skies all of that is crucial for
life on Earth to exist for instance if
the planet wasn’t tilted relative to the
sun it would be unbearably hot on the
equator and impossibly cold at the poles
the seasons would also stop changing
dividing the earth into strips of
Endless Summer and
Winter our planet is heated up evenly
from all sides with the current tilt and
rotation like you would roast a barbecue
it turns to the sun with one side to
warm it up while the other cools down
during the night were there no change of
Night and Day we’d probably only live in
some areas of our planet where constant
never-ending Twilight would be just
imagine our life without those beautiful
sunrises and sunsets maybe we’ll just
let it stay as it is
okay what happens when a star runs out
of its fuel first of all paradoxically
it grows to a million times its original
size you see when the core of a star
runs out of hydrogen it starts
Contracting under the weight of its own
gravity but some hydrogen Fusion
continues in the upper layers while the
core contracts it heats up this causes
the upper layers of the star to heat up
too and expand the radius of the star
increases as the star grows it engulfs
any matter even its own planets in its
wake astronomers have watched Stars
right before or straight after
swallowing entire planets but until
recently they have never seen the
process itself scientists from different
universities have reported that for the
first time in history they’ve observed a
star swallowing a planet and this tragic
event happened not somewhere in a far
away Galaxy but in our own Milky Way
some 12,000 light years away from
us astronomers spotted an outburst from
a star which is around 0.8 to 1.5 times
the mass of our sun near the eagle-like
constant ation Aquilla it became over
100 times brighter than usual in a mere
10 days and after that it quickly faded
away even more interesting this white
hot flash was followed by a longer
lasting signal that was also colder than
the first Flash and this combination my
friend could only mean one thing the
star engulfed a nearby
planet what planet was it astronomers
believe it could be a boiling hot world
from 1 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter
such planets are also called hot
Jupiters they’re giant exoplanets
similar to the Jupiter we have in our
solar system that need less than 10 days
to orbit their Stars the planet we’re
talking about had been gradually
spiraling toward the star until it was
pulled into its atmosphere and
eventually into the core of the
star this Galactic Feast happened
between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago when
the star was about 10 billion years old
and given its respectable age the
swallow itself happened lightning fast
in one Fell Swoop this is very different
from other hot Jupiters which were quite
delicately nibbled by their
Stars astronomers aren’t sure if there
are any other planets orbiting this star
perhaps at a safer distance but even if
there are thousands of years will
probably pass before they become the
star’s main course or desert in any case
now that astronomers know what they
should search for they’re going to be on
the lookout for more Cosmic
gulps because one day our planet as well
as part of our solar system will suffer
the same fate everything around us will
be gone in a Flash but you may relax and
breathe out it won’t happen for another
5 billion years that’s when the sun is
supposed to burn out and expand so much
that it will swallow the inner planets
of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth
Mars if people managed to colonize some
other world by that time which should be
at least 10,000 light years away from
Earth they would be able to observe this
catastrophe the sun would suddenly
become much much brighter and it would
eject some material into space it would
swallow several planets including Earth
before nonchalantly setting back to what
it was but stars are not the only things
in the universe that swallow other space
objects there’s another kind of cosmic
monsters that munch on everything even
light have you guessed right I’m talking
about ruthless black holes but what is
is more interesting they not only devour
stuff but also seem to spit it
out not so long ago scientists found out
that the super massive black hole at the
center of our home Milky Way galaxy
seems to be leaking why is it a
GameChanger because it might mean that
this black hole called Sagittarius A
asterisk whose mass is 4.1 million times
the mass of our sun isn’t a sleeping
giant as previously thought it might
still be active and this leakage may be
the whole hiccupping while swallowing
cloud of gas during the research the
team of astronomers used the Hubble
Space Telescope it helped them spot a
jet that looked like a blowtorch it was
pushing into clouds of hydrogen at the
center of our galaxy The Jet seemed to
spew gas like a hose directed into a
pile of
sand this often happens around active
black holes surrounded by the material
pulled toward them by their immense
gravitational pull some of this material
gets into the black hole but a small
part of it gets SW swept outward by
powerful magnetic fields the research
suggests that when a Giant gas cloud
gets too close to our super massive
black hole it gets swallowed and then
the whole belches mini Jets of
matter fairy bubbles might be the result
of the belches that happened around 2 to
4 million years ago but recently
scientists have discovered another giant
glowing bubble of hot gas it aligned
with the jet stretching for 35 light
years or more from this super massive
black hole astronomers suspect that the
jet could have plowed into this bubble
of gas and inflated it now I’ll tell you
something even creepier there seem to be
black holes that might be eating each
other well kind of they’re actually
trying to share their meal at the moment
but who knows what will happen in the
near future but let me go into
detail astronomers have spotted two
super massive black holes feasting on
the cosmic material of two merging
galaxies in distant space these Giants
have been located with the help of the
Atacama large millimeter submillimeter
array of telescopes also known as Alma
these telescopes are in Northern Chile’s
atakama desert scientists originally
used them to watch two merging galaxies
located about 500 million Lighty years
away from
Earth astronomers have also noticed that
two gigantic black holes were growing
alongside each other not far from the
center of the coalescing Galaxy ugc
4211 apparently these black holes came
across each other when they host
galaxies collided one of the black holes
is around 200 million times the mass of
our sun and the other is a bit smaller
about 125 million times the mass of our
star even though they aren’t visible
directly the black holes are surrounded
by bright clusters of warm glowing gas
and stars all of this has been tugged
close by the black hole’s gravitational
pull times will pass and these black
holes will start circling each other and
eventually they will collide creating
one probably even bigger black
hole scientists have been observing
these black holes across multiple
wavelengths of light and have come to
the conclusion that they are kind of
unique they’re located the closest to
each other astronomers have ever seen
the distance between them is a mere 750
light years which astronomically
speaking is just next door even more
exciting this distance is close to the
limit of what modern Technologies can
detect interestingly such ginormous
merges are more typical for distant
galaxies this makes it harder for
earth-based telescopes to see them but
the sensitivity of Alma helped
astronomers observe those bright and
compact regions where matter swirls
around black holes imagine how surprised
astronomers were when instead of one
black hole they saw two of them munching
on the dust and gas stirred up by the
massive space
merger the most important thing about
this discovery is that it may mean that
such black hole binaries are likely to
be much more common than we previously
thought and if pairs of black holes are
so common it might make it easier for us
to study gravitational waves that occur
when black holes Collide such waves are
also known as ripples in
SpaceTime if we talk about the recently
discovered pair of black holes it might
still take them several hundred million
years to crash into each other but by
observing their behavior scientists can
figure out how many binary black holes
that are about to collide exist in the
universe Arc turus a huge red star it’s
just bursting from inside out the Red
Sea of Plasma on its surface rages and
pulsates the star Burns anything that
comes close to it and now flop Arcturus
is gone but at the same moment it
reappears at the center of our solar
system replacing the Sun what we see in
the sky isn’t a small yellow dot anymore
but a giant red ball it’s 25 times wider
and 30% heavier than the sun even though
Arcturus is a little cooler it’s still a
total nightmare for Earth the distance
from our planet to the star is now 25
times less all the water in the oceans
and rivers begins to evaporate what used
to be rainforests are quickly turning
into a lifeless desert but sunsets and
sunrises now look amazing imagine
yourself on the roof of the Empire State
Building watching the sunrise first you
see the light over the horizon it almost
blinds you because Arcturus is 110 times
brighter than the sun then the star
gradually climbs over the surface the
thick dot on the horizon gets wider and
wider it continues to grow until the red
star is everything you can
see Arcturus is now so close that you
can even see storms of hot Plasma on its
surface there are periodic outbursts and
mass ejections huge amounts of matter
are ejected from the surface of the the
star at speeds of up to 1200 m/ second
the matter takes the form of a loop
attached to the star at both ends and
you have to wear a super Advanced space
suit to be able to observe such a
sunrise life on Earth ceased to exist
long ago under these conditions and it’s
going to get worse over time because
every 8 Days AR tur’s Brilliance
increases and soon our planet will
become more like Venus it’s so close to
the Sun that the high temperature makes
any life there
impossible okay let’s let our planet
cool down a bit and put Proxima centuri
in the center of our solar system it’s
not a red giant but a red dwarf this
star is almost 7 times smaller than the
Sun and almost nine times
lighter now our oceans and rivers are
not evaporating but freezing over
forests and jungles are covered with
snow in about a week there won’t be a
single place on Earth where the
temperature is above freezing even
plants that are used to the cold will
cease to exist they mostly feed on the
sun’s energy now they begin to
starve but there will still be Water
Deep beneath the ice layer it’ll be
heated by the hot core of our planet
microorganisms will still be able to
survive it’s much darker on Earth too
it’s like an endless Twilight here oh
and we can barely see the moon the thing
is it doesn’t produce its own light but
reflects it from the bright Sun with
Proxima centor instead the moon will
lose its
brightness hop on the bright side of
life together with our brand new te’s
hoodies and more click the link to pick
your choice but an even bigger problem
would be with our orbit the Sun has a
certain gravitational force and it keeps
us just in the sweet habitable zone
where we’re not too hot and not too cold
proximus Cent’s gravity is much weaker
and Earth is slowly drifting away from
the Star we now run the risk of
encountering asteroids flying through
space or even other planets but the
worst case scenario is if proximus and
Tori simply can’t hold our planet and we
fly away into dark space then you can
forget about any forms of life
here now let’s put Sirius at the center
of our solar system it’s the brightest
star in our night sky it’s only 70%
bigger than the Sun but almost twice as
hot so its glow is not only bright it’s
sizzling and its light is not yellow but
somewhere between blue and white you
couldn’t go out in the city without
sunglasses or serious
glasses still you wouldn’t want to walk
the streets where the asphalt is boiling
anyway you could literally fry eggs on
the curb of course by this time all life
on Earth has long since
disappeared but it’s not just because of
the temperature Sirius emits enormous
amounts of radiation our atmosphere
serves as a shield against the Sun but
in the case of Sirius that Shield
wouldn’t be
enough now why don’t we take a more
bizarre approach and make ourselves a
double star system these are two stars
that revolve around a Common Center and
there’s our earth safe and
sound it’s all about the size and
brightness of the Stars these two aren’t
too big and they give off as much light
as our sun all that matters to us is
that our planet is in the safe zone of
the double star system at Sunrise you
first see one star appear from below the
Horizon and then a couple of minutes
later the other the only problem is that
this beauty May soon explode with
enormous force in binary systems one
star is always heavier than its
companion sooner or later it starts
pulling matter away from the smaller
star gradually the bigger star just eats
its neighbor then the big brother can
reach a critical mass and explode this
explosion would be about as strong as a
supernova it would destroy our entire
solar system the light from this
explosion would be visible for hundreds
of light years away and after that there
would be a huge nebula in the place of
our star system it’s Stardust and
particles that are left from our world
going to the realm of the crazy now a
black hole yes there’s one at the center
of our solar system now we know black
holes are scary mysterious objects that
pull in everything in their path but
even around a black hole there is a
habitable zone you just have to be far
enough away so that it doesn’t drag you
down into its black abyss Mercury and
Venus would be too close to the black
hole so most likely they’d be torn apart
and then head for the event horizon this
is the last stop before hitting the
singularity the heart of the black hole
there are only two problems light and
time a black hole pulls light in instead
of emitting it so the Earth will quickly
become dark and
cold and time goes slower around heavy
objects near a black hole 1 second can
be equal to weeks or even months away in
outer space we won’t feel this
difference but the ENT entire universe
around us will develop faster relative
to us any object can become a black hole
if it’s compressed to a certain size for
example the sun can become one if it’s
shrunk to a width of 3.7 Mi and even the
Earth if you squeeze it to a width of 7
in it becomes a black
hole oh now there’s some Little Rock
lurking in the center of our solar
system it’s a neutron star it’s about 18
M WI wide some meteorites are much
bigger than that but it has a mass
comparable to the Sun so its
gravitational force is about the same
and our planet’s orbit is
intact but the problem is that neutron
stars emit next to no visible light so
it’s now permanent night on earth still
it gets very hot here when a neutron
star is born it can be several times
hotter than the sun at first but it
quickly cools down to the temperature
we’re used to so there’s a chance that
all life on Earth hasn’t yet been
scorched another problem is that these
little guys are rapidly spinning and can
become pulsars it’s kind of like a
powerful Spotlight on two sides of a
spinning star neutron stars also eject
radiation at tremendous speeds these
rays will make our planet literally
sterile no life form would be able to
exist under these
conditions and now it’s time for the
biggest star ever known Stevenson
218 this red giant is
2,150 times larger than the Sun and if
we place it at the center of our solar
system its Edge will lie on Saturn’s
orbit so Mercury Venus Earth Mars and
Jupiter are already swallowed by the
huge star Saturn Uranus and Neptune are
roasting like chestnuts on a fire and
will soon
evaporate in fact this could happen to
our sun as well the older it gets the
redder and bigger it becomes it’ll
eventually run out of its fuel hydrogen
and the sun will start to burn heavier
elements in its core this will cause it
to expand then we’ll see more beautiful
sunsets and sunrises but the temperature
will become too high in theory the sun
will get so big that it’ll swallow the
Earth and then it’ll explode in a
supernova leaving nothing of our entire
solar system behind shiny

Scientists are warning that the sun is undergoing frightening changes. Watch this video to learn more about what is happening with the sun.

Dive into our latest space documentary as we explore alarming changes in the Sun, a pivotal topic for 2024. Scientists issue stark warnings about increased solar activity, from powerful solar flares to the peak of the solar maximum, impacting everything from auroras to Earth’s technology. Featuring insights from NASA and cutting-edge data from the James Webb Space Telescope, this video covers the most intense solar storms forecasted for 2024. Stay informed with real-time solar flare alerts and learn about the solar cycle’s influence on our solar system. Watch how these changes could affect not just Earth, but the broader universe, in this compelling presentation from Bright Side Space, capturing key developments in space news and science news, all detailed in this must-watch universe documentary.
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