Inside The Silver Boom: Who Is The Massive Buyer?

    Welcome to the Real Money show the number 18778 
    silver the website guildhall we’re  
    going to be talking about physical precious metals 
    my name is Jeremy wisman I’m joined by Jerry kah  
    and Jerry we’ve got a full dance card today about 
    things that we wanted to discuss hopefully we can  
    get uh through it all talking about uh countries 
    that are importing what China’s telling it’s uh  
    investing public about precious metals want to 
    get into the update on the Air Canada theft of  
    physical gold and uh talk about some of the 
    things that are happening uh politically in  
    Canada as well and how Canadians can affect change 
    um of the things that we’re seeing because I think  
    the consensus is it’s a disaster at this point 
    uh which is not a laughing matter at all but um  
    that is what it is so uh that being said let’s 
    start with what we’re seeing in the precious  
    metals Market because we are seeing great things 
    happening in the precious metals Market there is  
    definitely opportunity all over the place when it 
    comes to physical precious metals you know Jerry  
    this this year alone gold started off at 2062 and 
    I remember we were talking to our clients like hey  
    take the win you know we’re trading at 2,000 it 
    would be great if we can consolidate here for 6  
    months and within 4 months we’re trading just shy 
    of $2400 an ounce it’s a $350 move up it’s over  
    it’s just over 16% gains in gold silver has been 
    absolutely spectacular we started the year at 2379  
    as we’re recording the show today it’s trading 
    at 2875 that’s us spot price so that’s about a $5  
    move or 20% gain and I can definitely tell you 
    my own personal portfolio I watch my quest trade  
    account and it’s up 20% it’s it’s really nice to 
    see that uh especially given these times where  
    it’s like you know we were talking before the 
    show um I just moved and I got my hydro bill and  
    I’m trying to ascertain is this because is this 
    normal is this supposed to be normal or are there  
    hidden taxes now like I don’t understand I don’t 
    understand the pricing so I’m I’m asking you if  
    if if it’s normal or if prices have just gone 
    up mhm yeah it’s tough to it’s tough to gauge  
    and it’s we’re in a new territory Jeremy I think 
    I don’t think we’re we’re going back to the way  
    things were yeah definitely uh it’s the economy 
    stupid and prices are really hiking up all over  
    the place so it’s nice to see an asset like 
    physical gold and silver that is continuing to  
    build continuing to build in value all the time 
    and it’s very clear that this this year we have  
    entered the bull market um just before the show 
    you and I were talking about that this week again  
    we’ve confirmed that the bull Market’s happening 
    every analyst out there is saying confirmed we  
    are now in a bull market especially since gold 
    broke well above 2000 got above 21 got above 22  
    it’s we’re in a bull market and we’ve seen a lot 
    of clients who have had to have patience exercise  
    patience in the silver market anyone who’s bought 
    in the last year I mean congratulations you’re  
    doing fantastically well if you bought maybe two 
    years ago at $28 you’re back to break even you’re  
    ready to go but I saw a lot of uh clients uh 
    getting more product into the market happy  
    with what they’re seeing yeah we saw that this 
    week I’m just we’re just catching our breath  
    it was such a busy week and congratulations 
    to those it was a week of reviews and for me  
    it was a week of review of spending some good 
    quality time with some I call Legacy clients  
    it was amazing to see these people exuberant 
    regarding their portfolio just very excited to  
    see where things have gone maybe some a little 
    too early you know we are we we we read between  
    the lines you know us us investors in Precious 
    Metals we’re a little bit too early at times but  
    we know the reasons why we’re buying gold and 
    silver and today we know the reasons are paying  
    off the reasons for gold and silver are screaming 
    before our eyes the noise in the market right now  
    we’re trying to filter through a lot of news you 
    know just last night we’re recording on the Friday  
    drone Warfare now we’re just seeing back and forth 
    and it’s just you know we saw gold break through  
    over 2430 and but it was a week of reviews going 
    back to that a lot of people are reloading they  
    they were they Tippy toed into the market you know 
    your Mantra of crawl walk run for sure now people  
    are walking and we’re getting into the run and the 
    run is going to happen when that gold price we’re  
    we’re inching over 2400 gold right now silver 
    is going to break above 20 uh $29 into the 30  
    when that happens this is going to be easy to 
    do especially when gold because gold does not  
    have resistance there’s no there’s no ceiling for 
    gold right now so it’s going to be easy there’s  
    no resistance and um you’re just going to see 
    how things play out you know what’s going to be  
    the breaker what will affect the other these are 
    truly like Kevin says it’s a it’s a domino it’s  
    a domino game we’re playing and dominoes are 
    falling and there’s going to be a few dominoes  
    left and we know which two dominoes The Dominoes 
    that we play are silver and gold and they’re going  
    to be standing at the end that’s for sure yeah 
    so let’s talk about that a little bit the number  
    18778 silver the website guildhall 
    if you want to own physical precious metals you  
    give us a call you can do it in your registered 
    account you can buy it direct you can put it into  
    a depository and uh you know since people are 
    going to be very concerned about capital gains  
    you know this is an honor System thing we can’t 
    give advice but we don’t report to the government  
    cuz it’s a personal use use item uh certainly in 
    the tfsa you don’t have to worry about that which  
    you can buy physical gold in a tfsa but Jerry just 
    to your getting back to your point here let’s talk  
    about some of the there’s a lot of different 
    factors there’s technical factors there’s the  
    industrial side of the market let’s talk about 
    the geopolitical factors that are driving the  
    market and when I say geopolitical I’m talking 
    more about the financial structures around the  
    world that are driving the prices of the metals 
    we’ve talked about the in inverted pyramid exter  
    pyramid that there’s just so much debt there’s 
    so many countries including Canada where you’re  
    you’ve gone past the debt to GDP you can’t get out 
    of it you cannot get out if the FED raised rates  
    you destroy the economy they don’t the economy 
    can’t take it if you lower rates you throw in  
    the towel on inflation but if you raise rates it’s 
    actually inflationary because everything ends up  
    costing more right um and so you’re trapped in a 
    Fed you’re in a a debt trap there is no way out  
    there is no way out all of that borrowing just got 
    a lot more expensive at the top of that pyramid is  
    it ever and so how are you going to get out of it 
    you’ve got to run to safety right absolutely and  
    this is the reason why we’re seeing uh the run to 
    safety not just people individuals we’re seeing  
    countries running to safety we’ve seen the since 
    the weaponization of the dollar against R against  
    Russia the after the Ukraine uh you know the 
    operation uh the gold pric is just decoupled we’re  
    now seeing um a correlation between us yields and 
    gold what is that yes we are seeing a correlation  
    between that gold is showing the issues with the 
    problem there were cracks all all along the cracks  
    are getting wider well just talking about the 
    the um the bond market the treasury market you  
    would think that if you raised rates you would 
    encourage people to oh I can get interest isn’t  
    that one of the reasons why people don’t like gold 
    because it doesn’t pay interest but if the real  
    return on your GIC or in the States on your bond 
    or treasury is you’re getting four 5% but in the  
    real world you’re losing 5% then it’s no good you 
    look for an alternative mhm the classic arguments  
    um have become sort of null and void you know this 
    is a different ball game the debts don’t matter  
    until they do that this is a debt trap and there 
    is only one way out which is the reval that’s the  
    I’ve seen it the gold revaluation accounts are 
    on top you know Yan Yu house talked about that  
    brought that news up that the Central Bank of 
    Netherlands has an account that will revalue  
    gold like they did like they did before um you 
    know from 20 Buck uh gold to 35 this can happen  
    again and to me that would be the only solution 
    well I was listening to an interview with Jim  
    Willie and he’s a colorful character but he’s 
    got some great information and he was talking  
    about that Banks have been buying physical gold 
    and they’re doubling up on their positions in  
    other words they’re getting ready too because how 
    are you going to pay for all these debts well if  
    you’ve bought gold at 24 and it goes to 10,000 
    you got yourself a good way out right um it’s  
    good for the banks but they sell their clients the 
    ETFs isn’t that funny yes yes and we’re going to  
    talk about that we’ll talk about the demonizing of 
    of gold a little later but um tell us about some  
    of the ways that people can get involved in the 
    market Jerry numerous ways we’ve been doing this  
    since 20 and T people want to buy the physical 
    they no longer want to buy the paper so you’re  
    going to come in and pick it up if you’re away if 
    you’re in um Vancouver if you’re you know we help  
    Americans Canadians all across North America um we 
    we deal remotely so if you want to take delivery  
    we offer free shipping over a th000 right to 
    your door or the closest Canada Post Office  
    to your location tracking is provided it’s fully 
    insured um and then you start allocating more if  
    you want to hold it in the vault this is outside 
    of the banking system uh fully allocated titled  
    and if you have you know a portfolio talking about 
    registered accounts rsps tfsas we’ve been handling  
    rollovers just non-stop Guild Hall can do it in 
    our in our sleep and we can do it really quickly  
    for you and and on that point how liquid is it 
    if someone’s buying physical gold in their RSP  
    how how quick is it to for them to get out of the 
    gold market you know I would think people like the  
    paper because they feel like they can get in and 
    out quick how liquid is holding physical metal in  
    a in a portfolio such a happy story this this week 
    at a client that bought late just uh just before  
    the summer last year or just sorry Midsummer 
    last year and he’s like I got to sell it I’m  
    buying a house um he had to put down a deposit 
    in the afternoon he received the check from us he  
    loved the investment Not only was he up 26% but 
    he was able to get what he needed for the bank  
    right away because you know when you’re applying 
    for a morgage there is there there’s a you know  
    time constraints so it’s immediate the liquidity 
    is there normally it’s a t plus two trade day plus  
    2 days but Guild Hall we get that money back to 
    you right in your hands right away liquidity is  
    the most important thing and most of our clients 
    who are high net worth individuals which we help  
    as well they can care less about all the all the 
    all the inflationary talk stagflation talk that we  
    talk about supply and demand at the end of the day 
    Jerry when I need to sell and I need to get back  
    into Cash how quickly can I get it well there’s 
    no better thing than gold and silver for you  
    it’s immediate access immediate liquidity yeah you 
    give us a call we sell right away it’s very easy  
    if you’d like to learn more give us a call 
    18778 Silver the website guildhall  
    and we’ll we’ll take you through step by 
    step it is amazingly simple but if you’ve  
    never purchased precious metals before you got to 
    start somewhere so you can even go to Guild Hall
    18778 silver the website guildhall 
    more to come on the real money show on 640 Toronto  
    welcome back to the real money show the number 
    18778 silver the website guildhall  
    there is no doubt that these are fragile 
    times these are um you know times that uh  
    unprecedented in terms of what’s happening in the 
    financial system what’s happening uh politically  
    it’s just absolutely crazy and you want something 
    that’s dependable you want something that’s strong  
    something that has lasted for lifetimes and that’s 
    where physical gold and physical silver really  
    come into play they’ve outlasted civilizations 
    how about that they’ve outlasted civilizations  
    it’s real money because it’s a store of value 
    you can’t destroy it you you cannot destroy it  
    it doesn’t it doesn’t erode it doesn’t corrode 
    you can melt it into something else so it’s got  
    a function it’s got an innate value and this is 
    why people are gravitating towards it but another  
    reason they’re gravitating towards it Jerry is 
    that the Federal Reserve can’t make up its mind  
    and I I really do like listening to a lot of the 
    real estate blog people because they’re really  
    into this and it’s like oh we’re we’re on the same 
    page with all these things in fact I I heard one  
    guy talk about the gold to Silver the gold to 
    house ratio okay and which is something I talk  
    about with my clients every day that hey gold is 
    becoming you’re you’re able to buy more house with  
    your gold every year we love them both uh but 
    what’s the ratio when do you have the perfect  
    amount of when you have the peak purchasing power 
    of gold but I digress let’s talk about the Federal  
    Reserve for for a moment there are people who 
    think they’re going to raise there’s people going  
    to drop we’ve done the whole pivot talk right my 
    personal opinion I think they’re stuck I think you  
    raise rates it’s bad I think if you lower rates 
    you’re throwing in the towel uh I look at the they  
    did nothing for the better part of eight years uh 
    so I think they’re not going to do anything either  
    I think they’re going to talk and I think they’re 
    going to try to do nothing until their hand is  
    forced that’s my opinion I don’t know if they what 
    happens in a crisis but I know that they’re not  
    going to do anything until they’re forced to 
    do something so to talk about oh they’ll just  
    drop them yeah that’s I I don’t believe that I I 
    agree I think they’ll they’ll wait until the very  
    the 11th hour before they make a move the move 
    will be down and this is my opinion um rate Cuts  
    usually happen after rate hikes and that’s just 
    what happens and um they’ve already hiked pretty  
    aggressively to the point where now the the the 
    servicing of all of that debt now exceeds this  
    the the military budget which is insane um but 
    you know what we’re seeing now is the the we’re  
    seeing a support on both sides for for for cuts 
    and and and for rate cuts and even a delay in  
    rate Cuts I know for the last few weeks I’ve been 
    saying rate Cuts is the thing that is supporting  
    gold and silver but right now we’re seeing delays 
    they’re pushing it from June cuts to September and  
    who knows Paul’s saying we may not even see Cuts 
    this year I argue that we will but it’s actually  
    supporting gold and silver which is an anomaly 
    you you’re saying the delay is supporting gold and  
    silver yes so what we’re seeing right now is a is 
    a stock the stock markets are on a losing streak  
    gold is strong and this is because gold has been 
    rising yes because of the safe haven becom because  
    it’s a safe haven and has that appeal but it’s 
    not as riing on rate Cuts as the stock market is  
    the stock market is the market that they need that 
    juice they need the juice they need the cut and if  
    they’re not getting the cuts they’re jumping out 
    and they’re heading where into the gold so it’s  
    supporting the gold and the silver market it’s 
    like you’re damned if you doing if damned if you  
    don’t it’s all all roads are leading to gold right 
    now it’s it’s a very interesting time so whether  
    they cut now or if they hold it’s great for gold 
    and silver so um let’s talk about Silver’s cup and  
    handle Mike Maloney did a video you’ve obviously 
    I think you’re part of the drinking game for cup  
    and handle um I actually even had a client send 
    me a joke email because he knows about your cup  
    and handle um but when we talk about the cup and 
    handle Mike Maloney who you know he’s a longtime  
    analyst in the market has a company he’s he’s 
    great if you’ve never checked out his stuff he’s  
    really good at explaining things and uh the whole 
    world of the metals so he was talking about the  
    cup and handle looking at the full thing saying 
    if you take one side of the cup it would be1 1980  
    at $50 the second side of the cup is 2011 at $50 
    silver and then over the last basically 10 years  
    you have the you have the handle side of it and 
    that it’s completed its handle and that from here  
    the takeoff is going to be ballistic where can it 
    go to he was positing can’t tell for sure you have  
    to calculate all of the debts that have come into 
    place since 1980 you have to calculate all of the  
    the value of things since 1980 you have to take 
    in CPI you have to there’s too many factors to  
    look at but if you start to try to look at some of 
    them you can come up with triple digit silver is a  
    no-brainer it’s almost inevitable yes $50 silver 
    is a joke triple digit silver is inevitable now  
    is it 200 or 800 is the question that he was 
    asking and then you have people who’ve looked  
    at this cup and handle and said probably o Grady 
    out of Switzerland or you know saying oh it could  
    go to thousands yeah yeah that’s what grat said 
    this week into the into the upper into the upper  
    thousands and he he xed or tweeted as we like 
    to say it’s a very big picture this is a massive  
    diversion so it’s a this is a consolidation um 
    the the cup and handle goes back this is a 40  
    plus 43e cup and handle so longer something 
    consolidates the higher the Excel the higher  
    the Ascension so we don’t know but what what 
    Octavio Costa does at crescat Capital you know  
    he he built a good case for the demand for silver 
    and why this is going to Triple digits and it was  
    it was an amazing diagram that’s just you know 
    where silver is in reference to the uh various  
    parts of life you know silver is an inflationary 
    asset it protects against inflation it’s also a  
    monetary metal it’s historically undervalued 
    and this whole green deal the Green Revolution  
    all of these things captured together now you 
    have amazing case for silver and the top side  
    potential we don’t know where it’s going to go but 
    it’s going to be it’s going to be epic silver is  
    a coiled spring I personally see it heading into 
    the triple digits and mid to upper triple digits  
    when we don’t know it’s um I can I believe it can 
    happen within two to five years to be honest with  
    you well I I was listening to as I said earlier in 
    the first segment I was listening to Jim Willie he  
    said it could go be at $50 he didn’t say he was 
    very confident he didn’t say it could be at 50  
    he said it will be at 50 within months yeah and we 
    have to we have to wrap our our minds around that  
    that we’re going to be at these new levels before 
    we even got up to 28 Jerry I thought it would take  
    a year to get to $28 to be honest I thought we’d 
    get up to 28 and then at some point we’re going  
    to break through that 30 now this $30 price line 
    is very integral to the overall Market because  
    it’s really the Line in the Sand that the powers 
    that be have been trying to keep you know there’s  
    stories about um Janet Yellen flying to China 
    tell them to please stop stop producing silver  
    stop making stop buying it all meanwhile you know 
    John Forest Little’s wife was in China and she  
    was saying now I know it’s anecdotal but she was 
    saying that there uh if you haven’t if you’re not  
    familiar with John Forest little he’s been on our 
    show a bunch of times uh go to YouTube and check  
    out some of our interviews it’s amazing Stu what 
    he’s been tracking and uh anyway his wife saying  
    in China they are telling their citizens to buy 
    silver and we know that they’re importing all of  
    the silver and it’s moving from west to east but 
    that isn’t even that isn’t even any of it forget  
    that you’ve got billions of people that could 
    be entering the physical Market if you thought  
    Silver squeeze was crazy when we got up to $31 an 
    ounce after the silver squeeze and they were able  
    to quote unquote Tamp it down and when they did 
    they changed the perspective on the ETFs saying we  
    don’t really need to have physical metal in there 
    for people buying which ironically now you look at  
    the ETFs and there’s a there’s a Divergence why is 
    why is open interest in the participation in the  
    ETFs going up but the physical metal backing it 
    is going down well that’s a pretty obvious problem  
    right what if someone wanted to take delivery oh 
    by the way you can’t take delivery from an ETF  
    unless you’re unless you’re uh well well on your 
    way to being way past accredited investor you’ve  
    got to be a whale cuz they won’t touch you right 
    there’s no reason for them to accommodate this  
    is their product don’t you understand it’s their 
    product you paid for it thank you very much now  
    someone else is buying it and we don’t know who 
    the big buyer is they’re saying it’s probably  
    Asia as the big buyer but there is a new buyer in 
    the market this is beyond all of the other issues  
    that we’ve talked about that we just happen to 
    have also a new buyer now check this out Jerry  
    Bix we who does great research he’s saying India 
    imported over $8 billion worth of silver in the  
    past year 8 billion that’s 320 million ounces 
    that’s more than half of the entire production  
    of silver for the year and they imported it into 
    India so you’ve got India and China acquiring mass  
    quantities of silver oh and by the way China’s 
    putting it all into into solar power which I  
    think is a misallocation mhm but me personally but 
    you don’t have enough to cover the solar power the  
    green New Deal anyway it’s a that’s a ideological 
    type of pursuit very virtuous yes very virtuous  
    which we’ll get into soon so this is what’s going 
    on the demand is massive and we’re sitting at $28  
    I’ve got to rethink this I’ve got to get used to 
    to $50 silver myself cuz I’ve been at this way too  
    long I got to get used to it you have to you have 
    to try to picture what’s happening we’re talking  
    about the entire country that China it was fun it 
    was when the country was encouraging just seeing  
    this seeing a country encouraging own some gold 
    guys own some gold whether it be in South Korea  
    whether it be in in in Vietnam buy gold buy gold 
    that was the that was the go-to I’ve have some  
    advice buy some gold now they flip the switch to 
    silver this is exciting stuff because remember  
    what we’re talking about we’re talking about 
    Global Financial assets here an extras pyramid  
    if all of those assets at the top jump into the 
    finite Market at the very tip now of silver the  
    Silver Bullet Market you will eliminate the ounces 
    so this is the this if you yeah the silver squeeze  
    this is going to be um you know times infinity 
    here okay I’m going to take the other side well  
    Jerry then how come the price hasn’t taken off 
    yet well you know there’s there’s a lot of uh the  
    old guard that has to relent uh right now the 
    pricing mechanism there we’re seeing a contra  
    cont between East versus West obviously and you 
    know financial planners even know this in Toronto  
    we have uh Carrasco talks about all the time from 
    canor genuity we see this this is a big Divergence  
    they’re going to let go um but we’re going to have 
    to see something happen on the with the comics was  
    with as the ETFs get drained if the big whale 
    who comes and cannot take delivery of their of  
    their silver we have a big problem at our hands we 
    have the the cascading of the derivatives market  
    and can get very ugly so things have to happen in 
    the paper Market first and this is the reason why  
    countries they’re telling people get into the gold 
    market not ETFs they didn’t tell their clients or  
    their C the citizenry to get into the gold ETFs 
    do yourself a favor and get physical silver that  
    was the that was the go-to so remember that when 
    you want to get your your hands on some physical  
    silver it’s in the phone number 18778 silver 
    give us a call today go to the website guildhall  
    precious we have combos if you’re not 
    too sure what you want to buy you want to get a  
    little mix of silver bars and some silver coins 
    there’s no better gift to get someone get get your  
    kid started with with a silver combo we have a 50 
    ounz combo 100 ooun combo and Guild Hall we have  
    the best prices in silver go check out CCO give us 
    a call and then we can we can do something on the  
    price the number again 18778 silver the website 
    guildhall it’s essential to protect  
    yourself it’s essential to protect your family 
    you’ve got home insurance car insurance life  
    life insurance time to get that wealth Insurance 
    we’re running out of time to be able to really  
    take advantage of this opportunity because it’s 
    going to get harder and harder to get the physical  
    metal and you’re only going to have to pay higher 
    and higher prices with higher and higher premiums  
    give us a call it’s time to get involved again 
    you can do it in a registered account you can  
    buy it direct take it home you can buy it hold it 
    in a vault for ease of liquidity and insurance and  
    security guildhall it’s the real money 
    show on 640 Toronto more to come welcome back to  
    the real money show the number 18778 silver the 
    website guildhall precious metals  
    really shelter you from the economic disasters 
    that we are going to see and if you think that  
    the multiple debts if you think that adding 
    a 100 uh adding what is it a trillion dollars  
    every hundred days to the debt in US is not going 
    to affect you you’re you’re kidding yourself I  
    see a lot of people Jerry blackpilling a lot of 
    people black pilling okay what’s a black pill so  
    everyone knows Matrix red pill blue pill red 
    pill is you wake up you’re going to find out  
    what really is happening and blue pill go back 
    go to sleep right you you don’t want to know you  
    don’t know live in The Matrix you don’t want to 
    know anything that’s happening um there’s a lot  
    of people still like that let’s be honest but you 
    know when you see the economic Times that we’re  
    going through you see the criminal criminality 
    things that you’re going through it wakes a lot  
    of people up but when you wake up blackpilling 
    in my mind okay so the red pill is waking up  
    to what’s going on the black pilling in my mind 
    is when if you’ve seen The Matrix Neo wakes up  
    and you’re wearing you know I I liked it I’m very 
    diesel uh you know they’re wearing these clothes  
    you go I got to eat this drool for the rest of my 
    life I’m on this Nebuchadnezzar like where’s the  
    flowers it it you doom out right you think oh 
    my gosh this is not living this is this is I’m  
    losing yes and that’s that’s blackpilling but I’ve 
    come to realize that blackpilling is a lot of it  
    is just cognitive dissonance it’s that you have a 
    certain way of thinking about the world and that  
    is being very much questioned and you’re you’re 
    learning and like listen my 5 and a half-year-old  
    he hates learning he flips out and then he kind of 
    eases into it but that initial like we’re going to  
    learn something right now can’t handle it so much 
    resistance and then you get over the hump and then  
    you’re ready to you’re ready to take it all in 
    it’s amazing to watch that’s what’s happening  
    right now to a lot of people a lot of people you 
    know you see what’s going on um in Canada that  
    they’re hiking they’re hiking taxes inflation is 
    destroying the economy the policies are destroying  
    the economy me and the funny thing is is people 
    think it’s going to buy votes I don’t want to get  
    too political but you can’t buy votes if you’re 
    being robbed on the subway or your car is being  
    stolen you can’t buy that vote no gone they’re not 
    giving the government isn’t handing out Mercedes  
    ben right you can’t you can’t buy that vote back 
    exactly but they still don’t want you to own gold  
    H so we were talking before the show about this 
    Air Canada event or happening that big shipment  
    from Zurich comes into through Canada and it gets 
    stolen they’ve they found most of the perpetrators  
    who are now all released out on bail by the way 
    how about that catch and release how about that  
    but they’ve used but in every article I can’t 
    help but feel like they’ve demonized gold that  
    it’s not something you want to own because either 
    it can be stolen or what is it it turns into black  
    market like tell me you’re fueling the black 
    market right it’s because of its ability to  
    be melted down and turned into um other assets 
    oh like cash could be like don’t use cash cuz  
    that could be Black Market that’s right you know 
    that’s where I draw the line you know I have to  
    you know we’re seeing this I’m seeing this trend 
    of demonization we’ve been talking about it you  
    know don’t buy gold now now if you’re thinking 
    of gold maybe hesitate a little bit because your  
    the gold market is potentially being used to to 
    funnel you know funnel crime money elsewhere but  
    um this is just ultimately where we are today it’s 
    crimer ridden Society is breaking down because  
    the currency once the government and the powers 
    that be Rob us of our purchasing power societies  
    throughout history get dismantled and this is what 
    we’re seeing we’re seeing crime through the roof  
    all this this Heist is a heist and it looks like 
    corruption on the inside absolutely connect the  
    dots these guys are free they’re they’re they’re 
    smiling and who knows where the gold is right so  
    you know well I’ll tell you this though the gold 
    won’t end up in your product that’s in your RSP  
    or your tfsa or you buy it direct from us because 
    it has to be lbma approved which means it’s got  
    to be ethically sourced so RC Royal Canadian Mint 
    has to Source the product ethically and then that  
    that’s the product that goes into this product so 
    there’s look there there are there are container  
    bins full of cash us cash sitting in in ports all 
    around the world ready to be deployed to whatever  
    they want to use it for dark op stuff okay I know 
    that’s kind of crazy to think about but that’s  
    how the world works okay it works with cash and 
    dirty money so they could do the same with gold  
    but it’s all it’s trapped it’s trapped until it 
    gets seized just like the cops seized a lot of  
    um cash and and guns and things like that it gets 
    seized right so that’s what we’re hoping for that  
    the that that uh the people can be made whole 
    again um but we have to stop this criminality  
    but one of the things that’s criminal I’ll tell 
    you besides taxation is inflation the fact that  
    they steal it by stealth now everybody can see 
    it they’re stealing your money by printing by  
    deficit spending and the only way and you want to 
    know who told you this Greenspan the head of the  
    Federal Reserve in the 90s told you this the 
    only thing that you can prevent the theft  
    through inflation is physical gold that’s right 
    and that’s what it is it’s ever since 1970 it’s  
    been a campaign and um of demonizing the gold 
    market but we have the lbma lover or haum have  
    implemented um safeguards to ensure that the metal 
    that we that we deal with at Guild Hall is is a  
    chain it’s a Clos Loop chain of Integrity you’re 
    not getting in this chain you know they even have  
    training on how to how to receive the shipment 
    it’s all about the exchange how we’re going to  
    hand off um unpacking verifying weighing storing 
    they have databases and plus to be a part of the  
    lbma you got to pay some enormous fees so it’s a 
    huge club and it’s a club that helps us keep the  
    market liquid and trustworthy anything outside of 
    that I really don’t want any any lbma product do  
    you jer no not at all and that’s it has to be lbma 
    approved to be RSP eligible and we only deal in  
    uh lbma approved product but listen they’ve been 
    demonizing since 1971 when they lifted the gold  
    standard and handed the keys to the printing press 
    people because what they did is they said gold is  
    a pet rock it doesn’t pay you a dividend it’s it’s 
    volatile so you don’t want to own this but if you  
    really do if you must insist then please go with 
    this financialized um option vehicle that we have  
    an ETF a gold back fund a certificate a gold fund 
    no offense to the financial people who run these  
    things but you don’t own any of that product when 
    you in quote unquote invest in those Vehicles so  
    what happens well the gold stays and plays with 
    the financial operators and so if you must insist  
    on acquiring the gold do it through an investment 
    that’s that that’s their Safeguard that’s if the  
    demonizing didn’t work meanwhile gold is up 450% 
    over the last 20 years in Canadian dollars I don’t  
    know if you really need needed anything else but 
    in terms of protecting it’s continued to do that  
    over the last few years and wait till you see 
    where the prices go from here because it’s still  
    incredibly undervalued you want to learn more 
    about that give us a call well we’re happy to  
    talk as you can tell about this subject the number 
    18778 silver the website guildhall stay  
    tuned one more segment to go and you will not 
    want to miss it it’s the real money show on 640
    Toronto welcome back to the real money show 
    the number 18778 silver the website guildhall there is no doubt there is less 
    dollars to go around and every dollar counts  
    so Make It Count go with real money actual 
    physical gold and silver now I know there’s  
    going to be a cost to do that it’s a retail 
    fabricated product it’s like buying new mugs  
    at the at the store it’s like buying uh any 
    retail item like a t-shirt there’s costs that  
    go into to source that material fabricate that 
    material package it get it to a wholesaler get it  
    to a retail I understand that there’s a cost to 
    buy real money in this sense it’s a lot cheaper  
    than buying jewelry where you’re paying retail and 
    you’re paying for Branding and and you’re paying  
    for the craftmanship of it there’s nothing wrong 
    with it but we’re talking about owning real money  
    and so bullion does that and there’s different 
    ways to do it you can buy larger bars like 100  
    oun silver bars then you move into kilo bars 10 
    oz bars and then if you’re just getting started  
    or maybe you want that extra liquidity you could 
    do coins gold same thing you can go with a huge  
    not it’s not a huge product but a kilo bar it’s 
    over $80,000 uh it’s about the size of a cell  
    phone great way to secure wealth you can store 
    it yourself but you know you can also go with 10  
    oz bars or 1 o bars the larger the bar the lower 
    the premium but we’re going to work with we work  
    with our clients to figure out a way to really 
    do our best to get them the best price but but  
    just like real estate Jerry you don’t make money 
    when you sell you make it when you buy you got to  
    get into the market you got to get it while it’s 
    low and I truly believe that as this Market Rises  
    I’ll tell you in silver specifically the mines 
    are not operating you know they’re closing down  
    mines in in in Mexico they’re closing down open 
    pit mining there’s other mines that have closed  
    since covid and never really reopened you know 
    the mining stocks are are suffering right now  
    it takes 2 years to get a mine up and going mhm 
    so when everyone decides they want to own silver  
    and the price is slingshotting you can’t get 
    any and the premiums are going to go through  
    the roof so you don’t want to wait till seeing 
    is believing you don’t want to wait to $50 to  
    finally believe it can get there dip a toe in the 
    water get started get a feel for what it’s about  
    and start building those relationships absolutely 
    you know with the premiums is is the premiums are  
    already showing that they’re they’re showing some 
    top side um acceleration the smaller the smaller  
    items being the coins and the 10 ounce bars are 
    usually the ones that start moving higher on the  
    premiums Jeremy so this is showing that the silver 
    demand and the product is just simply not there  
    the turnaround is is is getting tighter premiums 
    will rise and it’s you know we’re building those  
    relationships with people who are you know we’re 
    positioned in some minors as well but we’re also  
    scratching our heads like the price of silver is 
    going through the roof the the price of gold is  
    going through the roof now breaking all-time highs 
    almost um every every uh um every day why why are  
    the miners uh you know stalling out here I believe 
    the miners will eventually go but when you see  
    prices going up when we you know when prices for 
    diesel starts going through the roof you the mines  
    the expenses to run that mine and the operation 
    it just it just becomes too far to handle and you  
    know when it comes down to quarterly earnings 
    many of the stocks are just not meet meeting  
    and beating the street any longer so it’s going to 
    take a little bit of time but I do feel that there  
    is some potential a lot of potential in the miners 
    don’t get me wrong but with the prices you know  
    we’re seeing prices going going up through the 
    roof already you know just the signal the start  
    of spring into summer uh we got summer fuel coming 
    in to the gas stations now another rise in the gas  
    pumps but this is this is not a peak in the bull 
    market this is the beginning of the bull market  
    I think people have to understand that that this 
    is the beginning of something this isn’t the end  
    you’ve just seen a a little bit of a of a a nice 
    move up 20% 15% that’s the beginning it’s not the  
    end you need to keep looking at the value of 
    the metals so look at the value for a moment  
    you just mentioned oil Jerry bang on for you they 
    you know you talked about draining the Strategic  
    oil reserves and you said there’s going to be a 
    problem guys and guess what now there’s a problem  
    they haven’t filled it back up and the prices 
    are rising so how are they going to get them  
    back down again you’ve already sold it off and 
    and now they’re heading into more geopolitical  
    Uprising yeah we’re seeing drones but this thing’s 
    going to escalate even further um into potential  
    you know War um that’s the that was the whole 
    point of the Strategic reserves the petroleum  
    reserves was for times of War this was obviously a 
    method to try to keep the inflation down inflation  
    keeps rising and it’s only going one way this 
    is a bad move um but it’s it’s showing that the  
    the country the countries are losing control of 
    the currency they’re losing control of of the of  
    the of the narrative and you know the truth is 
    is going you know we’re circling right back to  
    the truth and where the value is it’s in precious 
    metals and resources so here’s the truth just as  
    we talked about earlier India is has acquired over 
    8 billion ounces of silver China is telling people  
    to buy silver Mike baloney is saying the cup and 
    handle technically is completing itself and we are  
    ready for a massive takeoff in silver the FED is 
    trapped raise rates inflation lower them inflation  
    pick your poison they’re they’re trapped there’s 
    no way out of any of this you need hard assets you  
    need real money this is why we call it the real 
    money show it’s physical gold physical silver  
    and also I know we didn’t talk about it today but 
    also the color Diamond Market will start to take  
    off pretty big it’s been pretty decent recently 
    I think that’s going to be another Market where  
    people are going to realize you got to put your 
    money somewhere where it’s safe and physical gold  
    and silver are one of the safest places if you own 
    it yourself you’ve got to own it yourself and if  
    you can’t hold it you don’t own it now what does 
    that mean it means that with Guild Hall you can go  
    to the Vault and personally audit your Holdings 
    you can hold it in your hand and if it’s an RSP  
    and you want to pay the withholding tax you can 
    take delivery of that specific product that is  
    the asset test if you cannot hold it you don’t 
    own it it doesn’t mean if you can’t hold it on  
    your person you don’t own it it means that if you 
    can’t go to that Vault and personally hold that  
    physical product in your hand you don’t really own 
    anything the idea is that that’s what you want to  
    do and that’s what we offer here at Guild Hall 
    wealth if you’ve missed a show please check out  
    our YouTube channel we’re also on Rumble we’re 
    also on telegram come join us on telegram we’re  
    putting some great content there as well as on 
    X we’ve been putting some great content out on  
    X uh just Gathering all of the great information 
    that you heard today on the show get it first on  
    X and just see what’s happening in the physical 
    Market Jerry want to thank you so much uh you  
    brought some great stuff with you today and 
    I want to thank uh our audience for joining  
    us as always on the real money show and we really 
    look forward to speaking with you next week again  
    the number 18778 silver the website guildhall it’s the real money show on 640 Toronto

    Inside The Silver Boom: Who Is The Massive Buyer?

    In today’s video we look into the unprecedented surge in physical silver demand, driven by rapid acquisitions and China’s urging of its citizens to secure physical holdings. With the potential for triple-digit silver prices looming closer than expected, we explore how gold and silver, as timeless stores of value, have weathered the rise and fall of civilizations. Join us as we examine why gold and silver stand as the ultimate refuge amidst economic collapse, offering viewers invaluable insights into navigating uncertain times.

    For more information on holding Physical Gold and Silver in your Registered accounts please visit:…

    To add Physical Gold and Silver to your portfolio through Direct Purchase please visit our online store:

    Subscribe for Gold, Silver, and Colored Diamonds. Inspired by @itmtrading, @Goldsilve, and @WallStreetSilverOfficial.

    Inspired by Gold Price to Go Parabolic? And Silver Might Even Beat It Says This Expert

    Inspired by Silver’s 44 Year Cup & Handle “Now, I Believe MID TO HIGH Triple Digits Are Baked in the Cake

    Inspired by Silver Prices Are About To SKYROCKET! Central Banks Are Buying Gold At RECORD PACE!

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    1. I’m glad I started when I did. I set a goal for 20k total 10k silver and 10k gold I’m close to the goal 17800 total so far. I’m never going to stop buying. Once I learned about Mike Maloney and his 10 part serious I was totally invested in learning more and my eyes opened great video you guys did here

    2. Platinum is cheaper than both gold and silver and should outperform both once the ratios change…..68% comes from South Africa and they are closing their mines because platinum is below the cost of production…..Definitely hard assets for the win….

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