Draft Show: All A-Board | Dallas Cowboys 2024

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    show your war room for Insider news and
    draft analysis from deep within the
    confines of cowboys headquarters at the
    star in Frisco
    two sleeps away just two more sleeps for
    you one more for me one more for you
    let’s go it’s h the NFL draft show of
    course the Dallas Cowboys draft show
    presented by Miller Light Zack walchuk
    alongside Nick Harris Brian brus Aisha
    Morrison as we get ready uh this is this
    is such a great week all the excitement
    all the hard work the buildup it’s here
    and I do want to ask a couple of
    questions here we’ll get to Twitter on
    the 20 coming up on the other side but
    Brian you brought up a question that I
    do think’s interesting we’ve talked a
    lot about the Cowboys moving back in
    this draft what about the possibility
    because I think we know the Cowboys want
    offensive line that’s kind of what
    they’re hunting here about a team behind
    the Cowboys moving up ahead of them is
    there a team that you’re fearful of is
    there a player if they were to slide
    that you’re fearful of oh my gosh uh we
    might need to worry about this because I
    think we’ve seen this happen in previous
    drafts before where teams kind of know
    you know the Personnel departments Brian
    you know that better than anybody you
    know kind of what other teams are
    looking at and eyeing maybe Kansas City
    we’ve kind of looked at them as a team
    that really wants a wide receiver could
    they actually be in the offensive line
    Market as they are they a team that
    could maybe move ahead of you is there
    anybody that’s scaring you from a cowboy
    standpoint at 24 they just hold they sit
    they’re waiting for a JC leam or a
    Graham Barton or one of these offensive
    linemen we’ve talked about to slide by
    the way I I had a I had a general
    manager this morning and tell me that
    don’t Le them ain’t there yeah I don’t
    think he’s there people are liking that
    like I I was I was kind of going through
    some names and you know and I said hey
    what about this offensive line went and
    he goes he goes don’t don’t think about
    lath manager huh let’s go Brian yeah
    that’s that think is seven that’s what
    you do that’s what you get when you’re
    really old you get to work with guys
    over your he of your life but yeah this
    this guy reached out to me and I just
    started talking to him and I’m like
    listen give me some idea about some of
    these linemen at 24 and I was thinking
    about laam and he goes don’t think about
    laam yeah and I said okay and he said I
    said what about Barton he says I’m kind
    of on the fence of him getting to you
    guys at 24 yeah I don’t think it’s going
    to happen but like I said I did get some
    positive news about uh about Powers
    Johnson as well so as far as some of the
    medical stuff maybe a couple different
    teams have have I’ve reached out I I
    just want to know I I don’t know what
    this team thinks about him medically I
    haven’t figured that one out yet but I
    know asking some teams around the league
    uh you where you know because there were
    some rumors of some things that were
    going on there and this guy said no we
    we’ve got him as clean on that uh on
    that front so we’ll see what happens
    there but uh the leam one and I know we
    talked about it yesterday I thought you
    guys did a hell of a job yesterday of
    kind of walking us through some of these
    guys and some of these names but that
    was one that you know you’re hopeful
    about because you were talking about the
    trade back situation potentially and you
    were trying to Target some of the names
    for the Cowboys and Le them was one of
    them so that’s why I brought it up this
    GM said don’t think about so probably
    off the table there I have him at 18 to
    Cincinnati I’d be shocked if he gets
    past 18 because that’s that’s just a
    perfect bengle right there is he could
    play inside he could play outside they
    need both of those positions it just
    kind of makes sense for him to be in
    Cincinnati but hey he’s maybe he’s the
    CD lamb of offensive tackles well I mean
    we talk about runs a lot right and and I
    think that you could get a run on
    offensive line right before the Cowboys
    are picking and that’s why you got to
    look at some of these teams like Green
    Bay who’s even right behind Dallas that
    also might be looking for an interior
    offensive lineman I think you brought up
    Jacksonville Seattle maybe they’re in
    play for a lineman the Rams at 19
    Pittsburgh and Miami back toback
    there’re at 20 and 21 does Philly want
    to go ahead and replace Jason Kelce at
    Center so I mean there’s some I mean I
    think we’ve talked a lot about the trade
    back there’s teams I think behind Dallas
    that maybe want to get up or do the
    Cowboys end up in a situation where they
    need to be more aggressive if there’s
    one of these players that they really
    really want to go get as far as trading
    up potentially yeah that that’s where do
    you sack sacrifice the depth whether
    that be picks next year or assets this
    year or picks this year I mean you’re
    going to have to trade something to be
    able to move up that’s that’s where I
    that’s where I get a little bit
    concerned um but yeah that that would be
    fascinating like let’s say they they are
    able to make a deal and jump up to 17
    and grab leam that would be wild U or
    grab a faga if he’s falling as well but
    um sitting there at 24 I think if you
    are trading back going back to your
    initial question Zach I think teams
    behind them that you would be a little
    bit worried about you mentioned Green
    Bay think you can make the argument that
    they need all three offensive line
    positions um Tampa Bay need interior
    guys um at uh Arizona it looks like
    they’re going to be targeting more skill
    guys on both sides of the ball I think
    you’re okay there same kind of situation
    with Buffalo and Detroit I I think
    they’re going to be targeting skill guys
    or edges Baltimore San Francisco Kansas
    City I think you could have a run of
    offensive lineman there or you could
    have a run of receivers so there’s
    there’s there’s some different
    opportunities there I think San
    Francisco does offensive line so if you
    do move back to 32 you would have to be
    okay with San Francisco taking your guy
    at 31 everybody going offensive line huh
    especially here in the 20s I think once
    you get to 16 with Seattle I think
    that’s when this offensive line board
    really starts to fly I I think that’s
    that’s what I’m expecting at least Brian
    was their team for you yeah I think that
    I think Nick hit them all I was I was
    thinking sorry about that no I no I
    thought you know anybody in ice is right
    as well I I I just these teams need
    offensive alignment and and you know and
    everybody’s kind of got a center
    earmarked to Dallas or a tackle so if
    the board Falls a certain way all of a
    sudden say that Barton’s on the board
    you know ahead of you know all a sudden
    it looks like that Barton is going to
    get to Dallas and you know that Dallas
    is probably going to uh to hand that
    card in boy if you’re you know if you’re
    now you’re you’re worried about teams
    like you know we we’ve seen it there’s
    been teams in the last couple years uh
    the year before Philadelphia uh targeted
    you on a tie or several excuse me when
    last year but Dallas Goddard if you
    remember Philadelphia thought that you
    were GNA draft Dallas Goddard they got
    ahead of you there you thought what
    Buffalo did last year they thought you
    were going to take the con Dalton
    concade they jumped ahead of you there
    you know so if it I think that’s why
    Dallas is doing the best they can to
    kind of keep their offensive line
    desires as quiet as they can because
    they’re they’re worried that all of a
    sudden if one of their guys get there
    and then you have somebody jump up ahead
    of them uh and and take that guy boy
    that is going to be a bitter pill to
    swallow for them I think for me the
    concern is now becoming I don’t know how
    many of their guys are going to be there
    yeah and that becomes the case where I
    know it’s this team has a lot of holes
    to fill and they need more picks in the
    trade down scenario hey if it happens
    and they get wiped on some of those guys
    that’s where you know Captain trade down
    right we ride let’s go ahead and do this
    thing but I think you might end up we
    might need to have more of a serious
    conversation about if you get you know a
    a Troy Fu that slides down a faga that’s
    sliding down that Grant Barton you might
    need to be aggressive and go and get
    your guy maybe it is in the late teens
    or if you need to jump ahead of say
    Pittsburgh at 20 who I do think is going
    to be looking at one of these tackles or
    a center as well the more y’all talk
    about it the more I think they’re just
    going to let the bo the board fall just
    ride yeah I think you’re right about
    that and are I’m starting to get really
    nervous about this I am I am too I I
    don’t know that they’re going to have
    their guys sitting there I am too I mean
    it’s just the way that Nick said it with
    pessimism they can’t they don’t have the
    a lot of the parts but no the part that
    you said about the fact that the tra the
    fact that they don’t really have the
    capital or are they willing to sacrifice
    the capital given what people are saying
    that 2025 will look like for them would
    you mortgage next year’s picks to go up
    and get say a faga it it also depends
    too because again the scouts the scouts
    do this fulltime so they know they
    probably have a gauge a little bit of
    some of the guys that are maybe be
    coming out next year I think it also
    just dep on the depends on the board
    because Nick mentioned yesterday that
    they have a lot of comp picks yeah you
    know if that depending on how this
    because we talked about it with this
    draft that some guys we’re going to look
    up in the fifth fourth round and you
    going to be like it’s just the way that
    some of these positions are deep that
    there might be some guys there that are
    fourth round that are actually fourth
    round picks but they’re there in the
    fifth round whatever case may be so it’s
    like it really just contingent on what
    the board is like next next year and we
    can’t predict that so it’s like cuz cuz
    you you talk about the comp picks and
    being able to be in a mortgage then
    maybe they might have value if this
    draft is super next draft is super deep
    you know in those middle rounds but if
    it’s not don’t nobody care about that
    yeah so it’s it’s it’s give and take
    I’ll throw you another little caveat out
    there that could be something that could
    be problematic for you Minnesota holds
    that pick currently at 23 M Minnesota’s
    trying to move that pick yeah most
    definitely is going to be picking in
    that slot is that New England you know
    is that the team that all of a sudden
    you know Minnesota is doing everything
    in their power to move up in this board
    to get a quarterback sure so now you’re
    at now all a sudden that’s a different
    you know Minnesota’s the team they’re
    looking at quarterback oh wait a minute
    what New England’s picking now at that
    spot New England could go a thousand
    different ways in front of you right
    there especially you were talking about
    offensive line and stuff like that yeah
    see this is where I would be I would be
    worried if I was if I was Dallas that
    who just traded in front who who did
    Minnesota to sell this pick to that now
    I have to deal with their team needs
    well the two most likely you bring up
    New England and then the Chargers we
    know about Hardball he loves his
    offensive lineman too sure in my mock I
    have that pick going to the Chargers um
    and them taking Brian Thomas Jr in that
    in that slot because they need a
    receiver also you look at pick 22 so
    you’re talking about it at at pick uh at
    at pick 23 correct so the Chargers take
    Brian Thomas right there yeah 23 okay
    that that that that helps good thing for
    you Dallas they go ahead and get their
    offensive lineman at 11 in that sense so
    Minnesota gives them 11 and 23 to move
    up to five right and they take T this is
    just my mock T at 11 and Brian
    Thomas Jr at 23 yeah I think also
    something else you have to factor in is
    I don’t think the Eagles are going to
    pick at 22 I think they get aggressive
    and they move up in this draft they have
    a lot of capital they have two second
    round picks that they can move uh move
    on and my mock I have them moving up to
    12 and swapping picks with Denver and
    taking a corner and Denver Denver moves
    back and takes uh B Knicks um and I I
    saw a mock on NFL Network earlier this
    week that had the same exact thing
    happening so I I think that’s probably
    something to keep an eye on I think
    Philadelphia could move just based on
    all the capital that they have where did
    they get this capital I don’t know
    because it feels like they’re trading
    picks every year but uh they do a good
    job over there do they pick up a next
    year’s one on this on that trade uh or
    what did you have them man I forgot
    exactly what that’s Philadelphia that’s
    what philadel Philadelphia feels like
    that they’re a better drafting team when
    they have multiple ones well anybody
    does we saw last year right but they
    feel like you know but the one thing
    that they’ve had these multiple ones so
    far they haven’t hit on these multiple
    ones there’s Georgia those Georgia kids
    you know haven’t played to the level we
    all kind of thought they were yeah go
    for it I I wanted to say too from some
    of the keep my ears low to the ground
    too I think the Cardinals could shake up
    some things because first of all they
    they draft a little nutty anyway like
    they just kind of do what they want to
    do when you watch how they draft a lot
    of time you’re just like what was the
    plan here and they are what at 27 from
    Houston M and at four and at four so I
    100% have heard some Whispers that they
    are thinking about doing some aggressive
    stuff early but with them being at 27 I
    wonder if they even feel the need to if
    the quarterbacks are going and stuff cuz
    I respectively what has Kyle Murray
    showed you at this point that he’s that
    guy it’s it’s been how many years now
    how long you been there four years yeah
    they’ve continued to invest in him and
    continued to to say the right things
    about him and I hear that but I I don’t
    think they go get one I I don’t I hear
    that but I I I do think that they do
    have the potential to do something a
    little wonky maybe at that 27th spot and
    do something that maybe we don’t see
    coming that I think they are a team to
    keep an eye on because they’ve spoken
    multiple times about being aggressive in
    this draft cuz they’re sitting right
    there that three through five area New
    England Arizona and then the LA Chargers
    you talk about these teams that want
    move up for the quarterbacks Brian you
    mentioned Minnesota maybe Denver gets in
    play there maybe Vegas is sleeping uh in
    that regard as a team that also needs a
    quarterback but all those teams are open
    for business Arizona moves down maybe at
    the bottom of the first round maybe they
    do like a Michael penck Jr out of
    Washington maybe they do kick the tires
    on something like that I don’t think
    it’s a bad point yeah no I just I I just
    think you know you’re at the I mean
    again like they can pledge allegian to
    Kyle Murray all day but it’s it’s it’s
    some other stuff going on over there so
    we’ll see and they crazy so they are
    crazy last question I want to throw out
    there cuz you brought up Philly trading
    up for a corner which really interests
    me is Corner maybe that position like
    we’ve talked about runs receiver
    offensive tackle he mentioned it
    yesterday could we see more corners go
    in this first round that we’ve kind of
    been discussing he feels strongly about
    this this is this is what I this is what
    I said yesterday I think if you’re
    looking at one through 24 you’re going
    to see a huge run of offensive linemen
    but if you’re looking like specifically
    at 10 through 17 I think you might see
    those those top corners coming off the
    board I have quinon Mitchell Tyrion
    Arnold and Nate Wiggins all going before
    15 I think that’s when you kind of see a
    mini run of corners and then you know
    you still have kuer de jeene some view
    as a corner I view as a safety uh
    Kool-Aid mcken why is that Nick I just
    think he plays better in space I think
    he’s more of his own guy a good
    answer I
    want I want him more in space I want him
    more in space I want him to Wi out the
    space you know yeah and uh I think he
    could be a more of a return guy as well
    and think just being able to play in
    space more I think that’ll kind of help
    more as a returner as well you don’t
    think about those things but I I think
    that that’s something that could just
    kind of play into his favor but anyway
    himem asde Kool-Aid mckinstry you could
    see TJ Tampa I think from Iowa state is
    a guy team teams are high on I love TJ
    Tampa and then Andrew Phillips out of
    Kentucky is getting a lot of late steam
    I think he can end up I think he’s going
    to end up at the top of the second round
    but don’t be surprised if a team swings
    on him in the first round as well okay
    we got a lot to get to we got a little
    bit of a shorter show CU we got a
    Cowboys press coming up so let’s step
    aside when we come back we’ll do some
    Twitter questions some Twitter on the 20
    we’ll keep the draft show rolling here
    that is coming up
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    some Twitter on the 20 here on the draft
    show just a couple days away do want to
    remind everybody come out to the star in
    fris for the Cowboys draft weekend
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    visit dallascowboys.com
    draft uh and now it’s time for a little
    Twitter on the 20 20 Twitter on the 20
    20 20 okay Aisha you brought this up
    during the break and uh we want to give
    the people what they want here as we’re
    just a couple days away Brian there’s a
    player at a Mississippi State cornerback
    the Camry and Richardson yeah I tell you
    what and I appreciate Aisha bringing his
    name up
    6210 last line of my notes is I feel
    like you can line him up anywhere and
    he’s going to play well uh he does play
    both Corner spots he’s going to walk
    down in the slot he’s got length he’s
    got speed he can play Man equally or
    Zone equally well I like him a little
    bit better in coverage the timing the
    jam when he’s walked up on the receiver
    there’s some snaps in the LSU game where
    the LSU receivers ran by him but he was
    able to make up the ground while the
    ball was in the air his speed is there
    he could be a little handsy in coverage
    the mirror the receiver uh due to his
    speed the footwork is good he can carry
    Guys across the field change the
    direction the depth as a Zone player the
    awareness uh all these things as you
    know playing the Run he plays it well
    enough he’ll throw his body around the
    ball carry will wrap up uh LSU did get
    him on a double move so you kind of see
    a little bit of a guy that will be a
    little maybe a little gessy handsy gessy
    all those things but uh his speed is is
    legit for making up and driving on the
    ball this guy’s a a good football player
    6218 big dude probably not the probably
    not the heaviest guy but man the length
    and the speed is impressive athletic
    scores I mean he’s the top ranked corner
    at the combine when it comes to athletic
    testing 43 44 you know you got some you
    got some good question people asking
    that’s good yeah thank you uh Aaron um
    but no that just kind of lets you know
    how like deep this this corner corner
    stretches look at De throwing up some
    throwing up some he’s just that guy yeah
    he’s just that guy’s ready for this I
    mean yeah and you look you think about
    cam Hart and some of these guys I mean I
    think Kyrie Jackson he’s risen in
    people’s B Kyrie Jackson’s a dog man
    that’s an alpha right there this this
    this corner class is kind of crazy it’s
    it’s kind of crazy as far as how deep it
    goes and when you look at every one of
    these guys which I watched about Jesus
    watched about 30 Corners yeah there
    there still probably 10 more you can you
    find good stuff you know what I’m saying
    it’s not like you’re watching them and
    you like this is all this is whatever
    it’s complet traits no it’s like no this
    guy really can develop like what’s going
    on is it a corner apocalypse the Camry
    and Richardson is from col Louisiana
    which is in that aretex region 690
    population so the aretex region yeah
    yeah yeah AR is that AR look at Nick
    full Tas Louisiana there it’s like you
    got Vivian in there you got shreport
    it’s like north of shreport but like you
    know still south of sou the B so all
    right there’s some C
    richy too that’s my problem I got a
    couple of wide receiver questions that
    were brought up I’m going to combine our
    guy Dean Julia and then Dustin laratonda
    I’m G to kind of sandwich their
    questions together here who are some of
    your favorite wide receivers in the two
    to three round range and then is is
    there any way that you think Keon
    Coleman could fall to 56 Dustin loves
    the way that he uh can dominate the ball
    snatch it in the air good contested
    catch guy so when it comes to receivers
    I mean I’ll kick it off the guy for me
    the two to three round range that I just
    love that I think can play literally
    every single position is Jaylen McMillan
    from Washington I just think he’s smooth
    he’s cerebral you watch him play he’s
    just got it runs crisp routes can win
    deep intermediate shallow explosive in
    the open field
    playmaker can win in the Red Zone I
    don’t see a lot of drops when you watch
    him play and I love I think the
    creativity you could have as an
    offensive coordinator with him if you
    want to play him at X you can if you
    want to line him up in the slot I think
    he’s a competitor to me his game
    translates exceptionally well to the NFL
    I have no doubt he’s gonna be a really
    really strong
    Pro yeah Keon Coleman I I think on that
    note him getting to 56 I feel like might
    be a little rich but it wouldn’t
    surprise me because I I think teams that
    are looking for receivers most of the
    teams that are looking for re reers are
    looking for athletic guys and guys that
    can that can win vertically Keon Coleman
    I mean he’s got the physicality to be
    able to win vertically but I think if I
    think most teams do want that that
    Dynamic weapon with that being said I
    think he goes somewhere in the 40s I I
    don’t think he’s necessarily there does
    make 56 yeah would you consider him if
    he did gosh when Keon Coleman at 56 I
    don’t think so I I know I know I get it
    I get it but it in this draft
    specifically I don’t think so especially
    if you’re looking at Jonathan Brooks on
    the board and or Edan Cooper
    you I think You’ have to take one of
    those two guys yeah I mean I’m I think
    Malik Washington is a guy that people
    are going to find some interestes in
    rounds Virginia rather um but Javon
    Baker is another guy there’s another
    good player UCF wide receiver um very
    productive in his time when he was there
    but um he wins with round running
    instincts and feel um he’s smooth out of
    his releases I think he has he has like
    a hesy he throws out you know he’s does
    yeah he’s he’s very competitive and so
    when you talk about some of like what
    you’re looking for from a wide receiver
    standpoint he can do uh con contested
    catches the concentration is fantastic
    he’s very QB friendly because he tracks
    the ball like it’s it’s important to him
    like you talk about like I said I
    mentioned the effort and so when you’re
    talking about you know like maybe his
    size is something that people are maybe
    a little bit worried about um I would
    like for him to block a little bit
    better on the outside when he’s needed
    to but this is a guy that has vertical
    threat ability but also can snatch the
    ball at the air as well um so yeah I
    think he’s a guy that people might be
    interested in as well Alabama transfer
    yeah when we’ve had people bring up like
    okay a Michael Gallup replacement or
    what’s your comp for for Baker to me I
    see some Gallop with the way he’s able
    to win along the sideline his body
    control go up and get the football Brian
    what do you think about Coleman at 56
    and then what’s a receiver that you like
    there in the I don’t think he gets to at
    56 can Dre yeah I would be I would be
    very surprised if that happens uh I’m
    I’m ashamed I didn’t name my son benett
    Ricky because of Ricky peol but no I
    will go another route there I’ll give
    you a guy though I really really liked
    that I think the people are are going to
    when he plays in the league they’re
    going to be happy that they saw him play
    Roman Wilson from Michigan is a guy that
    I really like and I think that that when
    you when you look at Roman Wilson he’s
    5’11 he’s 185 he is super competitive
    and you know when you when you he was a
    major factor of Michigan winning a
    national championship he made several
    huge plays in the Alabama playoff game
    to secure the victory uh you you I was
    expecting a much smaller guy
    511 185 he looks like he’s got some
    thickness to him and the majority of his
    damage is done from the slot we saw what
    pukan deua did with the Rams this is a
    kind of player right here same type of
    guy that everything inside contested run
    finds ways to finish always playing on
    the Move super reliable Roman Wilson is
    a guy that if you’re a team I don’t
    think the Cowboys are going to draft
    Roman Wilson but when he gets picked
    will acknowledge that the fact that that
    team drafted a really good football
    player I think I brought it up where he
    reminds me of like a Hines Ward because
    he Blocks he’s much faster but he looks
    like a Pittsburgh Steeler type of
    receiver to me uh Roman Wilson’s
    absolutely outstanding that’s good like
    because to your point Brian when you
    when you look at the the weight and the
    height you think that he looks like some
    small guy but when you actually watch
    the tape he is like a little bit more
    filled out if that’s what you’re going
    for but I do think he got some Tyler
    locket in him as well as far as ability
    look at you that that’s a good one that
    is a good one yeah and I think I just
    like the swag that he has when he plays
    he’s very um it’s in its controlled
    speed too he’s fast cuz we see some guys
    that are too fast for their own good
    yeah no he plays very under control and
    he’s very QB friendly and I I to Brian’s
    point you can move him into the slot and
    that’s where he’s going to cook we seen
    what offenses are doing from that that
    spot on the field he’s a he’s a guy and
    it’s funny lock is a much better
    comparison I think he’s another guy that
    people just haven’t been like we talked
    I remember we talked about him on the
    show early and then I think it’s cuz
    he’s he’s a little yle too you know
    because he is he I wrote down this is
    one of the smaller receivers in this
    draft um and you know I think we’re kind
    of turning back the clock now with some
    of these bigger sized guys oh compared
    to last year no doubt yes so yeah anyway
    doubt I like him too y’all okay Nick
    yeah we got this question from Tim B how
    how would you feel about drafting a
    Barton or a Jackson po Johnson round one
    good then you follow it up with say a
    Cooper BBE in round two he’s seen a lot
    of Center tackle scenarios discussed not
    as much Center guard early on that’s an
    interesting so this is BB in the second
    round this would be BB in the second
    round so you know you you come away with
    your Center and Barton or Jackson po
    Johnson and then you just beef up that
    interior yeah I had someone ask me about
    drafting Barton and then moving him to
    tackle and then and then putting Frasier
    and then drafting Frasier so youer yeah
    dra have Barton and Frasier but you play
    Barton at tackle not at guard not at
    guard interesting do you like Barton at
    tackle I I think I like him like my
    preference that’s what the question was
    the guy asked me would you play him at
    tackle you know I don’t think so yeah I
    don’t think so either I think my
    preference there would be Center guard
    than tackle but also if Graham Barton is
    the pick I would like to see what he
    does at guard during training camp but
    going back to the to the question
    originally if they drive Barton BB we’re
    going to have to like we’re going to
    have to hold you down yeah those are two
    my favorites um I I wouldn’t love re I
    think I think BB at 56 is a little bit
    of a reach I’m sorry Zach I I think they
    still would need to go get a linebacker
    I I want to see that could you get him
    at 87 I think you I think you could okay
    I think you but I’m willing to take that
    risk maybe we get a I I just saw I just
    saw how committed you were and you’re
    committed that that that’s cuz if you
    were to go well I don’t know then the
    next thing I would say to you is we got
    to draft him at 56 then yeah but I think
    you could still get a guy at 87 if you
    want to draft guard like if you want to
    go and get let’s say an Isaiah Adams
    from Illinois or a Christian Haynes from
    Connecticut mahogany mahogany Boston
    College by the way some general manager
    dudes are asking me about mahogany like
    what do we think about him that’s Center
    guard Flex as well like should we talk
    about him a little bit more at Center
    you think I don’t think we’ve talked
    about him near enough I know Aisha knows
    the player but I mean to me you watch
    him play he is going to make somebody I
    was talking about Roman Wilson that
    guy’s going to make somebody look smart
    you know mahogany was great at The
    Shrine B here he in Frisco I me I think
    he turned a lot of heads yeah he did I
    mean that that’s a physical mean nasty
    type offensive lineman as well that
    that’s really really good I wanted to uh
    I mean on Christian uh I did an
    interview with him and I asked him about
    the interior Flex a lot of people a lot
    of people don’t know he was a former DT
    like he played DT and he’s only been
    playing football for I don’t know since
    was his junior year of high school or
    something like that it’s not a it wasn’t
    a like all my life thing but um I do he
    has commented that he’s open to moving
    in the interior but I wanted to ask
    y’all a question because I listening to
    y’all talk about cooper cooper
    BB are we at a point to where the um the
    versatility thing with tackles coming in
    and people being like and I think some
    tackles are preparing more to be able to
    even kick into guard is that hurting the
    true guards because tackle because of
    the versatility and I’m only asking that
    because we talked about Cooper BB early
    in this this process I wanted to draft
    him so bad I mentioned him last year and
    he was returning to school yeah yeah are
    we at a point to where like some of
    these guys that are the true like truly
    I’ve been of guard this yes yes okay
    tackle more athletic yeah because all of
    a sudden you’re getting you’re getting
    uh Morgan from Arizona everybody you
    know I think he could play tackle people
    want to kick him inside I had a scout U
    that does the southeast tell me lean
    will be an all Pro Guard he’s a tackle
    right now so the guys that are true
    you know yeah I think that the the fact
    that people are more willing to kick
    those tackles
    inside I I think hurts the True Guard
    yeah yeah I think there’s a lot of I
    think there’s a lot of Truth in that you
    look at you look at the versatility
    Factor let’s just look at this franchise
    alone how they like to really prioritize
    guys that have versatility in any
    position I I think if you have two guys
    on the same level that you have graded
    the same but one can do other things in
    other positions you take that guy and
    and obviously that’s going to be a plus
    more often than not yeah I think there’s
    there’s some truth in the sense that um
    it might be affecting the guard class
    because you look at the top of the True
    Guard board you have Christian Haynes
    and Christian mahogany who you could
    argue are um you know could could play
    some Center as well Cooper BB’s in that
    discussion but then if you start
    factoring in the tackles that can play
    guard then you start factoring in guys
    like it’s kicking them down yeah like a
    Troy fanu Jordan Morgan kick
    down JC Lam so everybody you named you
    might want a little yeah I mean out
    of Oregon State I think there’s some
    people that would consider playing him
    at guard as well poor guards yeah okay
    they better trying to do their job
    they’re like I just been playing guards
    since I was in high school and y’all go
    sit up here and Skip me because this guy
    can do it
    too I don’t know I just it’s I just was
    listening to y’all and I just was like
    dang Cooper B it’s also a sense that
    like Cooper BB was with all due respect
    was never a first round grade what what
    is Nick trying to do over I actually
    like I’m not standing for I got to deal
    with you Bobby this is ridiculous I’m
    starting all all the guy does is put
    people on their rear I don’t think he
    was ever like a first round grade type
    guy like if if you’re looking at let’s
    say let’s look at Isaiah Adams for
    example who has uh who’s probably had
    more tackle um um context coming into
    the draft process than at guard but is
    now having a little bit more versatility
    as a guard I only compare him and BB
    because those are both third round guys
    in my stack then you would disrespect
    they’re not even on the same tier get
    out of here Nick then there’s probably
    maybe a little bit more Intrigue in
    Isaiah Adams but also you look at the
    ability that Cooper BB still has in the
    interior I think that’s a little bit
    more of an Apples to Apples comparison
    than comparing you know what Cooper BB
    does straight up at Guard versus these
    first round guys like a JC leam or
    Jordan Morgan but that’s that’s neither
    here nor there I think I think these
    guards there are going to be a couple
    that really excel at the next level i’
    I’ve banged on the table for Christian
    Hayes I do think Cooper BB will be a
    great player I do I think he just needs
    a little bit of time um and I I think
    Isaiah Adams has the potential to be a
    good player as well but you look at the
    tackle board as well guys that can slide
    inside there’s a lot of there’s a lot of
    lots of love there too I poor guards I
    know I do like Adams 2 as a guard moving
    out from tackle I think he played I
    think he played wherever Illinois needed
    him I think there were I think there
    were games where you could watch him
    play tackle and all of a sudden he’s
    playing guard and it maybe because of an
    injuries like during the game like mid
    game he playing I thought he was I
    definitely thought he was better at
    guard I thought that sometimes his base
    could get a little wide I tackle you see
    the power really translate well when you
    kick him inside yeah and then I think he
    has good short area quickness I don’t
    know if he has like the athletic range
    that’s I felt the same way I felt the
    same way all right let’s go to last one
    small area blocker yes PL a phone booth
    there Josh Weaver you trade back to 30
    with Baltimore bore Baltimore this is
    what we’ve talked about Brian with
    Baltimore Barton is off the board he
    goes 21 to Miami
    only gon is left at the top tier of
    offensive tackles I want to see Nick I
    wantan to Morgan
    Frasier and suam Mata are all available
    who do you take and why well okay do it
    for the Cowboys yeah this is
    specifically for the Cowboys M do it for
    the Cowboys I I think you would you take
    the BYU kid I’d be taking Jordan Morgan
    here that’s right I would too okay so
    now go ahead now now now take now take
    who Dallas would take you take jpj over
    Morgan if he were there or would Morgan
    be your guy man the more this draft
    process goes on the least the the more
    confidence I lose in jpj I’d probably
    going Jordan Morgan I’d probably go in
    Jordan Morgan because you have
    experience you have durability you don’t
    have a lot of medical concerns you have
    versatility I like Jordan Morgan a lot I
    think you have a high floor guy that I’m
    with you Brian I think he could actually
    play tackle I think he could play tackle
    and I didn’t move it I didn’t I didn’t I
    mean but if you said okay play guard you
    know I think and if find if you’re going
    to kick Tyler Smith outside great but I
    I I just think Morgan I don’t think
    people are giving I’m not saying this
    show I just don’t think the scouting
    Community is giving Morgan enough credit
    yeah for how good of a player he really
    is it’s hard I again I think he’s just
    one of another one of those guys that’s
    just he’s so he was an easy for me he
    was a fun watch but he was an easy watch
    because he’s he’s consistent and a super
    consistent steady and I’m just starting
    to feel like we we just continue to see
    that these guys that are not necessarily
    flashy but are very consistent are just
    not getting the talk and I’m like what
    are you looking for an offensive Lin
    right consistency and he has been one of
    the most consistent offensive lineman to
    me through this process I know we talked
    about I mentioned the other day the the
    combine and maybe I mean but the testing
    numbers of course I mean this dude he
    got a little got a little weight on him
    we don’t care about that like he’s he’s
    it doesn’t to me affect how he’s able to
    wrestle and stay in front of guys um and
    and make sure he stays Square so I think
    he uh somebody at the draft 101 banged
    the table for him and I was like you
    know what yeah my guy though I actually
    I did actually went back and I looked in
    my notes I went back and watched him a
    little bit more and I was like what are
    we doing here like this this kid can
    play they take the BYU kid don’t they
    they do I think they do but we know not
    that I think they take Morgan do you
    really I think they take Morgan can I
    let me ask you guys do you think y’all
    never just a swing in a Miss by me I
    thought you were going to say they were
    going to take the B I think they take
    Morgan there’s been a lot of momentum
    with the BYU kid but I I’ve got Morgan
    graded higher do you guys than
    Su so I thinkg better are we not paying
    enough attention to Zack Frasier the the
    West Virginia Center as we’ve talked
    about Barton Jackson po Johnson is
    Frasier in play here more than you guys
    take this because I I’m I’m I’m I know
    you like Frasier I’m like I’m driving
    along the Moonshine trails in in West
    Virginia talking about Frasier okay
    here’s my only favorite I’m driving I’m
    running from the law talking about this
    guy you know and take me home yeah
    exactly here’s my only fear with Frasier
    I I think that the the body control okay
    so the Texas game you point to and this
    is the thing that that I think I you
    could say ease some of my fear yeah but
    I think blocking those animals let him
    get it let him get it out I I I worry at
    times outside of the Texas tape can he
    get overpowered a little bit like you
    saw with the Tyler botes last year can I
    think I think he I will say one of the
    only things that I think about him is
    that I think he um I I think he has
    sometimes he relies on the fact that he
    can recover a little bit too much his
    core strength is crazy core strength is
    and that’s the wrestling right there
    that’s the wrestling background and he
    Depend and I think he in his mind
    sometimes is like I mean I can get there
    and he can recover he moves so well in
    space he does and so I I’ll give you
    I’ll give you that but some like
    sometimes the anchor I’m like man I
    think it’s I think it’s grip but that
    strength can improve as well yeah a
    little bit but other than that though
    former wrestler he’s dense Bri’s like
    kick that down the road he’s feeling
    like I do about BB this is a
    disrespectful conversation the way he
    handles initial striking I mean I think
    he’s a player as well um I think he’s a
    player as well do we have the Pro Bowl
    you guys can buy me dinner later I like
    him I like him beish is in the Pro Bowl
    if you trade back in this to 30 too much
    he he was that’s a good point Nick and I
    like that rebuttal if you slide back to
    30 Brian I think Frasier I would be very
    openminded I would be open to him um but
    I will say is anybody any updates on his
    did you give me an update might yeah he
    broke his leg Yeah broke his leg was
    competing at the combine so you know the
    toughness there and the competitive
    level is there with that dude he ran out
    of at the Big 12 pro day he did
    everything asked of him at the pro day
    so it sounds like he’s he’s back ready
    to go I would I would think that a
    rookie camp or an OTA he might be
    limited in some fashion but it wouldn’t
    surprise me if he’s a full go too so
    he’s the only one he’s that was the only
    thing about him I had a lot of good
    things to say about him but oh did
    you I had a lot of good things it’s not
    as glowing as Brian’s notes he got to be
    perfect Brian my my notes are blinking
    no I did Brian’s got was the offensive
    rookie of the year right now no he got
    some pop to his game that the leg thing
    was the only thing that I thought maybe
    would deter you just talked about there
    was somebody that the the uh Morgan and
    who that you said they wer too far apart
    who was you that you just Su Matia yeah
    Su Matia and okay Frasier and these
    Center dudes are not that far they are
    closer than I think people are being
    talked about yeah they are they are I’m
    going to steal one of your lines
    there he’s a lot closer than you think
    he’s just dramatic okay just to my stack
    here I dramatic Morgan at
    28 um you got him right Frasier at 42
    Kingsley at 37 see I I have I have
    Kingsley at 42 okay and then the other
    way so yeah that’s interesting that’s
    it’s going to be fun to see how all the
    boards stack up all right that was a
    good addition of Twitter on the 20 let’s
    kick around before the early break s
    down some NFC East Division Rivals we
    did get some questions about this but
    are there some players that we would
    think oh my gosh now we’re sick to our
    stomach Cowboys got to play these cats
    twice a year that’s next year’s the
    draft show rolls
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    show all right let’s look look at some
    of the rest of the NFC East obviously
    very Cowboys focused but you’ve got uh
    we’ve already talked a little bit about
    Philadelphia at 22 maybe the Eagles get
    aggressive do they move up Drake May at
    two Drake May that that would be a good
    thing I think for Brian there Washington
    at two of course the Giants at six who
    are some players that we would think
    gosh darn it they hit uh and now the
    Cowboys have to face these two dudes
    twice a year segment brought to you by
    your Texas Four dealers for is the best
    Texas Brian uh I think neighbors or dun
    ends up at the Giants I would hate that
    right now yeah I’m with you man and like
    I think neighbors would be number one
    for me that would be frustrating they
    haven’t actually had a thousand yard
    receiver since 2018 with Odell Beckham
    Jr with with the Giants they are
    desperate for Playmakers the one thing
    that I could sell myself on like because
    I love adun and neighbors is how how
    they getting the ball to them what are
    they doing at quarterback and is their
    offensive line any good so maybe as
    great as those receivers are they might
    be Pratt yeah I’m with you all right
    let’s do that let’s go ahead and take
    Pratt but but is it just those two
    receivers would that be for the Giants
    you’re thinking man that’s going to be a
    a tough deal yeah that’d be super tough
    I think who whatever receiver they take
    at six I think that would scare scare
    Cowboys fans more than whatever
    quarterback is taken by Washington at
    two just because I gosh that that’s
    immediate playmaking ability whether
    it’s neighbors ad dun or Harrison Jr
    depending on who Arizona picks that’s uh
    yeah that’s going to be tough you look
    around the division Philly as I
    mentioned I think they can be aggressive
    at trade up and go get a really good
    Corner whether that be tyon Arnold or
    quinan Mitchell I think there’s a
    opportunity for them to do that but if
    they stay at their pick they could also
    be looking at you know guys like coer
    deene or um Darius Robinson potentially
    uh they could also be in the defensive
    tackle Mark what Aisha said in the break
    I’m G let you go um that was that was
    mainly it then Washington and you got
    the quarterback you bring up Cooper
    deene and maybe they stay there at 22 I
    kind of think Cooper de is higher on
    some some teams boards than credit for
    man that’s what I said yesterday you
    think he’s you think he’s the third
    corner I think he might be the number
    one wig for some teams I think he might
    be the top guy I think he might be the
    number one guy now I’m with you number
    one corner overall on overall I think he
    could be the number one safety yeah for
    sure yeah I almost threw my pencil at
    you I’d play him at safety or corner I
    think I think he could play either I do
    like when you look at his game and his
    ability to go sideline to sideline the
    range I think the instinct in I wouldn’t
    mind playing him at safety what
    whatsoever but I’m not going to put it
    past him cuz he’s a white guy that he
    can play Corner well yeah I’m not trying
    to see that that white man twice I mean
    for the Eagles like I could kind of see
    Cooper deas were talking about it in a
    filthy uniform I mean and you got to
    also think like teams the teams within
    your division are trying to figure out
    how to beat you yeah where do the
    Cowboys use CD lamb who did they had
    they had not one corner that could deal
    with him last year I think Cooper jene
    could go in that or tyon Arnold could
    AR’s my number one corner yeah I mean
    there other teams like people within our
    division are trying to figure out how to
    stop your best offensive weapon which is
    CD lamb they might be looking for a
    corner that can man up I know you he’s a
    safety but still either way they’re
    desperate for safety Heth too so that
    that’d be a benefit for them if they
    want to play him now um for me I mean
    you already mentioned Darius Robinson
    I’m not in the mood to deal with him um
    but I ain’t listen I ain’t in the mood
    but I do think that Philly could get
    Saucy and I’m only talking about Philly
    because I’m not I’m not saying I don’t
    think about the other people other
    people but we kind of know Washington’s
    probably going Jaden Daniels there
    quarterback LSU yeah they got a lot of
    weapons at the commanders on that
    offense that would scare me Jaden
    Daniels with with Kingsbury and that
    offensive sta we saw what he did at LSU
    with a lot of weapons for about
    Kingsbury that could cause problems I
    don’t want to have to see a maybe a chop
    Robinson going up against tan steel
    twice a year oo the speed not not in the
    mood and again it’s not even just Teran
    still we don’t even know who the left
    tackle is going to be for the Cowboys at
    this point I think he could be a a te he
    could be a tear for our division if we
    have to deal with him what is Washington
    didn’t they get to they got they they
    got Fowler and they took every one of
    your players yeah they got Armstrong
    everyone everyone that you did shows
    about all last year they got on their
    team Dallas commanders yeah commanders
    yeah you know their team well that’s
    exactly what they are Beamer’s got the
    chop Robinson tape man I I don’t want to
    look at it Chop Chop is such an he get
    off off the line if he ends up being the
    best Edge it wouldn’t surprise me it’s
    just the lack of finish with him
    frustrates me because he finds I mean he
    will blow up plays but then he just
    doesn’t end up finishing and making the
    tackle or making the sack but he is a
    disruptive Force off the edge as chop
    Robin I’ll say the opposite of that and
    on chop but I’ll say the opposite Turner
    is that guy to me that and I say this in
    a way that that’s the guy I really have
    a from Alabama have a chance to be way
    wrong about Dallas Turner I have a
    chance to be way wrong about him he
    reminds me I don’t know which Edge it
    was last year Braswell was playing
    better than him on some I likewell like
    Dallas Turner was very underwhelming for
    too I was bored yeah I you know who else
    I don’t want to see I ain’t trying to
    have to see marshan nean out of uh West
    oh yeah boy please please of the l n
    heck yeah I’m not trying to deal with
    him I me some good ends yeah it’s just
    it’s the it’s the athleticism is is
    through the roof with him but he’s just
    his Pursuit the motor and then he has
    these long strides to the QB which he’s
    like it’s kind of deceptive of how fast
    he’s moving he don’t look like he moving
    fast but he just covering a lot of
    ground A Lot quickly and he’s violent in
    how he plays like that temperament that
    you want from a defensive player that’s
    like like the whole time I’m not in the
    movie no he’s got a high motor uh there
    there’s no question about that I know
    we’ve talked about Neil before and I
    think you guys are a little bit higher
    on him move across the but he can move
    across the line as well he can you do
    see him play inside some and that did
    stand out to me like I do like some of
    the versatility the commanders have six
    picks in the top 100 um they have two in
    the second three in the
    third this this is a kind of wild one
    here too they will pick eight times
    before the Cowboys will pick their
    fourth pick please don’t say that eight
    times eight times before the Cowboys
    will pick their fourth pick and they’re
    really and the Comm as it stands right
    now we talked about them granted like
    they sold their soul for like their
    edges to leave last year and that really
    hurt them but they’ve always been pretty
    good on the interior had some decent
    linebacker play obviously we already
    know what the situation is there but we
    T we’ve talked about them on the
    offensive side of the ball for a long
    time that they have guys over there they
    just need to put it together they just
    been lacking a quarterback I I do think
    that they could be a little bit better
    than maybe we would expect for them to
    be going I agree with you yeah for sure
    I think we all respect Dan Quinn oh yeah
    he’s yeah I’m sure they’re looking to
    try to turn some things around are we
    gonna at the end of it because of all
    the picks that the commanders have are
    we going to say they had a really good
    draft I mean that’s always how that
    works like the Rams last year but it’s
    easier to have a really good Draft when
    you have a million zillion pics they are
    in a place to where they are very much
    so replenishing more than so yeah it
    could look good because Philly had a
    million didn’t they have a whole bunch
    last year last year we were saying yeah
    Philly did a good job and they were lay
    struggling yeah
    you didn’t see get ready I’m just trying
    to I trying to plant the seeds for what
    going to happen I hear what you’re
    saying this has been fun we’ll continue
    the conversation tomorrow 10 a.m. 10:
    a.m. let’s do it all right we do have
    the Cowboys pressure coming up at the
    top of the hour thank you so much to
    Nick Harris Brian question Aisha Morris
    and of course Beamer Chris beam in the
    back I’m Zach walchuk until tomorrow
    hugs and hand pounds
    everybody this has been a production of
    dallascowboys.com and the dallascowboys
    football club how about now yeah

    Bryan, Nick, Iisha, and Zach discuss position groups ranging from WR to O-Line and more as they get you ready for the NFL Draft this week.

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    1. Trading down and grabbing a 4 is my ideal scenario, but it depends on who's still there at 24. I like that we don't know who they're going to pick, in past years we knew and it took away the drama of day 1.

    2. I want Mims SO bad… We at least need Guyton, Barton, JPJ, Morgan, Frazier to all be there at 24 and hope KC wants to move up and if so you net you a late 3rd and a 5th in return for 24 and us dropping to 32 and if JPJ or Barton or not them you go Frazier and you run that card in. Then try to land you a later round Gem/steal in Christian Jones the LT out of Texas. He went against elite comp off the edges the last couple of years. Dallas Turner, Chris Braswell, Will Anderson, Will Mcdonald etc… kicked all their asses too. You just solidified 3/5 of your OL for the next Decade+. Jones, Smith, Barton/JPJ/Frazier, Martin, Steel/Richards. We will be a top 5 OL again. Unless LB Copper or Wilson are there at 56 you go Franchise RB in the 2nd either Benson or Brooks or Wright or Allen in 3rd. #2 Rec in 2nd or 3rd round Legette, Coleman, Polk Worthy, Mcmillian, Tez Walker. Use that extra 3rd to go get you a DT to replace Hankins departure. Then fill the rest of our LB, CB, DL depth with later picks.

    3. Trading back and then trading up higher into the second round is probably the best move. This team needs two day one starter level players. Future pro bowl level. Trade up if needed. 3 really picks works.

    4. This feels like the best time to finally replace my man Travis Frederick. Let's go get the best Center available with our first pick. Here we Go Cowboys.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    5. FSU WR Johnny Wilson 6'6 231 lbs 35" Arms 4.52 40 time 37" Vert he could not be stopped vs press coverage in his career, posting far and away the top Yards Per Route Run 3.24 in the 2023 draft class 17.2 YPC in his career Dane Brugler's 22nd ranked WR with a 4th-5th round grade and he said Wilson is considered a TE by several teams

    6. After watching the bs pre-draft press conference I am very concerned about 2024. Jerry keeps effing up paying his stars early. We NEED two starting OL players and a RB in this draft and every team knows it. I’m confident we can get a starting OL player in the 1st. If we don’t get the RBs from TX or FS in the 2nd or 3rd, we need to hope for the RB from Kentucky or Purdue in the 5th. I’m not expecting this draft to fix anything close to what is lost. And for the first time as a lifetime Cowboys fan; I might just not watch anymore. Jerry is so full of crap this offseason. The team is horrible at managing contracts. Pay CD now! Or that player and Dak will walk.

    7. I like Christian Mahogany he is a downhill mauler and tone setter In 2023 422 Pass Block Snaps 0 Sacks Allowed 0 QB Hits Allowed team Captain. On the last play of his college career he tracked down a LB on an INT for a tackle he looked like a LB or DE

    8. I’m not in favor of moving on from 24 just because a few players on your board are gone. With that said though, for the right trade and where those picks are and how many, will make the difference. We need more draft capital and every pick we take HAS to hit. This isn’t a year to draft bench players.
      My question is that I wish I could ask these guys: is this one of the most injury riddled draft class at key positions then we’ve seen in years past? A lot of the top offensive line players have injury history. Running backs are out of the first round due to injury history. Linebackers, same thing.

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