This Crypto Coin Can 100x Your Money!

    today I’m going to be sharing with you a
    layer one crypto which has huge
    potential this ball run it’s a low cap
    and I don’t see too many people talking
    about it right now so if that sounds
    interesting guys please make sure to
    leave a like on this video And subscribe
    to my channel if you’re brand new I
    upload on a very regular basis keeping
    you guys updated with the latest and
    greatest low cap cryptos also definitely
    consider checking out my paid membership
    the prices are probably going to go up
    at some point because there’s so much
    demand people in this group are making a
    ton of money on some of my latest picks
    you got to go check it out guys it’s
    linked in the description so if you do
    want to pay for Lifetime access in
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    lifetime access and join through this
    way so let’s get straight into today’s
    video we’re talking about space mesh the
    ticket for this one
    ish has massive massive potential guys a
    lot of people avoid this crypto because
    of two things right the first one is the
    fact that it’s not on many exchanges and
    the second reason is they don’t know the
    market cap in this video I’m going to
    explain to you why these two reasons
    aren’t things to be concerned about and
    I’m going to try and give you guys a
    basic overview about what the project
    actually is and how much potential it
    really has now if you do want a much
    more in-depth analysis there’s a video
    by the team of space mesh themselves
    over on YouTube that’s 48 minutes long
    with a lot of technical jargon but in
    this video I’m going to try and keep it
    quite concise and simple for normies to
    understand so first question to address
    is what is space mesh and let’s try and
    explain this in as simple as a way as
    possible space mesh is essentially a
    layer one crypto that is not proof of
    work and not proof of stake right they
    do have a physical resource that you
    need to use in order to mine and I’m
    going to show you that right now so the
    consensus mechanism for space mesh is
    known as proof of space time now what
    does this mean space essentially means
    your storage space so rather than using
    your GPU rather than using proof of
    stake which is just basically money
    coming out of thin a the resource in
    which is used for space mesh is your
    storage and the reason why this is so
    Innovative is because it allows for
    accessibility in terms of governance and
    Mining essentially anyone can take part
    within mining space mesh okay they call
    it smashing I’m pretty sure that’s the
    term for it and the reason for this is
    you can use a laptop and you can use a
    PC and you can basically mine space mesh
    with these very simple devices which
    many people have in their homes unlike
    many proof of work cryptos which require
    as6 and and really high value Tech just
    to get any bit of profit from it with
    space mesh you can do this very easily
    and very affordable and the reason this
    is so good is because it ties into
    decentralization if you want a chain if
    you want a coin to be as decentralized
    as possible the actual methodology of
    governance has to be very accessible I
    need to be able to mine it you need to
    be able to mine it anyone needs to be
    able to take part within that ecosystem
    and that is the beauty with space mesh
    that I don’t don’t really see with any
    other projects okay proof of stake coins
    sometimes require loads and loads of uh
    Capital to stake to even make any money
    and proof of work coins quite often
    require as6 and very um you know
    high-tech devices which the average
    person can’t afford so first of all you
    need to understand the emphasis on
    decentralization with this project they
    call themselves The People’s coin and I
    would say that’s a fair assessment of
    the project and um it’s right to call
    themselves that now let’s get into the
    team so if you go on to space mesh’s
    website you can see the entire team here
    for space mesh you got all the different
    individuals on the team and I want to
    point your attention to one particular
    individual and that is Lane reig okay
    lay reig was one of the founding fathers
    you could say of ethereum smart
    contracts he worked on the ethereum
    foundation um and you can see here he
    was a core
    developer and uh active in governance
    with ethereum so this guy is one of the
    main people behind space mesh worked at
    ethereum I mean what else can you get
    really in terms of accolades in the
    blockchain space that’s better than
    working at ethereum obviously Bitcoin
    but no one knows who Satoshi truly is so
    that one doesn’t really work on your
    resume so very very solid team I’ve gone
    and watched multiple amas and videos
    that they’ve done on their YouTube
    channel and I’ve got to tell you I’m
    impressed with the knowledge and the
    expertise that these people have now one
    of the concerns that people Express with
    space mesh is the lack of centralized
    exchange listings and that’s a fair
    point because I quite often look at
    these things now the reason why space
    mesh is an anomaly when it comes to
    centralized exchange listings and why
    it’s acceptable to buy it is because
    it’s a decentralized project there’s no
    pre-allocation to exchanges none of that
    right in terms of like listings coinbase
    Ventures did actually back these guys by
    funding them you can see here they
    raised $18 million which is a lot of
    money if you compare this to something
    like tum which is around the same market
    cap level even higher in market cap tum
    actually raised
    350k so it’s a lot more than tum and
    when you consider tum and its actual
    tokenomics this is a very bullish sign
    because tekom allocate loads and loads
    of tokens to inside ERS whereas space
    mesh allocate loads and loads of tokens
    to the public so space mesh is actually
    more decentralized than tum but also
    more backed by VCS than tectum and I’m
    not pointing out tum because I’m I’m
    bashing on it I’m not doing that at all
    I’m just pointing out tectum because I
    want to give an example around the same
    market cap and uh it’s very evident here
    that space mesh had a lot of interest
    from Big Money coinbase Ventures
    themselves kind of funding this this
    project is a very bullish sign and
    there’s plenty of other layer one
    cryptos around the same market cap level
    as space mesh which have loads and loads
    of tokens allocated towards exchanges
    and insiders and Private Sales and all
    of these things yet there’s no big
    backers right they didn’t raise much
    money from the beginning and that isn’t
    always the best sign for me space mes on
    the other hand very decentralized token
    allocation the public have the vast uh
    majority of the supply but also there
    was a big amount of interest from the
    likes of coinbase Ventures and other VCS
    um I think poly chain Capital as well so
    back to the exchanges some people say
    this is a concern and I would say it’s a
    fair point to to critique space mesh but
    the reason is is because of how
    decentralized it is space mesh don’t pay
    for listings they get listed based on
    Merit just like Casper Casper do not pay
    for listings Mexi lists them XT list
    them they get listed based on Merit okay
    or if they do get listings it’s going to
    be some sort of community fundraising um
    event right so I’m very confident space
    mesh will get listings in the future
    just like Casper has it’s just a matter
    of time you know it’s a matter of when
    uh not if in my opinion and you couple
    that with the fact that they were backed
    by coinbase Ventures who knows maybe a
    coinbase listing is on the cards I did
    some research and I looked into projects
    that were backed by coinbase and around
    a third of the projects end up getting a
    coinbase listing at some point so
    there’s a good chance if a project is
    backed by coinbase Ventures at launch
    that a coinbase listing is potentially
    on the cards if they do everything well
    so it says here space mesh tokenomics uh
    was inspired by Bitcoin okay the
    majority of coins are fairly allocated
    to miners with a small percentage
    allocated to the team and initial
    investors with smoothly vesting over 10
    years and the really interesting thing
    here is all of the space mesh coins will
    be mined in about 2,000 years so you
    don’t need to worry about the
    circulating Supply in this instance
    because we’re not going to have all the
    tokens out until 2000 years time I mean
    go back 2,000 years the world is a
    completely different place so I don’t
    think this is necessary but I guess it’s
    a cool gimmick to have a 2,000-year
    vesting schedule so if you do want to
    find the accurate Market market cap for
    space mesh there’s a website here called
    T tracker and you can see here obviously
    the market cap is currently sitting at
    77 million okay very very reasonable
    market cap on this crypto and this is
    going to lead into my price predictions
    for this if space mesh does a 20x you’re
    talking a $ 1.5 billion market cap very
    conservative very realistic so I’m
    putting this as my beish target at 20x
    on space putting it at a 1.5 billion
    market cap this bull run my moderate
    Target as in the one that I would most
    likely expect is a 50x from here which
    would put space mesh around a 3.8
    billion market cap and then my bullish
    Target would be a 100x which would put
    space mesh around a
    7.7 billion doll market cap and this
    technology this team does deserve that
    $7.7 billion market cap the only issue
    is obviously is space mesh going to get
    the marketing and the exchanges that
    they need in order to reach these
    Heights that question isn’t fully
    answered yet so 7.7 billion for this
    amount of solid Tech and Innovation I
    think is very realistic when you
    consider something like axi infinti went
    to 10 billion a layer one crypto
    commodity like space mesh should be
    reaching those levels of market cap so
    if you do want to buy space mesh it is
    quite easy to buy even though these
    exchanges are quite Shady you can go and
    buy it on
    XT um and then you can send it over to
    Fox wallet which is an app on your phone
    or you can hold it on the space mesh
    wallet itself right all the information
    for this is on the space mesh website
    just go and research it it’s very easy
    to do you know I had no issues buying it
    and my community as well who bought in
    um they had no issues buying it so ton
    of potential on this crypto thought I’d
    bring it to you guys right now it’s
    sitting at
    $224 this is an Absol discount I’m
    telling you now I don’t think we’ll see
    these prices for too long thank you guys
    for watching this video make sure to go
    and check out my private group we’re
    showing all sorts of projects like space
    mesh on a routine basis there’s a
    thousand people in my Discord constantly
    researching cryptos constantly trying to
    help you reach Financial Freedom it’s a
    very solid group all the individuals
    have the same goal of making money and
    not only can you join a very good
    Network you can also track everything
    that I’m personally doing with my
    capital you can see exactly when I’m
    buying exactly when I’m selling and you
    can see my personal portfolio with the
    percentages that I hold in different
    cryptos obviously including space mesh
    um if you do want to have some further
    mentorship right if you want kind of
    more of a onetoone uh helper if you want
    to send me your portfolio on a regular
    basis and get really you know thorough
    detailed insights on it then the mentor
    tier is the one for you you can send me
    your portfolio as many times as you want
    through personal DMs and I’ll send you
    thorough critiques and feedback and for
    those of you who want to learn more
    about cryptocurrency and fully
    understand this space to the same level
    as what I do if you don’t know me I am a
    full-time crypto investor I’ve reached
    Financial Freedom from cryptocurrency
    and I lay out to you all of my tips and
    tricks and life lessons with
    cryptocurrency and um I’m pretty sure
    that if you learn all of this and you
    retain it you’re going to be a
    multi-millionaire of this bull run right
    obviously if you’re starting off of a
    decent amount of capital so thank you so
    much for watching have a great rest of
    your day and I’ll see you in my next
    video goodbye

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    Β© Crypto Archie


    1. Wise choice my brother…and i was about to create a video this week about this project….so amazing…it combines also tech of DAG. It also has support from coinbase and as a result is a matter of time for coinbase listing.

    2. ✨️✨️Space Mesh✨️✨️. πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŠπŸ”₯& the private community pays for itselfπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

    3. I like this project but the only thing is concerning is the price keeps decresing and doesn t show any signal for a reverse , So I am wating until I see some kind of momentum to the upside , or any specific zone holding the price, so I can buy it .
      Another concerning factor is there arent any Cold wallets that supports it and I don t llike to hold any asset on hot wallets .
      anyway its on my watchlist.
      thank you for the video Archie , great as always πŸ˜€

    4. 2000 dollars for lifetime access is way too high, harldy anyone knows who you are, you can buy lifetime access to market cypher for 1500, which has a track record, and a known name behind it. Just saying

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