
This is the Next Solana! Get on Base NOW!!!

This is the Next Solana! Get on Base NOW!!!

big things are Brewing on Bas and it’s
time to discuss why right now is the
best time to be paying attention to Bas
and to be exploring this new network
climbing the defi ladder Bas network has
already passed up optimism sooi polygon
Avalanche near Aptos cardano even a lot
of the Bitcoin layer 2os on its way to
knock off even the king daddy of layer
2’s arbitrum base has some secret
weapons that easily put salana
not that far off on the menu where most
discussions about base are centered
around buy this coin or buy that hot new
coin to get the 100x which we love that
topic by the way that’s not what today’s
video is going to be about instead I’m
going to put all the pieces of the base
Network puzzle together for you to see
letting you make the decision for
yourself why base network is so damn
important for the future of crypto one
of the biggest opportunities in this
market cycle so let’s talk about the
origin of the base Network to understand
where we came from to understand where
we’re going beginning back in March of
2016 coinbase founder Brian Armstrong
presented the first outline of the
direction that coinbase was headed in
breaking it down into the why the what
and the how known as The Vision coinbase
breaks down the why into three separate
ideas Innovation efficiency and equality
of opport
opportunity believing that background
should never dictate someone’s future
the company of course feels like those
who innovate should have access to the
same Market as everyone else and with a
broken economic system G hadn’t noticed
the need for more efficient payment
rails should be a top priority for
everyone in the industry especially for
coinbase remember they were talking
about this in 2016 years before a lot of
crypto projects were enacting this stuff
pointing out how it takes longer to wire
money to a country than to fly there
which is insanity Brian Armstrong
showcases just how messed up our
financial system really is they were
ahead of the curve with onethird of the
world living on less than $2 a day and
without access to the traditional
banking system times for Change Is Here
Brian saw the obvious need to create a
fair equal opportunity for everyone to
access this new Financial system as more
mobile devices become available in those
under served regions those underserved
markets the developing World New
onboarding Opportunities have come
available everyone’s got a phone can use
crypto this makes the what and the
mission for coinbase extremely clear
create an open Financial system for the
world but what about the how broken down
down into two parts coinbase believes
that by providing the easiest places to
buy and to sell digital currencies
combined with the necessary tools for
developers to build killer apps that
they will be able to
redefine the next generation of
cryptocurrency innovation big goals from
one of the biggest companies in crypto
paying attention at the end of 2016
Brian combined all these Concepts and
adapted them into a singular idea the
coinbase secret master plan an open
Financial system that was not controlled
by any one person any one country or any
one company broken down into four
separate phases and not all specific
coinbase the first phase can be seen as
the initial design of protocols like
Bitcoin ethereum right all that stuff
bringing more than one million users to
this new digital economy phase two
describes what came to follow with the
development of course of all the
different protocols and apps and all
that kind of stuff the need for
exchanges and security and other
infrastructure to serve participants of
this new and exciting digital economy
this of course refers to really the
current position that coinbase holds as
custodians of all this crazy
infrastructure but it’s not until phase
three that things start getting more
specific to the coinbase now we have to
talk about smart wallets with consumer
interface being the focus after
infrastructure many just thought that
this was a nod at coinbase you know just
going to beef up their exchange a little
bit provide a little bit of better
Services Tak more fees all that kind of
cool stuff but considering this master
plan was released eight years ago eight
years ago come on no one could have
guessed exactly what coinbase was
brewing what they were talking about out
well no one except for the big brain
Brian Armstrong that’s because it wasn’t
until just this year that we learned
about the smart wallet technology that
coinbase has been working on for years
well you’re probably already familiar
with the coinbase
wallet very popular wallet operates like
any standard wallet metamask trust
wallet all stuff it’s the coinbase
wallet allows you to generate a private
key have full control of your crypto
assets all that usual kind of stuff
unlike those stored directly on coinbase
right so they launch their own wallet
they want you to get your money on chain
too but unlike the coinbase wallet the
coinbase smart wallet is opening up a
completely new thing offering users the
ability to create a wallet in seconds
directly from any decentralized
application meaning that users will no
longer have to set up a wallet before
interacting with crypto applications
making onboarding much much easier
because it’s going to allow you to
create cre a wallet directly from the
application that you’re interacting with
this means that we are no longer going
to need any of those everything so much
what we’re using right now all those
extensions all the different apps to
access onchain financial instruments
it’s a mess you know it’s a mess making
the days of helping uh Uncle Joe set up
his metamask wallet kind of a thing of
the past they’re trying to make it super
super easy to onboard a billion people
that’s because instead of passphrases
and Recovery Keys which huge risk in
crypto coinbase smart wallet allows
users to access base and other networks
with nothing more than their email or
social uh Network information huge
gamechanging not only will these wallets
be the easiest way for anyone in the
world to access blockchain networks they
come with a direct focus on account
abstraction giving users the ability to
interact with different Networks
indirectly allowing you to batch up your
transactions right along with everyone
else instead of as an individual helping
thus to create an extra element of
security and to help hide your onchain
identity from all the protocols that we
interact with and any snooping eyes may
want to have a look in coming as a
complete surprise to many people these
smart wallets are not owned and operated
by coinbase or by any third-party
company that’s because smart wallets are
being designed as opsource technology
coinbase just putting it out there
making true on his promise essentially
Brian Armstrong has designed smart
wallets specifically for anyone in the
world to be able to use them without
needing any permission super big Tech
thing and without having to go through
any kind of third party even coinbase
themselves which is crazy because
coinbase is a regulated centralized
company and they know that they know of
that before we get into why this is all
so damn important you know what else is
important getting all of your crypto
Alpha delivered straight to your inbox
every single week that’s why of course I
created the wealth Mastery newsletter to
give you the most up toate value packed
money making Alpha and information and
technical analysis for defi altcoins
news nfts airdrops and much much more
every week me and my team put together
the most value packed newslet in the
entire industry so that you can make the
best possible decisions and have all the
information that you need on your crypto
journey and you can read it over your
morning coffee on the train to work
whatever however you do your life join
today for free using the link Down Below
in the description join our 120,000 plus
weekly readers now let’s talk about why
it’s important to a Smart wallets
allowing the easiest consumer interface
possibly ever to come to the
markets this brings us to phase four of
the coin base master plan decentralized
applications now to create a
Dap what’s the first thing you need you
need a network to host that application
on obviously introducing the bass
network all come up to this point the
culmination of coinbase’s Master Plan
launching its test net just over a year
ago Bas was somewhat lost in the
fastpaced and everchanging Landscape of
hot new blockch chain things happening
2023 designed as an ethereum layer 2 and
backed by coin bases more than $130
billion in assets and 120 million users
Bas network is an open source project
designed in collaboration with
optimism’s super chain technology in
fact many people don’t know that
coinbase joined the optimism team as a
core developer just to ensure that the
technology was a perfect fit for the Bas
network with base still in its test net
phase back then coinbase announced its
new ecosystem fund to focus on providing
all the financing necessary in order to
support developers coming on to the
network to make this thing a big success
citing Bas Network as a key step in
bringing coinbase’s products users 120
million users and their assets 130
billion into the decentralized crypto
economy now let’s break down what’s
happened on Bas over the last year
launching their main net in July of last
year Bas actually started with less than
$4 million in bridged assets but by the
end of its first week the network had
secured more than $200 million as more
developers joined the network and
started to to create new tools for base
users and new things for base users that
actually do on chain that amount has
grown to an incredible 1.4 billion at
the time recording this video bridging a
total of 1.3 billion in ethereum on the
base with another 100 million in usdc
currently held on the base chain this
means that the majority of users have
done nothing more than just transfer
ethereum or usdc over to the base
Network and hopes of qualifying for
maybe a potential airdrop or something
like that and there is onchain activity
people are doing stuff right but this
does make base one of the most
undervalued and underutilized networks
in 2024 with the hype is building and
it’s not going to stay under the radar
for much longer and that’s because the
billions currently held on the network
waiting on the sidelines ready to bounce
okay this is just a taste of the money
that will soon flood into the network
that smart wallet’s coming coinbase is
going to make it easier than ever and
push even harder to get money on base
and that’s because the co-creator of
usdc the second largest stable coin in
crypto is uh highly connected to
coinbase coinbase announced last month
that it’ll begin transferring corporate
and customer usdc balances to the base
Network unlocking huge liquidity on base
this is a huge deal because funds that
have been stored on ethereum and other
networks will begin leaving on mass to
find a new home on base which is dirt
cheap to use cost like 1 cent per
transaction versus like 20 bucks on
ethereum or whatever making base one of
the most liquid networks in the crypto
markets considering that salana has
around $3.2 billion in stable coins held
on its Network base Network only needs
to transfer about a billion of its more
than hundred billion dollars in
corporate and customer assets to
overtake salana and knock it down a peg
in the rankings but besides money you
need users to grow a network this is
where the more than 100 million users
was 122 million or something last time I
checked on coinbase come into play you
see they don’t need to pull funds off
the exchange and use a bridge like
someone on ethereum or some other
networks do no no no no no no no no no
no that’s because support for base is
going to be baked into the exchange and
the smart wallet all coinbase has to do
is flip the switch and everyone on the
exchange will have access to every
everything on base yeah you listening
that’s crazy and while coinbase has
stated in every official announcement
that they do not currently plan to issue
a network token they still might someday
that’d be great wouldn’t it not once
have they said will they absolutely in
no uncertain terms never issue a base
token so well it may not happen anytime
soon still something to look forward to
if you are using bass if we just look at
the history of every ethereum based
networ work not a single one hasn’t
issued a governance token at some point
in time and governance tokens are crap
but I’ll take the money when it comes
while coinbase doesn’t need to
incentivize their users like other
rollups have had to do because it’s
coinbase they have the users they have
the money they just need to transfer it
over with plans to transition based
Network into a 100% Community operated
blockchain that could require a new
token for users to be able to them
participate in the governance and to
decide the direction that base will go
on in the future future look it’s still
early okay that hasn’t happened yet may
not happen or may H not happen for years
being this early does mean though
getting on base will put us ahead of
this pack of 100 million users plus that
will come from the centralized exchange
overtime letting us position a portfolio
in key infrastructure projects like
decentralized exchanges lending
protocols and other sought after
financial instruments like meme coins
meme coins making even the highest value
projects like aerody Drome Finance with
its current less than1 billion market
cap still probably highly undervalued
when compared to like Unis Swap and it’s
more than $5 billion market cap what
about Brett Bret Bret this is the
Premier meme coin on base and it’s a
hilarious coin and yet it has a market
cap under a billion dollars once again
early okay the whole Bas ecosystem as a
whole is early and there’s still a huge
opportunity there to make money not
Financial advice but it all just feels
so undervalued still from Individual
projects and their tokens to the entire
network itself base also has some
serious opportunities earn incredible
yields before coinbase onboards all
those people and starts to dude
everything with multiple protocols
offering more than 50% APR for projects
currently launched on the network so if
you’re used to having a premium price
tag attached to transitioning to a new
network well
then this is going to be something for
you too because that’s not a concern
with base because transferring eth and
getting on base costs only a few dollars
if going from ethereum and if you’re
coming from coinbase itself
pennies oh those contract interactions
we used to paying out the butt for not
with bass nope NOP no Noe not only is
BAS fast but it’s also the cheapest
Layer Two ever invented with most
transactions costing less than a penny
in fee or just a penny I’ll pay a penny
that’s fine round it up I’ll pay the
penny so if you waiting for a personal
invitation here it is now is the perfect
time to start exploring the Bas
ecosystem check it out play with some
applications play with some meme coins
whatever have fun but that timer is
quickly running out and the opportunity
to be really early to base and it’s
still very early for Bas and this is
something has huge potential that
opportunity won’t last super long okay
markets move
fast thanks for watching

Base Network is getting ready to explode, don’t miss out.

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00:00 Intro
00:58 Origins of Base Network
04:30 Smart Wallets
08:49 Why This is Important
14:29 It’s Still Early

#bitcoin #crypto #investing
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Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


  1. Thank you for your Educative videos .. If there is one thing I have learned in recent months it is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies. Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. Bitcoin going up is good for the entire market and you can not tell if it's going bearish or bullish. I Would say More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market.I have made over 31btc from day trading with Kelvin Hurdle insights and signals. in less than 2 months, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish…

  2. Great transmission, as always. I appreciate the no nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's about it,but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Desy 11s covered me while I'm doing comfortable.10k 15k every week and I'm still counting thanks to her❀️

  3. To me, sounds like the new crypto Federal Reserve. Same old same old different name. If we are leaving these corrupt system, why I would stay in USA? getting a new passport is the answer

  4. Your fantasies and dreams regarding cryptocurrency will all be fulfilled by the fish mascot of $GODLEN. It's like having a magical being that can grant you quick success!

  5. BEST BASE ALPHA ON SALE NOW! I don’t care if you buy look into them and you’ll see why I like. $AERO $PRO $TOSHI $TOBY $MOCHI $BENJI $COPE $MFER $BENTO $ANDY

  6. Base does not plan to issue it's own coin because of SEC scrutiny. Aerodrome serves as the main liquidity hub on Base and it has almost doubled the revenue generated compared to other DEX's such as Uniswap. Aerodrome will surpass Uniswap's all time high… mark my words. Get in now!

  7. Thank you for this detailed analysis! Except that it seems that what was omitted was how do we buy into this? Is the base token available to buy and if so where? Or are you saying that we should buy their stock?

  8. Alienbase (ALB) acutally has some really cool features compared to AERO. You can compound your stake, and there is a 1:1 pair with ALB so you don't have any impermanent loss. Just generating more ALB! Pretty cool to see. Plus their UI is a little more intuitive.

  9. I got a CB wallet and thought I bought BASE. If there is no token what did I buy! I did buy a few coins that have been hyped. I have AERO but it’s on CB. My education continues.

  10. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Julie Brown.

  11. We had to make the tough decision to design our upcoming mint and subsequent index fund for BASE or Arbitrum.

    The problem with BASE is there are very few BASE alts we'd want to personally HODL long-term. Whereas Arbitrum is getting all the Thorchain/Mayachain alts now that ARB is integrated with Maya Protocol.

    So, instead of chasing hype on a centralized chain we're going to follow our convictions and provide a high quality index fund that we feel comfortable recommend for multi-cycle holds.

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