I bought 101 Internet Computer ICP today! I’ll be a Crypto Millionaire soon!

    I bought 101 more internet computer
    protocol today and I will be a crypto
    millionaire as soon as the ICP price
    $250 which I think it easily will do and
    maybe much more within the next year
    from now definitely during 2025 we
    should see this and I think this $250
    plus dollar price is going to be
    sustainable over the long term I think
    for even in a bare Market a few years
    from now it’s not going to go much below
    this I’ll tell you about why I bought
    more internet computer protocol Today
    show you my exact wallets and
    transactions and explain where we’re
    going from here and the context of this
    so if you look first internet computer
    protocol as I’ve said you know hundreds
    of times in my videos it has the best
    technology the largest research and
    development team in blockchain now does
    that accurately reflect in its 19th
    position since
    billion market cap to me absolutely not
    like this is so obviously and
    undervalued a year or two from now this
    will be super obvious just the way
    Bitcoin to me was super obvious 10 years
    ago except I didn’t have the patience to
    just stick with it although I kept
    buying and stacked it and made lots of
    money I didn’t have the patience to
    really see it through the long term
    which now I do with internet computer
    this $6 billion market cap for the best
    technology first fully onchain
    everything platform biggest research and
    development team in crypto this easily
    we’ll go to number three easily we’ll
    get to a market cap of bigger than BNB
    which currently has 89 billion market
    cap so you’re looking from internet
    computer today let me show you the exact
    buy inside my coinbase account right
    here so this is my actual transaction
    history in coinbase I bought
    $1,477 I put in after I got scraped on I
    guess a fairly reasonable coinbase fee
    of $7 to buy 101
    ICP I imagine that I will sell this 101
    ICP for 250 time
    101 why did I try and do math right now
    but that should be over $25,000 that I
    will sell this with now I currently have
    plus ICP in this one wallet locked up
    indefinitely so 8year dissolve delay but
    it’s locked up indefinitely and it’s
    been locked up there for months plus I
    have hundreds of my 15% APR rewards
    compounded to give me even bigger
    rewards and I have a second neuron as
    well that has 400 ICP locked up
    indefinitely for eight years and this is
    my plan so first the first bag I’ve
    built in my ICP portfolio is my
    long-term indefinite passive income bag
    so this when this gets to $250 this will
    be well over6
    $700,000 and the currently you can see
    the exact APR I’m getting on this if you
    go to the dashboard and internet
    computer and you search for the exact
    neuron this is giving me
    15.7 APR right now or 1.53 ICP a day so
    when the price hits 250 for this I will
    be able to leave my principal untouched
    and I will be getting close to around
    $400 a day in rewards from this without
    touching the principal and then you add
    this other little neuron will also crank
    out an additional 50 bucks when it gets
    to the price gets to 250 I’ll be getting
    close to $500 a day in passive income so
    my plan is with the ICP I just bought
    I’ve now got enough locked up to be a
    crypto millionaire where I can leave it
    and not touch it for the long term with
    the two neurons I’ve got so what I’m
    going to do with this 100 ICP I just
    bought which I sent in from my coinbase
    account here this is I’m just going to
    hold this in my liquid bag and wait
    until this hits 250 because I just took
    $1,477 for my tax return and then I’ll
    sell that for
    $25,000 when the price hits $250 and if
    that takes over a year I’ll pay a
    relatively small capital gain STX and
    then I’ll sell all the rewards off those
    ICP Stacks indefinitely so right now to
    me this it’s like would you like to pay
    $1,500 now and then you can sell that
    $25,000 within a year or so absolutely
    that seems like a great deal so that’s
    what I bought today and my strategy so
    let’s go back here to the the bigger
    picture of this so to me internet
    computers easily to get to
    $250 we need to go higher than bnb’s
    current market cap is and to me that’s a
    no-brainer and to number three is higher
    than tether so we have so many exciting
    developments going on ICP ICP has been
    not even talked about by so many people
    in crypto and if you look at the other
    crypto nearby and compare them to ICP
    like ICP If you look at everything on
    here looks like it belongs at number
    three maybe even number two now if ICP
    gets to the ethereum market cap which I
    am certain it will get to the ethereum
    market cap one day where ethereum
    currently is today ICP will absolutely
    be there one day that’s a 60x from where
    it’s at now so I paid about $15 today
    time 60 that’ll be $900
    so my plan is I hold my big bag of ICP
    forever that 3,000 bag of ICP we hold
    that forever but whenever I get close to
    $1,000 so if I can sell this this neuron
    if I can sell this neuron for several
    hundred, then I will unload all my
    liquid bag in the low multiple hundreds
    so the 100 ICP I bought today I’ll
    unload that when the price gets into the
    hundreds like close to 250 when the
    price starts to get close to the
    thousands when I can sell this neuron
    which is locked indefinitely and I
    bought this off of ID geek off the ID
    geek identity
    Marketplace when and I paid I only paid
    like 400 for this neuron and it had like
    50s something liquid ICP in it also so I
    got a nice discount on this so I’m going
    to just constantly stockpile and sell
    the rewards on this and if I can ever
    sell this little neuron for several
    hundred, I’ll unload that too and then
    I’ll be de free off of this one little
    neuron plus my little liquid ICP stack
    and then passive income for life on this
    big stack so if you look at the context
    today I mean this is something super
    easy to spot and uh I’m grateful the
    year and a half ago I had 0 in crypto in
    a year and a half we’ve already got to
    whatever 15 * 4,000 is I’ve got like
    $60,000 in crypto now and somebody asked
    well isn’t that you know don’t you feel
    uncomfortable sharing what you’ve got no
    because most of my crypto it’s obviously
    set up securely so that it’d be
    challenging for somebody else to get a
    hold of it and even if somebody did get
    a hold of it the vast majority of my
    crypto is locked up
    indefinitely and it wouldn’t be that
    easy for someone else to even transact
    it if they did get a hold of it and I
    believe in being transparent because you
    can see what I’m buying I’ve shown you
    exactly how I’ve accumulated this I DCA
    into Bitcoin at
    $166,000 then I swapped my Bitcoin when
    ICP was at its alltime low against
    Bitcoin and against like everything else
    I swapped my ICP at its all-time low if
    you look over the last year I swapped
    all my Bitcoin to ICP right here
    after dcing into Bitcoin and some other
    altcoins all year I swapped it right
    here which you know that was a pretty
    good move and at the time it looked
    crazy to other people other people
    thought this was nuts that I dumped all
    my Bitcoin into it here and the value of
    ICP against Bitcoin has doubled since I
    went all in on it so in other words if
    all I had cared about with stacking more
    Bitcoin I would have been able to double
    the amount of Bitcoin I had by my going
    all in ICP but to me this is just the
    smallest glimpse of the future where
    we’re going because when you use the
    technology on internet computer when you
    see the staking rewards and I’m getting
    you know 15.7% APR 1.53 ICP a day
    passive income for you know this is the
    best like defi yield I know of anywhere
    because it’s in an appreciating asset so
    I’m really excited about the future of
    Internet computer anytime I have extra
    cash in a bank I going to keep stacking
    into ICP
    because this to me looks like the
    easiest way I’m going to become debt
    free between business loans student
    loans and home loan this next bull
    market I should be able to be debt free
    just off of stacking some ICP up and
    many of you all have asked well what
    point are you going to stop
    buying I is going to have to get much
    much higher up before I stop buying
    because I was buying ICP all over last
    year I bought it at5 $6 I bought it at
    $4 I bought more at like three three
    something I put all my Bitcoin and
    everything else all of my other altcoins
    in at three and under three and then I
    kept buying all the way up four five I
    remember when it it would hit seven I’m
    like I’m stacking some more before it
    goes higher bought more at seven I
    bought more at like 8 n bought more at
    10 11 12 I’ve been just constantly
    accumulating ICP right here because you
    know to me we’re this is where we’re
    going back to we’re going ICP because
    the price was manipulated it’s it’s
    already been there and one of the main
    problems people have with ICP that just
    look at it for the first time is the
    chart so once the chart goes back up I
    mean even just the chart doing doing
    this has gotten a lot of people’s
    attention but once the ICP price goes
    back up here it’s it’s over because
    almost all the crit have to say about
    ICP is the price chart the price chart
    the price chart once the price gets to
    an all-time high again you know even
    once it starts to get back into the
    hundreds it’s over like there’s no more
    criticism that’s that you can really lay
    against it it’s the best tech in crypto
    biggest team in crypto and without the
    price criticism as soon as the price
    criticism threshold is crossed we’re
    mooning I mean it’s we’re up in the top
    and we’re only looking at Bitcoin and
    eum above us so if the last thing I’ll
    address some of you are like well I wish
    I’d have got in at three like
    you let’s remember Bitcoin remember
    Bitcoin I got into Bitcoin it’s it’s not
    as much when you get in it’s the
    decisions you make I got I bought
    Bitcoin as low as 170 in 2014 when it
    bottomed out around here but I didn’t I
    did you know DCA and I sold a bunch of
    my Bitcoin in the 200s when I had a
    small profit then I started dcing back
    in in the 300s basically any time you
    bought Bitcoin for the first several
    years it was out anytime you bought it
    doesn’t really matter look some of the
    people back here when it first went to
    its all-time high up to like
    $1,300 you know in the short term you’d
    have felt pretty stupid buying Bitcoin
    $900 in
    2014 but all you had to do is wait
    3 years four years and look you still 17
    extra money even though in the short
    term you know you felt stupid and
    watched the price go the The key thing
    is to just dollar cost average and I
    don’t see anything in the world better
    to invest in today than internet
    computer protocol and when internet
    computer protocol
    spikes now if it gets into the thousands
    which I think it will in the long term
    but thousands in the you know next year
    could be a bit overhyped I would sell
    that other neuron and diversify by
    paying off all the rest of the debts in
    my existing life because you you do need
    to take profits however you need to keep
    most of your bag if you’ve pick the
    right investment so with Bitcoin yeah it
    made sense to DCA in for years and it
    didn’t matter whether you dc8 in at 600
    or 500 or 400 or a th000 as long as you
    took some profits in a bull market high
    but really the best strategy was to just
    DCA in maybe DCA out take small profits
    towards the top and then start dcing
    back in once the price goes down and
    look you get way more money you sell DCA
    out some price goes back down DCA back
    in like I did and then price pumps up
    you know there’s so many opportunities
    to make money so don’t let your past
    stop you from making money in the future
    future I’m very happy even though I
    already have a bunch of ICP to stack up1
    more for $1,500 like this will be one of
    those videos you look back in a year and
    be like
    man 101 ICP for just a you know $1,500
    my God what a genius well today is just
    another normal ordinary thing I’m doing
    you know just just be along for the
    ride yeah be along for the ride

    Cryptocurrency friends you will love my video showing I bought 101 Internet Computer ICP today! I’ll be a Crypto Millionaire soon!! Join our community at https://jerrybanfield.com

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    Jerry Banfield


    1. ICP needs to come down to touch 30/50 MA at around $10, there is a FVG below that between $5.60-$8.40, wouldn't be surprised to see a quick wick down to this zone if BTC heads to $55k


    3. Thank you Jerry this is so informative and useful you are setting yourself real good I am starting my bag also at 150 ICPs right now looking forward getting more πŸ˜€

    4. ICP is utility king. But in our srange world not the strongest wins. Utility vs hype vs VC backing. Eventually the IC will be i top 5, but only on last stage of digital revolution.

    5. Jerry: I would like you to steel man ICP if you can. I see a chain that ranks 45th in TVL that does not have a stable coin, that lacks any retail user base, no NFTs or meme coins worth mentioning, ICP took in only $182,000 in fees annualized, Where does ICP compete? Why do they fall short on so many metrics. The answer is leadership. Try to steel man if you can.

    6. You need to watch out with people like this. Obsessed over leveraged on one single coin. Rule number one NEVER GO ALL OUT ON ONE COIN. Jerry means well and has good intentions but there's a screw loose up there and he is overly obsessed with ICP. Very strange. Hope the best for em but this isn't the way to go.

    7. Depends on your finances. 1000$ in AMSKRC is 4000 AMSKRC if it goes to 50% of ath in 2024 thats a 600% gain. If it goes equal to ath. Its a 1200% gain.

    8. Hi Jerry and community, I'm a new subscriber to your channel… thank you so much for your reassuring words of wisdom regarding $ICP.. Your style of narration is refreshing, open, honest, and humble, ultimately putting your money were your mouth is….great vid.. I will like and share…πŸ‘πŸ»

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