Europe’s Great Wilderness | Episode 2: Europe’s Green Heart | Free Documentary Nature

    at the center of Europe is a vibrant
    beating Green
    heart across the continent forests
    flourish in every climate and on every
    terrain they form some of the most
    intriguing complex and beautiful
    habitats on the
    habitats full of stories of powerful
    Predators remarkable
    adaptations and fantastic
    behaviors sometimes it’s hard to believe
    this is
    Europe welcome to the continent’s
    surprising Green High
    Europe’s forests have ebbed and flowed
    Millennia wiped out in a mini ice age
    around 15,000 years
    ago today trees cover over a third of
    the continent almost from top to
    bottom Mediterranean cork
    forests Central Europe’s Great Oak and
    Woodlands the Evergreen tiger just below
    the Arctic
    Circle you Europe’s green heart is
    remarkably diverse and
    growing 177,000 Square km of trees have
    sprung up in the last 20
    years much of the continent’s wildlife
    has evolved to capitalize on
    forests it’s no wonder Europe’s biggest
    Woodland beasts have made a stunning
    comeback life in Europe is governed by
    seasons by periods of boom and potential
    bust recovery in
    Spring plenty in
    summer and preparation in
    in Europe’s green heart only the fittest
    and fattest
    survive in southern Poland winter is in
    its final
    snow has covered the Carpathian
    Mountains for
    months this vast mountain range arches
    1,400 km across Central Europe from
    Poland in the west to Romania in the
    East this is an area big enough to
    swallow Greece and Switzerland whole
    and still have room for
    Belgium it’s a Bastion of
    biodiversity that contains ancient
    forests of beach Oak and
    Pine and half the continent
    wolves and
    Lynx as well as Europe’s largest land
    mammal weighing up to a ton and nearly 2
    m tall these beasts were hunted almost
    Extinction around 3,000 survive in the
    wild making them rarer than black
    rhino but now European bison are making
    to keep their huge bodies running over
    winter they resort to eating Woody
    shrubs and tree
    bark it’s not a very nutritious
    diet after a long winter fat reserves
    are waning
    some will not make
    it and those foolish enough to head off
    on their own may find themselves face to
    face with one of the world’s most
    wolves a strong pack will happily take
    on a
    bison no wonder the herd is
    skittish at the very end of winter the
    high peaks remain Frozen but lower down
    the great m has
    begun spring is on its
    way and some residents are already
    beginning to awake from their winter
    Slumber and amongst those stepping into
    this warming waking world is one of the
    Carpathian Mountains nearest Residence
    born during hibernation this Cub’s
    mother has lost up to 40% of her body
    weight nursing it in the
    den at first the mother will not let her
    CB wander far from
    home but there’s plenty of time to
    this young male is at a much lower
    altitude and for good
    reason he knows how to take advantage of
    the little on offer at this time of
    year male brown bears roam across
    thousands of square kilom searching for
    food but the key to survival is knowing
    where to
    look and this is a bear with a
    plan his prize is at the top of this
    young brown bears are great tree
    climbers their paws are the size of
    plates and Claws as long as human
    fingers the pine trees also have amazing
    adaptations they have a conical shape to
    shed snow SAP with added antifreeze and
    narrow waxy needles they don’t lose in
    Autumn and these remarkable trees also
    produce oil Rich seeds early in the
    season and these provide fast calories
    for young hungry
    bears are complete generalists when it
    comes to
    food they will eat everything from plant
    roots to young
    deer but there’s one creature that’s
    precisely adapted to feed on pine
    trees it’s the Crossbill
    this is the only bird in the world with
    the lower and upper Parts crossing over
    when the bill is
    closed it looks unnatural but it’s
    perfectly designed to prize open young
    cones a long flexible tongue then
    removes the seeds
    The evolutionary benefit of this becomes
    clear at breeding
    time with access to good resources early
    in Spring crossbills produce chicks
    before any other
    bird in the battle for survival getting
    ahead of all the other hungry creatures
    is a massive advantage
    for those who’ve had to wait forests
    across Europe are finally beginning to
    burst into
    life as the sun warms the frigid soil
    life begins to
    emerge Forest floors are soon carpeted
    for broadleaf trees preparation for
    spring began in
    Autumn they have been waiting for just
    the right number of cold days and enough
    long dark nights before sparking their
    buds into
    life Great Oaks become green Giants once
    the cycle of growth restarts in Europe’s
    heart in the Carpathian Mountains it’s
    not just bears that have been
    hibernating the arrival of spring
    awakens others creatures from their
    Slumber it’s time to get
    busy this huge mound in the middle of a
    Pine Forest is not the den of some large
    animal but the nest of the most numerous
    insect on
    Earth the
    these wood an colonies send out
    Relentless raiding parties to gather
    food by Autumn there could be a quarter
    of a million mouths to
    feed tiny they may be but wood ants have
    numbers amazing
    organization collective
    intelligence and huge strength
    dissecting a hard shell Beatle over five
    times their size is not a
    problem however it’s a sugar Rich sap
    called honeydew that actually provides
    most of the colony’s
    food and it comes from an unusual
    these tiny bugs feeding on the pine
    trees secrete honeydew which the ants
    collect it’s a symbiotic
    relationship in return for this energy
    Bonanza the ants protect the aphids
    against predators of all
    sizes and they have a unique method for
    doing this
    firing formic acid at
    them around the Mediterranean are a sth
    of dry Evergreen forests
    Spain has some of the most
    unique the Cork and Hol Oak forests here
    create habitats like nothing else in
    Europe these ancient Woodlands are a
    mosaic punctuated by patches of
    grassland Woody
    shrubs and blankets of aromatic herbs
    soils are
    poor and while spring can bring intense
    rain summer can mean long
    droughts life has evolved to fit these
    conditions this cycle of boom and
    bust Cork and hokes have small leaves
    that are replaced steadily not in one
    energy sapping
    effort many creatures have developed
    remarkable strategies to conserve
    energy one thing is clear to survive
    here you’ve got to be
    The Humble
    rabbit one of the world’s most
    species they are a vital part of the
    Mediterranean food
    chain a rabbit’s digestive system is
    perfectly designed to extract scarce
    nutrients from dry vegetation and turn
    it into
    protein which enables them to breed
    they produce over 20 kits a
    year and rabbits are so efficient that a
    nutritious placenta is not going to be
    wasted in under 30 days these kits will
    leave their
    mother and in 3 months they will be
    ready to breed the
    El it’s a natural production
    line and it supports around 40
    Predators including the seldom seen
    mongus and one of the rarest cats on the
    planet there are only around 300 berian
    links in the
    wild and their survival is inextricably
    linked to the rabbit which makes up
    around 80% of its
    diet these two species are locked in an
    battle always alert Rapids have
    developed big highly sensitive ears to
    Predators but links evolved their own
    hearing they can hear a Rapids muffled
    footsteps many meters
    away and they’ve the instincts of a
    killer just like the tiger their close
    links crush the throat killing like most
    cats Spain’s rabbits were devastated by
    epidemics but if numbers can increase
    more the most iconic Iberian Predator
    will Thrive
    again hidden on the forest floor there’s
    a far more ancient species of Hunter
    waiting in the
    this grasshopper has overwintered as an
    egg hidden in the
    soil so far it has beaten the
    odds but the floor of a Mediterranean
    Forest is no place for a juicy
    insect venomous snakes Slither through
    scorpions hunt in the
    undergrowth and a silent killer lurks
    this is a trapdoor
    spider the species has remained
    unchanged for millions of
    years like its relative the tarantula
    it’s an ambush
    and it constructs a lair like nothing
    else in the natural
    world perfectly camouflaged the trapdoor
    is woven from silk soil and
    vegetation it’s hinged on one side for a
    exit these lurking Hunters are prepared
    to wait for months for prey to come
    grasshoppers use camouflage as defense
    hoping Predators won’t see
    them but this Hunter works on
    vibrations the grasshopper is wandering
    into a loaded
    powerful jaws and large downward-facing
    fangs means there’s no chance of
    Escape the
    trapo may now stay closed for
    months in the time it could take for the
    spider to feed again another Marvel of
    the Mediterranean could have lived its
    entire adult life
    cycle this caterpillar could become one
    of the most beautiful creatures in
    Europe but it’s a big juicy meal for all
    kinds of
    predators its only protection is to look
    and smell
    unappetizing with bright orange patches
    and glands that emit a smell like rotten
    pineapples if anything gets too
    close burn take no notice
    however and mainly because of them less
    than 5% of lava will make it to the
    final stage when they undergo a
    metamorphosis it grows a chrysalis
    itself over weeks tissue Limbs and
    organs are
    transformed and what emerges is a
    swallowtail butter
    Fly for a few minutes it pumps fluid
    into its new wings as they dry and
    unfold before it reveals protruding
    tales that give one of Europe biggest
    butterflies its
    name and then a leap of
    faith this delicate creature
    has only a few weeks to
    live life is now all about filling up on
    nectar and flying into the arms of a
    mate the short summer has arrived in the
    Finnish tiger forest just below the
    Circle the tiger is a narrow band of
    Spruce Pine Larch and Birch that
    stretches from
    Scandinavia right around the
    planet it’s the world’s largest
    Wilderness and makes up a quarter of our
    planet’s tree cover
    forget about the Amazon these are the
    lungs of the world and they pump out
    millions of tons of oxygen every
    day this far north Winters are harsh and
    many creatures have had little to eat
    other than lyan moss and pine
    needles but by Midsummer The Sun Shines
    almost 24 hours a day and the tiger
    trillions of insects take to the
    air blueberries cover the forest
    floor they are a staple food for many
    animals this time of
    year and a special favorite of
    bears who can consume carpets of them in
    a single
    sitting they have only a few months to
    prepare themselves before The Long
    returns these Cubs emerged from their
    den in May and are growing rapidly in
    size and
    confidence curious and endlessly
    inquisitive they are learning the
    lessons they need to
    survive the next stage in their
    education is a bug
    hunt their mother is going to show them
    how a rotten log can provide a
    nutritious and tasty
    meal some Cubs get it
    quickly others are more interested in
    but this mother not only has to teach
    her youngsters how to find food any way
    can she must also protect them from
    danger and the greatest threat can come
    from their own
    it’s the end of the breeding season and
    males can be
    unpredictable they have been known to
    kill Cubs to bring mothers back into
    season pursuing them for days in order
    mate play time is over
    it’s time to
    go a large male brown bear can weigh
    over 250
    kilos but they are not the biggest beast
    in the
    tiger that title goes goes to the Moose
    which stand over 2 m tall with antlers
    almost as
    wide they have survived the winter on a
    Meer diet of pine Spruce needles and
    twigs now they need to rapidly build up
    their fat reserves to survive the next
    so once the thousands of lakes in the
    tiger are ice free moose take the
    plunge they are excellent swimmers and
    can close their nostrils
    underwater this unique adaptation
    enables them to dive down to get the
    mineral Rich aquatic
    and capitalize on a nutritious resource
    Out Of Reach to
    most but for some this summer Bounty
    comes too
    late wolves and bears aren’t always a
    Moose’s biggest
    threat an old moose can pay a heavy
    price for winter
    starvation but this is an opportunity
    for many other
    creatures Ravens get half their food
    carcasses these long lived creatures are
    amongst the most intelligent birds in
    world they live in complex societies and
    can communicate detailed messages with
    up to 30 types of
    older males and their lifelong Partners
    have first pick at the
    carcass juveniles are usually submissive
    but if they break ranks and try to eat
    before their Elders they are quickly put
    in their
    white tailed sea eagles can also see an
    here they are 300 km from the sea but
    find a good summer living Scavenging in
    tiger despite their imposing stature
    they are cautious birds and always wait
    until the Ravens have started eating to
    be sure there are are no threats
    around and all these birds are smart
    enough to know they are not at the top
    of the pecking order at this
    carcass this huge male has picked up the
    scent of a free
    plants fruit and berries usually make up
    80 to 90% of a bear’s
    diet but this far north Bears have
    developed a taste for moose
    flesh like everything else here Bears
    need to pile on the pounds during Summer
    and Autumn if they’re going to make it
    through the
    winter they are not going to pass up
    easy calories
    and he is not
    alone 100 years ago wolves were almost
    extinct in in
    Europe now they are a conservation
    story in summer some wolf packs kill a
    moose every couple of
    days and the they have tried and tested
    strategies for dealing with bears who
    get between them and a good
    feed they work as a
    team harass and
    Harry attack from opposite
    and never let their opponents
    settle even for a massive old male these
    wolves pose a
    risk the smallest of wounds can get
    infected if this leads to
    immobility death is
    inevitable finally he has had
    enough a bit of a free meal is better
    than no free meal at
    all now in control of the carcass the
    Wolves Retreat to the woods with their
    prize the short summer race to feed and
    breed can be
    brutal when the biggest Beasts of the
    tiger are battling it out
    sometimes the safest place to be is the
    top of a
    tree weighing around 300 g red squirrels
    are light enough to reach the tallest
    branches this allows them to exploit all
    the food in the
    forest they will eat everything from
    bark to
    double-jointed ankles and Long Claws
    allow them to race up and down branches
    and spin around Tree
    Trunks and they can leap 6 M between
    trees these animals left their mothers a
    few weeks ago and they have a lot to
    wagging the tail like this is a sign of
    nervousness they are so skittish the
    slightest movement sends them
    off and in summer these teenagers can’t
    resist a game of
    these games are good practice for
    battles yet to
    come in a year or so these playful young
    squirrels will have to fight for
    territories of Their
    although some are already happy to make
    stand Autumn brings a riot of color
    in the beach forests of the carpathians
    this is the peak time for
    mushrooms thousands of fungi are
    associated with beach
    trees some are
    parasitic others work for the trees
    benefit supplying it with nutrients and
    minerals Brown Beach leaves will stay on
    the trees until
    spring this is called
    it’s thought that dead dry leaves make
    twigs and buds less palatable to Deer
    moose and
    bison the beach has another trick up its
    sleeve before winter it delivers a fatty
    bounty to the forest
    floor Beach nuts provide a massive
    calorie boost to Tiny fast living
    rodents like hazel
    Dorise if they’re going to survive their
    winter hibernation they need to have
    almost doubled their weight over
    summer in the Carpathian Mountains the
    first snows are only a few weeks
    away soon the Red Deer will move move
    down the mountain for the
    winter but right now all the Stags care
    about is being
    seen and
    heard this is the time of the
    these mountains are home to the largest
    red deer in the world some nearly 2 m
    tall and over 200
    kilos there will be no mercy for
    lightweights for most of the Year Red
    Deer Stags roam in Bachelor herds
    relations are
    friendly but during the rut it’s every
    man for
    himself this male has a
    rival once antlers and size have been
    assessed the pair launch into bloody
    these intense fights last only a few
    minutes but can be
    fatal full of hormones that give them an
    unquenchable desire to breed it’s a risk
    most males are willing to
    once the rut Begins the fighting
    continues on and off for around four
    winter is close in the
    tiger nighttime temperatures are already
    dropping near to
    zero for this young family of bears it’s
    almost time to
    hibernate the Cubs have beaten the odds
    they are fat and healthy but not yet
    ready to leave their
    mother right now they are eating around
    the clock piling on the pounds to
    survive the
    winter in the coming days their mother
    will show them how to excavate a den
    often under tree roots or in an
    burrow gathered together for warmth on a
    bed of moss and leaves they’ll sleep
    through the tough times of little
    food like every creature living in
    Europe green hard Bears have developed
    an excellent strategy to deal with the
    seasons the cycle of warm following cold
    of Plenty coming after Barren months
    governs the behavior of life in Europe’s
    forests in every Niche some amazing
    adaptations have evolved to help
    creatures beat the
    ODS Europe’s green heart is full of
    surprises Mediterranean forests contain
    one of the world’s rarest
    felines the continent’s most amazing
    Ambush Hunter is a
    spider and hidden in the mountains
    iconic bison live alongside the world’s
    most successful pack
    Predator Europe’s green heart is diverse
    thriving all living things here have
    learned to live through the harshest of
    times and then when it arrives make the
    most of Nature’s bounce

    Europe’s Great Wilderness – Episode 2: Europe’s Green Heart | Wildlife Documentary

    Watch ‘Europe’s Great Wilderness – Episode 3’ here:

    Europe was once covered by forest, from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Wiped out in a mini ice age around 15000 years ago, they, and the wildlife that inhabit them are making a spectacular recovery. Today, Europe’s forests cover around 1 000 million hectares (about 30 times the size of Poland). From Mediterranean cork forests; Central Europe’s great oak and beech woodlands to the evergreen taiga just below the Arctic Circle, these wild woodlands form some of the most secret, complex and beautiful habitats on the planet.

    Europe is the second smallest continent, yet is incredibly diverse. Its temperatures range from 40 degrees to minus 40 degrees across several ecoregions. Europe’s Great Wildernesses is a three part series exploring its wildlife and the mosaic of habitats in which they live.


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    1. Johar Namaskara .
      Subhsandhya 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍍🥭🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🌶🫑🥒🥬🥦💐🌸🏵🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌷⚘️🌱🪴🌲🌳🌴🌵🌾🌿🍀🍀🍂🍁🍃

    2. Europe was once covered by forest, from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Wiped out in a mini ice age around 15000 years ago, they, and the wildlife that inhabit them are making a spectacular recovery. Today, Europe's forests cover around 1 000 million hectares (about 30 times the size of Poland). From Mediterranean cork forests; Central Europe's great oak and beech woodlands to the evergreen taiga just below the Arctic Circle, these wild woodlands form some of the most secret, complex and beautiful habitats on the planet.

    3. This is one of the best series of documentaries on YouTube. Top-notch quality, professionalism, image, information, script. And last, but not least, the host(s). Thank you from Romania 🇹🇩.

    4. Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Sinnoh League Victors And The Prehistoric Predators Great Migration Incredible Animal Journey Hostile Planet World's Weirdest Animal Fight Club World's Deadliest Monster Bug Wars Untamed Americas Ocean Fight Club Africa's Deadliest Alaska's Deadliest Australia's Deadly Monster Speed Kills Predator Fail Animal Amory North America Viking Wilderness Wildest Islands Wild Europe Wild Florida Wild 24 Wild Faces Of Switzerland Wildest Indochina

    5. Once again, the narration treats natural selection like the animals' deliberately chosen magic tricks. Those with the most survival-friendly behavior (& luck of the odds) reproduce. …Awesome footage tho!

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