Cowboys Break: Predicting the Pick | Dallas Cowboys 2024

    the following is a production of and the dallascowboys
    football club
    how let’s go baby are you ready for a
    break yes are you ready for a break
    absolutely ready for a break yeah and um
    so much for that it’s time for the break
    on we were on the
    great with ambar Garcia Brian bris
    Patrick Walker and Derek
    Eagleton it is Wednesday April 24th 2024
    season 20 episode number four there’s a
    lot of 20s and fours in here welcome to
    the break we are presented by LG and
    today we’re getting you ready for the
    NFL draft it takes place it starts
    tomorrow round one uh tomorrow round two
    and three on Friday and then the
    remainder of the rounds on Saturday
    we’ll have Wall to coverage Brian will
    be a part of that Patrick will be a part
    of that Amber will be a part of that
    everybody it’s all hands on deck to
    cover the draft uh we hope you will join
    us for that but today I want to start
    first by talking a little bit about the
    press conference that happened yesterday
    uh Jerry Jones stepen Jones um and Mike
    McCarthy all took some time with the
    media to answer questions and uh it felt
    a little less about draft and a little
    more about uh Team Building 101 and and
    salary caps and and everything else else
    uh but I want to First go around the
    room and just get General thoughts on
    what you heard from the press conference
    any particular things that stood out to
    you uh that you would thought that you
    thought were particularly interesting
    Brian let’s talk start with you yeah um
    again this is my opinion coming from
    1053 The Fan uh from the outside of it
    and uh you know I do the work here with
    you guys but I felt like this is the
    first time Stephen Jones doesn’t like to
    talk about contracts generally he
    pointed the finger yesterday at the the
    agent Community a little bit on some of
    these contracts and and I mean this in a
    way that uh you know when he was talking
    about hey these guys talk these guys you
    know they they have they have ideas they
    know numbers and all that usually the
    Cowboys are a team like Hey we’re not
    going to comment about that we’re not
    going to comment I sense some
    frustration with Stephen Jones yesterday
    and the fact that he feels like that
    some of these agents again their ability
    to talk to each other and then maybe
    holding up deals we always I know on our
    end of it give the Cowboys a lot of
    grief for what happened with some of
    these contracts it’s a two-way street my
    experience of working in the National
    Football League is you have to have
    people that are willing to make deals
    with you if you’re going to do this but
    a lot of us blame the Cowboys for not
    doing deals and to me I sensed
    frustration from Stephen Jones which I
    never had before but I felt like he
    pointed the finger at the agent
    Community a little bit yesterday and
    said listen we’ll do deals it’s going to
    be the right number but we’ll do deals
    and so you know I I and I think he’s
    right I think the the first time and
    this is my opinion that the first time
    they did the Dak Prescott deal you had
    an agent that was switching from one
    agency to another he was not going to
    put new money with an old agency and I
    think that’s why you got held up on a
    deal I think agents are holding up on
    deals now we saw a big deal today for a
    wide receiver which is good the lions
    got their deal done with st Brown good
    for them but you have to have people
    that are willing to talk to you and
    willing to negotiate along the way
    I sense frustration from Steven Jones on
    that front yeah there was definitely
    some frustration um and a little bit of
    defensiveness from both Stephen and
    Jerry as far as the team building the
    questions that they were kind of violing
    back and forth and uh it seems like it’s
    a situation where if you go back and you
    look at last summer you look at what
    they were able to do with Trevon Diggs
    and getting that deal done early right
    that’s ideally what the Cowboys and how
    they would like to handle their
    Cornerstone players but it’s a two-way
    street as Brian saying agents the
    representation for these players have to
    agree with the numbers that you’re
    presenting you have to agree with the
    numbers they’re presenting and then it’s
    bigger than numbers it’s how do how’s
    the money breaking down what’s the term
    etc etc so uh clearly there is some
    frustration there um it seems as if
    there’s some frustration with where they
    are in the cap as well uh Jerry saying
    something like we need we’re embracing
    um not having cap space obviously that’s
    not going to go over well with fans
    because the fans are looking around the
    league they’re looking at teams like the
    Philadelphia Eagles and howy Roseman
    they’re looking at what the Rams were
    able to do uh you know in the Years
    preceding what ultimately turned out to
    be a Super Bowl F then picks and and
    push the cap Faro goes right they want
    to see the Cowboys be that kind of
    aggressive and finesse and massage the
    salary cap in those capacities but uh
    Stephen said you know the Cowboys
    they’re focused on making this draft one
    of the best ones ever and now you don’t
    really have a choice that’s that’s kind
    of where you are CU it has to be your
    defao free agency so biggest takeaway
    from me for me is that the Cowboys are
    frustrated that they don’t have these
    deals done on at least one of their
    Cornerstone players of the big three
    Micah which is has a little bit more
    time but cidd and Dak you want those
    done right now um but interestingly
    interestingly enough when I positioned
    the question in front of Jerry Steven
    and Mike regarding the possibility of
    drafting a quarterback if there’s a
    premier quarterback steering you in the
    face at 24 you have uncertainty with Dak
    Prescott going forward you have
    uncertainty with Tre Lance going forward
    if it’s staring you in the face what do
    you do and hence Jerry’s reply we want
    Dak Prescott and that that that was one
    of the more definitive statements that
    Jerry said on yesterday and we’ll get to
    that I did have one question for you
    when you were talking about kind of how
    they’ve constructed the team I kind of
    took took the impression or got the
    impression that what Jerry was saying
    was we’ve spent the last three four
    years being what they now we can all
    question whether it really is aggressive
    but they think over the last three or
    four years they think that’s been the
    period when they have been aggressive
    and they have surrounded Dak with
    Premier talent and had one of the best
    rosters in the league and and now it’s
    time to pay that bill like he kept going
    back to hey it’s that credit card like
    we’ve been paying yeah we’ve been paying
    on that credit card all in didn’t work
    right exactly that’s exactly it sounded
    to me was that essentially they were
    going these last several years they’ve
    been pushing and we know every year we
    get to off Seas they’ be like
    restructure this guy restructure this
    guy and it’s they were just trying they
    were trying to hold it all together and
    give themselves a little more chance and
    keep that roster together and now
    they’re going to have to embrace the
    fact that they don’t have that
    flexibility anymore because the rules of
    the NFL don’t allow them to have that
    flexibility anymore and they got to pay
    the bill is that how you took it that is
    how I took it but it’s two things are
    true that’s true the bill will always
    come due it’s also true that there are
    levels of finesse when it comes to the
    salary cap that I feel like the Cowboys
    could slightly improve upon we talk
    about teams like the eagles the Rams
    there are teams the New Orleans Saints
    in the Drew Brees era there are teams
    that have shown that they’re operating
    within the same rules the same
    parameters that Jerry Jones and the
    Cowboys mentioned yesterday so
    vehemently but how long have they done
    that though I guess is the question
    because I I the way I understand it that
    day is coming from for the Eagles here
    in the next one two three years there
    but and again we’ll see and I’ve said
    this on
    Twitter we will see so we we will see we
    will see whether it gets there I’ve been
    waiting now four years for that happen
    but that’s where I look at it and I’m
    like it if if I do know it happened for
    the Rams and the Rams had to reset and
    we saw that happen but they won a
    championship and did it
    effectively they did a nice set but they
    also they did it with the draft after
    they said f them picks right they
    figured out how to do it with the draft
    they get a guy like puka n and now
    they’re back in the playoffs and ready
    to run right but but I think I think
    teams do have to go through this reset
    it’s a matter of how effectively they go
    through the reset when they get to this
    point where the bill comes due because I
    think the bill does come du it’s also
    the timing of the reset so if you look
    at it contextually for the Cowboys look
    at the timing in which this reset is
    occurring you are a head coach on this
    final year that you’ve not extended a
    quarterback of QB won MVP front runner
    allp proo record Setter final year of
    his deal not extended cidd lamb arguably
    the best wide receiver in the league you
    you want to get him extended Michael
    Parson generational Talent the list goes
    on and on the timing of such a reset it
    it’s working against them but what also
    makes it that much worse and we talked
    about this we talk about it offline all
    the time and this is why they’ve been
    defending this statement and Jerry kind
    of trolled everyone a bit with the
    statement Allin the fact that Jerry said
    Allin at the Senior Bowl and he did
    playfully troll Everyone by saying that
    again if he didn’t attach that label to
    this offseason only to find out that
    this offseason was going to be the
    antithesis of that that’s what makes it
    that much more difficult for fans to try
    to compute what’s the vision here
    because you’re right this is likely a
    soft reset maybe not a hard reset but
    it’s they’re not getting rid of the all
    the parts but it is somewhat but the
    timing of it is just very very bad I
    think the thing that they’re they’re
    really they won’t admit it but they’re
    pissed off that some of the these
    contracts didn’t work out for him I
    think that’s the thing that’s bothering
    them right Ste Stephen did mention that
    a few I think if you if you had you
    pulled stepen aside and you had it
    Scotch with him the one thing if he said
    could you do something over he said yeah
    I maybe some of these contracts I
    wouldn’t have gone the way I did you
    know that that didn’t work out that and
    and Jerry I think brought it up about
    the money with Zeke and how it prevents
    you from s signing Tyrant Smith you know
    that maybe maybe some of these bad
    contracts that they and then he said
    Martin’s money yeah exactly Zach Martin
    and we’re at training camp we’re all
    sitting there and it’s oh it’s Day 26 of
    Zack Martin holding out you know oh
    watch that football yeah oh look out
    yeah you’re about to get hit by a ball
    but we love you butter but see that’s
    that’s to me where I I think that the
    the fact that the bills come due they’re
    frustrated with the agent community and
    that they’re also in a situation where
    they made some bad deals and I think
    that’s the one thing that pisses them
    off they they’ve made a bunch of bad
    deals in their life their businessmen
    they’ve also made some great ones too
    but I think if you if you pulled them
    aside they would say if we had to do
    something over there’s probably two or
    three incidents that they would look at
    and say we would be better we’d be in
    better shape if we just had done this
    our plan was this but it wasn’t good
    enough see for me
    um it’s easy and and if you guys those
    who have not listened to the press
    conference I highly suggest it because
    like you guys mentioned it’s something
    different very different than what we
    are used to watching and hearing from
    those guys Jerry Jones Steph Jones even
    Mike McCarthy so it was uh did Mike talk
    I’m just barely J Jerry drug him in yeah
    good Jerry made Jerry made him an
    offensive line expert
    did no but um what I was goingon to say
    so to me and I’ve been one of those and
    I’m not a cap expert don’t care to be
    one it’s very because so many different
    factors of it it’s so complicated but I
    was one of those sitting on this show
    with you guys several months ago of like
    okay why they have the ability or that
    they can restructure X Y and Z and they
    haven’t and it’s easy to judge that way
    and sure maybe there are some contracts
    that it’s like okay it didn’t pan out
    and I highly highly truly believe that
    they missed their chance last year that
    was the year where they had everything
    they needed to
    get was the and not only did they miss
    it they missed it in a way that was so
    just demoralizing yeah exactly so where
    I’m trying to get at once you start
    peeling all the layers and laying
    everything out all the contracts and
    everything and you start going through
    it and really analyzing everything you
    start giving them some Grace and
    thinking okay well crap you’re really
    you’re really tied you cannot do
    anything because it’s not a one year
    it’s not this year thing you have to
    look at next year the following year you
    have to look even sometimes four years
    out to where things and the money is
    affecting you so even though I don’t
    know all
    the disclosures in contract and all of
    that it it’s not as simple it’s not as
    simple as because I’ve been there myself
    getting upset and been like why you see
    other teams doing this and that but I do
    know this Jerry Jones he’s a great
    businessman so I know he has great
    people that know how to handle money and
    distribute and all of that so I know
    there is a history there of people that
    are actually very very knowledgeable on
    the job and how to move money around so
    anyways the point is they’re they had
    their chance they all in was last year
    and then now they’re just having to pay
    all the receipts this is Jerry even said
    it it’s like you have your bank account
    but you know you have all these bills
    and now you’re giving plasma so you can
    get 10 bucks so you can eat dinner that
    night you know you know you your bank
    account looks really good and then all
    of a sudden you realize You’ve Got A
    month’s worth of bills coming up I think
    they’re to the point now and maybe it’s
    maybe it’s going to be sacrificing the
    quarterback here maybe it is I I’m just
    I’m just saying they’re looking at it I
    think that we can’t kick the can any
    further down thead road we can’t we
    we’ve kicked it as far as we can as a
    group we agreed last year was their best
    opportunity now you have to pay the bill
    we’ve all had a great dinner you know
    we’re all we’re all liquored up and
    ready to go home you know but somebody’s
    got to pay the bill and now they’re
    having to pay that bill and they yeah do
    they have the money do they have the
    switches sure they can’t I think they’re
    to the point that they’ve made the
    decision like we’ve kicked this can as
    far as we can we can’t do it anymore and
    so that’s why I think they’re in the
    position they’re in right now I was
    going to say here’s here’s because I
    like to put on different hats to look at
    things from different angle so from a
    Jerry Jones Steven Jones perspective
    salary cap yes they don’t want to kick
    the can they can restructures Diggs and
    Malik hooker and it can happen but they
    don’t want to because that bill is how
    they’re VI the Bill’s too much now but
    then put on Mike McCarthy’s head yeah
    now he will never show this visibly and
    he might not even it might not even be
    an internal thought for him but if I’m
    Mike McCarthy and I know that I only
    have this final year to prove myself
    what you’re basically asking me to do
    which is fine because I’m up to the task
    but the reality is reality is that
    you’re asking me to deliver you at a
    Super Bowl esque run yes with a with a
    lot of young talent that you’re asking
    to step up which will include a class
    full of rookies yeah but I but but you
    but you know last year I gave you a team
    with all these pro bowlers and so you
    know what Mike McCarthy really honestly
    and I’m not saying this to be mean he
    does doesn’t have a leg to stand on
    right now if you look at the way we’re
    talking right now if you look at last
    year as the all-in best
    chance as a as an organization they
    didn’t deliver and he’s he’s at the top
    of that the general manager’s at the top
    of the list but then the head coach is
    the next so Mike McCarthy as he looks at
    this he’s now gonna have to play the
    hand he’s dealt he had a winning hand
    that’s fair he had a winning hand at the
    table and but they drew the the dealer
    drew a straight flush on him you know I
    mean cards you know how that goes he had
    the hand to win that’s true they didn’t
    deliver and now he’s got to look at this
    and say I had my chance if they move on
    you know I don’t like it but I
    understand but I think also I’m growing
    a little tired of the conversation that
    paints the picture that the Cowboys are
    now this team that has no Talent like
    that is they’ll never they’ll never be
    back my point when you say when you say
    well he’s kind of dealt his hand where
    the team is I look at it I I really saw
    this and and I it was interesting it was
    on 105.3 The Fan the other morning I
    heard Sean and RJ and Bobby uh they were
    citing an article where this this writer
    had done use artificial intelligence to
    be able to identify the rosters and rate
    The rosters AC crowd in the NFL you want
    to know where Dallas fell in that it’s
    up there number seven seven number seven
    and and I’m like okay so yes it’s not as
    good a roster as last year because it
    lost a lot of its depth one thing we
    know about this team is they tend to
    draft pretty well they’ll replenish some
    of that they will never be bad for that
    reason they replenish some of that maybe
    they won’t get it all back but they’ll
    replenish some of that this is still a
    good enough roster to go where you want
    to go this next year now who knows what
    it’ll be beyond that because again I I
    look at it when people start saying they
    have all these lovers they can pull it’s
    like a person that’s now falling into a
    well they’re already in a hole and
    you’re throwing them a shovel instead of
    a rope like if you yeah they could push
    these levers but pushing these levers
    definely just going to worsen the
    problem it’s going to put them farther
    down in that hole I agree it just
    doesn’t solve the problem so it’s not
    really a solution to say you can push
    these you can pull these levers and and
    and restructure these guys and push the
    money down the road you really don’t
    have that flexibility anymore it’s best
    to say let me pay my bill let me get out
    of debt let me be fiscally responsible
    and then I can restart and say okay now
    I can get aggressive again I got my
    money back to where I need to have it
    now I can get aggressive again I think
    that’s how you have to approach I just
    never feel like I feel like this team
    will always be in this I don’t mean this
    is a slam to Jason Garrett they’ll
    always be an eight and8 team as long as
    they let these guys draft they will they
    won never fall below that they will
    figure this out they will find a
    quarterback they will find Talent around
    as long as they let them pick players
    you know give them compensatories let
    them uh assign UD uh undrafted free
    agents maybe dabble in the free agent
    Market a little bit if they can they’re
    just too good at Personnel here you know
    they really are they know they’ll never
    be that now they’ll lose players but
    they will find ways to replace these
    guys and and let’s be clear because and
    I’m on record of saying this but let’s
    be clear for those that are listening I
    believe the Cowboys have plenty of
    talent right so if you go back to the
    statement it’s youth so if I’m putting
    on the McCarthy hat it’s not that I’m
    concerned about the talent it’s it’s the
    youth and that lack of experience and a
    lot of unproven guys look at your
    running back’s room for example before
    you enter this draft it’s a lot of
    unproven experience and you’re looking
    at these unproven guys and saying you
    have to take us to a Super Bowl right
    you have to help us take go to a Super
    Bowl now of course again as a coach
    particularly a guy’s competitive as Mike
    McCarthy you’re you’re taking that
    challenge on on and I love what you said
    and that doesn’t really have a leg stand
    on he and to that point though combining
    with what you said yes the Cowboys have
    a lot of Talent on this roster but they
    hemorrhaged talent talent in free agency
    so if their best shot in recent memory
    like you said umber was this past
    January and that fell short with that
    roster and now to your own admission the
    current roster as we have this
    conversation is less talented still
    talented but less talented than the
    roster that failed in January now you
    can see where fans get concerned yeah
    that’s where Sam Williams and Tolbert
    and these guys Ste a samam for Tolbert
    is is Tolbert needs to play better
    because Michael gallup’s gone you know
    and all those Edge rushers are now gone
    Armstrong Fowler Sam Williams you need
    to step up and play better you know
    Junior foko they drafted you for a
    reason you know you have to figure out a
    way Mazy Smith you got to figure this
    thing out you know so to me they the
    talent the talent we talk about young
    Talent they’ve got talent ented football
    players the problem is they’ve got to
    play like talented football players and
    youth ain’t always a problem look at the
    Green Bay Packers look at the Houston
    Texas from last year AG both rosters
    were just Litany of young guys who were
    just getting into the NFL and figuring
    it out and got the opportunity so if we
    trust the fact that they can draft well
    then trust these guys to get out there
    and play and let’s see what they can do
    when you give them that responsibility
    about to see that you’re absolutely
    about to see and by the way I want to I
    want to see I want to see some guys that
    they’ve they mentioned like a Sam
    Williams we’re going to get into some of
    this a little bit later we’re going to
    take a break but I want to see a guy
    like a Sam Williams if you give him more
    opportunity what does he do with it
    because more maybe more P we don’t know
    but but it’s true like there’s all these
    or more sacks or’s your hopium that you
    used to take I used to take I take a lot
    of you run out of it use it all I lost
    it all in a Press Box in the Green Bay
    Dallas game my hopan went right out the
    window all right we’re going to take our
    first break we’re going to come back
    we’re going to dive into the actual
    draft a little bit more talk about the
    defensive side of the ball some areas
    where we think the Cowboys may need some
    help and maybe get some names of some
    guys that that you should be aware of
    heading into the draft tomorrow we’ll do
    that when we come back
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    back second segment of the break live
    from swbc mortgage Studios at the star
    we’re presented by LG and this segment
    is brought to you by all
    right let’s talk about the uh the
    defensive side of the ball heading into
    the draft got a simple question for you
    guys which would you think of these
    three areas is the biggest area that
    Dallas needs to focus on in the draft
    this year defensive tackle defensive end
    or linebacker
    jump in Garcia what do you
    um defensive tackle defensive end or
    linebacker that’s
    a tough question cuz I have my doubts on
    uh defensive tackle and linebacker
    okay right now I think
    I trust a little bit more the
    linebacker position than the defensive
    tackle and that says a lot because you
    got the marvan Alan coming back from an
    injury highly unknown he’s only played a
    few you know in the preseason and that’s
    it then you got you do have the veteran
    that you signed and there’s some
    experience there Krick um yeah
    he his age I don’t know I’m I’m still
    like waiting to see even though we’ve
    talked about him and all of that but he
    he has the experience uh with Mike
    Zimmer and all of that that he brings in
    but going back to defensive tackle and I
    get it Ma Smith I trust the evaluation
    and the reason that he got drafted in
    the first round and everything but right
    now nothing that I saw last year and
    that this doesn’t mean that I’m giving
    up on him at all whatsoever uh this is
    his second year and I’m excited to see
    if he has grown there but
    I just don’t feel like I trust the
    position at the moment especially with
    all the issues that you had at stopping
    the run the linebacker should help at
    that as well but at the moment I have
    defensive tackle a little higher than
    linebacker yeah one of the best players
    on the in the draft is a defensive
    tackle Byron Murphy from Texas he’s but
    he’s a three technique the problem
    you’re running into is you don’t have a
    true one technique here because you’re
    trying to figure out what you’re going
    to do with Mazy you’ve lost the depth
    with henkins walking out the door and
    others so you really don’t have a one
    this draft isn’t particularly deep for
    one technique guys either uh McKinley
    Jackson from Texas A&M is a guy that’s a
    326 pound guy he’s probably a fourth
    round pick on a lot of boards you don’t
    have a fourth round pick you have a pick
    at 87 unless you get another pick and
    you’re you know that’s to me that’s it
    would be you it’s a little bit of a
    reach if you pick him at 87 you know now
    you’re now you’re trying to uh use
    valuable third round draft Capital to
    make up for a position that you drafted
    last year in the first round because
    you’re not sure uh the linebacker
    position goes a little bit deeper here I
    think these linebackers on your board
    are kind of trade back guys if say some
    of these offensive linemen are not on
    the board for you or you don’t like the
    particular tackle or your Center’s not
    there then maybe you can find a way to
    trade back and then this is where uh
    pton Wilson the linebacker from North
    Carolina State comes into play Cooper
    from Texas A&M comes in play coulston
    the linebacker from Michigan comes into
    play here so to me it’s the linebacker
    gets addressed on a tradeback
    potentially first the defensive tackle
    unless you want to take Byron Murphy and
    again that’s a three Tech you got jump
    up to get him though right that’s what
    I’m saying there’s some people that feel
    like that maybe that if he were to slide
    if he were the one guy that all of a
    sudden there’s such a run on offensive
    players yeah that they lose track of
    Byron Murphy then you know that might be
    the best player on your board yeah but
    he plays a position that you you have
    Oso Digis who I think is a really good
    player but he you know Murphy and Osa
    yeah it’d be great to have those two
    rush in the passer but we still haven’t
    addressed the one technique now does
    that Mazy Smith you know we’ll see how
    that plays but I only feel like that the
    defensive players will be there or
    potential for the drafting of a
    defensive player if it’s a tradeback
    that’s where I think that that’s and I
    think they would probably address the
    linebacker before they would address the
    defensive tackle would be my guess as
    well uh I’m obviously a build defense uh
    from the front to the back type guy so
    my inclination is to say defensive
    tackles um but going into the draft
    before they make any any selection I
    keep defaulting to the linebackers only
    because they’re are more and bigger
    unknowns at linebacker so at linebacker
    as it stands you have Deone Clark you
    have Eric Kendrick and then you have
    which basically would be a red shirt and
    de marvion overon coming back from a
    torn ACL so he has to get back to form
    healthwise and then he has to get
    through the rookie learning curve at one
    of the more cerebral positions in
    professional football but when you look
    at the defensive tackle position yes we
    have questions on what will Mazy Smith
    Smith look like in year two what will
    his weight look like in year two is he
    going to be a three held to a three at
    current weight they’re looking to bulk
    him up but is it going to be bulky
    enough to put him back at one at the
    nose tackle um but that’s not as
    concerning it is concerning but it’s not
    as concerning as demarvion overshown and
    how quickly can he get to form and
    become um you know potentially a premier
    linebacker in this league we talked
    about Osa outstanding talent I have no
    concerns about Osa other than he’s going
    into a contract year we’ll talk about
    that when we need to talk about that but
    osa’s Talent is ready to go right um
    Chanty gon he shown flashes mostly a
    special team sky but when he’s been
    given the chance rotationally on defense
    particularly on the back half of last
    season he showed some good signs
    concerned there as far as unproven but
    there’s a potential to do something
    there so even before they they make
    another pick or before they make a
    single pick the defensive tackle
    position in a vacuum to me is more
    important than the linebacker position
    but based on the pieces that are on the
    table I’m more concerned about
    linebacker than I am defensive
    especially like Brian said I mean just
    using the pick last year on Mazy it’s
    hard to imagine them picking someone at
    the defensive tackle a high pick or one
    of the first pick this this draft
    stretch is pretty good for you on the
    edges so I wasn’t worried so much about
    grabbing an edge uh I think that the the
    you’re going to have to be creative to
    get a defensive tackle though especially
    one if you’re want a One technique yeah
    that’s it’s and it it might be a little
    bit of a reach uh and that’s the hope
    that if you pick up if you say you drop
    back to you you you could go back heck
    you could go back to Tampa and pick up a
    fourth round pick that that’s helpful
    that’s only going a couple of spots but
    you know it would be it would really
    benefit you if you could grab a day
    three early pick because when you pick
    at 87 and you don’t pick again till
    171 that is a long day of all of a
    sudden guys going off that board and
    you’re just watching them and you and
    you have no way unless you jump back in
    somehow and stop the bleeding you can’t
    call a 20 second timeout and try and get
    back you know maybe you do but uh it
    it’s it the the the trading back aspect
    of this if their guy is not there I
    think they have to be prepared to try
    and go back and heck you could take this
    thing all the way back to Kansas City at
    32 and pick up a three and pick up a
    four and that would do you some great
    things get a three andap four yeah wow
    yeah yeah that could be huge yeah you
    trade to San Francisco you trade to
    Baltimore Baltimore’s the team I don’t
    think will come up Baltimore is a team
    that traditionally will just sit there
    and good players fall to them happens
    every single year I’ve ever been
    involved with a draft so to I think
    aggressive teams Buffalo aggressive team
    I think uh San Francisco’s an aggressive
    team I think Kansas City is a very
    aggressive team uh those are those are
    guys maybe even Arizona at 27 might be a
    team that you start to talk about
    there’s some people when we were doing
    the draft show Nick Harris was talking
    about maybe trading this thing all the
    way back into the top of the second
    round you know looking at pick 34 35 and
    picking up some draft Capital that way
    they might feel like that is a better
    way to operate than than just going
    ahead and picking a player at 24 yeah
    bottom line is the Cowboys have to go
    into this draft not even considering but
    knowing that they’re going to have to
    get at least one trade back done uh
    hopefully more than one they need
    they’re going in with only seven picks
    what three in the top 100 if they’re
    going to have to get more in the top 100
    preferably more in you know at top 150
    at worst so if you look at and Shameless
    plug my my annual mock that’s on Brian brings up an
    excellent point Kansas City I played
    around with maybe trading with Kansas
    City going back to 32 get that third
    that fourth I ultimately ended up with
    two move back two trade backs the lions
    from 24 to 29 and I got the Lions um
    73rd the third pick 73rd overall pick
    and then when I went on the clock at 31
    guess what the 49ers wanted to call and
    make an offer because they’re unsure
    about Brandon IU right potentially so
    got their third round pick which is 94th
    overall so before I even went on the
    clock at 31 I had two third round picks
    point being the Cowboys need to both be
    making the calls and Fielding the cause
    and being open to see what they can do
    uh I do think it’s possible that they
    trade out of the first round entirely
    the my only asterisk to that is this is
    a team that recently hasn’t been
    successful at getting deals done on
    their Premier Talent early which means
    they probably want that fifth year of
    control over their first round pick so
    keep that in mind when you’re
    considering how willing or unwilling the
    Cowboys might be able to trade out of
    the first round yeah that mean to your
    your point on your Detroit trade that’s
    about a 225 difference on point
    differential and that would be a massive
    overpay for Detroit but how bad do they
    want a player sometimes you can get a
    team that really wants a player and you
    can get a massive overpay on that so
    right and to qualify that because
    Detroit correct me if I’m wrong they
    don’t have a fourth round pick they
    don’t so they put the fifth round pick
    on the table along with their first for
    the swap fifth round pick wasn’t enough
    for not enough I said no and you don’t
    have a fourth which would have been the
    sweet spot so you got to come to the
    third and they end up taking JC leam
    which makes sense I was was thinking
    about Detroit as a possible not trade
    back because I think they’re going to
    have to give up next year’s assets to do
    it and I can’t play with next year’s
    assets I have to think about so to me to
    me another thing you need to concerned
    about is I don’t think that if you look
    at this draft Minnesota’s picking ahead
    of you right now at
    23 I would bet that somebody other than
    Minnesota is going to pick ahead of you
    so there’s another team that might have
    a need that you have that’s all of a
    sudden I mean keep an eye on New England
    uh diving out of there uh you know and
    listening talking to their folks about
    it they they shoping their pick that so
    you know if if Minnesota could package
    their their two picks and go up and get
    their quarterback like I say there could
    be somebody very very different other
    than Minnesota picking ahead of you and
    that’s uh that’s something you have to
    worry about all right we’re going to
    take our final break we’ll come back
    we’re going to get some predictions from
    these guys on what we think will happen
    on tomorrow and on Friday in the first
    three rounds of the draft we’ll be back
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    you back to the
    break I’m about to give you some
    information you already probably have
    the 2024 Dallas Cowboy star magazine
    draft guide everybody’s got this thing
    already if you hadn’t got it by now
    you’re you know what you’re a deep dooo
    as they would say but anyway get your
    draft guide it’s uh has in-depth
    scouting reports on the top college
    players with more than 400 prospects
    plus there’s a are breakdowns of the
    Dallas Cowboys need at each position to
    look back at 10 years ago to the team’s
    dramatic draft the annual first round
    mock draft and more get your copy of the
    2024 draft guide at your local Pro Shop
    thear or Star not the star/ star yeah
    welcome back it is the final segment of
    the break right now yeah you should have
    it and I will tell you also there is a
    we have a new portal on our website
    where we have tons of draft information
    we’ve got scouting reports on all the
    players uh that’ll be involved in this
    weekend’s draft so if you want to use
    that as kind of a an opportunity to be
    able to brush up a little bit before the
    draft begins or throughout the draft to
    be able to get an idea on for three days
    you can do that as you’re watching and
    listening to the draft show you can
    check out this uh this portal as well we
    got everything it whatever kind of way
    you want to consume it we got it I’ll
    tell you what I was really happy and by
    the way thanks for letting us do the
    draft 101 here yeah it great thank to
    the Jones family as well for allowing us
    to use the venue I had a guy from a fan
    from the Detroit Lions that was part of
    he came up to me he says listen I didn’t
    want to ask a question from all these
    Cowboy fans but what do you think my
    lions are going to do and he was so it’s
    really nice to know that the reach that
    we have with our draft coverage that it
    does go worldwide and it’s not just all
    Cowboys fans they’re fans from all the
    teams and we appreciate everybody out
    there that that that consumes us for
    these periods we do and credit to you
    and the whole team out there that does
    the draft show this is it’s turned into
    something way bigger than even my guy Ed
    kahill could have imagined when he first
    the idea to me it was uh and definitely
    more than I thought it would be at this
    point but it has turned into something
    much bigger than just the Dallas Cowboys
    so good job on you guys we’ll have a
    great weekend this weekend and uh
    hopefully the Cowboys have a good
    weekend hopefully it’s a good week
    that’s the most important thing all
    right so let’s uh let’s dive in I want
    to get some some ideas some predictions
    from you guys of what you think is going
    to happen let’s start first with the
    first pick and I’d like to know from you
    guys two things one who do you think
    they’ll pick two who do you want them to
    pick I personally I’ll start this off
    because I’m supposed to be the draft
    expert here I’m a big fan of uh Jackson
    pow Johnson the center from Oregon uh
    I’m starting to hear some more medical
    improvements there were some things I
    was very concerned about I talked to two
    or three different teams about I have
    not talked to the Cowboys about what
    they think about his medical condition
    but he’s the best center in the draft I
    I’ve gone on record I feel like that
    this team has to find a center and if
    you’re going to draft a need that’s go
    for the first one that’s Center I think
    is the the one position that I would
    look at I’d love for them to be able to
    draft him uh I I think that when you
    look at Barton from duke is another
    possibility uh there you’re going to
    have to walk a Minefield in front of you
    and everybody once again knows I was
    trying to alert you about that Minnesota
    pick and if it’s not Minnesota it could
    be somebody else it could be somebody
    that’s going to sell maybe that team’s
    going to sell the pick we’ve Dallas has
    had this happen to him a couple of
    different times where there’s such a
    need everybody’s thinking that Dallas
    needs a Center Dallas needs a tackle D
    you know all of a sudden you get a team
    like Buffalo last year a couple years
    ago maybe traded ahead of you for a
    tight end you know we’ve seen teams try
    and trade ahead Philadelphia did it one
    year for Dallas GD traded ahead of you
    because they thought you were going to
    take a tight end so if if you know
    Dallas is trying to keep this very quiet
    and very much buttoned up but man if if
    they could draft one of these centers
    Powers Johnson from Oregon Barton from
    duke I think that would go a long way to
    helping them uh fix some of the things
    they deal they’re dealing with this
    offensive line a g well do not look at
    me for information about the draft and
    do not look at me for any any other T
    tackle or or Center which if you had
    Center Center but
    the main guide and I’m I’m trying to
    think it’s just be if it’s because I’ve
    made my own opinion about Powers Johnson
    or if it’s because I’ve been kind of
    secretly brainwashed because I’ve seen
    his name everywhere so may you know you
    start getting seeing things everywhere
    and just implants into your brain but
    he’s a guy that that has attracted me a
    lot and that I can see him fit pretty
    well with the Cowboys and and the o line
    and be a plug-in guy immediately and and
    hopefully not have a huge growing curve
    to to do but I do still think that the
    Cowboys will be trading back however
    there’s still the possibility of getting
    a guy like uh Po johnsen and he and
    regardless if it’s not him my pick would
    be whatever pick they make first o line
    it has to be and I have
    I I trust it a lot in the sense that so
    far what the Cowboys have done over the
    years they’ve been very successful of
    drafting linemen offensive linemen so I
    trust that whoever they do pick and go
    for would be a guy that will be
    efficient and good for the Cowboys not
    only this year for years to come that’s
    well said I think they’re open-minded in
    the aspect of like you said offensive
    lineman right I think it it’s just down
    to Center versus tackle and they’ll see
    how the board Falls there I think
    what’ll work in their favor um if you’re
    like Amar if you’re like Brian and if if
    you’ve read my mock massive spoiler my
    first round pick is Jackson Powers
    Johnson that’s who I absolutely want um
    but the medical uh situation and I’m
    glad to hear that it’s improving it’s it
    is I talked to two teams again I did not
    talk to the Cowboys but talked to two
    different teams and there was some
    concerns with some various things and
    they’re like no no no clean this is
    clean on some these areas that have the
    concerns so so what I’m wondering is
    because of the presence I hope they
    think that as well because of the
    presence of those medical concerns
    regardless of which team are worried
    about him or not you don’t necessarily
    have those with a guy like Graham Barton
    which I believe that’s going to make
    Barton go off of the board and if
    reports as early as this morning if they
    hold true and teams are making a run on
    offensive tackles and that’s going to
    push the Cowboys more so to Center and I
    think Barton is gone before they even go
    on the clock at 24 I think that uh poers
    Johnson is someone that you could trade
    back right potentially get a fourth or a
    third and still he’ll be there for you
    later uh in the first round so I would
    love that’s my dream scenario is that
    you can go back even 31 32 whatever you
    need to go it could be in the 30s and
    you’ll still get Jackson Powers Johnson
    and I just have visions of him you know
    bookended by Zack Martin and Tyler Smith
    you talk about fixing the Run game you
    talk about protecting the middle of the
    offensive line those are three bullies
    that’s what I want to see and I love
    what you’re saying I think you’re going
    to have to draft the center I think if I
    trade back I could take one of these
    tackles and you know the names but
    there’s some names that I think that
    when you when you look at uh fanu from
    Washington is a possible name I I I
    asked somebody about laam in the league
    I asked a general manager about laam
    from Alabama he said he says he ain’t
    getting to you Brian uh gon has been a
    very very popular name the name you need
    to keep an eye on is Morgan from Arizona
    if they trade back into this thing keep
    an eye on on that particular I think
    they could play him at guard or they
    could play him at tackle there he’s
    really a talented player we talked about
    him a bunch on the draft show very early
    and then like media Scouts kind of fell
    off from him and then he became a guy
    that was kind of a late one maybe early
    to so Dallas trades back in that because
    maybe the centers are wiped out and and
    and and Patrick I’m not poo pooing your
    idea about P Johnson being the trade
    back situation but like I say if the
    medical stuff is improving if people or
    like there was there was a legitimate
    scare about him and the medical
    conditions and like I say I had a I had
    a general manager tell me no this is
    this is what the league is going to see
    with this guy now so I kind of feel like
    those centers might be the premium The
    Tackle depth stretches a little bit more
    so if you go back to to that 31 32 maybe
    even come out of the second round uh I
    would keep an eye on on Morgan from uh
    from Arizona you know I would I would
    love for them to come away from this
    draft with Barton and it’s not
    necessarily for what he does right now
    although I think he can step in
    immediately and be your Center and be a
    really good Center for you I like his
    his flexibility and I’m looking at two
    to three years down the road let’s say
    Zack Martin as we know he’s coming
    closer to the end of his career if
    you’ve already got a guy that has that
    ability where now you have to you can
    pop him out to guard if you needed to if
    Zack Martin should say retire in the
    next one to three years that feels
    really right to me and I that’s why I
    like a guy like Barton who has that
    flexibility because I do think right now
    your offensive line is in a little bit
    of a a I kind of feel like TJ bass is
    that guy
    right at the Right Guard they will tell
    you they feel like that TJ bass is a
    better Right Guard than left side I
    think it’s so I at the end of the day I
    love the flexibility that’s my point I
    love having that flexibility off like we
    when they selected Ty Tyler Smith like
    the no one projected him necessarily to
    be your guard he was going to be the
    tackle but he got it guard and he was
    really good at it so I just like the
    flexibility give me a guy that can play
    there’s people that there’s people that
    feel like that what if you drafted
    Barton and you turn around and drafted
    another Center and you played Bart and
    at guard and then okay maybe you maybe
    they don’t want to move Tyler Smith but
    would you you you now you played Barton
    at guard you played Tyler Smith at left
    tackle and then now you’ve drafted uh
    NORAD from the Penn State Center like in
    the fourth round yeah you know if you
    get a fourth round you get one of those
    extra picks and that might be an optimal
    five right that that’s that’s what I’m
    saying that if you I they could double
    dip on these offensive linemen and I
    would and I did in the mock and you
    mentioned flexibility
    so in on my on round three so on that
    73rd overall that I was able to get from
    the Lions and maybe he falls to 87 who
    knows Dominic puny yeah from from Kansas
    uh absolute he’s flexible got him in the
    right spot right you put him at guard he
    can do some damage you put him at tackle
    he won awards uh last year for Kansas at
    left tackle so that gives you also that
    added flexibility that you’re looking
    for and that’s a guy strong uh quick for
    his size and he’s a guy who can come in
    and be a starter immediately and down
    the road post Zack Mar it gives you that
    that much more Firepower to say okay
    well we know you do well at left tackle
    maybe we try you here but to Brian’s
    point I do think TJ f is your post Zack
    Martin at
    right ability keep an eye on like from K
    is Delmar glaz from Maryland’s another
    guy I mean here’s a guy that’s played
    left and right tackle for Maryland and
    projected as a guard so at 64 315 pounds
    he wins he’s got body position he plays
    with leverage he’s he he’s engaged a lot
    he shuffles SL I mean there’s a lot of
    things about puny Delmar glaze from
    Maryland those are those are two really
    good players but I love the fact that
    the conversation is centered around the
    offensive line because I think when
    you’ve got a young team and they’re in
    the position from as Jerry talked about
    it yesterday where they’re going to have
    to pay the bill and all those kinds of
    things the best thing you can do is
    solidify your lines you solidify your
    lines that’s the best thing you can do
    for a young team because no matter what
    other the other pieces are that you may
    be able to keep or have to get rid of
    know en enjoy that Byron Murphy pick
    yeah right hey the line we’re we’re
    talking about the lines we’re talking
    about the lines offense defensive line
    give me the line all right we appreciate
    you guys joining us tomorrow uh make
    sure you check out all of our coverage
    on the draft draft show will be starting
    up I think what six o’clock tomorrow o
    tomor and we’ll run throughout the
    entirety of the draft day one two and
    three till then for Patrick Walker Brian
    brus and Amber Garcia I’m Derrick
    eagleson this has been the break live on radio this has been a
    production of and the
    dallascowboys football club how about
    them cowbo

    A quiet free agency means the Dallas Cowboys are under that much more pressure to make the right call with each of their 2024 NFL Draft picks, and the panel gives predictions on who gets the call in Detroit.

    #DallasCowboys #CowboysNation #NFL

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    1. The difference between the current general manager and the past ones is, the past general manager would select A- players as backups. This general manager picks C+ plus players then wants them to be the next man up. They select on the cheap , then they get what they pay for. Next man up works when you select the best possible players from the 2nd tier and not mainly from the dollar stack.

    2. Did Ambar say more than two words the whole episode? She is normally really good but not even having an opinion on Eric Kendricks is lame. He was a disaster for the Chargers last year and now he’s a year older. Only have to watch a little tape to figure that out

    3. You know agents are like that, knowing the Lions WR was about to get $30m. Maybe they would have signed CeeDee earlier for $25-$30 since Tyreek's monies came out to $25m but couldn't get his agent to communicate! I'm sure the agents are a-holes because they all talk to each other and the more they make the more in their pockets and they don't care about the teams or maybe they don't like SJ??

      Listened to a new podcast (Blue Star Lunch Hour) with Joey Ickes and John Owning. It's a mock draft, but the first 20 min is about cap monies….really interesting.

    4. Last yr was probably their best chance to win the SB based on how it fell. But from the start of the season and every big game we had. Everyone knew what the problem was. They want us to blame Dak. But no they couldn't run the ball on offense and or stop the run on Defense. Quinn got everything he wanted and he failed

    5. Cowboys get teams come in front of them because there are too many talking heads on "air" and talking about what they want or should want…what they will do or should do. Every team knows the Cowboys business! OTs are top heavy and after R2 there is huge drop off of talent!

    6. At this point. Every big name player is just in it for the money. They know the Jones’s are not serious about winning a SB. Make your money!!! Cowboys organization is pathetic

    7. Three or four people get the most of the money. It is all about greed. If it was your money would you put half the money on four players. Dak is good but he is not of the best QBs. He folds on the real crucial games. Paid a lot of money in the last two three years and what happened.

    8. Fans are whining because they're over emotional, so what they think about the team doesn't mean anything. The team has to pay Dak, CeeDee, and Micah and they never spend big in free agency. The media, as usual, is pushing the drama because that garners clicks. They still have a good roster, the main things they need is a center and depth which they can get in the draft.

    9. Way to tow the company line. Both Jerry and Stephen have been double talking for the longest. How about Dak saying that they have as yet to actually talk about making a deal. How much time did they spend trying to hype up no names on the team. Every team have basically the same problems.

    10. It's the same old cowboys. Other teams get deals done with their top players. Stop trying to lowball players 😤 Jones boys r the worst n the league from a winning organization

    11. So player agents have had their way with the Jones family so many times, the agents will necessarily play hardball with Jerry because they know he`ll back down.

    12. Im just not understanding why they keep putting Micah Parsons at DE then complain that he has 12 sacks the 1st half of the season but end the season with only 14 15 sacks. He's a linebacker.

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