How Tristan Tate Got Rich With Cryptocurrency

    what coin should I buy to get rich do
    you know why I’m so rich in crypto
    because I don’t try to make money with
    crypto and what I mean by that is this
    it reminds me of that scene in The Wolf
    of Wall Street when Matthew mccon is
    sitting there saying look stock Brokers
    don’t do we don’t create anything
    we buy a stock at this price we sell it
    at this price but we don’t actually make
    anything it’s a fugazi fugazi it’s a Wy
    it’s a woozy it’s not real
    that’s most crypto Bros who are trying
    to get rich and catch a pump you’re not
    creating anything just trying to buy
    coins you have to provide value do
    some copyright most some grass
    cut someone’s Hedges go work at
    McDonald’s I’ve been making loads of
    real money in the real world in lots of
    different ways for a very long time and
    using that money to invest in


    1. That's the FIRST thing you should understand about passive income. You wont make 50% profit trades 20 times in a row even if you saw a video of someone doing it online. Have you ever seen someone to win a jackpot at the casino? First get the capital, then you can talk about optimization of your passive income cash flow.

    2. Ah yes a person who got rich from only fans model and porn looks down on young men who want to make money with crypto and not being sexual degenerates.

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