Oil, gas and mining

This Is Going To Be Permanent (Bob Kudla)

This Is Going To Be Permanent (Bob Kudla)

we we have a track record every time
that’s happened from 1929 forward people
that ran into the bond market and out of
the stock market when we have these what
they call inversion events when when
those when those go back to being
positive you you you sell your stocks
and you buy the long Bond and then
you’re you’re going to make 30 40%
versus losing 40 to 50% in the stock
market you know the Great Depression
what was the best uh asset of them
allall was homestake mining so you the
gold and silver miners are going to uh
are going to do well in in a in a
depression environment because real real
assets are going to become more valuable
in a deflationary environment it’s
counterintuitive people think oh
inflation gold but but golded extremely
well when you have a a basically a a
deflationary collapse too because it
holds its value over something else
and good afternoon everyone Bob kudla
again I know you always look forward to
our updates kind of getting a little
crystal ball out into the future it’s
just Trends you can see more of the
trend then call a specific so if you can
wrap into the trend and then do some of
your own analysis in on that laser Niche
that you’re looking for particularly to
help you get through these times that we
all see are changing uh the Silent
Scream might be more the the way we
could call this where you’re getting all
this unemployment you got prices rising
everywhere across everything doesn’t
matter what you buy it’s more expensive
and then um you know Dollar’s strong
across the world but what comes next
after this or during this event uh not
sure because I wanted to talk about my
personal experiences traveling and then
Bob wanted to talk about credit card
data and kind of how this all melds
together of what I’ve seen because you
know I’ve just traveling for four months
I’m just back to the US but I’ve seen
three in of
money 50% decline doubling in prices and
how that affected the society so
hopefully you can get something out of
our talk today so Bob thanks for joining
and uh the floor is
yours yeah DAV thanks for having me you
you know you you are right so what’s
going on right now is with the interest
rates uh being pegged relatively high in
the United States it’s causing the
dollar to have strength which is just
destroying all other currencies around
the world and not sure how much longer
they’re going to be able to continue to
do that until uh you know somebody’s
goingon to blow up BigTime IE like the
Asian crisis of 1998 or the peso crisis
that we had in Mexico earlier than that
and and I think then you’ll see a
reversal you know in the dollar the
other thing too with that is that Janet
yellen’s playing a very Danger dous game
by only selling uh treasuries that are
very very short duration and what that
allows the bankers to do is to uh
obviously collect that premium but they
don’t get dinged on it as a um as an
offset against their you know their
Capital um requirements they’re able to
actually leverage that is treated as
cash and they can leverage that up I
think you know 8 to one and that’s
what’s been pushing on the stock market
you know because the bankers turned
right around and they push that extra
cash into speculative assets not really
necessarily lending it out as you can
see so so we have that moving on that’s
why people are so confus why inflation
is running hot employment is drifting up
and you could say it’s probably much
higher than than they’re announcing it
but yet the stock market keeps moving
higher but that’s the reason why is
because they’re pushing more more and
more and more leverage you know into the
system and it all ends when she can’t do
that anymore and and you get the refunds
that are when I mean refunds the
refunding or the refinancing of this
debt becomes I mean in the
trillions every year and it’s just going
to become an absolute uh chaotic event
when when they have to go go out on the
on the Futures curve which it will
sooner or later you know and and then
the dollar rolls over that affects the
stock market that affects commodity
prices which affects inflation and even
with the strong dollar Dave they still
can’t get inflation under control
because if you notice you know every
time interest rates creep up Energy
prices creep up with it so they’re so
they’re being counteracted on now they
there’s no Goldilocks anymore and higher
energy prices just obviously as you know
just siphon right through
the entire supply chain and out back out
to the retail person so that’s what
we’re dealing with you know I kind of
was joking with you this is the Silent
Scream because anybody on a fixed income
is now having to make decisions in their
life and and these decisions are really
interesting you know from a
standpoint Americans in general aren’t
used to uh picking between have to have
spending and want to have spending and
basically the money is drying up for the
want to have spending and that has dire
implications for our economy because
want to have spending is is things like
you like to do but you don’t have to do
obviously and those those are the things
that give you I think happiness you know
in terms of things to look forward to
you know you nobody wants to work to
live you know they want to work to have
something Beyond just living and that
means you know hey taking your kids to
to Camp or to you know taek kond do camp
or to soccer camp or or you know you
getting your nails done or you going
getting a massage you taking a trip you
know you um going out to eat you know uh
have a gym membership all these things
are starting to are starting to uh uh
dry up and you can see it you know the
RV sales are down uh gym memberships are
down I mean you see the offers they’re
putting out there now car sales are
getting absolutely obliterated right now
and you got credit card defaults are are
increasing rapidly and this is what one
of the things that was uh basically the
the you know the pin prick of the bubble
in 2008 is basically just people just
could not you could not maintain the
lifestyle and they ran up their cards
and then they had a default and we’re
going to get this default cycled right
in the middle of of a commercial real
estate crisis as well so you you you’re
going to have a lot of things stacked up
on you and and and it’s not going to be
pretty and the problem with this Dave
it’s Insidious it’s not like hey this
stuff’s gonna just go down you know the
stuff is starting to get baked in I mean
I went out to dinner last night and I
hate it I only go because you know you
got to get out of the house sometime but
I mean I had spaghetti and meatballs my
wife had swordfish
okay and it was with tip it was
$110 I mean absolutely insane you know
the the markups these guys are throwing
on there because you know the sales
volumes aren’t where they used to be and
employee expenses are running High well
how many people can do that on a normal
basis very very few and and I think
you’re you’re starting to see where
higher costs are going to start limiting
sales and then becomes a vicious cycle
downward until prices do break and they
will break we will go from an
inflationary environment to a rapidly
deflating environment and then it’s
going to be really really really
scary yeah you have to be thinking about
how to try to you know make some extra
money during this time uh trade with
23.com check out that site there uh with
Bob here and their trading rooms and
also different ideas of how to get into
the markets when these Changing Times up
or down both there’s ways to
you know to make more money as you’re
moving through this and that’s another
thing is if you’re sitting back here
poor broke depressed and thinking
negative thoughts all day long every day
your life’s just going to get worse
you’re going to get into that downward
spiral as well or you can look at that
and go wow there’s opportunity for me to
make more money every day and you start
to get into that cycle where things are
starting to move up where every
opportunity you’re looking at is like I
can do something different I can make
more here I can help this I can once you
get into this spiral whatever spiral you
want to choose to put your own mind
thought and energy into is your choice
but as we move through from what I have
seen I can summarize what I’ve seen in
the last four months traveling is the
genie is not going back in the bottle
and it is something big This Way Comes
because I’ve seen in Hungary and the
crazy thing is the Germans are now the
number one country of migrants moving
from Germany into Hungary because it’s
so much cheaper to live there German
power prices have increased some 10
10 an enormous amount of businesses are
G on up 60% of all German businesses
have closed that’s even large factories
like uh Bosch and BASF and a few others
have closed over there and it’s a
downward spiral and their you know car
price is down 40% and people are looking
to escape and this was the interesting
thing is we had a a chuckle about this
and you know it’s kind of uh you know
that people were stuck behind the wall
there East and West Berlin and trying to
get over to West Berlin but now they’re
running over into Hungary which was
before you know in the Soviet in the
Soviet Union’s grasp of that
point things have changed so drastically
that Germans are trying to escape
Germany because they can’t live they
can’t exist there so they’re going to
Hungary because it’s so much cheaper now
as Americans a lot of them don’t even
have passports are they considering
moving to a second country to escape
these prices if you’re not on that plan
then you need to have a plan to be able
to make more money right now and doing
trading is is a great way to do that you
don’t even have to leave your house you
don’t have to have the EXP expensive the
fuel to go anywhere else you can do it
from home so you know trade 2030. or
trade like a genius.com take a look at
you know the opportunities there but
what I’ve seen outside in the world when
these prices are running away it’s
devastating Japan and I’ll come back to
you Bob but we went to Japan the last
time I traveled there the exchange rate
was 100 to a dollar it was 152 at the
high when I was there to 148 so it
ranged in those four uh those four
points for the day or the the week that
were there it actually went from 148 to
152 and then it peaked and it dropped
back down that is a 50% decline in their
living and they were screaming about it
they were angry about it they were
depressed about it and the whole society
reverberated with that everything’s way
more expensive and we got to work twice
as hard for half as much stuff and then
Croatia they abandoned their native
currency the kuna and started using
exclusively the Euro and their prices
doubled everything doubled when we went
there the last time to this time when we
traveled back CU I was doing some
research for my patreon
uh subscribers out there about the high
tide events possibly in October of 2024
in the naval museums and this sort of
thing doubling in prices everything
doubled and then Hungary 40% food
inflation in a few months and they’re
looking because of a Super Freeze that
rocked through there snowed down of
Slovenia and further down right near the
Croatian border they had a Super Freeze
event come in after everything bloomed
out on an early spring season they’re
looking at totally they’re looking at
100% losses of anything that bloomed in
Fruit veg and also Vines you know they
were looking it’s a wine industry all
across Central Europe there they’re
looking for another 20% of food
inflation baked in in the next month
month and a half like how are you going
to counter this you know that’s all how
do you protect yourself against this and
that’s why Bob’s here to to talk about
some of these things so and I rambled
there I don’t I think I even lost my
point because it’s just it’s devastating
for a society when this happens you have
no idea how people react the menus are
changing by the minute putting stickers
in and people are they’re just so their
minds are are broken at this point you
worked your whole life and you can only
buy half as much stuff and you look out
to next week where it’s going to even
get more expensive that’s not a life I
want to have and hopefully you know our
conversation today can prevent you from
having that same life and look in a
different direction to possibly protect
yourself and then gain during this time
I just don’t I don’t want to live in
that world what I saw out there so Bob
I’m glad you’re with me today your
Point’s well well taken is that it’s
Insidious and it’s it’s also going to be
permanent so you got to remember all the
politicians are gaslighting everybody
here you know they’re they’re basically
not listening to the people Germany’s a
classic example I mean my head’s
scratching the Germans are so cheap I’m
German you know and we put up with
people raising their prices this much
you know if people I think the light
switch is going off I you can see it
politically right Argentina went right
Hungary went right I think Netherlands
went right um another country went right
in Europe is because people now are like
you guys aren’t listening to me you’re
you’re conducting a different agenda
than representing us and I think that’s
what’s reverbing around when the left
goes crazy the right always reacts it
it’s not always it’s not always good and
pleasant as we know looking at World War
II when when the right reacts to the
left you know you you tend to you tend
to have Civil Wars and conflicts and and
on top of the food prices and that’s the
thing that people don’t understand you
know if you and I were talking 200 years
ago and what’s happening in Europe
with the weather is happening this is
when people died of famine you know you
should thank God that there’s a global
market for food and Technology that’s
available or there’d be famines today
because you know you could you can
actually shift food here and there but
the problem now is that countries that
run deficits have to be able to export
in addition to their deficits in in
order to maintain a standard of living
and they can’t do it anymore with food
cost and energy costs going up it
basically checkmates the the money
changers and you and I talked about when
you and I first started talking Dave I
don’t know 10 years ago we we started
doing this together we said they’re
going to be able to get away with it
until food and oil ignores them and
we’re at that point and they don’t know
what to do that’s why the FED can’t
lower interest rates inflation would go
to 20% in the United States if they
dropped interest rates back down to zero
again now they may be they may be forced
to do it because they’re always going to
take the easiest of the two routes out
they rather try to deal with inflation
and deal with a deflationary collapse
which is probably on the horizon if they
don’t lower the interest rates but the
problem with inflation is that we now
have 50% of the population going on
income okay and you’re basically going
to guarantee starvation and Poverty of
the elderly and and I think this is uh
will CA great economic and and political
chaos and so that’s the bad news the
good news is that there’s always a way
in which you can outrun these things
through um you know trading so you know
if you get an inflation you and I were
talking before we went online every time
they raise interest rates or interest
rates rise in the United States Energy
prices go up with it okay well you can
complain about it or you can just own
the energy companies right and same with
food food prices you know we’re really
lucky here food food based on the uh the
the prices that are coming out of the
ground versus retail price there’s a big
cushion in there on the supply chain so
there’s there’s ways in which you’re
going to be able to make money on the
food we we we’re in and out of food
companies I love uh uh you know
companies like Archer Daniel Midlands
you know those companies as as the food
price uh starts to
escalate that company goes up in value
and so so you you look at that and then
if we go into a deflationary environment
you just sell everything and you buy the
long bond in the United States and
people say well why would I want to buy
a bond in a company country that can’t
pay their bills because everybody in
their brother is going to be rushing out
of other assets and that’s the the
safest of all the assets is the treasury
because they they’ll either tax you or
inflate away the debt so people are
going to run into those those assets and
we we we have a track record time that’s
happened from 1929 forward people that
ran into the bond market and out of the
stock market when we have these what
they call inversion events when when
those when those go back to being
positive you you you sell your stocks
and you buy the long Bond and then
you’re you’re going to make 30 40%
versus losing 40 to 50% in the stock
market so there’s a lot of a lot of
opportunities here and look and we know
too you know uh Bitcoin now is getting
its stress test you know this next
recession bitcoin’s going to get his
first stress test of what how it deals
with it with the recession and right now
bitcoin’s acting like a supercharged
NASDAQ stock it’s it’s it’s it’s you
know it’s a pure play liquidity play but
it’ll eventually become a currency play
when you start seeing some of these
currencies blow up I.E look at Venezuela
now they’re trying to trade now in
Bitcoin for oil primarily getting around
sanctions but also number two it’s more
stable than their own uh their own
currency so you know Bitcoin is going to
be a player out there and then there’s a
whole host of companies that that
basically um Circle that you know you
got the Bitcoin miners you got the
Bitcoin ETFs and you also got the
proxies like coinbase and micro strategy
so so there’s going to be opportunities
there and of course you know the Great
Depression what was the best uh asset of
them all was Homestead mining so you
know the gold and silver min are going
to uh are going to do well in in a in a
depression environment because real real
assets are going to become more valuable
in a deflationary environment it’s
counterintuitive people think oh
inflation gold but but gold is extremely
well when you have a a basically a a
deflationary collapse too because it
holds its value over something else so
there’s tremendous opportunities out
there and look
unless you know like you get a nuclear
attack here none of these things were
ever surprises okay the the 29 crash you
people had months to understand that was
coming you know the crash that we had in
87 six weeks warning it was coming the
covid crash people had six to eight
weeks warning on that you you could see
it big money can’t hide from from from
uh the public view it’s is that people
their mentality prevents them from
taking action on it the 2008 collapse it
was 18 months coming I mean you know you
started real estate collapsing in 2006
it took almost the middle of 2008 for
the whole the whole ball of wax to to
get Unwound so and the same thing with
the 2000 Tech crash right we knew I was
in tech at that time we knew three
months ahead of time that we basically
Ford front rant two years worth of sales
to H to hit
Y2K and so what I’m telling people here
now is is that consider us canaries into
the coal mine here we’re telling you
probably sometime this fall we’re going
to be into major crash mode when I mean
crash mode you’re not gonna wake up 20%
down it means it’s rolling over like a
roller coaster all through 2025 and it’s
going to be it’s going to be persistent
and it’s going to be um it’s gonna it’s
gonna it’s going to tax you and when I
mean tax you it’s mentally and
emotionally and physically it’s going to
wear you out because at the same time
companies are going to be shutting
employees to try to maintain any kind of
stock price that they have Tesla just
reported before they report it they
announced they’re going to get rid of
10% of their their uh of their Workforce
okay and and and know and Tesla that
whole V thing is collapsing on on the
left too people don’t want the cars and
and so you you you’re going to have
tremendous opportunities to take
advantage of these things so I want to
get people encouragement in the midst of
this Gloom Dave and I are being gloomy
because we want people to listen and we
know in social media if we told you
everything’s great you would ignore us
but if we tell you the world’s going to
end tomorrow you’re GNA at least listen
to us and then you’re GNA least have an
opportunity to take advantage of of the
of the um the assets are going to that
are going to really do well in that
environment and they will so that’s kind
of my message back my rant back to you
Dave is that look things are bad you you
can see it I think at any point people
can deny the fact that things are not
right okay but the stock market moving
up is moving up in a very narrow way and
and that’s going to catch a lot of
people wrong because people say oh the
stock market’s doing fine until it
doesn’t and then that’s it then there’s
then there’s nothing left and so you
need to be ahead of that the old phrase
is he who panics first panics best and
we want to put that in people’s heads
right now and look you’re going to make
money uh you can check out my track
record we’re Trading long and short all
the time and there’s plenty of
opportunities here with the markets and
and uh I think you’ll you’ll find that
um you can stay ahead of the monster if
you just pay attention and take
advantage of you know what we do
basically use our algorithms to trade
it yeah number one always set a
stoploss I learn from the mistakes hey
and I want to ask you just uh maybe I’ll
throw two questions at you here just
quickies and uh yep what you you you
mentioned commercial was going at the
same time that individuals with the
credit cards you know you should get in
the personal debt and then also the
commercial debt kind of stagnant and
definitely like when’s the last time
that occurred where you get the rolling
over and you’re getting the that
happening at both sectors at the exact
same time and then the other one uh it
was 1.1 trillion to service our debt as
of last month but in late November it
will be 1.6 trillion like you can
already see that math moving forward
when it gets over two trillion three
trillion just to service the debt at
what point do people wake up across the
world or whatnot and say hm they just
can’t issue anymore uh any more
treasuries that’ll really offset
anything yeah well answer the second one
first is that because we’re the reserve
currency um the Federal Reserve will buy
up all the debt that nobody else will
buy okay and that means inflation that’s
kind of where I was getting at there
yeah that’ll that’ll create a that’ll
create stagflation into uh what what I
would call I want to say we’re going to
go into hyper infation but it’ll cause
stagflation for sure and they they’ll
eventually Drive the the interest rates
down to zero because they’re going to
take the easy way out never uh this is a
this is a perfect storm and you can ask
actually add um uh demographics to that
too Dave so you have an environment
think about this you know um uh I’m I’m
at a point in my life where you know
normally I would downsize right uh but I
just love where I live but but if I put
my house on the market I don’t know
who’s going to be able to buy my house I
live in coastal Southern California I
don’t know who these people are you know
uh that can that can afford to buy my
house at the price they say it’s worth I
know my my daughter won’t be able to buy
my house you know maybe gift it to her
Upon Our demise but but you know she
can’t buy my house and and she’s she
makes good money okay and so you’re at a
point here where where um
you got assets that are locked up on
people right they can’t monetize
it uh credit’s going to dry up so they
won’t be able to use home equity lines
credit and then you have the work from
home phenomenon and an unemployment
phenomenon that are keeping people out
of office spaces okay then you got
retailers rolling up here and and and
and I’m going to go off on a site Tang
engineer because I think it’s really
important for people to understand
what’s happening really in commercial
real estate state so the work from home
movement is real and it’s going to it’s
it’s and it’s permanent okay some
companies complain about it most
companies are really really happy about
it they realize that any potential loss
in in in productivity is way more than
made up for in terms of employee
satisfaction and also um the um uh the
cost savings they have in terms of the
maintenance and the uh utilities and the
rent that they have toay pay and these
are typically in class a high cost
cities and and the people have D defused
out so you don’t you don’t get the same
salary pressure who somebody just bailed
out of San Francisco and moved to uh
Reno right you know they’re not going to
be screaming at you for I need another
20 30% increase so I can live in San
Francisco some of that cell cell
pressure came off and and people are
shedding real estate like crazy okay um
on the on the res on the res on the
retail side is that the technology with
the Amazon phenomenon is is such that
companies like look I don’t need as much
class a highly viz space now to sell my
products I just need really good social
media to inform my clients you know
potential clients of what I have to
offer and I’ll invest my money in the
distribution centers instead and then
the third area is restaurants okay used
to you people used to have restaurants
all over the place and now with the you
know the rise of of food delivery is
that they have less class a restaurant
space and then they’re investing into
larger class seat kitchens okay that um
that will then that’s you know when you
call an order in that’s where it pumps
it right out to you know it doesn’t go
to your it doesn’t go to the store
that’s handling the inore uh Diner it’s
going to a kitchen that’s handling all
the uh
all all the orders and then then they’re
going out on routes so these things are
all permanent the next thing that’s
going to happen is in the AI robotics
Revolution that’s that’s in place now
where you’re GNA you’re going to
actually even shrink the footprint even
more and here in Southern California we
have grocery stores Now Dave that are
shrinking their square
footage okay because of the the rise of
people buying and and and have just
going out to their car having it
delivered to them and it’s being it’s
being handled behind the scenes and
warehouses and they’re shrinking their
footprint and they’re also if you notice
in grocery stores is that the lower end
prices are going up but the higher
premium stuff the stuff that sits at the
eye level top shelf if you notice all
the sales on all those items well a lot
of those are going to get discontinued
and you’re going to see a shrinkage in
in in the availability of of diverse uh
product lines and that means they’re
going to shrink the the footprints of
these of these uh grocery stores as
their leases coming up you know
California a regular siiz grocery store
you’re looking at $90,000 plus a month
for rent okay where I live you know so
it it would absolutely if you could
shrink the footprint and keep the same
amount of sales you know these guys are
going to do it and and they’re going to
be renegotiating hard and so that to me
is I don’t think people quite get that
because people are still in the mindset
of well real estate’s always a great
investment well it’s a great investment
until you get gated for five years on
your commercial real estate investment
because they can’t find a seller and
nobody’s renting the property and they
won’t let you they won’t let you out of
your investment at par they may let you
out of a
haircut okay so that that that has dire
implications and then the follow on to
that Dave is that then these cities tax
bases are getting eroded okay and then
the politicians are they’re already
pretty radical they’ll go fullon
Communists and drive out the rest of the
people with money and then we’re gonna
have we’re going to be sitting here in
this country with 50 or 60 black holes
okay of just imploding Revenue imp
ploting pensions and if they think
they’re going to solve this problem by
importing five million illegal
immigrants that are dirt poor I think
people are sadly mistaken they should be
out there finding five million rich
people and bringing them from other
countries but they’re not doing that so
we’re going to have this huge underclass
at the same time these local these local
entities can’t support it and and this
that’s why this thing gets pretty ugly
here pretty
fast and on the real estate too I’ll
tell you uh I was out with friends on a
boat and we were driving you know
cruising by and there was like a$2 and a
half million doll uh place right up on
the on the Lakeside and I I was you know
like hey I was just curious how to
my own a knowledge like what would you
do like what kind of monthly payments
would that be for if you’re GNA she
looks me and goes anything at that price
they only pay cash so you know who are
the buyers for some of these properties
because you know you look in America
everything’s risen what 50 100% over the
last since covid began so houses that
were half a million are now more than a
million and if that goes the same true
from now on for purchases of homes over
a million dollars would be cash only I
mean really that amount that pool of
persons out there that have million cash
that could just pay and walk away that
is shrinking by the second you got to
look around the United States and see
what the home medium prices are now and
it’s just absurd compared to what it was
previous to covid Farmland you I was
talking to a guy just yesterday and he’s
like yeah my friends have been looking
out here where I live and haven’t been
able to find a scrap of land there’s
nothing I mean yeah you got vertical
Cliffs side that you can’t build on but
other than that it’s all
gone so right you know who who’s going
to be able to really fund and continue
to run the economy that’s more the
question and Y again it all comes back
to how do you survive okay if you’re not
if you’re planning on not moving or
you’re planning on not buying million
dollar houses Here There and Everywhere
then what it truly is to play for the
rest of us sitting out here okay this
thing is starting to crumble beneath the
feed it’s like an earthquake where you
can start to see in some of these
disaster movies where the land is
falling away from under you that is the
stability we used to enjoy in this
country and globally now what is more
the question really and you know what
what can you put it in I do believe that
the same thing with gold silver and all
this the miners are going to be the ones
that are going to really take the lon
share of that because people are going
to be knocking at their door 247
increase production go explore more but
then on the other side you got the Biden
Administration shutting down land leases
up in Alaska and all our energy is
getting cut off again for the second
time if it wasn’t the Keystone Pipeline
and all these other sets of pipelines
and now they’re taking Alaska off so you
know I’m looking at this going is this a
purposeful thing and if it is then you
know how can you even protect yourself
more because you know you’re going to
have to have some sort of Plan
B yeah I’ll give you I’ll give you I’ll
give you a trade just off the Keystone
thing you know our pipelines in in in
the lower 48 are are are between 80 and
90% full and so the pipeline operators
now are going to start auctioning uh off
U access to that for oil and so you know
you want to buy companies like ET right
km uh I think it’s KMI Kinder Morgan
uh those are those guys pay really nice
dividends and and they’re going to be
able to raise prices so there’s always a
ying and a yang right you know the you
know the left likes to have um you know
bloodless coups right well you’re not
gonna have a bloodless coup this time
people are now are reacting to these
actions so uh you’re going to have um
you know uh you’re gonna look at LG uh
shippers you know one we’ve recommended
forever that just trades in a a $4 range
pays a dollar dividend a quarter LPG
it’s freaking ATM machine right you got
these these um these uh pipeline
operators super safe you always you look
you only way you can ship oil in this
country efficiently is through pipelines
so they they can’t shut the pipelines
down right uh so uh although cyber may
try to but not not from economic
standpoint so I own a bunch of those so
there’s a lot of things you can do to
protect yourself and and so you know
every action you have to look at U the
other thing you were talking about I I
lost my thought on it again because I
was listening to you uh is that you know
with the with the oil and stuff going up
uh you know that just makes the domestic
Supply that’s already available going
proba like I own Exon Mobile is my
number one ownership position for our
family and it just grinds out a nice 4%
dividend you can sell calls against it
you get an effective yield of 15% and
there’s a stock out there called exoo
that does that for you you don’t have to
even think about how to sell cold B I
don’t know how to do options well you
don’t have to learn how to do options
buy xomo you know I want to buy TLT I
don’t know how to sell option well buy
ttw so these are the kind of things that
we help people and we teach them how to
trade and and the thing what we do is
different anybody else I’m not telling
you you’re going to be rich trading with
me I’m GNA tell you that I’m GNA help
you increase your wealth by really good
practices and and set you up in really
good trades in the right areas at the
right time so you know we uh
we have really effective algorithms and
and we uh we put people in the trades
that are are going to prosper in the
environment that we’re we’re heading
into we give you the tools so you can
trade whatever you want too these are
really best practices they’re graphical
you don’t have to even think they’re
they’re one eyeball decisions you can
see it oh I need to buy that or I should
probably sell that so really good system
then we put together deals Dave as you
know and uh so you can go through Dave’s
website you get you get a really good
discounts we provided to Dave uh on uh
trade with Dave 20
30.com yeah and but if you come to my
site of Trad like genius.com please tell
me you come from Dave you know people
forget we had people last month that
came over and uh you know we asked so uh
my way of supporting Dave show okay and
uh uh and and obviously U it helps me
and then hopefully it’s going to help
you too right so we’re all in this
make it a win-win win and uh we’ve been
doing this a long time Dave was actually
my first uh guy we did this together
just we’re clinging to each other on the
global warming stuff you know as I was
starting uh my my uh trading and you
were starting uh really ramping up adapt
and uh um things have played out exactly
as we thought and and so I’ve been doing
this a long time and and we think we’re
pretty good at
it so Bob’s right he’s not going to make
make you rich you’re going to have to
have your own mind and change that mind
frame that you’re going to become rich
using the system here and once you
change that and you do decide that you
will become rich enough and Wealthy
enough not only carry yourself and your
families through this transition but
help others along the way that might
need that that’s when you’re really
that’s really where a life worth living
at that point because being poor and
broke you’re not helping anybody you’re
going to be the ones that are going to
need help and you’re going to need the
life raft but if you’re in control of a
super tanker and a steamer with extra
life rafts that you can give out to
people again that’s the that’s the way
life should be helping others with the
means that you have because if you look
back at the Great Depression and just
say one thing here on a closing thought
Hungary when I was there I I was uh
looking into the hyperinflation event
and so after World War II Hungary had
the largest amount of hyperinflation or
the widest hyperinflation blows Zimbabwe
out of the water their prices were
doubling every 18 hours and their
largest note was four4 quillion
dollar so those notes that were four
quantian those are really very high
value collector items because there were
so few of them printed and the numbers
were just so outrageous that they didn’t
even put it on there they just printed a
B on it you know because quantian that’s
how high it went up in inflation there
so you know if anything’s going to
inflate away and you can look at some of
these prices and 18 hours doubling I
don’t know I nobody can handle that so P
to 23.com Bob I appreciate your time and
uh definitely you know share the
comments again and please ask your
questions like last time some of the
questions I’m asking Bob this time were
from what I was reading in the comment
box below so please leave us comment if
you have the questions I’ll be happy to
ask next time we talk so yeah hey Dave
just in closing too is that guys look
there’s always opportunities in in the
in the sea of Chaos in fact more chaotic
the more profitable things can become we
talked about that before you want to be
you want to be actively pushing into the
wind you don’t want the wind to push you
so uh um you know take advantage of this
if this is something you want to get
and if not just make sure that you’re
aware of how you need to protect your
family going forward because the
government and the bankers are not your
friends okay they’re they’re out for
themselves and you’re the you’re you’re
their source of income so make sure that
you uh you know that going in and and
protect yourself and learn how to thrive
in this environment anyway bye for now

🤵 Learn How To Trade The Markets The Same Way I Did: 📈 ➡️ http://www.tradewith2030.com/

Bob Kudla from Trade Genius boiled it down to one thought. This is going to be permanent and what do I need to out run the chaos? Inflation, deflation, hyperinflation its al the same, and even better if the same assets generate yield. Here is your financial crystal ball through the end of 2024.

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🌿 True Leaf Market Heirloom Seeds

✍️ Show Notes https://www.oilseedcrops.org/miac-radio-show/

🥫 My Patriot Supply : Three Month Emergency Food Supply – 25 Year Shelf Life http://www.foodwithadapt2030.com

💡 ADAPT 2030 Readiness Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/adapt2030

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🍅 Free Sustainability Course from The Grow Network http://homegrown2030.com

🎙️ LIVE BROADCAST Thursday Nights 10 PM to Midnight (EST) Revolution Radio (Studio A)
🔗 LIVE SHOW LINKS https://libertylinks.io/solarminimum
✍️ Show Notes https://www.oilseedcrops.org/miac-radio-show/

●▬▬▬ MIAC PODCAST ▬▬▬●
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/adapt2030
Libsyn: http://adapt2030.libsyn.com/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/adapt-2030
(MIAC) Podcast Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5p87fbs9FHaYcCjKuKcA5Q/videos

#foodprices #hyperinflation #tradegenius

●▬▬▬ Video Links ▬▬▬●
Americans Now Worry About Out-Of-Control Power Bill Inflation https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/americans-now-worry-about-out-control-power-bill-inflation
Stamp Prices Rise By 8%, For The Second Time In 4 Months https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/stamp-prices-rise-8-second-time-4-months
Hyperinflation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation

●▬▬▬ Social ▬▬▬●
TELEGRAM https://t.me/adapt2030
BRIGHTEON.TV https://brighteon.tv/adapt2030
BRIGHTEON https://www.brighteon.com/channel/adapt2030
VIGILANTE.TV https://vigilante.tv/c/adapt.2030/videos
BITCHUTE https://www.bitchute.com/channel/dazy7AcOSOdz/
RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ADAPT2030


  1. Bitcoin is for Fools . I have faith in God, Peter Schiff, Robert Kiyosaki, George Gammon, Johnny Bravo, Mario Manecco, Neil McCoy-Ward, Rick Rule, Macro Alf, Lynette Zang , Doug Casey, Prof. S. Hanke, Gerald Celente, Gregory Mannarino and many others .

    CBDC's and Crypto need Electricity and the Net , They can Never be Honest Money on a Scale like Silver and Gold

    Satoshi Nakamoto Means your Death , Your wealth is at the Whim of Others .

    Blockchain was Made to Keep the Wealthy

    holding Wealth and The Undereducated Broke .

    Digital Programmable Money . CBDC's like China , Everything like China for your descendants .your fault ?

    Digital Money is a threat to Mankind , The End Result is we die leaving the children with their

    Doom and Demise.

    Fight Digital Money in any forum . Life does not promise you Electric Power or the Internet . Buy Gold and Silver .

    Stack something , Even Copper , Nickle and other Metals , Heck buy a Metal Detector just as Insurance to feed your family .

    Characteristics of sound money , You know where your Gold is .

  2. I have more problems viewing your vids than any other creator…Fascinating. I can't find you on brighten when I search for "adapt2030", your videos get disconnected when I view on YT, stall on me, have audio issues…Just how over the target are you? Hmmmm.

  3. You called it the other day; hyperinflation that was prophesied by the Apostle John; a days wage for a loaf of bread. No one wants or can go to the end, but in the Christian world view there is an end to the age. Are we close to it? You won't know it until you're in it.

  4. I think the one good thing that can be taken from all this inflation..Is that people will start to really get back to the difference between a want and a need..This is a global take down..No doubt about it

  5. If bob was a genius he would not need clients. Nothing against bob. But people struggling. Dont do it you cant afford the loss.. people who gamble in markets will loose everything because there gambling.

  6. I have to disagree with remote work being permanent because nobody is going to want to take the risk when the tech layoffs happen and these people that moved to places in the country side can’t find work even close to what they were making… this will cause the housing market crash

  7. I used to order from Amazon when the shipping was included but now I completely stopped ordering from them, the shipping fee is just ridiculous, I have even removed the app so I don't order by mistake.
    Ali express has everything I need.

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