
Ripple/XRP-Ripple USD Stablecoin = USDTether?, Ethereum & MetaMask Lawsuit?

Ripple/XRP-Ripple USD Stablecoin = USDTether?, Ethereum & MetaMask Lawsuit?

welcome back to the show check out these
headlines we got Nick buedo from link 2
live ethereum and metam Mas being
targeted by the SEC Say It Isn’t So and
what about this Ripple USD stablecoin
does it equal USD tether are we about to
see an acquisition somebody roll that
intro digital perspectives with Brad
kinds come on
in welcome back to the show you can
follow us on Twitter Youtube and dig
prospectives for exclusive
content right now $2.49 trillion market
cap for crypto the market is up 0.5%
64,500 for Bitcoin 3100 Plus for
ethereum $110 billion plus market cap
for USD tether that conversation’s not
over 52 cents for xrp 24 hours it’s up 6
and on the 7 Day 4.4 the range of price
very quickly is between 52 and 54 cents
we’re smack dab in the middle we’ll keep
an eye on it but I’ve got Nick buedo
head of digital asset sales from link to
with me Nick how you doing this morning
good morning Brad how are you doing man
I’m doing good however we do have some
unfavorable news but news everyone needs
to hear as a public service announcement
tell us what you got Nick you know you
know Brad so before we talk about link
to you know I had asked you if I could
do a PSA for for all of your listeners
and this is so important and if I as I
start to talk about this if you don’t
think this relates to you then then
You’re vulnerable okay so please hear me
out we just saw Brad Garling house do
that really you know cool funny video
about AI pretending to be Brad
garlinghouse why did Brad do that
because these scammers are getting so
much better and and it’s working okay I
want all of your listeners to know that
I personally know three people that were
drained of their digital Assets in the
last 30 to 45 days it is horrible what’s
going on out there and I know that you
know half of the people listening to the
sound of my voice right now are going
well that’ll never happen to me well
guess what all three of these people
thought the same thing so I’m going to
give you an example of these three scams
and I’m I just want everyone to know you
got to be careful okay so here you go
one of them was someone was chatting on
their app and I’m not going to say any
any platform names they were chatting on
the app of the digital asset platform
that they use then they suddenly got an
email that referred to that chat and
they asked them to click on the link to
complete whatever they were discussing
the moment they clicked on that link
that person had access to their account
drained their account for significant
funds all right a second one was one
another person was using a wallet for
yield purposes I don’t want to say what
digital asset I don’t want to say what
wallet I it’s just but somebody in that
Community was pretending to be an admin
that admin beend befriended the person
ultimately ended up getting all of the
because they were going to help them fix
their wallet got got access to their
wallet other wallets drain their
accounts and the third one which I heard
earlier this week was was a direct call
from somebody pretending to be from a
digital asset platform telling the
person that they’re currently being
hacked and that the platform needs their
help to stop the hacker ultimately that
person gave their keys and also got
drained and and and I just everyone
thinks that it’s not going to happen to
them I’m telling you when Panic sets in
people make bad decisions
and I’ve and I’ve heard you use a term
over the years to be still yeah and when
something goes wrong I recommend
everybody just be still a minute Y and
don’t take any calls from anyone about
your digital digital assets don’t click
on any links I I just I’m just saying
this because it breaks my heart I mean
three different people so I wanted to
share that with your listeners it’s real
it’s happening and it’s not getting any
better so be careful out there well and
my heart goes out to them Nick and it is
awful I’ve experienced uh hacks before
and as you said every great hustle comes
with knocking you off your game for a
split second cuz it just takes a split
second it you know that it’s a split
second when you click on a link and then
when that fishing thing goes through
they’re in your account it doesn’t
matter if you’re 18 verification factor
or whatever it is none of it matters if
you click a link that gives them the
ability to do a fishing attack inside of
your your computer it’s over you could
have and it can happen to all of us
please please be careful I just every
time I hear one of these stories and
look if I’ve heard three of these
stories Brad in the last 30 to 45 days
and one was this week how many people
didn’t tell oh yeah because they’re
embarrassed because that’s the other
thing a lot of people get embarrassed to
admit that it happened to them yes yeah
so please please everyone be careful out
there oh what a what a great reminder
Nick and and and again my heart goes out
to anybody that’s been through it I’ve
been through it and it can happen to
anyone now Nick on a lighter note tell
us what’s going on over at link too well
I’m sure you saw the news yesterday that
stripe is going to be taking usdc coin
which is created by Circle yep um which
is huge and you know and stripe is
stripe is one of the assets on our
platform it’s a competitor to PayPal but
one of the early investors in stripe are
actually Elon Musk and Peter the on
PayPal yeah um it it’s you know it’s
less expensive for merchants to use
stripe it moves faster um they have more
payment methods that they accept and now
they accept digital assets and that’s
something that you don’t normally get
from PayPal so there’s there’s a lot of
great news going on out there um because
of that news our members are going to
see a very special bundle today we’re
going to offer stripe and circle
together as a bundle at multiple
investment levels so anyone is
interested said yeah if anyone’s
interested in taking a position in both
of those companies or increasing your
position today might be a great day to
do it um please be on the lookout that
should happen uh later this morning um
so keep an eye keep an eye on your
emails keep an eye on your apps keep an
eye on the platform oh we sure will and
I want to remind everybody that link to
has crossed over three4 of a million
registered users good gracious I mean
that is just some serious growth over
there Nick yeah our growth has been
amazing but Brad you haven’t seen
anything yet we we’ve got some things
working now that our our growth between
now and the end of the year I think will
be our biggest growth ever so I’m really
really excited for the future of link to
and uh and for all of our members it’s
it’s just going to be a fantastic ride
so am I and I just want to say that we
are super excited to see you and
everyone from the link to family at xrp
Las Vegas this is going to be a
remarkable remarkable couple days man
we’re just days away I mean it’s like
you know people are call me they’re just
so excited it’s just it’s just going to
be a blast and and and I’ve got a sense
of how many people are coming and it’s
going to blow it’s going to blow
everyone’s Minds I mean this is this
will be the big obviously the biggest
xrp Gathering ever um and I’ve been to
bitcoin Gatherings and I think it’s
going to be bigger than a lot of Bitcoin
Gatherings and you know what’s
interesting is like you know it’s like
it I mean I you know I I normally sleep
like a rock okay and I literally the
last couple weeks I have just been
Sleepless and restless and you know and
uh you know my wife as well and you know
it’s it’s all trying to make sure that
this event comes off really great for
everyone but the last few nights I’ve
been restless but it’s because I’m
excited now we’re getting beyond the
details of all of this cuz they’ve been
done you know and now we’re just
starting to get really excited about
what we’re bringing to the community
it’s just so exciting and I always
emphasize whenever we talk about it that
you know the content of the program is
awesome the people that you’re going to
have on the stage is awesome but what
you can’t emphasize enough to the people
coming or the people that should be
coming or the people that are going to
buy tickets over the last few days is
that interaction you’re going to make
with people that you’ve been talking to
on Twitter and and YouTube or or that
you’ve heard on on you know in in the
digital asset space or other you know
investors in xrp or investors on the
link to platform I mean you’re going to
be making friends from around the world
and and now you’re GNA now have people
from around the world and I just I just
think that’s just awesome it really is
and I could speak to that myself because
I have have relationships that I’ve made
since last year that have just
absolutely been deepened and enriched
and I love the be you know the ability
of meeting people at these events so
yeah you really can’t put uh a price or
a value on that kind of connection when
you’re there and we have set this
conference up I’ll remind everybody that
we have set this conference up to have
complete immersion in the companies like
link to that will be there you’re going
to be one-on-one with these people this
is going to be an amazing opportunity
yeah it’s going to be fun and come on by
our booth we’re gonna have some cool
swag and and it’s just going to be a
great time I can’t wait oh I can’t
either Nick buedo head of digital asset
sales at link to Nick thank you for
stopping by thanks Brad you take care
have a great day you too byebye all
right everybody there you have it fresh
off the press and we’re 53 cents boy
wait till you see this news we got today
and don’t forget to get your private
dinner ticket to have private dinner
with Brad Garling house The Honorable
Christian Carlo and Congressman Wy
niichel Michael Eric and John de nanor
terret myself digital asset investor Mrs
backup the digital chamber for good
goodness sakes it’s going to be there
and we’re going to have a live
performance we’re bringing in artists
from La Ronnie Nash band oh my gracious
sakes you’re not going to believe it and
I get to play drums for this guy it’s
going to be amazing and Christian Carlo
is going to be playing guitar if you
haven’t heard him he’s amazing uh this
is going to be a remarkable time ladies
and gentlemen get your tickets at the
future of digital and put the
code 589 in and get a 25% disc account
and the ticket is tax deductible because
it’s a charitable donation and you get
to meet and hang out with all of these
people you can’t beat it I cannot wait
steuart Alara says this aged well and
basically he put back in 2022 we all
agree that consumer Market protections
are needed but saying that every token
besides Bitcoin maybe is a security is a
combination of bad law and bad policy
and all in the name of the sec’s
political land grab over this asset
class the sec’s jurisdiction is not
Limitless boy it did age well uh
steuart’s got it cuz look at what
happened here yesterday yesterday
afternoon the former US Government
regulator considers eth xrp likely
non-compliant Securities and that is
Gary gendler we’re talking about here
and today they sued the SEC who did
consensus you know Joseph lubin’s
crewp because because they know that
they got a bullseye on their back so
they’re trying to preempt it that’s
what’s happening so the SEC issued a
Wells noticed to consensus including
that the top eth wallet metamask is
operating an unlicensed broker dealer
total nonsense but oh boy how the tables
turned says vet absolutely right and it
says right here the SEC told consensus
that metamask was operating as an
unlicensed broker dealer there you have
it ladies and gentlemen we know ethereum
is already being targeted for proof of
stake saying that proof of stake is in
fact a Securities offering so there is a
two-year fight looks like here unless it
gets settled sooner but you got at least
two years in front of you e fam that’s
what you got see this is the problem
Paul greal who is an excellent former
federal judge and lawyer fighting for
coinbase says today after the
announcement that consensus fights back
and filed a lawsuit against the
Securities Exchange Commission the goal
behind this is to ensure that ethereum
remains a vibrant indispensable
blockchain platform and to preserve
access for the countless obviously
developers Market participants and
institutions who have a stake in the
world’s second largest blockchain yeah
we get that and we get the fight no
question about it and you should be
fighting Paul gal comes in from coinbase
and says I know eth is a commodity I
know you know eth is a commodity the
cftc knows eth is a commodity it’s time
for the SEC to admit that it still knows
eth as a commodity too no more games
thank you to consensus for standing up
against the sec’s unlawful expansion of
authority and Paul thank you for showing
us that this is what you wouldn’t do for
xrp and
ripple but yet we’re supposed to take
the high road and show all the
grace because while everyone sat with
tape over their mouths watching the
Injustice happen to Ripple
xrp and hundreds of thousands if not
millions of xrp holders but at least
75,000 in a class action law suit God
bless John
Deon and where was Paul gral and
then right now I realize it is time for
us to not be Maxis but this isn’t Maxi
talk Maxi talk is pointing out what they
didn’t do when they thought it was only
happening to us
well Paul what you have found out is is
that you weren’t sitting in a bleacher
seat you were sitting in a boat seat and
as it turns out it’s the same boat that
Ripple xrp Brad garlinghouse Chris
Larson and all of us were sitting
at start
rowing Ripple replaces usdt tether USD
tether for us on demand liquidity well
let’s get down into this ladies and
Elizabeth says no surprises here Navin
Gupta was the first rippler I heard on
YouTube Interview who mentioned that the
other digital assets would increasingly
serve as Ripple Net’s bridges in the
future and as for those channels
claiming USD tether is a scam oh The
Twist of life it’s all about the
builders listen it’s I don’t I don’t
know what’s going on here but take a
look at this this is actually not as
complicated or as separate as all of it
this is in fact information saying that
we took steps at Ripple right to migrate
each us-based on Dem on demand liquidity
customer from using xrp as the bridge
currency in odl to using USD tether or
the contract was terminated we should
continue to use USD tether or Bitcoin or
other vetted stable coins for us-based
flows unless otherwise approved by legal
and this is a move that was done in
order to SA satisfy the current decision
in the case over institutional sales and
OnDemand liquidity so they brought in
USD tether so they’re not using and
touching xrp directly right that’s
that’s what this is it’s a smart move
but unfortunately it doesn’t justify
that it’s just about Builder I don’t I
don’t know what kind of nonsense this is
listen let me tell you what’s about
Builders let me tell you what’s about
entrepreneurs let me tell you what’s
about innovators legislative clar and
regulation let me tell you what is about
Builders influencers who go out here and
pump tokens from out of the ashes into
something without telling you that they
bought some or had availability of that
token from a
pre-sale that’s all about Builders and
that’s all about gains and if you’re not
disclosing that you may legally have a
loophole that allows you to do it
without being a legal activity but you
know what you don’t have is a moral
because if you are someone that is
pumping all the builders just so you can
get your tokens to go to the Moon as
say without disclosing that you sold
into the face of your own audience for
the liquidity on some crap ass
token then it isn’t all about the
builders it’s all about your wallet
that’s what I know and talking about
Twist of life and I love that she used
that too because Twist of life is a
great phrase because there are many
twists in life and none of us can really
know where this is going we can only
speculate and speaking of
speculation it is also well known that
tether is a favored on and off ramp for
illicit activities to interact with cry
uh crypto asset markets and is knowingly
facilitating violations of the law well
there you have that so there’s no
speculation in that now there’s
speculation in this I want to talk about
this let me bring you in here because I
think USD tether being targeted right
now is extremely
important what does it really mean we’re
still trying to figure it all out I’ve
asked a question multiple times will
tether be collapsed or
Unwound or will it just be forced to
come under credential regulation because
it never has been right well let’s take
a listen here I want to bring you in
parency and accountability well I think
this bill is the first step towards
really addressing uh illicit Finance um
this stable coin legislation uh creates
a framework where it rests on top of the
Dual banking system um it uses the
protections of know your customer um and
anti-money laundering Protections in the
banking system uh this is a bill that’s
written to have 100% one:1 uh dollar
backed uh custody has to be in a bank uh
and so you have all those Protections in
place in our our ordinary banking system
and so this is bringing that level of
transparency and accountability into um
blockchain and cryptocurrency and the
first and I think the most important
piece of this legislation is to take
stable coin and put it into a proper
regulatory framework so that we can have
consumer protection we can have
transparency accountability and we can
have certainty yeah the worst thing we
could do if stable coins are being
misused around the world is to step away
and not regulate them the whole purpose
of this bill is to protect
consumers uh while we acknowledge the
existence and use of stable coins now
that’s all the part we focused on when
this first came out a few days ago but
listen to this part and furthermore
Senator Gill bran has included some
language from the fgic that in the event
there were an insolvency or a failure uh
a conservatorship uh could or a
receivership could be set up so it’s
contemplated uh that even with our
onetoone reserves that we require and
our uh decision not to allow algorithmic
stable coins if something did fail we
have that safety valve of the FDIC
language yeah how about that
receivership conservatorship if
something’s not compliant or doing right
then this dawn on me early early early
this morning remember when tether
revealed their partnership late last
year with the Secret Service in the
FBI is this that
conservatorship she’s talking about in
this bill but the bill isn’t here yet so
that conservatorship looks more like the
Secret Service in the FBI partnering
tether did we forget that the Secret
Service was originally created to combat
counterfeit money not protect political
that was the original reason for the
creation of the Secret Service and they
still number one cause of the secret or
purpose of the Secret Service is to
fight counterfeit
money here’s the other thing I put this
out yesterday listen to this last part
of this clip for that community and will
be good for xrp as well and if we see
the United States government and the
Secret Service which is already work
working hand inand with tether shut
tether down couldn’t we be watching a
flood of that market cap of 10910
billion plus pour into the legitimate
regulated stable coins and network and
ecosystem and voila you have the
regulated internet of
value right well yeah technically it
could p into
and the new Ripple stable
coin but keep listening okay it looks
like it makes sense for now we’ll see
the players in that space particularly
one called tether is a non- us-based
entity and the US frankly is kind of
going after that because they want this
to be
regulated Now isn’t that interesting
because look if we go back here right if
we just go back let’s go back
Elizabeth’s right she’s absolutely right
here Ripple did take steps to to migrate
this is Ripple’s language they did these
things but to that
point Brad garlinghouse just pointed out
that the US government is targeting it
so it seems that Ripple made that shift
to honor the decision in the court
case and obviously picked USD tether
because it is the 95
5% most used asset in digital asset
transactions right it covers 95% of
those transactions or
more and now it’s being
targeted well this is where I come in
and start asking the real
question we know about this document I
just showed it again yesterday shout out
to subjective views for this Ripple
believe head of public policy sitting
beside Nelly leang the under Secretary
of domestic Finance Stellar’s at the
table too we always see
this but then you start asking
yourself why has Susan fredman from the
treasury join Ripple why did Craig
Phillips come on board for a minute
right why did uh Michael S Bar become a
ripple adviser from the treasury and now
became the VP of federal border
Governors where he’s currently helping
to architect staboy legislation with
Jilla bran and uh
lumus right
why Rosie Rios to 43rd
Treasurer right why all of these
things you know when I look at all of
this stuff I start asking myself my God
is is tether going to get Unwound and
then that pushes their market cap into
regulated coins like you know circles
usdc or soon to be Ripple’s uh digital
dollar or are we actually in fact going
to watch Ripple acquire tether and if
the stable coin legislation goes through
tether’s got a hundred billion doll
market cap so we know that Ripple
doesn’t have the money but if if the US
government seizes tether underneath the
FDIC conservatorship they could give it
to whoever the hell they want to and
maybe they end up choosing somebody like
Ripple which has Ripple net and has
never not done a kyc AML transaction
which is what has been me the last few
days how do you get tether to be AML kyc
compliant you got to bring them under
the fold somehow and maybe that involves
Ripple and The xrp Ledger and maybe that
new stable coin that Ripple’s going to
do ends up becoming USD tether under a
takeover proxy of the US government and
the FDIC and stable coin legislation I
don’t know the answer answer I do not
know the
answer but I can tell you one thing I
think it’s a damn good question on April
2024 not Financial advice to me or
anyone else we’re going into the freedom
Zone I apologize it got a little long
today but all of this is happening while
ethereum and metamask take the stage to
be next up on the sue your ass off by
the SEC dock it there you have
it all right not Financial advice to me
or anyone else ladies and gentlemen I
will C this got a little long I’ll do
the uh Freedom Zone on the next one uh
ladies and gentlemen actually you know
what I’m going to do it right now I’ve
got it queued up let’s go in here you’re
going to want it the largest scam ever
uh perpetrated on human population right
now in the freedom Zone come on
in all right

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  1. Thank you for the content! All we need is the right advice on how to invest in crypto and we will be set for life, made $6Ok from trading last month and am so happy about it

  2. Brad I feel u some of these folks seem weird in how they just ignore the very temporary reason why Ripple ever began to entertain using another asset and not XRP for US customers. Trying to say I told u so by these folks is indeed strange. I suspect it's the same crowd that see know evil, hear no evil and speak no evil when it comes to ETHgate, so to me that explains the strange behavior.

  3. On X, Ledger support, with a blue check mark, contacted me by DM. Insisting I log into my Ledger through their API to avoid a current hack in play. I chose to not believe them thinking they want my crypto. Stay diligent

  4. 18:00 Its simple, USDT will be regulated out of the USA, either right before or after Ripples stable coin is released, which coincidentally is lining up with the case ending time frame & stabil coin legislation- resulting in XRP's clarity 1, but 2- estimated roughly 80% of USDT market cap will move to the new, regulated Ripple stable coin. What no one seems to get is how the new coin's code will be written…. one can fathom an algorhytom forcing the utilization of XRP when converting the new coin to whatever it's paired with. Now factor ETH judgment day, I imagine 40% of the market cap to vanish due to ourflows, likely landing somewhere in the XRPL ecosystem. MANY roads lead to XRP!

  5. i told you nothing going happen till april 2026 ……i told you that a year ago……people you have ears but do not here……buy and just sit back and wait……they got to put the puzzel together. so dont worry be patent. april 2026

  6. Love the passion Brad!!! Man Eri really has been like fingernails on a caulk board to my nerves lately. I enjoyed her content at one point before she went on a mission to be right vs objective. Unfortunate!!🤷‍♂🤷‍♂

  7. That's Coinbase. I had the same thing. Some scammer texted me with an AI and said my coinbase account is being drained of $6000+ which is funny cause I put all my assets in cold wallet storage.

  8. The SEC is just a puppet of the Central Banks. This is also why Congress has not written guidelines for crypto, they to are just an arm of the central banks. The agenda is a One World Communist system. Fact. Unless We the ppl do not take this country back, and sorry we will never through voting. You can’t vote your way out of tyranny, and this is what we are dealing with. Their agenda continues to move forward, and we continue to lose freedoms. They are depopulating through big pharma, poisoning our food and water. Stripping the men of testosterone, and perverting the minds of or youth. Wake the fu*k up. It’s not going to matter the wealth we all make from crypto when the whole system is a communist nightmare. Man up. We need to take action. The courts will not work either. There’s only one true option to slow this down.

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