
I’ve Uncovered the Altcoin That Blackrock is BUYING!! (Paypal Is Too)

I’ve Uncovered the Altcoin That Blackrock is BUYING!! (Paypal Is Too)

BIG partnerships that are going completely 
under the radar…that is what this video is  
all about. Uncovering cryptos with real 
world partnerships…yes partnerships that  
are REAL and are producing results, being used by 
corporate giants. So who in the crypto space has  
the real on lock down? Find out in about ten 
minutes, because it’s time for Chico Crypto!!
Well first we have to talk 
about what just happened with  
Paypal…probably the biggest news dropped 
for Bitcoin…and nobody blinked an eye…
Decrypt covered the news with the article “PayPal  
Wants to Give Green Bitcoin 
Miners Extra BTC Rewards”
How in the heck are they going to do that?? 
Well Paypal released a blog overview of how  
this could be done titled “Bitcoin, Green Mining, 
and the Possibility for a More Sustainable Future”  
From this blog they included a link to the full 
research paper that dug into the details of the  
solution. An overview says “At a high level, 
the solution involves identifying miners that  
use low-emissions energy sources, preferentially 
routing on-chain transactions to these miners,  
and rewarding them using a 1-of-n multisig script 
which is attached to the on-chain transactions.”
They then do a deep dive into the solution,  
but I will summarize it and 
make it easier to understand…
Basically, Bitcoin miners will obtain low-carbon 
accreditation for their mining operations. These  
green miners are associated with public keys, 
which are referred to as green keys and this  
is where rewards can be distributed. On-chain 
transactions are preferentially routed to green  
miners by being broadcasted with low transaction 
fees, but with some BTC reward “locked” in a  
multisig payout address. Green miners wil thenl 
be incentivized to mine these transactions,  
since they will be the only ones eligible 
for the additional “locked” BTC reward.
So who is involved with this? Well the paper 
blog on the solutions says “PayPal’s Blockchain  
Research Group, in a strategic collaboration 
with Energy Web and DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc.  
(“DMG”), presents an opportunity to accelerate 
the clean energy transition for Bitcoin mining”,
Then in the research paper it says “To help 
identify green miners and onboard them to the  
solution, we can leverage solutions by providers 
such as Energy Web and their Green Proofs for  
Bitcoin Initiative. Using the Green Proofs for 
Bitcoin validation platform, miners can apply for  
and share their sustainable mining certifications. 
Miners can then selectively disclose these  
certifications and the underlying sustainability 
data with crypto market participants and business  
counterparties.” Energy Web will also 
develop a new platform for the miners  
interested in participating in this solution.
Yes my friends, this solution will utilize Green  
Proof for Bitcoin for energy web. Which 
means this solution will utilize Energy  
Web’s worker nodes!! Why? Well diving into 
Energy Web documentation on Worker nodes it  
says “The solutions we apply to these areas, 
dubbed Data Exchange and Green Proofs, are  
powered by a brand-new web 3 technology that has 
significant business value for energy enterprises:  
worker node networks. Each worker node network 
is a decentralized group of computers that  
jointly execute sensitive business processes 
that involve or impact multiple companies.”
Paypal and Bitcoin miners are going to be  
utilizing the Energy Webs 
worker node network soon…
But it’s not only going to be Paypal…why? 
Well all the way back in May of 2022,  
an adrian on Twitter did the research 
and said” “PayPal will be utilizing  
the energywebx EW-DOS toolkit in a partnership 
with south pole global & Crypto Carbon Ratings  
Institute The partnership has created 
a new Crypto Climate account Framework,  
greenhouse gas accounting standard 
for cryptocurrency value chains.
Here we can see this Crypto Climate accounting 
framework from Southpole & we can confirm  
that yes it was created in partnership with 
Paypal. It says “The Framework was developed  
by Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute (CCRI) & South 
Pole in consultation with PayPal’s Blockchain,  
Crypto and Digital Currencies (BCDC) team 
and other climate and crypto experts.”
Why is this framework important? Well of course 
it ties back to Energy Web…Southpole global is  
also apart of the D-REC initiative, and this 
framework they built was presented by them,  
and they then showed the members the D-REC 
initiative…which included governance members:  
mitsubishi, microsoft, google, coca-cola 
and many other giants, but also Energy Web…
Then later on in the presentation from Southpole,  
they showed what the D-REC platform is built 
with: and of course it’s built on Energy Web…
Energy Web is a giant of partnerships, 
and with their workernode network finally  
live we are going to see partnership upon 
partnership come to fruition with them…
But what about the partnership with Blackrock?? 
Remember Blackrock mentioned Energy Web by name  
back in 2022 saying “BlackRock is encouraged 
that organizations such as RMI and Energy Web  
are developing programs to bring greater 
transparency to sustainable energy usage  
in bitcoin mining, and will follow 
progress around those initiatives.”
Well something Blackrock is utilizing 
from Energy Web has come to fruition,  
but before we get into that it’s time for 
sponsored segment of this video brought to  
you by Blendr… and like always the full details 
of our agreement can be found in the description…
For a truly decentralized world to exist. 
To unleash the true power and opportunity  
of AI that exists, requires a broad global 
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and infrastructure. A decentralized physical 
infrastructure network, or dePIN. One of the  
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force in the field of high-performance computing 
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and individuals unparalleled access to 
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while utilizing blockchain technology to 
create a marketplace for GPU computing power
AI research, 3d modeling and complex simulations 
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nor the money to afford high-cost GPU cloud 
services. This stifles innovation. Additionally,  
there happens to be a tremendous amount of wasted, 
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Blendr’s Decentralized GPU Compute Mesh aggregates 
these underutilized GPU resources then optimally  
distributes the computational tasks thru their 
Dynamic Task Assignment algorithms, making these  
highly powerful GPU resources accessible to those 
who need them, maximizing efficiency and providing  
a scalable solution for demanding rendering 
tasks and AI computations without the high cost
Blendr provides a sustainable, 
cost-effective and scalable replacement  
to traditional centralized GPUs. And by 
connecting GPU owners with those in need of them,  
Blendr created a global marketplace so owners 
of these precious GPUs can now start generating  
an unrealized stream of income in a passive 
manner earning payment thru the $Blendr token,  
while also contributing to helping build 
a more decentralized and sustainable world
And coming soon is the Blendr 
Box X1, a cutting-edge,  
plug-and-play solution that makes it easy 
to host your very own Blendr node at home,  
helping enhance the network and offering everyone 
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Box X1 is compact, powerful and everyone’s 
gateway to advanced rendering and AI computing
Blendr represents a paradigm shift in the 
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power of decentralization to unlock unprecedented 
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resources, a global network, Blendr demonstrates 
high-performance computing enabling advancements  
in AI, content rending and beyond. Not only will 
Blendr help make the world a more innovative  
and creative place while providing new income 
opportunities for others, this is a project with  
much opportunity in the crypto markets as they 
continue to disrupt and pioneer the dePIN space.
So To learn more and access their GPU services 
and put yourself in a position to host the  
Blendr Box X1 make sure to visit their website at, follow their X for the latest news and  
visit their telegram to join the conversation. 
Links for everything blendr can be found below
Now back to Blackrock and Energy 
Web….and these connections go back!!
(Link #10 Clean Skies for Tomorrow)
In 2021, the World Economic Forum,  
and the Rocky Mountain Institute 
(RMI), launched the Clean Skies for  
Tomorrow (CST) initiative. This project 
aimed to establish an accounting system  
for Sustainable Aviation Fuel certificates 
(SAFc). As we can see from this document  
in 2021, that this initiative was indeed 
a collaboration between RMI and the WEF…
Well if you didn’t know, Rocky Mountain 
Institutte is a co-founder of Energy  
Web. This article states “In early 
2017, RMI partnered with European  
blockchain developer Grid Singularity to 
cofound the Energy Web Foundation (EWF)”
In 2023, Energy Web and RMI 
released something that is  
connected to the clean skies for tomorrow 
initiative and SAFCs. The SAFC registry
Well guess who is piloting Clean Skies for 
tomorrow and SAFc’s? Blackrock is…from this  
IBM article it says “The rapid rate at 
which the SAFc framework is being formed  
is also apparent in the “demand signals” shown 
through the partnerships forged between Clean  
Skies for Tomorrow and corporations 
such as Deloitte, United Airlines,  
Microsoft, Boeing and BlackRock who 
are set to pilot the SAFc model.”
Well guess who mentioned SAFCs in their 2023 
TCFD report? Blackrock did…on pg.25 of the  
report it says “BlackRock is exploring 
ways to reduce travel emissions through  
operational changes and additionally through 
mechanisms such as sustainable aviation fuel  
certificates (“SAFc”). In 2022, BlackRock 
established a bookand-claim57 program and  
made a purchase of SAFc. In doing so, BlackRock 
supports the development of SAF as a near term  
lever and leading decarbonization 
solution for aviation emissions.”
Energy Web worker nodes just might be apart 
of Blackrock’s book & claim system. From the  
EWX litepaper it says they will bring “deep 
levels of transparency and verifiability to  
emerging green product supply chains—which 
includes sustainable aviation fuel…
There are some deep connections with Blackrock 
too, in Blackrock’s 2023 Educational Academy  
Series…guess who was invited to 
present on sustainability dynamics  
in crypto? You guessed it! Energy Web, Amy 
Westervelt, Senior Delivery Lead presented….
Blackrock and Energy Web news is coming…there  
is no doubt about it in my mind. 
Cheers I’ll see you next time!!

I’ve uncovered the altcoin that both Blackrock & Paypal are likely buying!! This altcoin is closely working with both of these corporate giants on some game changing projects!! Blackrock is piloting a sustainable aviation fuel certificate (SAFc) platform from this altcoin. Paypal has partnered with this altcoin to utilize their green proofs for Bitcoin platform to decarbonize Bitcoin mining. Which altcoin is it? Tune in to find out…

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⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
00:00 BIG partnerships for Energy Web
00:39 Partner #1: PayPal
04:24 Other big names involved
06:46 Sponsored Segment: BLENDR
10:54 Partner #2: BlackRock

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The SEC Will Approve the Ethereum ETF Next Month!!

Chico Crypto is compensated by Blendr for publicizing their products. Payment is made 100% in USDC and was billed. The company has paid $13000 in the above value percentages, on this day to Chico Crypto for its services, which commenced today. Additional fees may have accrued since then

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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results.

This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.


  1. Thanks for the good summary! Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Craig Reeder Program for helping me get into his trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Craig.

  2. Thank you for your videos mate..Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Craig Reeder Program for helping me get into his trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Craig.

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