RFK Jr. Puts Budget on Blockchain | Post-Halving Chaos

    and we are live good morning crypto
    Warrior and welcome back to the gentl of
    crypto episode Bitcoin Z here’s the gap
    between cryptocurrency and the community
    Monday through Friday at tennish and we
    have a great show for you today uh some
    great news stories uh Bitcoin fees crash
    after Daily Record average of $128 on
    having day Apple pay uh is The Benchmark
    as crypto mobile payments push for
    adoption RFK Jr wants to put the entire
    us Budget on a blockchain which is our
    top story for the day and last but not
    least Man City and okx released limited
    edition jerseys tied to rare nfts so
    some great news stories for you today
    but first we’re going to take a look at
    our prices as you know the happening was
    last week um I hope everybody had a
    great happening a great 420 uh it’s
    amazing how those two came together with
    all the
    memes and I hope everybody had a good
    one but like I said most of the time the
    day of the happening um you know and the
    kind of days preceding it and after it
    kind of boring it’s pretty much a
    nothing Burger except for the fact that
    it’s usually a signal that within the
    next six months we’re going to have a
    lot of price movement so Point price
    today $662 18 up 1.9% ethereum at
    $3,195 up one a. half% today by binance
    coin at 596 up 3.8% salana at 154 is up
    3.6% xrp sitting at 53 Cent is up
    1.8% Dogecoin coming in at number eight
    is at 16 Cent up
    8% on the day tcoin sliding out that
    number eight spot to number nine at11
    Cent is up 23 out the top 10 at 51 Cent
    up 3.2% uh cardano people is about to
    slide out the top say don’t let Shea euu
    catch you the other ones that are moving
    up as well fear and greed index sitting
    at 62 again a lot of people sitting on
    their hands nobody really committing to
    uh you know going full bull or or
    staying bearish I’ve seen mixed signals
    uh I’ve seen uh mem coin activity I’ve
    seen people looking at AI projects and
    things like that but the greed level is
    still hanging out here in the middle uh
    a lot of un uncertainty right now in the
    markets so that is not surprising at all
    so let’s take a look at some of the
    people coming in to the show what’s up
    what’s up uh Bitcoin Shango Lis Smith KB
    Philip Shaw Phil my man I gotta talk to
    you brother um yeah I’ll hit you up
    later Chloe Dior wisdom bars uh let’s
    see e l and D no what’s up what’s up
    good morning on this beautiful Monday
    post happening uh the first day of
    markets and we’ve already had got some
    good movement and some great stories for
    uh example RFK Jr wants to put the
    entire us Budget on a blockchain and
    we’ve been stating this since the
    beginning as far as uh Bitcoin is
    concerned and as far as even even public
    blockchains that have open transparency
    that at some point we’re going to try
    this and that uh the the reason
    blockchain is important is because if
    you have a blockchain where you have the
    government’s activities being public and
    our activities being private the that’s
    societ that works right now it’s totally
    reversed everything we do is public
    everything is kyc AML government has to
    know we do an investigation we audit you
    and then we lose trillions of dollars
    the Pentagon lost a couple trillion
    dollars the day before 911 uh we haven’t
    been able to audit the FED not once
    we’ve never audited we don’t know how
    much money is in the world uh you have
    no how you have no clue how much money
    is in Panama how much is in uh how much
    is in Swiss bank accounts how much is is
    anywhere really uh we just kind of have
    to trust with they tell us and uh of
    course we don’t so uh Robert F Kennedy
    Jr is a big-time Bitcoin and
    decentralized Tech Advocate who has
    promised to back the US dollar with
    Bitcoin if elected as president uh US
    presidential candidate RFK Jr wants to
    put the entire us Budget on the
    blockchain let me go ahead and state
    this Robert F Kennedy Jr who I’ve met is
    not suicidal he uh told me himself so if
    he does propose this idea which he did
    at a Michigan rally on April 21st he he
    said the move would allow every American
    to take a look at every budget item any
    they want 24 hours a day we’re going to
    have 300 million eyeballs in our budget
    and if somebody is spending $166,000 for
    a toilet seat everybody’s going to know
    about it now let’s let’s discuss that
    really quick because this is what I I
    think people who own businesses know
    this people who have big nonprofits or
    large businesses within a lot of these
    budgets yes they pay for things that are
    needed but let’s say for example you
    send a country a billion dollars right
    they really need 900 million of it right
    and they they can itemize it and you can
    show everything when you look at the
    other 100 million and you look at some
    of the things they’re buying they are
    giving themselves per DM food $600 a day
    or they’re giving themselves
    Transportation $10,000 a week and
    they’ll give themselves for example
    16,000 for a toilet seat that’s not even
    far-fetched people will say we’re trying
    to upgrade our office okay it’s going to
    cost us$ 16,000 for this toilet seat and
    then they’ll pay the people who install
    it 5,000 cash uh just to keep it quiet
    and then they’ll keep hiring them as
    contractors because they can keep it
    quiet but then they keep the other
    11,000 for themselves right so we have a
    lot of these itemized things in the
    budget that are off uh trust me all this
    money that they’re spending I remember
    uh we did a story about um Virginia
    where they were they had a budget for
    them to introduce blockchain to the
    government or whatnot we looked at the
    itemized budget live here on this show
    and we actually showed where they were
    paying themselves uh about I don’t know
    a quar million dollar
    uh to do research and
    development and we’re like me and King
    could do that over the weekend for
    50,000 like it wouldn’t even it wouldn’t
    even take that long to find the things
    necessary to implement uh blockchain uh
    research or the things you need for for
    your budget however that’s just us uh
    being real and these people who have
    these budgets these large budgets
    trust me if you look through a lot of
    time you would be in the streets riding
    tomorrow but most people don’t most
    people just see the big number the
    headline and they go with that but uh
    Kennedy’s plan with allow transparency
    and accountability allowing taxpayers to
    see where their dollars are spent uh the
    blockchain proposal was lotted by many
    crypto Advocates on social media where
    people claimed it would be revolutionary
    and Corruption uh W wrote that
    transparent public accounting might be
    the best use case for blockchain Tech
    besides the supply chain checks and
    balances in our government doesn’t work
    if the branches are in on the corruption
    together president and Congress
    particularly it’s time the people hold
    them accountable now I am someone who
    does believe that blockchain and the
    public facing nature of it can work in
    theory however I’m also a very practical
    man I do not think that the people who
    run this country are actually working
    for us and I do not think they get their
    salary from us per se they do get a
    salary but most of their payments this
    is why you see people in Congress they
    show up with uh you know no money and
    then they leave with $40 million and
    you’re like how I mean Diane Feinstein
    is like top of the line I mean they have
    a they have a stock ticker that follows
    her Investments and I think it’s up like
    300% the last few years just because
    they somehow have this inside
    information to earn money they don’t
    care about the what we want they don’t
    care about putting their dirt on the
    public blockchain they really can’t and
    if you need any more examples this
    weekend we just passed a $95 million
    billion dollar budget for Israel Ukraine
    and another country I can’t remember um
    but $95 billion sent to them you really
    think they want us to look through and
    that itemized budget to see what they’re
    spending it on
    yeah right uh exact I’m a practical man
    like I said in theory there’s a lot of
    great things that will work that’s why
    we said that Bitcoin politicians and
    blockchain Advocates they’re going to
    have to infiltrate these ranks because
    it’s not gonna it’s not going to be the
    people that’s in there now the people
    talking about drain the swamp they are
    the swamp they’re just using that to to
    get you all riled up like they actually
    gonna do something and nothing gets done
    uh the main thing the wink wink and a
    gun type thing that they do in DC is
    that hey you don’t tell my secret I
    won’t tell yours and that’s how politics
    works that’s how most things at high
    levels work is hey we got some dirt on
    you hey we got some dirt on you all
    right neither one of us say anything
    then we’ll both be rich and they usually
    go for it and that’s the that’s the big
    issue that we have with our government
    is we’re watching people on the house
    floor wave Ukraine Flags in a in an
    American country we’re waving another
    country’s flag in support and
    celebration of sending money to them why
    because we already have evidence that
    there are certain Venture capitalists
    certain real estate developers there are
    certain business people who are using
    the Congress to their advantage to
    receive free money we’ve sent over 300
    billion to Israel over the past few
    years we’ve sent billions to Ukraine for
    this war we’ve send billions in Aid
    again I hate the fact that we’re sending
    Aid to these countries and we can’t
    really identify what it’s for I mean you
    we nobody here has seen the full budget
    the people who have they’re the ones
    we’re trusting and even though RFK Jr I
    believe it’s a noble cause I think it’s
    great that he put it out there that is
    possible but again a blockchain is only
    as good as the people who run it and the
    only thing the only blockchain that is
    truly decentralized with the nodes and
    can be fact checked and everything or uh
    is block is Bitcoin so I don’t see it
    because you still have to do data entry
    you still have to put in the numbers
    into the blockchain that wouldn’t show
    all the money that’s been missing for
    the last 100 200 years so uh you know
    most of the the the money yeah PFC Wells
    said it yep it’s already said that uh
    most of the money
    uh will be funneled back to American
    companies AK is to transfer wealth out
    of the public into private hands and for
    those of you who don’t know if you’ve
    never read confessions of an economic
    Hitman if you’ve never seen how
    colonialism works this is exactly how it
    works we send money in Aid to a country
    and then American companies come in with
    their construction with their investment
    and they get the Lion Share of the
    profits the people see nothing even when
    you talk about supporting nonprofits Red
    Cross they go to places like Haiti the
    the clintons have already been
    investigated for this they’ve already I
    mean people in Haiti hate the clintons
    for this reason the Red Cross they send
    supposedly billions of dollars in Aid to
    Africa to Haiti to other places and then
    the people are still suffering and
    they’re like why well look at the
    itemized list oh the head of the Red
    Cross is making 1.4 million for this
    initiative uh the assistants are making
    70,000 the real estate people who came
    in and build the houses and came in and
    and uh installed the water pipes they’re
    making 200% more than they usually make
    because you can infate if you ever work
    with government contracts you can
    inflate how much money you need uh you
    should watch this movie called Lord of
    War and uh it’s it’s another one um ah
    man my two guys I forget Seth Rogan not
    Seth Rogan Jonah Hill was in it and
    other guy but uh they were basically
    selling arms to the government and they
    inflated the prices Sky High why because
    we have an infinite money printer if
    they want something done they can pay
    for it they just print it and give it
    away so that’s the problem I think
    people think when they see these budgets
    they think oh we’re actually helping
    them it’s like if you ever see one of
    these budgets you’ll be pissed off to
    the point of no return which I happen to
    be able to do back in 2008 when I
    started getting skeptical about the
    Afghan war and uh you know the war on
    terror as they were saying weapons of
    mass destruction being fake and all of
    that we spent billions doing that they
    had everybody red up was like yeah we
    gonna take out the Middle East we gonna
    take out and everybody was was all for
    it but this is how it works they send it
    and then these American companies go
    over there and they make all the money
    so uh with RFK hey kudos to you for
    trying but I can’t say that I I trust
    that this is going to happen uh in the
    near future maybe in in the you know a
    future where people get mad enough and
    they’re like hey we don’t accept any
    leaders we’re burning down houses uh
    we’re we’re going to people’s front door
    we’re going to government buildings
    we’re not approving anything
    everything’s getting shut down until we
    have everything on the blockchain where
    we can audit it that’s a good that’s G
    be a first step now finding all the old
    money that’s been funneled through all
    other initiatives hey man I can’t help
    you I mean that’s that’s almost
    impossible we talking about maybe 200
    300 years worth of money being funneled
    ever since um some groups were created
    that’s all I’ll say um but yes um and
    with that being said uh Bitcoin fees
    crash after record daily average of
    $128 on having day The Surge and uh
    block fees was ridiculous for those of
    you who don’t know uh a lot of the hype
    around bitcoin’s happening also came
    with the release of room
    which a lot of people uh as a new
    protocol U created by the same guy who
    created ordinal Casey rmore and The
    Surge and block fees on the half day was
    more than makinging up for the half
    block subsidy miners will hit with but
    that that’s not the case anymore so uh
    the average fees pcoin have sharply
    Fallen just a day average of $128 on
    April 20th the day of the fourth Bitcoin
    Avenue as of a April 21st fees have
    fallen to an average of8 to $10 for
    medium priority transactions a car
    according to me pool. space so yes look
    at this straight line up on 420 uh the
    day after happening uh you literally had
    a straight line up in fees and uh let’s
    see if we could actually um let’s see
    let’s take a look I’m going to pull this
    up um so you can all actually see what I
    mean it was hilarious runes uh basically
    took over as far as fees and some of the
    transactions uh seeing this in real time
    if you go to meol dospace and you’re
    able to uh view the block uh let’s take
    a look here so for some of you who have
    never seen me me pool. space uh this is
    where you can actually see the blocks in
    action all right so um block
    840,000 was the actual mind that wasn’t
    the block that I want to focus on these
    blocks right here 1,476 sat per bite
    2,286 SATs per bite 2, 892 2, 25670
    all of if you look for example 84
    14,4 this was four blocks after the
    happening right the median fee was $200
    people $24 for Med priority uh uh
    signature there were over 1.5 million in
    fees collected uh more than enough I
    mean look at look at this uh this block
    right here five blocks after The
    Happening a average fee of of uh $28.50
    I mean people don’t realize this is why
    rooms were so hard to Mint people had
    sent the money at low priori so people
    are paying low priority fees and it’s
    not getting through uh and and they lost
    the Bitcoin on it so I mean look at that
    $195 fees for a medum prior imagine
    trying to send somebody $50 and you got
    to pay
    hundred 95 in fees I mean good gracious
    um I’ve seen a few people saying that
    they paid somebody who paid like 50,000
    to send something crazy along those
    lines don’t don’t quote me on that but
    when you actually see these blocks get
    full and you see a lot of people who are
    paying for the space uh this is how
    Bitcoin is supposed to work the thing is
    the people who are fighting the
    inscriptions they got to pay that’s the
    beauty of Bitcoin is hey they can
    inscribe all they want they can clog up
    the chain but they got to pay and miners
    get rich thing is if they don’t want to
    pay you see in one day they drop back
    down to $8 $10 fees trust me the
    blockchain can stay solvent longer than
    individuals can and these miners have
    way more uh cap Capital to deploy than
    individuals who want to mine
    inscriptions sorry for those of you who
    love inscriptions who love ordinals uh
    that’s fine do what you want to do
    that’s what freedom is about however you
    got to pay for it and if we’re clogging
    up the blockchain and peer-to-peer as my
    man ray Yousef has started to State the
    CEO of Civ kit and of no one’s the
    peer-to-peer market for somebody who’s
    trying to transact medium of exchange is
    not great for the global South the
    problem is we’re still in the store
    value era the medium of exchange era to
    me doesn’t really start uh isn’t going
    to be super super Popular until we pass
    the half a million million dollar range
    because that’s when people have enough
    SATs to where they’ll be able to
    transact small amount of SATs I mean
    think about Bitcoin at a million uh a
    100 SATs is a dollar so think about
    people that have 10,000 SATs you know or
    people that have 100,000 SATs uh a
    million SATs right now I think cost
    about uh $600 uh so that’s what I’m
    saying like people can actually attain
    that and at a certain price of Bitcoin
    that’s where medium exchange will become
    a lot easier I think we also have the
    technology in place to scale up uh
    something maybe just as good as
    lightning or better uh Federate
    Federated side chains uh stable coins
    who knows uh those things will be built
    again if technology is the problem then
    you don’t have a problem we’ll just
    scale up so uh let’s read some of our uh
    comments here uh Jake fever good morning
    quick show just popped in uh 5252 yeah
    eth was like this all the time not too
    long ago exactly um let’s see PFC Welles
    if you pay taxes you fund the Gang
    please stop the cap so we all paying a g
    for the BS yep uh in 1913 Congress only
    has 63 session days now in 2024 had 1128
    we need less government not more let me
    speak to to something like that if you
    want to know how nefarious these people
    are that bill that they passed the Tik
    Tock Bill uh was a part of the UK
    Ukraine and Israel bill it was a part of
    it was a piece of the legislation so
    that was one little nefarious thing then
    they passed another bill in the middle
    of the night at midnight where uh where
    Banks were closed and markets couldn’t
    trade so you had aftermarket hours in my
    opinion if we wanted some sort of
    fairness the first level of transparency
    you can’t vote on anything unless banks
    are open nine to five you have to do it
    because if you’re gonna be in bed with
    the bankers they need to feel the drops
    and and they need to feel the whatever
    you pass as a bill or the shock in the
    the market they need to be able to feel
    that instantly people need to be able to
    see hey we passed this bill at 2 pm what
    happened to the market why did they
    crash 11% in one day oh because you just
    passed the bill sending more money uh
    over overseas which you had to print
    which devalues a dollar more and people
    are losing confidence so things like
    that I think would be great for for some
    some level of transparency uh that RFK
    Jr wants before we even get to the
    blockchain side of it because I don’t
    think most people that’s in there now
    they they gonna have to die off or they
    have to be voted out or something um you
    know you got have to wait some time for
    that to happen so uh uh like local said
    that’s some Shifty shady exactly
    what I mean we’re talking about how many
    people know a 70 or 80 year old who’s up
    midnight no they asleep they got their
    warm milk at 900 p.m. they are gone I I
    know people they sleep at 8 pm. they got
    their warm milk and they soft and furry
    socks on they are asleep they up at
    midnight passing this you can only be
    doing something to fair is Grandpa what
    you doing up all these 50 60 70 year
    olds out there trying to pass stuff at
    midnight y’all y’all are doing something
    and most people will sleep most people
    didn’t see it unfor unfortunately for
    most people or I should say fortunately
    for me I don’t sleep much so I see a lot
    of stuff that happens even up until
    that’s just years of being up doing uh
    the Asian trading hours between 2 am and
    6: am so I’m usually up around that time
    seeing stuff that’s happening and I’m
    sitting there in shock like when people
    wake up they gonna lose their mind and
    I’m like I’m sitting there like I’m
    sitting there like Boo these people are
    slick because they do this all the time
    they pass stuff nefarious stuff in the
    middle of the night uh they do it over
    holiday weekends they do it doing
    Thanksgiving they do it when people
    aren’t looking uh they do it during the
    summer when people on vacation they pass
    all stuff Trust me there’s there’s
    nothing uh you know open and transparent
    about these people they want this stuff
    to happen so uh let’s jump into our next
    story here Apple pay is The Benchmark as
    crypto mobile payments push for adoption
    I think uh everybody has started to see
    the writing is on the wall Apple pay
    Google pay uh whoever Samsung pay
    everybody pay it’s so easy to just walk
    up with your phone and scan now and pay
    I love that technology uh NFC nearfield
    communication technology the ability to
    do that is amazing I want people to
    understand though that always comes with
    consequences so with that you have a
    centralized Source who is a uh enabling
    you to use their product in order to
    make payments so they’re going to have
    their rules and right now cryptocurrency
    based mobile payments must be functional
    as Apple pay and Google pay challenge
    conventional payment services uh this is
    according to Halo CEO Shin palman oh man
    that’s a hell of a name a boy hella a
    lot of syllables in there but um uh Jen
    palman CEO of growing crypto payments
    platform hel paints a picture of a
    sector still in its infancy during a
    one-1 interview with coin Telegraph uh
    the CEO and Founders said that while
    Bitcoin and ethereum are pirate nearing
    decentralized blockchain protocols the
    base layer of B chains cannot compete
    with the performance and functionality
    of traditional Financial infrastructure
    I think the Benchmark is Apple pay how
    are you going to be Apple pay where I
    could just tap my phone and I’ve paid
    within three seconds and I agree with
    them there as far as payments go Bitcoin
    is not passed uh Visa Apple pay uh
    because they have the advantage of being
    able to build technology for instant
    payments however it comes with
    trade-offs that means it’s centralized
    that means it can be shut down that
    means it can be shut off that means it’s
    connected to the Fiat world yes these
    trade-offs exist the problem
    is they are having the same issue that
    I’ve stated with crypto is that in
    crypto projects they’ll say hey we have
    more speed we have nfts we have defi we
    have tokens and then Bitcoin the tur the
    toris in the hair the tortoise slowly
    catches up and then does the same thing
    as a crypto project and then it’s on a
    more secure chain they don’t have to do
    it anymore so even though they’re ahead
    right now if there is a payment solution
    which I this is the reason why I’m
    starting to teach college kids and high
    school kids I believe the payment
    solution we’re looking for
    instantaneously on the network where it
    is verified by Bitcoin Miners and nodes
    that is going to come from somebody
    that’s under the age of 21 in my opinion
    it’s going to be from some kid we’re not
    even thinking about it some 15 year old
    right now is working on the payment
    solution we’re thinking of and he might
    not have it for another seven eight
    years but it’s coming um he says now
    with the second generation of
    blockchains like salana even though
    there’s a lot of talk congestion we
    actually have the engineering
    engineering resources to figure it out
    uh there’s not a lot of talk about so
    congestion that is
    congested salana I I’ve uh to do
    tutorials on salana i’ I’ve stopped
    halfway through uh simply
    because uh the congestion was too bad or
    my payments just failed 17 times in a
    row like and I was like man I ain’t
    doing this tutorial I gave up uh
    and plus they they’ve shut it down to
    fix it so the thing is there’s always
    trade-offs thing is when the tradeoff
    becomes uh null and void meaning okay
    it’s decentralized it’s on a
    decentralized base layer it’s Layer Two
    meaning that it’s actually quick and
    fast and can be done with zero
    confirmations when all of that comes a
    lot of what people are are complaining
    about with Bitcoin is going to be gone
    and the instantaneous payments need
    field communication with Bitcoin is
    coming I promise you if it’s a
    technology problem is coming in fact I
    would not be surprised if Apple pay and
    Google pay get out in front of this and
    try to somehow leverage Bitcoin in their
    payment system or payment reals uh in
    order to to take advantage of that
    market share because once that happens
    again like I said I have uh kids right
    now they’re very interested in Bitcoin
    they’re very interested in crypto
    they’re very interested in smart
    contracts coding and they’re you know 14
    15 years old these I’m telling you I I
    promise you in the next two or three
    years I’m going to be teaching the next
    huge Peter Thal Eli musk Mark Zuckerberg
    Big gigabrain technology person who’s
    going to figure this out they’re G to
    implement it and then all of these
    articles just like we saw back in 2015
    2017 hey Bitcoin don’t have this hey
    bitcoin’s a pet rock hey Bitcoin and now
    we got all that so I’m telling you
    in a couple years you’re gonna be
    reading this article laughing like hey
    now we got instantaneous payments three
    second can use Bitcoin now we’re close
    as far as utility because can get fold
    Visa card you can get a card from
    coinbase you can get a card from uh I
    believe bit refill there’s a few places
    where you can get cards where Bitcoin is
    on it but it’s paid like a debit card
    which is pretty close we’re getting
    there the thing is a truly decentralized
    payment system where it’s Bitcoin to
    bitcoin a lot of that has to go through
    the the jungle of regulations and people
    saying hey every event is taxable and
    shout out to S uh Cynthia Lumis who
    actually said uh payments uh with
    Bitcoin should not be taxable under a
    certain amount like ,000 or 5,000 under
    that you’re not taxing payments what if
    I live off of this you mean I gotta pay
    tax on every single payment and it has
    to be um income tax not sales tax
    because even sales tax I think is wrong
    U 99% of this taxation is garbage but
    even even then you gotta pay income tax
    or capital gains tax on every single P
    that’s ridiculous so uh we got to figure
    that out of course there’s a
    technological um barrier in the way but
    I think that will change at a certain
    point however it’s good to they thinking
    about it um let’s see Jake fever said
    them jits ain’t like that oh you’d be
    surprised they are outdoing that’s why I
    said this is why when I focus on college
    students and high school students uh a
    lot of time like in Miami with 5,000
    Role Models at Florida Memorial at North
    Carolina Central um at my Alum Mo NC
    State uh at Bitcoin summer camps that
    I’ve taught and right now uh Bitcoin
    stem uh for those of you let me go ahead
    and make this announcement I’ll be one
    of the lead teachers for Bitcoin stem at
    the Bitcoin conference 2024 we’re
    actually having a two-day camp for kids
    U where they have learning stem as long
    as as well as Bitcoin so Bitcoin plus
    STEM Science technology engineering and
    math they’ll be doing 3D printing
    they’ll be playing Minecraft for Bitcoin
    they’ll be creating um the artwork of
    Satoshi there it’s a lot of things that
    are going in so if you are going to that
    conference if your kid is 12 and under
    bring them to the two-day Camp uh
    they’ll have their own lightning Market
    as well all of that stuff is going to be
    there so when I’m telling you it’s
    already happening it’s just you don’t
    know these kids most people don’t talk
    or teach kids they don’t know what’s
    going on half the people don’t even know
    what’s going on in their children’s and
    they children’s life you don’t know it’s
    in your child’s phone they on fster they
    on they on whatever sites they they want
    to be on you don’t even know what’s
    going on in they phone so I’m telling
    you when I’m talking to these kids and
    the ideas that they have and the ability
    to do it couple it with AI because again
    you got you gotta think I’m learning AI
    as much as I can I don’t have as much
    time think about a college kid that’s
    got all day you got one class in the
    morning at 9:00 am you got the rest of
    the day off you got 12 hours to learn
    about AI you know during the day they’re
    gonna speed things up very fast and and
    you all are not ready for it I’m sorry
    the same way the class of Bitcoin has
    came in and shock the Boomers with this
    new money these kids I’m telling you
    they gonna shock you with the ability to
    couple uh their experience in life with
    technology with AI and create Solutions
    very fast I mean I’m talking about I’m
    pumping out Solutions with kids every
    month that’s going to be sort of what
    happens uh when I transition to
    Professor Z in my older years so that’s
    gonna be very fun to watch so again
    trust me it’s coming y’all just a lot of
    the older people y’all are just too busy
    to understand that this is happening on
    a daily basis in fact there was a white
    paper that came out last week showing
    how to use ordinals on the lightning
    Network now does it work I don’t know
    but the white technical white paper
    looks good so far I’ve only read the
    first two pages um but that’s again
    that’s a that’s a technological
    innovation that that may not even become
    popular for another six months maybe
    next year but it’s already out so again
    a lot of this is happening uh let’s see
    uh local TX just in time inventory n man
    Florida stuff that’s Florida man
    jits that’s like kids uh let’s see who
    else we got PFC Wells I agree with you
    on that one Z we’ll see that within the
    next coming or yeah coming years for
    sure um let’s see H 17 do you like V
    valued added tax uh just from a
    standpoint of Taxation period I don’t
    like any taxation that’s not voted on by
    citizens no taxation without
    representation we already fought a war
    over this people I mean
    was dumping te for 3% tax and now people
    getting 30% tax on their income and
    ain’t doing nothing about it y’all y’all
    hey I our ancestors they were some
    Fighters hey we looking like some ho ass
    out here actually right now
    paying 30% for all our stuff and then
    paying property tax estate tax excise
    tax uh generational um uh what is it
    estate all that tax it’s just taxation
    after wazu um sales tax every time you
    buy something so um yeah that tax is is
    a mother so I don’t want to add a value
    added tax just to appease Regulators to
    make it feel like they’re getting money
    for this private organization uh however
    however uh if it is voted on by a group
    of people I think local taxation should
    be the priority uh where it’s like all
    right I do want my roads paved I do want
    my trash taken out I do want you know
    street lights and I I want public
    education and I want you know clean uh
    public areas and Parks yeah sure we can
    vote on all that that’s simple you can
    do that on the app for local but when
    you start getting into National politics
    like do you want to send money to
    Argentina for Javier M to join the NATO
    you be like hell no I don’t want that do
    you want to send 95 billion to Ukraine
    and Israel so that they can fight award
    that we technically started uh no I
    don’t want to do that either do you want
    to fund the national deforce
    deforestation act for two billion hell
    no like you would just be pushing no on
    everything that’s why I think that idea
    on the blockchain won’t happen so a lot
    of the taxation uh and also just to
    throw it out there a lot of your
    taxation doesn’t go towards the budget
    they print the money and they spend it
    on what they want look look very deep
    into where your taxation uh where your
    taxes go so uh a lot of the local and
    state is is the actual use case for your
    money so uh let’s see if you know you
    know I’m a kid at heart can you teach me
    too uh that’s one of the things that
    we’re actually trying to uh Implement is
    that if students are entered into uh
    these these camps with uh Bitcoin stem
    uh with the Bitcoin summer camp that I
    run we actually want to do free classes
    for the parents because at a certain
    point if your kid is going to be using
    Bitcoin and using wallets you have to
    know what’s going on because technically
    you we need your permission to sign off
    on it because they’re not 18 so if you
    got a you know 15-year-old that’s using
    Bitcoin and he’s playing games earning
    Bitcoin he’s sending lightning wallets
    and he’s selling goods for it you need
    to know what’s going on and at a certain
    point if you understand it you can start
    giving you know uh different things like
    um their chores and anything that they
    do as far as grades uh if you want to
    give them allowance in Bitcoin you can
    teach them about saving teach them about
    keeping a ledger you can show them the
    meane pool like I just showed you where
    they can view blocks and they can say
    hey right now is not a good time to
    transact because fees are $258 for
    medium transaction I’m going to buy that
    tomorrow um that shows low time
    preference that you know savings all
    that stuff so that’s great Z do you have
    a one hour Bitcoin 101 course that you
    have tailored for kids uh yes uh we
    actually it’s probably a little bit
    longer but we’re trying to open source
    it now so we’re building an open source
    and then anybody can use it however the
    activities that you’ll be able to do uh
    that’ll be based on different locations
    so even though um Jay-Z and Jack dorsy
    stole the Bitcoin Academy from from me
    trust me I got something even bigger
    than that but yeah we got open source uh
    course where we’re building that just
    for kids and uh that will be a part of
    what what we do in July and Nashville so
    um J F I’ll be focused on AI I ain’t
    even gonna lie man every time I see AI I
    still think Allan Aon that’s not gonna
    go away for a little bit that’s my age
    talking a little bit but I still see
    Allan obson even though they gave my man
    that small ass uh trophy uh small ass
    statue That’s My Boy uh let’s see alipo
    where can I get a loan for my Bitcoin I
    forgot what it was called oh unchain
    domcom and and Lind L DN Lind those are
    the two places where you can get loans
    multisig you control two out of three
    keys so they can never still it even if
    the company goes down you can still uh
    get your Bitcoin from them so uh let’s
    see bord and stone was awesome on Friday
    shout out Nick play oh yeah oh yeah uh
    talk to King this morning he didn’t say
    anything about it but he was probably
    still high from in but uh but shout out
    shout out to bord Stone I believe in a
    flat tax of zero with high inflation
    that is our tax inflation inflates where
    our paycheck and savings yeah I I mean
    uh Jake F I love that you said that get
    out of debt that nothing the government
    does matters yeah that’s that’s
    definitely there um get out of debt get
    a farm um make your money and do what
    you want with it but um let’s see flat
    tax this is one thing I’ve said even as
    a joke I don’t believe there’s any tax
    that should go above 10% especially if
    we call ourselves a Christian Nation
    it’s like how you gonna take more money
    than Jesus damn that’s more than
    10% like it shouldn’t be anything more
    than that 10% TI is 10% Like even that
    is is pushing it but if we gonna do
    anything like you call yourselves a
    Christian Nation which is not but we
    call ourselves that you can’t you can’t
    charge more than Jesus who are who do
    you think you are like godamn so if we
    talk about flat tax I would agree to
    that but it would have to be voted on I
    want an actual vote where actual people
    have to vote on the tax not
    Representatives going and voting for us
    and these subcommittees and other commit
    that’s garbage plus it has to be
    actually owned by the public IRS is a
    private entity that’s a private company
    people you are not paying to the US
    government and they’re taking your money
    and then they’re spending that is that’s
    paying to a private company
    people uh so again these things are if
    we have if we’re going to be a civil
    Nation I’m I lean more libertarian but
    if we are going to have civility then
    these things need to be in place where
    there’s open transparency so uh I’m
    going to end it there but our last story
    really quick Man City and okx released
    limited edition jerseys tied to red nfts
    all right so again we see use cases for
    nfts for companies that want to
    introduce them again like I said the the
    nft projects that take off are usually
    people who already have a product and
    already have with uh whatever business
    they’re in so man city we we all know
    them um let’s see a limited number of
    Manchester City’s unseen City shirts
    ints are algorithmically linked to
    physical Edition jerseys featuring hand
    pained artwork and match day experiences
    so this Premier League Football Club is
    launching a new non-fungible token
    collection that will allow fans to win a
    limited number of unique jerseys and
    match their experiences the Unseen City
    shirts campaign is the latest move and a
    long-term partnership with crypto
    exchange okx users can mint the digital
    collectibles on the okx app which offers
    a chance to win redesign commemorative
    football shirts depending on the Rarity
    of the nft so um again very short story
    there you get the point they got some
    that’s exclusive they see you buy
    it it’s rare you can resell it on the
    secondary Market or you can use it for
    uh different match things that they’ll
    they’ll Implement maybe discounts on
    tickets maybe you get the actual
    physical product uh that’s what nfts are
    becoming get some motion drop an nft
    line get paid off of that so you’re
    getting paid two ways and then give your
    fans something that they collect they
    can collect so shout out to you guys uh
    great show today again um today is what
    Monday April 22nd hopefully the fees
    stay where they are hopefully even a
    little bit lower if possible but shout
    out to everybody post happening uh we
    are in Epoch 5 which should be very
    interesting so great Monday have a great
    one and cheers

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    **This is not financial advice. The expressed opinions in the video are of the speakers. You can lose all your money in the cryptocurrency market, so be sure to do your own research before investing.**The Gentleman of Crypto is a daily live broadcast that explores Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market. We discuss international topics, news updates, and future innovations in blockchain, digital currencies and assets, fintech, and more.


    1. It's unfortunate that his lastname is Kennedy… As well intentioned as this might be, THIS very news story is enough to get him offed quietly, or loudly, with a bow. CB already told you, "This is America, Don't catch you slippin now."

    2. Any updates on satoshi coins? can you do a video base on yr analysis. thank u! I recall u doing a video with beez sls back in the days about this about 2 years ago.

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