WTF is Xelis?! The Next Kaspa?

    what’s up Sons it’s blind rod with sun
    VCH once again and today we’re here to
    ask and answer the simple question WTF
    is zealous blockchain in the background
    you can see I am currently mining it
    that’s about 8 RTX 30 60s and it’s on
    vast AI because frankly it’s extremely
    profitable to mine even with the rental
    costs of vast AI which is a Big Driver
    behind a lot of people discovering this
    particular project now the reason we’re
    already talking about it on YouTube is
    because it has been basically already
    announced and listed on exatron so you
    can purchase and sell there meaning it
    negates any sort of speculative Minds it
    has already had how to mine video from
    rabid mining which I will link down
    below and it’s pretty much off to the
    racis for this particular project now
    here’s what’s interesting it’s already
    block d it’s already rust it already has
    plans for smart contracts it sounds like
    a Caspa clone but if you thought it was
    a fork of Caspa well you’d be wrong
    because zealous is a from scratch
    blockchain made in Rust and powered by
    Tokyo that means that this has been in
    development for a few years already
    prior to the launch of Caspa and Caspa
    doesn’t even have rust fully implemented
    into its official release at this point
    a few other not notes here from a
    technical perspective is that pruning
    was launched with this project right off
    the bat and from my knowledge we do have
    users already running archival notes so
    we shouldn’t run into the pesky problem
    of missing transactions like Casa did I
    would be a Miss though if I didn’t
    announce some of the negatives for this
    particular project which is going to be
    developer fees now it has a 15%
    developer fee from block zero to block 1
    1,250,000 10% from
    1,250,000 to 3 million and 5% from 3
    million and on hopefully this gets
    completely removed at some point there’s
    a lot of contention surrounding
    developer fees across the board and this
    is going to be another one of those
    projects not dissimilar from Graham that
    has a bunch of fees getting tagged on to
    the miners unfortunately not only do you
    have the developer fee here but all of
    the miners have significantly higher
    fees than traditionally found on GPU
    minable coins you do have a CPU Miner
    and a GPU Miner available of course the
    CPU Miner is not going to have near as
    many thieves but if you take a look over
    here what we have is the Alla if you’re
    not familiar with the Alla the Alla is a
    developer for bit streams for
    fpga and has been famously making fpga
    bit streams for quite some time
    including ones for radiant as well as
    Caspa as well as athum so this means
    that more than likely I would expect to
    see some sort of fpgas Hit the market
    and be mining this network at some point
    in the near future that being said uh
    that’s another reason why I’m talking
    about this on YouTube right now because
    as GPU miners this is kind of going to
    be your last chance but what is the
    problem with this particular one as well
    well it has a 10% fee so if you’re
    mining it right now which is going to
    require that you build your own node and
    maintain your own infrastructure from
    that perspective you are basically
    paying 10% for the GPU minor and then
    another 15% for or to the devs per block
    that you find which is pretty crazy if
    you ask me that’s a 25% knockoff and
    then you still have to fight with
    exchange fees on exatron and of course
    transaction fees and all of that so keep
    that in mind but even with all of that
    being said it’s extremely profitable and
    that’s why you will start to see people
    hop on to it what do you guys think
    about this project super interesting
    super crazy that it wasn’t a fork of
    Caspa so that definitely sets it apart
    in my mind a little disappointing on the
    developer fee side of things and the
    minor fee side of things but the the
    other thing here that I’m really
    interested in is is the Privacy portion
    of this which basically hasn’t you know
    isn’t being done by a majority of forks
    of Caspa we don’t have a ton of privacy
    options there so there is that privacy
    option here as well I would presume if
    it becomes extremely successful that we
    will see a64 in the future but I don’t
    have a full view yet of what the
    algorithm really entails but seeing that
    it is minable on CPUs A6 should be
    pretty easy to develop for it and as we
    know in the past if there’s a profitable
    small cap cryptocurrency that can be
    manipulated by large Asic manufacturers
    well they will sure as heck do it I will
    see you next Tuesday

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    1. Can't deny the fact that Amazons AMSCR12 is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    2. AMSCR12 has the most potential to do more than X10. ETH and BTC will most likely do a X5-X6, but that's fine for me. Gotta look for better entry points while I stake IRIS and PGEN, then wait for Polygen's next raise as I also look at their new partnership with Kenzo Ventures.

    3. While everyone is focused on BTC, ETH or any top alt coin and playing defensive they are missing on quality projects that are about to be launched on CEX. For example AMSCR12 will hit mainstream soon, 10x-20x quite possible even during this bear market but only few people know about this.

    4. The other positive for AMSCR12 is it's the only coin in crypto with legal clarity. Can't be understated how important that is for institutional investments

    5. Who has written the rust? Who has made the blockdag? It is all from Yonatan and Kaspa, just follow Kaspa. This project is like Karlsen and Pyrin and all will lower than Kaspa in price increment

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