UFC Fighter Is ALL-IN on Bitcoin

    all right guys bang bang I’ve got ronado
    here uh you went viral on the internet
    for this amazing speech after your most
    recent UFC fight and you were talking
    about defending Liberty the importance
    of private property rights uh you
    suggested people go read lwig Von me’s
    six lessons I think everyone said wait a
    second how is it that a UFC fighter May
    understand economics and the importance
    of these ideals more than our government
    or the people who are running our
    economy and so I thought a great place
    to start is just like you grew up in
    Brazil now you live in the United States
    States what are the lessons that you
    learned growing up in that environment
    and now coming to the US where maybe
    it’s supposed to be a little bit
    different yes I think it’s a lot of
    difference if you understand like the
    difference between the Brazilian
    Constitution and the American
    Constitution uh it’s it’s a huge
    difference you know because especially
    uh the way the founding fathers they
    made the Constitution what they they
    were trying to protect right individual
    uh individual freedoms so you can speech
    you can defend yourself you have the
    right to keep the stuff that you work
    for so when people say private property
    what is private property it’s just you
    uh using uh uh enjoying the fruits of
    your labor is not it’s not uh it’s not
    nothing different than that so if you if
    you uh if you have a house if you have
    money if you have uh ways to produce you
    you have to keep them and and I think in
    brail people don’t think like that we
    have like a strong socialist and uh and
    communist mindset so they think we we
    need to share everything we need to uh
    in Brazil they want always more
    government they want all more control
    and when I got here in America I saw not
    everybody not everybody but some people
    right they they like the Constitution
    they praise the Constitution they praise
    Liberty the individualism you know uh
    the classic liberalism the things that
    made America great and and then I start
    to realize man in brail is so different
    let me see why and then I start to to to
    to to dive in American history American
    Revolution and and and all that aspects
    of why America was founded and and
    compared to Brazil and completely
    different Brazil always is trying to
    copy America but in a bad way you know
    so we we had a monarchy in Brazil and
    and we had like a Military Coupe and
    they put like oligarchs you know what
    was not like in America we have the
    founding fathers and then you have
    Bejamin Franklin and you have George
    Washington and he didn’t even want to be
    people want him to be the King right and
    he say no let’s do like a republic let’s
    keep the Constitution let’s keep like uh
    people that produce voting it’s not like
    a democracy it’s not like everybody’s
    voting because not everybody is
    producing in Brazil is different they
    they took the power for the monarchy and
    they give to to to reach families into
    oligarchies that was Swit in between
    power so Brazil is corrupt because of
    that I think because his its foundation
    so I
    think when I start to look into this and
    that’s why that’s the difference but
    right nowadays I I think I think people
    not realize that the Republic is
    degenerate into a democracy and they
    think everybody uh even people that
    don’t produce they have the right to to
    to to enjoy the the the fruits of of the
    labor of somebody else and that’s why I
    was so invested in in luding VES and the
    right in the right of the private
    property so when you started to go down
    this kind of rabbit hole and you wanted
    to learn more about it I would say that
    just talking to you for a few minutes
    you are better educated on American
    history and some of the ideals and
    foundations of the country than people
    who grew up here their entire life right
    and so um why did lwood Von me and the
    six lessons like why did that speak so
    much to you and and why did you feel
    compelled after the fight to on a
    national stage tell everyone hey go read
    this book there’s a lot of things you
    could have said but you told people to
    go read a very specific book actually I
    know you guys are a huge crypto
    community and I’m I’m really into the
    Bitcoin again not because so people
    think I love America and I like America
    and I love Brazil I love America but
    most for most and most I like the
    principles you know the principles
    because I don’t think you are special
    because you born in America I don’t
    think I am special because I’m born in
    Brazil I don’t have pride and and think
    and things that I am natural I’m Pride
    on what I do you know on my principles
    and America I think it’s the same I
    think Americans American people citizens
    they should be proud of the Constitution
    because the laws uh it’s just about
    institution right if you if you if you
    have incentives to be bad you’re going
    to be bad if you have incentives to be
    good and Bitcoin is like that all the
    right incentives to keep to keep like uh
    like scarcity right
    decentralization uh so the principles of
    Bitcoin that got me into the this habit
    role and after the fight I am so uh
    invested in Bitcoin meaning that I like
    the protocol I like the technology I
    like I like the revolution to take the
    money out the government you know so
    they cannot print they cannot control
    they cannot tax of course they can tax
    Capital games you know but at the same
    time um let’s say if the if the shits go
    South right you have your and you have
    your your Bitcoin on your custody right
    you could move country so it’s like a
    it’s like a boat it’s like a life boat
    Bitcoin I see like a life boat so uh I
    wanted to talk about Bitcoin I want to
    talk about uh but I thought man if I go
    over there and talk about Bitcoin people
    will just uh miss the point you know
    because I I knew like people involved
    with crypto in Bitcoin they would say oh
    look at this guy he’s talking about
    Bitcoin but the public they they don’t
    understand they think it’s a scam so I
    thought okay I’m going to talk about the
    same principles but I I will try to
    bring to a broad audience and I will
    talk about like classic liberalism and
    lud VES and people from Bitcoin will
    understand and people that are not from
    Bitcoin they will try to look into they
    will try to read the books and maybe
    they get what I’m saying and I think a
    lot of people did yeah that’s very smart
    is to uh basically talk about it without
    mentioning the word I think is is a
    clever way to to try to almost red pill
    right a large portion of of people what
    has the response been after you you know
    again talking about uh private property
    rights defending Liberty the US
    Constitution uh some of these different
    ideas like it seemed like on the
    internet people were really receptive
    was there any negative uh feedback some
    people in Brazil they say like I am uh
    praising too much America praising too
    much the USA that I’m like licking boots
    and stuff but at the same time I don’t
    care you know why because I’m not
    defending America I’m defending the
    principles it’s like the blockchain you
    know it’s something deeper than Bitcoin
    it’s something deeper than than than
    make money you know I start in Bitcoin
    as a as a how they say like like a
    speculative right I want to make money I
    want to but now that I understand there
    is so much things involved on crypto and
    Bitcoin that that it’s not only about
    money it’s like principles and in
    America it’s the same you you know uh
    was the first man the constitution of
    America how many years they we have the
    Constitution and it it keeps at uh it
    keeps how do I say that if you look it’s
    the same thing that we’re fighting for
    like Freedom rights and it keeps uh like
    something from from the present you know
    so it’s old but we still can apply today
    so I don’t think we need to change I
    think we still have to conserve the Valu
    and the principles that make America
    great but some people don’t like right
    some people like that’s why I tell
    people read the book he will explain
    about capitalism socialism
    interventionism like inflation uh
    Investments and politics and ideas and I
    think the the book is so good because
    it’s easy to read I’m not a scholar I’m
    not a smart guy and the way he talks you
    can really understand so see what he’s
    talking about and then you’re going to
    understand is we have the same problems
    over taxation the government printting
    money the debit is is like how how much
    is the debit 37 37 billions or something
    like that we are spending more money
    than are we making but the government he
    has this this free card of printing
    money and they can get its way out of
    debit to printing money and to taxation
    You by inflation is all about that you
    know yeah what what’s uh for those that
    don’t uh know the book or haven’t read
    it before it’s basically transcriptions
    of speeches that he gave in Argentina a
    couple decades ago and and uh he goes
    through both kind of history but also
    these mental Frameworks and one of them
    is capitalism versus socialism and
    what’s interesting is you’re basically
    saying again overgeneralization but
    Brazil is more kind of socialist and
    America tends to be more capitalist um
    what about the people in Brazil are they
    interested in Bitcoin are they more so
    trying to use stable coins like what
    what do you see with either your friends
    your family people you know in Brazil
    and kind of how they’re interacting with
    these technology
    most of people that I talking to Brazil
    they don’t know about crypto they don’t
    know about
    uh the principles of of the blockchain
    so it it would be hard for me to say
    because every time that I go to Brazil I
    usually don’t talk about this don’t talk
    about economics so but I know a lot of
    people are starting to realize that but
    not on my personal Circle you know so I
    cannot give you a a accurate answer on
    that but
    definitely is less people than America
    yeah you think in America people are
    more aware of this stuff than maybe in
    Brazil just with the people you interact
    with I think I think so but but it’s
    hard to say because most of people that
    are interacted right they have the same
    principles as me so it’s like a bubble
    right so everything that I talk to they
    think that what I’m doing is amazing but
    I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people
    that don’t like me but again uh I think
    that’s important that’s freedom of
    speech that’s uh I want people to to to
    talk [Β __Β ] about me I don’t care you know
    you have to be strong you have to do
    what you what you believe so right so I
    I usually I don’t think too much about
    that but most of people that I live with
    and and talk to they are on the same
    boat so talk about America and kind of
    your analysis it felt like uh when you
    brought this up you knew it was on the
    national stage you obviously thought
    about it in advance and kind of what the
    right uh positioning was were you
    issuing a little bit of a warning were
    you saying hey America may be moving
    away from these ideals and these
    principles and actually you as the
    people should go and educate yourselves
    on it to make sure that that doesn’t
    happen now you tell me right we seen
    like the the the welfare and the social
    programs like I know a lot of I know
    people love free stuff and I saw that in
    Brazil and in Argentina and if you keep
    it doing that how are you going to pay
    because that is one point and the book
    explained that to like big time
    uh when you start this interventionism
    it’s it’s very hard to stop because we
    live in a democracy the the
    representativ they have to be voted on
    so imagine saying hey we’re gonna we’re
    gonna stop the programs we’re not going
    to give you money who is going to vote
    for the guy so the populism and the
    interventionism they are so tied that’s
    almost impossible when you like let’s
    say Medicaid right how much money the
    government is spending on Medicaid and
    then social programs imagine if they say
    no we have have to be responsible the
    debits too high we’re going to stop the
    programs who we going vote for uh and
    this Administration they keep uh doing
    the populism right they keep saying they
    keep bringing more people they keep uh
    they want to tax more did you see uh Joe
    Biden wants to tax on a 42% the the the
    capital gains and that’s never work we
    saw on Brazil we saw in many other
    places like if you tax the rich they’re
    going to leave because they don’t want
    to get hurt by that we saw that in
    France right a lot of billionaires and
    millionaires they move out be looking
    for like taxfree paradise because that’s
    it the money and the capitalism system
    what is capitalism you want to to to
    keep as much as money as possible it’s
    it’s create wealth and I don’t and back
    in the day I didn’t realize that but the
    government they don’t they it doesn’t
    create healthy wealthy for the other
    they take wealthy of the rich people to
    give to to to poor people but the
    problem is not only that’s immoral and
    that they are very bad at doing that so
    when you know that’s the problem they
    take your money and they are very bad to
    because if you see politician most of
    them they are not very good businessmen
    even though like some of them like to
    trade the stocks and stuff and they
    doing pretty well and it’s really and
    it’s it’s very hard to know why in the
    personal life they are not creating
    business they are not creating jobs they
    are not creating wealth so how they can
    manage you your money in the best
    possible way they they don’t because in
    the end of the day they want to be on
    the on the power one more time so they
    will do everything they will screw the
    country to have their own agenda so
    that’s my whole problem with that yeah
    it’s um it’s this weird thing where the
    people who have generated enormous
    wealth obviously are good at capitalism
    right like they’ve created the jobs
    they’ve built the businesses they’ve
    driven the returns and investing and
    Taxation especially egregious high
    taxation takes from the best capital
    allocators and it gives it to the
    government who historically have been
    the worst capital allocators and so the
    definition of destruction of wealth is
    to take from good capital allocators and
    give it to uh bad ones now there are uh
    many programs that the government puts
    together uh or spends money uh how do
    you think about uh maybe things that the
    government does do well are there is
    there anything that they are good at
    doing uh or is it something where you
    think hey maybe we actually should
    operate in a system where allow the
    markets to try to solve these problems
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    very hard to me because like again I’m
    not a special specialist but as I read
    and try understand I don’t think the
    government does anything right the only
    thing that the government should keep
    doing right is protecting the country
    right police enforcement like Army
    everything to keep the
    the the country safe I think that’s the
    the main reason because if you but if
    and the interventionism the what they
    say on the book is like every time they
    they make a decision it it it might
    seems good but in the end of the day
    will affect the the market and the
    industry right
    because he talks about the milk nobody
    be opposed to lower the the price of the
    milk so more kids could uh have milk and
    like with that be smarter but if you if
    you if you put the prices down you’re
    going to affect the way uh the they
    produce the milk like the cow’s food and
    the whole industry going to suffer from
    that so this interation system is like a
    domino effect so it’s going like Cascade
    we’re going to affect the whole market
    and then they will try to fix fix the
    prices and then it’s like a Cascade so I
    think government should stay away from
    from from the market and just care about
    the justice system right police law
    enforcement and army that’s my opinion
    but again I don’t like to talk too much
    about about parties and policies I like
    to talk about principles you know and
    and again I’m just new to that stuff I’m
    just seeing what and I’m trying to talk
    my my mind I’m not a specialist so
    that’s is just my opinion yeah listen
    but but uh you’re doing something that
    seems uh like it is important but many
    people don’t do which is you’re trying
    to go find information you’re trying to
    learn you’re putting in the hours and
    the time to read books to talk to people
    to elicit feedback all those things that
    help somebody get educated about it
    right um I I always uh whenever I see
    people talking about this they everyone
    starts out of the same uh level we don’t
    know anything and you have to go and you
    have to get started and so reading or or
    listening to interviews talking to other
    people that’s how you learned which I
    think is pretty important how do you
    feel uh along kind of these principles
    it feels like you know in the United
    States we’re coming up on an election
    year you’ve got Joe Biden and uh Donald
    Trump are going to kind of go
    head-to-head um one of the things that I
    see lots of people talking about online
    is there’s one Camp of people who say
    you know uh Donald Trump broke a bunch
    of laws the courts are going after him
    they’re going to punish him for whatever
    he ended up you know doing or not doing
    and and kind the court of law will will
    uh be the judge there other people are
    saying wait a second this is like other
    countries in South America am or or in
    Africa Etc where um actually it’s one
    political party trying to uh prosecute
    their political rival and so you know
    you grew up in Brazil but also there’s
    many countries that are you know in and
    around Brazil that some of the times
    this does happen and so like how do you
    kind of look at that as somebody who’s
    come to America and spending time now
    trying to understand the principles of
    country first of all what about you say
    about learning is like it’s like on the
    Bitcoin space right don’t trust veryify
    I think everything that you that you
    want to learn don’t take it for granted
    like don’t just listen to people say
    what they have to to talk talk with them
    say what they have to say and then you
    verify and then you buy books and then
    you go to the internet and see different
    opinions uh again I I
    think it’s all about populism so I think
    Biden will spend a lot of money
    especially in 2024 to get reelected his
    popularity is very bad they are trying
    to crucify Donald Trump they are trying
    to take him out of the the election
    through through Maneuvers and through
    schemes right with the the the justice
    system again but I don’t think anybody’s
    a sent I’m not saying uh Donal Donald
    Trump is a scent but at the same time I
    would say of course he would be much
    better for America than Joe Biden
    especially because he’s being an
    entrepreneur he he is having success on
    his personal life with business and
    stuff of course he will do good for for
    the business man and for the
    entrepreneurs so uh I really don’t know
    what’s going to happen but I don’t see
    Joe Biden winning this election but
    again could be just my perception
    because the people that I con the people
    that I uh live right the people that I
    talk the people the the people on the
    gym they all have the same political
    spectrum of of myself yeah that uh that
    that makes a lot of sense what are the
    things that um have surprised you the
    most about America as you’ve been living
    here and and given this kind of lens
    that you have with uh these kind of core
    principles do you feel like America is
    uh continuing to kind of live up to
    these or is that why you’re so
    interested in it is because you had an
    expectation of America and then the
    reality is something different no I got
    here 2017 2018 it was very very
    different you know I think this covid
    years Chang America for good like very
    very deep uh because when I got here I I
    remember asking myself oh especially in
    Florida right everybody had a job
    everybody had houses uh the the market
    was going very good you know the people
    buying houses with like 2% interest in
    very good houses and then and then we
    have 2024 and I saw a lot of people like
    no jobs a lot of people like struggling
    and mentally because we saw that you
    know I there is one book that I like a
    lot is 1984 that talks about uh like a
    socialist government like strong
    government Central Power and I think
    that that what that was what happened
    with covid right they took advantage of
    that to try to control people to try to
    keep people uh like inside their homes
    like to and at the same time they use
    the the Canadian economics right to
    print money and give and give uh welfare
    to the people and that and
    that excuse me my word but [Β __Β ] up the
    world you know because the world is is
    like it’s globalized everybody every
    every other country they use dollar so
    America not only screw his own economy
    but he it the the whole world because
    everybody use the dollar as the to trade
    and to me nowadays is impossible for a
    guy of my age buy a house it’s
    impossible you know that’s why that’s
    what what I’m saying they they they are
    trying to kill the American dream
    because when I moved here I was
    hoping to see a better country and I was
    seeing a better country but
    2024 a lot of people on the street so I
    think the economics of it plays a huge
    play on that we never seen America
    printing that much money so of course
    that will affect the whole world and
    maybe we see a revolution but at the
    same time that’s good for the the crypto
    and the Bitcoin because more people are
    uh were accepting that the government is
    not good on on control your money so
    they’re trying to find another ways to
    keep the value to keep your money safe
    so you it depends how you look it to to
    to the problems right but for the for
    the most part for the most people it’s
    been catastrophic
    2024 yeah that um that makes a lot of
    sense uh the last thing I want to talk
    to you about is uh inflation in Brazil
    uh it’s not like Argentina inflation
    it’s not over 100% it’s not you know
    kind of uh out of control but it’s high
    it’s been you know kind of five to nine
    10% um and it’s been compounding year
    after year after year at a higher than
    2% rate and so um what are people saying
    at home like is inflation just a part of
    life and then they’ve just gotten used
    to with kind of a little bit higher
    inflation level always was always was
    now doubt is not right now is not out of
    control but the 70s on the 80s was like
    Argentina like people uh people would go
    to the grocery stores and they they were
    buying like let’s say a soda or
    something and they were CH change the
    prices every 5 minutes so people would
    go to the grocery stores and and they
    would spend their all the the all money
    you know so you got your money you go to
    the what was like in every other place
    on every other welfare place like uh the
    the the viar Republic on Germany uh
    Argentina all these places and why is
    that because government doesn’t have uh
    like austerity they don’t they don’t
    have the the the
    the money right so they just keep
    printing money through populism to try
    to give people what they want like to
    give money and Welfare but in the end of
    day uh Brazil is used to that and people
    don’t realize and especially because
    they put uh they put the like rich
    people they put money on bonds and stuff
    and they are paying well if you see the
    inflation but at the same time if you if
    you understand the concept of the
    negative C of field you’re losing money
    anyways even if they pay you 10 uh 10 20
    I don’t know how much money for your
    money on the bank you’re still losing
    over time so one day that that that
    system will collapse for sure because we
    cannot it’s like you in your house you
    cannot spend more than you make so one
    day all the the social fair and the and
    the in these welfare states the social
    state they’re going to collapse in my
    last uh last question I think people are
    going to have is uh how do you think
    about Bitcoin in terms of your life in
    your portfolio do when you get paid do
    you put 100% in Bitcoin do you buy a
    little bit of Bitcoin uh are you trading
    Bitcoin like just talk a little bit as
    to like uh you’ve done all this work you
    you’ve understood the principles right
    you you you are uh confident enough to
    at least go out and talk to other people
    about this so how do you think about
    Bitcoin in your own life that that
    that’s a good question nobody asking me
    that and I start to I start to to try to
    learn economics to like the markets
    right to the SP 500 and what I do is I I
    I don’t have enough information I don’t
    trade I’m not comfortable to trade you
    know I don’t think you should trade
    Bitcoin so I do dollar cost average you
    know so every month I put a little bit
    not much but because we never know if
    the price is going uh down I tend to buy
    more if the price is going up I just
    going to put a little bit but definitely
    I don’t put everything that I own that I
    have on bitcoin but again every time
    that I study more that I learn more I
    start to put more money you know but
    again I never know I don’t have enough
    uh ability to track the market so that’s
    why I set up like automatic payment so
    every month I buy a little bit of
    Bitcoin I love it that uh that makes a
    ton of sense where can uh where can
    people go follow you on the internet or
    if they want to uh to learn more as you
    kind of go down this Learning Journey
    and keep sharing your thoughts uh where
    can they get that information from you
    uh I have a YouTube channel but mostly I
    talk about MMA right but now and then I
    went live and talk about Bitcoin money
    moo Channel I I have a a very good
    podcast I just start a good podcast with
    another UFC fighted and you talk about
    fighting is show me the money podcast so
    you can go through my social media and
    and sometimes I’m doing podcast with on
    this mon Moon Channel too but like about
    Bitcoin about economics and if people
    want to hear me about that that would be
    great too go to mon moonu Channel I I
    remember after the fight you said Joe
    Rogan’s gonna be your first guest on the
    show me the money podcast that was that
    was excellent hopefully he will uh he’ll
    do it yeah he’s not gonna be the first
    but one day I hope he he goes to my
    podcast awesome well ronado thank you so
    much for doing this and we’ll definitely
    do it again in the future thank you so
    much my friend

    Renato Moicano is a UFC Fighter who went viral after his most recent fight, talking about defending liberty, importance of private property rights, and suggest everyone read the 6 lessons of Ludwig Von Mises. In this conversation, we talk about the lessons he has learned from Brazilian constitution vs American constitution, private property rights, why he suggested Ludwig Van Mises, principles of America, why he views bitcoin as a lifeboat, capitalism, national debt, taxation, upcoming elections, inflation, the responses he has received, and crypto in Brazil.

    In this podcast, we dive into the revolutionary concept of PropyKeys, an application that allows anyone to mint home addresses all over the world on blockchain. PropyKeys.com is a part of the Propy ecosystem, that has a grand mission to make homeownership more affordable and user friendly. We will explore the journey of Propy’s founder and how this innovative technology provides benefits for homeowners, and for the real estate industry. Join us as we discuss the Propy’s latest collaborations, including Coinbase, and its new fun project PropyKeys. X (Twitter): @PropyKeys
    Website: Mint an address at propykeys.com. dApp: https://dapp.propy.com/

    Pomp writes a daily letter to over 265,000+ investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand language while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at https://pomp.substack.com/

    View 10k+ open startup jobs: https://dreamstartupjob.com/
    Enroll in my Crypto Academy: https://www.thecryptoacademy.io/

    Follow Pomp on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/APompliano
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pompglobal/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonypompliano/
    Website: https://anthonypompliano.com/

    #AnthonyPompliano #Pomp


    1. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊00000000000😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    2. I love Brazil.

      I was talking to Renato to get me on his podcast a few months ago. Now is is on all these podcast.

      Happy for him. I hope brazil gets past this tyranny.

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