Those Who Don’t Learn About Blockchain Will Be Left Behind

    hi there crypto fans dick Alig here it
    is a beautiful day where I am how about
    you yeah I’m on the beach it’s very
    bright we’re getting to the time of year
    summertime now where the sun is like
    right right directly above us want to
    talk a little bit about how technology
    is going to be changing the world very
    rapidly from now on we’re coming to a
    time where you are going to need to
    understand blockchain distributed Ledger
    Tech technology and artificial
    intelligence those are the two driving
    forces in technology that are going to
    merge and change the world in ways that
    you won’t even recognize it’s going to
    happen so fast so if I were a young
    person right now looking for a career
    probably one of the careers I would look
    at would be interfacing artificial
    intelligence with those corporations
    that will be left so many job job are
    going to disappear through artificial
    intelligence but corporations are going
    to need to learn how to use it and for
    those smart enough to harness the
    knowledge of artificial intelligence and
    guide a corporation into what it needs
    to know to eliminate jobs to put its
    presence forward when you have a
    corporation you need a public face you
    need some interaction and no longer is
    it on an old traditional website
    certainly not TV and radio you need ways
    to reach people and the way to do that
    is going to be through artificial
    intelligence in terms of investing if I
    were an investor and I have been but if
    I had any means at all any any funds to
    invest I would immediately get out of
    the stock this is not Financial advice
    by the way this is just uh don’t don’t
    do anything based on what I say but it’s
    it’s good information I’d get out of the
    stock market I’d get my 401k rolled over
    into self-directed Ira with cryptos I
    would put it I would make sure I had
    some Bitcoin at least a quarter of a
    Bitcoin better to have a full Bitcoin if
    you can have more than that good for
    you a number of altcoins are going to go
    100x 50x 10x 1,000x who knows but there
    will be some that will run incredibly
    but leaving your money in a
    bank leaving your money in a pension oh
    I don’t think
    so you need to learn distributed Ledger
    technology we’re in the transition to a
    new Financial system and a new world and
    if those who don’t learn about it are
    going to be left behind all right that’s
    my rant for today beautiful day I
    already uh did my workout I’m going to
    lunch bye-bye from the beach

    The financial future is cryptocurrency and tokens on blockchain distributed ledger technology. Learn it now, or be poor.

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    1. Mr. A, it has been a dream of mine to live on the islands. I don't see that happening if I don't buckle down and learn this sir.
      Also if I was in that sun, you would hear the sizzle. It would be worth it to see the ocean everyday. 😊

    2. When I sign up is the info all over the place or is there a summary as what cryptos you suggest and suggested for the last couple of months?

    3. It is very frustrating to see how people are miss led by the media, there are too many people that still think crypto does nothing especially since terra luna.

    4. I have crypto, but I'm planning to leave it behind, come out of the Cestui Que Vie trust system and side step it all through community groups who are doing the same.

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