Oil, gas and mining

Gold Silver And Fox Business…

Gold Silver And Fox Business…

hey everybody economic ninja here I hope
you’re doing great I have a special
guest a friend we’re going to be calling
this video Gold Silver and Fox Business
why because my friend I became friends
with him when uh he started following
the channel and I tried talking him into
starting a YouTube channel a long time
ago a really long time ago and he didn’t
but it took a long time and now he’s on
Fox Business and he’s absolutely
crushing he’s got a Channel about gold
and silver Blain do you mind in this
shop it’s a big deal cuz he’s like only
shown his face like twice I charged
$10,000 per per interview so you have
your guy over here send me a check hey
guy give him some money can everyone
hear me right now I’m just curious
because we have no mics I’m a dork and I
left it back in the hotel room yes you
did so right now we’re on the top of uh
number 45’s tower look at that view the
view is amazing unbelievable we’re
pretty close to Navy Pier and wanted to
talk to you you about you just showed up
on Fox Business big big deal what
happened well I’m a big deal well I know
that because you’re part of he embod
embodies ninja Nation it you are the
perfect perfect person you’re a
successful person that wants to be more
successful understands bigger things are
going on in this world and you’re
actually doing something to get ready
for it yeah I’ve been trying to get
ready for it since well since 2008 the
great financial crisis I had there was
an opportunity to buy real estate for
50% off off and my gold and silver was
like four to five times what I paid for
it so I could have converted it
then I want to go fast that is a cool
car yeah I want to go really fast I
could have converted that and had a
whole bunch of cool real estate but I
was uh I just wasn’t knowledgeable
enough I learned a lot from you though
you know over the years no thank you you
bugged me for you bugged me for probably
two years to start a channel that’s
right till your wife told you to stop it
yeah she always tells me that stop
telling people to start channels and you
were super fast demonetize and you’re
you’re doing it as a hobby but I mean
it’s it’s a whole new sort of venue for
you and now you know you got big media
Outlets wanting to interview you I mean
that’s incredible yeah like Johnny Bravo
oh we I was going to leave Johnny out of
it his head’s already too big his hair
is too tall I guarantee you Johnny’s
watching just say hi John I need to get
some of that hair
powder so so tell me about the interview
cuz it was interesting cuz they asked
you some interesting questions cuz they
they asked if you were
afraid no I’m I’m super not afraid I
know but that’s what they asked you and
they asked if you were almost like a
prepper kind of thing yeah they they
kind of title it as there’s a gold craze
and then they kind of framed me as I
jumped in on the gold craze but it’s
like no I’ve been doing this forever
yeah I wanted to do it because I’ve seen
a lot of YouTubers talk about gold and
silver being bought at Costco but nobody
ever had any on their Channel or showed
or spoke about the process so I said
well I’m I’m going to buy an ounce of
gold from Costco and tell everybody how
it works and it was a pain in the butt
but it’s never in stock yeah so man I
really got to comb my mustache so this
is what happens when you go live you
treat this as a mirror oh really yeah
just make sure you don’t have any
boogers hand does this look like my left
hand isn’t it back when I tell you that
blae when Blaine uh embodies ninja
Nation it was great because when Fox was
trying to push him into that prepper
kind of you know are you afraid category
he goes I’m a success suful business I
own commercial real estate on multiple
businesses I’m on the grid because they
kind of said are you’re trying to go off
grid and I was like I’m I’m so on grid
that I can’t get off grid because I I
own businesses and I own commercial real
estate it’s like I’m not going to be
able to go off grid totally I can’t hide
anything and that’s the whole message of
this ninja Nation people that are
prepared and not scared in trying to
grow this message to people all around
the world that aren’t afraid of these
so-called elitists you know we’re we’re
here and we’re going to absolutely use
these downturns these Cycles to our
benefits and hopefully take millions of
people with us yeah yeah I’m going to i’
I’ve been planning on uh taking a camera
along to look at any real estate that
I’m going to be buying when the when the
time comes yeah um to kind of show on my
channel and say hey this is what I’m
looking at buying and it’s this kind of
building and this is what I’m going to
do with it so that’s kind of you know
you followed not followed me but I mean
you know around the nation as a matter
of fact sort of international now you
and I have traveled around ever since we
met and it’s amazing to watch you start
your channel and and grow and I think
it’s going to be amazing and I want to
give a shout out to his channel which is
called World money wins and the reason
why I want to do this and I mean Blen
would never ask me this but I my job is
to make people better or it put them in
a better position than when they are
today right that’s how I grow yeah like
you’re like a super huge cheerleader
anybody that he walks up that sees him
on the street or something they
mentioned I was think about starting
he’s like instantly all over him telling
him what to do and you guys should do
this and he’s like the most encouraging
person in the world pretty much it
drives my wife
nuts it oh yeah she’s like stop
encouraging but you need to encourage
her more than I’m on her side we all
have spouses we’re all oppos right
Opposites Attract but that’s the
exciting thing about this message is you
know here we’re on this we walked into
this hotel blue glass right owned by
somebody that uh is going to run the
country here pretty shortly again and
everybody in in here the employees are
all super stoked and happy they’re all
great oh yeah they it’s weird the dman
walked us up to the bar took us up 16 or
what floor is this I don’t know to this
Rooftop Bar he’s like let me take you up
there and he’s like just best place he
said he’s ever work I said come in with
us I’ll buy you a drink right now just
see if you can punch out he offered to
buy us a drink I know that’s awesome we
should have hit him up and my the people
on my channel they know I’m I’m not a
political person I don’t I don’t like I
don’t I just don’t like politicians all
of them I love them I love to make fun
of them because they’re all messed up on
both sides but I do believe there’s some
amazing people that are trying to make a
difference I just went had a ninja
Nation rally a small one like a Meetup
in Dallas and there were people that
were running for public office and you
could sense their heart sense their
emotions that’s what we need we need
more of you that care about our country
to run and yes we need how awesome would
this be if a bunch of uh people came out
of left field got uh got into Congress
and then voted term limits in how
amazing can you imagine type one if that
would be the most amazing thing if a
bunch of people from all over the
country ran for office a majority of
them won and there are people like us
like-minded people that are amazing
conservatives that care about our
country and where it’s going and then
all of a sudden we voted in a term
limits how awesome would that that would
be insane and look at look at this is
the exciting part when I say type one if
you agree and you’re just just yeah
exactly so here’s the thing I just
wanted to make this short video to
show you Blain’s Channel he forced me to
do it cuz he knows that I petrified of
cameras yeah but great things never came
easy and we were just talking about how
some things happen on the Internet or in
the world that could be scary but we
have to continually pick the harder road
because great things don’t happen easy
and so I wanted you point you out to
World money wins I know a lot of you are
going to go over there and check them
out I I know a lot of people in this
chat too we’ve talked in in Denver uh at
the big party in Denver
there’s Pete theat I don’t know if he’s
watching right now and uh people in
Dallas you we we’ve hooked up at Dallas
and at the silver Symposium that I go to
every year we you go every year as well
right yeah I don’t think I’ll be there
this year but not this year no and I
canceled a bunch of My Talking after too
emotional for me you’re so busy now it’s
hard hard for you to do everything you
want to well and you came in on us
shooting our new project which I I have
been losing sleep over the last three
weeks to be honest with you but look I
want I want to just to tell you go check
out World money wins and it’s because I
know that if I continually help and
encourage people like Blain and as
they’re getting on Fox Business and
stuff you’re going to see this happen
with so many of you and that’s how I
grow right we we uh we grow as much as
we sew and so I want to sew into other
people and their causes because he has
gifts and talents that I don’t have um
and likewise mustache I have a mustache
that is pretty epic I mean you got to
get a mustache long on that TV show
CHiPs right now you should be like the
the angry Sergeant I wanted the super
chooper one but I got gray hair
so the super I need a leader of cola for
the cop all right with that being said I
thank you so much for watching go check
out World money wins hope you all have a
great day with that being said the
economic ninja and blink thanks

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  1. Great transmission, as always. I appreciate the no nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's about it,but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Desy 11s covered me while I'm doing comfortable.10k 15k every week and I'm still counting thanks to her❤️

  2. It's amazing how people equate owning silver and gold as being a prepper and a bad thing. I just can't understand how brainwashed people are to think that a piece of paper and/or one's and zero's have more value than a physical metal people can hold.

  3. The Bible says that people will be throwing gold and silver in the street because it's worthless. So, instead of investing in metals, invest in food. I'm not selling anything. I'm not promoting any product at all. I'm just saying what you need to see. Get food now. Canned goods stay good for years and years if not all rusted out or dented. Canned goods will last and last if stored correctly and not in freezing or hot temperatures. Dry goods can be jarred and will last and last. Powdered milk will last and last. Folks if you spent your last penny on food then you didn't waste your money . Stop buying useless junk you don't need. Yeah it's cool and fun and all that but it will not feed you or your family at all. Spend your money on food. Also spend your money on your own separate water source. Water is life. Plus research all the different ways of filtering water. You can filter water with just a rag or handkerchief and 2 jars. Do what you can now to secure a food and water source now. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. The Joneses will have to trade or sell all their junk for food and you'll be prepared for yourself and your family and your animals. Don't starve because you didn't want to listen. Don't starve because you think preppers are stupid. All throughout history entire civilizations had grain stores for bad times and droughts and floods and famine. Use the boy scout method of always being prepared. Stock up on supplies and don't worry about what your neighbors are doing or the crud they are buying. So what if everyone else has new cars and expensive watches and clothes and all that crap! Levi's and boots and tshirts and plaid over shirts will never go out of style. So have those items of clothes and don't worry about expensive euro trash bags purses and junk that you don't need.

  4. You gotta give this guy, his guest,He's very cavalier and nonchalant in his attitude in regards to commercial real estate. Personally if I was him my butt would be tight If my commercial real estate investments were not only in residential rentals… i m h o

  5. This what many of you are not getting. It doesn’t matter how much gold and silver YOU stack. Once we go to a cashless society your personal stash will be worthless. You won’t be able to acquire anything if not done through the correct channels of a cashless society. Only the elites gold and silver reserves will be worth anything. Some of you will figure this out the hard way.

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