Bitcoin Prices About to Go “Absolutely Insane” in 2024 to 2025 – Lawrence Lepard Prediction

    ETF launch is a really big deal I mean
    it allows a huge pool of capital that
    could not easily buy Bitcoin to now buy
    Bitcoin so you know I mean to be honest
    with you I’ll give you the spread I mean
    to my way of seeing end of calendar
    2024 we could be at 100 we could be at
    300 I doubt we’re below 100 I I highly
    doubt that that’s you know from 60
    that’s a 40% move or a little higher
    that should be pretty easy you know 50%
    move that should be pretty easy from
    here um to their number of 2025 250 yeah
    that sounds possible there are a lot of
    models there are a lot of ways of
    looking at it I look at them all you
    know I weigh them all and then I’d say
    you know what it’s it’s a new thing um I
    think Michael sailor said all your
    models are broken I think he’s kind of
    right it would not surprise me at all if
    it shot up to 250 quickly but it also
    wouldn’t surprise me if you know a year
    from now we were only at 110 Bitcoin
    billionaire and managing partner of
    equity Management Associates Lawrence
    leopard has given his latest bitcoin
    price forecast for the year 2024 and
    2025 he believes that Bitcoin is likely
    to Skyrocket to around $100,000 to
    $300,000 within this year
    2024 in fact he is quite sure that
    Bitcoin would hit six figures no less
    according to the expert this anticipated
    surge will be influenced by Federal
    Reserve policy shifts and US fiscal
    challenges as more investors see
    bitcoin’s True Value as a digital asset
    and a hedge against all economic
    uncertainty its adoption will gradually
    become widespread leading to an
    exponential rise in bitcoin’s price long
    term let us now view clips of Lawrence
    leopard as he shares his latest
    predictions and insights ever feel like
    you’re wasting your money on things that
    don’t really matter stop you don’t have
    time don’t miss out on this 2025 Bull
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    below thanks and enjoy the video boy
    it’s a wild animal and nobody can really
    know I mean long term I’m highly
    confident that it will continue to
    outperform and be much higher by by that
    I mean by the end of this year and next
    year the following year uh short term it
    could do anything it
    wants as you know it’s quite volatile um
    I think what’s going on in Bitcoin is
    just the knowledge very much like gold I
    mean and I do consider I mean gold is
    5,000 year old money soundest form of
    money ever until Bitcoin came along um
    and you know it’s analog sound money
    bitcoin’s digital sound money and and I
    I think that what’s going on there is
    you’re just seeing more and more people
    coming becoming aware of the fiscal and
    debt problems that the world has and
    looking for an escape hatch Gold’s one
    and bitcoin’s another turns out Bitcoin
    has performed better than gold so you
    know younger people tend to aggressively
    go towards Bitcoin but as you point out
    it has been correlated with the NASDAQ
    it has been correlated with risk on and
    it does tend to have pretty wide swings
    and so it’s not suited for everybody
    there are people who you know prefer not
    to have the volatility and and they
    might you know and they’re looking for a
    sound alternative they might choose gold
    uh in turn if you’re looking for the
    most rapid growth on a performance basis
    you know Bitcoin is has clearly been the
    better choice for the last 10 15 years
    and I think it will continue to be a
    better choice so um but it’s yeah it’s
    come along too and I mean to me as I
    said I think earlier these are both the
    canaries and the coal mine you know the
    fact that they are both up as big as
    they are bitcoin’s up 66% in the quarter
    oh my goodness that’s a big number gold
    was up I know 13 or 14% the quar that’s
    a good number too just annualize those
    are huge numbers I mean so so
    something’s going on here you know the
    fact they’re both up together and the
    stock market wasn’t that much I mean
    something’s going on here and what I
    submit is going on is a larger
    percentage of the world is becoming
    aware of the monetary problems that are
    about to emerge because the FED is
    trapped and I think when the at the end
    of the day they can say they’re going to
    go higher they can say they’re going to
    go lower they can talk all they want
    they can jawone they do all kinds of
    things they lie about what they’re doing
    but at the end of the day if push comes
    to shove and the choices are do nothing
    and let the system collapse or print
    money and create new programs to
    accommodate you know the system and and
    you know dilute um the value of the
    dollar you know through de basement I
    the politicians they will always Cho
    choose option too because as we saw in ‘
    08 in 2020 in 2019 with the repo blowout
    in March of 2023 with the Silicon Valley
    Bank they are not going to let the
    system Collapse full stop they can’t
    they they just won’t do it but what
    makes it so hard for all of us is they
    tend to you know in the interim periods
    they tend to talk tough and you know
    imply that oh they’ve got it all under
    control and we’re going back to 2% and
    da d d da but you know again I think
    what’s going on is gold and Bitcoin are
    saying you know you you guys
    can say all that sh yeah we yeah we hear
    you that’s what you’re saying for sure
    but you know what we don’t
    believe it you know uh we’ll we’ll take
    the golden Bitcoin thank you very much
    at the end of the day you know the the
    the block reward whether it’s 6.25 or
    3.125 you know it’s I mean it’s the
    difference between 900 Bitcoin a day and
    I 450 Bitcoin it’s not a that’s not the
    the biggest determinant of demand in my
    view you know of supply and demand in
    the in the market it’s that’s a small
    number compared to the 19 million coins
    that are out there it it has an impact
    and historically there’s always been a
    price run after a having um if you look
    back historically so I fully expect we
    will have a price run but if you
    actually also look back carefully you’ll
    see that in some of the prior
    havingsex for the having to have an
    effect on the price and so it’s entire
    entirely possible to me that that would
    occur again in this particular time
    frame as I said bitcoin’s a wild animal
    and you just don’t know at any given
    week day month what it’s going to do I
    mean it could go to 50 it could go to 80
    I mean I I have no idea I I will say
    this I will say this though I have great
    confidence that in a year or two it’s
    going to be much higher than it is today
    meanwhile the head of digital assets
    research at Standard Chartered Jeff
    Kendrick believes that bitcoin’s value
    could gain a surge of more than 2x
    reaching approximately 150 0000 by the
    end of 2024 this would imply a
    127% increase in bitcoin’s price while
    Bitcoin experienced an 11% pullback from
    its all-time high in March Kendrick
    notes that this was due to the recent
    tensions in the Middle East which
    influenced the crypto markets and the
    Slowdown of inflows in the Bitcoin ETFs
    Kendrick expects a reversal sometime
    this year with a massive surge in
    investor inflows as Bitcoin gains more
    traction with the ongoing success of the
    Bitcoin ETFs Kendrick predicts potential
    inflows of $50 billion to $100 billion
    over the next two years as the market
    matures with bitcoin’s recent having
    event Kendrick also points out that
    these events usually drive up bitcoin’s
    price to higher levels and newer
    all-time highs in the following 12
    months let us now returned to Lawrence
    leopard as he shares more insights on
    bitcoin and the greater
    macroeconomy but bitcoin’s a measure of
    liquidity and the NASDAQ is tied to
    liquidity as well so it’s going to take
    time for the two to separate but I do
    believe over time they will separate um
    but you know if look if they print a lot
    more money I mean my my new base case
    I’ve kind of revised this I used to
    think we were gonna have quite a big
    market downturn and quite a big
    recession I I’m actually and and maybe
    we will you know I’ll be wrong again but
    I’m now based on what I’m seeing I’m now
    kind of starting to think you know what
    we’re actually not going to have that
    big a downturn that big a recession
    we’re going to have a pretty hot economy
    it’s going to be pretty healthy the
    stock market can go higher you know
    there’ll be a lot of good things
    happening with one exception we’re going
    to have serious inflation you know if if
    because they’re going to have to they’re
    going to have to grease the monetary
    skids the velocity is going to pick up
    and with those changes you know we are
    there’s no way you get out of this
    inflationary trap and so it’s entirely
    possible that the FED ultimately starts
    thinking maybe they have to hike rates
    further I I don’t know that they’ll do
    that but you know as you as you pointed
    out earlier you know they’ve certainly
    backpedal from a lot of rate cuts to
    very few rate Cuts based on the strength
    of the economy and so the new data that
    we all have because we kind of all
    thought there’s got to be a recession
    coming here and there hasn’t been in a
    big way yet right who’s the sucker at
    the card table it’s the bond holders
    right I mean I mean look at the TLT
    which is the 20-year Bond ETF I mean I
    think I think’s down 40 or 50% from its
    all-time high a few years ago and sadly
    I think it’s going to get worse so you
    know you just in an inflationary
    environment if you go back and look at
    the 70s you know you wanted to own oil
    you wanted to own gold because they both
    benefited from inflation you did not
    want to earn own bonds Henry Kaufman
    called them certificates of confiscation
    if inflation does what I think it’s
    going to do the only way Bond holders
    are going to be willing to hold bonds is
    if the interest rate is higher now I say
    that and then I I’ll add a caveat and
    the caveat is I think it’s some point
    the Federal Reserve steps in realizing
    that if they let interest rates get too
    high um you know everybody in their
    brother is going to be bankrupt
    including the federal government I mean
    the federal government kind of is
    bankrupt but it’ll be obvious that
    they’re bankrupt and so what I’m
    describing of course David is yield
    curve control so I think that as
    inflation starts to become more evident
    everybody the bond yields will start to
    go up but I think there’s a point at
    which the FED will say we can’t allow
    this to get worse and so we’re going to
    start buying the bonds we’re going to
    reinstate QE and start buying the bonds
    and putting them on our balance sheet
    and we’re going to fix the interest rate
    at a certain level and we’re not going
    to let it go above that level um and
    that’ll lead to a lot of balance sheet
    growth that’ll lead to a lot of monetary
    expansion and of course it’ll make
    inflation worse but you know that’s
    that’s what they will do because the
    alternative would be to let those
    interest rates go up very very high and
    choke everything off and we would have a
    big you know a big crash and keep in
    mind the politicians are always looking
    to do you know they don’t think in 10
    and 20 year time frames what the right
    move is they think in terms of what can
    keep me get me elected next year you
    know who cares what happens after that
    right and so if their choice is have a
    big collapse and take the pain in order
    to reset or kick the can and the
    inflation’s a little bit higher they
    always lean on they’ll take the Kick the
    Can but inflation’s going to be higher
    so that’s my my prediction that I have a
    a high degree of confidence in is that
    we will have higher inflation what is
    the peak price that you anticipate
    Bitcoin to have for this current market
    cycle do you agree with the experts who
    say Bitcoin will be no less than
    $100,000 within this year feel free to
    share your thoughts in the comments
    section below if you enjoyed this video
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    Credit: David Lin
    $150k Bitcoin And $5k Gold: ‘Inflationary Trap’ Getting Out Of Control | Lawrence Lepard

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    1. Well we've proven that they whales have no other choice but to take their place in line and they hate the very fact they cannot control BTC with their Wall Street tactics. Isn't BTC's decentralization great…..LOL BR, fidelity and JO take you place at the end of the line LOL

    2. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!

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