Broader Crypto Update: Bitcoin

    in this week’s broader crypto update the
    Bitcoin having has passed and runes and
    ordinal have dominated the chain spiking
    average fees to a record high level of
    $128 worth of bitcoin per transaction
    one transaction in particular cost 2.4
    million in Bitcoin fees total Bitcoin
    fees usurping ethereum for the last 6
    days for those who don’t understand
    runes and ordinals simply said they are
    tokens and nfts on bitcoin when it
    wasn’t meant to support such activities
    this is a clear example of how going to
    where people are is valued more than the
    best technology for the activity the
    question is if sooner or later the pain
    and frustration of using inappropriate
    Solutions will drive people to
    infrastructure and tools specifically
    designed to handle these tasks we can
    only hope

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