INCREDIBLY HUGE NEWS, This Happens To Bitcoin in LESS THAN A WEEK, HUGE Inflows Coming SOON

    Hello everybody welcome back to the
    channel where we talk about stuff in
    incredible news I’m not really sure how
    else to really uh put this we have
    collectively lived in a situation where
    um and I say this from the perspective
    of having the news constantly be about
    the US SEC who has taken more now than
    11 years
    to give any kind of uh proper
    cryptocurrency regulation which the US
    still doesn’t have uh one of the you
    know I I tip my hat to thee uh greatest
    places that we’ve continued to hear
    about has been Hong Kong uh we heard
    about them for the first I mean we know
    what Hong Kong is but for the first time
    within the cryptocurrency space about a
    year and a half ago just about this
    point and a lot of the excitement had
    been had been that people from China
    would be able to potentially go to Hong
    Kong and simply do business there
    instead for those of you who do not know
    uh crypto is not banned in China it is
    day trading that’s banned and it’s also
    using it as a form of currency so you
    cannot buy things with it but you can
    hold it and you can mine it in certain
    situations if you have government
    approval but you can buy Bitcoin you can
    hold it you can look at it and then when
    the price goes up you have to go to like
    an overthe counter kind of place and
    basically like resell it back to them
    they give you the local currency and
    then you can spend how you wish in Hong
    Kong it’s different it’s basically there
    are cafes and restaurants that say like
    we accept Bitcoin you can day trade
    Bitcoin so one of the ideas was that if
    Hong Kong was opening their doors to the
    cryptocurrency space then people from
    China might also have some chance with
    it as well we heard that they were going
    to have cryptocurrency regulations they
    ended up making them in like three and a
    half months which blew my mind cuz I was
    like what Regulators regulating so also
    during like a really weird time with the
    secc was also throwing out lawsuits at
    every single cryptocurrency exchange and
    then we recently heard about the um oh
    gosh what was it this was like three
    also three months ago after the United
    States got the spot Bitcoin
    ETFs we began to hear rumors that
    apparently Hong Kong was going to do the
    in lo and behold fashion yeah Hong Kong
    announced this was two or 3 weeks ago
    that they were working on the process of
    being able to allow ETFs to also Bitcoin
    and cryptocurrency ETFs to also launch
    within Hong Kong the really weird part
    is that they approved it yeah so like it
    didn’t take 10 years like it took the
    SEC in the US to do it took these people
    like 6 weeks maximum and then we got
    news about 2 weeks ago from the time of
    me making this video that they had been
    approved and they were going to launch
    Bitcoin ETFs and now it looks like we
    have an actual date which a lot of
    people are quite excited about it is the
    30th of April they are going to begin
    trading uh originally the news was and
    it was incorrect that these were going
    to be future
    ETFs Argo they were going to be based
    off of Bitcoin but they were going to be
    denominated in the local currency and
    then we heard that that was also a lie
    that that they were actually going to be
    spot ETFs they that means that the
    company who is issuing the ETF is
    actually going to be buying physical
    Bitcoin the same exact way that black
    rock and Fidelity do for their ETFs and
    that is how the shares of the ETF would
    actually be issued and then we heard cuz
    it only gets better the ETFs from Hong
    Kong are actually going to be I think
    the term is in kind
    yes in kind there’s in kind and in cash
    the United States because of the US SEC
    has in cash so in essence when you sell
    your cryptocurrency Bitcoin from your
    ETF or you sell shares that was
    difficult to say sell shares of your uh
    shares from the ETF you get cash back in
    Hong Kong they have in kind so you sell
    it for the same kind of thing thing that
    you sold it for so if you in Hong Kong
    are buying Bitcoin ETF shares and you
    sell some of your shares you get them
    back in
    Bitcoin isn’t that crazy to think about
    because that’s what the entire thing is
    basically about if the company issuing
    them is buying Bitcoin and you are
    buying shares in Bitcoin essentially
    would you or should you not then just
    simply also be getting it in uh Bitcoin
    as well and they are the excitement for
    those of you who do not know or may
    Simply Be unaware is that the Asian
    market is gigantus not a word but it
    makes sense in this context because
    we’ve seen before that the Asian market
    through other Cycles in the
    cryptocurrency space has fared
    extremely well if you watch my other
    channel where I go over Daily
    cryptocurrency News called the modern
    investor we
    just I mean like two and a half days ago
    just had news
    that South Korea
    alone just South Korea
    all US dollar trades around the world
    during the first three months of the
    year did you understand what I said of
    all the US dollar trading around the
    world for cryptocurrency in US Dollars
    that includes the United States of
    America South Korea alone outpace them
    just in their local currency Asia’s
    quite big on crypto and I think a lot of
    the know I know as I go over Daily News
    I know that people don’t pay attention
    to them because you’ve constantly been
    giving the narrative that everything
    that happens in the states is far more
    important have I got news for you the
    premium in price in South Korea for
    Bitcoin is is always staggering there’s
    always it always costs more to buy
    Bitcoin in South Korea the trading in
    Japan is also people in Japan love
    crypto they love Bitcoin they’re always
    buying it a lot of people assumed that
    Bitcoin was banned in China and I’ve
    been telling you or trying to tell
    people for a while no it’s not banned
    people are still buying it over the
    counter that we can see the actual
    trading volume from China A lot of times
    as like we can see the the the people
    who are mining Bitcoin in ch in China
    like we can see their percentage of the
    actual hash rate so now we have the
    situation where Hong Kong um
    a place that
    is you as far as I can tell from
    documentaries you are either excessive
    wealthy or you’re on the complete
    opposite end is now going to allow
    cryptocurrency trading as well and the
    news that we’ve received is that
    apparently this will allow access for
    other countries in Asia who also want to
    deal and or Buy in securitized versions
    of Bitcoin they’ll be able to get their
    uh ETFs from Hong Kong quite exciting
    times um I continuously need to make
    sure that people understand that crypto
    is global a lot of the news even the
    last week 10 days or so has has has
    towards bitcoin’s having is done
    bitcoin’s pric is going down no one’s
    paying attention to bitcoin grayscale
    did this to bitcoin the inflows to the
    ETFs was oneth what they were and this
    kind of really weird thing the inflows
    into the ETFs have
    still taken away all the Bitcoin that’s
    mined per day and keeping in mind got to
    got to repeat it those are
    just the ETFs within the United States
    there’s also ETFs in Canada ETFs across
    Europe for cryptocurrencies as well and
    now we’re getting the the actual spot in
    kind within Hong Kong and Asia as well
    and also a another gigantic surprise uh
    they’re also launching in Hong Kong spot
    ETFs as it stands right now it’s not
    looking too hot for the US getting
    ethereum ETFs but guess who else is
    getting them every other country in the
    world who wants them so while the
    narrative continues to be that things
    aren’t going swimmingly because Bitcoin
    fell down by 4% oh wo is us and I’m like
    you understand that besides Black Rock
    and Fidelity buying up more than all the
    Bitcoin that’s mind per day you have
    tens of thousands of other people if not
    and I say tens of thousands as a
    conservative number who are buying tons
    of Bitcoin while people in the US are
    told to sleep on
    it yeah kind of weird right so when
    these spottin kind Bitcoin and ethereum
    ETFs launch within Hong Kong on the 30th
    of April I give it by like the 4th or
    the 5th of May we’re probably going to
    see a large amount of news about how
    much money is flowing into these ETFs
    how much Bitcoin the ETF holders and
    stuff are buying and things like that
    and then the way that it usually ends up
    working out out is that we’re going to
    hear about other companies who also get
    into the space as well cuz I
    believe three companies have been given
    the go-ahead to to be able to do this
    and if just logically if this is any
    indication of how Hong Kong is going to
    be doing business we can assumption that
    by December there will probably be
    around nine companies who also have the
    go-ahead keep keeping in mind it took
    them six weeks to approve three
    companies so you know money don’t I I I
    don’t for the life of me understand uh
    what what is the word what the US SEC is
    doing but uh yeah just know that
    accumulation continues prices are down
    prices are up rich people don’t care cuz
    they’re going to continue buying we’re
    going to see a massive you you know
    whatever I don’t have to say anymore
    basically all the Bitcoin that that that
    that that would be there is being
    gobbled up every single day so just make
    sure to keep that in the back of your
    mind when you hear uh Peter Schiff or
    Jamie Diamond talking about bitcoin’s
    terrible they know what numbers are they
    they they know people are buying any
    that’s going to do it for this video I
    do hope that you’ve all enjoyed there’s
    going to be a link in the description
    below for those of you who would like to
    read the article thank you all once
    again for watching listening liking
    commenting and supporting and I will
    most certainly be talking to you all
    soon see you

    Well friends, welcome back to another edition of… people asked for it and they actually got it without having to wait 10 years for the US SEC. It looks like Bitcoin is about to be turned upside down as THREE more major companies have been given the go ahead to accumulate Bitcoin…AND Ethereum as well. The issue? This will allow literally over 1 billion people access to the Bitcoin market, and people in the “west” have no idea whats about to happen.

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    4. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!


    5. Cryptocurrency regulations in the US are inconsistent and varied. One organization calls it money, another says it has no value, and yet another labels it as a commodity. It appears that the classification depends on what suits the situation at the time. πŸ˜‚

    6. Leaving a like : πŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ˆπŸΌ
      Leaving a comment : It's Saturday, Cheers Mate …πŸ§πŸŽ©πŸ«–πŸ΅πŸ°
      ✍🏼Subscriber since and the Markets are open 24/7…365 βœ…

    7. Thanks Money Rules ! Your video calms me down everyday I watch it when the market is pumping! I'm going with your insights. It makes the most sense with where we are at in the cycle. The only thing that would make me think this cycle could be slightly different is the overall increased adoption of crypto since 2019 and all the hype with the BTC/ETH ETF speculation. Could the market stay held up this cycle by the anticipation of ETFs and the overall awareness that a bull run is coming? The surge is speculated to possibly be the beginning of a massive new uptrend, making it a crucial time for investors to pay attention, I've personally benefited from following Mrs Lauren, trading tactics, amassing 13 bitcoins in a short four weeks period, which speaks volumes about her expertise…

    8. AI QUESTION: What are possible black swan events that could set off a parabolic response in crypto?

      AI ANSWER:

      Regulatory crackdown: A sudden and extreme regulatory crackdown by governments or regulatory bodies on cryptocurrencies could cause panic selling and trigger a sharp downturn in prices. Conversely, a favorable regulatory development could lead to a parabolic rise in prices.

      Security breach: A large-scale security breach or hacking incident affecting a major cryptocurrency exchange or platform could erode investor confidence and lead to a selloff. Conversely, heightened security measures or improved security protocols could boost confidence and trigger a rapid price increase.

      Global financial crisis: A severe economic recession or financial crisis on a global scale could prompt investors to seek alternative assets such as cryptocurrencies as a hedge against traditional market risks. This could result in a parabolic surge in crypto prices.

      Technological breakthrough: A major technological breakthrough in the blockchain or cryptocurrency space that significantly improves scalability, security, or usability could lead to renewed interest and investor excitement. This could trigger a parabolic response as investors rush to capitalize on the innovation.

      Geopolitical turmoil: Political instability or geopolitical tensions in key regions could drive investors towards safe-haven assets like cryptocurrencies, leading to a surge in prices. Conversely, a resolution to geopolitical conflicts or improved diplomatic relations could have the opposite effect.

      It's important to note that black swan events are inherently unpredictable, and past performance is not indicative of future results. While these are some potential scenarios that could trigger a parabolic response in the crypto market, it's essential to conduct thorough research, practice risk management, and stay informed about market developments when investing in cryptocurrencies.

    9. The reason why US SEC is slow to bring Bitcoin to mainstream and why HK is doing this so fast is simply one word: Geopolitics.
      If you know geopolitics, then you know what their motivations are

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