Oil, gas and mining

US Militarys TOP SECRET Silver Agenda EXPOSED.

US Militarys TOP SECRET Silver Agenda EXPOSED.

this week’s specials for Miles Franklin
are 90% silver dimes and quarters only
275 overs spot backdated silver Maples
for 325 overs spot and pre-33 $10 gold
Liberties for $34 overs spot we have a
massive inventory along with cheap
prices you could text email or call
Slayer MILF franklin.com and I’d be
happy to help now let’s get into the
video silver war.org is a very
interesting website that every silver
stacker needs to know about this is who
they are exposing injustices plaguing
the silver market they are dedicated to
uncovering silver market manipulation
and malfant by the United States
Treasury and Department of Defense
threatening National Security unveiling
The Untold here is the timeline of how
this all started
1960 National Security Agency US
Department of Defense the nsa’s silver
recovery program is created the National
Security Agency responded to US silver
shortage in the 1960s by starting the
NSA silver recovery program to reclaim
silver from scrap and waste and then we
have June 25th 1968 United States
Treasury Department Washington DC
transfer of silver to D’s strategic and
critical stockpiles the D is defense
Logistics agency this transfer mandated
by the Strategic and critical material
stockpiling act signifies a significant
milestone in ensuring National
preparedness and security the silver
Source from treasury reserves was
meticulously allocated to bolster the
nation’s critical material reserves that
leads us to
1972 US Geological Survey minerals
yearbook the Salient silver statistics
8.9 million ounces of silver at the dod
the US defense department stocks totaled
8.9 million ounces this marks the first
instance when the Bureau of Mines
disclosed the silver stock numbers by
the Department of Defense then February
16th 1985 Naval surface Warfare Center
warns of impending silver shortages if
batteries aren’t upgraded this this is
from the naval surface Warfare Center
electrochemistry branch quote the power
source needs of the new brilliant
weapons will have to be satisfied by new
battery technology in addition to
stricter requirements energy density Etc
many of the materials currently used in
batteries such as silver zirconium
nickel Etc will have to be replaced in
future batteries because critical
shortages are predicted if current use
patterns persist then that leads us to
1995 Department of Defense silver stocks
sto being reported in 1996 the US
Geological Survey minerals yearbook this
marks the last time the US Geological
Survey Bureau of Minds reports silver
stock numbers by the dod in 1995 the dod
silver stock dwindled down to 13 metric
tons and by 1996 the dod silver stock
was listed as
na not available that takes us all the
way to 2002 the National Defense silver
stockpile goes to zero this marks the
last time the US Geological Survey
Bureau of Mines reports the number of
silver ounces in the National Defense
stockpile the National Defense stockpile
goes to zero no reports on defense
silver stocks have been released since
this report in 2002 now 20 five happens
US Federal authorities arrest
Christopher Tappen for trying to sell 50
Eagle pitcher zinc silver oxide
batteries to Iran then June of 2016 the
dod’s silver E-Waste recycling
procurement program under pressure as
silver requisitions increase say that 10
times fast according to D officials
requisitions for silver have increased
since the end of the fiscal year 2015
raising some concerns about how long the
program will be able to provide this
precious medal then we have June 11th
2002 this is some serious stuff support
of American Silver Eagle bullying
program Act is introduced this is
Congressional record this is June 11th
other silver mining states it is my hope
that the Senate will move expeditiously
to consider and pass this legislation
before the stockpile is deleted on June
23rd 2002 the program is passed support
of American Silver Eagle bullying
program Act is passed by the US Congress
Public Law
preserve the American Eagle silver
bullion program then things really start
to ramp up in 2021 and 20122 when silver
scarcity starts impacting the US Navy it
says down here the D’s Surplus was
exhausted due to the silver scarcity
program is procuring silver at the
market rate of $30 an ounce program is
pursuing mitigation strategies with
vendors to replace silver requirement
with a lithium battery in
fy4 then you have March of 2023 silver
shortage impacting the US Navy submarine
acoustic Warfare system down here it
says notably silver is identified as
among the costs impacted by these
efforts hinting at its crucial role in
production or maintenance the need for
more ADC units due to shortages suggests
increased demand for silver a crucial
component in their production within the
submarine acoustic Warfare system then
down here April 20th 2023 Cy platner
Blows the Whistle on the Department of
Defense silver shortage Eagle pitcher
which is the leading manufacturer of
batteries crucial for missile and space
applications admit to a significant
Supply shortage of silver within the
United States they disclose that
acquiring silver from alternative
sources has become notably difficult due
to its diminishing availability where
did the silver come from that was mined
for use in those batteries quote we do
have some local Silver Mines initially
yeah it wasn’t as prevalent but we did
have some of course we had to Outsource
most of that for quite a while but we do
have some history just wasn’t as
prevalent as the lead and zinc I’m being
honest I’m not sure all the sources
right now but silver is very hard to
come across right now it is very much a
diminishing Supply so it is a growing
concern on how much longer that is going
to be available able sources are limited
I know just in general we’ve had supply
chain issues since the the pandemic and
we’re still talking about it people are
really trying to ramp up production but
in getting that sourced has been pretty
difficult in terms of any silver so it’s
a diminishing resource that has to be
looked at but I don’t know where else we
got it to be specific then down here it
shows all the silver that’s at C Naval
defense silver applications we have
cruise missiles subm Marines sealed
delivery vehicles autonomous underwater
Vehicles Torpedoes Choppers Navy
battleships weather boys lots of other
things and then you could also see down
here it shows Torpedoes and actually
there’s 11,000 ounces of silver in some
of the largest Torpedoes there’s also
500 ounces of silver in a Tomahawk
missile and you could see down here it
shows all the different types of
torpedoes I covered it in the video
yesterday so here is the about us part
restoring Integrity to the silver market
at their core they are a dedicated
Collective of individuals who refuse to
turn a blind eye to the injustices
plaguing the silver market with the firm
commitment to transparency and
accountability we shine a light on the
practices of influential industry
players who obscure the truth from the
public eye in today’s silver market the
prevalence of paper contracts is
undeniable these instruments are
leverage to suppress silver prices
primarily to serve the interest of the
military industrial complex we deplore
the corrupt nature of this manipulation
which punishes silver investors and
serves to transfer wealth to parasitic
classes which is the ruling Elite Silver
war.org will systematically prove in
four distinct Chronicles that all
previous silver data was in a moral Ploy
hatched to deliver low silver prices for
the two most significant industrial
users of silver the defense and
Aerospace Industries our journey began
with discovering a glaring silver
shortage concealed beneath layers of
misinformation the root of cause the
military’s insatiable appetite for cheap
silver at the expense of trillions lost
by investors in future Generations the
National Defense stockpile has been
depleted since 2001 and crucial silver
usage figures by the Department of
Defense have been conventionally
withheld from public scrutiny since 1995
when their last report came out we
refused to stand idly by as the
foundations of sound money as enshrined
in our Constitution are eroded money
must hold inherent value earned through
Labor and energy expended otherwise
paper money will only serve as a deao
war bonds as the Federal Reserve and its
complicit clients military legislators
foreign policy makers can profit from
war today’s monetary policy allows for
currency creation out of thin air
devaluing our dollars and Paving a
perous path towards fiscal
irresponsibility our mission extends
Beyond mere critique we strive to
rekindle the spirit of the American
dream envisioned by wisdom of Austrian
economists and even the framers of the
Constitution a dream where the
government fears the people not the
other way around it’s time to Halt the
Perpetual cycle of war and or Integrity
to our monetary system I get it they
have exposed something massive right
there’s always been this missing puzzle
piece I’ve been talking about the silver
shortage for so many years now but there
was this missing puzzle piece of why
though like where is it going and why
are they suppressing Silver’s price to
such a an extreme degree when they don’t
even see silver as money anymore yeah we
knew that silver is used for XYZ but
it’s still something deeper seemed like
it was going on and this seems to be it
is because of the military needing so
much silver and then when you look at
the numbers of how much silver actually
is needed right 165 million troit ounces
from US Treasury to the D and that was
1968 and then you see the stockpile
going to zero you could see why the
silver shortage is so important to them
but also since we’re Outsourcing it and
that’s something the silver Academy
tries to stress a lot is that we rely on
all of our enemies to get the silver for
our own military so what if if you had
an enemy that needed to make missiles
and Rockets and all that but you owned
all the silver to make those you have
the upper hand to the eenth degree and
that’s why you know there’s that saying
that silver wins Wars so this all is
connected I mean I like how they piece
together the timeline it says more to
come you can see right here this is the
C then there if you click this button
right here I guess it’s going to show
all the silver used in air and then land
and then space cuz I mean there is a lot
of silver needed in everything but
Aerospace and Military which are the two
most important aren’t even Incorporated
in the silver institute’s numbers or
like they call them the scammy silver
Institute so this is a very wellp put
together website um I’m I’m excited to
see what they post next because do some
very good journalism I don’t know how
they come up with all of this I mean I’m
doing research on a daily basis but I I
don’t even know and Andy sheckman even
said himself you know these guys they’re
doing some good work I don’t know where
they’re finding these sources or this
stuff but I’m not complaining and uh I
feel like it’s it’s my job as a silver
channel to also share this information
right get this stuff out there silver
war.org very impressive I’m highly
impressed hope you guys guys enjoyed
this video make sure you like the video
and um make sure that you guys uh also
check it out if you want and um I also
doing a giveaway so make sure you guys
subscribe and go enter the giveaway as
well shout out John Forest little I know
he um is one of the people that puts a
lot of this together if not the main
person um you know he does a lot of
great work and uh I respect that so yeah
I hope you guys all find this stuff in
informational educational or at least
entertaining and if you did make sure to
like comment down below what do you
think is the most um interesting fact
about all this I mean this timeline is
is very it’s very um impressive and then
not even you could go to you could
actually click on each one of these and
it will take you to a whole entire
article about it if I would have done
that this video would have been 5 hours
long so I wanted to just highlight each
year or each timeline but it’s very
impressive of how much work has been
going into this and and all the sources
right they they site everything as well
they’re not just pulling these numbers
out of you know out of a hat you know
this stuff is really happening and this
is what’s going on behind the scenes and
this is the meat and potatoes of why
silver prices are most likely suppressed
it makes the most sense the timeline
adds up and rightfully so right I mean
if silver is needed this much in in
military for our defense department
then rightfully so so anyways yeah I
thought this was very interesting I
thought this was some very good stuff I
hope you guys enjoyed it uh and yeah
anyways thanks tuning in this was silver
Slayer I will see you guys later today
or tomorrow peace

#silverstacking #Investing #silverslayer

Here’s the website covered in the video – silverwars.org

Join the secret stacking club – https://www.patreon.com/silverslayer

Enter my HUGE Silver Giveaway! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEqoYbkdDcw

Need silver? I have some silver deals for you 😉 email Slayer@MilesFranklin.com ill make sure to take care of you!

Silver stacking is by far the best investment! Precious metals are a great way to protect your wealth but stacking silver bullion in particular has more opportunity beyond gold and other precious metals. Why invest into Silver bullion in 2024? Silvers price will drastically rise in the coming years for many reasons i explain on my channel, so make sure to subscribe for daily silver videos! There’s no wrong way to stack silver! There’s not even a wrong way to buy silver! Selling your silver can be dangerous so make sure you watch my videos explaining how to safely sell. The best way to stack silver is buy the physical silver bullion and store it away! Some investors buy silver coins that are more expensive but i recommend beginners starting to stack silver to play it safe, buying silver bullion with the lowest spot prices. Silver stacking will change your life! Financial freedom and understanding the value of true wealth is what buying silver represents! I cover various types of Silver videos on this channel such as how to buy silver, where to buy silver, best silver for beginners, silver tips, silver news & updates, silver price forecasts and predictions, the best silver coins to buy, silver and gold giveaways, podcasts, livestreams, interviews, silver and gold unboxings & more! Hope you enjoy my channel & Keep on stacking!

Silver is by far the best investment for many reasons explained in this video, even beyond other Precious Metals such as gold. Silver stacking is the best way to secure your wealth into something that has intrisic value (real value). If you are a beginner silver stacker or new into the precious metals world then i highly encourage you to subscribe and watch as many silver stacking videos as you can because its called a silver stacking STRATEGY for a good reason. Don’t worry too much about silver prices or spot price because buying silver is storing your wealth into something of real value.

Become an exclusive member of the Slayer Elite here!

Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/silverslayerofficial/?igshid=1mk6uwohale21

Subscribe to my 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A

Business email – info.silverslayer@gmail.com
Broker email – Slayer@milesfranklin.com

***DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose.. every investment has risk involved. I am NOT a financial advisor, do not seek financial advice from this channel as i am only sharing my experience & opinion involving the world of Precious Metals & Cryptocurrency. Always be careful & responsible.. do your research before investing into ANYTHING***

Key topics my channel discusses:
silver stacking, silver stacking coins, silver prices, silver bullion, investing in silver, stacking silver, silver coins, precious metals, buying silver, silver for beginners, how to buy silver, how to stack silver, best silver to stack, best silver coins, silver stacking stragies, gold vs. silver, silver bars, the silver shortage, silver eagles, silvers price in 2024.

– Slayer


  1. Wow; do we think the sliver we own will be confiscated for the military industrial complex.
    We have at least three wars going on and sliver in bare-bones stock piles. This is the best real news about silver being consumed to instinction

  2. Happiness is the key 💯, I was homeless, I had nothing to offer, god is the greatest and I will continue serving him till I'm no more. Having a fresh 23k coming every week ain't a joke. I can help out now and support the Lord's work❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

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