Goodbye Putin: Disarming the Gas Transit Weapon

    Goodbye Putin: Disarming the Gas Transit Weapon


    1. Fossil fuel dependence is geopolitical insecurity. The US calls it energy security, but its meaning is only its coercive destabilization of others as a result of their dependence.

      Solar and batteries do not need a steady supply of future supply and batteries in order to make you individually or nationally dependent on geopolitics.

      Whether you frame it as dependence on Russia or US hegemony, it is all the same vulnerability.

    2. All russia is doing is hastening the renewable transition, both in Ukraine and Europe. Ukraine is going to replace those thermal plants with distributed solar and battery. A solar panel on every roof and a battery in every garage is a lot harder for russia to destroy

    3. WaitformeBumblebee on

      These actions should clear the doubts, of those who still had any, about who bombed Nord Stream 2.

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