hello everyone and welcome back to the
    common sense crypto Channel as with you
    always this is Rich doing another video
    today on HB so I hope you’re all having
    a wonderful day today wherever you are
    in this great great world we’re going to
    talk about harar and you know it’s been
    rough making harar videos lately that’s
    why I stopped doing so many of them
    because I’d make a video and people
    would say har bar is nothing but a scam
    coin oh harar isn’t going anywhere it’s
    a dead chain well look at H bar right
    now on the one day chart sitting here
    just under 15 cents and I was telling
    people to buy this cryptocurrency all
    the way back here when it was under 5
    cents and I said it’s just a matter of
    time until H bar takes off you know all
    throughout the entire bar Market there’s
    been so much growth on this
    cryptocurrency nonstop growth daily
    announcements with no price movement and
    even in this next runup once we go into
    all season H bar is going to be a top
    performer and you know every time I’d
    make videos people just didn’t want to
    believe it well now we see this as well
    Black Rock officially chooses hadera for
    $65 billion
    fund onera arxs and black rock coming
    together this additional Black Rock
    money market fund along with existing
    offerings are all available directly on
    the ARX platform as well as through
    connected networks the first transaction
    of tokenized shares of the Black Rock
    money market fund which was also
    tokenized on hadera the open source
    proof of state public Ledger was
    completed across Theona f P2P digital
    asset Network and you know this is the
    next step in crypto is
    tokenization but you don’t have to take
    it from me take it from Larry
    Fink We Believe ETFs are a technology no
    different than Bitcoin was a technology
    for for asset
    storage We Believe The Next Step going
    forward will be the tokenization of
    financial assets and that means every
    stock every Bond will have its own
    basically qip it’ll be on one general
    ledger every investor you and I will
    have our own number our own
    identification we could rid ourselves of
    all issues around illicit activities
    about bonds and stocks and digital by
    having a a a a a tokenization but the
    most importantly thing we could
    customize strategies through
    tokenization that is fits every
    individual we would have instantaneous
    settlement think about all the cost of
    settling bonds and stocks but if you had
    a tokenization everything would be
    immediate because it’s just a line item
    and so we believe this is a
    technological so what he’s saying is
    everything is going to move in real time
    and he sees tokenization as being bigger
    than ETFs Black Rock came to crypto
    because of utility that’s where they see
    the value Google Trends H bar search
    volume nearly 10x in the past 4 hours
    you know what’s great about that people
    are learning what H bar is they’re
    figuring out what hadera is and you know
    if you got here if you’re new to crypto
    and you got in because of the big black
    rock announcement or maybe you’re taking
    your first look at harar right now you
    got to take look a look at a few things
    that I’m going to show you in this video
    so meanwhile
    everyone Raves about Black Rock and H
    bar hadera casually passes 48 billion
    transactions real world utility you know
    I think we’re going to achieve more than
    100 billion by the end of this year in
    transactions on
    hadera first place I would start is the
    governing Council I always told people
    if you take one look at the governing
    Council that alone should make you you
    want to buy hbar look at the names on
    here Avery Dennison Google LG
    Hitachi and you know we these are also
    companies building out on hyera at the
    same time and then go beyond that and
    take a look at hadera’s ecosystem it’s
    an absolutely incredible ecosystem you
    know these are all realworld use cases
    as well and they’re building out at a
    very alarming rate you know when a
    project comes to hyera it doesn’t just
    have the announcement and then nothing
    happens these projects you get the
    announcement and then you watch them
    grow out with another announcement and
    another announcement and they’re
    expanding out and they’re partnering
    with other partners of hadera and
    they’re working together this network is
    absolutely incredible and they have some
    of the craziest use cases on hyera as
    well but you know I pointed this out all
    during the entire bar Market the worst
    time in crypto I said any any network
    that’s still building right now is going
    to have a massive run in the future and
    we are absolutely getting there even
    gaming leading web 3 gaming platform
    circle of games with over 250,000
    registered users has announced that it
    has raised $1 million from nazar.com and
    the hashgraph association to drive
    growth and enhance platform capabilities
    using hadera hadera is also great for
    gaming that’s just one of many projects
    then there’s carbon credits for today’s
    use case dovu needed a coste effective
    secure and scalable way to issue and
    create a more Marketplace for tokenized
    carbon credits so they chose hadera and
    dovu is absolutely expanding at a very
    alarming rate as well Hitachi America
    just became an H4 council member Hatachi
    will use hadera’s blockchain to power
    its ecosystem in Industries like Power
    Electronics and Healthcare and there’s a
    lot of healthc care projects also
    building out on hadera as well
    and I always said a health care is
    massive every one of us will need Health
    Care at some point in our
    lifetime hbar is used for defi smart
    contracts daps nfts payments and more
    hadera is a project involved in cbdcs
    gamey socii defi stablecoins carbon
    emissions tracking tokenization Health
    Care and More there is just so much
    happening within the ecosystem and
    hadera is headed towards institutional
    adoption everything mentioned above are
    real world use cases of hadera and it’s
    fast expanding if you are holding H bar
    today then you are one of the lucky ones
    get ready for explosive movements in the
    coming months I think in this next runup
    we are easily going to $3 plus I think
    we could even even achieve $5 plus
    people could deny it all they want but
    it is going to happen hbar is built for
    future not cool hbar hadera’s
    contributions to the world economic
    Forum metaverse identity report you know
    a lot of people don’t like when you talk
    about the world economic Forum but you
    know the metaverse is building out right
    now there’s going to be economies inside
    the metaverse and hadera is also playing
    a vital role when it comes to the
    metaverse as well hadera brings our
    expertise and digital Innovation to the
    world economic forums metaverse identity
    discourse hadera contributions underline
    our commitment to driving positive
    change in the digital landscape and its
    determination to steer discussions with
    authority and
    expertise so think of it like this
    everybody right now all the talk is
    digital IDs all throughout the world
    they’re coming they’re coming with
    cbdcs and I always tell people invest
    now enrich yourself while you still can
    the fourth Industrial Revolution is
    coming make sure you cash in on it and
    hadera is also working on another
    project that’s called D what D is is if
    you were to lose your keys you can still
    recover your crypto and a lot of people
    that were in crypto for a long period of
    time didn’t like the idea of that but
    anyone knew coming into the crypto it’s
    going to be great for them you know
    years ago if they lost their keys that
    was it they lost their crypto now they
    lose their keys they can recover their
    crypto and continue to invest in crypto
    also happening through hadera harar is a
    sleeping giant I think harar is an
    absolute monster and it’s just starting
    to wake up it’s still very undervalued
    at 15 harbar has been undervalued just
    like the rest of these ISO
    cryptocurrencies for a very long time
    hadera must be in the top five it’s
    obvious and you know I said in multiple
    videos if it looks like a top five
    cryptocurrency and it’s built to be a
    top five cryptocurrency it’s just a
    matter of time until harar becomes a top
    cryptocurrency and I believe that’s
    absolutely going to happen and look at
    that on the one-year chart up 160.
    86% on The Daily we’re up
    4% and it looks like a d h bar just
    keeps climbing higher and higher but you
    know it’s exciting times ahead for
    anyone that’s invested in any of these
    ISO cryptocurrencies because H4 is also
    going to be part of the new Financial
    system it’s a well-rounded
    cryptocurrency and it has a well-rounded
    ecosystem this is an absolutely
    incredible cryptocurrency I cannot
    stress that enough and the Black Rock
    news that was just the icing on the
    but you know until it all happens stay
    patient stay positive and let’s get rich
    together with that said I’m going to
    wrap up this video I want to thank you
    all for watching I appreciate all of you
    I’ll see you in the next one have a
    great night


    This video is about Hedera Hashgraph HBAR, HBAR Crypto, HBAR Update, HBAR News. Hedera HBAR Crypto

    ⭐ MEXC SIGN UP ($1,000 SIGN UP BONUS): https://bit.ly/3P8NBq7 ⭐

    Hey, I am Rich from Common Sense Crypto, bring you crypto news & information regarding the cryptocurrency market. The content on my channel will focus on news, common sense, insights and overall guides regarding XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, HBAR, & various altcoins.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser, & all information given in my videos or on my social media platforms is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice.

    Description Tags (Ignore)
    #xrp #hbar #cryptocurrency


    1. HBAR isn't Distraction? Same like Bitcoin ETF. Whenever Black Rock is involved it's starting smell rot for me.
      That's why I'm XRP XLM. 3 of may we will start see picture unfolding.

    2. I hear you, Rich!

      But I don't trust Blackrock.

      I think this company will burn the world to become on top.
      They don't care about us.

      XRP and XLM will be the top dogs, and Blackrock will destroy Bitcoin and Hbar.

    3. I probably wouldn't have bought this coin without your videos. Glad I did im holding long though well maybe take a little cream off the top with a holiday to Greece. I'll call it the H bar holiday.

    4. I must admit I got taken in by the lie and hype. I will be more careful next time. The lie is people said Blackrock chose Hedera. That is not true. Blackrock allowed Hedera. The people that said Blackrock chose Hedera should be sued.

    5. Ok Rich it’s like this…..I friggin love you man our minds are alike with utility I am so glad I stumbled upon your videos because you give the facts….i didn’t have money to put on hbar on that dip and I was just hoping it stayed low…. Its still not too late to fill that hbar bag though💯💯❤️✌️😎man

    6. Sold 58 k hbar @18 yesterday. Bought back 60k this morning @ 13. Nice little profit taking. My first time. This could get habit forming. Lolol

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