Bitcoin News Today | Bitcoin Stock to Watch Right Now | IREN AI & HPC Growth | IREN

    hey guys welcome or welcome back to the
    channel MCN money the new home of power
    mining analysis in today’s episode we’re
    going to be joined by the chief
    commercial Officer Ken Draper from Iron
    to give us an update on their self-
    mining capacity their expansion plans up
    to 20x aash their current ATM program
    and expansion into HPC and AI verticals
    we’ve got a lot to go through in today’s
    presentation but before we do please
    take a second smash the like button you
    guys it’s a big help to myself in the
    channel Channel if you’re not already
    subscribed MCN money feel free to join
    and let us know in the comments section
    below if you’re currently holding shares
    of iron your thoughts on this minor
    compared to their peers and outlook for
    the remainder of 2024 now with that
    being said let’s get into today’s
    interview okay guys so that’s right
    today’s video we’ve got Kent Draper he’s
    the Chief commercial officer for iron
    now iron is a company we’ve been
    covering quite some time on the channel
    we’ve had the CEO Daniel Roberts on a
    few times so Kent and I are going to do
    our best today uh to try and to try and
    beat those views aren’t we Kent but we
    appreciate your time here today and
    special interest for this episode you
    guys is really focused on the HPC AI
    component of iron which is actually uh
    the portion of this organization that
    Kent heads up so Kent thanks so much for
    being here we really appreciate your
    time today
    yeah thanks pleasure to be here and
    looking forward to the conversation most
    definitely so this is actually your
    first time on the channel as mentioned
    we’ve covered iron for quite some time
    but uh Kent is new to the channel so
    before we get into the AI component here
    I know we have some questions about ATM
    as well uh K can we get a quick
    background on yourself and how you ended
    up with
    iron yeah sure so my my background’s
    actually in in institutional
    infrastructure management and banking
    uh and that is the the history of a
    number of our um key executive group as
    well as Dan and Will Roberts the the two
    Founders um so I’d done some work with
    Dan previously uh when I was in banking
    advising in him on uh some
    transactions um so I’ve got a a long
    history in infrastructure and
    particularly power and Renewables and
    obviously we’re at kind of that
    intersection uh between the the two uh
    as well as marrying that up with the the
    technology side um both on Bitcoin
    mining and the AI HPC operations of the
    business gotcha yeah I want to get into
    that aih HPC uh because that’s really
    become a real focal point for iron
    especially with this poolside contract
    and all the news there but before we do
    we’ve got a couple quick uh updates on
    the ATM program you guys have in Flight
    right now so the first one is uh in
    terms of completion date k for the
    current ATM do you guys have a timeline
    or an expected timeline to complete
    this uh we we don’t necessarily have an
    expected timeline uh when we’re going to
    utilize the the remaining
    capacity um so our our last uh reporting
    date at March 29th we had just under 170
    million of capacity left uh under the
    ATM um we’ve already announced uh which
    I’m sure many of your viewers will be
    aware an expansion of our Bitcoin mining
    activities out to 20 xash um and that’ll
    include data center expansion out to 460
    megawatts um and that expansion both in
    terms of the hardware that’s required
    and the data centers that is fully
    funded out of um the ATM proceeds and
    cash on balance sheet that that we’ve
    already drawn um so that remaining
    capacity under the ATM that I mentioned
    just under 170 million that is all
    available for
    additional uh growth initiatives over
    and above that expansion to the 20x aash
    okay great that was actually going to be
    my follow-up that was a subscriber
    question so just so I’m clear uh what
    you guys have used of the current ATM
    program up until that last reporting
    period that will cover the expansion
    hardware and Facilities to 20x aash the
    remaining 170 million can can or will be
    used for additional things if
    needed yeah that that’s exactly right
    gives us flexibility to pursue you know
    a number of other growth initiatives
    whether that’s in Bitcoin mining or now
    also with our Ai and HPC cloud services
    business uh potential expansion there so
    you know it’s G gives us a great deal of
    flexibility uh in terms of being able to
    to pursue numerous things moving
    forwards yeah that’s actually quite
    exciting and I think honestly a lot of
    people were thinking we would need that
    full ATM to get up to to the 20x ahash
    so that’s great to hear that that that
    was fully funded and this is additional
    flexibility or leverage uh or a lever I
    guess I should say down the road if
    needed now you mentioned that the aih
    HPC so this is another area I think the
    next eight questions or something Kent
    are HPC focused um to start off with
    because you’re kind of the expert at
    iron on this subject can you give us
    your outlook on this space over the next
    couple of years we’ve seen a lot of the
    miners specifically kind of the mid-tier
    miners get involved with HPC they’re
    talking about the margins the excitement
    the potential of this space uh We’ve now
    even seen core scientific which is one
    of kind of the top producers in terms of
    Bitcoin per day enter this space Anthony
    and I feel there must be something very
    lucrative if all of you guys are wanting
    to get involved here what is so
    lucrative about
    HPC yes I think there’s a a couple of
    aspects to it I mean everybody unless
    you’ve had your head buried in the sand
    you everyone will be aware of of the
    news over the last 12 18 months uh and
    the enormous initial growth uh of of um
    HPC and generative AI in particular and
    obviously you you’ve had some of those
    key early initiatives with Chad GPT that
    really brought this to the Public’s
    attention um but we we’re really just
    scratching the the surface even with the
    enormous growth that we’ve seen over the
    last 12 to 18 months
    um we think this is going to be a
    transformative uh thing that will
    revolutionize you know many aspects of
    society um and in doing so it’s going to
    require incredible amounts of of
    computing power um so that that is of
    particular interest for us for for a
    couple of reasons um you know we have
    built up uh a a very large pipeline of
    land and availability of power um within
    portfolio uh so we have a a site down in
    Texas um where we’re currently expanding
    our Data Center capacity quite
    significantly this year we still have a
    significant amount of land and power
    available at that site um as well as
    further connection agreements uh in
    other sites in our portfolio totaling
    well over a gwatt worth of of power um
    so that side of it is is particularly
    exciting to us because you you get some
    of these uh you know public
    pronouncements like Michael Dell um for
    example who said that AI may drive up
    data center Demand by 100x in the next
    10 years um and so our our positioning
    there with a lot of access to land and
    power we think is is very exciting you
    know whenever you get these digital
    technologies that can grow
    exponentially you you still need to be
    able to service them using real world
    infrastructure and so we see an enormous
    uh opportunity for us there particularly
    because everything we’ve done over the
    last four years has been refining um
    data centers that perform extremely well
    for power ense Computing you know that
    that is our core application we’re not
    doing a a range of traditional data
    center uh you know style builds this is
    purely focused on powered D compute
    um and so our position with land and
    power and expertise in power dense
    Computing we think is very uh attractive
    on the on the data center side and then
    more recently um with our expansion into
    AI cloud services that’s actually where
    we operate the the G or or own the
    gpus um and offer the raw computing
    power out as a service so that’s the
    other way that um we’re looking to play
    this trend end um and that side of the
    business we also think is enormously
    exciting um we will uh we’ve already
    tripled since our initial cluster the
    amount of capacity that we have online
    uh and we we’ll look to continue to grow
    that that piece of the business going
    forwards um but you know certainly we
    we’ll do it in a in a manner where we’re
    growing it gradually um we’re doing it
    sensibly but you I think the um over the
    short to medium term the amount of
    interest that we’re seeing on the
    customer side is is huge yeah we’ve
    talked to a few of the CEOs including
    Sam tabar at bit digital and he said a
    lot of the well all of the interest for
    their organization has been inbound up
    until this point are you finding similar
    uh type of thing Kent with with the uh
    relationships you guys are forging here
    yeah it’s it’s both a mix of of inbound
    and outbound I’d say in relation to the
    land and power there is a lot of inbound
    um interest on that side I think a lot
    of people have been caught by surprise
    um given how quickly the generative AI
    space is growing uh and you know many
    many players in the industry had their
    own forecasts that they generated for
    requirements for data center space and I
    think they’ve all been blown out of the
    water um by the by the growth in this
    industry and so you know certainly on
    that side of things we see a lot of uh a
    lot of reverse inquiries and then in
    relation to cloud services it’s a mix of
    reverse inquiries and and
    outbound um but as as I said before we
    are still seeing uh very good interest
    on the customer side um and in
    particular you know there are a number
    of customers that are looking for multi
    GPU deployment so you know that is
    significantly interesting because each
    th000 gpus is a is a if you’re looking
    at h100s to use an
    example from Nvidia that’s a $40 million
    capital investment so you know customers
    of that size um it can really facilitate
    uh a lot of capital deployment over
    relatively short periods of time gotcha
    so Kent I want to get into some of these
    agreements specifically poolside answer
    to talk about where we draw the line
    between a Bitcoin mining company and an
    HPC infrastructure compute company
    but before we do one of the question
    this is from a subscriber as well but
    this is one that I’ve been wondering
    personally how do you got like yourself
    iron and the Bitcoin mining companies in
    general differentiate your product and
    draw in customers when you’re competing
    with giants like Amazon web service and
    and obviously Google cloud and things
    like that is it just that there’s this
    overwhelming demand you speak of and
    there’s there’s not enough providers to
    go around or there actual benefits maybe
    agility or size of contract or something
    like that that these large scale
    provider the Blue Chips aren’t able to
    offer yeah I I think look there is
    certainly I think a decent amount of
    demand but there is actually quite a
    level of differentiation within the
    segment that I don’t think people are
    necessarily aware of um and there are a
    number specifically where we feel like
    we’re actually very well placed um
    relative to some of the larger
    hyperscale providers that you mentioned
    um so in particular all of our Data
    Center capacity as I mentioned earlier
    is is custom designed specifically for
    these power dense purposes and because
    it’s fit for purpose infrastructure that
    doesn’t have to perform you know 20
    functions um we can actually make it
    much more cost effective um and so we’re
    able to offer these Cloud Computing
    Services at a pricing level um that is
    significantly lower than some of the
    major hyperscalers and you know to give
    you a tangible example of that you know
    somebody could buy cloud computing from
    us for a year and if they spent the same
    amount of money with a hyperscaler they
    might get two or three months worth of
    cloud uh Computing service so especially
    for these um AI startups that are
    raising Capital um and deploying most of
    their capital all into into compute you
    it’s very important for them that
    they’re they’re getting value for money
    and that’s one of the things that we
    we’re able to offer um another area
    where we think we’re differentiated is
    because all of this um Cloud uh compute
    is being hosted in our own data centers
    we can actually offer a higher level of
    customer service uh to people um many of
    the other cloud services providers are
    using collocation
    uh services so it’s not their own Data
    Center capacity and that means whenever
    they get an issue from their end
    customer that comes in they effectively
    get on the phone they have to call the
    data center company and so they’re just
    acting as a middle man which means all
    uh issues take longer to get resolved
    and the data centers aren’t necessarily
    always incentivized to uh address issues
    as quickly as possible whereas for us
    these are our data centers it’s our own
    staff they’re there
    247 we can respond to um customer
    requests very quickly um and because it
    is a core Focus for our business we are
    highly focused on customer service
    levels um so those are a couple of
    examples where we can actually
    differentiate our our service compared
    to some of the hypers scalers sure that
    makes sense to me and and a followup on
    that one around profitability so this is
    another question mark in my head uh Kent
    is we’ve we’ve heard about the very
    lucrative margins associated with HPC
    and obviously that the build out on
    these data centers is is more Capital
    intensive there’s also higher
    requirements for uptime and things like
    that which make sense to to uh lead into
    those margins now my question is about
    The Upfront capex a lot of these
    contracts from my understanding are kind
    of uh one-offs or custom designed for
    the client how Capital intent of are
    these upfront and what is the estimated
    payback period or time until
    profitability um compared to maybe
    investing in mining rigs or something
    that yeah so as I mentioned to you
    earlier if there’s a thousand uh unit
    GPU cluster um using Nvidia h100s that’s
    around a $40 million Capital commitment
    um today uh so you know the the level
    obviously depends on on the size of the
    cluster um and the customer interest as
    to you know how much Capital you can
    deploy but we are not constrained by
    data center space on ourside the um
    amount of electricity that these gpus
    use on a on a dollar per megawatt basis
    is is relatively low um and so you know
    we can fit tens of thousands of these
    gpus into each one of our um facilities
    without an issue um so you know the the
    capital requirements will vary with
    customers but you know it is significant
    on the hardware side um in terms of the
    payback periods you know varies um the
    shorter term contracts with customers
    tend to be a little bit more lucrative
    on a on a dollars per GPU basis um but
    typically we’re seeing payback periods
    on on average uh around two years um for
    these gpus
    um and the useful life of them I mean it
    will extend you know as long as you want
    you know if you’re looking after them
    and as I said our facilities are a
    custom built to make sure that we are
    operating this equipment in the most
    optimal environment so you know we uh
    continue to see uh or expect after that
    initial two-year payback period ongoing
    stream of of cash flows over many
    years sure uh I’m glad you got into kind
    of the life expectancy so let’s take
    those Nvidia uh 100 gpus for example
    Kent um you’re saying kind of the life
    expectancy would go out quite a while
    after the 2-year payback period we’ve
    seen in the mining space the s19 s19 pro
    the S21 S21 Pro we’ve seen quite short
    lifetime for a lot of these uh Hardware
    units is that different on the aih HPC
    front just because of how complex these
    clusters are and um I use the term dense
    compute it does it take longer to
    develop new chips on this
    side yeah I mean there there are chips
    uh new Chips coming out on a somewhat
    similar time cycle to to what we’ve seen
    with asex so you know typically every
    two years uh there there’s a new chip
    that comes out but it does take some
    time to get into commercial production
    and be you know seen at
    Material uh volumes within the industry
    um and then e even uh with the new Chips
    coming online we’ve continued to see uh
    uses for older chips so if you look to
    the the last generation from Nvidia for
    example the a100 those are still used
    very extensively throughout the industry
    um sometimes what you see is a is a
    slight change in use uh and what I mean
    by that is often for training models
    people want to be using the the newest
    best uh GPU because it means they can
    train their model in the fastest way
    possible um and speed to market for many
    of these AI startups is you know
    something they view as vitally important
    so if they can use the newest technology
    and half uh the the period of time to
    train the model that’s of interest to
    them but once you get into the inference
    stage um which is you know more akin to
    the ongoing search queries that you know
    you would put into chat
    GPT um when you when you’re looking for
    feedback um those are are often it may
    be more cost effective to run them using
    an older model of GPU so you know we we
    think that the overall level of compute
    that is required for AI and HPC is going
    to continue to go up uh and because of
    that you know we we do see a long
    operating life cycle for all of these G
    gpus even when a newer GPU unit comes
    out sure yeah I can definitely see why
    you guys are excited about this area and
    I suppose on the mining front and the
    GPU front the newer models are obviously
    going to be more compact more efficient
    they’ll probably take up less space in
    your data center um so on the one side
    yeah you may need to upgrade down the
    road on the other side uh it’ll help out
    in terms of square footage and footprint
    in the data centers I suppose
    aen yeah exactly that that that’s
    exactly right um so you know we we’re
    excited about the newer Technologies
    coming out because our facilities right
    now are actually able to handle well in
    excess of the current uh crop of gpus so
    if you look at Nvidia h100s for
    example um the Nvidia reference
    architecture you need about 40 to 45
    kilow per rack um of power density uh
    we’re currently doing um over 70 Kow Ira
    uh within our existing facilities um so
    you know we we’re very excited by the
    upcoming GPU releases because our um our
    data center facilities will be able to
    accommodate uh even the newer types of
    gpus with very little modification on
    our side um and that is what one of the
    advantages as well of of having your own
    data center
    infrastructure um is we can actually
    bring online this capacity far more
    quickly than other providers that have
    to go out and Source collocation space
    every time they they want to uh get a
    new cluster up and running for a
    customer um so with us it’s a a process
    of about 6 to8 weeks um to to do the
    minor modifications that are required
    for these AI
    servers um and that means we can Ser as
    customer requirements in a in a much
    faster manner than many of the other
    providers out there uh who are telling
    customers that it’s a 6 to 9 month you
    know wait until they can get access to
    to cloud computing uh whereas with us
    it’s you know two months gotcha and I
    guess that would be another key point of
    differentiation with with the big
    players as well right is the the
    hyperscalers just don’t have that
    agility to to wind up or down now um
    Kent I want to talk about the poolside
    agreement specifically I was going to
    ask obviously they’ve upsized they’ve
    extended I thought it would be a good
    idea to talk about some of the these
    other questions first just to paint the
    picture of what you guys offer probably
    makes a lot more sense now why they’ve
    wanted to upsize and extend the
    agreement what does this poolside
    agreement represent to the company I
    know this is kind of the flagship
    partnership uh what does this mean to
    iron and where do you see this one
    going yeah so P paide was our very first
    customer in the the AI cloud services
    segment um we had purchased an initial
    cluster of 248 Nvidia h100
    gpus uh and they signed up for the
    entire uh cluster for an initial 3mon
    term uh I think it’s fair to say that
    they’ve been extremely happy with the
    performance of of the cluster uh you
    know they’ve told us on a number of
    occasions that it is um one of the best
    performing clusters uh that they have
    within their business um and they are
    using multiple uh different cloud
    service providers so that was extremely
    favorable feedback from them um and
    actually at the the recent Nvidia
    GTC uh conference their CTO hopped up uh
    unprompted on stage with Dan Roberts our
    CEO um to to sing our appraises both
    from a reliability performance and um
    customer service standpoint um so that
    that’s been you know extremely helpful
    for us um that that they’ve been out
    there saying good things about us and
    more than just just saying it um they’ve
    actually put their money where where
    their mouth is so to speak and recently
    doubled um the size of of the cluster
    that uh that they’re utilizing with us
    um and also extended and lengthened the
    the contract um so you know they’re now
    operating under a a larger four-month
    contract um so extremely exciting for us
    for for those people that don’t know um
    they’re a major play
    uh within AI they’re working on a text
    to coding uh model so you can basically
    give text prompts and um the idea is uh
    that it will do the coding for you so
    it’s really the aim is to democratize
    coding uh and we think that you know
    they’re going to be uh a very fast
    growing company as we move forward and
    obviously we hope to continue to expand
    with them over time excellent and
    there’s no ownership stake or equity at
    all with pool Sid as part of this
    agreement is there no no it’s just a
    true uh third party customer style
    agreement where they’re they’re buying
    those Cloud Computing Services from us
    sure and it’s great to hear it’s a
    win-win really not only on the financial
    side that they’re extending this
    agreement but also that they’re singing
    your Praises like that Kent and you
    mentioned the vertical integration I
    think it’s clear in the Bitcoin mining
    world at least between asset light and
    vertical integration you want to be
    vertically integrated we’ve seen even
    Marathon who was for a long time on the
    asset light side of the spectrum they’ve
    uh kind of switched over and and are now
    um the vertically integrated and you
    mentioned the customer service the white
    glove experience you’re exactly right it
    people take care of stuff they own more
    than stuff they’re they’re renting or if
    machines go down or whatever the case is
    so I think that’s definitely a key point
    of differentiation especially if these
    clients are going out now um in these
    kind of settings and saying how great
    iron is
    he yeah absolutely you know that’s uh
    that’s been extremely beneficial for our
    business have those customer
    testimonials out there um and to come
    back to your point on on vertical
    integration I mean yes we it’s always
    been a key part uh of our business from
    day one and um one of the reasons for
    that is that we always have had in mind
    different use cases for this data center
    infrastructure um so every everything
    we’ve done uh has been focused on giving
    us the maximum um operational
    flexibility um and the highest level of
    of security as it relates to access to
    power land Etc um because we we’ve
    always thought that these you know data
    centers were were going to have huge
    uses outside of just Bitcoin mining and
    obviously it’s been uh very nice over
    the past 12 12 to 18 months to have that
    proved out um but you know even as long
    long ago as four years uh where we
    signed anou Adell to explore AI
    technology um we’ve always been been
    looking into these various other use
    cases but the market just wasn’t really
    there from a size perspective to make it
    commercially viable for us but you know
    that that has obviously changed um and I
    think one of the other things with
    vertical integration aside from what I
    mentioned one of the other benefits is
    it gives you the ability to scale on
    your own time frame um and that is
    always extremely difficult when you’re
    trying to do it through a collocation
    model because every time you want to
    expand you have to go out and find
    additional data center space um whereas
    we’re able to to control the speed of
    our own own
    buildout yeah we were actually talking
    about that on a podcast with Anthony the
    other day we’re hearing all these
    extravagant ex ahash targets for the uh
    self- mining or proprietary mining side
    of the businesses and what we thought
    was so great about iron strategy is you
    guys already have everything in place
    you have the it’s just a matter of
    expanding what you’ve already got you
    don’t actually have to go out and search
    for these and from my uh experience and
    and discussions it’s getting pretty
    difficult at least in the United States
    specifically in Texas to find areas
    where there’s good access um there’s
    land there’s skilled resources there’s
    power they’re not easy to come by is
    that accurate these days Ken yeah
    absolutely I think it’s it’s one of the
    things that we’re constantly hearing
    across the industry both on on the
    Bitcoin mining side and and now more
    generally in the AI HPC side is people
    are finding it difficult to get access
    to this power dense data center
    infrastructure and then more generally
    land and and power um so for us it’s
    it’s always been part of our thesis is
    building out that that development
    Pipeline and making sure that we have
    inbuilt optionality and
    flexibility um and I think if you look
    at our current expansion to the 20x aash
    you know that’s really been proved out
    as I mentioned earlier you we’ve already
    fully funded that with um cash that’s on
    the balance sheet today and um now for
    us because we have the land and power
    access already it just becomes an
    execution uh an execution issue for us
    is getting this data center Capac built
    and I think we’ve established a you know
    very strong track record in in being
    able to get that done um and and the
    other nice thing now with our Ai and HPC
    portion of the business is this same
    data center uh infrastructure can be
    used for both segments so we can build
    out the data center infrastructure
    knowing that you know whether it gets
    used for Bitcoin mining or AI you know
    there are a number of different use
    cases that that we can P there sure are
    and that’s really a great segue to kind
    of the next section here talking about
    how you guys internally decide where you
    allocate your capital and your time and
    resources and me personally Ken my
    mindset on the Bitcoin mining space has
    really shifted um it’s basically what
    you just said there I used to look at
    these companies these are Bitcoin mining
    companies similar to oil companies or
    gold companies they have one Focus they
    go out they create Bitcoin that’s what
    the company does now it’s seeming that a
    lot of these organizations iron is
    probably on the Forefront of this or at
    least close to it you guys have really
    redefined this space as as utility power
    grid um technology companies that have
    data centers and it just happens to be
    that those data centers right now at
    this point in time mining Bitcoin is
    lucrative but they could shift to a
    number of different things like HPC AI
    or maybe a handful of other things that
    we don’t even know about yet is that how
    you would Define iron now do you still
    consider your guys a Bitcoin mining
    company or are you now um a tech company
    that happens to dabble in Bitcoin
    mining yes I think you know back to the
    original thesis of of the company it was
    very much around increasing
    electrification increasing data
    dependency um and the requirement of of
    access to power at large scale for that
    type of power dense computing um with a
    a range of different use cases in mind
    and so you know for us um that has
    always been a focus which as I mentioned
    has driven that vertical integration we
    own the land at our sites we own the
    connection infrastructure we own the
    electrical infrastructure and the data
    center infrastructure so that we know we
    we can build these things in a way where
    we can use them for multiple different
    use cases you know we’re building high
    quality data center infrastructure we’re
    not using shipping containers or or
    retrofitted warehouses you know these
    are all high quality um permanent Data
    Center buildings that can accommodate
    these AI
    workloads um and so I I think what we’ve
    done has always been consistent from day
    one and even if you look at the um Key
    Management within the business you know
    the the founders and executive
    management we all have a background in
    institutional infrastructure and power
    and utilities markets um so that that
    has very much always been a key Focus um
    for us across the across the business
    now you know we can’t sit here and tell
    you we had perfect foresight into this
    you know huge growth in AI um but we did
    we did always see value in the
    optionality around different use cases
    and you know so for for us I think um it
    is an important part of the the story
    um and also I haven’t mentioned it uh on
    on uh any of the questions so far but we
    are also utilizing 100% renewable energy
    which we view as a key part of the
    thesis as well because for any of these
    powered in applications as the
    industries grow they attract increasing
    scrutiny um and making sure that your
    sources of of power um a renewable we
    think is an important part of the story
    uh and we are seeing that you know
    particularly now as as we move into more
    of this customer facing business with AI
    you know that that is something that is
    attractive to to the customers it most
    certainly is that’s what’s always um
    interested me in the Bitcoin mining
    companies there’s no sales staff there’s
    no customer there’s no marketing you
    just make it and you sell it right away
    right but obviously with HPC AI there
    are customers and that’s a great uh
    Great lead here Kent because it
    personally think the environmental side
    of this is going to become very very
    relevant uh we start to see the ETFs
    right we start to see institutional
    investment a lot of these companies I
    know firsthand I live in Alberta this is
    a mecca for oil and gas um they really
    care about ESG and having their brands
    associated with environmentally friendly
    companies so how is iron navigating the
    regulatory side of this both on the AI
    uh and the Bitcoin mining front we’ve
    seen obviously Paraguay come out and say
    say they had concerns about mining in
    their country we’ve had the Biden
    Administration come out and recommend a
    a tiered 10% tax up to a 30% tax on
    energy inputs um you guys operate in
    Texas which is kind of the the go-to
    spot right now for Bitcoin mining how do
    you navigate the regulatory side of this
    in real time while this technolog is
    evolving yeah I mean look we’re we’re
    always uh maintaining an active dialogue
    with with regulators and uh politicians
    um that that are in charge of the
    various policies here um we’re operating
    as you mentioned both in British
    Columbia and Texas we we think that
    those are both you know very attractive
    um jurisdictions for for us to be
    operating in um but we we do think it is
    important um that we are bringing a
    number of benefits to the communities
    that we operate in um so you know we
    already talked about the 100% renew
    energy usage um we’re also able with our
    operations to support the the grid so
    there are many demand response uh
    functions that that uh were able to
    support So when in particular if you
    look at the Texas Market um when Supply
    is tight relative to demand um you know
    there are a number of things we can do
    at our end with our operations including
    full curtailment to actually assist the
    the grid um manage those periods of time
    um many of uh the the sites in our
    industry are located in Regional areas
    and so you know there’s a significant
    benefit to being able to bring these
    kind of high-tech um somewhat future
    proofed jobs out to these areas um and
    at the end of the day you know it’s also
    been important uh to to demonstrate the
    use of these data centers for AI as well
    um because that’s a a narrative that
    we’ve had for a long time is that you
    know we are actually uh focused and and
    experts on powerd Computing and it does
    have a range of applications it’s not
    just Bitcoin mining you know the this is
    critical infrastructure for everybody
    moving forward uh and and in many ways
    it’s actually going to determine you
    know National competitiveness um if uh
    countries don’t have access um to these
    sort of facilities or or you know the um
    high performance Computing that that
    we’re starting to see so you know it’s
    always something that we monitor on on
    ongoing basis and you know continue to
    try to be good good corporate citizens
    wherever we’re operating yeah and I
    think I I really like your answer I
    think the best strategy there really is
    just be on the offense all the time
    right if you guys are always in that
    group of the most energy efficient the
    most involved in the community Community
    the most uh engaged with your customers
    or whatever the case is regardless of
    the regulatory changes you’re you’re in
    a beneficial position right so um Kent
    very interesting interview today I know
    I’ve learned a lot about the AI I got a
    number of my own questions answered I’ll
    kick it back to you for any final
    thoughts or maybe any uh additional
    catalysts we should watch out for um
    Iron yeah I think you know obviously a
    lot of the questions today been been
    focused on AI
    um but you know want to want to make it
    very clear for us we see it as being
    complimentary um to our Bitcoin mining
    operations um so this is certainly for
    us not a pivot away from Bitcoin mining
    we continue to be very attracted to that
    sector um we have our current expansion
    to to 20x aash underway um and we we see
    some you know very complementary areas
    between the two you know two different
    business business segments and in
    particular um you know the market I
    think views the the risk profile as
    quite different so the ability to be
    able to potentially bring our cost of
    capital down um with with the exposure
    that we now have to AI um is something
    that can potentially benefit the the
    whole business and particularly as it
    relates to the Bitcoin cycle you know we
    often see as as Bitcoin goes through its
    four-year Cycles you know Capital floods
    in at certain points in time um and
    everybody is getting access to Capital
    at at the same time um and that drives
    you know Hardware prices up at that
    exact moment and you know when when uh
    you’re going through the the slightly
    tougher times in the cycle you know no
    one’s got access to Capital so actually
    being able to to have a different
    business segment with a a totally
    non-correlated Revenue profile and a
    different risk profile we think could
    actually enable us to raise Capital
    throughout the cycle and and better play
    um you know some of those
    Bitcoin uh cycles that that you see and
    take advantage of that so you know we we
    do view them as as being complimentary
    and you know very excited about about
    the future and the the pipeline that we
    built up uh in terms of access to land
    and power and our own development sites
    is you know really allowing us to to
    take full advantage of these
    opportunities that are now presenting
    themselves so very excited yeah it’s
    recurring Revenue it’s non-correlated
    and there’s no having in HPC so what’s
    not to like about that I suppose
    hey that’s right excellent well you know
    what we really appreciate your time
    today Ken uh iron I got to tell you is
    one of the most requested followed
    companies out there right now huge
    amount of our subscribers are interested
    in this one so hopefully we can uh do
    our best to beat Dan last podcast uh we
    look forward to having you guys back
    again keep up the great work you guys if
    you’re still watching at this point make
    sure you hit the like button it helps
    get this content to other people who may
    find Value subscribe to the channel and
    if we didn’t get to one of your
    questions in today’s video leave it in
    the comment section we’ll be sure to
    address it in the next update Kent have
    a great day thanks so much we’ll see you
    soon guys

    Bitcoin News Today | Bitcoin Stock to Watch Right Now | IREN AI & HPC Growth | IREN

    Welcome to McNallie Money, your daily dose of Stocks, Investments and Personal Finance!

    Today we are joined by the Chief Commercial Officer of IREN, Kent Draper, ticker symbol IREN. IREN is a leading next-generation data center business powering the future of Bitcoin, AI and beyond utilizing 100% renewable energy. The company has over 2GW of secured power capacity across North America, with operating data center sites in Texas and British Columbia.Let me know what you think of IREN and if you are currently holding any shares of IREN in the comment section below! 👇

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    DISCLAIMER: This video is not financial advice and should not be taken as financial advice. This video is for information, education and entertainment purposes only. McNallie Money is not responsible for any losses related to the financial decisions made by you. I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. I will NEVER ask you to send me money to trade for you. Please report any suspicious emails or fake social media profiles claiming to be me. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing. McNallie Money videos and other investor relations materials including web content are based on data obtained from sources we believe to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy and are not purported to be complete. As such, the information should not be construed as advice designed to meet the particular investment needs of any investor. McNallie Money and its affiliates may buy and sell shares of securities or options of the issuers mentioned on this website at any time. Investing is inherently risky. McNallie Money is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from the opinions expressed in this video or in other investor relations materials that it publishes electronically. If you have any complaints or issues or require additional information please contact McNallie Money may or may not have been compensated by the companies discussed in this video. McNallie Money may or may not own shares or equities in the companies discussed in this video. We strongly encourage all investors to conduct their own research before making any investment decision.

    This video was conducted on behalf of, and paid for, by Power Mining Analysis on April 24, 2024. Full Disclaimer available at


    1. I like IREN more than any other Bitcoin mining related stock. Versatile, high quality datacenters with access to 2000+ MW of power, fully funded to 20EH or efficient miners, NVIDIA AI/HPC and well under $1 billion market cap?!

    2. I’m holding Iren, I have no doubt they will do well. My other bag on the other hand, bitfarms is killin me I’m starting to loose hope. They’re alway laggin behind the pack 😔

    3. Whoa , this all sounds like S&@#, I watched this whole thing did I miss the part when they said they actually closed a deal? They just pumped their bags yesterday now they wanna talk about plans and have you guys holding bags , the guy is wearing a hoodie and sitting in his bed room , who’s even commenting on this , you bought 80k shares ? lol ok bud

    4. I'm curious what the dropoff/turnover curve will be for AI training. Like does Poolside need a lot up front and then dwindle down to maintenance levels later?

    5. Thanks for this differentiated interview which provided good insight into a less well understood part of the business. A 2 yr payback is interesting but not as short one might hope (given client contract lengths) but I suppose if they get $40m back in 2 years and then everything else is pure cash profits, I can see why they like it. Moreover if this cycle is different to the BTC cycle it becomes a nice compliment and it makes sense for them to invest here instead of HODL if we think about stability of returns over the cycle.
      All said, IREN is among the most attractive miners based on EV/MW, EV/EHs, Growth and returns (together with CORZ).

    6. Thank you! Am a holder, roughly 25,000 shares. Looking for at least a 3X in 2024 and at least a 5X from here into 2025. Wouldn’t be surprised to see up to a 7-8X from here through to Q3 to Q4 2025. It’s a gut ‘trust me bro’ feel, IMO/NFA 😉 Mind you my son says I’m being bearish …

    7. They should do sales and leaseback for these H100 purchases as BTBT did. This makes them capital-light on the AI/HPC side and reduces the ATM dilution that the market does not like at the moment.

    8. Really hoping that this dilution ends soon and they let the SP run. They don’t HODL because they want to return shareholder value and maximise EPS, rather than gamble with SH money which is fair enough. This also means I assume no more dilution this year – otherwise they might as well HODL BTC, sell it higher and use that cash to grow accretively and dilute less in the future.

    9. Is AI just another shitcoin scam? I see tons of hype about it, loads of energy and capital going into it but basically nothing of value created except more realistic lighting in videogames and unconvincing deepfakes that people keep trying to gaslight me into believing look real

    10. 0:00: 📈 Update on Iron's self-mining capacity expansion plans, ATM program, and entry into HPC and AI verticals.
      4:25: ⛏️ Outlook on HPC space for mid-tier miners, potential growth in Bitcoin mining and Ai cloud services.
      9:07: 📈 Significant interest in generative AI space leading to rapid growth in capacity and customer relationships.
      13:46: ⚙️ Advantages of hosting in own data centers for higher customer service levels and quicker issue resolution.
      18:38: ⚙️ Trends in AI and HPC technology usage: balancing between new and older GPU models for training and inference.
      23:18: 🚀 Successful partnership with major AI player leads to doubled cluster size and extended contract.
      27:55: ⛏️ Challenges in accessing power dense data center infrastructure and land for expansion in the industry.
      32:15: ⚡ Focus on institutional infrastructure, renewable energy, and AI growth strategy.
      37:07: ⚙️ IREN remains committed to Bitcoin mining operations while seeing AI as a complementary venture.

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