Central banks will own gold and crypto going forward

    hello and good morning you are back with
    the crew thanks again for checking
    in today I’m going to go down one of
    those controversial subjects that’s back
    in the news and the media and uh
    it’s well Allan the central banks are
    all buying gold are you buying gold
    Allan do you have any gold
    now of course um I’ve been a precious
    guy uh for uh since
    the80s well early into the 80s with the
    Hunt Brothers and the whole situation
    I’ve followed it since then I’m a fan of
    it I prefer silver as many of you
    know yes the central banks are buying
    gold why because the central banks the
    bis was basically formed in the 40s and
    it was created well before that but
    right in there is when they went public
    and told everybody who they were and
    what they were
    about they were the people that
    controlled all the gold on the in the
    world right then so well let use that
    and then Breton woods and the rest of it
    that’s all the history that you’re going
    to look
    up gold now this is at the risk of
    everybody clicking out this channel
    immediately trust me this is a crypto
    story but I’m going to start with gold
    and I’m going to tell you why gold will
    fail gold always fails to
    Fiat look
    around we’ve been on the gold standard
    600 different times in the history of
    man with 600 different Fiat currencies
    and look around the world are we on a
    gold standard I know Zimbabwe just went
    to it I get I get that are we on a gold
    standard no so what does that tell you
    every nation in the world’s on a Fiat
    currency today so let’s do the math and
    look at history and ask
    ourselves gold failed every time to Fiat
    cuz we’re currently in Fiat and all of
    why it’s not transactionally it’s
    terrible at its speed and everything
    else we’re moving into
    technology techn the least technological
    thing there is is a gold
    rock that’s a fact okay is it scarce yes
    is it uh valuable incredibly is it going
    to go up in price definitely
    do the central Bankers appreciate it
    yeah they
    do it’s not a good storage of wealth
    it’s just simply not and I know
    everybody thinks it is and everybody
    thinks we’re going to base our monetary
    system on it and we’re going to you know
    go back to that standard one more time
    we’re not we’re not going to do that I
    know they’re going to try and I know
    many nations are and I’m in this video
    I’m going to try and explain to you why
    that’s not going to happen
    biggest reason there’s five reasons I’m
    going to try and cover them all at least
    the biggest reason in my opinion is
    you’re not going to spend your gold on a
    McDonald’s burger on a Starbucks coffee
    You’re simply not going to do that why
    would you do that you don’t want to do
    that you want to spend
    Fiat even Fiat backed by gold is a
    better spend than a missing a piece of
    your gold
    right there’s the problem because people
    don’t want to spend their gold so they
    want to hold on to it right you want to
    keep what’s valuable and goes up or at
    least stays ahead of
    inflation when you get that simple
    concept you know now that people don’t
    want to sell their
    Bitcoin whatever coin you’re into and I
    why would you sell that for McDonald’s
    meal you’re going to be hungry in 4
    hours you’re not going to trade value
    like that so let’s look at Central
    Bankers they’re trying to recreate yet
    another Fiat Ponzi debt scheme and we’re
    all falling for it because they say and
    they swear on a book and a thing and a
    judge with a wooden hammer and a cape
    who tells you that’s it we’re going to a
    gold standard and we’re all honest from
    here on out once again
    it’s disappointing that people want to
    see that happen again because that’s
    just how many times do you have
    to have a look in the mirror to
    the definition
    crazy yeah you’re trusting the people
    who corrupted the system to reinvent the
    system let’s not do that one more
    time I’m not here to fix the world I’m
    just here to Simply bring out the points
    of which many channels and people just
    sugarcoat over the top of it well why is
    gold a bad idea well if you’re China or
    any other country and you want something
    from the US why would us spend all of
    their gold for the TR the Chinese
    trinkets they wouldn’t because gold is a
    storage of long-term
    wealth what’s the problem with when you
    back a currency by gold
    it’s the same problem that happened
    countries like this country United
    States ran into a budget problem they
    wanted to blow up southeast Asia Vietnam
    in particular with a bunch of bombs that
    they couldn’t afford to on a on to one
    currency based on dollar or
    gold everybody called them out and said
    no no there’s no way you have that much
    gold we don’t believe you you’re
    printing more than you have in your
    Vault nobody gets to see our vault they
    still haven’t looked inside the Vault
    you and I don’t get to count the
    Vault so let’s get back to
    Counting this is a big problem this is
    the third issue that I’m coming up with
    here the big issue in the room that
    everybody’s not addressing is all right
    I have a committee a group of 50 of the
    most honest human beings on the face of
    the planet they come into said Vault I
    don’t care what bank it is what country
    whatever Mr Smith who happens to be
    wealthy and has 20 bars of gold in his
    vault and you have these counters come
    in and they weigh it they x-ray it they
    analyze it it’s perfect gold Mr Smith
    has 20 bars of
    gold good he’s good investigators walk
    out the room they shut the
    Vault they’re
    gone are we going to put a guard there
    is somebody going to be a witness
    there 24/7 who’s honest who can’t be
    corrupted no you’re just going to assume
    that Mr Smith has those 20 bars what if
    Mr Smith sells 10 of those bars and buys
    10 tungsten bars and says here is’s a
    photograph I have 20 bars of
    gold this has always been the problem
    gold it’s not digitally or
    technologically secure enough for man’s
    abuse it’s so simply lied about or
    corrupted and let’s face facts we’re in
    a world right now where honesty
    truth is very difficult no country
    believes in other
    country people don’t believe other
    people people have been their lives have
    been inflated Away by these lies about
    the monetary system and the true value
    of everything they call
    money it disappears in your hand before
    you can even spend it it’s way worse
    than what we’re being told it’s
    absolutely impossible that they call it
    4% inflation right now all you got to do
    is look around like come on guys they
    can’t even keep that story straight let
    alone how much gold they have that none
    of us will ever get to count or look at
    yet you’re going to just go ahead and
    work your day out in the hot sun and a
    hot roof and a asphalt road all day for
    that thing that they claim this
    represents an equivalent amount of how
    much gold this country actually
    has no you’re not going to do that we’re
    technologically more advanced than that
    so what does that bring to mind you and
    I know we need
    blockchain they say well down there are
    there’s glint and there’s all these
    other companies and a fantastic company
    that ganta is and many others and I I
    really again appreciate their product
    their willingness and desire to create
    an honest system for gold the issue
    again is where’s the
    gold I know you’re spending a credit
    card that represents and it’s taking out
    of that account that you’re good for
    where’s The Gold
    Store who has the keys how’s it
    guarded and then what
    is are people paying you in
    Gold what do you mean now it’s like well
    are you getting paid in
    Gold Well yeah if all the money is all
    equal to the do oh I see what you mean
    right people aren’t paying you in gold
    coin they’re paying you again with
    digits which are no different than
    Fiat right so now you’re getting paid
    essentially in digital Fiat going
    forward and you’re standing there going
    well do I know that this represents the
    exact amount of gold that my employer
    controls how’s he going to control
    that your bank you got to go all the way
    back to the central banks again now or
    your treasuries and say I trust in these
    people again well again I don’t know why
    why would we trust them we need
    blockchain we need a trust list this is
    why blockchain exists
    we we need security and a trustless
    system you guys all know this but we
    need that and the best way to explain
    open and trustless is one of my favorite
    ways to look at it is let’s all sit down
    and play a game of poker when you have a
    open source code and you everybody can
    see it everybody can see everybody’s
    and and you’re playing a game of
    poker and everybody can see everybody’s
    cards that’s an honest playing
    field there’s no more bluffing there’s
    no more lying about what you have or
    don’t have your wallet says this those
    coins are this so let’s get back to
    coins how do we make sure the coins are
    secure and nobody can replicate them
    blockchain Ledger we’ve got all this
    figured out guys this is not hard okay
    but when you introduce the backing of
    gold to a blockchain ledger the
    gold is the
    denominator that is
    not ever
    trustless for all the reasons I just
    explained is it pure gold is it filled
    with tungsten who’s counted it how often
    was it counted since the guy left the
    room who counted it how many bars left
    out the back yesterday where are the
    bars why would you spend your bars if
    you’re a nation you’re going to create
    digits all the sudden your budget gets a
    little tight and politicians and other
    people need more money than they have
    gold bars so they’re going to do
    what they’re going to do like I started
    the video with everything they’ve always
    done let’s remember gold has failed
    to hold keep Fiat currencies from
    existing on this planet
    600 times in history of man 600 times
    Fiat has been overtaken by gold and that
    we’re on Fiat now so Fiat was yet
    scoreboard last in history Fiat won the
    Battle of gold versus Fiat once again
    because we’re all on Fiat again
    that cycle can keep going I know if you
    own a bunch of gold you’re thinking oh I
    don’t even want to watch this
    video we need better we have better we
    have the technology we have this which
    leads me no I don’t think the future of
    money is Bitcoin I think Bitcoin is just
    gold however it has at least open source
    and trustless and open wallets you can
    see you can see everybody who’s got what
    which is a whole lot better than what I
    just explained because you can’t just
    walk around the streets with a bar of
    gold you can walk around the street on
    your phone or whatever device with a a
    Bitcoin but Bitcoin isn’t going to be it
    either because Bitcoin is far
    too slow among other things but it’s it
    it’s going to be accountability it’s
    going to be Valu just like gold and
    silver will always be
    valuable okay because it’s been deemed a
    commodity it’s been
    dealt the colar or name of this is
    property just like a commodity is a
    piece of property a that’s what Bitcoin
    is which brings me to the end of the
    video here and what why and what would
    you choose as money put that down below
    I have my recent video discussed
    basically you’re going to have a
    multitude of
    coins whether it be xrp whether it be
    xlm whether it be Bitcoin and many of
    these are going to transact each other
    in other words it can be Bitcoin here in
    the US it’s going to turn into xrp it’s
    going to travel across Bridges which is
    exactly what xrp is simply a railroad
    track or a bridge to another continent
    and then it’s going to turn into a
    Rubble because people trust it it has a
    trustless system you don’t need to count
    whether or not they have the coins you
    can prove they have them in a
    beautiful again it becomes valuable and
    as it goes up in price like gold and
    Bitcoin do you’re not less wanting to
    spend it okay because you don’t trust
    your fellow n nation that you’re doing
    business with you have to find a
    currency lower than that that stays
    level with what you claim the value of
    everything is that you have whether that
    be labor oil
    minerals food production whatever it may
    be okay Bitcoin
    account you need something for that to
    transact on the streets for the
    McDonald’s and the cup of
    coffee you don’t want to lose your
    assets to a
    cheeseburger which is like my last video
    and I try to explain that simply and I
    triy to make this one as simple as
    possible that’s where your stable coins
    come into to play that’s where we’re
    headed that’s this man’s opinion again I
    don’t even own Crystal let alone have
    Crystal Ball I don’t have any of that
    but what I do have for you is where’s
    the ball going what are we doing what’s
    worked in the past what have I seen in
    my fairly lengthy lifetime succeed why
    did those things fail how do we do
    better the next time that’s why this
    technology is brilliant because we’re
    changing the monetary system around the
    world through Central Banking and
    they’re getting the picture and they’re
    understanding that the future of money
    is not gold and is not Bitcoin it is the
    future of money believe it or not is the
    transactional value of things
    like xrp and I know that’s bit of a gray
    area or many of you don’t own it you
    should look into it and understand why
    but the digits in which you will freely
    spend all around the world are going to
    be I don’t think cbdcs are going to be
    it but essentially a stable coin and
    there would be many of them not just one
    but the biggest reason that I made the
    last video that I did about stable coins
    is I truly believe that stable
    coins put out by institutions that know
    what they’re doing and in my opinion
    there’s no better company that knows
    what they’re doing than Ripple when it
    comes to
    this space there’s nobody more schooled
    there’s nobody with more connections
    that’s the one that’s the stable coin
    that will succeed who’s tether I I don’t
    even know who’s
    Circle I know circle’s done some cool
    things technologically but what I’m
    talking about is who’s better than
    Ripple and the answer to that and a lot
    of people ask me this
    comment what about nation states and
    their own stable coin Co that’s the only
    other coins in my opinion that could
    surpass the amount of stable coins out
    there on the face of the planet which I
    think the number one candidate going
    forward in the next two to five years
    would be a ripple stable coin and don’t
    get this confused it’s not an xrp coin
    they are different one is equated
    to the guesstimation of value in which
    you have gold bars to sa for wherever in
    that vault which again is not an
    accurate Ledger or
    account it’s just not we need to do
    better than that do I have all those
    answers no I don’t I’m just trying to
    point out to my gold bug friends which I
    am one I prefer silver
    I we’re not that’s not the future of the
    monetary system it is the future of
    collateral and always will be so is
    Bitcoin so is land so is oil so is food
    production so is your labor production
    of your people but it is not the future
    currencies and in my opinion this humble
    opinion the leading candidate for the
    future people who are going to create
    the future currencies of the world in my
    opinion is Ripple and the product
    they’re going to use for a better than
    stable coin quality to it is going to be
    xrp again simply one man’s opinion so
    hope you guys enjoy that content I uh
    really hope you guys are going to be in
    Las Vegas I’m also doing a show tonight
    uh with Melissa and kayada who’s going
    to be a live show tonight this video is
    coming out Wednesday so Wednesday we’re
    going to do a live stream it’s called
    dip your toe hopefully I can get that
    link down below for you guys and it’s
    going to be about a 2hour leas a live
    show with uh our girl Melissa and it’s
    going to be a lot of fun if you like
    this kind of content please like And
    subscribe if you’re going to Las Vegas
    please come up tell me who you are tell
    me what your wife’s name is tell me what
    your children are doing with their lives
    and how much fun they’re having in life
    and that’s what I want to talk to you
    guys about I don’t want to talk about
    extra P I want to talk about who you are
    and how much fun you’re having in life
    all right guys with that I am
    out love you all

    Central banks will own gold and crypto going forward by Allan Staple with The Staple Crew.

    ❤️EP23 Dip A Toe, Let’s Talk Crypto! | Special Guests Allan Staple & Keda
    ❤️ 4/24/2024 7:00 PM Eastern Time
    ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/live/sZGam2U6GtI?si=dhtJWqt87m2tEDJb

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    #TheStapleCrew #Bitcoin #BitcoinNews #XRP #XRPNews #Crypto #CryptoNews #Cryptocurrency #Gold #Silver #News
    Allan Staple, The Crew, The Staple Crew, Central Banker, Gold, Hunt Brothers, Silver, BIS, Bank of International Settlements, World, Bretton Woods, Crypto Story, Gold Fails to Fiat, Gold Standards, Gold Fails to Fiat Currency, Storage of Wealth, Monetary System, McDonald’s Burger, Starbucks Coffee, Spend Fiat, Fiat Backed by Gold, Stay ahead of inflation, Bitcoin, Coin, Central Bankers, Gold Standard, China, Long term wealth, Asia, Vietnam, Vault, Digital Fiat, Blockchain, Trustless Open System, Security, Open, Trustless, Poker, Open Source Code, Wallet, Game of Poker, Honest playing field, no more lying, Blockchain Ledger, Goal, Denominator, Pure Gold, Tungsten, Bitcoin is Just like Gold, Money, Currency, Food Production, Cup of Coffee, Assets, Cheeseburger, Ripple will be the stable coin, Changing the monetary system around the world through Central Banking, Future of Money, Transactional Value, XRP, CBDC, Stable coin, Stablecoins, Ripple, Tether, Circle, Nation States, Nation States Stable Coin, Ripple Stable Coin, Gold Bars, Gold Bugs, Future of the Monetary System, Future of Currency, Currency of the World, Ripple, XRP,

    The Staple Crew’s Youtube Channel is for entertainment purposes only and each responsible for their own contributing opinions. Not financial or legal advice. We are not your financial advisors – we are not your legal counsel.


    1. TONIGHT, Wednesday 4/24/2024 7PM ET @DipAToeShow

      Mark your calendar! EP23 Dip A Toe, Let's Talk Crypto! with Special Guests Allan Staple & Keda

      Melissa [@moreuknowcrypto](https://twitter.com/moreuknowcrypto) w/ Special Guests Allan Staple [@TheStapleCrew](https://twitter.com/TheStapleCrew) & Keda [@LivingBestLife9](https://twitter.com/LivingBestLife9) talking all things crypto! Allan will give his perspective regarding questions on Bitcoin Mining! We also plan to touch on OTC, Exchanges & Fees – including why we should be interested in a company like Caleb & Brown. We will talk about this and more!

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      …Thank you!!!

    2. How do you use any crypto without any electricity or without computers and cell phones or without any other technology??

      Physical gold, silver, etc. doesn't need anything except ownership and trade.

      Beware of those who claim what you need and don't need in your own life.

    3. Xrp will not be a currency. The real key is “XRPL” Countries will exchange value using the xrp ledger. Trillions will flow through the xrpl and thats why xrp price will rise. Xrp itself is not that useful. It’s just a coin that you need to use the xrp ledger. And banks will have to buy xrp in order to use the xrpl.

    4. I guess you could swap a silver dime for a cheeseburger. I don’t know Allen if that would ever happen. What’s your opinion?









      #RIPPLE #XRP

    6. Great video Allen.

      I’n not aware of any gold bug that sees gold as future transactional money, save a post apocalyptic world without electricity and circuits, but gold would still fail there as that case would be for silver in 1oz or smaller denominations.

      Will gold retain and even gain value adjusted for inflation, yes in my opinion and collectable coins even more so than bullion (pre-33 gold). At least history tells that story.

      Does gold always go to fiat, yes it does (gov greed). Will governments allow a non-state controlled currency to dominate their own fiat, unlikely in my opinion. I see them outlawing or suppressing competition and this could include the use of physical gold and silver too; however it’s hard to stop 1:1 bartering (handshake with a coin).

      With the increased volume of gold purchasing by almost all Central Banks, one can conclude they see it as a hedge against dedollarization (US T Bills). BRICS are a real risk and could force the US into a commodity backed currency to stop future hyperinflation. That would most likely include a large percentage of gold and could include many other commodities and assets like other metals, oil, other currencies, and crypto.

      For me, I see the US converting the Dollar to a Digital Dollar on a blockchain that is backed by gold and maybe other commodities and assets as mentioned above. This could use XRP as the foundation or to transact between coins/currencies.

      So for me, I see value in Gold, silver, XRP, and Bitcoin. I have an easier time and a much higher percentage with the physical assets, gold and silver.

      The key is to get out of the fiat system. Do your research and make your bets based on what you understand and love. None of us knows the future. (Not financial advice just my thought).

    7. Gold is cumbersome, requires storage, security & always susceptible to physical theft. They can always produce more gold. Fort Knox has not been audited in years. And when prohibition came and they made it illegal for citizens to hold gold, they scammed people who turned in their gold with an exchange rate below what it was worth. Others buried their gold in their back yards (some of which is still being found to this day).

    8. Interested to hear stable coin token value once more people adopt them?
      If Joe has $50K USD in his bank account, can he continue to use those dollars in physical form, cash from the bank, or will there be some kind of conversion value involved from paper currency to digital to incentivise people to get onboard? How will that help those who are not tech savvy, especially grandma and grandpa as I just dont think many older people will understand the crypto only monetary system, but they certainly do understand cash in their hand.
      Will XRP be decentralised as no one is going to have much faith in central banks if they control the monetary system like they do today.

    9. Allen, you really need to check out Jeff Booth's thesis on Bitcoin.
      You underestimate the viability of Bitcoin as MONEY
      Love your channell and agree with 99% of everything you say.

    10. The Two will run side by side continually. Fiat will not go away. New bills will be released under the gold backed system. These bills will carry a thin strip of gold, they will have the Mason symbolism removed. "The silver and Gold are mine says the Lord"

    11. The fact every transaction is traceable and accounted for on the ledger is the exact reason i wonder if it will be mass adopted – the powers that be like things the way they are, malleable, corruptible, easily tinkered with, the guard outside the vault looking the other way for 5 mins every now and then.

    12. Not …gold has gone up over 5000 times since 1971 hello. Gold didn't fail to fiat. In 71 fiat failed and gold won in 1980. Xrp is a con …there is no fast speed tech. We're is this super fast on demand ? Prove it exists ? It's crazy to believe xrp has this tech.

    13. It’s not going to be gold. Uganda recently found 31 tons of gold. Imagine if we are gold backed transferring quadrillions of dollars to get the world economy going, then a country ends up finding 33 tons of gold?… u will not be able to control the fluctuations. We are going to”digital gold” that has a 3 ledger accounting. There’s only one. It’s the Phoenix 🐦‍🔥

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