Safe Harbor – Legal Engineering for a Bio-Crypto Future in Vitalia

    e e
    to be a celebration of your work of the
    innovations that you bring to life and
    of that development for Humanity that
    comes with them I would also want this
    Summit to serve as a call to action as
    we continue to move forward into the
    second part of the 21st century our
    world faces particular challenges for
    It’s Time a world where hunger and need
    are still very precedent yet we know the
    best practices and institutional changes
    that would improve that reality we know
    about the importance of rule of law and
    legal security of accessible and
    trustworthy governance
    services that brings us here to prosper
    and to the broader special economic zone
    regime in Honduras these Oasis of legal
    stability that could dramatically
    improve the country’s conditions
    according to Scott Alexander prosa said
    that is the most Innovative legal system
    in the world and I canot test that I
    live here I practice here in the
    frontier here we can design tailor
    regulations with direct root access
    control enabling good actors to pursue
    their dreams and bring Prosperity here
    you have a blank canvas for proposing
    good practices that serve Cutting Edge
    Innovations as has already been seen
    with the growing financial and medical
    Industries I am convinced
    that initiatives such as prosper and
    Vitalia such as Moran said such as
    Kaba represent the Advent of the network
    state that represent an inflection point
    in Social customs and organizational
    structures new forms of governance are
    opportunities for improving
    institutional conditions worldwide
    impacting the quality of life of
    humanity many times attorneys have been
    un Heroes of Social and cultural
    transformations of changes in people’s
    minds and hearts and the way we interact
    with each other around half of the
    signatories of the Declaration of
    Independence in the United States were
    attorneys people that put everything on
    the line for their convictions people
    that risk their careers and their lives
    for a better future we must assume our
    time in history with the utmost
    responsibility and moral urgy
    and that’s why I’m happy to see such a
    strong assemble of forward look forward
    thinking individuals here we are
    together as a group of pro technology
    legal minds biohackers and crypto
    Futures to continue building the legal
    foundations of a better future please
    stay curious during the summit talk to
    each other I hope you enjoy this
    experience and I’m looking forward to
    seeing what comes out of it and to
    seeing your ideas during tomorrow’s
    pictures um the time is now com let’s
    building thank you so much Christian for
    that words uh next I would love to
    invite into Stage Eric Gman the CEO of
    prospera who’s working on making all of
    this possible
    since we’re an intimate crowd if you
    don’t mind I’ll just stay a little
    closer here and um talk through the
    but you know small is good in some ways
    I think this event is going to be
    awesome because of the intimacy that you
    guys are going to be able to go through
    I must admit I have lovely relationship
    with the profession of
    lawyers as much as the highlights that
    we all can be heroes um but I guess you
    know it’s not with the profession itself
    it’s in the way gets exercised in most
    places around the world because the law
    ultimately can be used as a blocker not
    an enabler for Innovation and prosperity
    and um and in a very real way that’s
    that’s why we’re here you know that’s
    why um the founders the Honduran found
    founders of the Z System created what
    they created which by the way I be
    remiss not to call out Mr Carlos petta
    here who in case you all don’t
    realiz Heroes of society largely came up
    with this system andly over
    La he’s a lawyer so he would know uh to
    make it happen so a lot of
    people look at us frosa or morazan and
    you know the CEO as the people who made
    it happen and of course who worked a
    butt off and have put a lot on the line
    to to add to it but we are building on
    the shoulders of giants Through the Ages
    and very much here in Honduras and
    people look at the these amazing
    innovations that we’re going to talk
    about and they can’t fathom that the
    actual root of it is Honduras and durans
    it wasn’t some Bingo or somebody else
    who came here and give him the secrets
    sauce garos is one of three people in
    particular that are the intellectual
    Engineers of this program so you have an
    amazing privilege to have him here
    amongst you so thank you Cal very very
    much let it be known to the rest of you
    all that we acknowledge you and
    appreciate your tremendously please
    always um so the law it can be an
    enabler it can be an obstacle far too
    often and in too many places it’s the
    latter but we’re here to make it the
    former and why well because the world
    needs it okay and the world needs it for
    sure so that we get the flying cars and
    life extension and all the cool things
    that we can imagine in a very positive
    sense and and the focus ought to be that
    but we also cannot forget the other side
    of the coin the coin that is very dark
    the coin that breaks our heart when we
    see children starving or potential go
    wasted throughout the world and Honduras
    unfortunately a case study of lost
    opportunity up until now but we cannot
    forget that that is the source of the
    amazing platform that we have to build
    upon because if we forget that we’re
    going to at a minimum Miss opportunities
    to make sure that what we’re doing goes
    powerfully to address those fundamental
    issues it cannot just be about the
    bleeding edge of innovation so that we
    help people go from millionaires to
    billionaires or from living 90 years to
    living 150 that’s great but we have to
    honor the
    source and you know there isn’t such a
    thing as Prosperity if it’s not
    generalized so we have to remember the
    context in which R in and ratan in a way
    it’s not manifest of Honduras as a whole
    so it’s easy to forget but all these
    Innovations matter yes because of the
    Innovations but in the
    end I am here and I hope many of us are
    here wanting to contribute to the
    overall well-being and we cannot slow
    down so that we move only as fast as the
    average that’s a silly thing to do we
    have to innovate Le frog we cannot slow
    down but we can’t forget that there’s a
    route here that we must agress so please
    remember that
    now the way we set up Prosper
    Prosper again built upon the Honduran at
    system and with the support of many
    people uh and we also have the honor of
    having Nick draus here our general
    councel and chief engineer and architect
    of a lot of the legal foundations layer
    one if you will but we created it in a
    manner that contrary to perhaps an
    extreme way of looking at the world that
    thinks that
    regulations and the legal system and
    politicians are always and out of intent
    there to destroy value and that
    therefore you should just get rid of it
    all right and maybe just I don’t know
    have some form of anarchism that
    hopefully works out somehow we built it
    trying to consciously balance between
    the legitimate needs for a society to
    limit the capacity of individual actors
    to cause and extreme amounts of negative
    externalities on unconsenting third
    parties okay because even at the extreme
    way of considering private property
    individual sovereignty it is embedded
    therein that no third party should harm
    a person that is not consenting to the
    risks I think we all agree on that so
    the the the the principle behind how and
    why there were some form of rules
    publicly shared that without signing a
    contract you’re somehow Bound by the
    so-called social contract the the reason
    for existing is
    legitimate modern
    society requires rules that we all abide
    by so that there’s Clarity but also
    protection of our individual sovereignty
    and property rights of course it gets
    completely overdone and we’ve seen that
    in the regulatory State and to a great
    extent it might not even be out of the
    individual intentions of most actors
    because maybe most actors politicians or
    Regulators think they’re doing it for
    the better I have yet to need somebody
    although I have you know heard of them
    but that is very impactful and is just
    purposely doing to screw everybody else
    to you know to just limit Innovation
    just because they don’t like a better
    future of course their consequen is the
    same but the intention prepare will be
    good the problem is
    incentives overdone
    and also monopolistic power and
    therefore the loss of true knowledge of
    how the system is evolving if you
    control it all you can’t possibly know
    all and therefore make best decisions so
    when we designed the layer one of what
    is today prosperous we tried to balance
    that maximum flexibility with some
    degree of Baseline shared standards and
    the best way to do it of course was to
    build upon common law international
    common law which obviously he’s heavily
    British and American but we now call it
    the RO time common law code which I know
    is a bit of onox more but you gotta you
    got to put it somewhere for people to be
    able to read it and I thought it was
    crazy that it would take 3,000 pages I
    guess it’s about 1,500 if it’s single
    page but I thought what the hell are we
    doing I didn’t sign up to come up with
    1,500 pages of legal mumbo jumbo like I
    hate lawyers damn it why can’t we just
    do it simply of course it turns out that
    1,000 3,000 5,000 Pages compared to how
    many millions of pages of legal code
    would exist in the US just to understand
    the basics it’s it’s a an amazing Leap
    Forward of simplification and especially
    because in common law you have standard
    concepts of Do no harm and you know the
    rational approach etc etc so we had to
    start with something that had evolved to
    be the best possible up until the dat we
    had to create something that can
    withstand the ch challenge based on
    existing paradigms in the world which
    whether we like them or not continue to
    believe that regulation is necessary and
    a net positive so to try to convince the
    world that everybody’s wrong and that
    we’re the only ones that are right
    somehow and on top of it in Honduras and
    on top of it being foreigners obviously
    was never going to happen well at least
    so we believed at the time so most
    Advance yet accept the Maya required us
    to acknowledge that you know what if
    you’re engaging in some industries that
    have been universally considered to have
    high risk of negative externalities and
    those fall in the typically regulated
    Industries you have to take an extra
    step and operate in a manner that
    intentionally requires you to think
    through how you’re going to do so so as
    to minimize the risk that you would
    cause significant harm to unconsenting
    third parties you should be able to do
    that under common law and we have that
    within Prosper but has a high threshold
    of personal responsibility you can’t
    hide behind some legal shell no matter
    what a lawyer tells you or you could
    pick literally any of the options around
    the world decentralized open competition
    starting with oecd and then additional
    pure countries so that nobody could ever
    claim that we’re taking something that’s
    crazy out of the bank now we’re proving
    that slowly this is still literally the
    earliest of the earliest of the days of
    proving out this legal system but
    surprisingly it seems to be working the
    other you know the lab that started here
    they chose California regulation I would
    have never thought California
    regulations you always hear that it’s
    the absolute worst but for their Niche
    need California was the best some Bank
    chose British and it’s just like amazing
    to me and I love it because now I’m
    starting to love lawyers that get the
    system and that can leverage an open
    platform to enable clients and
    entrepreneurs to create the most
    innovative solutions to the most present
    problems in a manner that is not in a
    vacuum on some Caribbean island we in a
    dome we’re the only ones that get it and
    we respect it right because then we’ve
    achieved nothing we’re just talking in a
    vacuum to ourselves in a manner that has
    the possibility of being recognized
    internationally as legitimate as in fact
    operating under a standard of societal
    needs to ensure no negative
    externalities compes the third
    parties so I could go on we’re very
    passionate about this we’re very
    passionate by you taking your time to
    try to come here and explore how you can
    build upon shoulders of
    giants responding entrepreneurs building
    this layer
    one and I very much look forward to
    Sunday to hear the pitches and the ideas
    I will not be around as much today but
    it is only because it’s my son’s 10th
    birthday and it’s a very special
    birthday and I should be there with him
    right now but I’m here with you and I
    love it so if I have a few minutes I
    would love to see if anybody has any
    questions and I’ll be able able to
    answer those otherwise I’ll hand it back
    to the MC any
    questions okay all right well I’ll be
    around thank you very
    much next up I would like to introduce
    Nicholas his uh founder of Balia he’s
    also founder and partner at infin VC and
    also a podcaster in stranded
    Technologies podcast welcome Nicholas
    thank you great everyone of you is
    here uh to continue the metapher I’m
    feeling that I’m standing on the
    shoulder of giant that stand on the
    shoulder of
    giant so if you remember one thing about
    this presentation you know there’s a
    layer zero the legal the intellectual
    foundations that the Honduran reformer
    such as car P built and then there’s
    something like a layer one a physical
    manifestation in the real world where
    these laws are applied which is prosper
    and with Vitalia we’re building kind of
    a layer to we want to build a district
    within Prosper a district that’s focused
    ATT on biotch
    specifically about
    that do I have slides
    yes all backgrounds
    so no up to the stage
    no okay thank
    you yeah but first of all of all um some
    of you have been at the dinner yesterday
    where I mentioned until two years ago I
    also used to hate lawyers and law that
    changed two years ago when they came
    here and they learned how Innovative
    lawyers can be and how really
    understanding law um the way it’s
    practiced here can be a superpower and
    that first of all led me to start a VC
    fund called infinita because I started
    to understand and explore how much of a
    difference this could make for startups
    right there were startups already here
    like minicircle areial Loop and the
    circular Factory that were building
    stuff in the real world based on better
    regulations and doing it faster with
    infinita I invested in more startups
    that set out or that would have the
    opportunity because they regulated
    Industries to accelerate through a
    better Legal
    Foundation and they ended up um doing
    Vitalia simply because I think Vitalia
    or biotech longevity biotech especially
    has the biggest potential to thrive here
    proser I’m going to talk about
    so yeah so first of all biotechnology as
    this quote by the science fiction author
    Arthur C Clark officially advanced
    technology is distinguish of magic once
    you learn about biotechnology you can’t
    help but get that impression right we’ve
    decoded the human genum the language of
    life right covid vaccines mRNA crisper
    there and the knowledge is accumulated
    in the age of computational
    biology and that gives us or makes it at
    least scientifically we have this a
    possibility and Nobel prices have been W
    for that that we could end or age
    related diseases right diseases that
    come from a right so aging is the
    biological process that leads Downstream
    negative consequences and we could
    potentially intervene in human bi ology
    to tackle aging as the root cause of
    other diseases this is a very famous
    scientist and also Vitalia resident
    named Au de gray who had a famous Ted
    Talk in 2006 and believes radical life
    extension is possible and we should do
    much more to achieve it and I came to
    agree with
    him there’s however one very big problem
    and that problem can be encapsulated by
    the term ir’s law so ir’s law is Mo’s
    law in Reverse remember Mo’s law
    right it’s the doubling of computing
    power roughly every 18 months or every
    two years um yum slows to reverse right
    so what happened for computing power the
    reverse happened in drug development so
    the rate of new drugs developed per
    billion in R&D spin has been going down
    dramatically right so this is a
    logarithmic scale not a linear scale and
    this is despite computational biology
    despite morl despite the amazing
    technology we have right now it takes
    about 10 years and plus 500 million to
    develop new drugs and treatment and as
    our friend
    basan once said it was easier to start
    Bitcoin than to reform the FED will be
    easier to start a new country than to
    reform the
    FDA and I think he has a particularly um
    insightful quote that describes the
    current process How We Do regulation
    right to be writing high stakes laws on
    paper at the last minute right so of the
    regulation that got us where we are
    today think of 911 and the Patriot Act
    or in 1962 that was basically the 911
    for for healthcare which was to Uber
    erors amendments that were done in a
    rush in response to a public health in
    disaster same with Co right so making
    laws in haste and in rush and then you
    can’t get rid of them right so this is
    the system we have now and this leads to
    only one Trend which is upwards when it
    comes to new regul
    so this TR is the total Pages published
    in the code of federal regulations in
    the United States um and this is also
    Vivid example of the federal tax code in
    the United States right so from 400
    pages to now almost 880,000 Prosper I
    think that fits in one page or four
    pages so what’s how do you do a startup
    in this space right so that was The
    Guiding question for so I learned from
    Prosper they’re basically starting a
    startup how governance service provider
    that does things differently that comp
    by providing a better service so how
    could we do that for
    biotechnology right there’s already a
    trend that’s been happening you’re very
    well aware of that because you’re in
    what is in my view the leading and most
    advanced project in the space of what we
    call startup societies right so there’s
    a bigger Trend there’s another Charter
    City on in Honduras called Zaman it’s an
    older map but since then it has the
    number of projects we have increased has
    other charters project or what biology
    calls Network states which start first
    with the community another jurisdiction
    um and it’s becoming what a bigger
    Trend so we wanted to utilize that to
    find the jurisdiction that is pro
    technology where we could accelerate bi
    your and we found that surprise surprise
    here right so that was kind of my
    starting premise anyway I started from
    prosper and then to find the industry
    that worked for it um and again as Eric
    already said um we believe it’s the most
    or Scott Alexander said it’s the most
    Innovative ecosystem in the world which
    I can totally get behind um so you can
    do a lot of things when it comes to
    using crypto when it comes to tokenizing
    property rights or land or REM assets
    and it has an enormous degree of
    regulatory flexibility um which can lead
    to us to go much further when it comes
    to medical Freedom which is something
    that I think is important premise to
    build a better healthare
    system so we started this endeavor with
    a popup city right so for those of you
    who don’t know a popup City or is a is
    an idea or is a manifestation that last
    year vitalic luin the founder of
    ethereum has spawned into existence
    there was a two-month pop-up City in
    Montenegro that greatly inspired us to
    start another popup City here right
    that’s focused on biotech right so we
    had and to to be honest to my amazement
    and surprise we did reach uh the same
    some probably even higher levels than
    zalu in terms of attendance we had more
    than 500 people visiting and most
    importantly we wanted to prove that um
    we’re not just nomading here and then
    leaving but we want to build a permanent
    community and a permanent Community
    would entail that we build real
    businesses that’s the ultimate purpose
    right so we built biotech company and
    some non biotech as well because
    healthare is also a lot of other
    incentives and we get to start working
    here as a result we have 50 startups
    that had registered with us with the
    program 30 that pitched on an investor
    demo day seven of which received funding
    to retire so it has started it has
    begun it also attracted um really really
    influential people in our space all
    these people were here in person naal
    rikun here basan AR gray Brian Johnson
    and um more people that have had a
    tremendous influence on me I can highly
    recommend work with Jessica Flanigan for
    example when it comes to uh medical
    Freedom so with Italia we want to have a
    physical manifestation as well and right
    now our plans are to spend a lot of time
    and lease um slash buy um some of the
    Duna residences which I can highly
    recommend you check out tomorrow right
    so adjacent to um to to the pristine Bay
    Area here here is uh what’s called the
    better District so this is where Walia
    was at cemp and move in many of our
    people right so this is also the beta
    building there we where we plan to work
    from so this is again the legal based
    layer um I’m not going to talk too much
    about that because all of you know what
    that means that’s just a particular
    podcast episode that highly influenced
    me in understanding the legal system
    here Tom W Bell was of the creators of
    ulx which is basically an open source
    common law code base that Prosper is
    prosp legal system is based on Nick DZ
    will talk a lot about
    that and it has been another reason why
    we chose dislocation is it has been
    successfully used so a biotech company
    called minicircle that’s been funded
    that’s is right now valued at 100
    million developed Po and gene therapy
    here together with local P again a case
    study that we’ll talk more about
    tomorrow and it has been now used
    through medical tourism by this man here
    for example the longevity Mega
    influencer Brian Johnson he came here to
    get the treatment and he came here a
    second time during Italia and brought
    his dad to get the
    treatment so I think what’s really most
    important or Most Fascinating about this
    jurisdiction which was going to be the
    guiding theme of this um of this of this
    um of the Summit is what we call
    regulatory root access control right to
    the regulatory
    flexibility right so with Italia we want
    to use that flexibility there’s already
    two medical regulations many Circle
    andar that Christian will talk about and
    We additionally are working on a crypto
    asset regulation that allows us to claim
    that um we are registered we offer can
    offer registered crypto assets or
    regulated crypto assets that will go
    tokenization um our goal is to
    eventually have more than 100,000
    physical residents and allow companies
    to go to market with new drugs or
    treatments in less than six months and
    use that to develop treatments that
    radically extend healthy human
    lifespan if you want to join us I mean
    you I already have right so you with
    your payment for this conference you got
    an access pass that’s valid for an
    entire year right and this access pass
    gives you certain benefits there all
    sorts of discounts you get around here
    you can get a big discount and that’s
    around us whenever you come back in the
    future if you’re working on a startup uh
    legal is also very relevant to us
    because that’s an enabling factor for
    biotech please join the startup
    accelerator and investment
    program again I hope I didn’t extend my
    time I didn’t look at the timer again
    thank you every thanks everyone for
    being here and we’re really excited to
    have you and to have deeper
    conversations with you thank
    you thank you Nick
    next uh please let’s welcome to the
    stage uh Mason
    bump welcome
    Mason may this protocol council at uh AI
    layer labs and also head of governance
    at Lex Dow welcome it’s a pleasure
    having you
    here pleasure to be here um you might
    see me looking down at my phone I’m
    taking a few notes but really my goal
    here is just to get us talking and get
    us talking about what legal engineering
    could mean as we develop into a global
    phenomenon that supports scaling of
    legal principles for Humanity uh using
    the technology that we’re all familiar
    with um my take on legal engineering
    sure is that
    better okay my take on legal engineering
    is that it’s a a combination of two very
    ancient professions uh on the one hand
    you have scribes at the root level
    scribes evolved into lawyers but they
    inevitably use technology as Engineers
    did Engineers were the caretakers of
    technology and I think that the
    combination of these two things will
    allow us to uh scale Humanity in a very
    way what we’re talking about here is a
    uh there there’s a strong parallel
    between the uh between the city states
    of the Renaissance like
    Venice and
    uh will kind of allow us to scale
    Humanity in a very uh in a very free way
    in a way that hasn’t been seen for a
    very long
    time honestly this wouldn’t have been
    possible without legal Engineers legal
    Engineers are the new high value uh the
    new high value person new high value
    individual that will continue this
    growth going and I think that we’ll see
    many more pop up in the years to come
    with that
    assistance currently we only see legal
    Engineers recognized as at the Master’s
    level at Stanford and it’s been taken up
    in in the charge by
    lexow uh which is the legal engineering
    Guild of which myself and Kyle and many
    others here are also a part of uh but I
    think that it’s best that we just get
    into it what uh we’re trying to do here
    with this uh Fishbowl panel is really
    just get conversations going but we’re
    going to hack it a little bit we don’t
    have time for a full traditional
    Fishbowl but um what we’re going to do
    is have a breakout I’m going to ask
    everybody here to to stand up and start
    uh talking with one another about the
    promp that I’m about to give you we’ll
    come back in 5 minutes and I’m hoping
    that we can get four to five people up
    here to start the conversation but I
    want it to be an open conversation I
    want us to feel comfortable sharing our
    thoughts and hopefully we’ll end up
    somewhere that solidifies a little bit
    of what we’ve been building here so for
    the first prompt what I’d like you guys
    to talk about and maybe we can reach a
    consensus here is how can we solidify
    legal engineering globally as a catalyst
    for in
    humanity so everybody get up out of your
    seats Let’s uh let’s talk it out and um
    we’ll hopefully have a good uh a good
    recitation of some of the different good
    ideas that come through
    manys uh we’ll split it up into uh three
    groups yeah could you repeat the
    question one more time so the question
    that I want you guys to think about in
    your three respective groups is how can
    we solidify legal engineering globally
    as a catalyst for the growth of humanity
    e e
    for e
    if you can hear me clap twice if you can
    hear me clap three
    times so uh what’s going to happen next
    is that you need to send our
    representative uh from each group to the
    front so volunteers from each
    group we have two volunteers there come
    please Kyle is nominated
    all right guys thanks for volunteering
    uh to start the conversation um this is
    a free flowing discussion and uh I
    definitely want people rotating in here
    as people start talking so uh I’m glad
    that you guys had a good conversation
    for those five minutes I can repeat the
    pr for you uh it was how can we solidify
    legal engineering as globally as a
    catalyst for the growth of
    humanity well I had a great uh uh group
    here with uh Brendan and Eric and Kyle
    and we I learned something new that
    there’s a group here in Ludas that is
    already doing some of what we were
    talking about which is organizing the
    law ement and my pitch there is that we
    need to do more uh and hold law your spe
    High a little harder uh you know make
    them make them uncomfortable they do a
    better job when they’re a little bit
    nervous and uh one of the projects that
    I’m really excited about is this visual
    markup language for diagramming law and
    making it more visually accessible I
    think it’s a really high standard but
    this is what people are doing at uh
    status uh which is a messaging company a
    web free messaging company and they’re
    doing all their work in bpmn which is a
    visual language that’s also an XML
    language that you can process dig read
    and observe and it really is kind of
    exciting what they’re doing so I am
    hoping that there will be more visual
    markup before longstead of more people
    use thank you completely agree on that
    uh over in this corner of the room we
    got into kind of the nature of the
    question this this is that yes thank
    okay over in this cor of the room we got
    into kind of the nature of the question
    uh and and realizing where it’s it’s
    coming from is is like way far down the
    rabbit hole um to say to like introduce
    the concept of legal engineering is to
    say that there is an nexcess of
    jurisprudence and Engineering which you
    know if if I were to say that to
    somebody on the street they would have
    to like stop and process that before I
    was even able to to pop the top in the
    concept uh and then directly related uh
    we realized that legal Engineers
    uh one of the the foundational ways and
    that’s kind of of a a mind Blaster of
    people is a lot of what I know legal
    engineering to be I think most people in
    this room understand legal engineering
    to be uh is product and strategy that’s
    geared towards cyber space and so we we
    all understand cyber space as something
    that is very tangible and and a place to
    to move and interact in uh to the point
    where we we kind of take for granted
    it’s it’s de facto uh role
    as as a pseudo jurisdiction so um
    becoming a legal engineer also requires
    like this this basically ex cyber
    background that not everybody has so so
    understanding that legal engineering
    exists within the context of a
    hyper hyper culture uh and then that to
    legitimize it to the world we would need
    to legitimize a couple other Concepts uh
    was was a really interesting excuse me
    that we got a along does this work okay
    yeah so I think uh speaking of taking
    things for granted I wonder for taking
    for granted that we need anything more
    is it how do we know we need anything
    more and do we have too many laws too
    many professions too many
    specializations or not enough coming
    from the other edti and morizon there’s
    a very different approach to the legal
    system there there’s only a few hundred
    of laws and regulations as opposed to a
    few thousand Pages because it uses the
    entrepreneurial Community model in which
    laws and Norms are enforced more through
    the landlord it’s a community in which
    everyone rents property so instead of
    leading uh how high can your decibel be
    and every little minutia being codified
    you can use a more common sense approach
    and leverage freedom of Association to
    regulate and enforce
    and I found it to be a much more
    efficient model with better incentives
    legal engineering is sort of trying to
    find loopholes and ways around things
    which is kind of a perverse incentive at
    times where you may be following the
    letter of the law but not the spirit of
    the law and it can lead to all sorts of
    things sometimes positive and positive
    group holes but as we’re seeing this
    week with the SEC and Vincent Crackdown
    they can really Bend these money Serv
    service business laws which were created
    way before crypto don’t really make
    sense in the context of the ones and
    zeros that are crypto they can now be
    used to regulate an industry that’s a
    little difficult to put into traditional
    legal system whereas if we move towards
    a more freedom of Association based
    model of legal system and human
    interaction we can avoid a lot of this
    and save a lot of money on legal
    fees I’m so glad you brought that up
    actually that what you mentioned as your
    definition of of a legal engineer I
    don’t think that’s my definition of
    legal engineering and so I I I I
    think again to to return to the question
    I in order to get legitimation it seems
    like not only do we need to establish
    several other Concepts in the public
    mind we also need to to kind of
    internally uh Tamp down what a legal
    engineer is like like for me a legal
    engineer is somebody who who who who
    takes law
    uh and combines it with code so we have
    these these two things that seem GE
    metric at times uh but uh the the legal
    who like people I know who are going
    under uh under the banner are are making
    like Innovative things that aren’t
    always about stting regulation uh a lot
    of times they actually do
    improve manner of Association and and
    how people come together and and it’s
    really beautiful to have no I I want to
    say that like one of the things that I’m
    excited about is like you know you look
    at the SEC and sure they they do some
    silly stuff but they also produce things
    like xprl requirements right they have
    documents standards that they want and
    and I think that you know if we’re going
    to do a job that people are excited
    about we need to make things easier for
    for what’s built now and I I don’t think
    that’s an incredibly heavy lift like
    these standards are there we should use
    the technology that we have to make it
    easier for people to communicate with
    the SEC I don’t want to get into a you
    know match with the with these guys I I
    don’t think that’s the point I think the
    point is that there are standards we can
    use legal engineering to make people’s
    lives easier and if we do that then you
    know if it’s convenient people will use
    it and they’ll appreciate it uh you know
    I don’t think it has to be about you
    know sorting regulation at all I think
    it’s about
    conveniency access to regulation and and
    understanding you know I met with
    endowment you know a couple months ago
    and that was awesome right they they
    created a donor advis fund which was a
    tax advantage structure and they made it
    easy to use and I understood it and I
    could get money with it and and I think
    regular people really appreciate that so
    in terms of getting back to the question
    of how do we make this something that is
    globally appreciated we need to work
    with the globe and come up with some you
    know and look at the standards that are
    already in place and convenience access
    to them
    we might
    on thank you and and I do want to give
    credit uh like shout out to let does
    have an accreditation program for legal
    Engineers uh so you know we the highest
    level answer I think for the question
    just just directly attack it is that
    it’s it’s a marketing issue like most
    thing it’s communication there it’s not
    like you know the concept hasn’t been
    out there for a while or at least we
    haven’t we’ve been talking about it for
    a while and uh people have been gring
    out they’ve been building theyve build
    some fantastic stuff out there the focus
    dis portional in the blockchain space
    but like legal engineering legal Tech is
    not at
    all Silo to that and so I I would just
    like it’s it it really is just a matter
    of of socialization and how hardcore you
    want to you want to get with
    um what a legal engineer can
    do again now that I’m thinking about it
    the basic legal Tech that exists in
    legal spaces could be made by legal
    Engineers if they want to make the
    definition just somebody who knows how
    to program and and aims uh their their
    building at at the legal space but if we
    want to say they really have the
    integrated law into their code which is
    is what we see primarily uh legal
    engineer building is doing in the
    blockchain space blockchain enabling
    that more probably than any other
    technology uh then we’ve we’ve got some
    okay very good stuff um I’ll open the
    floor to you if you have any final
    remarks that you’d like to make I I
    think these folks went twice so I want
    to extend the same courtesy to
    you yeah uh in the context of I heard
    the word standard mentioned quite a bit
    and we’re also talking about internet
    technology those type of things I just
    find it very beautiful how the internet
    doesn’t have many laws it just operates
    on standards and freedom Association and
    seems to be one of the most
    well-functioning institutions and
    jurisdictions in the world and I wonder
    if we can learn from that as
    well excellent
    stuff I think that uh what I heard today
    this is just my
    takeaway we uh are the catalysts for
    things that can’t be
    ignored when um some of the austrians
    discussed how we might fix the FED what
    they talked about was it’s going to have
    to be some new fangled thing that they
    can’t ignore and they can’t shut down
    and I think that that’s what legal
    engineering really has as a competitive
    advantage and that kind of brings me to
    the next prompt that I’d like to uh
    start with next conversations with every
    body unless anybody else has any other
    comments they’d like to make about that
    prompt I I would like to make a comment
    think thank you um I think we can’t
    ignore the fact that real engineers in
    the real world build things that
    actually work right that they are solid
    reliable trustworthy um so that needs to
    be a part of legal engineering as well
    um which is more important than than
    just coding right because if we embed
    dysfunctional systems in uh the the the
    code and that they get automated and you
    can’t shut them down we’re not better
    off uh we need to First think about it
    and how they will will work together and
    design them as such a way that that
    actually function well thank you yeah I
    just wanted to rip off of that as well
    as what what Alec said about how the
    internet works quite well because it’s
    freedom of Association that’s HTML
    that’s running on mainly protocol and
    and the precursor of that is spml and uh
    Charles Goldfarb is who I consider the
    first full-on inventor legal engineer
    around uh and so he took a legal concept
    which is redlining contracts and then
    invented markup language so he created a
    way to parse documents at a rular level
    uh by by using Legal Information
    Technology really and so uh there is a
    learning experience for us though
    because as a lawyer he was very much
    about dotting his eyes and Crossing his
    tees and so the compiler for sgml is
    really uptight if it wasn’t perfect then
    it would break which is what solid like
    as well as a compiler uh definitely
    makes sense of a solidity uh but anyway
    what what Tim burn Lee did with HDML big
    thing is he just went yeah we can
    compile it even if it’s a little messy
    as a scientist he just you know wanted
    to um move forward at the speed of
    business and so I think legal Engineers
    we need to reconcile those too yeah some
    of the best tech we’ve made is is
    protocol that’s just permissionless Pro
    protocols uh that help with trustless
    environments and and that type of thing
    uh but we do um lawyers tend to want
    zero risk which is an absurdity so uh if
    we allow for um um imperfections and
    then we’re good to go and I to Me Maybe
    the very very first Eng engineer appear
    that from that that he took that leg
    concept of the minimist because he was a
    litigator and then applied that to math
    and math was not wanting to have any um
    ad equality that’s what he so yeah it’s
    almost equal there’s a little bit that
    we’re cutting off but that’s fine and
    then that was what devolved calculus
    little bit off topic there
    but I always appreciate hearing about
    legal engineering from you Kyle
    um I guess um I’m GNA get one last ask
    for anybody that wants to raise their
    hand got one taker thank
    you uh when I hear the words code
    compiling coding protocol brings me back
    to the Middle Ages because law
    engineering was done by monks that
    time and uh systematically uh they reach
    for things that were happening in in the
    communities and the societies and the
    civilizations you know they compile
    rules and writing
    code developing software is like being a
    senator or a congressman or a
    congresswoman is writing laws so we’re
    not talking about anything new right now
    we’re just using new new instrument new
    tools now there is a big lag because we
    have an excess of laws whether it’s in
    sports whether it’s in media whether
    it’s in the Internet Internet it’s
    abundant of laws you know you just look
    at the little little fine print this is
    thousands and thousands and thousands of
    words and and you got to predal law you
    got hundreds and hundreds of kilograms
    of paper so it’s time to bring it up to
    the AI to take care of that because
    we’re wasting our time we’re wasting our
    our our creativity on doing something
    that’s been doing for at least 2,000
    years thank you very
    much whatever
    thank you all for
    participating I have a really juicy prom
    for you that I think that you’ll all
    enjoy given the rise of network States
    like um like Balia prospera and uh all
    the other ones that of note uh it’s
    really notable to see how many
    people bring together their unique skill
    sets to be able to support the
    development of these things my second
    prompt is how can we facilitate free
    movement of legal engineers and
    professionals to build more freedoms
    into our governance systems not just
    building new network States but updating
    our current systems that we have how can
    we facilitate
    that yes how can we facilitate free
    movement of legal engineers and
    professionals to build more freedom into
    our governance
    systems if uh I could get the F Minute
    Timer started again we’ll all break up
    and uh we’ll start our conver ation up
    again May encourage different group
    different groups different groups and uh
    mix around too um there’s a lot of
    Fascinating People here um and a lot of
    good good perspectives to share
    e e
    I I made it clear that I have a bias
    that I would think that you would need
    more jurisdictions in order to affect
    the base level because you need to
    affect the statute in order to have real
    maneuverability but then Ramona actually
    brought up the example of many private
    organizations um that have moved the
    needle starting with the example of
    private placements and how that industry
    standard later was interoperable with
    other jurisdictions and provided more
    flexibility and also just the you know
    the numerous type of private
    organizations like uniform law
    commission uh the the conference for uh
    for Bank uh uh uh banking uh supervisors
    and other private organizations they
    have moved the needle forward so
    thinking perhaps legal Engineers can
    come up with a similar solution and a
    guild around that but then the core
    problem is each of these organizations
    they have a use case a killer app so to
    speak that makes them really prolific so
    I think one of the objectives of legal
    Engineers is to come up what that use
    case is and inform their organization
    around cor Mission and then maybe have
    tertiary type um activities after
    that uh so I’m going to show for Lexile
    a little bit here U also uh got it’s
    it’s good to mention there’s a Bitcoin
    round going on right now so you want to
    support uh laws of public good as well
    as legal engineering uh go to getcoin
    and and find leyle and and bonate a
    dollar uh but anyway so lexow we’re a
    guild of legal Engineers but we’re an
    international Guild and so I believe is
    part of this is that uh right now
    especially law um every Bar Association
    in every state it’s very uh state byst
    state and and I understand why but that
    does cause friction in in Freedom of
    movement so lawyers it is very difficult
    for a lawyer to go to a different
    jurisdiction and and be able to practice
    so uh lexal might be able to with its as
    it builds up its certification process
    uh provide an international standard for
    legal engineers at least so the legal
    Engineers it’s a little bit easier to
    practice and and perhaps it’s just the
    network states that take this up um uh
    but that’s a great starting point so now
    I’m going to pass uh the mic Jason where
    we spoke quite a bit about decentralized
    identity which is you know the Practical
    piping way to get it
    done well that was just it um I think
    that when you’re moving Juris
    jurisdiction even when you’re changing
    like you know geographic location you
    have to show your passport
    um so it all comes down to like how do
    we rally behind uh verification of
    identity uh what does that mean and can
    we do that in a way that sort of
    preserves the those to the space in a
    privacy preserving manner to the extent
    possible and could we be the Pioneers as
    Network States as you know um special
    economic zones that sort of the next
    Frontier of hubs could we rally behind
    some sort of standard and attestation
    model where we can verify um not only
    just the the uh safety of the individual
    but also maybe the skill set uh that
    they’re bringing to the table and could
    we rally together to kind of uh provide
    the loose framework uh on which this
    type of free movement based and optin uh
    base movement can be um
    scaled I think you’re you’re go ahead
    and do the
    attestation all right yeah so
    attestation that’s a um it’s what a lot
    of developers are this this next wave of
    of tooling is focused on quite a bit uh
    so eum attestation service is one e and
    then hypers is another one in the
    ethereum ecosystem it’s the idea that we
    can figure out the credibility of of um
    whatever is being attested to uh by by
    crowdsourcing have the overall Community
    attest so uh the way etherum attestation
    service works is that it’s um different
    kinds of test stations U anyone can
    create a scheme for that kind of
    attestation and then and then just
    people use that to um
    um and basically an nft that says yes
    this this person did this job or or what
    whatever is being in tested to that’s
    why a test is such a great concept
    because it is a quite
    versatile um yes hope that gives some
    context but what that test is
    done and it also places the strength of
    sort of the the blockchain in that you
    know we can say hey this this is an
    oracle this is a source of Truth this
    event was you know actually happened and
    is is codified and people can look to
    that and so it becomes a very uh strong
    almost like proof of history or proof of
    anything really that we could use around
    these Concepts and now I’m going to pass
    it on thank
    you um
    so thinking about the things that we
    already have right freedom of movement
    already exists and then associations and
    private organiz gations and lawyer and
    Industry associations already exist uh
    these are analog features right
    um at the level of the legal Engineers
    once uh we have that killer app which
    may be digital identity and like which
    may be solving some of these very
    painful problems um how about organizing
    infiltrating all this real life industry
    associations traditional organizations
    and then because lawyers are in there
    too obviously and then how about
    teaching them about this new technology
    this new way of doing things because
    frankly I’ve seen a lot of focus and
    interest um uh from like the American
    Bar Association on privacy for example
    I’m not aware that a lot of the crypto
    industry is pushing aligning efforts and
    joining efforts with the people who care
    about privacy from the traditional world
    and that’s a a miss right that’s a Miss
    there it’s a missed opportunity um so so
    again um um having that approach and
    seeing what we can do but obviously
    having the standard having events and
    then having online events guys because
    there’s only so much traveling that
    people can do and we also need to be
    sustainable but we can we can have
    online events and then reach more people
    like that um and then um the word uh the
    word spreads um and then we move
    forward I’d like to add one more thing
    to that I think that education is super
    important in is and especially when it
    comes to these fields and these Concepts
    and one of the biggest thing is moving
    past the friction of the old world into
    the new so along with the education we
    also have to add in incentivization like
    what are the actual zones doing to
    educate people about these new options
    and are they as part of their onboarding
    part of their welcoming process really
    uh you know sort of being encouraging
    this pioneering spirit that is sort of
    embodied by events like this this and
    can we come up with incentivization
    models to get the old world into the new
    thank you Mason thank you everyone
    please big round of applause to
    everyone really really cool experience
    thank you Mason again it was a very
    great uh
    format next up I would like to introduce
    you to to Dr Wolf call uh he’s a lawyer
    Economist and professor of law at the
    University of St Thomas and also one of
    the co-founders of the open source
    standard Association so lot of respects
    uh very nice to see you to see you and
    to host you here Dr Wolf a pleasure the
    stage is yours
    can you hear
    us please big round of applause to Dr
    Wolf can you hear
    us okay we cannot hear you please take
    difficulties give us a second
    please yeah you tell me when when you
    want me to start
    presenting we’re almost there
    one one can you hear
    us yeah there we go the stage is
    yours hello everyone I cannot see you
    but I hope you can see me and can see
    the presentation I’m excited to be here
    thank you to Christian and Antonio and
    all your team members for help
    coordinate this um there’s a lot going
    on in the industry and I’m so excited
    that Pros has something to offer here
    and is hosting events in this
    context so let me walk through a little
    bit of where I want to go with this
    presentation today and Antonio just to
    be clear I have like 30 minutes or so
    and then questions
    we have 45 minutes excellent excellent
    okay great so let
    me talk about what I want to present
    so most important to me is Outlook which
    is where can we take prosper and where
    prosper benefit from the the trends that
    I’m that I’ll be talking about here yeah
    so uh
    I put it at the end because I want to
    present all the problems first H and the
    potential solutions that we have but one
    thing where prospera really has the
    ability in my humble
    opinion to position itself and add
    something extremely valuable to the dowo
    community is in the Dow rappa context so
    I’ll talk a lot a little bit about um
    all the problems all the infrastructure
    uh solutions that are being built and
    some of are not being being built yet um
    so I’ll talk a little bit about Trends
    overall but what the reason why I I’m
    very excited about presenting today and
    working with
    Prosper H and Christian and and and his
    team is that we can create alternative
    solutions that are
    currently lacking in the dowo industry
    worldwide in a prospera sandbox I would
    call it um and so I I want to leave some
    questions for that at the end and
    present where I believe uh Prosper can
    add the most value uh let me give you a
    little bit of background I just
    presented some of these issues in
    Switzerland and I consider Switzerland
    to be perhaps the leading dowo
    jurisdiction right right now with a
    significantly suboptimal Dow legal
    rapper model yeah and I told the Swiss I
    believe that uh and and you know all the
    top Swiss people were there and they
    wanted to know what to do and I said to
    them look you have a model but there are
    other states that are at a lower tax Bas
    and um that are that are looking and
    working right so this is these are all
    examples of jurisdictional competition
    to attract down industry uh um er
    participants to to the given
    jurisdiction and I do believe if we can
    work with a Prospero legal
    council in helping to tackle some of
    this these problem that I will
    we will have a very significant player
    with prosper in the Dow industry okay so
    this is just my background so I’ll talk
    a little bit about the addressable
    market and the growth therein I’ll talk
    about some of the open issues that uh
    that haven’t been solved in the in the
    dowo ecosystem and in the Dow industry
    around the world um I just finished a uh
    International Paper that examines every
    single jurisdiction in the in the world
    that deals with Dow uh legal rapper
    offerings or offers to our legal rappers
    and I can tell you from this research
    that these problems haven’t been
    attacked right they haven’t been
    addressed as a huge gaping hole for the
    industry in the in the industry and that
    creates enormous opportunities including
    for prosper yeah so I’ll talk a little
    bit about the open issues I do want to
    talk about my
    prior um as well because there
    are some priors that I have in this that
    that some people may disagree with I I
    believe I can defend my prior uh quite
    adequately but um it’s important that
    everybody understands that where I’m
    coming from in presenting the data and
    then so I’ll I’ll present some of the
    data of where we’re at that comes out of
    uh the the Prius and my my my team’s
    analysis so I have a team of 20 research
    assistants who put this data together
    over nine months almost 10 months and so
    um there’s a lot to to digest here okay
    um if there no questions um happy to
    launch in are there any questions at
    point okay great
    so before I go in I think it’s really
    important to
    understand what Dows are and what
    and so so in order to understand where
    to take the Dow markets and the the
    offerings and the infrastructure
    products that we need to build for D
    it’s important to understand that Dows
    are not just
    another legal instrument yeah Dows are
    much more they’re also not just a
    fundraising tool right that Dows can be
    in my humble estimation a a way to
    synthesize transcend if you want the
    existing Notions of how we build Society
    in capitalistic structures and
    socialistic structures
    yeah why am I saying this so most of us
    were raised in either one of those two
    systems and or hybrids thereof right I
    was raised in a hybrid of a capitalistic
    structure structure in Europe with
    social market capitalism that’s how I
    was raised um and so this when you go
    through school you come out of this
    these Notions oh you know the Russians
    they they did Communism and socialism
    and Etc and um we in the west we we have
    other ways of dealing with these issues
    but our systems aren’t perfect either
    right I mean everybody knows uh the
    externalities the the banking problems
    all of the things that that capitalistic
    systems uh create including you know 10
    cities when the system collapses yeah so
    we could go much deeper this is not for
    this conversation but one thing to
    that’s really important in my humble
    estimation is that we understand that
    Dows have the potential to solve these
    these age-old you know 200 years of uh
    economic structure evolution in my
    humble opinion there is a potential for
    Dow if we build the correct
    infrastructure to solve uh some of those
    those age-old problems and transcend
    those systems so why am I saying that
    well Dows really should be about
    peer-to-peer connectivity to work around
    causes that people identify with and to
    work with their peers with if you want
    kindred spirits and
    and but at the same time if
    we set up the correct in my humble
    opinion correct Dow
    governance you would be working for
    yourself while while at the same time
    working for your community and it you
    would be in charge of when and how you
    engage and the algorithm that runs the
    community that runs the Dow would
    coordinate most of this and create the
    the incentive environment that is needed
    to make this a sustainable Community
    yeah and so if we believe that that’s
    the the right design then everything we
    talk about in terms of infrastructure
    building and legal rappers and
    prosperous role can be if you want
    molded by those by that logic right so
    if if I come to you and I say hey
    prospera I want you to create a legal
    rapper for a fundraising Dow it’s a
    completely different ball game yeah and
    there are a lot of people who think that
    that’s what Dows are about right if you
    ask late people in the crypto industry
    they think Dows are about fundraising
    tools right to make a quick Buck for a
    few people um and that’s not what this
    is about so the the longterm viability
    of house comes out of this Baseline
    logic of what they are about and they’re
    about peer-to-peer connectivity to work
    to allow people to work in alternative
    systems that are not top down creative
    yeah and I believe that Society Trends
    feed into that I don’t want to go into
    all of it it’s too much for this
    it’s almost like Dows came at the right
    time with the right societal structure
    and openings that come out of that so
    that’s that’s why I what I believe Dows
    can be in the long run and if we agree
    with that we need to we need to think
    about legal solutions for da including
    with via Prosper legal council that
    serve those needs yeah and so I’ll talk
    about this at the end of this
    presentation just briefly and the the
    key for this is is a congruence between
    the internal governance of dows and the
    external legal rapper the external legal
    rapper obviously being the Prosper legal
    council offering that I I’m I intend to
    Lobby heavily heavily this year
    including with proposals on how to get
    these structures right um but it’s the
    congruence right so if we we figure out
    Dow governance by the way nobody has
    figured this out right this is like we
    have now what 32 billion uh uh uh assets
    under management in the Dow industry
    according to some estimates uh deep Dow
    data that is um the overwhelming
    majority I would say
    99.9% of all those structures have no
    sliver of understanding what long-term
    sustainable governance actually means
    for for their systems yeah and that’s
    why we see a lot of attrition that’s why
    people run away from Dows and that’s why
    the industry hasn’t really taken off
    because it’s the internal governance uh
    that hasn’t been solved once we solve
    that and I believe we can solve it right
    I so I wrote a book about this and and
    I’m not saying my solution is the only
    correct Solution please don’t get me
    wrong here but I think there will be
    maybe two or three solutions on Dow
    governance where where the industry will
    get behind it because what’s happening
    right now everybody invents their own
    governance and token designs that that
    is an absolute cat catastrophe for the
    industry yeah so what we’ll see over
    time evolve is correct quote unquote
    correct uh Dow governance and there will
    be a consolidation into one maybe two or
    maybe two maybe three models yeah so
    once we have that and we’re nowhere
    we’re nowhere near that right now right
    on but once that happens in the next two
    to five years we will see that the need
    for external governance tools that
    correspond and create congruence between
    the internal governance logic in a dow
    and the external legal raer Dow that
    that congruence will become the
    dominating logic and I can tell you
    right now this the the researchers
    around the world in this field including
    in Europe they’re waking up they start
    understanding that this is true yeah and
    so now of course getting this to the
    masses into the project is a whole
    another issue right but what we need to
    do is once the governance evolves in
    internal governance structures and the
    industry Gets behind it
    now we have to find a way to create a
    legal rapper that creates congruence
    between the external legal rules that I
    hope Prospero will offer and the
    internal governance logic yeah okay so
    that that’s just sorry it’s a long
    winded 10 minute introduction to what
    I’m trying to say here yeah um okay so
    let me let me start out with the market
    why why should we care about this
    including Prosper right well we should
    care because if we get it right and we
    create the congruence between internal
    uh governance and external governance we
    have a huge component of Market
    participation that we can tap into this
    is data that is already right now I’m
    sorry to say outdated the numbers are
    actually uh quite significantly higher
    than what you’re seeing right so this is
    only the smart contract market right so
    uh the addressable Market here would be
    just for smart contracts now Dows are
    smart contracts they’re bundles of smart
    contracts yeah I hope we can age on that
    so how do you create the governance
    logic between these bundles of smart
    contracts to create the quot quote
    correct long-term sustainable internal
    governance that allows the Dow to
    function long-term sustainably right
    that’s what we’re talking about so if we
    get that right the the participation and
    the growth of the market just in on the
    smart contract side is absolutely
    mindboggling right so if you’re looking
    at uh 1.75 billion in 2022 now those
    were lower numbers if if we extrapolate
    from there and smart contract market
    growth and not just uh smart contract
    market growth but also the the
    accumulation the arrogation of smart
    contracts into Dow structures yeah and
    the defi Market is also on top of that
    we’re looking at almost a$1 billion
    industry in the next uh you know 10 10
    10 10 15 years yeah and so it’s very
    important that we understand that you
    can directly participate in that as
    prospera if you offer the correct legal
    solution that create the congruence
    between the internal governance and the
    external tools right now there’s we’re
    nowhere near right so if you’re thinking
    at Prosper oh we’re just going to do a
    new Association model which some people
    at Prospero want to do that’s not enough
    that the Swiss have already done that
    and you know they’re more established
    and they established in EUR Europe etc
    etc what is needed to capture this
    Market is a an
    recognition legal recognition in Prosper
    algorithmic legal recognition that
    creates congruence between the internal
    governance and the external governance
    yeah I would love to have a conversation
    with the legal council at Prosper about
    this very issue to help you capture this
    Market segment yeah okay so
    Dows as I said Dows are a um a subset of
    smart contracts and Dows are legal
    bundles but Dow sorry legal bundles of
    smart contracts right so like combined
    smart contract
    logic but Dows can be so much more yeah
    so if you think about what constructs
    can you run in in defy and it smart
    contract systems of the future fut if
    you get Dows right and we we’re nowhere
    near getting Dows right right now I’m
    afraid yeah you can capture so much more
    Dows literally will create their own
    markets literally will reinvent money
    literally will create systems in which
    people find Alternatives way alternative
    ways to make a living yeah so this is
    the XE Infinity example for instance
    right so x infinity for those who don’t
    know um was a game on
    ethereum where people in Southeast Asia
    Vietnam etc etc they literally quit
    their jobs to play the game to make
    money make ethereum and make a living
    out of it yeah so it failed it shut down
    it was abused people in America started
    making money on top of it and you know
    the system collapsed because we didn’t
    have governance system wasn’t set up
    properly right but what it shows us is
    that people want to use these structures
    to make an alternative living people
    want be independent of centralized
    structures people want to make
    alternative livings if they can’t find a
    job yeah and all you need is an internet
    connection and your ability to engage
    with it and that’s exactly the market
    segment that Dows will in the long
    longterm tab into yeah and
    um okay so why don’t we have this well
    we don’t have it because Dows are hard
    it’s extremely difficult to get Dows
    right I’ve been doing this for 12 years
    written books about it over 100 articles
    and I can tell you I’ve I’ve worked in
    this in the in the real world for over
    six years now trying to implement these
    communities it’s very very hard
    partially because we don’t have the
    right governance structures yeah um
    having said that there’s good news there
    there’s there’s been funding to fund uh
    dii uh uh teams that I’m part of that
    are now in the early stages finding the
    correct Solutions it’s very encouraging
    right so but before we go there let’s
    talk about some of the problems why are
    Dows so hard and why don’t we have
    proper secur proper infrastructure for
    Dows that to to allow us to participate
    in these in this potential grows that I
    Illustrated earlier yeah
    so the overwhelming majority is
    governance and incentive failures right
    the people join these
    structures and the structures reinvent
    wheel on governance they don’t know what
    they’re doing quite frankly they some of
    them just jump in because they want to
    raise quick money some of them are very
    enthusiastic about the underlying causes
    but they don’t understand what long-term
    sustainable governance means to get
    these systems up and running in a
    sustainable way you and so that is a
    huge problem that if we don’t address it
    in the market and find solutions that
    are sustainable with infrastructure
    building this this Market cannot take
    off and obviously prosper and and others
    cannot participate in the in the value
    creation that comes out of this Market
    yeah um so what are those governance
    failures the again if you if you’re
    using something like snapshot where it’s
    one person one vote or you’re selling
    governance tokens a lot of people in
    this room that I’m I may be talking to
    you may think that that is correct and
    that because that’s what the industry
    does right now and people are making
    money with it yes you can do that it’s
    fine but it’s not creating a long-term
    sustainable model so I’m working on many
    deals right now where we’re moving
    completely in a New Direction because as
    we all know most of these projects fail
    and are no nowhere visible after two you
    know five five years or so right so at
    some point the industry has to grow up
    and we need to we need to deal with
    those failures right so snapshot rate in
    incremental uh step not a long-term
    solution yeah and so not it’s but it’s
    not just government it’s also
    foundational flaws right so setting up
    THS um engagement uh attrition all these
    things are tied to governance failures
    right the same with poor engagement from
    the community why do you have attrition
    well because you didn’t get the
    incentive design right yeah if people
    are not seeing an immediate um endorphin
    release in a game theoretical design
    that a lot of people are not lot of
    projects in the Dow space are not
    offering you will get poor engagement
    yeah so I’ve done this in many Dows
    again we didn’t have the infrastructure
    pieces in place we didn’t have the
    notification systems in place we you
    know web 3 is clunky people compare web
    3 systems with web two
    systems you can’t if you don’t have the
    Baseline products correct these system
    will systems typically fail over time
    yeah next thing is we have bad industry
    Players let’s be honest Rock PS and
    keyman risk are a huge problem yeah and
    which goes back to the level of
    decentralization so if you design a
    system where two you know one or two you
    know Committee of 10 hold the keys to a
    to a treasury wallet for a dow and uh
    and they Ru pull because they change or
    they have the ability to change the code
    and they rug pull what do you think is
    going to to happen are people going to
    tr trust and want to engage with this
    and put value into it and money no they
    won’t right
    so and we haven’t fixed that
    sufficiently it got better I have to say
    it’s not we’re not not in 2017 but
    there’s still huge problems on that end
    yeah and then security failures uh and
    quite frankly even if we build the
    infrastructure there will be bugs that
    will be exp exploited um because there’s
    a whole industry around this yeah and um
    that’s why it’s so important that we get
    the industry behind those you know one
    two maybe three governance models have
    them tested have them implemented in
    inow communities and create this
    security that everybody knows these
    algorithms in these systems have been
    tested there are no more Securities
    failures and we can trust it because you
    can only build markets if you create
    certainty of outcomes both legally this
    is by the way this is for prosper very
    important um and technologically yeah so
    if you don’t create certainty of
    outcomes Market participants won’t trust
    and will not engage right now let me let
    me go back we still see these grow
    numbers despite all the problems that
    that I’m illustrating here yeah um next
    item please interrupt me anytime with
    questions um as as
    desirable um decentralization right so
    if is is a huge problem if you running a
    d and you’re using snapshot or whatever
    system that has one person one world
    with governance tokens that you sell um
    the you’re
    inevitably I’m sorry to say undermining
    any decentralization efforts you there
    ways to mitigate this but in the long
    run people won’t trust it because you
    have you know a committee or in some
    cases just one person basically running
    everything and everybody needs to um in
    those in many of those systems and I
    have data that
    second many of those systems you have to
    trust that this benevolent dictator does
    the right thing but you don’t you have
    no guarantees right so that goes back to
    uncertainty right so there security
    problems Rock PS po engagement flaw
    decentralization all of the this leads
    to uncertainty people don’t like
    uncertainty in markets you can’t create
    markets with uncertainty you need to
    create the right infrastructure and
    legal rules it’s just important for for
    pro Prosper to spit in only if you have
    that will markets actually proliferate
    right okay okay um now let me move on to
    my PRI so this is my book um that I
    2020 and I’m the I’m really motivated
    by getting setting up governance systems
    that are attack resistance right so
    there’s really no point to to talk about
    this if somebody can attack your stone
    yeah and so there many attack factors so
    tyranny of the majority sock puppet
    attack level of decentralization Arrow
    and possibility Theory dos attacks among
    so many others I have one paper out
    there we’re talking about 18 different
    attack factors right so it’s very
    important to understand that if you
    don’t create governance systems that
    deal with these attack vectors long term
    and are able to to to create Sustainable
    Solutions in my humble opinion you
    shouldn’t even stop right so I got to
    this to this game 12 years ago
    with this notion of we need to fix these
    problems to help the market uh
    proliferate and the book explains the
    key infrastructure components of how you
    get governance right as a key INF
    infrastructure component to allow the
    DOW market to proliferate yeah and so
    this is I want to say this up front
    these this is my prior right I am I
    believe that the the existing Dow uh DOW
    market where we have 32
    uh billion dollars uh in a assets on a
    total is not sustainable unless you fix
    these problems yeah now you might say
    well why why does it exist up to this
    point well it exists because there’s so
    much momentum in the market and people
    are so desperate for something to
    something to work with because of all
    the problems that centralized systems
    create and all the problems that that we
    build on top of the with Cal ized logic
    in decentralized systems that we despite
    all the problems we still got to this
    this point of course you know the
    Bitcoin proliferation also helps yeah so
    it drives a lot of this yeah um but
    imagine what we can do if we fix these
    problems long term yeah uh quite amazing
    so here’s a here’s a few here a few
    explanations of what are these problems
    we don’t have to really go into it the
    book explains that 350 Pages I’m not
    expecting anyone to read all of it but
    you have to fix these problems in
    incentive designs for Dallas if you
    don’t you in my humble opinion the
    market will always set back and will not
    proliferate to where it can be and the
    value that that can be created if you
    fix these problems is is really
    significant so let me say a few things
    about my
    data as I said um so the data is
    analyzing the current market of DS um
    and looks at what are the problems and
    where where do we need to pay particular
    attention in infrastructure building and
    fixing problems to let the market
    proliferate yeah so 20 20 research
    assistance uh almost 10 months and here
    are the Baseline Logics that we looked
    at right so we have decentralization the
    level of decentralization we can talk
    you so we can spend a whole day talking
    about what that means right we don’t
    have the time I just want to give you a
    baseline presentation
    here um attack resistance again super
    how attack resistance are these existing
    Dows what have they put in place to
    facilitate attack resistance and then
    governance right governance and
    decentralization are very close uh in
    The Legend and the logic in the way we
    we coded it uh Regulatory Compliance
    this is a very big ticket for uh for
    prosper in my humble opinion
    meaning if we don’t have congruence
    between the internal governance of the
    Dow and the exter external governance of
    a dow how are these existing Dows uh
    complying with the
    external compliance rules that that
    apply to the Dow yeah that’s what this
    Regulatory Compliance uh coding logic
    tries to
    measure um work to earn this is as I
    said this is what Dows are about right
    Dows are not about fundraising and
    allowing some people to make a quake
    Buck uh because it’s a new thing new sh
    shiny object in the market right they
    bows are about work to earn allowing
    people to make a living uh similar to XD
    Infinity longterm right that’s what this
    is about and you can literally build a
    whole new Economy based on that yeah
    through this if we fix those problems
    yeah and then lastly organizational
    communication now I could walk you
    through all of the logic of how these
    work I just taught my book on this uh
    this and it took me literally three
    months to get through that so I’m not
    obviously not getting going to be able
    to do this today just suffice it to say
    that every single um coding logic is is
    rigorous uh application of uh of the
    basic theoretical uh foundations and
    then implement it into um into the
    existing data that we generated for the
    Dow industry yeah so let me give you a
    quick overview here yeah so this is
    every single
    industry uh uh in the Dow Dow
    ecosystem and the scoring that applied
    to those uh to those respective
    Industries right and I do believe
    there’s some good news here um which
    I’ll get to in a second but let me let
    me just give you a quick overview so we
    have we obviously there’s people who
    think that investment Dows are a real
    thing right that’s again if it’s an
    industry component but it’s not what
    Dows are really about long term you can
    do it for now you’ll probably get into
    trouble with the SEC very quickly if you
    do it but there’s a huge component of
    this um where people have used DS for
    for investment and you know a lot of
    them end up in court and or you know you
    have to deal with the
    SEC uh but that’s where the industry is
    right now right it’s all iterative then
    they we have art and culture Dows we
    have Dow tools um we have defi Dows same
    very very close to investment DS right
    same same problem same logic really
    dominated the industry because people
    want to make money in this yeah and
    there’s nothing wrong with it if you
    have the right governance you don’t
    right you just it’s a complete nightmare
    right and no serious player will put
    real money into the Dow industry because
    you don’t have the right infrastructure
    right so think about what we can do if
    we build the infrastructure right uh
    science publishing DS is the next one
    Med communication gaming very big uh
    work and funding DS political um
    political DS infrastructure
    DS and data analysis BS now one thing
    that I
    take good news as far as I’m concerned
    is the higher grading that we see in
    those nine months of research for the
    Dow tools so these are these are
    communities that build Dow tool sets who
    are aware of the issues that I’m
    flagging in my in this paper and have
    started building the right tools and
    that’s why we see higher uh higher
    ranking higher grading here same with
    the Des uh decentralized science um
    communities right they know what’s
    needed they know what’s needed to to to
    have the market actually take off by
    building the right infrastructure pieces
    and that is reflected in our data now um
    I know I’m running into time uh issues
    here so I’ll I’ll be wrapping up
    momentarily let me talk about uh a quick
    overview of the the data here right so
    all the all the data aggregated if you
    look at the scoring on decentralization
    it’s abysmal it really is now it’s it’s
    much better in the Dow tooling uh
    segment here as you can see but it’s
    still abysmal right so on average of 4.5
    five out of 10 that that was generous
    right very generous and why well because
    so many people use Snapshot and other
    systems that simply cannot give you what
    you need long term to make these systems
    work and that is reflected in the
    score uh attack resistance this is the
    next big big ticket item again the Dow
    industry uh tool sets they’re doing
    better because they recognize it and we
    gave them higher higher gr grades
    because that but the overall majority of
    people just come in and don’t care and
    now they don’t have to care again 3 85
    out of 10 is abysmal right you should
    only care about attack resistance but
    that’s not what people do because
    because it affects you long term right
    if you get attacked game theoretical
    design attack not these are not bugs in
    the in the code right this is game
    theoretical attack um so you can run the
    system for you know two three years but
    as soon as you make real progress
    somebody will come in and try to attack
    your system guaranteed right as it’s
    just how the market works it’s how
    people work right so it should all start
    with attack resistance and quite frankly
    this coding suggests that the industry
    is nowhere near ready yeah um governance
    uh 4.03 out of 10 Again terrible grades
    uh Dow tooling is has better scores we
    can defend all of this but governance is
    is everything right but governance is
    not a bug governance is a key feature is
    the key feature that’s why Dows exist
    exist yeah and that’s why when I talk
    about congruence between internal
    governance and external governance that
    everything to allow Dows to long-term
    succeed it drives decentralization it
    drives attack resistance it literally is
    if you want the umbrella category that
    everybody in the Dow industry should
    care about well they don’t because they
    care about bringing money in right and
    they should they if you think about it
    you should really care about governments
    even more because the more money you
    bring in the more
    your governance should be correctly
    calibrated to protect that money yeah uh
    but okay so next category uh Regulatory
    Compliance abysmal right worst of all
    there’s still this notion in the Dow
    industry somehow that the rules in the
    jurisdictions in which they work don’t
    apply to them because we somehow
    magically think that oh it’s all code
    right code is Law and we can ignore the
    real legal repercussions and I I want to
    tell you up front I would never touch a
    d ever unless there was a legal rapper
    pres present and with all the legal
    flaws right now why as soon as money
    hits the Dow and gets distributed to D
    participants the courts and that’s I
    have several papers on this the courts
    go in and say oh these are join several
    Partnerships everybody is liable
    individually joint jointly and severly
    right so so um that means if you’re
    joining a dow and you don’t have a legal
    rapper and you don’t watch out for
    Regulatory Compliance in an
    international setting you may end up
    being being hauled into court and being
    presented with this logic of look you
    worked in this environment you didn’t
    set up an entity by default we’re
    considering you a partnership because we
    consider your partnership you are
    jointly and several severly liable right
    so whatever Bill there is that somebody
    somebody sued for every single person in
    that Dow is liable individually
    proportionally for that bill right it’s
    a complete disaster now a lot of people
    join these STS they don’t realize that
    that’s what’s coming yeah but now we
    have president in the United States that
    is quite quite clear right so you at a
    minimum you have to think about a DI
    legal rapper with all the
    suboptimalities that it creates right
    use a foundation use an association use
    for for all I care use a dow Wyoming LLC
    right but please don’t just go in and
    and do your own thing but but through
    code assuming everything is Peachy no
    it’s not you may get sued and you may
    end up losing everything yeah okay so
    this is a big ticket for prosper in my
    humble opinion where I believe that
    prospera can really add something if you
    get the congruence issue right but that
    getting that
    right is tricky and it requires
    Consulting and it requires the right
    team but once you have it I think you
    really have something to offer in this
    market and researchers around the world
    they all understand this now yeah
    whoever fixes this and gets the
    congruence between the internal rules
    and the external rules right will win
    this regulatory compet competition
    Market because people are going to go
    there long term you now there’s some
    other factors but those those the the
    the congruence issue that is in my
    humble opinion the biggest biggest
    um work to earn again that’s what are
    about uh we’re allowing people to make
    an alternative living to Moon use you
    know moonshine uh side gigs uh in Dows
    and then over time belong to three or
    four DS that allow you to make a living
    and allow you to quit your job right
    that doesn’t exist anywhere nowhere near
    but in my humble opinion that’s where
    this is going right this is where the
    DOW market goes and think about what
    what that means globally if you even
    just get you know 1% maybe 10% over a
    time of the global Workforce to work
    through Dows ER in communities in which
    people literally can can coordinate
    their their their earning a
    living and it’s Rel reliable and again
    it’s I’m not making these things up x
    infinity was a great example right where
    people put quit their jobs and just did
    this to make an alternative living and
    it gives them it it sets you free it
    allows you to do what you identify with
    what you’re good at right this is the
    key you can join the Dow with skill
    skills that that where you’re good at
    that you identify with where you see the
    cause and you work with people who are
    likeminded and that to me that’s the
    future of DS right there that’s that’s
    where all of that’s where the entire
    model was that’s what it was made for
    right okay so I’ll wrap up in a second
    organization communication everything
    look if you’re running a dow and you use
    Discord I’m sorry it’s not going to work
    yeah anyone who builds down tool sets
    knows the Holy Grail is to have a
    communication software built into the
    Dow governance logic yeah um look you
    can run it through Telegram and and
    Discord for a while but at some point
    you need to connect it to the core of
    what of the governance engagement the
    internal governance right communication
    is everything in this and it we don’t we
    haven’t seen it now lastly I’m sorry if
    I’m over time um Christian please
    interrupt me anytime I’m wrapping up now
    um so the Dow legal rapper Market to me
    prospera is predestined to make a
    significant uh contribution to that
    market and if with your tax structure
    which is brilliant uh with the the
    existing legal design that you have with
    the community that you have if you
    conquer the issue of congruence between
    internal D Dow governance and illegal
    raer governance with the right people in
    the right Design algorithmically This is
    super important this is a a a a legal
    recognition of the algorithmic logic
    that creates congruence between internal
    go governance and external th governance
    right that is the that is the Holy Grail
    right if you figure this out in my
    humble opinion everybody will gravitate
    towards uh Prosper but obviously it will
    take time and it will take lobbying
    right we would need to get this through
    your legal council now I’m personally
    have spoken to many folks over the over
    the last year or two about this I I
    would love to put a proposal in front of
    the Prosper legal council um that
    combines all of this and allows us to
    create a an algorithmic proposal for
    congruence which as soon as that is
    approved or even a version of this is
    approved as a as a a Sandbox of swords
    in my humble opinion there will be a big
    bang moment where people start realizing
    there is something real and we can we
    can capture market market segments and
    um and allow the industry to proliferate
    even more than at already years and with
    that I will wrap up I apologize if I’m
    over time I’m happy to take any
    questions if we have time um if not
    please feel free to email me wolfwolf um thank you so much for having
    me Christian and um happy to take any
    questions if they
    are thank
    you sure
    yeah so look I’m biased because I
    believe that you have to get the
    governance right and if you don’t have
    the governance um that there will be
    problems long term so I have worked on
    one system that I’m very happy about um
    that is called the Cal code review down
    where we have a community of developers
    who are um reviewing code for for other
    projects and so this is pure
    peer-to-peer voed logic um there are a
    few other Dows out there that I believe
    have the right intentions without the
    the the correct governance V da for
    instance my friend Peter diamandes is on
    The Advisory board at vad and lot of
    respect for the intention so this is
    about um creating long-term Health
    Solutions for Humanity allow us to age
    more gracefully and long term um
    great intentions but I’m worried about
    their governance yeah and they’re all
    raising funds without having the proper
    governance tool sets so um yeah so
    there’s those two are the two that I can
    think of most there’s you know there’s
    so many obviously um but yeah so it’s a
    combination of governance and and CA um
    that that I would point you to if that
    makes sense
    I I have a little bit muffle right
    now yeah yeah
    yeah look it depends on your world world
    view and
    and your prior right I I want to be
    honest I don’t believe that centralized
    systems are long-term sustainable right
    we don’t have to go into a history
    lesson but there’s a reason why Rome
    broke down why there’s a reason why you
    know every single uh centralized system
    becomes brittle over time and creates
    breaks down and creates new
    opportunities right um so I don’t want
    to go into anthropology because it’s
    it’s not real enough um but if we
    believe that the existing systems and I
    started out by talking about
    capitalistic systems versus socialistic
    systems that they haven’t created the
    the right synthesis the right compromise
    if we look at societal Trends uh such as
    you know loneliness uh problems with
    mental health etc etc where is all this
    coming from right is this is this all
    the the way we created the inter
    not alone right so if we think about
    what people want and what people are
    suffering under in these existing
    systems I do believe that there is a um
    an alternative economy that will emerge
    of the Dow industry if and when we get
    the governance systems right
    yeah yeah great
    yeah yeah
    okay let me start out by saying every
    every attempt to build a dow is
    commendable okay I I don’t want to it’s
    just unfortunate that many attempts
    don’t don’t result in long-term
    sustainable outcomes that would Propel
    this industry forward right and so
    um okay so that’s the first piece the
    next piece is the issue of
    congruence in my humble experience what
    has happened over the last seven years
    or so was that every time a dow is set
    up with an attempt at
    decentralized governance Logic for the
    larger Community yeah what you see Happ
    is those people who are if the Dow uses
    a legal weapon those people who are more
    more involved on the side of the legal
    rapper they become a powerhub in the Dow
    infrastructure right whether that’s a a
    council that is created or all these
    other things right that that can come
    out of this and because just because
    people are more on the legal rapper side
    and somebody has to be on the legal
    rapper side to run the the the the board
    to run uh the overall you know the
    accounting of things that get people
    paid all of these things have to happen
    on the legal rapper side right
    Unfortunately today and that creates a
    point of centralization that
    continuously undermines even the most
    decentralized design of of Dow internal
    governance right so let’s say it really
    doesn’t exist right now but let’s say
    there is a dow that has a more
    decentralized internal government logic
    as soon as you bring in the legal rapper
    and you run the legal rapper with
    certain people that may be involved over
    here on the Dow side or not this becomes
    all powerful I it’s inevitable I’ve seen
    it so many times yeah and all the models
    that exist that try to breach to to to
    uh coordinate between the internal
    governance of the community in the in
    the external governance of the Dow legal
    rapper every time that
    happens any legal construct between the
    two always creates a point of
    centralization where these people over
    here all of a sudden say oh we’re not
    going to be liable if the community says
    X we’re not putting our heads out we’re
    shutting this down right because there’s
    liability involved right and you guys
    here don’t have liability if it was
    correctly legally structured a lot of
    times it’s not right these people also
    have liability but these people over
    here in the dial they have have
    liability and what they say is no we’re
    going to not accept what you what you
    guys over here are saying we’re not
    implementing the community wishes
    because we’re not putting our heads out
    right and so that creates a point of
    centralization where these people over
    here can’t say yes okay we we know right
    um and so they influence what’s going on
    over here all the time and it undermines
    the long-term sustainability and and
    level of decentralization of these
    communities and it’s a it’s a huge key
    problem if you don’t conquer that to me
    is one of the key infrastructure pieces
    yeah and prospera should really only if
    you want think about fixing that problem
    if you fix that problem you win
    everybody will come to you I I would
    first thing sorry long long long
    answer sorry I I I I don’t hear I hear
    I’m I’m so sorry I cannot hear you
    guys yeah
    yeah exactly because the people are
    going to start protecting the assets
    right because they their their their
    liabilities is on the line and they
    always undermine it every single time
    it’s just it’s the
    problem thanks everyone great questions
    we appreciate your time a lot thank you
    so much I hope to visit Prosper very
    soon in November you’re always welcome
    here come anytime you want thank you so
    much hope to see everyone thank you for
    me take
    care so everyone moving on with your
    program uh right now we’re going to have
    a small coffee break 15 minutes but just
    before Victoria wants to share a couple
    announcements with
    you round of applause
    please um hi everyone uh welcome again
    uh just quick uh housekeeping uh I don’t
    know if everyone knows where the toilets
    are but if you’re looking to go to the
    loop uh all you have to do is go outside
    to the left and then you enter the beach
    club just on the right and you have the
    toilet just on your left against you out
    into Club to the left and then you’ll
    see them just there if you have any
    questions or you can find your way just
    find one of us and we can uh show you
    the way the other thing that’s quite
    important as you know tomorrow we’re
    going to have a few activities before
    the pitches which is up to you to attend
    to each one of the ones that you want
    however the way that we’re coordinating
    is please do go into if you see there we
    have a bunch of QR codes for the
    different activities so we have the beta
    building which we’re going to be
    providing transport for we have the
    sloth and monkey tour as well as this
    snorkling so you can join the telegram
    account and then we can make sure that
    we have account at you for we can
    organize transportation for the better
    building and anything that requires uh
    coordination that’ll be great and if you
    could do that before 4M that’s also
    fantastic so we can you know be able to
    organize this um make sure that we have
    space for everyone right and I think
    that’s it for m so if you want to break
    go for a break
    go have fun and we’ll see you in a
    bit e
    e e
    like this
    again for spee for
    e e
    spe for
    that’s for
    sh there
    she for
    e for
    hello everyone can you hear
    me we’re going to restart uh our
    programming so please take a seat take a
    ban back make yourself
    comfortable because right now I want to
    introduce you you to Blan Mahia who’s
    going to be leading a panel of experts
    uh Blan is a partner at the buet
    associados and also the public relations
    officer at the Honduras young
    arbitrators uh also we’re going to have
    Jesse Hudson who’s the chief legal
    architect molecule and we’re going to
    have our friend uh long time Italian BRS
    who’s an expert in that Protection Law
    and compliance so please Round of
    do we have blanket physically
    here it’s
    online give us a second please
    sorry for the delay just give us a few
    more minutes we’re entering the meeting
    there we
    go can you hear us
    guys can you hear us one two three
    are hey bla give us a second
    please can you
    speak okay we’re trouble shooting the
    sound right now I assume you can hear
    okay hey burs nice seeing you
    here give us a second please
    can you please
    talk testing
    testing Can you hear
    us can he can hear we’re talking you
    hear us we can hear you now
    all right welcome welcome blank the
    floor is
    welcome give us a second please we’re
    still we’re still troubleshooting
    Tech the echo is about 10 seconds five
    seconds can you give us a second please
    we’re we’re still
    troubleshooting anyone has his YouTube
    on in the back
    Mine mine’s on it’s just little the
    countdown we’re we’re not actually on
    screen right
    now nobody knows we’re testing
    yeah are you sure hey hey can you we are
    I guess everybody’s having YouTube
    stream is just
    this I see us I I definit see
    UPS up the
    back hey can you hear
    us yeah oh well floor is yours we Sol
    the the issues thank you
    what’s thech confence Tech
    issues you can
    start can you hear us the floor is
    C let’s get started l
    yeah well sorry for that and hello
    everybody it’s a lovely day out here in
    Bron I’m very happy to be here thank you
    so muchal and the people have
    invitation will
    commemorating the location this week so
    happy property day everybody I’m joined
    today by our experts Burns and and I
    would like to start by having them share
    with us uh a little on their
    professional background so Jesse would
    like to
    begin sure thank you so much and hi
    everybody although I have slippers on at
    the very least I the chief legal
    architect of molecule and previously to
    that it’s an anthropologist and
    Adventure capitalist so I’ve helped to
    design and develop vadal bods bio XYZ
    and the ipn and IP tokenization system
    for tokenizing
    e e
    trust uh and then it works it’s
    dependent on our trust in the system and
    this is how governments work to to a
    large degree this is how Society Works
    overall and the trustless system is a
    bit of an upgrad to that a trustless
    system does not require an centralized
    Authority it doesn’t produce Central
    single points of failure it can
    potentially designed very much more
    transparent uh the liability and arising
    legal costs out of the liability can be
    avoided to a certain degree because the
    trust that it’s needed that that you
    need to put in in other actors to do
    that part is not required in the first
    place you don’t even need to trust the
    participants if I send you
    cryptocurrency on your uh on your wallet
    or we have a legal a a crypto contract
    in that then I don’t need to trust you I
    exactly know what the algorithm does I
    can look into the algorithm I only need
    to trust my understanding of the
    algorithm and there I can Outsource the
    trust to uh I would compare it
    to basically using a pocket calculator
    versus asking other people how to
    calculate a calculation but it it also
    works between multiple agents it’s not
    dependent on a single device uh and no
    single device has the power to uh to
    rule over the system and other than the
    pocket calculator you yourself can see
    the code and understand the code and
    perfectly know what you’re signing up
    for uh give inform consent to that then
    and aside of that not much can go wrong
    and uh the way that cryptocurrencies
    like like Bitcoin are designed or many
    Trust Systems are designed is only when
    a transaction successfully runs through
    uh then uh it’s also written down and
    then it’s also part of the blockchain
    and the and potentially a contract gets
    executed so it’s a lot not only a lot
    trust dependent but also uh a lot better
    in terms of friction that gets produced
    it’s a lot more efficient it’s a lot
    accessible uh potentially ends and
    that’s a huge thing it allows for a lot
    of sand boxing we can uh Build Together
    trustless systems with many key elements
    not all of them need to be trustless in
    the same way and so on and we don’t need
    to rely on governments to come up with
    their one siiz fit all solution we might
    have the obligation to wrap it into
    legal forms that are accepted but the
    technique behind it the technology is
    powerful to create a ton of sandbox like
    systems and burns throughout that
    explanation I think think you’ve talked
    or touched on a little bit on blockchain
    but do to could you explain it to us a
    little more in depth and can you also
    tell us how the chain is being applied
    today well the blockchain is the
    technology that come came with Bitcoin
    uh and it is one example of a a
    trustless system or not trust depending
    system uh it runs on nodes and
    decentralized so and this allows for
    trustless environments a blockchain is
    something like a database but uh
    different from a traditional database uh
    it’s written uh it’s written down in a
    transparent Manner and protocolized uh
    and it’s uh and it handles a big number
    of Agents writing and yeah writing and
    sharing the shared knowledge of the
    database uh the big upsid of blockchain
    is its cyber security features it’s very
    hard to fraud a transaction it’s very
    hard to corrupt the system it’s very
    hard to sensor if the blockchain is
    designed in a censorship resistant way
    uh and it uh allows us to trust in the
    code itself rather than the system
    behind it or yeah the Black Box behind
    it so blockchain uh is just one example
    of a potentially trustless systems they
    are to be noticed perfect ways that you
    can use a blockchain technology without
    creating a trust system you can have
    your own blockchain running on your own
    centralized noes the central banks can
    run their own cryptocurrency with the
    blockchain technology governments or or
    uh world is world commments could also
    establish themselves uh over such
    protocols but we ourselves also can
    build the same
    technology and uh we should I think and
    that enables us a lot of sovereignty in
    our own actions and a lot of freedom to
    interact with other like-minded people
    cooperate and blockchain was so to say
    the starting shot not of trustless
    systems the pocket calculator was kind
    of trustless before that but the
    blockchain technology enabled this fail
    safe nearly fail safe way of sending
    something electronically from a Tob and
    only if it went through then the the
    Bitcoin is actually gone on top of that
    became ethereum with smart
    contracts uh that can have conditions
    conditionals and and other uh and other
    interact uh interactions with these uh
    transactions on top of that came our
    structures that we heard a lot about in
    the last talk that basically builds a
    whole autonomous organization on basis
    of these smart contracts and about and
    on basis of this technology
    and the one of the younger Children of
    the blockchain technology was the nft
    the non funable token uh and this is a
    very Mighty concept especially for IP
    for IP tokenization because with this
    technology every token is not like a
    coin uh where there is one US dollar
    printed on uh on every single coin and
    it’s purely quantitative but this is
    more like a collector’s coin whether
    it’s exactly information on this one
    coin and every coin looks different uh
    and this makes it so great for IP and
    for uh for LIC licensing and for
    declaring ownership over something
    specific and not something
    so yeah that that’s all very interesting
    uh burs thank you for sharing uh
    especially that last bit on nfts and how
    it app applies to and how the technology
    applies to an or in the context of
    intellectual property and um on the
    subject of lik minded people and people
    who apply uh this word of Technology
    Jesse and molecule how are you applying
    truckless systems in
    blockchain thanks so much and thanks for
    the really aite explanation I learned a
    lot just listening about the foundations
    ofce systems and
    and and molecule were building
    infrastructure tools for IP to
    tokenization and the first tool that we
    built we actually built for
    vadal and was for vadal to take its
    rights to IP from clinical trials that
    funded development of a drug at the
    University of Copenhagen for
    longevity and um
    say on chain we are the owners of this
    right in other words to register that
    intellectual property into the web of
    value onto blockchain
    eony and initially the ipft is just a
    signal or an authentication of somebody
    holding IP
    rights so you have IP rights under this
    contract with the university and you’re
    minting a token to say look I have these
    rights and if I sell this token then I’m
    also selling the rights that I’ve
    attached to this
    token what we did that after finding out
    that there’s only
    limited stuff you can do with
    registering through a token IP rights on
    CH you can basically just say hey look I
    have these IP rights they’re on chain
    that’s cool isn’t that sweet like and
    you have an object that a cost based
    valuation is worth the amount you paid
    for it right the amount you paid for the
    research you say I’ve funded $2 million
    worth of research M Night the nft so I
    have this $2 million
    nft but until you have a sale of the
    asset that actually isn’t the real
    valuation right it’s just like this it’s
    just like it’s the cost based value of
    the item I paid this much for it
    therefore it’s worth this
    much uh what the next layer of
    tokenization that we developed does
    which is IPS is it takes that
    non-fungible object and allows you toit
    fundable objects from it that represent
    IP rights to the underlying IP that is
    emerging out of this research project so
    the longevity research is being done at
    the University of Copenhagen there’s
    potentially some really promising new
    drugs that are identified that further
    research should be done on the
    researcher can pull the community and
    say hey which angle should we take what
    do you think is a good idea do you want
    to see us look at this this you know
    this this one prescription that we found
    people who take Liv longer or another
    one and the community can then vote and
    so they have this limited governance
    power over the underlying intellectual
    property that isn’t distributed
    ownership of the EIP it’s distributed
    Community Network governance power and
    so what’s interesting there is it it
    borrows from this concept of Ip pooling
    and U IP commoning that’s quite common
    when Innovation is necessary especially
    for example during Co a bunch of drug
    companies pulled their patents together
    and they said we’re going to make an IP
    pool so that we can innovate it faster
    we going to share IP within common rules
    and in doing so we’re g to uh accelerate
    progress and so each one of these
    IPS that’s minted these these these
    fungible IP tokens that’s minted from an
    underlying project to IP nft allows for
    the creation of this IP clue and all the
    IP that emerges from the research goes
    into that pool and that pool is governed
    by its members who are the token
    holders and so that’s the architecture
    that we developed a molecule so far and
    mainly for vadal within the context of
    vadal because vadal is the tip of the
    sphere in terms of biod it’s the first
    one it it sets the tone it velop the
    structure the most sophisticated it
    Advance with the largest buying and all
    of these interesting things that have
    emerged in part from it right like
    Vitalia this this network State
    emergence for longevity was I think
    catalyzed in large part with the the
    Genesis of the
    beam and so not only have these two
    technological tools been developed in
    part for it by molecule but also they’ve
    been implemented most by G
    so the first
    IP the fundable IP govern token over a
    pool is called V fast and that’s for
    research the V out funded into autophagy
    at Newcastle University fast as a you
    know as as a reference to fasting in the
    process and um that’s the only IP that
    exists today and so what we have is this
    interesting framework and we have all
    these people who are wantan to build
    cool and cool you know cool biotech
    onchain organizations and do cool
    experiments and um the substrate of
    technology that we’re using like Burns
    described this kind of
    new tech stack of trustless Systems
    blockchain Technology that enables value
    transfer and and what we hope is is well
    data protection of the users because
    it’s more encrypted it’s using hashes
    using zero knowledge proofs it’s
    potentially a safer place for really
    sensitive scientific research to be done
    that involves personally identifying
    health information for people uh you
    know I would feel more comfortable
    participating with my phone speaking
    through encrypted means to a survey
    platform on on a on a blockchain with
    hashes then I would just doing it in a
    way that might get hacked in a data
    breach like happens all the
    time and uh as a result I think that
    this basic architecture we’ve built of
    Ip nfts and then IPS enabling IP
    tokenization in these ways they
    distribute IP rights in in kind of a
    novel way but also doesn’t reinvent the
    wheel it just brings this concept of
    iping on
    chain uh com combined with the amount of
    people that are interested in building
    cool startups in this area puts us in
    this really interesting position in
    SpaceTime um for it cambri an explosion
    of new projects to be built and new
    tokens to emerge uh and new ways of
    managing the underlying IP and then
    ultimately when it gets to it the
    underlying data that is emerging from
    Community participation in these
    clinical trials they distributed
    way and Jesse is the health secture the
    health sector the only place in which
    molecule is applying this technology and
    mean in regards to your work or are
    there other sectors that you help out
    with this technology
    mainly in science yeah mainly in science
    and initially it was biotech right
    actually the first project that molecule
    ever ever helped to tokenize in Fond in
    2019 was a psychedelics
    project and um now there I would say
    there’s kind of two that are a little
    bit outside of Pure Health and that’s um
    Valley which focuses on synthetic
    biology which could include Health stuff
    but also could include you know mushroom
    buildings or all kinds of cool
    materials um and codal which is kind of
    Rel to help it’s also more like
    cryogenic freezing so technology hard
    tech focused in some
    ways so it’s mostly Health stuff it’s
    mostly biotee stuff I think that’s the
    niche that we want to try to uh be the
    best in before generalizing with
    technology and you know it encouraging
    other uses of it but ultimately it’s
    like if you know it’s open source and
    anybody could use it people could use it
    for whatever they want it’s just that if
    it wants to be kind of featured in the
    molecule platform part of the molecule
    ecosystem it’s going to have to do with
    some kind of Health
    Science yeah that’s very interesting I I
    congratulate you on your work I’m sure
    that um the application of this
    technology helps out in the ways that uh
    you describe more and um I’d also like
    to thank you for pointing out the that
    the IP regimen in itself is designed to
    incentivize Innovation through the
    disclosure for example in the case of
    patents and things such as patent books
    which applies not only to the health
    sector in in times of Co like the
    example that you put out but also it
    happens all the time to incentivize
    Innovation and um it does so through the
    uh economic incentives that the
    uh creat so on the subject of
    intellectual property um would you like
    to expand a little bit more on the ccept
    you as a
    lawyer I I I could a little bit but I I
    think you’re even better suited for it
    Luna because you’re an IP lawyer right
    and it’s a specialty within the world of
    Law and I actually come to IP from a
    different place I actually came to IP
    focused on the intellectual property of
    indigenous peoples specifically related
    to their medicines and according art the
    Amazon you may see behind me this piece
    it’s called kuk it’s from the shapo kibo
    tribe in the Peruan Amazon and and so
    for me ip was always a question of
    economic development through owning
    culture and and solving problems that
    can’t otherwise be solved through real
    property and so my very basic
    explanation of Ip is that it’s half it’s
    it’s there’s two kinds of property that
    the law boils it all down to real
    property and intellectual and tangible
    property so you have tangible property
    like my headphones that’s that’s real in
    the lies of the law and then you have
    intangible property like the idea of
    these headphones and the design of them
    that’s written on a piece of paper
    somewhere and stored in the patent
    office that’s the intellectual property
    and so between these two things the real
    and the intangible you have a lot of
    overlap because again the only way that
    the IP was issued was somebody you wrote
    on a piece of paper but a piece of real
    property and then submitted it to the
    elal property office but the concept is
    protected and just like real property
    can be protected with you know certain C
    certain rights that are attaching to it
    like you could own a building and then
    lease out parts of it and the lease
    holders hold their rights even if the
    changes right you know you have fiveyear
    tency in the building cells they can’t
    kick you out you know you have
    in most places in some places no but you
    know just like with IP say you have a
    sub license to use a drug and the drug
    gets sold you still own your sub license
    in many cases just because the IP was
    sold just because the building was sold
    doesn’t mean you lose your tendency
    doesn’t when you lose your IP rights and
    so the the world of real property and
    intellectual property legally do overlap
    a lot but there are different laws that
    apply to each one set real the other int
    and so to to wrap it up on the note that
    I started with the the reason that I
    look at it her istically like that is
    because here with this cultural property
    of the shapo people for example their
    art that is physically manifested their
    songs that you you can hear and their
    medicines their plant medicines and the
    recipes for treating various diseases
    that they they that are tangible
    physical things that they produce are
    actually intellectual property that they
    that can be very very
    valuable where where the struggle that
    they they face often is the protection
    of their real property lands and and the
    pollution of the lands which are very
    difficult legal battles to fight very
    long and and expensive and hard whereas
    IP can actually be much more artfully
    applied to generate real economic value
    in the near term especially in a network
    economy like we live in today um I think
    it’s a very compelling uh concept
    intellectual property itself not only
    for uh for for us here in in
    tokenization but also for example for
    TRS um in in in for example the
    nonprofit the K Foundation who sold me
    this piece and whose IP we licensed for
    the newest Dow in the molecule ecosystem
    called side out focused on
    psychedelics is um that that IP is
    licensed from this
    organization that um has has started to
    introduce this concept of Ip in the
    tribe in the sh tribe right which is one
    of the largest tribes in Amazon 35,000
    people quite politically
    Advanced um and he said it’s blowing
    people’s minds that that that wow like
    are you telling me I can’t I can’t just
    sell this piece this this art piece this
    is one of the ones that I bought from
    them one time and sell the physical but
    I can actually sell it a thousand times
    or a million times and every time I sell
    it I’m selling the IP of it and that’s
    generating royalties and revenue it it
    it’s really blowing minds and so I’d
    encourage people to look at IP is
    actually kind of a newer area of Law and
    especially if you look at it from the
    long teleological evolution of the law
    from first principles in these almost
    like isolated sovereign state of Vibes
    or you know like Network State
    experiments that can learn a law from
    native Tri Liv and how they build their
    political systems and legal
    systems um IP is newer and so it’s an
    area more for uh for
    Innovation so you know it wasn’t a very
    good explanation of what IP is sorry I I
    I’d love if you could articulate a bit
    on the very basics of
    Ip you basically touched on all the
    important aspects of intellectual
    property in the sense that um well if
    you if you like like a definition per se
    um intellectual property is the is
    intangible property right that’s the
    result of human intellect
    creativity and by the result of
    intellect and creativity I mean that
    intellectual property does not protect
    abstract ideas uh because you did
    mention that you didn’t mention the
    concept of Ip uh protecting ideas
    to be accurate because ideas as they are
    in our mind which are abstract cannot be
    protected through any of the
    intellectual property uh rights under
    the umbrella of intellectual property
    what is protected is the manifestation
    of our ideas so whatever you can
    transform whatever you can transform an
    idea into a a tangible as something that
    you can perceive with uh your five
    senses that may be subject to
    intellectual property protection so um I
    would I wanted to clarify that because I
    think it’s a common mistake to assume
    that intellectual property relates to
    the protection of ideas themselves and
    that is not correct and um intellectual
    you you also touched on something that
    um the is one of one of the reasons why
    I really uh love my job uh intellectual
    property is very subtle and it’s
    literally everywhere in every aspect of
    Our Lives we don’t even uh notice it
    sometimes but uh we wake up in the
    morning we grab our phone and what we’re
    looking at is patents of different kinds
    Technology uh we’re looking at copyright
    through the app science and stuff like
    that or the software that’s involved in
    the cell phone itself and that is just
    one of the things uh that we touch on
    during the daily aspects of Our Lives
    then we go for example to the shower and
    we grab a shampoo that’s a brand that’s
    also Innovation there’s a formula involv
    in the product itself if that’s a patent
    for there maybe and then we dress up and
    the clothes that we wear designed those
    are designs that are protected for
    intellectual property for copyright and
    there’s a brand attached to the design
    and that’s a trademark and just in every
    aspect of Our Lives even the toilet
    paper r was a pat on the point uh we
    don’t even notice it because it’s just
    so subtle it’s literally everywhere and
    um it’s Electro property is also goes
    hand in hand with Innovation so it’s not
    really a a brand new uh law aspect or or
    side of the law is something that’s
    always been uh present Whenever there
    has been an innovation um involved so we
    can trace the concept of intellectual
    property back to the uh invention of the
    printing press or back to the invention
    of the
    photogram um because when that
    technology arrived uh the concept of
    ownership with regards to the
    intellectual Creations started to occur
    in the minds of authors in those cases
    right so copyrights is one of the oldest
    uh intellectual property rights to have
    ever existed and um well I just wanted
    to point out that intellectual property
    and Innovation go hand in hand and it
    has been this way ever since inovation
    have been a um a factor subject to uh
    the uh possible appropriation of people
    who do not own these rights or or um who
    did not get invol in the creative or
    Innovative process that brought these
    ideas to life in ways that um help
    improve the quality of of of human life
    and uh that is the uh idea of behind
    intellectual property mainly
    philosophically to improve the lives of
    human beings through economic incentives
    um in that sense and and to not expand
    too much on the subject there are many
    rights um under the umbrella of
    intellectual property but the the four
    main ones are patterns trademarks
    copyrights and trade secrets and even if
    these rights you can find them under the
    umbrella of of intellectual property it
    is very important to understand that
    there are many
    nuances uh when it comes to these
    individual rights so um whatever applies
    to the concept of a patent and how you
    protect a patent does not apply in any
    way or form to for example trademarks
    because these are two very different
    rights that we have as holders and uh
    the economic and social incentives
    behind them are very different from each
    other and these are industrial property
    so so intellectual property divides
    itself even in uh two categories um
    industrial property which is um mainly
    focused on incentivizing innovation in
    the form of products and services and uh
    there is also the umbrella there under
    this umbrella there’s also the
    creativity aspect which uh in which you
    find sometimes patents and and and
    copyright so
    um these individal rights even if they
    are under the umbrella of the
    intellectual property concept are very
    different from one another and these are
    only the four main rights so I think um
    to argue in favor or against it um you
    you would have to have some in-depth
    knowledge on the concept of intellectual
    property and then all the subconcepts
    that apply uh it’s important to have a a
    good understanding on the social and
    economic incentives that uh are behind
    them and to understand them like for
    example in the case of patents where um
    they are mainly designed these rights to
    incentivize Innovation and yes it does
    create a temporary Monopoly but um it is
    not without the um disclosure and favor
    of science because a patent in itself is
    a recipe to recreate technology and
    there are um such things as patent pools
    that allows for uh The Exchange and
    transfer of Technology um there’s the
    concept of technology transfer as well
    which is precisely that how do we
    improve on Technologies and how do we
    build on technology that’s already
    available without interfering or
    transgressing anybody else’s property
    rights um intangible property in itself
    is a cost of very difficult to
    assimilate but intellectual property is
    not the only form of inang property that
    that that exists that that we use in
    exchange today stocks and uh even your
    bank account for with inable property so
    I think you you touched on um on some of
    the basics as well with Jessie and um
    well I just I guess I wanted to to
    expand a little bit more of that uh but
    to not derail too much on the
    conversation how how about we get back
    to uh blockchain how how is intellectual
    property being applied to the concept of
    blockchain Co one interesting thing that
    we grapple with is that IP also includes
    in many of people’s minds St
    and um that’s the frontier I think of IB
    nfts and IBS is is data
    security privacy and understanding how
    your IP rights as a older or an IP nft
    apply to the underlying data that’s
    being generated from the research
    studies this is something that I’d love
    to hear burns your thoughts on man
    because I we don’t I don’t know the
    answer of this problem right I think
    there people on our team like Benji who
    might but um if it was solved I think
    all the biod would already be using the
    tools that have solved
    it how how about you tell us a little
    bit on
    that so what was the exact question so
    my exact question was like how how does
    data and data protection tie in to this
    concept of Ip and IP to
    organization so when we think about data
    protection law uh it’s first and
    foremost about personal data whenever I
    as a human being as a person not my twin
    brother uh not any other Austrian not
    any other Italian but me personally
    could be identified by the data and in
    the aftermath by someone or something
    could be treated differently then I
    would be treated if they do not know my
    personal data uh their sense sensitive
    and non-sensitive personal data it’s uh
    intellectual property itself is not
    super relevant to data protection but
    data protection is very relevant to uh
    intellectual property and that for many
    reasons first uh first of all there
    could be
    overlaps uh one good example would be
    biomedical research when you do a trial
    and when you pay patients for their data
    and so on and you you take the data and
    your research digest can then be used
    and you can patent it it could still uh
    contain data that’s personal that uh
    could be singled out and the patient
    could be reidentified and in the outcome
    maybe somebody gets the idea that what
    do I know I have cancer or HIV or
    something uh and that could have NE
    negative consequences for me so this is
    where I see a huge overlap in the data
    protection sphere is whenever you write
    something on the blockchain especially
    if it’s transparent or so on it’s status
    quo and state-ofthe-art to encrypt it
    really strong
    anyways uh but this is where the overlap
    starts because this is also where over
    all the world moves uh at the time we
    have more and more data processing going
    on the age of Big Data already happened
    10 years ago we are far past
    that uh and the age of data protection
    more and more grows now that we are
    faced with these realities and the
    reality is that in places where you
    don’t have data protection people get
    singled out and people have negative
    consequences if it’s just uh if it’s
    just commercial sendings in the in the
    mailbox but it happens and it gives that
    sense of surveillance and uh it’s
    overall not uh not really not really
    freeing but we also have protection
    standards uh especially for medical data
    or other sensitive data uh at least in
    some parts of the world but these parts
    of the world are also the parts where
    the most research is done and the most
    valuable institutes are based uh and if
    your research and if your uh scientific
    products or findings should be able to
    be transferred to them and so that they
    can also use it it will needs to comply
    with the data protection rules in place
    uh it’s there are different regulatory
    Frameworks but they are all they are all
    centered around the question can I
    single out the person behind it and is
    it possible that this person behind the
    data has uh has some negative
    consequences out of being
    identifiable and there uh the uh the
    overlap is really huge but also
    technically it’s uh intellectual
    property thanks to Bianca for explaining
    it so much in depth has a lot of
    similarities with personal data
    protection it’s a restrictive law not
    aimed at economic incentives and so on
    not aimed at you being able to double
    down on an idea that you would see as
    more of less of value otherwise but to
    protect your own data if I’m the owner
    or the artist uh the owner then of some
    intellectual property that I created I
    have uh I have Justified interests in it
    not being copied it not being used
    without my authority and so on and the
    same happens with my personal
    data whenever somebody uses my personal
    data I have legitimate interest in not
    granting it and overall there’s the
    trend of searching data to minimization
    whever we don’t need uh to use personal
    data for identification or for uh the
    extra mile whenever it’s easier without
    with blockchain or with curless systems
    then is also liability wise and riskwise
    a huge upgrade uh if we go the trustless
    way and this is what uh we can bring
    today I think and this is one of the
    huge steps that the technology will go
    very soon and and uh it’s even refining
    for exactly these things in the future
    you will not need your ID to show to
    some other human being in order to prove
    that you own access to exactly this one
    entry of a database of biomedical
    research and if you want your data
    deleted and in many areas you have the
    right to reverse the conent and then
    they have to delete your data anyways
    and they can find if they inate you can
    offer uh the action data subject is the
    person whose data is about yeah with
    your crypto key you I don’t know who you
    are when you exess and delete your own
    entry you don’t need to tell me who you
    are you just need to prove that you have
    these key and if somebody steals the key
    then that is up to you and you know that
    risk from the beginning on so this is
    how the landscape would change or will
    change because the upsides are so huge
    that it’s really a question of time and
    especially with the overlaps in
    biomedical research I think whenever
    else is sociological relevant data or so
    on or or just yeah personal identifiers
    the age of someone is he member of
    Italia or not it’s it’s like not such
    a it’s not like being Chinese no
    uh and then it’s very easy to single out
    single persons and it will be
    tremendously easier to single out single
    persons when AI gets more accessible uh
    in an offensive way because then
    everybody can just use it so we need to
    get fit for that era now and this is I
    think the large overlap but it’s also to
    be industry Fit For A globalized economy
    of scientific findings and yes also
    intellectual property as a whole because
    intellectual property as a whole
    nowadays relies on centralized forces
    that give out or accept certifications
    for Courtyards that afterwards decide
    who really holds them and all these
    problems so many of these problems we
    could we could bypass with blockchain
    and with trustless systems and with data
    protection of course as
    well so on the subject of time I’m sorry
    to say that we are running out of it
    right now and uh we have three more
    questions on topic specifically on uh
    tokenized intellectual property so I
    guess we’re goingon to have to skin
    through it uh Jesse but could you
    summarize the what we’re talking about
    when we when we say tokenized IP um why
    should anyone in the audience consider
    tokenizing their IP do you see any real
    world implications uh applications that
    could benefit a country such as hondur
    or that could apply to a special
    economic zone as the one we are in
    now thank you thank you for the
    question I
    think one of the things that users of
    this protocol struggle with is whether
    data that is attached to the research
    transfers with the ownership of the IP
    tokens right because you don’t what you
    don’t want is a transaction that happens
    between two other parties that you
    didn’t consent with as the data producer
    the individual whose clinical trial data
    may be involved and then the new party
    to have access to your data without your
    consent and it’s something that we often
    have to explain is not part of Ip
    tokenization the data protection like BN
    said it’s separate it’s simp it’s
    related but it’s it’s also separate and
    even in legal departments where data
    privacy is grouped in the greater IP
    Department of the law firm often it’s
    still understood as a separate thing
    because with IP transfer doesn’t always
    come data
    transfer and and even when you tokenize
    IP so when you take your intellectual
    property rights and you mint a you know
    a a token on ethereum or another
    blockchain that attests to you having
    those rights or you have rights and then
    you distribute tokens on ethereum and
    you attest that those those holders have
    certain rights like uh Yuga Labs has for
    its board AP uh its board Apes where it
    says with a contract online any holder
    of an ape has all IP rights related to
    this a um or other collections like Mady
    attach a copy copy left license that
    says there is no owner of this this
    actual underlying artwork you could own
    the token but it doesn’t near the owner
    of the art anybody can copy paste it
    whatever it’s copy left
    so you have this this tokenization of
    Ip um and it doesn’t travel the to the
    Token itself doesn’t travel with the
    data necessarily or at least ownership
    to the data it may travel with a way of
    using the data that doesn’t violate data
    rules um and you also have a transfer of
    Ip that doesn’t have to be
    irreversible to the the extent that uh
    people ask well what if you lose your
    key to your IP
    an you know what if you you your token
    gets stolen does your IP get stolen too
    and the answer is no it doesn’t that
    it’s not a valid transfer of
    intellectual property
    that even of real property right but
    with real property there’s often a time
    whatever say you
    somebody rules that if you lost it
    somebody found it they actually some
    amount of time with IP it’s not so much
    the case so two things to be aware of
    when we talk about tokenizing IP which
    is again just taking your IP rights and
    minting tokens on a blockchain that
    represent that you have those rights or
    having IP rights and then making tokens
    and distributing those to distribute
    those rights and then representing in
    some way with an adhesion contract kind
    of legal contract that you just you know
    posts on a website that says the holder
    of this token has a certain R you IM
    those those tokens with IQ
    R A meta layer on top of it the transfer
    of those IP tokens and tokenized IP
    doesn’t necessarily equate to a lawful
    transfer of data or even the transfer of
    the underlying IP if if if the
    transaction is a theft or some other
    unlawful transaction of the underlying
    IP token so what it really represents is
    a dance between this onchain system of
    powers power to buy and sell and
    transact um you know whatever is
    attached to the underlying tokens but
    also offchain D of right I’m so so sorry
    to interrupt you we’re running out of
    time would it be okay to summarize um
    what your thoughts are us I don’t know
    if you can hear
    me yeah summarize what sorry yeah sorry
    we’re running out of time so I don’t
    know if it’s okay for you to summarize
    your thoughts in 20 seconds because the
    last thoughts of the point that you’re
    trying to make just now if that’s okay
    how about that call to action Jesse Yeah
    call to
    action yeah just just just do it you
    know go go on the App connect wallet and
    start tokenizing
    things please give a Round of
    Applause well thank you so much Blanca
    Jesse and burns um that was incredibly
    insightful so I want to open the floor
    for overview of prosperous set a legal
    framework and if you could please
    welcome Nick
    tras so real quick thank to Nick H
    currently serving as a general counsel
    of Honduras Prosper LLC also chairman of
    the board s
    CSS trustee at prosper reptation Center
    Nick plays a pivotal role in shaping
    dispute resolution strategies he’s also
    an agent instructor at the Colangelo
    College I’m hoping I’m pronouncing that
    correctly of business Grand County
    University also feder Society expert and
    managing member of me dra’s law and
    policy analysis LLC he provides
    strategical analysis and policy guidance
    n earn his jury Sofer from Leola
    University Chicago School of Law
    solidifying his commitment to excellence
    in law and public service
    welcome thank you
    Victor well you know as I’m standing
    here about the speak and there’s power
    points watch out I just wanted to say
    this is the most gratifying thing about
    being Affiliated Prosper to you it’s
    seeing this ecosystem it’s seeing your
    interest your efforts building on the
    foundation that so many of us support
    our heart soul in and I really mean that
    I you know we’ve already heard once but
    I I got to say it again car Carlos pan
    is in the
    audience and he is a in a sense a
    founding father of the entire concept of
    zes in Honduras he
    is uniquely among several people who
    also have the same uh position influence
    in in in sort of birthing role but
    unique among them he’s the pragmatic guy
    he’s the guy that created the structures
    in the Z law in the Constitutional
    Amendments that underpin it that Keep Us
    today one of the great things about the
    cross legal framework is the
    redundancies built into it to withstand
    a heavy load of crazy
    politics and it took a guy like Carlos P
    and the team around him to see what was
    needed and two years after they
    supposedly repealed the Z organic law
    we’re still here we’re still here
    because of those
    redundancies let me also say it’s not
    just the fact that we’re protected by
    the Honduran Constitution it’s not just
    the fact that we’re protected by the
    Kuwait Honduras bilateral treaty it’s
    not just the fact that we’ve got in the
    organ guarantee of legal stability for
    the longest term of legal stability of
    any legal civility agreement agreed to
    by the technical secretary but there’s
    also something else that’s unique about
    Honduras that I have to underscore as
    part of the legal framework and prosper
    and that is the doctrine of acquired
    rights you see in Honduras there is
    actually a proud ancient well-respected
    Tradition at least until perhaps
    recently but there’s a proud tradition
    of this Doctrine called aquari rights
    it’s similar in the United States to
    what we call grandfathering if you
    repeal a law and you happen to be
    operating under the old system you’re
    kind of protected for a certain period
    of time that Doctrine called acquired
    rights here in at Honduras is much much
    more robust in practice and in Doctrine
    than grandfathering is in the United
    States and one of the foremost experts
    two of them actually that are in this
    room is Carlos 14 and also Jorge
    colindas Jorge of course is the
    technical Secretary of Ros and Carlos
    technical Secretary of mar I I am so
    grateful not only to Carlos Pena for him
    adding layers of protection to that doc
    but I’m grateful for the Honduran people
    and the intellectuals and the lawyers of
    Honduras that have been battling not
    just recently but for decades to
    strengthen and maintain the doctrine of
    coring rights which is also one of the
    key features that protects us so
    understand this in a lot of places in
    the world they may try to create another
    then we try to have a z system but
    there’s an organic quality to our legal
    framework and its legal stability that
    probably can only be found in Honduras
    it’s the combination of constitutional
    Provisions treaty protections thoughtful
    foresight in the drafting of the organic
    law and a rich strong cultural legal
    tradition that protects investors when
    they rely substantially on an existing
    lead frame is that set of ingredients
    that makes it possible for you to do
    what you’re doing here which is
    fantastic it’s What Gives Life Meaning
    for me not just doing legal
    stuff so what is the the the essence of
    system great get old I I read but I
    I maybe somebody else could next
    page all
    right I grew up in the city of Chicago
    which ironically has a similar flag to
    Honduras and I’m not saying this is the
    simulation or anything but I think I was
    well trained for my current role
    practicing the city of Chicago for
    nearly 10 years and in that role I came
    to understand that the fundamental
    missing elements of government
    everywhere that doesn’t that ensures
    that government really provides right
    incentives for the government is the
    lack of recognition that you need
    government officials to be
    fiduciaries the nature of governance is
    properly thought of as a public trust in
    which the authorities in that system are
    supposed to have the highest duty of
    care prudence and loyalty to those that
    govern with their
    consent and one of the core features one
    of the most important aspects of the
    Prosper legal system is built into the
    charter and the way that officials like
    Mor think about their job every day and
    that is every public official Prosper a
    is a literal truste is a true fiduciary
    in a common law sense is as beholden to
    the residents of prospera as a board of
    directors member is to their
    shareholders and that’s the least that
    we need in government to align
    incentives at the top to the bottom you
    need them to recognize that they owe
    their highest degree of care to you and
    we mean it in Prosper there is no
    sovereign immunity for public officials
    in Prosper we only limit liability based
    on a formula that takes into account
    what we can afford to pay or whether
    there’s insurance and we only limit
    liability to the extent that it’s
    negligent conduct anything
    else say jge you’re on the hook for I’m
    on the hook for sometimes I’m
    legislative Council from time to time
    but this is critical you cannot have any
    responsible or efficient government if
    no one in government has a personal
    stake in the outcome it’s
    impossible that’s key the second
    essential element is you I hope you’re
    all e- residents because otherwise we
    got to eject you right
    now you don’t know this or maybe you do
    but e residents are a key component of
    prosper and not because I’m a huge fan
    of democracy that’s not
    it what you do in Prosper is hold our
    feet to the
    fire every e resident has standing to
    enforce every law in Prosper now I know
    that sounds a little bit uh
    dangerous but there’s only one way you
    can keep a system honest and that is to
    have somebody who watches the Watchers
    and of course that then ask watches the
    Watchers and watch the Watchers But
    ultimately the consent of the government
    is you is the residents and so
    ultimately the residents have to be the
    people that hold our Fe to the fire and
    prosper ensures every resident has that
    standard there are no complicated
    procedural Gams like you see in so many
    places around the world you have the
    right to enforce the
    law you put these two things together
    and it’s a high-risk occupation being in
    government in Prospero and we’re
    constant L thinking carefully about what
    we do and how we do it it keeps us up at
    night sometimes and to that end let me
    emphasize we also need you to come up
    with some model legislation I’ve heard a
    great deal of tremendous ideas Concepts
    in theory appeals to prosperous Council
    whoever that is but I very rarely see
    model legislation cross my desk or my
    inbox we have a handful of examples and
    I’m very proud of the Christian that
    court is hand in and others but we don’t
    get anyone putting on paper the ideas
    that they claim are going to transform
    the world so my request of you and it’s
    only one request R is going to be
    educational is if you believe in all
    these ideas that we’ve been hearing
    about the transformative ideas sit down
    at your laptop start drafting email it
    to me I’ll email it to Jorge Jorge will
    email it to the council
    trustees and they will consider it and
    also let me just emphasize finally I may
    be general counsel Prosper but I ain’t
    government I only have a voice and it’s
    not even an officially substantive voice
    ultimately the people you need to
    persuade on the merits of these ideas
    are people like Forge and frankly people
    like Carlos peda both behind the scenes
    and otherwise because ultimately many of
    these great ideas have to go up to a
    hurant oversight committee called the
    camp who are populated by similarly
    minded folks so understand as Pros
    General councel basically I say you know
    I think this looks like a good idea
    maybe there’s something here maybe
    there’s not but from there it’s it’s the
    trustees it’s the technical secretary
    and ultimately it’s C so keep that in
    mind but as I said I think these are the
    two most important elements of our
    government system uary public officials
    and residents with the power to hold
    them to the fire next slide
    please there we go oh you
    did so now get let’s get to the
    newg what makes prospera attractive is
    not necessarily the amount of Taxation
    but how you’re tax so let me just give
    you a couple of ideas of how we’re
    structured here
    I’ve not included land value tax and
    customs in this Pleasant looking fill
    because currently land value tax is
    suspended because uh the national
    government is not being very friendly it
    was felt that that it was proportionate
    response uh one of the instances in
    which the national government is not
    being friendly as they denying us our
    customs authorities and our free trade
    status which we have paid for two years
    in a row uh so until that comes back
    along with the other rights that we are
    entitled to
    uh the land value tax will remain
    suspended most likely I if the council
    doesn’t change his mind but aside from
    that we do have a very robust income tax
    and Retail B and I’m happy to say that
    it is sustaining most of the operations
    of the zity governance system as of
    today as of this year for the first time
    in five years the retail B is a very
    simple tax it is designed to take the
    vat out of vat and I’ll explain how next
    their income tax to the extent that
    anyone ever could tolerate an income tax
    is the most tolerable income tax there
    is and I’ll explain that next now behind
    that is a private government service
    provider that acts as tax commiss tax
    commission that’s a general service
    provid now let me emphasize this is
    another feature of the Cross governance
    system that most of the day-to-day
    Administration has been outsourced to a
    private body called the general service
    provider that is profit motive oriented
    and therefore has the same kind of
    attention to customer uh customer
    well-being customer opinion and
    efficiency that you would expect in the
    private Cent this is a key element in
    the taask commission and when you’re
    looking to where the money goes well
    sadly I I’m an astro agent in Arizona
    I’m also an attorney licensed for I
    don’t know 28 years so far ultimately I
    serve my firm serves as the truste the
    Prosper trust the revenues are kept in
    trust in esro and then directed as as
    the technical secretary Council directed
    in between there here and there are
    interpretations that you can ask for
    practice notes and unlike the IRS we
    don’t yet charge $10,000 for an opinion
    but if you look at our tax code I wanted
    to emphasize if anything’s unclear you
    can ask you can petition there may be a
    fee eventually you can petition for an
    official tax opinion from the source
    which is probably going to be a lot
    cheaper than finding out later and from
    time to time we do publish tax forms and
    on nice you don’t
    mind so what is the retail bat what is
    this in essence a retail bat is a 2.5%
    sales tax what we call a retail Deb is
    we limit the 5% dat to what we call the
    retail value ad which is the 50% of the
    retail sales
    price in substance it’s at 2.5% sales
    tax now a sales tax unlike any other
    type of tax is usually regarded as the
    most voluntary so it’s least bad from a
    moral sense it’s also viewed as more it
    doesn’t discourage the sorts of things
    that you really need for a Zone to grow
    which is investment and unfortunately in
    good tax T to discourage that but a
    consumption tax discourages consumption
    which allows for a reallocation towards
    other things than consumption uh so it’s
    not a terrible tax and it’s very simple
    and it only applies as the text wall
    says so if you want to take a snapshot
    of that you’ll get a better
    understanding but this is one of the key
    components a
    2.5% sales tax on retail
    sales is that the the next slide yeah
    right sorry one more
    B There You Go income text text W that’s
    only for your reading pleasure what I
    want to highlight is in essence what our
    income text in Prosper is is a flat tax
    on gross income and we use the Brazilian
    standard of Presumed income to
    determine what portion of gross income
    is applied to with the standard 10%
    tax and what you find is that because we
    deem 50% gross
    income to be presumed taxable income in
    fos The effective rate for individuals
    is 5% and because we deem 10% of
    revenues earned inside of Prosper as
    presumed income for taxation the 10%
    rate apply effectively generates a 1%
    gross income tax now you’re probably
    going to say oh my God that’s a really
    low tax it’s unfair that’s a it’s a a
    tax Haven it’s not because it’s very
    hard to evade most tax systems can be
    easily evaded and the people who evade
    the income tax the most are the weest
    just ask Apple what profit they make or
    Amazon what profit they make the beauty
    of this system is what it is low but
    it’s also almost impossible to evil if
    you’re making Revenue you’re going to be
    paying a tax and the Simplicity of this
    is amazing I don’t know how many you
    filled out your tax form yet I encourage
    you to until April 30th April 30th then
    the tax B comes it takes literally a
    minute to fill out your tax one minute
    all you have to do is determine what
    your gross income is and you’re done now
    there’s a little odds and ends here and
    there we can talk about that questions
    if you want but this is the secret sauce
    of economic growth when you have it
    transparent easy to understand easy to
    comply with Hardon day tax that pretty
    much is going to be guaranteed to
    collect ironically more than a much more
    progressive tax ever can next
    slide now there is one downside to
    having this tax on gross income with no
    deductions very few credits is if you’re
    a low margin business you can or if
    you’re a startup you’re making Revenue
    but you’re losing money from an
    accounting perspective uh it can be
    punishing you have to reorient your
    business model to pass along that tax to
    your customer or wherever else you need
    to pass it want to which can be
    difficult given
    markets fortunately we thought of that
    you can buy what’s called a marketable
    credit and get a multiple of tax credit
    value in exchange for that and it’s
    highly recommended you have a low volume
    business or startup you should buy some
    M marketable Tax CRS you can even
    convert them into cryptocurrency called
    PT and you can trade them bottom line is
    depending on how much you spend you can
    get up to a 5x multiple and well to get
    the 5x you got to give us a lot of money
    but for the usual typical tax PA you can
    get a 1.5 ax multiplier at least at the
    end of the year every dollar that you
    spend on so it gives you a reduction on
    your taxes it gives us easy up front
    income before the tax season is even on
    us and for the folks that have low a low
    margin or have a startup losing business
    this is this is really what makes our
    gross lab income tax work without this
    it’d be very difficult I encourage you
    to buy something it’s almost April 30
    you’re paying tax I think somebody
    did next
    slide all right we do have regulations
    we’re going to get into that in promise
    one of the things that I’m proud of in
    Prosper is the What’s called the labor
    benefit f one of the ideas in Prosper is
    that we would take what the United
    States you call your
    401k and you would call maybe even UI
    you take a pool of money and you instead
    of giving it to a bureaucrat a handle in
    a Ponzi scheme which you may not ever
    see instead you give it to the employee
    to own and so the way that all social
    welfare benefits are handled in Prosper
    is with an employer funded labor benefit
    fund which can LS everything from
    retirement down to education even
    housing and it’s owned by the employee
    they can take it with them from job to
    job and the percentage of the employer
    contributes is also up to the employees
    Choice depending on how they want uh
    their minimum wage and obviously many
    people in prosort probably the vast
    majority don’t get paid at the minimum
    wage or paid Much More Much Higher
    market rate but this allows for the
    employee to decide which time preference
    is more for and it allows them to have a
    more fair and Equitable savings younger
    people can choose to have less save
    older people can choose to more save but
    most importantly this is money you hold
    your money and it can be invested and
    can incl interest it’s your
    proper best part about this is the
    effect that it has on Employers in my in
    my employers you’re are not held hostage
    to your particular employer for your
    particular set of benefits you are much
    more free as a as an employee to move to
    a better employer because you own the
    vast majority of your benefits and that
    helps diminish some of the bargaining
    power that may be illegitimate in the
    employer’s hands in the labor market
    this is that evening of the bargain
    power may be more important for
    maintaining a good work environment than
    anything else we do
    next finally
    regulation now Prosper has a unique
    backbone to the system and that is
    Prosper has the only regulatory system
    in the world that is designed to find
    the optimal level of Regulation and it’s
    not just the fiduciary responsibilities
    of the officials it’s more than that in
    Prosper the first line of defense in
    regulation is what we call the
    Regulatory insur and we’re going to go
    into more detail about this but the
    philosophy of this was as follows
    a insurer is uniquely positioned to both
    not over regulate and not under regulate
    because an insurer will lose money if
    they over regulate I.E they require too
    many things of the insurer they have to
    do to many inspections and look for
    compliance it becomes a money loser but
    if they under regulate if they don’t
    have any standards if they just give
    everybody Insurance then they get a
    million more
    claims so a insur uniquely potential
    regulators and certainly more so than an
    impartial bureaucrat who has no person
    stake in
    anything an insurer will look for that
    optimal level of Regulation between too
    much and too little and even better our
    markets designed to be competitive so
    that other insurance companies can come
    in and each insurance company can make
    that judgment for themselves so that you
    don’t have to force one size fits all
    determinations on how best to regulate
    now this this is critical to the overall
    Prosper system now what is a regulated
    area in Prosper not everything’s
    regulated Prosper regulates only what is
    traditionally regulated they’re listed
    below and if you’re not in one of those
    Industries as commonly understood then
    the regulation that applies to you is
    simply the common law the common law and
    its system of legal liabilities duties
    and so forth right so understand that if
    you don’t fall into these Industries
    generally speaking you’re not going to
    have regulatory insurance now if you’re
    a physical resident you will have to get
    residence Insurance everyone who’s a
    physical resident fulltime in the zone
    has have a minimal amount of reg
    non-regulatory but still residential
    insurance to cover any wrongdoing they
    do but it’s relatively inexpensive and
    it’s not meant to provide sort of
    inspections in that so if you’re in
    those Industries you will have to De
    regory insurance if you’re not then
    you’re not next
    the industries that are regulat are what
    you would
    expect and of these I think the ones
    that are most of interest to this crowd
    would be the finance and insurance group
    of course the theal it’s the health uh
    but there’s others all the traditionally
    regulated Industries next
    so Prosper is innovative not only for
    placing the first line of regulatory
    responsibility in the only type of
    institution that has an incentive to
    optimize level regulation it’s also
    unique in allowing regulatory choice at
    a level you’ve never seen before in
    Prosper you can choose from 30 countries
    and their subnational jurisdictions like
    California and operate in a regulated
    industry as if you were there you can
    design your own regulation as I said we
    need model legislation you want to do a
    dial with a better rapper show me what
    that is show that to PGE show that to
    folks like Carlos let’s get that done
    and then there’s others who came before
    you you don’t have to reinvent the wheel
    one of the requirements we have for any
    new optimal regulation is that it’s
    drafted in Universal terms so anybody
    can benefit from it who chooses to
    operate so there may be examples of
    existing regulations that work for you
    already and then finally you don’t even
    have to be regulated in a prescriptive
    sense you can’t just say hey I’m going
    to operate under the common law even as
    a regulated indust grp but the downside
    of that is you’re exposed to 3x
    liability and uh and you can pierce the
    corporate veil on top of that so you
    better be in an industry that doesn’t
    cause a lot of injury or doesn’t have
    particularly uh uh you know anyone who
    who Who’s uh doesn’t know what they’re
    doing but if you go to La R in a
    regulated industry you’re extremely
    exposed and even then you still have to
    get the regulatory insurance and it may
    not be available to you if you don’t
    know what you’re doing I can tell you
    that in Prosper we have a what we call a
    regulatory Insurance Last Resort it’s an
    affiliate of the GSP the general service
    provider we do risk scoring on
    applicants and below a certain risk
    there won’t be Insurance offered so
    anyone operating in the commonw system
    it’s going to have a difficult time
    getting insurance from our insur BL
    Resort now it doesn’t mean that some
    other insurance company couldn’t emerge
    and compete in the marketplace for that
    sort of low tier of people I mean we if
    you’re from the United States you know
    about drivers’s insurance right and you
    know there’s substandard insurance
    companies and they did come in
    but the bottom line is if you choose up
    common law you’re not out of the woods
    you still have to deal with your
    regulatory insurer and you’re going to
    be held perhaps to even higher standards
    by a regulatory insurer if you don’t
    show or demonstrate in your application
    that you’re expert in this
    next so you get your insurance within 60
    days of obtaining your residency and one
    of the things about this is if if you
    don’t get your insurance in a timely way
    you’re exposed to some particular
    liability you might have to pay 3x the
    premium that is the premium cap that’s
    applicable it could be quite expensive
    so understand that insurance is
    and it’s sort of the substitute for what
    might be called licensing elsewhere but
    the difference I want to emphasize is
    that licensing anywhere else is not
    handled by an insurance company with a
    profit motive is not handled by by a uh
    competitive set of enforcers it’s not
    handled in a context where you choose
    what regulatory framework you’re held to
    and therefore the typical risks of
    capture and inefficiency that you see in
    licensing regimes are greatly mitigated
    but there’s even a better element of
    this because of our robust system you
    can interface with the outside
    world if you’re in a particular industry
    that needs to deal with all those crazy
    people in Europe did I say that or the
    States you can adopt to operate inside
    of Prosper as if you’re in Germany and
    you could certify and we’ll talk about
    how how you’re operating inside a
    Prosper as in Germany and you can obtain
    those certifications and you can use
    that interface better with The
    Regulators outside of Pros in Germany so
    there’s an analogy to there’s an
    advantage to having this sort of system
    as opposed to no system you can
    interface with the outside world on the
    standards that you want to
    next that’s kind of hard to read for me
    probably hard to read for you but I
    wanted to show you the structure of the
    regulatory Insurance process so you
    understand the level of oversight that
    occurs in a traditional regulated
    industry now this is not in the finance
    insurance industry it’s a little bit
    more complex but this is the case in
    healthcare industry
    so first you apply then you make your
    regulatory election you say hey I’m
    going to be operating as if I’m in
    California or Germany or under Christian
    vor’s Prosper Health regulation
    a then you get what we do is called an
    interim endorsement an interim policy
    that lets you operate relatively quickly
    but it subjects you to a lot of
    oversight early on or it requires you at
    the risk of losing your policy to submit
    to questioning and oversight by a
    regulatory insur
    expect what the goal is is to get you
    out of that inter policy so you’re not
    constantly monitoring so you’re not
    questioning we believe that should be 6
    to 12 months you should only have your
    inter policy for 6 to 12 months after
    that policy has been monitored and your
    operations and expertise has been
    assessed a policy that is tailored to
    you will be issued and then with that
    policy it will always have basically the
    same elements you will periodically
    certify that you’re acting and
    operating compliance for your regulatory
    election and you have to do that through
    a regulatory expert and then
    periodically we audit those
    certifications so we do pass along the
    cost of those Audits and you do have to
    pay for your own certifier but this is
    actually to the advantage of the system
    because if you don’t actually keep Good
    Records if you don’t have everything
    compiled to support your
    certifications the job of the auditor is
    going to get a lot more expensive for
    you so you have very strong reason to
    develop very thorough certifications
    that can then make it easy and less
    expensive for you when the auditor comes
    to verify that you need your operating
    compliantly and so that continues in a
    loop forever hopefully you stay in
    compliance forever and the benefit of
    the final insurance policy is it can
    only be terminated for good cause and
    there’s no Defence given to the
    insurance policy so if you feel like
    it’s been terminated for bad cause you
    take it to the arbitration Center
    challenge it and you have even shot at
    arguing your
    Cas so I understand we’re close to the
    end oh thanks tied up here lot of lights
    um let me show you what happens in the
    finance industry because this is
    important there’s a lot of additional
    elements to this process
    go that looks a little scarier but it’s
    actually self-imposed punishment in a
    sense uh in the financial industry there
    a entity called the rfsa the road Time
    Financial Services Authority remember
    the two gentlemen I showed you up front
    with next to the fiduciary duty well
    those are two of the gentleman one is
    Jose mokata uh who used to be a central
    banker and the other is soan Dasa who
    used to be Deputy General Council of us
    Homeland Security they’re two of the
    three members of the
    rfsa you can choose to make them your
    friend you can choose to operate under a
    regulatory system that pulls them in to
    monitor what you’re doing in parallel to
    the insurance process and that’s what
    this shows now why would you do that to
    yourself why would you submit yourself
    to being oversight overseen by the
    former deputy General Council of the US
    Homeland Security Department because if
    you want interface with a wider world
    you’re going to need people like that
    backing what you’re doing so what this
    flowchart shows you is how that the
    insurance interfaces with the rfsa as a
    true regulatory body
    if you want to go that route you don’t
    have to go rfsa but I guarantee you if
    you don’t go rfsa the only place you can
    be doing anything Financial is going to
    be inside
    of but if you want to reach the outer
    world go through the
    rfsa and basically the rfsa generally
    takes an initial Peak and decides you
    know they will do some pretty thorough
    screening at the beginning before they
    issue their own they then do have
    licenses but after that they will
    largely defer to the insurer so once the
    rfsa is made a decision that you are
    capable and
    qualified then essentially they already
    have a standing decision to defer the
    regulatory insure and you’re back in the
    same regulatory Insurance process which
    again is always going to consist
    ultimately of two components
    periodically certify your compliance
    periodically Set uh submit to
    audits of course if they don’t quite
    trust that you’re able to do it and you
    ask for it they can’t stay on top of you
    alongside of the insurer but again this
    is a feature not a bug for those who
    want to interface with wi so there you
    have it that’s the Prosper regulatory
    system and I think this is the first
    time I did it in under three days
    so thank
    you and I know sweating a lot of you but
    I will take some
    questions we can talk later thank you
    much thank you
    thank you um well thank you everyone uh
    before we Gove for a lunch I just want
    to say to people watching online uh
    we’ll be back at around two so please
    e e
    yeah you say
    anything hello hello
    you hear me
    Alberto yes
    hi Christian yes thank
    you good afternoon everyone so as
    Christian said I’m Alberto hernandes
    Franks I’m the CEO of the Prosper
    arbitration Center for pack for short
    and I’ll be the moderator for this
    segment uh so before we begin I’ll
    present the panelists Gabriel shapir and
    gorgi Gabriel is a CEO founder of metal
    xx and a US attorney with over a decade
    of experience in the structuring
    negotiation and execution of strategic
    transactions for technology clients and
    uh he has also represented and advised
    clients in connection with merer and
    Acquisitions Venture financing and crowd
    sales govern governance design and
    issues and product designs and
    compliance for peer-to-peer Technologies
    and uh G Ventures Metal X is devoted to
    a cybernetic law Solution codeveloped by
    devs and lawyers to fuse autonomous
    software legal structures and Mr Alex
    gorgi is an educator entrepreneur
    interested in special jurisdictions
    break ourway civilizations and
    Technologies um he began his journey at
    Middlebury College where he studed
    International politics and economics
    before getting a Masters in Education
    policy from Stanford University after
    realizing that his dreams of disruption
    could not be real realized in America he
    moved to sasan here in huras to become
    one of the first ever residents of a
    free private City where he works as a
    consultant Community manager and free
    Ambassador um so now the other panelists
    will be able to join us uh we will do
    this segment in a different manner both
    speakers have agreed to present the
    subject of you’re choosing and um so
    after each Exposition will open up to
    questions and um it should be around 20
    minutes each so uh first off is Gabriel
    who will talk about arbitration
    procedures to plug into existing legal
    system systems and um the creation of of
    new legal systems that just replaces
    Legacy Justice systems onchain and um
    well of course intervene if he wants to
    and and vice versa when it’s his turn so
    Gabriel you have the virtual form cool
    um yeah so I’ll just preview I do this
    on kind of short notice so I don’t have
    um like slides or anything and this is
    also a topic that I haven’t really um
    written about uh uh per se but I have
    kind of recently started um like
    tweeting about a bit and trying to
    research some solutions for um and I’m
    just gonna share my screen here to show
    you a few things so there’s kind of like
    kind of like a few things um that I’d
    like to maybe try to convince you of or
    like yeah just like get you get everyone
    to start thinking about right one is
    that like um I think that we well so so
    we’ve had some uh like Crypton native
    dispute resolution
    mechanisms um the most famous one is
    claros and then there was a similar one
    called Aragon court right and um like
    the way that they worked basically is
    like a bit like futury um basically like
    you would get like their token right and
    then um you’re selected if you if you
    stake the token then if there’s some
    kind of dispute uh that this system is
    supposed to decide then you have some
    like like stake weighted probability of
    getting selected as a quote unquote
    juror in the case and then there’s
    basically like like a betting mechanism
    right um so it’s it’s again it’s sort of
    like futarchy you know you’re gonna get
    the facts of the case and then you’re
    going to decide how to vote and
    basically if you vote with the
    majority uh then you you get money and
    if you if you vote against the majority
    then you lose money right um and so like
    you know this has some appeal like guess
    because maybe not everyone can afford
    like like true legal arbitrators like
    like jams or you know these different
    kind of like you know traditional
    arbitration systems but on the other
    hand it’s like very even though it’s
    called a court it’s like massively
    different you know from what what most
    people want out of a court and in fact
    it works almost the exact opposite way
    right like if you you know watch the SF
    trial or these recent criminal trials
    like the Obi Eisenberg trial you know
    number one it’s not just a jury
    right there’s also a judge uh and the
    judge is kind of like referee you know
    trying to make sure that the jury only
    gets relevant information it gets it in
    like a neutral way and trying to make
    sure that the jurors are like unbiased
    people and things like that right and
    and if any given if even a single one of
    the jurors doesn’t agree that the person
    is guilty then then the person is not
    guilty right the person has quitted um
    here it works like the so so there’s no
    kind of incentive like there’s no kind
    of like incentive to just like side with
    the majority as such or could group
    think in fact quite the opposite any
    person who’s outside the group sort of
    has like disproportionate power because
    they basically get to decide the case
    right here you know this type of like
    system um you know actually like all
    your incentive is just to like guess
    what everyone else is going to do and
    and agree with them regardless of the
    actual merits of the case right so so
    and there’s no judge right and there’s
    no law really there’s nothing saying hey
    you you know you basically you just get
    a set of facts and you have to come up
    with an answer of what you think will
    happen from them but there nothing
    there’s nothing saying oh this this
    prior case was decided this way this is
    the rule and you must decide in
    accordance with the rules so even though
    we have some experiments on these things
    I would like this is like a crypto
    dispute resolution system um I would
    definitely say that like this is not a
    satisfactory solution compared to like
    what most people want out of like a
    legal system and we could do better
    right so that’s one like sort of thought
    I’ll put in your head like the next
    thought I’ll put in your head is that
    there are many many disputes that are
    like very specific to the crypto
    contexts um that need like credible
    neutral decision making like basically
    need adjudication right um and I can
    give some examples of these right so
    like one is like Maker’s black Thursday
    um like liquidation uh back in 2020
    where like I don’t have time to explain
    it all you can look up a bunch of things
    about it but basically like tons of um
    maker Dow CDP holders had their e in the
    system liquidated for essentially zero
    dollars uh because like the liquidation
    Bots were designed kind of poorly and
    ethereum was highly highly congested and
    they they basically lost like $8.5
    million as a result of that and maker
    incurred bad debt because of that um and
    you can see in this news story which is
    from June 2023 so over three years later
    um there was a legal settlement with
    these people in a normal court of law
    for one 1.1 you know $1.2 million
    basically right from one of the maker
    Dow entities one of the legal entities
    asso out so you know those people still
    incurred you know an over $7 million
    loss not to mention the opportunity cost
    of you know having to litigate this in
    court system um you know for over three
    years so um like this is seems like a
    pretty uh like unfair result right and
    you know I’m not saying that necessarily
    maker out people did something wrong but
    um like this is something that I think
    people would want to know the rules for
    in advance like what what you know if I
    get unfairly liquidated um like am I
    going to have like how is it going to be
    decided whether I get any money back who
    is that money going to come from and how
    am I going to get it right just these
    basic types of things um the uh another
    one are some recent you know quote
    unquote defi hacks right one is the
    Platypus D defat xplay and another one
    which I which I didn’t actually pull up
    the story for is the AI Eisenberg mango
    one and these are two um like very
    similar events basically um in both of
    these events uh someone kind of you know
    they didn’t hack the system there was no
    traditional like hacking of a password
    or stealing of data or anything like
    that so it actually doesn’t fit under
    hacking statutes and and but basically
    what what both these quotequote
    attackers did is they they just used the
    system in a surprising way you know a
    quote unquote economic attack and as a
    result of that you know the trades that
    they were able to do on the system um
    they left the system with a bunch of bad
    debt and and they made a lot of money
    and both of them ended up returning a
    bunch of that money and keeping like I
    don’t know 10 to 20% something like that
    really um maybe
    30% so in one of these cases under
    French law the you know the attacker was
    acquitted in the AI Eisenberg case you
    know obviously he’s going to prison
    right and so again I’m not saying either
    result is wrong or right but I kind of
    feel like as a crypto Community you know
    we should have our own opinion is this
    wrong or right and what should the
    punish be and if we just rely on going
    to actual nation state courts we we’re
    going to get very very inconsistent
    answers to these questions so there’s
    probably a pretty good reason um why we
    would want to have our our own native
    crypto native uh answer to this sort of
    thing as well as perhaps a way of like
    actually recovering the money as opposed
    to just like sending some we another
    example is coinbase earned $1 million in
    quote unquote Mev uh from the curve
    Finance hack
    and when it was asked to give all
    portion of that back to the victims of
    the hack it said f no we just get to
    keep this right but it is one of the
    biggest uh earnings of a validator um
    you know for a single single block in
    history you know and it was a
    mass windfall to them because the hacker
    you know Bri them to the attacker ESS
    Bri them to process the attack now in
    like normal um like courts and stuff
    like that we have Notions of unjust
    enrichment and other things um and again
    and Ed some like systems uh we have ways
    of like socializing that and things like
    that or some ecosystems I’ve talked
    about socially slashing validators who
    get like unfair Mev um so again not
    saying anyone is wrong or right but
    don’t you think that crypto should have
    an opinion and a method of adjudicating
    the issue of whether or not it is fair
    for coinbase to keep all this money when
    you know if it were the white hat
    himself he’s probably giving you know 80
    to 90% of the money back um and and
    doing the rest as a white hat um
    coinbase is keeping 100% um and yet kind
    of like another example is Juno Juno’s
    airr drop proposition the notorious
    proposition 16 where basically they just
    decided that you know someone had broke
    in some soft social rules around how
    they should have earned the airdrop and
    they just
    confiscated you know essentially
    confiscated their tokens um you know
    through a governance proposal and you
    know this is like um sort of like I
    would say a conflict of interests like
    the equivalent of this in court would be
    um if you took all the victims of the
    mango hack and made them the jury in the
    trial and said you know if ob’s guilty
    you know then you get $60 million back
    right um because it’s literally the
    other validators and to Holders decided
    whether to do this slashing and
    obviously if do the slashing then like
    the supplies diminish and all these
    people are richer right again it’s just
    not really like what is um like ideal
    for a justice system so um those are all
    just to put like thoughts in your head
    uh and then what I’ll quickly say is
    like give you another context where this
    is coming up and and this relates to the
    hack but basically Circle uh based on
    this academic paper has come up with uh
    two token protocols for reversible
    transactions on ethereum and the way
    that these would work is basically every
    time you do a token
    transfer you know there’s going to be
    basically some period where um it’s in
    doubt whether that token transfer is
    actually going to be found if you can
    dispute it afterwards uh and the reason
    you might disputed is maybe you sent the
    transaction by mistake or maybe the the
    transaction was done by a hack or as a
    back and basically it’s stolen money so
    basically the way this would work is
    that transactions wouldn’t actually
    become final till like 45 days or
    something like that right in the
    meantime this reversible token could
    trade and it would probably trade it
    like some kind of discount to the FL
    emotional value because people were
    pricing the risk that maybe it’s Sten or
    something and it could get reversed
    right um but but if indeed you do within
    that 45 days you know do a transaction
    on chain to contest the dispute right
    then basically the underlying money gets
    frozen the the Arco can also get Frozen
    and then it says a quum of Judges is
    randomly selected from a pool of judges
    to decide um what’s what’s going to
    happen in this case so this is like
    basically like a protocol that that
    Circle sounds like Circle may be
    considering implementing for at least
    for usdc where you would need um like
    crypto native at least dispute
    resolution right so um so so that’s all
    kind of so this just kind of like shows
    I think like the needs for these things
    but you know what I would say though is
    that like current law is like actually
    um like not super good it will be
    inconsistent um as applied to crypto as
    you see from like the difference between
    platypus and mango um and so like what
    we should really do here is go beyond
    just a dispute resolution system where
    you just pick some people and you know
    they just decide something or maybe you
    go to like real world court and get them
    to decide instead I think just like you
    know Bitcoin is like nation state
    independent money and ethereum is kind
    of like nation state independent compute
    or nation state independent um Finance
    um we should try to have nation state
    independent law um and so like you know
    I don’t know exactly the way to do that
    I have some ideas um but like the basic
    thing I would sort of like submit to you
    is is that we need that and and it’s not
    something like CL where you’re just like
    betting on things it should be like a
    evaluation um that that has legitimacy
    to it you know and it has consistency to
    it right and and then we can
    utilize like our onchain powers of um
    sort of like you know programmatic um
    like money use
    to to like enforce these things much
    better than Court scan right because
    like even if you win a court case you’re
    going to run around and like then try to
    like get other local courts to like
    seize a person’s assets and like auction
    off and stuff um if we have our own
    legal system we won’t need to do that
    right uh we can just basically have like
    a lean on everyone’s assets and have
    this like like justice system that can
    just like automatically deduct the
    damages right um and and that’s a scary
    thought but again if we design it in a
    way we is good to process uh it could be
    just as good if not better than the
    traditional legal system so that’s the
    idea we we are working on that as kind
    of like um like a phase two or phase
    three of metalx um where like once we
    build all these cybernetic entities and
    stuff I think we can connect them up
    into Arrangements where they all
    basically agree that some legal system
    applies to them and and opting to this
    and then there can be like competing
    legal systems and things like that and
    we’ll see like which rules are actually
    best and kind of like really get away
    from this idea that if something bad
    happens on chain we go and run to like
    an actual Court uh in some particular
    nation state so that’s it I’ll end it
    there but um yeah these are the things
    I’m thinking about and I think you
    should think about them too and maybe
    we’ll come up with some
    stuff thank you Gabriel I’ll open up to
    questions right now are there any
    there’s an international Court of
    arbitration is there a reason that you
    think that’s
    insufficient uh say again I couldn’t
    hear very well there are international
    courts of arbitration uh and there’s the
    International Community of Arbiters uh
    you know what do you think is
    insufficient for
    that yeah I mean ultimately um the those
    are dependent on the nation state legal
    systems still right um like in order you
    can get a result from those arbitration
    uh systems that a court will enforce as
    a final judgment right but you still
    then have to go use traditional nation
    state techniques to try to enforce that
    um most of those techniques are based
    essentially on coercion at the end of
    the day based on like military force um
    you know uh um or you know like the
    threat of bodily imprisonment and things
    like that and so what I hope is that you
    can get a less coercive more
    voluntaristic more free market legal
    system um through this um and then also
    I just think if you actually look at how
    the real world law has under how well it
    has understood crypto systems and their
    goals to date they have not understood a
    very well today they just kind of look
    at things in a very meat-headed way and
    apply kind of a boomer mentality so we
    also just kind of I think need our own
    rules about what we think is supposed to
    happen and we don’t have to be bound by
    the whole you know history of
    traditional me space legal disputes in
    in defining
    that thank you any other
    questions Mr Alex thank you Gabriel
    hello hey can you hear
    me yes I hear you oh okay got you okay
    so so Gabe the question is is is the
    solution just simply like uh you have
    each member of the Dow or the network
    City you assign a term to service that
    says for all purposes related to the Dow
    you follow the substance of the Law
    whatever you want maybe I don’t know if
    you’re familiar with ulx but is an open
    source legal system based on the
    statements of common law and other uh
    template based laws and then you have uh
    the choice of venue be the arbitration
    Center set at the Dow and then just to
    make sure you have interoperability you
    try to form a network of dows that try
    to recognize each other’s decisions is
    that essentially all that’s necessary I
    think the only open problem there is
    confiscation and that’s what’s helpful
    about the courts because even the case
    of arbitration ultimately um if there’s
    any appeal has to be held in in a court
    and also if you want to get the gains
    from them that they don’t want to
    voluntarily give you have to go through
    legal system in order for them to
    actually seiz those
    assets so yeah I guess it’s a question
    and also you know how do we address that
    problem as
    well um for some reason it’s very hard
    to hear you the something with the sound
    quality um so so I didn’t fully catch
    that it’s but the the gist
    sounded um
    certainly uh yeah like like something
    that could work um I I personally would
    like to see some some some of the claros
    flavor brought a little bit more into
    these things as well combining the best
    of kind of um like law with actual
    mechanisms so like like an example of
    that you know just if you think about
    this this this this circle this circle
    usdc reversibility proposal type of
    thing is you could imagine you know
    there would be like a market in these in
    these R tokens right and so actually
    people are going to you know start
    pricing what they think the outcome of
    these dispute is right so you know some
    some kind of there’s a lot of cool
    things you could do with that feeding
    into a justice system um for example you
    could say okay well if the result that
    the court reached is like within three
    standard deviations of what would have
    been predicted uh based on like the the
    market differential between like the
    full price of the assets and the r token
    um then it’s not appealable it’s a final
    judgment but if it’s more than three
    standard deviations then it is
    appealable um and my guess is yeah again
    I’m going to be thinking more about like
    mechanisms and talking to like smart you
    know Game Theory guys but my guess is
    it’s kind of like Greenfield to to play
    with some of these things and really get
    some some interesting novel mechanisms
    place yeah I don’t have B people with my
    questions all right any other questions
    else all right I think no more questions
    here we have a question sorry we have a
    question I’ve been hesitating because
    communication has been uh problematic
    um how do we maintain the acquired gains
    because we spoke uh earlier about the
    acquired gains in the con like in the
    context of like like like historical
    development of Law and how important
    those are for for for human rights for
    property rights Etc how do we maintain
    that under these novel systems that seem
    very um probabilistic and like
    oriented yeah I think I mean I think
    that’s that’s kind of the question right
    I think you have to um it has to evolve
    over time and you could actually I think
    as maybe the the previous query may have
    suggested you could you could pick and
    choose sort of like the the best of
    different parts of legal systems around
    the world and kind of like incorporate
    them by reference um into your your new
    thepoke legal system and then you you
    know then you basically have to you know
    you have to have an appeal system in
    place right and you have to incentivize
    people to get the right answer and that
    if they reach the the wrong answer as
    decided by an appeals court you know
    that that either their their reputation
    suffers or their money suffers in some
    way and then over time you hope that you
    kind of you kind of build on top of that
    so I think like it would it would look
    sort of like that um again haven’t you
    know I I definitely haven’t thought out
    everything like this and don’t have like
    like an actual proposal like what such a
    system should be but I’m more just kind
    of like see the need for it and I think
    it’s like like a space that people
    should be hacking on much more
    all right thank you so much anyone else
    have any other
    no okay no more questions on on this
    side thank you okay so Alex you have the
    floor Alex subject is um about access to
    Justice why it’s important and why the C
    can lead the
    this Alex you’re muted
    okay I think he might be currently
    startling with the
    internet yes
    hopefully everyone can hear
    now yes we can hear you
    can someone confirm they can hear me yes
    we can hear you can you hear
    us can you hear us we can hear
    you yes I hear
    you all right so today I’ll be talking
    about freedom of Association as a
    supplementary justice
    system so who am I I’m alexori for those
    that don’t know me I work for morizon
    Real Estate developer I’m a free cities
    Ambassador and the consultant I’ve
    helped a lot of businesses open up in
    zis including Min Mars solar farms and
    some crypto companies and I’m one of the
    few people that live in ATI something
    I’m very proud
    about so legal systems as most of you
    know are very important for human
    Prosperity having predictable dispute
    resolution is essential for investment
    trade and innovation
    it also promotes stability and fairness
    which is essential for good social
    functioning we need people to believe
    that Society is just and fair if you
    want them to engage in it not
    surprisingly there’s a strong
    correlation with rule of law and human
    Prosperity as you can see in this chart
    right here property rights lack of
    corruption rule of law are all very
    strongly correlated with economic
    success and likely many non-economic
    sucess factors as
    well but legal systems are not without
    their downsides some of the most common
    critiques are they’re very complex and
    inaccessible your average person in a
    jurisdiction is not able to navigate the
    legal system without assistance and
    hiring such assistance can be very
    expensive especially in increasingly
    specialized legal field as we see
    today it’s also often a l and costly
    process to get Justice many cases are
    not resolved for years and all of this
    time has a cost both in monetary terms
    and in resolving the dispute itself
    there’s also potential for bias and
    inefficiency the impartial legal system
    is a very controversial idea does it
    exist anywhere can it exist these are
    all questions that lawyers and legal
    Engineers frequently
    discussed but the zes have made a lot of
    progress in all these
    areas the default in morizon and
    prosperetti is to use arbitration and
    the arbitration is fast affordable and
    accessible in both zes it can be as low
    as around
    $50 the laws are generally easy to read
    inside the zetes and resolutions can be
    quick I’ve seen firsthand arbitration
    cases in morison zti being completed in
    a matter of days and the cost is just
    $50 prospera also has arbitration as
    cheap as $50 and their arbitration
    centers very sophisticated allows for
    internationally binding arbitrations
    potentially as
    well uh Prosper also has a really cool
    Innovation that was discussed a few
    times today about how you can pick your
    own regulatory
    system this is very interesting
    Innovation because it allows people to
    use systems that they’re more familiar
    with or that are just a better fit for
    their industry or what they’re trying to
    do but the rest of my presentation I’ll
    be mainly focusing on the idea of
    freedom of
    Association and its ability to
    supplement the justice
    system so there’s a model called the
    entrepreneurial Community model in which
    a single landlord owns and operates a
    community an example might be a shopping
    mall or Resort these were the the best
    quasia entcom that existed before
    morison zetti which is now an aspiring
    City that operates with this single L
    unon model this model has a number of
    advantages and also disadvantages but
    the the greatest is its ability to
    resolve disputes
    so we’ll give you some context on c.
    which is the most advanced entom
    in the world it’s located in chalom
    Honduras which is the industrial Capital
    it’s the third biggest city in the
    country the target market is working to
    middle class endurance and the
    businesses that employ them and the
    value proposition is you can have world
    class safety and quality of life and
    affordable price that’s what the the
    renderings on the right show the the
    vision this could be a European city or
    an American American cities usually
    aren’t this walkable but theoretically
    could be a first world city for the
    residents and the businesses should have
    very competitive economics business
    environment and taxes and core to this
    is the dispute resolution
    supplement in addition to the
    arbitration Center morison’s developer
    you free move Association to resolve
    disputes so I’ll give you some examples
    that help illustrate this context
    because it’s a very different way to
    resolve disputes that one might
    encounter so imagine here are some
    hypothetical scenarios and we’ll discuss
    how they could be addressed in the
    entrepreneurial Community Freedom
    Association model versus AAL model so
    imagine that some gang member this is a
    real issue one Kors they joined your
    community and they’ve been there for a
    little while knowing knew who they were
    but it’s later discovered that they’re
    involved in a violent criminal game but
    there’s not necessarily proof that
    they’ve done some criminal activity but
    maybe there’s people going out in and
    out of their house uh they’re it’s what
    are they doing they may be up to no good
    but you don’t have any proof that
    they’re doing something but the
    community is concerned they say This
    Guy’s in the gang I’ve seen him uh I
    know he’s a bad guy but I don’t have any
    legal proof he doesn’t have a criminal
    record well in the entrepreneurial
    Community you could use freedom of
    Association the landlord could say
    excuse me uh people have said that you
    may be in a bot gang we don’t want to
    associate with bot gang members uh can
    you speak to this allegation and the
    person can say uh yes or no or somewhere
    in between there can be some uh due
    diligence conducted But ultimately if
    it’s uh determined that this guy is in a
    a violent criminal gang and thus is not
    a good fit for the community the
    landlord can decide to not REM the
    lease whereas in traditional model
    person house very difficult to remove
    them unless you can find them engage in
    some kind of criminal
    wrongdoing and so there’s less uh
    flexibility there same thing if
    someone’s being mean to kids at the park
    the the Trope of the the grumpy old man
    or lady who’s yelling at the kids so
    because they’re having too much fun and
    they’re old and bitter this type of
    person can create a lot of conflict in
    the community and be unliked but usually
    there’s little you can do if they bought
    their house then they’re there so by in
    the entrepreneurial Community model you
    can say look children are important part
    of our Community Values if they’re
    really being excessively loud or
    burdensome let us know but in general we
    want to be supportive of kids playing we
    think it’s important for the society and
    culture we fostering so if you don’t
    stop yelling at the kids scaring them
    then we’re not going to be your
    lease same thing if someone is bothering
    people maybe they whistling at ladies
    they’re doing things that are uh
    obnoxious and disruptive but are not
    strictly illegal you can again leverage
    this freedom of Association
    model but this is not just limited to
    residential cases it can also be used in
    the commercial context so say a
    restaurant wants to
    open many have to get all kinds of heal
    certifications and codes and inspections
    in this type of dispute resolution
    system you can take a very permissive
    approach and say the restaurant can open
    and we are going to speak to them if
    there’s a problem so if there’s lots of
    complaints about people getting sick
    then we will talk to the restaurant to
    say look we don’t want people getting
    sick in the community people are saying
    they ate your food and got sick what do
    you have to say about this and if they
    say that we don’t care they they have
    weak stomachs you know we’re going to do
    what we want then you can decide not to
    remove their their
    lease same thing if someone wants to
    provide a service they don’t have to go
    through a complex licensing regime
    necessarily they could begin providing
    the services and if they start to harm
    people whether it’s approvable harm or
    suspected harm then again someone can
    approach them and leverage freedom of
    Association to decide if they’re a good
    fit the same thing can apply to uh more
    civil cases I’ve personally experienced
    this and in the case of loans I’ve given
    some personal loans to people inside
    morison CTI and one of the biggest
    things that encourages people to pay
    back is the risk of being uh not having
    their lease renewed if they’re deemed to
    be a willing deadbe so if they had the
    money to pay back but they’ rather spend
    it partying than on paying their debts
    than the landlord they say we don’t want
    to have these type of people in the
    community and so we’re not going to
    renew the lease because we know this guy
    is purposely not paying his debt it’s
    not as a result of hardship but just he
    would rather enjoy the his life and not
    his honor
    obligations so this can lead to a
    different type of contract
    enforcement in which people their
    incentives are to be part of a network
    whether it’s a city or could be some
    kind of digital Network they should
    follow the rules and otherwise risk
    being banned and this is an alternative
    justice system that is a lot more simple
    and a lot more efficient in many
    ways however it’s not without its
    tradeoffs the advantage of speed it’s
    when you have this potential of this
    Association as a deterrent to provide in
    order to provide Justice you can move
    quickly and you can deal with nuisances
    and conflicts you also create a pretty
    cool game theory where the people
    interacting in your ecosystem they’re
    incentivized to behave well to get
    continued Association not just to behave
    legally but to behave well often you can
    engage in behavior that is legal but
    somewhat reprehensible and this kind of
    freedom of Association
    model or supplemental model you can
    punish people who
    behave legally but in a undesirable
    manner however the downside is there’s
    not as much predictability the nice
    thing about regulations even though it
    can result in getting complex is you can
    have much more predictable outcomes
    because they can Define all number of
    cases and how things should work and
    operate and you can have a precedent
    incorporated into the law itself there’s
    also the it being novel and compatible
    if you’re financial institution is
    licensed under this model of freedom of
    Association where you’re free to operate
    until you do something problematic and
    then your your bank lease won’t be
    renewed and effectively shuts down your
    bank uh this isn’t very good for getting
    reciprocity with other Banks they want
    to know who your regulator is and stuff
    like that in which case the Prosper
    legal model is much better fit
    so I can take any questions that people
    have on this freedom of Association as a
    tool to supplement a justice
    system and how it can apply to the zetes
    or we
    right have you thought uh about how you
    could implement this in uh smart
    contracts the um yeah web three piping
    for freedom of Association I know you
    mentioned before about how the Internet
    Protocol you see that
    as a a precursor to this uh so yes
    you’re wonder if you can next down on on
    area yeah be very uh blockchain specific
    but I think you’re kind of starting to
    see it already with us sanctioning
    regimes as the US government makes
    extreme penalties for not complying with
    its sanctioning regimes various
    blockchains exchanges and other parties
    are being forced to figure out how to
    address these
    issues so personally I don’t have the uh
    knowledge to determine what’s the best
    way to Implement freedom of Association
    in the context of a a specific
    blockchain but I think you’re going to
    start seeing this naturally emerge as
    some validators knows and other core
    pipe ways in the crypto ecosystem are
    either forced or willingly decide to
    comply with various sanction regimes and
    other government
    regulations and I would also note this
    might not be good for the decentralized
    permissionless version of crypto there
    might be a conflict here between the
    idea of free association as enforcement
    and permissionless internet
    money yeah thank you Alex um one
    question I have is um how this tends to
    work in morison right now is that um for
    lack of word I mean this in the best
    possible way masimo is kind of acting as
    like a benevolent dictator and the
    community is small enough that he’s able
    to know all the individuals and know all
    the cases but perhaps that’s not exactly
    a scalable model even when Mor zon
    becomes larger but in the web 3 context
    it’s kind of the point of web3 not to
    have a dictator and the other
    alternative would be the community
    members would be sort of the ones that
    would be enforcing um the the removal of
    Association in that case that could tend
    to evolve into some witch hunts that you
    could have community members actively go
    after a gang up against other community
    members and that could lead to some
    negative externalities how could you
    avoid that model uh with the
    system okay so I think there’s two
    questions one is
    the freedom of Association done by
    dictators versus the community and then
    the potential for witch hunts so I’d say
    in the case of morizon masmo doesn’t
    know most residents and he wouldn’t
    really be the one to necessarily make
    these decisions there’s a weekly
    meetings where issues are discussed by
    the the morizon team and then regular
    forums where issues are discussed by the
    community so it’s uh more of a communal
    already and I think that tends to work
    pretty well the the people who are
    you’re talking about uh scalability of
    the firm question essentially the the
    knowledge question and that the people
    closest to the problem will have the
    best knowledge and we don’t know how
    scalable this will be that that remains
    to be seen but uh yeah I think that’s
    the best answer is it remains to be seen
    so far it’s scaled for The Witch Hunt
    aspect of it
    um you have to like freedom of
    Association allows for witch hunts it’s
    it’s kind of your right to associate or
    not associate with anyone for any reason
    what likely will happen is Association
    bodies and uh protocols standards will
    develop to try to make the association
    system as Fair as possible and people
    will want to use the regimes that are as
    Fair as possible to bring it to a maybe
    simpler context for many if one landlord
    isting people out because they did
    something didn’t like they looked at his
    wife he just kicks him out for that pett
    reasons it’ll be difficult for him to
    get residence because he’ll be known as
    a a petty T same thing will probably
    happen in the case of web 3 if you have
    some kind of Dow based freedom of
    Association where people are voting
    kicking people out if it’s known that a
    given Community is very hostile to a
    certain Behavior or person or individual
    or is just capricious or unreliable then
    the market will reward or punish them
    accordingly I think in the current
    environment the being prone to Witch
    Hunt may be very desirable for many
    people and they may like that kind of
    chain or or solution or Association
    and then there may be other associations
    and chains and groups that are much more
    strict in their criteria for this
    Association or
    Association okay um we’re about to run
    out of time so we can just have one more
    question thank you my colleagues hate me
    when I say this let’s talk about dispute
    prevention instead of dispute solution
    you yeah well and I think the freedom of
    Association model is very good for
    prevention if you know that
    you if you’re deemed to be disruptive to
    the community people will disassociate
    with you you’re more likely to behave I
    can give an example personal example I’m
    very interested in free speech I’ve
    heard that prosperous Free Speech rights
    are comparable to that of the United
    States United States has very strong
    Free Speech protections you’re able to
    do controversial things you could do an
    art exhibit where you fly a Nazi flag
    and a Jewish flag right next to each
    other and do that on your balcony or
    your front
    lawn that might create that’s likely to
    create a dispute or a nuisance to people
    but it’s probably legally protected
    speech and prosper I would think so if I
    were a prosper president I would
    probably test this out just as a matter
    of academic interest and see what the
    proms were in the case of morison with
    freedom of
    Association it is legally protected in
    morison as well likely to do such an Art
    Exhibit but it may create sufficient
    controversy that they say you know Alex
    your your speech is legally protected
    but we just don’t think you’re a good
    fit for the community and thus my
    behavior is constrained because I want
    to avoid getting into this potential
    disassociation range even though I may
    have the the law on my side so I found
    that being in a community where this
    Association is part of justice system
    forces me to anticipate the the needs
    and wants of my neighbors and those who
    make this associate with me as opposed
    to just understanding what’s legal and
    not caring about whether or not people
    happy all right um thank you so much for
    our wonderful speakers um if can give
    him a round of
    applause um I think we’re going to move
    on to the next um the next
    topic thank you everyone I like to thank
    Alex and Gabriel and um see you soon
    you thank you bye thank
    you okay
    so all right thank you so much so we’re
    going to move on to use of legal rappers
    for Dow uh so we have Alice charm Kyle
    Smith and Bren Brendon Meer uh to come
    on stage uh so I’m gonna have uh Tails
    supporting me with bringing some of the
    bean Banks and also Kara and I’ll give
    you a bit of introduction of our
    speakers so I’m going to start talking
    about Ali’s charm
    member of the legal team of Market da
    sces pursuing the mission for
    sustainably growing the Mak protocol
    modes by removing barriers between
    centralized Workforce capital and work
    also serves as a legal researcher and
    operations member of Lex Punk Army
    researching co-writing and editing legal
    contact for crypto Community Alice has a
    robust academic background including a
    doctor of law from rooklyn law school
    alongs sign studies in international
    economics that was Letta hope I
    pronouncing that correctly University
    wer University yeah wer University so if
    you give a round of applause
    welcome and here we have Kyle is a legal
    engineering expert from exim partner and
    contributing member of lexow a
    pioneering decentralized autonomous
    Organization for jurists lawyers and
    legal Engineers harnessing the potential
    of web 3 for legal settlements prior to
    his impactful roles in the blockchain
    illegal tax base how co-founded c3b and
    besta P showcasing his entrepreneurial
    spirit and Innovative mindset holding a
    doctor of law from Western University K
    combines his deep legal expertise with a
    Forward Thinking approach to regard
    transformative change at the
    intersection of Law and Technology
    Kyle and then we have at the
    end Brandon Meer as a computer scientist
    also componential La Legal hacker
    futurist at distinguished MIT media lab
    alumnos of 98 one of the first 150
    people in the world creating virtual
    reality director and member of the
    original Boston Virtual Reality Group
    Brandon is also a member of the Wyoming
    blockchain working groups for detal
    identity act registered digal assets the
    D supplement Act and the why Duna act so
    welcome and Le this day for you
    are we good okay I you to
    sure context is everything at this point
    in time we are about to can everybody
    hear me at this point in time we are
    about to have a revolution in way
    and I will illustrate a small little
    example about this so Sabrina is a 12th
    grade girl who has a science great
    thanks that helps a lot Sabrina is a uh
    12th grader who has a science experiment
    given to a teacher who says go off and
    solve a really hard problem like cancer
    so she opens up the web web browser she
    spins up a artificial intelligence agent
    who writes for her after having control
    through all of this data a small little
    protocol a tiny little protocol which is
    Ain to what we understand to be a few
    thousand bites just like email right
    smpp P
    right but she does this not as a thin
    protocol like eail as a fat protocol
    one where value is
    captured and it’s captured
    into her
    organization and that organization is a
    doer so this is what we’re talking about
    here we’re talking about new models of
    working new models of organizations
    forming and more importantly Loosely
    collaborating to solve very large
    challenges that can’t be done by one
    institution or engineering one company
    at a time Loosely be coup ecosystem of
    emergent entities that are Loosely
    collaborating to solve brand challenges
    and when we figure this out and we’re
    close we will change the way the world
    operates I’m 100% certain
    together I I know that you’ve got
    something to say about legal ra but I
    guess from our context is like you found
    kind of as as a legal structure overing
    right now right yeah and it’s it’s
    really cool it’s been back by6 it’s like
    the the premier legal structure for for
    DS legal rapper for Dallas in the United
    States right now um help
    about uh well let’s maybe first uh
    because that’s a different pattern so
    maybe let’s get a little more detailed
    on the rappers so yeah so there’s Duna
    is one one rapper option what rappers
    does maker use does maker use any rapper
    maker apparently does not
    use yeah
    so it’s on the
    table yeah I I mean so so that was a big
    controversy and and first time how a
    foundation moved away from it I’m
    working with audience I’m working with
    Powerhouse which is a the former
    sustainability for unit of maker we’re
    designing a model for the maker team
    possibly use to exit a more
    decentralized infrastructural
    ecosystem uh and we wouldn’t be
    reverting that to a foundation this case
    but we’re currently here
    scope model um this is because and and I
    think this
    is this is what I’m up on the stage talk
    about uh my under my working theory for
    Dows is is
    that those amazing good PA structures
    that have finally being made for uh for
    for D these days like longw makers are
    finally starting to to get created and
    and they start to heed uh voices from
    the industry but um there’s never going
    to be oneid that we we really do have to
    uh resist the urge to lemon
    and anyone structure because
    that although they have very
    R legal definitions these days as they
    in the real world are social books and I
    use case like just presented Ron can
    absolutely exist thousand one we could
    build a
    catalog cases with that but the one
    Trend that we most likely noticed among
    them is that not one use cases is going
    to be the exact same as another which
    means that at the very least you’re
    going to have a set of models that are
    going to work for for guys globally and
    uh because the decentralized and and on
    nature of of Cal culture and of these
    social groups I we’ really be remiss to
    say you the best way to do something is
    to only focus and and kind of get very
    direct fored into a singular
    jurisdiction but across the world a lot
    of jurisdictions are making themselves
    available with different advantages
    depending on what your go is
    that and and what the point
    your um so so when you say spoken wheel
    that means that you’re thinking of
    multiple entity types in your exactly
    yeah so that’s what we for and and and I
    we we have realized that
    because the the operational
    Loops that the maker is is going to be
    using uh are going to involve several
    different classes
    of Association not just among people but
    as well for example uh which would be
    Advantage the a separate from each other
    as nties and be uh in different
    structures entirity so it’s it’s like
    shoving everything into into one
    generalized entity is is s optimal even
    though it’s more meent and it’s it’s
    actually anti- decentralization so like
    not take full advantage of cheapening
    founding costs across the world and and
    then also again the the ability to to do
    a little Arbitrage here and there for
    purposes and so yeah so good one thing
    is is jurisdiction that’s one reason to
    have multiple entities and then another
    one that I’m personally seeing is uh
    there’s the traditional operations
    separated from funding uh yeah that’s
    been around for a bit but it it seems to
    be even more important in in the Dow
    space that has if if one’s Notting
    multiple rappers to do that especially
    uh for us funding in Latin
    America again that’s because
    jurisdiction but it’s also separation of
    concerns operations is yeah I think
    we’re happy to answer questions on that
    that’s you kind of a little bit into the
    weeds there uh what I am seeing emerging
    though is another U uh that employment
    is uh used to be in operations but there
    are third priority providers like opis
    uh that are taking um that are dealing
    with that employment issue and and
    that’s in part because of this
    underlying problem uh that have many
    many touch points uh that I think we’re
    reconciling um uh globally is that law
    has been built out um in a a where in in
    an environmental proximity matters quite
    a bit so jurisdictions are all based on
    on land and for the most part uh
    countries are contiguous um but now with
    the internet at least as far as The
    Human Experience is is nonlocal now so
    um we can talk to someone else halfway
    across the world um we”ll be doing it
    at this right um and and it’s real time
    for us so so that uh we that that’s the
    big reconciliation that’s happening in
    law and and one we have the phenomenons
    that’s emerging is is that employ and
    employment wrapper uh is seems to be
    more and more of a good idea if we’re
    doing um um separation of of concerns
    multiple um rappers uh type of solution
    uh so I guess Brandon I’m wondering what
    you think the impact of Duna is going to
    be I know we alluded before that a6z has
    quite a bit of this so what do you think
    the overall Market size is going to be a
    Duna because you know one thing I was
    thinking is that regardless of I
    personally want to have a Duna I do
    believe that a lot of the protocols I’ll
    be engaged with are going to be do this
    so it’s important to have a a sense of
    how to have inner data with them
    especially in this jurisdiction um and
    and do this with boming right now so
    having in out across nationally as well
    so if you can just speak a little bit to
    that well Kyle we’ll we’ll get into the
    details of that and the one word
    and to go with uh what Alice was saying
    Alice was saying earlier uh I 100% agree
    with the multi enth aspect of all this
    we’ll talk more about that I think in
    detail I do think it is important at
    this jure to you know give a little more
    background into you know the wrapping
    why wrapping and how do we get here
    right so there is there is a history to
    this way more way way more than I have
    to explain here but the short is that a
    small number of
    us on your hand were looking at how to
    Peg Dows to Legal jurisdictions back
    2017 from an opera operating
    um uh standpoint operating agreement and
    artif formation stand and the purpose of
    all that was because we clearly
    recognized that if you’re going to do
    anything of sign ific in the real world
    you’re going to have to contract right
    you’re going to have to contract you’re
    going to have to own things that are in
    the physical world and all these men
    so we end up speeding up the story a bit
    and arrived at not the Duna in Wyoming
    but we passed the first the digital
    identity right but we also passed
    the which was W’s first rapper which was
    tremendous and it will still serve a
    tremendous role in what’s to come I
    believe it has a different purpose and
    it hasn’t exactly taken off as it as it
    will because it doesn’t solve everything
    neither does the Duna but the Duna goes
    a wrong way and we’ll uh hear about that
    more in a minute but I don’t want to H
    um so so I I think what she what she
    touched on with the ter is is something
    that I I I I’ve seen in crypto culture
    taking for a lot where um you know you
    have the Cod saw crowd who who very much
    thinks that properly maintain
    anonymity is is going to act as a like a
    steel Shield against
    liability and we’ve we’ve had jum scares
    in the past that in in the Leal world
    have have been heavily disting towards
    that theory but more importantly it
    really is the better play to to like
    pick your Battlefield now um and
    also like you know the p is about legal
    rappers and and I think people don’t
    realize that just because you’re able to
    track just because you’re able to move
    throughout the world and do things that
    a legal entity is supposed to be able to
    do for you without the legal entity I I
    think there’s a huge disconnect in
    people’s brains because of this lore of
    anonymity where they’re like well we’re
    able to do it anyway that must mean
    we’re safe no they be like all of this
    liability is ATT is attaching directly
    to you and your your your Shield of
    anonymity is is a hindrance best to
    enforcement um mil Jen when we presented
    the Duna the learning special the
    collaboration um was he presented that
    so St and and I thought it was striking
    um because previously in il legal World
    there had been some entertainment of of
    like you know radical
    unchain being able to subvert legal
    consequence and and like that’s out the
    door now so um really really appreciate
    that we’re we’re bringing it forth and
    that you
    should inte strategy from from the
    beginning in projects and
    uh wrap your projects what would you
    say uh yeah um if you want to go deep
    dive on that that’s that YouTube Lexy
    looked up the username sty and you can
    deep dive on that discuss with
    yeah it is um so I this might be a good
    time to bring in the legal seal pattern
    so yeah rappers are a different pattern
    than a legal seal uh legal seals is a
    something we’re innovating at EXN as
    well as Lex uh so there hasn’t been that
    much documenting on it but but um stay
    tuned so I look at well there’s one way
    to look at the graphers one and that is
    that it’s the membrane of of a cell
    uh and and so it it has to exclude
    things but also has to bring in
    nutrients and setion and that makes
    sense when we think about centralizing
    though that’s the point of a membrane
    it’s to it’s to completely encircle the
    cell you know which is definitely has
    its its value and lots of cells out
    there very successful and and so yeah so
    Leal rappers are part of overall
    landscape um but I also see that in
    general and it’s not just with legal
    rappers but it’s also
    property law but we are doing if I I
    look at the history of the common law
    what happened with Ritz uh when we
    finally kind of did away with rits where
    uh to access the king’s
    court when the needs of the people
    expanded to what these rits would allow
    lawyers have incredibly inventive to
    figure out how to take a a matter and um
    associate associated sufficiently with
    the RIT so the existing legal language
    Paradigm so that they could then move
    forward with litigation uh a not is that
    with in chancellory and Comm used to
    have two separate concurrent corent
    systems the Comm law and trans trans is
    um more based on Church law and and Comm
    is basic more King law and so yeah so
    chancell had had more opportunities so
    things like ports uh it built out
    because there’s you know what happening
    with the people de with it um um on a
    Case by casee basis so a lot of case law
    that that being a very um important part
    of pal law that that actually comes from
    the chancell uh so anyway um yeah so
    that that’s where I see the problem with
    with with rapers is so uh seals on the
    other hand especially if you look at
    privy seals the privy seals were
    predated intellectual property before
    the statute van uh in in England that
    the uh the crown would uh put a steel on
    so to sell te was a monopoly and there
    would be Crown seal and even to this day
    the crown still uh applies its its seal
    to really high quality uh T Brands and
    and such so um uh using seals and and
    and regular people can use seals as well
    uh but PR sales have that um special
    capacity it’s it’s very it’s still
    within the world of of signature
    economies and if you would like an MI in
    pen uh that we’ve got signature economy
    on there because it’s such an important
    part with What’s Happening Here on a on
    a really basic computational and and
    legal layer it’s this public private key
    PA and so we can even think of the
    private key as as a trade secret uh and
    so but that’s how we’re signing that
    that’s that we have that private so
    we’re the only ones that have control
    that through the trade secret right the
    Privacy that’s basically what we’re
    doing and so we if we’re using trade
    secret we want to show that we’re have a
    reasonable level of care that keep that
    secret etc etc thinking about um the
    speeds down the line uh but um yeah so
    so the difference between the signature
    if you sign a contract and if you do a
    wax and seal on a contract is there’s
    three parts to to to contract law and
    this is common law not not transfer so
    it’s very black better um uh live and
    die by the sword kind of thing and so it
    is or or you can think it as just very
    very pure logic s of law um which is why
    it’s really great for uh deterministic
    and and moving it into automation un
    block CH and when of smart contract and
    such so anyway so the three parts are um
    consensus add itm which means meeting in
    the mind so the two parties actually
    know what they’re both agreeing to um
    privity which means it’s just the
    parties that are agreeing to it there’s
    not a third party that has also been um
    has to fulfill its its uh obligations um
    and its
    promises um and and then the final one
    is consideration and so yeah that’s kind
    of the point smart contracts is they
    narrow down turning machines to also
    require High consideration and and so
    now we’ve got ethereum and all these
    other great systems of of um that’s how
    we’ve centralize that’s we incentivize
    these validations such is because we’re
    in consideration of we’re dealing with
    these um um writing when we’re doing
    executions on the smart contracts so any
    so that’s that’s really great and again
    that’s the Baseline how we made a trust
    lless system or system don’t need to
    deal with trust incredibly powerful and
    so what seals are though is they’re that
    that exception where
    usually common law does not want to
    enforce formalities and such but with
    seals if it does make an exception very
    specific formality and then we can do
    away with consideration and so now
    instead of a um bilateral relationship
    flow of of of resources we can then have
    a unilateral uh flow resources so uh
    that fills out a lot of the space that
    um we ar filling out right now because
    of that consideration requirement which
    again is really good the seal should be
    this extra kind of dance on top of a
    um public private key pair um
    attestation and again if we bring it to
    sovereignty areas like Prosper that can
    do privy steals but we have even more
    ability to to do some interesting stuff
    so on a more concrete level what does
    that mean related it to cells so let’s
    think of a a cow as as a rer and and the
    the seal is if
    you and so we can have different objects
    wrapped objects we just um put a seal on
    there we put a around some kind of Mark
    and then what we’re saying is we have an
    obligation on that so if that cow runs
    someone over well then we have to deal
    with that in we’re the owner of that cow
    also though the other side of that is
    because we’re take taking on that proper
    Duty uh we can then if somebody steals
    our head we can say hey look I know
    that’s M I can prove it it’s got It’s
    Got a Brand there so and the SE would
    exist completely un shap yeah yeah okay
    so so
    that’s I mean that’s that’s what I’m
    talking about though we’re going to have
    raer possibilities like the Duna but I
    I’m I’m here to advocate for you know
    stay Dynamic with your product work from
    what they’re doing and don’t just check
    a box because then you miss on on novel
    applications and possibilities in this
    space in this crypto space where I work
    and Sh here for biotch but I’m cry bra
    biotech projects could also take
    advantage of a group this I
    think do you have any thoughts on
    yapping I don’t think you’re yapping not
    at all and I I do think what Kyle was
    discussing is extraordinarily important
    and the thread that needs to be pulled
    upon much more um you know as as we go
    along in the future I think at this
    point it might be good to shed a little
    more light uh on on the Duna I think
    that would be uh useful right so the the
    Duna came about in Wyoming uh not by
    accident I was involved in it while it
    was in committee but it was put forth as
    was mentioned by uh mil Jing from a6z
    and David from
    cow see and it was an effort that
    took two and a half years and then Plus
    on to actually BR up through wyom it was
    no small effort the D in Duna means
    distributed right the UNA means Uno
    right the
    Duna is an una with a d it’s a it’s a
    stands for decentralized unincorporated
    Association and what it does is kind of
    a miracle from the United States
    perspective so the way to think about
    the Duna architecturally just broadly
    generally speaking is you have the Duna
    at the bottom and you have other
    entities that are separate from that in
    the ecosystem just as you do with
    Microsoft right Microsoft is built on
    uses and is built upon email as a
    protocol and charges all this money for
    their services such as Apple for crypted
    email etc etc and you know there’s a
    whole ecosystem which is built upon in
    that case a thin protocol here we’re
    talking about the D being a fat protocol
    but to give you a little bit more
    insight that’s what’s going on
    architecturally uh from an
    organizational standpoint but the Duna
    specifically is engineed to solve us
    with a combination of things which are
    related to taxes like abilities and
    securities and how it does this is is
    quite interesting so from the again I’m
    not a
    lawyer but the way it would work is the
    Duna as uh an entity from the tax
    perspective the purpose is to do
    something called decentralized or I
    should say progressive decentralization
    right the problem we have in a lot of
    these things from the United States
    perspective regarding security is that
    the SEC calls everything to security
    right because of the how test
    and entities that are BS you know making
    things so the problem
    with creating these protocols is that
    initially they’re always centralized
    they’re created by a few number of
    developers and getting to that point of
    decentralization is the goal but how do
    you do that right so with the Duda from
    a tax perspective it’s really
    interesting and that would be along
    these lines so the duno would actually
    have Nexus or jurisdiction in this case
    in Wyoming it would be pegged to Wyoming
    to pay taxes at the federal level
    because it can elect to be taxed as a
    corporation at the federal level
    and that does some amazing things
    because it is at that point not being or
    not taxed as a LLC so therefore you
    don’t have to deal with the issues of K1
    forms for members who you have no idea
    who they are because they don’t have an
    identity because they have a blockchain
    address which is just some Anonymous
    person right how do you send the K1 form
    to somebody who you don’t even know who
    they are so that problem is solved by
    the do un to the
    corporation um the liability
    side there’s an explicit
    part of the statute which says that the
    Duna May hold real property but real
    property is in ter in terms of you know
    houses cars trucks uh lab space right
    that’s where we’re all interested in
    here and that act of having Thea be able
    to hold real
    property is part of what makes it along
    with the aspect that it would get its
    own file number from the secretary of
    state A distinct entity and because it’s
    a distinct entity from its
    members that helps with the liability
    part because the whole problem we have
    with Dows is that in the United States
    if you do anything with one or person
    then you’re
    automatically in a joint venture and the
    liability is spread around
    everybody so because the Duna is its own
    legal thing that helps mitigate that
    risk and then we come to our favorite
    topic which is
    Securities right and how is that solved
    and how is that mitigated and it’s
    mitigated by the aspect that the do
    itself has to has to have 100 more 100
    or more
    members so right off the bat it is much
    more decentralized because you can’t
    have few
    members but there’s other things that
    are really really significant thing it
    also cannot have directors or a
    board so there’s no centralization
    because there are no directors calling
    the shots or board members but there
    are administrators administrators to do
    really really important things like file
    taxes you know from the US perspective
    and and that’s no small matter right why
    did this originate from a 16 Z because
    they realized that if they were
    investing all this money in these Dows
    which are all around the world just some
    laughters there out there that they were
    on the hook right because you know
    they’re us firm investing in all these
    Dows and and if the members and Founders
    are us members at some point the IRS is
    going to say well you know this is a US
    entity we’re going to fall back with
    Taxas right so they’re like oh this is a
    problem we’ve invested all this money
    and we’re like on the
    hook so
    you know what we’re really saying here
    is we think we’ve come up with an
    architecture to allow United States
    Venture Taco to flow into all sorts of
    entities in the United States and not
    only just the United States but you know
    any other entity that is
    using um using the
    protocol um those entities on top like I
    described that would be Microsoft or
    apple in this case um that are using the
    protocol and votings
    governance those entities you know some
    of them might be in the United States
    some of them will be here in prosor
    right some of them will be some of them
    will be anywhere in the EU
    so these are the foundational things I
    probably probably left out uh you know
    quite a few but uh that’s generally
    frame can I ask you yeah so Duna it
    totally makes sense from that it’s great
    that we’re going to have USC’s uh much
    more working capital available for
    this all move up three experience that’s
    especially the P that’s great that’s
    great do you think Prosper should have
    its own Juna build do you think that
    would be appropriate for prosper is this
    a special problem because of the
    complexity of the US and and it’s
    fantastic why I mean youa for me it’s
    really nice to it because W also did LLC
    they invaded on that so right it’s it’s
    been carrying we’re continuing to
    specialize all that really good stuff
    but well there you go LC that’s the main
    thing that uman is is incorporating
    using LLC so is this our feature as well
    that he going to be all do this and then
    what compared to C Foundation do you
    think there’s how’s that when the pan
    out is do going to repace the foundation
    and then I guess charm if you want to
    step in live if you know why maker um
    exited this Foundation that will the
    pr oh yeah so I I mean the make the
    situation is is sure about an
    interaction between culture and and uh
    and legal
    ideology maker doesn’t want to be
    centralized and you know again that’s
    another incentive for us to to use that
    hen SP model uh it’s also generally just
    uh cool thing to to probably note and
    incorporate in your your strategy
    development though is is what ideology
    are you and your community working on to
    because that definitely causes friction
    if people are coming in you know we you
    can have an optional structure that
    um doesn’t appeal to people on on
    irrational basis and irrational bases
    are are unfortunately something that you
    have to account for in a doubt because
    of the egalitarian nature um with no
    centralized body to manage
    emotion people conect in in mtic fashion
    that that leads to disaster we’ve seen
    that time again and I think gab brought
    up something about like the the Juno uh
    decision 16 or something which which was
    like an extremely e rational situation
    like crypto
    there were like minor legitimate
    concerns but it really was an
    ideological yes to answer your question
    or I should say to answer your question
    not exactly no so do not necessarily
    think that prer needs to you know create
    a bua line by line appropriately because
    it’s designed specifically for us us
    issues can it be you know part of it
    should it be part of it or yeah sure
    maybe but you know the I think it’s
    pretty clear and I think also from what
    Al is saying as well is that you know
    we’re coming to an Era where if you’re
    going to solve any kind of problem
    you’re you’re really going to need to be
    thinking about you know setting up
    multiple kinds of entities multiple
    kinds of GS and and having
    each of them
    um and operate in different
    basically create an architecture which
    allows for these things to be Loosely
    couped because from the United States
    perspective pretty much anybody in the
    United States in any way shape or form
    is going to have to be Have and Have a
    NEX in the United States so you know it
    really becomes a question of like do you
    want to play with us or not okay we’re
    going to do this and we hope that you
    know um we can export and participate in
    in in all the other things that s in
    other jurisdictions and you know the way
    to think about this is there’s no reason
    why you can’t have you know a dow set up
    here and that Dow set up here is a
    member of aduna which is also right
    these days are stack right
    yes yeah huge Point huge point there is
    is that you can put a dow in a dow in a
    down and another down
    like not only can you move and and kind
    of La a plane there’s there’s
    dep do and and yeah it’s it’s like
    honestly I I don’t agree with the
    reasons why why maker uh is is
    dissoluted deleted it its foundation but
    the possibility it opens up now is
    hugely beneficial to that ecosystem and
    every other because we’re we’re going to
    productize this we we’re going to make
    this available to to other does as well
    but but it’s going to be configurable
    because we know from the ground up what
    a vision is saying everybody has their
    own special use case and everybody
    should respond to that use case and
    shouldn’t just run off the CLI because
    the big dogs are doing X or it seems
    like Y is the best Cho us really think
    about how you’re wrapping it from the
    ground of in
    projects and there is a another framing
    to think about all this and it’s a
    matter of separation of
    control what you want to do is you want
    to have the the
    Dow having a very small footprint
    control this little tiny
    protocol but those entities on
    top you want to have those utilize the
    and I should say utilize the protocol
    rather and those entities should be
    competing right and the conversation
    about work right is it a good idea and
    this is is also discussed by Miles
    and is that a now itself wants to have a
    very minimal footprint in terms of being
    able to hire people and contract people
    because that becomes a conflict of
    interest right because in the sense that
    if the Dow itself is Contracting all
    these people to do a lot of the work
    then it begins to become centralized
    right because you’ve got all these
    contractors working for you right but if
    you instead do something like have the d
    control the governance over small on the
    protocol and then these other separate
    entities that are building on top of it
    are all competing for the next things to
    build on top that next layer they’re
    clearly competing with each other and
    because of that they’re not directly
    controlling what is made so you don’t
    have that that control issue because one
    entity might make it one way another
    entity might make another vers a
    different way and looks like Evolution
    the one who does the best thing wins and
    and then the is now going to say well
    you know that person that entity making
    that part of the protocol um you know
    work for the Dow directly and it’s all
    centralized and that’s clearly not the
    case because maybe it didn’t go to that
    you know maybe the protocol that’s built
    on top the logic that’s built on top of
    the protocol is not by one entity but by
    another entity does that make sense it
    does and I’m think I’m going to comment
    on some like what I see on on the ground
    with uh small entities with Dows and
    often times that is really just an
    operating system uh uh early stage
    operating system so maybe total
    operating system for running an entity
    so it’s it’s got a treasury and it’s
    it’s got a um a uh uh um a proposal
    system so uh like a like uh hold Forum
    that type of and and that’s it so Cali
    for instance cali. you can check that
    one out that house is well and so in
    that narrative it goes s and DS so so
    they hit a button and then they get this
    kind of Suite of tools and and and right
    now again it’s it’s it’s a portal
    operating system Metal X Cables on there
    he’s he’s building out maybe that
    generation will be more proper operating
    systems um but anyway there’s not enough
    tools yet the proper system but yeah
    that’s what it is so then Kelly that
    recognized what wolf said before were
    the moment you get financials in there
    that’s when you really definitely need
    to be thinking about uh having a legal
    entity uh and so so yes that’s what
    Kelly does is it’s well since you’re
    spinning out one of the tools is a safe
    basically diagnosis safe um then and
    when you spin it up it’s a legal rapper
    what what the Kelly team found and
    that’s open source uh off J W out so
    it’s public kind of thing what they
    found is they weren’t getting a lot of
    adoption because people didn’t
    necessarily want to use Kelly they
    wanted to use St G house which is
    another M3 framework uh so then they
    made rapper uh w a p r and um that one
    it’s just te and so that’s what you do
    you have that the Dow you represent that
    this this Dow is it’s rapid entity but
    entity that the contains in it so really
    all this Library science in some sense
    uh if you go here his operating system
    and every time there operating system it
    also grity and then so bringing back in
    legal seals well maybe spin up something
    you don’t want that to be the legal
    enemy you want to be owned by legal
    entity as I talking before how Dows can
    have Dows within them uh and and that
    fits much more with the reive nature of
    of comp uh computer science and so then
    there is also uh we haven’t gone into
    other things like series and we were
    chatting before about series and and
    actually I was thinking yeah series LLC
    and I was thinking of it much more like
    JavaScript prototype and then instances
    in each instance of the child but now
    you you have deep knowledge in that so
    now thinking well we should really draft
    some legislation of how I was kind of
    envisioning it to reconcile with the
    more computer patterns so a cross type
    series LLC so what’s the point there
    that that’s potentially new Lial rapper
    down the road uh but there’s a lot of
    we’re just really really early here
    still and and yeah so for me what I’m
    focused on even on just a face my
    patterns sometimes the Dow should be
    wrapped sometimes the Dow wants to own
    another Dow and then the appropriate
    thing is to to seal it um or that’s what
    next I think that our final moment Jerry
    maybe want to have like a Snappy last
    word yeah the final moment is we need to
    get some um pharmaceutical money and
    Venture funding in here to make some
    protocols and give some leg legitimacy
    to the whole web 3 and new internet and
    new economies that we’re creating and
    all of these new models for circular
    economies agreed and my as word would be
    stay Smart Stay creative and W it your
    way yeah mine is that I I think we’re
    still in the Divergent stage quite a bit
    it’s really early and so let’s uh do
    that and then um prepare for the
    convergence stage so we’re at a breath
    work we’re breathing in now and then
    we’ll breathe out or
    anyway there you
    go thank you so so
    much all right um so I’m going to invite
    the next set of speakers uh the next
    topic is going to be asset
    organization get move away from from the
    steps so who can please welcome remot
    Mason and
    Daniel so real quick introductions
    Ramona um EX in partner she brings her
    expertise to the Forefront of the
    centralized finance and legal
    engineering she also is the founder and
    managing director of J block which
    offers Consulting and business services
    Ramona is dedicated to driving
    Innovation and facilitating growth in
    the blockchain space additionally she
    plays a pivotal role as a co- founder
    and digital assets consultant at
    Providence contributing her wealth of
    knowledge to strategic initiatives with
    the master’s degrees in European law and
    business law from
    um would you like to pronounce the
    name so all right I’m so sorry I cannot
    pronounce that one
    uh uh
    doent with technological press
    positioning herself as a key figure in
    shaping the future of blockchain and the
    usful assets ecosystem
    welcome already introduce so welcome to
    the stage thank you so much and Danielle
    Lea serves as a lawyer public notary and
    also Professor Danelle is a legal
    advisor in redesign of financial
    products fintech project for an inv
    customer Investments Banking and finance
    transaction planning and structuring of
    financing and projects Daniel is a
    partner at Tores legal El Salvador and
    holds a master’s degree in digital
    advocacy and new technologies from
    Salamanca University so welcome all of
    you uh amazing speakers and I’ll leave
    the floor to you thank you so
    much thank
    you off
    okay thank you very much um so I’m
    really happy to be part of this panel on
    asset oranization let’s bring it down to
    earth people because we’ve been talking
    a lot about like pure cyber space issues
    and then doubt and then legal rappers
    and all sorts of legal fictions and and
    um I want to bring it down to Earth
    because the real value of this
    technology is actually it’s how it’s
    going to change things here where we
    actually actually are living um so
    tokenization uh can be seen as purely
    Financial playing around with money
    making Capital markets even bigger or it
    can be seen as a as a technology which
    will Empower and transform um the way uh
    things are in for real businesses for
    real people in the real world uh which
    one do you want to have uh personally I
    vote for the second one obviously so
    this why I’m delighted to be on this
    panel with Mason and Daniel because they
    have real experience in real estate
    oranization real estate oranization and
    also other types of tokenization is
    really important the way I started to
    look at this so I used to work in asset
    back securitization um which is a fancy
    way to say that we to we talk like we
    securitize a stream of income uh from
    businesses then we sell it to the
    capital markets which seems excellent
    right that’s like a way to unlock get
    present money for future streams of
    income amazing right those are asset and
    this is how Capal Market work
    tokenization can make that more
    efficient more
    transparent um more trustworthy so
    that’s all good but then I started
    thinking like okay but is there another
    way we can go about it perhaps
    tokenization can bring about other
    changes at the more fundamental level at
    the level of the business model at the
    level of like how people can make it
    work business models have evolved in
    certain ways because of the requirements
    and the restrictions what was available
    now we are in the time of unprecedented
    freedom and with technology that allows
    us to design the systems we want to have
    and this is the key feature that I see
    for the organization I want to pass it
    on to you Daniel first to talk about
    what El salvator is doing uh in this
    space this field it’s really exciting
    and really happy to be here with you
    thank you Rona well basically elor is
    trying to become a a world technological
    Hub and part of the efforts actually
    it’s h drafting all the legal framework
    we have a digital agenda for 20 2020 to
    2030 that is actually going to draft all
    the changes that are necessary in order
    to implement all the transformation or
    digital transformation that is needed
    within the country which
    includes uh ID that it’s going to be a
    token for every citizen um drafting the
    digital asset uh law issuance law that
    actually enables organization the
    Bitcoin law that makes Bitcoin as a
    little Thunder and among other uh
    regulatory Frameworks that are needed in
    order to implement this change so
    basically the digital law enables uh
    real world asset terization and that’s
    the main focus of the law that enables
    three three kinds of toiz that Equity or
    ownership and future income station so
    basically this law it’s drafted in order
    to give people the power to raise money
    to own fractional property of shares of
    company is or even real estate and give
    you all the framework to enable that but
    the the main legal concern or the main
    legal um paradig to
    actually uh become this happen is to
    create the link or the bond to
    actually tipe the token or the digital
    asset to the real word
    so it’s it makes you be creative with
    the legal structur that you are going to
    implement if you’re are going to put the
    asset into a a company and then uh link
    each of the shares to each of the tokens
    you can uh do a trust and within the
    trust administrate the real estate and
    then all the trustees are going to be uh
    owners of one portion of of the of the
    trust and then and and therefore to the
    to the to the property and among other
    ways actually a collateral AG those
    figures that you tend to see in
    complicated Financial transactions are
    going are being part of the usual uh
    framework that you have to use in order
    to actually become this happen and to
    this day we have advice the two public
    offerings in C of of the clet insurances
    and there are about five or six if you
    put the other private insurances that
    gives the people the power to get uh
    funds or to receive funds in a more
    efficient uh cost effective way if you
    compare this kind of raising Capital
    with uh the traditional one you will
    have to take around 6 to eight months in
    the best case scenario to raise the
    funds and it’s going to cost you
    around 400 ,000 or 500,000 and this uh
    vehicle can can be made in two two
    through four months and it can cost you
    like a 10th of the of the traditional
    cost I already got one thank you um
    that’s a great recitation I mean I think
    that what’s uh important to note is how
    we’ve proven how uh cost effective this
    technology is we have buying from people
    on the economic side but I think that
    one thing that we should uh really keep
    in mind as we build out these Solutions
    is the importance of legal significance
    when in the context of uh digital
    Primitives right because this could be a
    way that we end up bootstrapping a lot
    of the new world that we’re trying to
    build here um one of the projects that I
    worked on uh during a hackathon was an
    attempt to tokenize real estate legal
    Primitives and I call them legal
    Primitives because they in and of
    themselves do not have any legal
    significance other than what they could
    be right so what we basically came up
    with was an idea to tokenize a parcel of
    property but have that be
    chronologically updated based upon API
    call points on public record systems
    this in and of itself does not make it a
    title or representing a property in a
    legal sense but when you get in the
    context of a court system you can
    actually have the actual argument that
    this is sufficient to represent
    someone’s interest or potentially if
    you’re a party that has an interest in
    the property you could potentially
    memorialize that interest in conjunction
    with that legal primitive it’s almost
    like a place marker in the digital
    sphere of
    things and uh that actually played out
    really well I’m going to talk about
    another project uh this one is uh
    currently uh being tested in several
    different port systems it’s uh called
    block serve uh Block serve. tech if you
    guys want to go and check it out it’s a
    uh method that we’ve successfully
    implemented to be able to serve uh
    service of process legal service of
    process on blockchain addresses now
    there’s been a lot of talk I actually
    was uh positive the question which is
    better tokenization or attestation I
    think in this kind of a case when you
    have a u the necessary requirements of a
    legal document a piece of paper that has
    to be read by a court system
    tokenization has to be the the option
    because uh you actually have to tether
    it back to something that’s in a
    pre-existing and frankly a very
    at least pursue the nominal right to
    claim assets back from people or for
    people that have been scammed by people
    all across the world we don’t know the
    real names but we do know that they have
    blockchain addresses and we have
    forensics and we can finally track these
    people down eventually and hopefully get
    the money back to the people that have
    been increasingly been effective but
    that’s a good use of tokenization that I
    think Blends the Gap really well between
    this efficiency that we talk about our
    Global uh world that we have to deal
    with now with um and uh using it
    effectively against people that would
    like to use this technology as a sword
    uh against innocent people and a shield
    uh in the context of the pseudo
    anonymity that we often refer
    to excellent thank you so much now that
    we have the audience in Tred hopefully
    uh by the real applications and like
    tangibility of this uh tokenization
    issue what is actually tokenization
    let’s let’s let’s take a moment and
    think about it like really think about
    it um I Was preparing the pitch for
    tomorrow the subject has changed but I
    was looking into monetary theories and
    um starting with iring Fisher’s um you
    know like Baseline that led to monism
    and essentially um like I I was
    intrigued by his definition of of of
    wealth and property to be honest I was
    really intrigued by the definition
    because it was more tangible that any
    economic School I’ve seen and like I I
    was caught in in terms of okay but but
    what does it mean to own something what
    does property actually mean and it like
    in his definition was property um was
    was having the right to the benefit
    right to the benefit and then it was it
    was represented by certain things which
    tokens could could could be represented
    at property right so essentially um it’s
    it’s more of our legal definitions that
    need to be potentially re thought in the
    in the line of the technology but the
    Baseline it does not change the
    principle does not change so tokens are
    a representation of value right and they
    can be a representation of a
    value deriving from a real tangible
    asset in the real world a person right
    if if those are service tokens or like
    we can imagine that as well like giving
    rights to services or a representation
    of a right deriving from a movable asset
    in the real world out of which money is
    form um so so so really tokenization
    allows almost every wealth in the world
    that we can envisage to become more
    fluid to circulate faster and to become
    almost like money and this is a very
    very important piece because it unlocks
    um a lot of unintended effect at the
    system level and I’m curious about what
    this this sort of increased liquidity
    that will arise from increasing
    tokenization and and what will be the
    impact in the
    effect it’s uh interesting you brought
    up uh the concept of this being like
    money in a lot of ways um I wrote my
    thesis on uh crypto and international
    monetary policy back in law school and
    basically our I argued for the right uh
    that for everyone to be able to choose
    whichever money they think makes the
    most sense for them uh had a lot of
    heavy weigh in from the Austrian e
    economists on that one but um it’s
    uh it’s it’s going to be really
    interesting apologize I think I for
    point so I’ll defer to you at this so
    basically I think your point is very
    interesting um I think transferring the
    property ownership or something uh
    without barriers without all the legal
    legal list that is needed in these ways
    is actually uh a good thing that
    blockchain technology brings and I don’t
    think that you have to have uh General
    legal framework in order to perform teiz
    that uh the more that the systems
    interconnect themselves uh enables
    people from all over the world to invest
    in any specific product or any specific
    company or any or or to own lands I mean
    if you want to have a piece of prosper
    and prosper is tokenized you could have
    a piece if you want and I mean why does
    it matter if you are from London or you
    are from El Salvador you are from the US
    if you have the money you want to invest
    in it and you perform all the kyc that
    it’s like the common standard of the
    world at this point and you pass it you
    should be able to invest or to diversify
    your product your business your I mean
    your your income in order to own what
    you really want to own and not be uh
    lock down to a country or to a specific
    regulation I think blockchain technology
    is going to be the fut is the future and
    it’s now but in order to be implemented
    World while without any barriers uh you
    need a regulatory framework like the
    sorian one that give trust into the
    process more than the trust that the
    ones that we actually understand the
    technology knows that the technology
    brings itself itself and H get ad option
    in order to in a nearby future you don’t
    need any law in in actually in order to
    actually perform ACH conization that
    it’s going to be self-regulated and you
    don’t need a third party that actually
    authorize the tation likeor that in the
    meanwhile I think regulation is a good
    point of view to get certainty to each
    organization made at least in on salador
    and allows allows to invest from any
    part of the of the world if the
    jurisdiction is not specifically
    prohibited that’s better um
    so I just remembered my point um I think
    that uh it’s it’s uh worth mentioning
    how powerful a legal argument is in the
    context of uh one an individual wants to
    represent their interests so that kind
    of tethers back to the concept of this
    being money and being a version of money
    that people want to use I think that you
    could take that even further and say if
    there’s an argument to be made that this
    type of representation of an interest is
    more effective then you have a duty to
    make that argu from court or under a
    regulatory regime to be able to uh show
    a better way kind of in a a granular
    type of
    federalism uh if uh if we have more
    people making those arguments then I
    think we’ll actually get some people
    listening to what it is that we’re
    trying to do um so that’s my point I
    suppose no it’s an excellent point and
    actually it brought to mind your prompt
    from earlier about the mobility of legal
    engineers and how can we ensure free
    movement well there’s no other like
    there’s no better way of of ensuring
    free movement of people than enabling
    them to pre moove their wealth around
    right um so so so tokenization will
    hopefully contribute to that it it
    brings to mind that um The Wealth of
    Nations will actually become the wealth
    of the world and I wanted to um give
    that prompt back to you and see like
    what comes up what resonates
    well I think that’s what we’re all
    shooting for especially with these
    Network States it’s uh reminds me a lot
    of uh the city states like Venice of uh
    back in the day the uh amount of
    economic growth that happened and
    artistic growth frankly that happened as
    a result of these uh granular artist
    driven uh creative types uh allowed a
    lot more experimentation and a lot more
    creative outcomes for every body which I
    think benefited Humanity a lot further
    than the last few uh hundred years
    that one thing that uh kind of strikes
    me as a parallel to is um I don’t know
    how many of you follow the um French
    Wars of uh of religion or uh any of that
    sort of thing but as a result of some
    unfortunate uh policy decisions that
    were made uh in France at the time of
    the Reformation a lot of their talented
    people got kicked out and we’re kind of
    seeing a lot of that happen especially
    with regard to developers uh especially
    open source developers that want nothing
    better than to free people but
    unfortunately if you’re the person that
    uh unbuttons the shackles that puts a
    Target on your back in a lot of cases uh
    so these Network States I think like
    certainly in the case of that situation
    the wars of religion where the Exodus
    LED them to countries that saying you
    have a bunch of smart people you don’t
    want okay we’ll take them
    and they were a lot better off for it
    you saw great growth in uh Germany at
    the time in Holland in the UK and a lot
    of them ultimately made it to the United
    States and built up a culture of hard
    work and creative problem solving that
    was hamstrung by the previous
    administration and I think that uh we’re
    kind of establishing safe havens for
    those types of people the ones that are
    pro- humanity and the ones that uh
    actually want to solve the problems and
    not just use put her own
    game I I agree with everything that you
    said and actually I think uh this kind
    of uh technology actually brings the or
    or gives people the the freedom in
    actually in order to actually take
    everything that actually value for them
    and everything that they own even real
    estate and go away and move and look for
    a safe heaven you mentioned in order to
    be free and feel good because the last
    goal that every everyone has is actually
    to feel free to feel good and actually
    to enjoy life and enjoy what doing what
    you want and being uh something
    important and giving back something
    important to the
    people thank you for that um it it it’s
    hard to anticipate what will happen
    because there’s so much complexity right
    but if you were to look at what happened
    in El Salvador in recent years and the
    adoption of the technology or or more
    generally if you’re familiar with other
    countries in nor America what would you
    say and then if I could ask the same
    question for Mason for the United States
    in North America um we’re keeping Europe
    out I could speak about Europe after you
    think I I think uh actually the reason
    political U movements that that had
    happened in alab in the last six years
    have bring a lot of good things to to to
    the country a lot of uh Tech involved
    into the government making everything
    faster from uh medical appointments to
    Public Services actually so in Latin
    America it’s very common that most of
    the services you have to go to a public
    offer office and and and be there two
    three hours you’re wasting your time and
    people is inefficient and they’re in a
    bad mood and they actually even throw
    you the things and no you didn’t bring
    these copies so you have to go to to
    come back later on and Technology no and
    modernizing the the the whole
    governmental infrastructure has been a
    big achievement from this government um
    and bringing bringing investment uh
    Bitcoin as a legal Thunder have bring a
    lot of investment have put
    put in uh in the word
    eye for if you see it from the point of
    the IMF maybe the ground ground point of
    view if you see it from the people that
    believe in Bitcoin in understand Bitcoin
    and the V of Bitcoin in the right point
    of view the certain thing is is becoming
    a world known country and that’s
    important for us because we I think
    sorians are great people
    and being at the eye of the wall brings
    you a lot of opportunity to shown your
    values and that’s it’s actually
    happening a lot of
    talal actually Developers freance that
    actually they they do a a great job and
    they are not locked down in alador they
    work for uh European
    companies American companies and all
    over the world being paid better than
    they actually could imagine in on Sor
    that’s great and having the digital
    assets for the other point of view then
    organization enables salvadorians to
    project their products to the world and
    I I would like to talk about one
    specific project that we just uh got the
    authorization to do the public offering
    and it’s going to be available in b x in
    May 13 actually and it’s about a hotel
    that is from a
    U an expat that lived a lot of a lot of
    a lot of time in Philippines and when
    they he was actually invited by the last
    to invest in the country so he signed a
    contract for 30 years to build to to
    build the airport hotel that was amazing
    in all the infrastructure and everything
    was done when he is started going to the
    banks because no one knew him uh in in a
    their project Were Far Away Etc no one
    bring him money no one give a single
    credit to his project so he
    uh he actually found opportunity to
    bring the investment through atation
    because the world see the project the
    people in the world see the project and
    it’s actually a good project but not
    being known and you having all the
    financials right not must not be a
    process that cuts you the your wings and
    that’s what actually I think is
    happening in salador with that
    organizations and with all the tech that
    it’s bringing people their time back
    from the governmental uh processes and
    actually is becoming the government more
    efficient and with more efficiency to
    reduce the cost and put the money where
    is important and is bringing people
    Solutions in in order to actually use
    their time
    so got it so I think that uh a lot of uh
    initiatives aren’t thinking locally
    enough when it comes to the United
    States one of the uh most powerful
    structural considerations of the
    government structure in the United
    States is the concept of
    federalism where you’re looking at
    the where you’re looking at different uh
    states in the Union as uh
    experimentation hubs we saw this with
    the Duna law and uh we’re seeing it with
    a bunch of different other types of
    entities that uh you know are able to
    wrap into Dows and allow us to
    decentralize work in a more effective
    way and really in the era of uh remote
    first work uh really redefine what that
    can look like and how it can help
    improve the lives of everybody around us
    the uh I think that the uh biggest
    takeaway especially for our purposes
    here is that we need to start thinking
    about how can we use the opportunity of
    the areas uh outside of the main hubs in
    the United States to our
    advantage I think that there are some
    people in here who have read the article
    about U the decline of of St Louis for
    example they had the AT&T tower there
    that used to be a glimmering beacon of
    that City that uh unfortunately uh
    cratered down in value from like I think
    it was like 200 million or something
    down to 3.5 million
    recently and as results all of these
    different pillars of community in these
    downtown hubs which Grand as they were
    back in the day are starting to lose
    influence I think that uh tokenization
    allows us to really reconsider our
    relationships with these downtown hubs
    uh especially in light of our recent
    reevaluation of what it means to provide
    public goods uh I myself participated in
    a uh uh a legal clinic in the city of De
    Moine that uh allows students FLW
    students to practice as attorneys as
    long as they have an attorney signature
    back in the work that they do and have
    it be reviewed by them I think if you
    apply that similar kind of concept you
    have a lot of people that are talented
    that need a chance to uh build up on
    their experience get a real Prospect of
    economic return that uh frankly just
    don’t have the money or the trust fund
    to bootstrap a move out to New York or
    or San Francisco to try to network with
    people like that and uh they still want
    to do good work but the work isn’t there
    anymore and I think that our remote
    first approach could really make an
    argument for the revitalization of the
    local nexuses of uh of the United States
    and uh you know with that kind of
    approach on tokenization at the local
    level I think that you could really make
    the argument that local laws laws could
    change too uh and in that way federalism
    can kind of push out these bad policies
    that we’re seeing uh from the likes of
    Elizabeth war and Gary gendler so
    thank you for that um we still have a
    way to go so don’t don’t don’t rush and
    I I’ve come to the more critical
    question I think um of of the
    tangibility and the reality of Bringing
    Down to Earth but before so if I
    summarize the the conclusion so far
    tokenization has the potential to unlock
    wealth at the global level and
    facilitate free movement it has the
    power to it has the potential to empower
    people um that that are driven and motiv
    ated and like uh want to show up and and
    do the work and build a better world and
    also um maybe it will smooth out certain
    imbalances that have been created
    because uh it allows for
    localization local projects to to
    actually um to actually benefit from
    from um a larger wider perspective to
    bring it back down to what is the uh a
    problem still to solve real world asset
    organization cannot work on
    the cannot work on the same Principle as
    as not your keys not your not your
    points right it’s it’s just impossible
    to have that for real world asset
    oranization to work so what are some of
    the solutions that you’ve seen um that
    would enable would enable that that
    stability that security of of true
    property linked to real world assets um
    and on the blockchain transactions with
    cryptographic signatures and private
    quets and how would you say that in this
    hope well uh to kind of uh go back to an
    example that I made about that AT&T
    tower in St Louis if you have local
    communities that are committed to uh
    utilizing a space more efficiently you
    could actually uh I don’t know utilize
    the idea of public goods to an extreme
    if the city isn’t going to find a tenant
    for a building like that and they don’t
    want to condemn the building and uh they
    don’t have the money to tear it down as
    I’ve seen in a lot of
    places what uh you can do is have the
    city manage it we saw this in De Moine
    too when a few of the big insurance
    companies moved out uh the city owns it
    but the city can work with these local
    groups to kind of uh break up the
    different usable spaces in that in that
    area and uh give them a heavily
    subsidized rental rate which they can
    potentially offset with provision of
    services at a further discounted rate uh
    that’s just one idea I’ve had but I’ll
    defer to you because um there’s a lot of
    innovation going on in your
    jurisdiction thank you well um the the
    the biggest issue regarding tokenizing
    real word asset I think it will be to to
    actually find the bond and actually try
    to keep not
    traceable everything I mean not like
    identify each person because that’s not
    something that actually
    matters until the the the person or the
    public key actually is linked to
    something illegal or he’s doing
    something wrong so I think two CA two
    use cases that are actually interesting
    is usdc and usdt that are un stable coin
    but I mean it’s the same technology and
    no one is gonna require you and uh I
    mean in a in a
    decentralized uh business
    model uh no one is going to require you
    an ID to to to buy $100 of usdc or $100
    of usdt but if your public address is
    actually linked to some legal illegal
    activity or some ongoing investigation
    of international
    cries you can burn uh or Club out the
    token and that’s going to be hard in
    order to what to do with the boring
    tokens and how to redistribute the the
    ownership or how is everything going to
    be back but uh the or who is going to be
    the owner of those tokens that that work
    clob but I mean I think you should
    find a middle point where
    uh anony Anonymous uh it’s okay but in
    order to track uh Anonymous activity to
    something so I am based in Cayman Island
    and Cayman Island despite uh popular
    culture is one of the most uh sort of
    compliant jurisdictions right now I’ve
    never done so much compliance in my life
    um real estate agents are regulate
    um and have to do Laing controlled and
    checks and sanctions controlled and
    checks and then real estate developers
    are also regulated and they’re subjected
    to the same obligations so when I uh
    when I work with the developers to
    develop like to to to make the smart
    contract for the real estate
    tokenization project and promoting um
    one of the issues I had is that we had
    to be build in all these controls and
    like wheless thing mechanisms to make
    sure that we knew who the token
    purchasers were and etc etc and then
    that allows um of course for clawback to
    happen that allows for uh key retrieval
    or reissu tokens to happen so that
    secures however it doesn’t solve the
    problem of maintaining that Anonymous
    free flow um in certain in certain areas
    and that’s what what the public actually
    wants right this is one of the
    difficulties for adoption and um one way
    to go around that would be well not to
    go around that to solve that problem
    would be to uh like understand that
    there there there’s several there’s
    several economic rights that could be
    built within the tokens which are
    different and then make the distinction
    between the um property rights like
    ownership rights versus you know other
    economic benefits or other coins
    tracking or giving or which could be
    redeemed in exchange for one of the best
    use cases for for Real Estate
    organization I thought was um time Shar
    um so this is some like something I’ve
    been like working on but but especially
    important is to understand how the real
    Industries work and this is um something
    I feel it’s been lacking in the crypto
    like crypto has been helped like it’s
    own bubble like if we build it they will
    come and it’s not really happening so so
    to to challenge you on um to like to
    challenge you on what you said like do
    you like what are the business owners
    saying what are the businesses you’ve
    worked with that that went to
    oranization you gave that very good
    example of the um you know expat
    returned expat um that that brought with
    him the no common expertise but didn’t
    have enough reputation to go banking
    system in Salvador what are some of the
    other use cases and then I think we need
    to wrap out um so with that I will also
    ask for the final quote from both of you
    okay so basically I
    mean uh many uh businessmen or
    women actually once the the that the
    organization or the public offering
    moves fast as business happens you know
    I mean business is extremely fast and
    and transactions goes all the day like
    at the speed of Life nevertheless I
    think reolution is important in natural
    in order to prevent Bad actors to use
    the the technology to do for example
    money laundry I mean you have to find
    the middle point and the middle point
    for me and it’s not I mean if you go to
    G standard you have to put a uh a a code
    board in each token and the code board
    is going to Mark who is the owner and
    which is the ID and the phone number and
    the dealing and everything and it’s
    going to be hard in in order to
    implement in this kind of technology in
    this ecosystem because it’s not the
    nature of it the nature is to be
    anonymous so the middle point I think it
    will be the the the system of white list
    that you mentioned that it’s uh not
    necessarily you have to known who is
    behind the the address but when an
    investigation is go it’s ongoing and
    actually detects that the public address
    if linked to an illegal activity like
    proven and you have enough proof to put
    it in the white in the in the black list
    so gives you the opportunity to club the
    club back the token Frozen it and put it
    into a for example damage fund or uh
    donation fund and be able to do
    something with that
    token Community because I think it’s
    pretty important and and this is where
    the virus is hard to to Define where you
    can uh establish a middle point where
    you’re going to free the people and have
    all the venues of the technology and how
    to prevent that bad actors use the
    technology for bad things so if you find
    that barrier I mean I I don’t have
    actually the answer I think it’s
    built at this time so you don’t I don’t
    think anyone could have the answer but I
    think that the answer should be to be
    hard enough to prevent Bad actors to go
    into the system and be soft enough to
    give freedom to the people that is
    inside of the
    system I think I’m just going to weigh
    in on um the real estate tokenization
    theories that we’ve kind of discussed a
    little bit to
    um I think that uh as we talk about
    legal significance with legal Primitives
    and uh making it just uh inconceivable
    that you wouldn’t want to use the
    technology we’re building because I
    think that’s what we’re really shooting
    for is to the exclusion of earlier
    systems and more inefficient systems
    what you want to do is be able to put
    these legal Primitives in the best
    possible position to attain legal
    significance in uh my uh home
    jurisdiction of Iowa uh state in the
    middle of the middle of the United
    States uh we have a very old very lawyer
    Centric method of verifying the state of
    real property it’s uh where rather than
    purchasing Title Insurance you uh have
    an attorney go through the chain of
    title and provide a title opinion about
    the state of interests with relation to
    that property and that results in have
    us having some of the cleanest titles in
    the country but uh we’re the last state
    in the Union that still does it this way
    it’s uh actually quite a bit cheaper
    than uh than uh insurance as well but uh
    that’s not to say we don’t have
    insurance but we do have it as a public
    good right any attorney that provides a
    uh opinion as to the state of real of of
    real property in the state has to be
    backed by the uh publicly funded Iowa
    title guarantee program that uh ensures
    against issues with u any any opinions
    or any property considerations that
    didn’t come up in the original title
    search I think that we should be
    thinking in terms of that if we tokenize
    something and we have the means to be
    able to attest to the legal significance
    of a primitive we should also be
    thinking about how can we protect people
    if we get it wrong and uh think about it
    in terms of public goods so I guess uh
    my final quote would probably be we’re
    uh we’re past the uh the age of economic
    significance I think in terms of what
    we’re trying to build we’ve seen how
    annoying that can get uh what I want us
    to be concerned with is legal
    significance because that isn’t quite as
    prone to booms and busts as economic
    significance we need to be building
    something that’s uh meant to last as
    long as we possibly can so that we can
    provide a stable future for
    people I love that quote um at xn we um
    we are building the future so so that’s
    that’s equally our philosophy um and my
    final quote for to conclude this panel
    um about asset tokenization is that we
    have to be really careful when we’re
    doing the design of these tokens and we
    have to be really careful about how we
    are building these models and what Genie
    we are getting out of the box because
    there will be unintended
    consequences complexity um always has
    unintended consequences as as diligent
    as we may be as hard as we may work we
    we we are limited and and and our
    knowledge is limited and there will
    always be unintended consequences so
    building redundancies like earlier on um
    I think Nick danas was talking about um
    how good it was that um Carlos P had
    build all these redundancies into
    prosper and I think that’s true also for
    playing with real estate asset
    oranization what are the redundancies we
    can build into the system in our legal
    model so that if if something fails we
    have a back op system to rely on right
    thank you so much for your contribution
    today it was amazing to be with you on
    this panel thank
    you thank you so much to the speakers um
    so we’re going to go on a 10-minute
    break it’s uh about 4:30 so we’ll be
    back here at 4:40 that’s guys there
    treasure leg there’s coffee there’s
    water flavored water as well uh that’s
    on the cooler so we’ll be back here 4
    you can be here slightly before that’ll
    be great make sure we start time
    I love your outfit
    e e
    all right everyone we’re going to get
    started so if you want to take a seat
    okay think for missing someone too
    yeah yeah there we go
    okay okay so we’re going to get started
    in the next 30 seconds so if you want to
    take a seat um
    all right if you can hear me can you
    once can you clap twice can you clap
    three times and welcome the speakers to
    the stage thank you so much for being
    here welcome back from the Break um
    we’re going to open the floor for the
    panel on technical tendencies in library
    Sciences so I’m going to introduce our
    wonderful speakers for this panel as we
    have Anson Parker a member of lexow
    collaborates with legal engineering
    professionals to bridge the gap between
    traditional legal Frameworks and
    emerging Technologies facilitated the
    integration of cod coded agreements into
    mainstream legal practice outside of
    their role in legal Tech Anon brings
    their Tech technical expertise to the
    Forefront as tech support at the
    University of Virginia while also
    indulging their passion for technology
    as a geek at rad lab Productions Love
    the name through their multi faet
    contributions Anson is dedicated to
    shaping the future of Law and Technology
    welcome uh then we have Joseph mckin
    Joseph mckin is a Visionary leader at
    the four front of digital economic
    Innovation currently serving as the CEO
    C katawa katawa digal economic zone as a
    co author of funding startup societies a
    step-by-step guy Joseph shares that his
    expertise in creating sustainable and
    thriving startup ecosystems he also
    serves as a publisher of the Journal of
    special jurisdictions contributing to
    the discourse on governance and economic
    development in addition Joseph holds the
    position of managing director at The
    Institute of competitive governance
    where he spearheads initiatives to
    promote competitiveness and innovation
    in governance models with a commitment
    to fostering collaboration and
    Innovation Joseph serves as a board
    member at Newan Network Inc and as the
    president of startup Society Foundation
    driving positive change and progress in
    economic and governance governance
    spheres welcome Joseph
    and we have Brandon who we already I’m
    not going to give another introduction
    because we already know you but welcome
    again to the to the
    stage okay
    so the Flor is
    yours probably go to
    our first so I want to thank uh everyone
    here so much for being here uh I’ve been
    to a lot of conferences and no one has
    ever asked about Library Sciences at a
    blockchain conference and uh I am so
    grateful that you have because I think
    that libraries have a lot to offer in
    this community uh traditionally of
    course what we do is we organize data
    and when I look at blockchain you know
    we’ve got a ton of linked data but it’s
    pretty horribly organized for the most
    part right I mean everybody’s coming up
    doing their own thing and there aren’t a
    lot of uh standards in how things were
    organized and by standards you know how
    many people have heard of
    Wikipedia much right I mean yeah who has
    heard of Wiki
    data not big FS right so when we’re
    talking about Wiki data we’re talking
    about linked data and ways to
    contextualize information so you know
    when you’re talking about a law you can
    say well okay it’s a law in Honduras
    it’s a law and the special economics and
    we can start looking at how different
    entities might coordinate because
    they’re all Linked In this single
    repository right wiy data gives us that
    product and it’s just linked data and
    that’s very much what blockchain is
    about it’s a linked data ecosystem but
    it’s really not being leveraged very
    much these days and I think there are a
    tremendous amount of opportunities and I
    can’t wait for FKS to hear what Joseph
    mckenny is doing in the special
    economics Z because I think that’s one
    of the most Innovative uh products I’ve
    heard of in the United States in quite a
    while uh but really what I want to get
    at is that there are tools already out
    there and if you look at Wiki data some
    of the products that come out of there
    are like open corporate or open
    sanctions and so these are tools that
    help all of the businesses that are
    being created in one repository and so
    you can start imagining what that would
    do in terms of coordinating businesso
    business relationships and open
    sanctions is similar if looking at all
    the people who are all on all of these
    boards on all of these corporations and
    you can start imagining simplifying tax
    returns or something like that by
    looking at by knowing which boards and
    which taxes you owe for which
    corporations and so those are the kinds
    of opportunities that we’re looking to
    facilitate to make blockchain useful for
    regular people because for the most part
    it it’s a pretty abstract product and
    it’s not really approachable uh in
    general for regular people so that’s
    what I wanted to lead with is that
    libraries we’re we’re we’re here to help
    uh for
    sure you know it’s interesting because
    when I first heard the uh the title of
    the the discussion group here I thought
    Library scien is what the hell is
    that but you know it actually it
    actually all makes sense with the
    trading you know maybe I would have
    named it slightly different like the
    dematerialization and demonetization of
    everything because I think that kind of
    hits you know I think what we’re talking
    about here is you know taking all
    and encoding it in a way in which it is
    is structured so that it is
    deterministic and and findable for the
    stuff that is deterministic and findable
    and I think that’s the that’s the first
    idea here and I’ll pass off
    um so yeah um my name is Joe and uh
    normally when I think about my work I
    don’t normally think about Library
    Sciences but I it is a core element
    because when you have a government one
    of the core functions is having publicly
    available transparent data about rules
    and regulations uh being able to view
    the legal code as well as being able to
    make your filings and what have you and
    being able to have transparency about
    the different organizations that are
    within your uh your jurisdiction
    so I’m happy to talk about sort of how
    we’ve used tools like that in the past
    like ulx it’s available on GitHub as a
    as the kernel of our legal system how we
    have our data available for our rules
    and regulations and our regulations
    after for comment as well as some the
    inroads that we’re making with
    centralized IDs and verifiable
    credentials um with our companies um and
    just uh you know elements like that in
    our workflow so you can register a
    company in the
    Nation right and so I think another
    thing that people should be aware of is
    that many countries are already putting
    their legal code into Wiki data the
    entirety of the Brazilian law is in Wiki
    data that’s pretty exciting right I mean
    you can go in there and start looking at
    every law that’s available and seeing
    how it how it’s contextualize right
    that’s that’s the big thing context of
    the law and and so you know most of
    Europe has their code in with data it’s
    just not being leveraged properly and I
    think that’s you know when I’m here I’m
    hopefully saying like Prosper you’ve got
    all these great ideas put them in a
    place where you can cross reference them
    again on the librarian so it’s all cross
    referencing but make it that you can
    cross reference your code with other
    codes so that people can do more app to
    app comparison this is the thing that is
    really frustrating when I hear about
    another product it’s like
    okay well how do I analyze this how do I
    how do I take it and put it next to
    another product you can do that
    granularly but you really can’t do a
    full topological review of anything
    unless you have an underlying framework
    that every and it almost doesn’t matter
    which framework you pick I like with the
    data because it’s done and other people
    are using it and there’s an ecosystem of
    critique but but really you could do any
    framework as long as you’re consistent
    and that’s kind of so mostly what I’m
    doing up here is asking people to you
    know file their socks nicely and P them
    up but I mean that is really what it
    comes down to is that there that isn’t
    happening right now so it’s a bit of a
    struggle you know where do you see some
    of that I mean what opportunities do you
    think there might be with dunas to like
    kind of better organize that
    taxonomically well one of the things
    that we’re doing that’s unique um so uh
    we we passed are doing a regulation
    about a year ago um and one of the
    things that we wanted to do to ensure
    laws of other states don’t try to apply
    their jurisdiction on our doubt wom this
    is increasing the connection between
    each of the individual members to the
    jurisdiction and because of through
    Tribal Law um jurisdiction extends
    across States so long as there is an
    explicit agreement with the state we
    thought okay what will be one way to do
    that that harnesses technology that is
    distributed so one of the requirements
    that we have for our Duna law is that
    each of the members of the Duna needs to
    have a a a did as well as a verifiable
    credential that is issued after for when
    they purchased it but also after they
    pass kyc um and so yeah one of the
    things that we want to be able to do so
    the big standard that we’re that we it’s
    in development there needs to be a
    resolution by the The Zone Authority
    before it it it’s functional but the
    technolog is all there the standard that
    we’re using um is based off of bitor so
    you Peg the data bit T and it arguably
    is one it is the one of the largest
    distributed systems out there even prior
    to blockchain so it’s really robust and
    used by for corporations as well like
    Microsoft and what have you um so it’ be
    Texs that and you’d be able to through a
    visualizer being able to see that uh if
    someone’s able to show the public key of
    the did then then you can independently
    verify that you know this person is part
    of the Kataba uh uh Zone uh as well as
    that means that they’re in compliance
    with the duno regulation that says that
    they have that limited liability
    protection in our legal entity so that’s
    some way that we can that we’re working
    to organize data specifically in
    relation TOS now this isn’t specific to
    library scientist but can you step back
    just a little bit and tell people more
    about the Kataba as economic zone I mean
    it’s pretty
    exciting yeah for sure so the Kataba
    digital economics zone is the first
    special economics Zone in the United
    States uh it was enabled by the k nation
    which is a parly recognized Pride under
    the US Constitution and legal precedent
    tribes have at least equivalent
    Authority uh as US states and M right
    regard is even higher because of
    constitutional rules of construction fa
    tribes in the event of ambiguity as well
    as uh only Congress has jurisdiction uh
    not the executive branch um so there’s a
    lot of interesting things there but with
    that framework the rule of thumb is
    Imagine Delaware 2.0 or Wyoming 3.0
    um so we work at the katab Any Nation uh
    through a Grassroots movement and uh
    they passed through their nation’s
    legislature enabling act which has a
    commercial code and corporate code based
    off the ulx as as well as the creation
    of uh a for-profit management
    organization and a Zone regulatory body
    think Secretary of State Financial
    Services regulator that ProMag getes
    rules and regulations for
    man wow
    it’s tremendous really is and Joseph you
    really U put the nail on the head in one
    regard well many but one regarding the
    digital identity part of all this and
    that that’s a big piece right because
    you know at the end of the day it’s not
    just it’s not just codifying information
    and finding it and searching it it’s
    being able to associate identity to
    these bits of information at all
    different scales
    so that we can work through rights and
    all sorts of things like that which is
    really really important now there’s
    another component in here which is
    really really
    interesting and that would be under the
    rubric of something called Data
    Trust and Data Trust there are some
    folks that are thinking about Data Trust
    as a mechanism of allowing information
    to be put into the trust and the trust
    would be able to manage that or the
    rules around that information and how
    will be used it’s very exciting and very
    interesting but you know I have to say
    they haven’t even taken an off and I
    think they’re just
    dead because it’s clear to
    me that we don’t need Data Trust we need
    because one of the reasons why trusts
    were not a entity form for what became
    the Duna was that David
    here M they had they had looked at trust
    because it’s obviously the first choice
    but trusts have a problem or they now
    have a problem which is the
    CPA and because of that it didn’t really
    seem like the right hit so that would
    mean that if you can’t really use trust
    then it will probably be the next best
    day which would be the the dun right a
    Dun A trust to govern how that
    information is used and take it from
    there yeah what what were your thoughts
    on having a trust in the uh the special
    economics sorry yeah it’s it’s an
    education effort um and the reason for
    that is people don’t think of as
    governments um and you know I actually
    had the same problem when I first heard
    that the kation were building especially
    conomic that kind of rolled my eyes and
    that and based on my public you know
    school education I thought we all know
    tries don’t have true sovereignty um I’m
    I’m happy to report I was totally wrong
    um you know based on know actual legal
    work the problem is only people that are
    in the legal space and I’m going to be
    fully transparent I’m not an attorney I
    play one on T TV sometimes but I’m def
    nothing I ever say is would um but he
    what I found strange is I went into this
    project thinking that all the attorneys
    were telling me this is nuts and what I
    found is exact opposite all the
    attorneys were extraordinarily excited
    and saying why hasn’t this been done
    before this makes absolute sense but the
    problem is most people have’t um they
    think of tribes as casinos they think
    that’s where you do payday lending they
    think that’s where you can get cannabis
    you know weird little things like that
    um with the tribe is the business rather
    than a from serving others um but there
    the point is we have to create an
    inflection point and you can kind of see
    that with the the Advent of Gober and
    you when you look at that hockey stick
    growth chart that they always show all
    the time what you’re seeing in that that
    low growth period is people learning
    that calling a stranger from your phone
    and jumping in their car isn’t strange
    weird and likely to harm him in fact in
    many cases it’s actually strictly
    illegal um
    but what people found over time this is
    actually a viable option and through
    that education process and more and more
    people using it then you start getting
    that production Point get that growth I
    think we’re at that point we’re going to
    get to that point with the Kataba we are
    increasing growth significantly right
    now we’re almost at 100 companies
    um but we still need to get to the point
    and have a constant education effort
    with people that tribes our governments
    and they can do at least the same and
    because of how Nimble we are we can be
    so I want you know I’ve talked about
    Wiki data just a little bit but I do
    want to circle around to kind of what I
    hope to see coming forward which is uh
    web 3 in my mind hasn’t really created a
    public B yet uh it really hasn’t there’s
    if you want to say Unis swap is unis
    swap is the closest thing I’ve seen to
    like a genuine public B um because of
    the way it
    conveniences uh way convenience is great
    but what I am hopeful to see is
    something that
    I haven’t seen yet which is a web 3
    Wikipedia for business process um and I
    think this is going to be a really
    exciting opportunity and I I’m I try to
    get the guys from status down here but
    they are putting Millions every year
    into bpmn model and and this is pretty
    exciting when I saw Nick’s diagram up
    there on the screen of all the
    wireframes that that’s a business
    process markup notation product all
    right and mirror boards most people have
    look at those
    they’re really useful but what is not in
    place right now uh is something that
    would actually make a business process
    markup notation Wiki available for the
    public and I think this is going to be
    coming I know I know status is working
    on it and uh I hope to see more folks
    work on it because what it gives right
    is a visual interpretation it’s a really
    high bar it’s hard but it really does
    hold lawyer feed Fire which is exciting
    right you you want to keep them honest
    and visual markup for the same reason
    Nick had it up there it’s easy to
    understand it it doesn’t take a lot
    ofree and it doesn’t take a you know a
    programming experience to understand a
    visual diagram and so that’s what I’m
    hoping to see in the future is more
    work A visual
    representation of these connected issues
    and I think that’s uh you know for those
    who are gaped out check out bpnn but
    there are many other products similar uh
    that are looking at these linked data
    products and then on top of them
    creating visual models and so hopefully
    we will start seeing these Wiki products
    in web 3 that really facilitate
    convenient business process so that if
    you’re running a Duna in wami and you
    want to do trade in El Salvador you can
    look at what that’s going to mean what
    files you’re going to need to put in
    place to be able to make those products
    occur the other thing that we can start
    looking at at that point and this is
    really pretty Leading Edge right now is
    how the accounting is going to work
    right there are a fair number of lawyers
    in web3 there are a ton of lawyers in
    web3 there are very few accountants in
    web3 I think part of the reason they’re
    not in there is that they’re pretty
    scared of putting themselves out of the
    Jun quite frankly and I they maybe they
    should be maybe they shouldn’t be I kind
    of disagree I think they’ll have more
    and more opportunities to do that work
    but there is the opportunity then if you
    can see how things are going to work you
    can start imagining models and say well
    what if we do this kind of trade from a
    Duna to a to an LLC or if we go from a
    DOA to a Duna what’s our tax liability
    going to look like right because all
    this comes back down to to the taxes you
    pay right that’s that’s what we’re
    trying to like minimize or have tax
    advantage on and those are the products
    that I think we’re going to see more and
    more of and that I would love to
    encourage prosper and other folks
    creating entities to consider is like
    making this a lot more accessible for
    people you know when I see a miror board
    I kind of my heart sinks a little bit
    you know they’re they’re completely
    inaccessible they’re nonfunctional you
    know if you’re blind or low vision
    you’re out of luck that they really
    don’t do a job in the way that they
    could and so there’s just a tremendous
    opportunity right now to to improve that
    and to make this a lot more convenient
    for regular
    folks andon I would like to say that I I
    I think that it’s very important to
    think about all of this in the context
    of what’s about to happen with
    artificial intelligence and and
    agents the question really becomes I
    know you’re a big fan of structured data
    and AI is extraordinarily good at
    dealing with unstructured data so the
    the it’s going to be clear that we’re at
    we’re not really going to need to do a
    lot of operations stuff on structur data
    but that doesn’t mean it’s not useful
    right we will need structur data for the
    offerings for and in honings because we
    have all these Legacy databases right
    so connecting your AI agents to a
    alled uh generative AI system that can
    search structur database uh will be you
    know in in a year common place I mean
    it’s already common place now it’s just
    not uniformally distributed right so the
    really the question is you know what is
    the rate of adoption by who right as we
    roll into this new world of artificial
    intelligence where everybody has
    the plethora of hundreds of AI agents
    the question becomes well what happens
    at the edges for these Legacy systems
    both in and out because some systems are
    not going to change at the same
    rate I’ve never liked unstructured data
    I I know that it has a place and mongod
    DB has a place but I’ve never had any
    love for it I I think give me structure
    uh you know I don’t want I don’t want
    close I want 100% most of the time and I
    think most people feel that way when it
    comes to their money um so I think that
    AI is going to have a role in creating
    more venient structures but I don’t see
    I I still think when at the end of the
    day you’re going to want something that
    is perfect not decent or not I really do
    I think I think AI is is great for
    development and I think it’s got some
    values for understanding and
    interpreting but I I don’t see it as
    necessary I you can get a pretty pure
    SQL product or grath tol product out
    with better results um but we’ll see
    about that I I you know I think there’s
    that’s certainly the development that
    I’d like to see is people getting better
    structure but like could be able to
    debate well one possible use case that
    we’re actually exploring with the
    company right now um so one of the
    things that we should be doing as a
    jurisdiction is constantly there’s
    there’s the value especially economic
    zone is lowering your the barrier of
    entry for people or businesses to get
    involved and lowering the cost of doing
    business one way to do that is through
    the law through regulation one way
    through technology we do that through
    our our incorporation platform but one
    things that we want to do is to have uh
    sort of like a like a like a chapot
    specifically that is fed information
    about our legal code our regulatory code
    as well just general FS about setting up
    a company in the to I we’re we’re
    manually Fielding these questions right
    now but we want a way that have a
    scalable way where people can interact
    with our system and then generally just
    have a low barrier way to get involved
    so I think especially because of um as
    Nick mentioned today ulx is thousands of
    pages um and that’s you know fairly
    lightweight in general for a legal code
    but even still for for you know normal
    person who doesn’t have a law degree um
    they would have to spend you know
    thousands of dollars in retainer to get
    an attorney involved just so they can
    you know help on their business that
    could be a way of lowering barriers for
    companies that getting started up
    I think it’s also very important to
    tease out and think about the levels of
    these architectures right because
    certain parts of the architectures are
    going to be purely for interfacing with
    a machine right so that’s very different
    than being part of the machine which is
    interpreting and Computing them be data
    right so you can interact with these
    systems as an AI system through Voice
    through speech through
    language and to answer your point
    about the fact
    that things are you know not really
    deterministic or you know they’re how do
    you say probabilistic in okay um you
    know so that is really a system
    architecture um issue right you can have
    part of the interface system be handling
    the the part of the system which is is
    not um probabilistic in other parts that
    are dealing with the parts that that
    are I think that’s absolutely right and
    I mean again I’m just looking at data
    structures and trying to say well this
    is my tiny purview on them
    but right there are going to be places
    where probabilistic answers are cor and
    that’s great you can use AI should be
    able to interpret a map pretty easily
    and I get that but I still think that
    for the end user you want to be able to
    trace it down and this kind of goes back
    to what Alex was talking about earlier
    you know it’s nice to have those
    relationships and being able to kind of
    generalize things but in terms of
    knowing what’s going to happen most
    people like knowing what’s going to
    happen not not kind of getting a decent
    shot at it oh yeah for sure yeah I’m
    pretty risk averse I didn’t end up in
    the library because I’m that Wild guy um
    yeah I mean definitely there there needs
    to be actually needs to be the first one
    people need to look at that um and I am
    very very much against the idea of you
    know AI lawers making final decisions or
    you know people are talking about AI
    judges and the whole Dow the initial
    system thought of Dow is cod as law I I
    can’t think of anything more stupid to
    be completely honest um that’s the
    reason they get to slock it Dow um you
    law is interpretation it’s fuzzy it’s
    not binary um and you can can automate a
    lot of those functions as much as
    possible but at the end of the day there
    need a b no I think that’s right I think
    bpmn when you look at having a structure
    you can cify where there’s going to be
    an arbitrary decision but you still know
    that it’s part of a process right you
    you realize you’re like you get to this
    point arbitrary is going to happen but
    but you can still see that the outcomes
    from that piece are going to be ped and
    that’s that’s a that’s a difference
    right you can you can install arbitrary
    without having the whole system the
    arbitrary you can be specific about
    where that is and I think that so I
    don’t see that being a problem but and
    this is this is the same argument and
    issue and challenge with smart contracts
    right because they’re never going to
    capture everything and you’re going to
    capture the stuff that falls through the
    cracks because you can’t C of code
    everything that’s legally into the SM
    contract so the question really is you
    know how do you design these systems to
    catch the stuff that falls through the
    price and you know these are the
    but you know as we as we start to put
    you know more things um
    online should I say should I actually
    say air air table Yeah say air T
    it’s it’s a structured data I but or or
    um or blockchains that
    uh these things will become uh easier to
    do right getting more data that that we
    have online and the more that we build
    AUD to build systems on top of them
    right and
    incentivization systems to do the
    auditing then we’re operating at a very
    different level right because we can
    catch these erors and you can have not
    just one auditor you can have a thousand
    Auditors to be your AUD and all of these
    kinds of things bring us into a new
    operational place
    you I just want to say that while we’re
    talking about these products I don’t
    really see much there there may be
    places for blockchain and these things
    but on you know when you talk about gdpr
    and the right to be forgotten those are
    really critical elements and so for
    interoperability I don’t see much of
    this data in terms of structure going on
    chain right I think it’s I think that’s
    Risky Business and probably aies for the
    most part there there may be
    opportunities there but I’d be you know
    okay so here we get to the really
    interesting conversation right so the
    idea that information is on chain is you
    um not necessarily exact right so
    there’s most all information related to
    a blockchain is not going to be on
    chain the blockchain itself is only
    going to serve the purpose of having the
    hash of representation of that data
    which is off chain but the real s a
    question becomes
    here regarding privacy right
    so it’s not only about the information
    but when you
    expose those actors and entities and
    individuals and data when is it
    appropriate to do that and when is it
    non-appropriate to do that and more
    importantly and this this has come up
    extensively in you know thinking about
    registered agents
    who are creating entities right and your
    contracts and you have all these things
    about a company that you know could
    potentially be exposed um some things
    you want to be exposed right there’s
    lots of information about a company you
    want to be exposed but then there’s
    other things you don’t want to be
    exposed if you if you have everything on
    chain then you know China or any
    other actor comes along and just reads
    the chain and then you know really quite
    frankly there’s no strategic Advantage
    anymore because we just gave away all
    secrets wow that’s a problem so we want
    to make sure that we uh think very
    carefully about the Privacy complain
    about this and not just individual
    privacy everybody talks about DDR and
    per people right you know but it’s it’s
    it’s it’s the Privacy about you know
    what we are are doing
    organizationally um as entities and
    ecosystems of entities and when is it
    appropriate to to to do that hiding and
    that hiding of who’s doing what when and
    and that’s actually really important for
    democracy yeah have
    microphone two microphones yeah I I
    to fist it all right no I mean I I I
    guess you know I mean in terms of data
    architecture what I’m looking forward to
    seeing more of a a web free product that
    gives people the opportunity to look at
    these business processes edit them and
    then perhaps yeah you can snapshot that
    into a solidity contract you could
    snapshot the the schema into an anest
    station you could have zero knowledge
    proofs you could have all of that kind
    of security and I think that is exciting
    I think that is probably a reasonable
    direction to see things go I I’m you
    know that’s certainly what I would like
    to see but as a starting point I am
    hoping that here in Prosper and Salvador
    in the United States we will start
    organizing all of these entity
    structures and the processes the forms
    that are required file so that it’s to
    the app I I still see that as a huge gap
    in the ecosis it could save people a lot
    of time and hopefully make people some
    money uh yeah that is what we’re trying
    to do here uh some partly what we’re
    trying to do here trying to help people
    that’s yes sir
    hey um I couldn’t help a feel that Tim
    burner’s Lee is missing
    here um sir Tim burner’s Lee while he
    was at CERN creates
    HTTP we have hypertext mode as a result
    of it and uh there you go the beginning
    of the internet on top of Dara that was
    kind of interesting and I couldn’t help
    but think with this conversation just to
    mention what he said which is he never
    imagined the internet to be what it is
    today which he doesn’t work in fact uh
    this whole thing of closed systems and
    data kind of like being hidden behind
    the scenes uh was something that he
    didn’t anticipate if anything he wanted
    researchers to be able to share their
    data widely and then be able to what he
    normally did at ser and at other um
    institutions globally like MIT and St
    UFT and I gotta mention UF because I’m a
    Canadian that’s important I suppose um
    my point is this
    um the blockchain thing I think is kind
    of like the best solution we have right
    now the fact that we have pointers that
    point to the data is is a function of as
    we know storage
    space Hardware is doing a pretty good
    job in terms of computing thanks to
    Jensen and video and um a lot of the
    stuff that we’re actually talking about
    is being worked on uh very quietly in
    places so what I’m hoping is that the
    conversation might kind of turn to
    something that I think um maybe brings
    everyone to the same page which is I
    have the feeling that all of you
    actually agree but you just have
    different perspectives on getting there
    and that I think is what needs to be
    said which is it’s not an either or or
    and it’s more like I think of it as a
    spectrum and then depending on who
    you’re talking to you can be like this
    gentleman super safe like so safe so
    safe got to have it like I got to know
    100% where I’m going from here to there
    to our friend in the middle and you know
    who’s like hey unstructured you know we
    got agents you know they’re kind of free
    and they figure it out on my own and
    then of course this gentleman to the
    left which is like look I’ve got a
    solution I’m working on it but I’d
    rather maybe to hear where where the
    commonality is as opposed to the
    is I think we all agree that distributed
    systems have a place and I think we
    definitely all agreed that ATT
    attestations or credentials in and
    hashing data on chain or on a
    distributed uh system is really
    important obviously um the the question
    is for what use cases
    because everything looks like a nail
    when you have a hammer and I feel like
    everyone here owns a lot of hammers or
    at least our Hammer Enthusiast um but we
    also we also want to make sure that we
    keep the the floor you know without
    dents unnecessarily so um I I think it’s
    it’s it’s first identifying what are the
    solid undeniable use cases for this
    technology and also the right technology
    for instance the reason why uh we’re
    going with um with not necessarily A
    blockchain but a distributed system like
    a Bitcoin war is for one um there
    whenever you choose a specific chain
    right now you can get caught in a lot of
    chain Wars um and also interop when
    you’re when you’re a government you also
    want to be interoperable and as soon as
    you say that you’re associate with a
    blockchain then there’s some
    difficulties there versus if you’re with
    a distribut system that isn’t tied to a
    particular ideology or politics it has
    you know the same mechanics that allow
    for immutability and verifiability what
    have you that be very helpful um so yeah
    I think it’s it just a m the question
    yes obviously we see the value in
    technology it’s just where is the buzz
    versus where is actual use cases and
    what is the appropriate tool for the
    comp okay I would also say that we
    probably agree on 95% of things and it’s
    kind of fun to get into the details of
    where we see differences you know I I’m
    pretty agreeable to the best part but I
    like to get a little bit contentious
    with colleagues just to make it
    interesting what’s the point of the
    panel if they all
    CH all right um last we have about like
    three minutes left so o was
    first thank you thank you well uh it
    just reminds me of the library in
    Alexandria and the Tower of Babel you
    know uh but anyway when you talk about
    about Library I think about storage you
    know and with that all that data and all
    that’s that’s uh being stored
    systematically through different means
    through different uh tools over the
    years over the
    centuries now we got to a point that um
    we got a company for instance called
    palent here that uses all that
    information to
    predict so I want you to say something
    what do you see in the future or in your
    career about predictions you see what
    you have in your
    part yeah sure uh I think we’re going to
    be able to lick a lot more because we’re
    going to be able to analyze a lot more
    because we’re going to take all this
    data and expose it in ways in which we
    can now
    you know crunch it um but that also
    brings us back to back to privacy right
    meaning that there to answer the
    question there can and there should be
    variability in that right so there
    certainly should be lots of data which
    is uh which you can’t draw predictions
    from because that would be bad like I
    don’t want people to maybe you know
    predict you know whatever about me right
    I think you’re I think if you’re Hest
    the main thing is that you’ll be able to
    do much better predictive analysis if
    you have models that are easy to AAL
    right that once you have a framework and
    everybody chooses an ISO standard they
    choose their you know again I just it
    almost doesn’t matter which standard
    people choose as long as they pick one
    you know it doesn’t matter if it’s Json
    XML once you pick the standard you can
    start analyzing and and I think doing
    predictive analysis and seeing how much
    taxes am I going to owe if I you know
    for a model like this will be a lot
    easier when people start working
    businesses and you know especially in
    the nonprofit sector where I think you
    know nonprofit and government sectors
    where transparency and auditability are
    critical you’re you’re going to have
    huge opportunities and governments are
    going to be able to say hey this model
    really saved us a ton of money you know
    and and this special economics is going
    to say well we learned a lot of things
    and that’s going to be business you know
    that’ll be your kind of your business
    Special Sauce which you may not share
    with everyone but you will have that
    data and be able to you know assist the
    people in your community to do better
    business I mean I think that’s 100% of
    the direction that goes but you need to
    have a struct you don’t need to you
    could you could get to a model with AI
    that would be very very good but it
    would certainly be convenient to have a
    structured model to understand what’s
    going to happen yeah you don’t have to
    but it’s but it’s nice too and I’m going
    to beer slightly off with you know my
    expertise here um I do think prediction
    better predicted models can happen with
    data that’s more transparent but one
    element that won’t be is for things that
    you don’t want on chain and one thing
    you think about we have our assets
    that’s on are on chain that are
    verifiable right now but right now for
    businesses for instance you don’t have
    liabilities and in order to make
    accurate predictions we cannot just look
    at assets because you could look at
    binance’s group of of of a group of uh
    assets but you only get a part of the
    picture you don’t know what the
    liabilities you are you don’t know how
    much of that is L that they have and
    what have you so I think it’s both it’s
    it’s a responsibility of special
    economic zones and jurisdictions or even
    just private organizations to create
    standards that different institutions
    need to start putting not
    just assets on train but liabilities on
    train and that could be really helpful
    from the regulatory standpoint or a
    self-regulatory standpoint and therefore
    that could lead to better prediction
    models moving forward I completely agree
    with you because you only have you know
    one half of the
    books you know how much can you predict
    if you’re hiding the other half I mean I
    don’t I don’t want like just normal
    businesses to put their liabilities but
    if you’re like if you are a financial
    institution I think one thing that would
    be a smart regulation by a special
    jurisdiction it’ll be requiring
    financial institutions to require to put
    out their
    liabilities but the other thing I think
    is really important to think about is
    you know how you
    categorize these or engineer these at
    the right level of granularity so maybe
    you don’t want your whole financial
    institution or whole company to have
    everything out there in the public that
    would be bad right but maybe you can
    carve out or you carve out a subsidiary
    where you know everything about that
    little subsidiary to do a very very
    discreet operational thing is exposed to
    the public and I guess the only thing I
    know we don’t have much time about one
    of the things I’d like to F with is that
    the part of the advantage of using these
    ecosystems that have already been
    established is that you get to leverage
    the communities that are already in
    place and you can get this really robust
    critique right I work with the open
    street map uh Foundation quite a bit and
    and at one point I was mapping all the
    sidewalks in charot and it was
    remarkable somebody in Germany came in
    and corrected my sidewalk mapping from
    across the world they were like well you
    missed a sidewalk here and and and and I
    think that’s one of the things that’s
    really exciting is that you have this
    opportunity to leverage a glow of
    community if you start moving in this
    direction that you can get some really
    really ass burer people which is really
    what you want for for for doing data
    analysis you want Grinders you want
    people who are just absolutely Die Hard
    focused on accuracy and that way you can
    you do they did the best job and so you
    need that for for and you have that
    opportunity to leverage that and that’s
    what I would like to close with is that
    there’s a huge community of librarians
    of data scientists in that community who
    want to see this happen and I think web
    3 you know they tend to think of
    themselves as incredibly novel and
    incredibly special and and that’s simply
    well that that’s dis beautiful but I
    think they’re they’re missing a lot of
    opportunities to leverage community that
    would love to participate if they
    started thinking about how to structure
    work uh I think we’re getting Oscar
    music but just the final words uh return
    all books that are late in your library
    and maintain compliance with your
    Department no I’m good
    thanks thank you so much a round of
    applause to the speakers I’m so S I hate
    to be the person sing in the site same
    thank you so much for being here you’ll
    have a lot of time to network afterward
    is the beautiful thing about being all
    here at Italia you get
    to thank you all right so this was the
    last panel that’s going to be streamed
    for the people online thank you so much
    for joining us the next panel that you
    see in the agenda which is public Choice
    case uh case study that said will not be
    streamed unfortunately um recommend next
    time to come and join us um so we can
    stop the streaming now and I would like
    to invite our
    next e

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