We’re Being Set Up… | Gold & Silver Won’t Last Long

    hey everybody smart silver stacker here
    hope you’re doing well today we’re going
    to discuss the setup uh that we’re
    witnessing play out here or being set up
    for a major crisis in one form or
    another and this likely will have a big
    impact on gold and silver as safe havens
    uh but there’s several potential crises
    that I want to delve into here which the
    risk of which seems to be elevating
    significantly so starting off with this
    warning that we have just received from
    FBI director Christopher Ray and this is
    one that is really unbelievably serious
    if you ask me uh he’s warning that the
    US could face a coordinated terror
    attack and he’s likening this risk to
    that uh faced by the
    Russians in regard to their concer Hall
    terror attack on March
    22nd that resulted in the deaths of 144
    now uh Christopher Ray here he’s saying
    that an attack on us soil may not be
    different from what you saw against the
    concert hall in Russia a few weeks ago
    from Isis K and he’s warning that lone
    aers or radicalized groups could be
    influenced to carry out a terror attack
    in a public place uh he also says that
    the threat environment in the US is
    currently at an all-time high so he’s
    saying it’s higher
    than any time in the past uh that’s an
    incredible statement and yet that is
    what we are hearing
    from uh the head of you know federal law
    enforcement here this guy Christopher
    Ray telling us that there’s a major
    attack potentially uh about to unfold he
    says as I look back over my career in
    law enforcement I’m hardpressed to come
    up with a time that I’ve seen so many
    different threats all elevated at the
    same time whether it’s threat from China
    Russia Iran the terror threats both
    foreign and domestic uh threats so the
    laundry list there that he’s presenting
    uh you know where the fingers will be
    pointed uh you know in the wake of an
    attack and again you know I mentioned
    this is one that we should take
    seriously the reason I think that is uh
    so important is you know look at this
    this is from March 8th 2024 where us
    intelligence was warning
    Russia of an attack by extremists and
    then what happened um you know we saw
    that attack play out on March 22nd so
    These Warnings should definitely be
    seriously this is another one to give
    you an idea of the type of warnings
    we’re receiving from Christopher Ray and
    you know I’m going to give you uh my
    take on this stuff but I just kind of
    want to outline for you here what he has
    been warning about in recent days this
    was just yesterday at this Vanderbilt
    built Summit on Modern conflict this guy
    highlighted a severe and ongoing cyber
    threat that the Chinese government poses
    to US national and economic security Now
    I know a lot of people when they see
    this video when they watch this live
    stream and I do want to thank all of you
    for tuning in by the way uh but they’re
    going to say you know you’re just
    parting Western mainstream
    media uh this is all just uh propaganda
    you know uh pointing fingers at our
    geopolitical enemies and look I mean to
    that I would say uh I remain agnostic
    about you know where the threats really
    are from I’m just pointing out that when
    you hear this kind of a warning from
    somebody like the FBI
    director you should acknowledge that you
    know whether you think this is just uh
    conditioning the population for you know
    some kind of inside job thing if you’re
    in that camp I know a lot of people
    um then also there is uh you know the
    potential there really is an external
    threat and I think that you know you can
    question the mainstream narrative
    certainly but to believe that these
    foreign actors China Russia Iran Etc
    that there are just completely
    benevolent actors uh on the stage is
    also kind of naive and you know all
    these State actors whether it be uh the
    FBI the you know your own political
    Elites your own leaders or those opposed
    to us in the geopolitical chessboard
    rarely are these State actors these
    State individuals acting out of any kind
    of benevolence certainly not acting in
    your best interest important to keep
    that in mind so according to him here
    the FBI has observed an increase of
    cyber incidents that can be traced back
    to Chinese state sponsored actors
    targeting sectors vital to US National
    Security and now this is the real kicker
    here uh such as energy Finance I want to
    draw your attention to that and defense
    now I mean think
    about what a Cyber attack on the US
    Financial system might look
    like and I’m not trying to get all you
    know tinfoil hat on you here by the way
    but you know you look at the US national
    debt $34.68 one trillion were on the
    verge of a major economic crisis that
    has been brought in by the policies of
    you know the central banks the political
    Elites the politicians who insist on
    racking up this huge amount of debt now
    we’re facing elevated levels of
    inflation and insolvent banking system
    uh the FED trying to get inflation under
    control by hiking rates but you know the
    whole system is starting to fall apart
    because we’re hopelessly addicted to
    easy money and uh you know crisis is
    inevitable you wonder could this
    potentially be a cover for these things
    okay some folks in the chat there saying
    uh Will silver drop more well let’s
    let’s talk about the price of the metals
    here so you have got gold this is the
    3-month chart um
    2337 it’s come down a little bit from
    its peak
    largely the same story in silver we’ve
    had kind of what I would consider just a
    healthy correction here now we got to
    consider what is it that has led to this
    correction certainly part of it probably
    just normal uh profit taking I think
    some people also out there are going to
    say it’s manipulation okay maybe um you
    know these are just derivatives of the
    metals themselves so there are paper
    markets manipulation is possible but
    also it is the unwinding of some of the
    GE political premium that was being put
    into these markets in the leadup to the
    exchange between Iran and Israel now
    that turned out at least thus far to not
    be the opening salvos of a major
    regional War so you know some of that
    geopolitical risk
    premium has to get priced out of the
    medals and that is likely what we are
    witnessing but you know the base case
    for the medals still is ultimately very
    bullish so you know if silver drops more
    I’ll probably just buy more I actually
    bought some today I bought some silver
    and some Platinum today I’ll show you
    what I got in just a moment uh but this
    is important to note also that you know
    the geopolitical risk premium is out so
    imagine if we do get uh a major Cyber
    attack major terror attack what do you
    think is going to happen to the metals
    now look I’m not gleefully uh you know
    hoping for that possibility I hope
    nothing of the sort occurs but you know
    the fact is that it looks like something
    like that might be around the corner
    certainly there’s ample warnings of it
    it seems like we’re being set up for or
    something like that and as a result you
    know you got to look at where you can
    position yourself to insulate yourself
    from the worst of the shocks and I think
    the metals is where you want to go
    also and there’s a real risk that this
    geopolitical premium gets baked right in
    if we don’t see a domestic attack or a
    crisis it’s very likely we could
    continue to see the situation devolve in
    the Middle East this is a story from 3
    days ago US military base in Syria under
    attack has five missiles launched from
    now why is this so important well this
    is the first attack against US forces
    since Iranian backed groups stopped
    attacking US troops in February so if
    you recall in February there was a
    attack on a US base on the Jordan Syria
    border some US military personnel were
    uh killed and as a result of that and
    the Iranian backed militias in the
    region called off the attacks well you
    know they were looking not to get you
    know bombed off the face of the earth I
    guess which could have been the
    potential reprisal there if they had
    continued to attack following uh that
    fatal attack on US military personnel
    well now uh they’re back to it right so
    we’re in the same situation we found
    ourself earlier in the year uh these
    attacks are going to continue and it’s
    only a matter of time until we see a
    worse attack on US military personnel in
    the region again hopefully that doesn’t
    happen but that does appear to be the
    trend so look you know if any of these
    things happen if we see a war breakout
    in the Middle East if we see a domestic
    crisis if we see I mean think about this
    if you get a Cyber attack on the US
    Financial system think of all the digits
    all the wealth that many of you probably
    have you got bank accounts you got stock
    portfolios you got 401ks that stuff’s
    All Digital you got to think about that
    so probably a good time to get your
    hands on some assets outside of the
    digital Financial system the time
    monored ones of course are gold and
    silver Financial advice but today uh
    considering the fact that silver and
    gold and platinum have all pulled back a
    bit here I picked up another roll of
    these 90% US silver coins now look it’s
    20 uh almost $21 per face value 6 months
    ago I could have bought these for $18
    face value well I wish I had bought more
    back then but uh I think that we’ll be
    looking back on this date you know 6
    months down the road and we’re going to
    say the same thing about these prices I
    also picked up one of these Platinum
    Maple Leaf coins that are on sale right
    now get an ounce of platinum for under
    1,000 bucks folks uh pretty pretty great
    deal if you ask me Platinum a nice
    compact store wealth similar to Gold
    except a lot more rare and very cheap
    relative to gold right now um but
    getting back to the fact that we’re
    facing all of these uh tremendous risks
    you know there was this warning that was
    put out back in
    uh March 20th and I talked about this
    story about how the US uh intelligence
    is warning that
    hackers could be carrying out attacks on
    Water Systems uh alarming right and uh
    the gist of this is
    that these systems are very lightly
    protected often times they don’t even
    apply the security updates for the
    software that controls these things
    sometimes it’s very outdated there are
    exploits in these critical systems that
    control water and so they’re a frequent
    Target for attack um they’re saying that
    these attacks have come from Chinese and
    Iranian groups now you know China and
    Iran they deny carrying out these cyber
    attacks but I mean of course that is
    what you would expect right they might
    be doing these covertly deny it whatever
    I’m sure we’re probing their systems as
    well this is not like a one-sided thing
    but uh there was a intrusion here that
    they mentioned in this article uh in a
    booster facility in Al alapa I’m
    probably saying that wrong sorry folks
    uh you know sometimes it’s hard to
    pronounce things when you are only
    reading them and you’ve never heard them
    said but this is a city in Pennsylvania
    and these
    uh attacks on this pump they changed the
    the screen to just display you have been
    hacked so they didn’t actually do
    anything they just made a point of
    letting people know you have been hacked
    so how many of these systems have been
    compromised well here’s an updated story
    this is from April 17th about uh how
    there is a Russian based hacking Group
    which apparently uh caused a water
    facility in north Texas to overflow in
    January so again fairly um you know uh
    benevolent I guess yeah this is a
    problem this is malware this is you know
    causing systems to uh malfunction to
    overflow but I’m sure that these things
    could be much worse but an outside
    entity hacked into the city’s water tank
    software it allows operators to interact
    with and control the tank the tank
    overflowed for 30 to 45
    minutes again not a not a huge problem
    but gives you an idea of you know the
    degree to which these systems may be
    compromised and you can see if conflict
    breaks out or perhaps uh you know these
    Bad actors decide to launch a
    coordinated attack and again I’m sure
    there are those of you who are saying
    you know this isn’t the Russians this
    isn’t the Chinese this isn’t the
    Iranians maybe it’s an inside job of
    some sort I mean I don’t really have any
    evidence one way or the other I’m just
    reporting on you know the mainstream
    what is allowed to get out through the
    Gatekeepers here but the point is it
    doesn’t really matter who’s doing it if
    your water shuts off do you really care
    if it’s Iran or China or Russia or you
    know some other bad actor maybe somebody
    domestically I mean it doesn’t matter
    the water’s not running right so uh the
    point is you got to get prepared for
    this stuff and again if you log into uh
    your bank account and your balance is
    gone or
    your uh trading account and your balance
    is gone or unavailable or uh the the the
    bank or the institution has been dosed
    or they’ve had their uh hard drives
    compromised or wiped I mean again do you
    really care who’s behind it that’s not
    the important part the important part is
    the Fallout of the attack and
    so uh yeah see some folks in the chat
    they’re talking about how these places
    probably have their password set to 1 2
    3 4 5 and yeah that I mean that’s
    honestly not far from it I’ve read that
    sometimes these critical infrastructures
    they’ll have like default passwords on
    things um and and they’re not that
    secure now is that intentional right are
    are they being left open uh are is it
    just a negligence that causes this is it
    the fact that people aren’t you know
    trained on cyber security when they’re
    uh water plant Engineers I don’t know
    and again I I don’t know who’s
    conducting any of these attacks but the
    point is that we’re getting warnings
    we’re getting foreshadowings whether you
    consider those to be legitimate warnings
    or predictive programming or whatever
    the fact is that uh we’re headed for
    major geopolitical conflict we’re headed
    for a tremendous uh debt crisis here you
    know that bottom line if nothing else
    happens this is an inevitable crisis in
    the works but also it does provide some
    incentive perhaps to allow an attack to
    take place or to fit an attack I mean
    it’s certainly good cover for if you
    need to reset the system and this is
    just speculation on my part not saying
    this is a high probability event but
    certainly um it does appear that the
    system is is fragile and not resilient
    to attack and that comes in many levels
    right that comes in the fact that our
    critical infrastructure is being left
    wide open to attack we’re fragile in the
    sense that we have an economy that is
    levered up to the hilt and the smallest
    disruption could create a cascading
    series of defaults or financial
    institution failures uh also we’ve
    allowed the system or the geopolitical
    situation whether we’ve allowed it to
    occur or it has just occurred by Nature
    things are at an all-time high of
    instability and the potential for
    attacks is very high and you’ve got the
    fbii warning that major attacks are
    around the corner the highest Threat
    Level in uh history according to the
    director of the FBI so
    look should an event like this take
    place gold and silver and platinum all
    these precious metals they’re not going
    to remain in stock for very long right
    it’s like a very limited number of
    lifeboats for a ship with a huge
    population I mean you consider all of
    the wealth out there all the digital
    wealth all the
    derivatives when people want a real safe
    haven there’s not going to be enough
    seats right and so I suspect that uh the
    situation could become very dire for
    those looking to get into precious
    metals you could see physical premiums
    explode kind of got a preview of this
    last year when the bank started to fail
    but that crisis I think will be peanuts
    compared to what is coming and I don’t
    know for me junk silver is probably
    going to be the first Canary in the coal
    mine when you see this stuff run out you
    know everything else is uh going to be
    in short supply very soon as well that’s
    why I’m still
    stacking making other preparedness uh
    moves you know trying to get myself
    independent for uh water food all those
    things because you’re headed for a time
    here where we may not be able to count
    on the traditional systems of support
    and everybody’s so accustomed to just
    pressing a button on your
    phone things come to your house you know
    we’re all uh on Amazon just buying
    things getting them shipped directly
    here we expect to be able to manage our
    money with the touch of a button send
    payments with the touch of a button and
    the problem is that uh because we’ve
    gotten so accustomed to all this
    convenience that we are left open to a
    serious uh crisis and we’re not very
    resilient so uh let me know what you
    think in the comments down below about
    this one folks what are you doing to get
    ready what do you think the odds are of
    a major event playing out I think that
    they appear to be rising and we should
    all be doing our best to get prepared
    but again uh you know smash that like
    button share the video with your friends
    check out the sponsors like SD bullion
    there’s a link down in the description
    and thanks for watching Everybody leave
    me a comment down below to let me know
    what you think stay safe and happy
    stacking everybody smart silver stacker

    Ominous warnings of attacks, cyber and otherwise, abound. US debt continues to skyrocket. Escalation of conflict is almost certain. We are being set up for major crisis, and gold & silver won’t last long when it hits…

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    #silver #gold #silverstacking


    1. If i bought around $10 a ounce of silver and had 2000 3000 ozs id be selling now. It could go up but over all the goal is to make money. I honestly think where moving into a star trek time and dont think metal has another 25 years. Id probably be stuck with a bunch of it when it crashes. Id drop a 1000 ozs around $31 a ounce try to buy back in at $21

    2. Nothing has changed regarding the factors pushing precious metals higher. Potential war, continuous printing of money, inflation, etc etc as it all is progressive with intent. It's just taking a little break for now.

    3. I think ww3 will be see 2750 for gold and 35$ silver. I think china and India will sell some silver and hold more gold, and private stackers will be reduced to poverty.

    4. There will be a variety of distributed attacks; rioting and other violence, water systems, power systems, waste water systems, food supplies, wildfires and industrial fires, transportation including fuel supply and air traffic and trains. Just enough chaos for the people to demand authoritarian takeover and surrender of all freedom (Natural Rights and legal). Marshal Law is likely. October surprise preempting the "election"?

    5. America is the weakest it’s ever been. All these countries that have been under americas boot for decades smell blood in the water. Human nature really

    6. If this happens in the us , chances are its a set up with in to impose more restrictions and erosions of the bill of rights. What happened in Russia was CIA planed and sponsored. American justice system is rotten to the core. FBI lol 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

    7. Wray is responsible for the foreign actors getting access. Wouldn’t surprise me if he gave them the keys to the building and passwords to the networks.

    8. Silver and gold require sophisticated financial knowledge. Most Americans don't know the difference between a silver bar and a candy bar. So I also save stacks of $1 bills because if people cannot access electronic funds, those will become very valuable for day to day purchases for things you may need. $1 will be worth $100 if that's the only form of money people recognize. If you try to buy toilet paper with a silver eagle, the clerk would only accept dollars, even if he knew what the silver eagle was worth, he's not getting it personally and he'd have to explain to his boss why he accepted it.

    9. All these "intel" reports… all these little tit for tat battles. Garbage. If an attack on a US base actually killed some of our men…. how/why in the world would we not escalate to the point of ending all future threats? smh

      I truly believe that national sovereignty is an illusion. All nation's leaderships are occupied by an unseen hand. All global events and the narrative that goes along with it is engineered and fictitious. All of it. All the Worlds a Stage. Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

    10. All they ever show is the debt and the debtclock, but they never say anything about the balances of the Countries assets.

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