Has Silver Entered Its Next Bull Market…

    I see a lot of similarities with 20012
    2002 when I got into the business and
    that was the beginning of a 10-year bull
    market you know that went until
    2011 well hello there my friends Chris
    Marcus here with you for arcade
    economics and we are going to be digging
    into the silver side of things today as
    been an interesting uh couple months
    here we’ve had quite a rally
    and then we are recording on Monday
    morning where as by the time you’re
    watching this you’ll have known quite a
    selloff I would suggest not the most
    unexpected thing in the world especially
    given the rate and speed at which prices
    have been rising in silver and gold as
    well uh but to dig into some of those
    Dynamics someone who is running a
    company that will be going into
    production in a couple of months uh
    later this year so be great to get his
    insight into what he’s seeing and
    hearing on the silver market and that is
    of course David Stein of kuya silver
    David it’s a pleasure to have you back
    on here today and dig into all the
    things we’ve seen in the past couple
    months so most importantly how are you
    doing today my
    friend um well thanks Chris for having
    me and I’m doing well how are you doing
    good and I’ll I’ll start with as we
    mentioned right before we hit
    recording interesting to see gold down
    $65 on a Monday yet still Trading at23
    350 so I’m curious how people are
    reacting out there I mean obviously
    price is down silver having a hard
    Monday as well down a157 although still
    above $27 so if you went back to the
    beginning of the year I think most
    people would have signed up for this of
    course uh always can be a a little bit
    unnerving when you see some of these
    declines we also did see something like
    this about a week and a half ago on that
    Friday where silver touched close to $30
    then there was that big reversal in both
    gold and silver but perhaps to begin
    would love to hear your thoughts of
    anything that you’ve seen or been
    thinking about as we’ve seen the rally
    uh you can talk about the selloff as
    well but certainly in the conversations
    you have at the conferences or with some
    of the investing funds as well just love
    to get any feedback or observations
    you’ve had on what we’ve seen so
    far sure well um so to kind of take a
    step back I mean
    I I obviously look at the silver price
    very very closely and and the gold price
    along with it because they are you know
    they’re uh tied together um I I look
    even more at the equity prices um
    because you know I do run a silver
    mining company and
    um and so uh I care a lot about how the
    equities are doing uh not just the metal
    price and sometimes often they are tied
    together and they move in the same
    direction but sometimes they don’t so so
    those that that can be interesting um
    either way uh now if you go back to
    February um the low on the bag um
    indexes uh for gold and silver uh GDX
    gdxj s
    SJ uh was February 28th so if you go
    back to February 28th that’s when the m
    hit a low price uh at least in the
    recent trading last few years and uh and
    then we’ve had this big rally since then
    so basically the whole month of March
    and then we got about through about half
    of April before you know before we’re
    seeing this now uh pretty significant
    correction at least in terms of the
    volatility um and so you know this is
    definitely going to scare some investors
    uh out of their position I here um in in
    the precious metals whether it be the
    metal itself or whether it be the
    miners uh and and that you know we’re
    definitely we’re seeing that um you know
    we’re seeing that with our stock we’re
    seeing that with the the sector in
    general uh as well now you know some of
    the you know other industry
    observations that we’re seeing in the
    last few months
    uh big uptick I think uh interest in m&a
    activity and um you know m&a deals it’s
    it’s very you know they they take a long
    time so it’s hard to pinpoint them to
    the last month and a half of the the
    rally and and and that’s causing them so
    it’s possible these are were in the
    works before um but what I find in you
    know and I’ve been in minding Capital
    markets now for more than 20 years is
    that when you do get into these rally
    periods it sort of greases the wheels so
    things that were in progress start
    happening faster because there’s a lot
    more incentive on both sides to get a
    deal done to get the announcement out to
    you know to to show something to
    investors uh before they forget about
    you and go to something else the next
    shiny new object that’s out there so we
    we are seeing a big you know uptick in
    m&a activity in the last few weeks and I
    think that’s a really positive thing
    that you know that that whole you know
    subject has been dead for a long time
    time and you know we saw there’s a big
    gold merger today that’s going to create
    you know a new almost $2 billion gold
    you know kind of mid-tier gold company
    um there’s been some smaller deals as
    well bigger companies picking off
    smaller companies uh in the last few
    weeks so I think that’s kind of
    interesting as well and and speaks to um
    you know uh what should be a stronger
    longer term rally here yeah and it’s it
    seems like we’re starting to see the
    beginnings of some of the investment
    funds coming back to Silver whereas
    for g i I still often think back to that
    silver simposium we were at back in
    September of 2022 where actually ended
    up being the bottom of the cycle silver
    going down below $18 and since then
    there’s been about year and a half of we
    see retail to some degree involved yet
    wondering when the money is going to
    come back in several of the executives
    I’ve talked to have said they’ve started
    to see signs of that I know you’re
    mentioned that on the m&a side but uh
    does does that match uh what you’ve been
    seeing in the individual stocks as well
    where funds are coming back in a little
    bit maybe a little bit cautiously but
    still starting to participate
    again yeah um I definitely have been
    seeing that especially the last month
    and a half
    um you know uh I think a good a good
    thing to look at is is trading volume um
    and uh and you know certainly ours has
    been a lot higher and I’m sure a lot of
    our peers uh the trading volume’s been a
    lot higher um really most of this year
    now uh and uh you know that that’s
    attribute you got to attribute some of
    that to new uh investors coming back in
    and funds that are maybe moving down cap
    as well that’s a really important factor
    as well is that when um you know when
    investors do sort of make that first
    call into uh the mining sector gold or
    silver mining sector they’ll typically
    buy the biggest ones because they’re
    they’re not really convinced themselves
    yet um and so they want something that
    they can sell really easily if they
    change their mind and of course the the
    the the ones that are the most liquid
    would be things like baric and neumont
    Nevada um and then as they get more
    comfortable and they you know are are
    more convinced of the thesis they’ll
    start to move down to um and take more
    and more risk with their
    portfolios and uh you know there there’s
    no question that if you can buy a good
    Junior in a bull market you’re gonna you
    know you’re going to outperform a senior
    by many many fold um like hundreds of
    percent that you know is you’re going to
    do way way better so it becomes
    definitely a bit of a a crowding into
    the Juniors of eventually um especially
    silver because there’s so few silver
    companies out there that are you know
    that legitimately you know mine and have
    you know silver resources so um so that
    that is something that we can look
    forward to I don’t think we’re there yet
    it’s just it’s very very light the
    investment right now um but definitely
    moving in a positive
    direction yeah and I would imagine that
    won’t necessarily be something that
    happens overnight although reminds me of
    a few things you and I have talked about
    in the past couple weeks offline where
    on one hand we now have Costco selling
    out silver which I wonder if there’s
    some impact there where you start to get
    something in a mainstream Consciousness
    uh although the other thing you and I
    have discussed a bit that I was hoping
    you could just walk through again as
    we’re recording here where we talked
    about the difference obviously silver
    has reached these levels a couple times
    in the past few years and will pull up
    the S index chart here and we’re still
    quite a ways away there it was at 48
    bucks back in
    2021 so on one hand I think you could
    say that the silver stocks have lagged
    on the other hand to be fair there are
    some differences in the economic
    conditions and uh if you remember what
    we talked about perhaps you could just
    give a recap of that for people who are
    watching at home and some of the things
    that you factor in as I know you are
    also active in investing in the stocks
    of course in addition to running in Kua
    but perhaps you could walk through that
    and give people a few things to think
    about there sure well look I think I
    think what you’re alluding to is is the
    risk- free rates um which have
    definitely gone up since 2020 uh 2021
    you know we were we were at uh basically
    zero uh 0% interest rates which is you
    know kind of the risk-free rate that
    goes into the calculation when you’re
    valuing future cash flows
    um and you know so that can be a big
    factor it’s not the only factor that you
    look at when you’re you know when you’re
    investing in the mining company but um
    you know if you’re trying to put a value
    on um production that’s five or 10 years
    away um then the lower the interest rate
    the better frankly and of course with
    interest rates you know up uh that you
    know that that that hurts that
    calculation um and so that’s probably a
    factor um you know the the other the
    other thing though
    um is uh here just to keep in mind is
    that this particular index it’s it’s
    kind of packed with some very large
    companies as well and some very large
    companies that actually don’t produce a
    lot of silver in terms of percentage of
    Revenue um so you know it’s it’s almost
    more like uh a mid-tier gold
    index um but and nevertheless we there’s
    no there’s no like perfect way to you
    know to index uh silver mining stocks
    unfortunately it’s probably you know
    this and the sij are probably the best
    tools we have but
    um um but that’s just another another
    thing to keep in mind um however with
    metal prices higher there’s you know
    there’s there’s no reason why these uh
    prices can’t go back up to to where they
    were before and and Beyond you know 50
    $50 on this particular index and this
    um and uh you know in fact I’m sure if
    we you know if or when we get into a
    longer term uh bull market which is I
    think really the story that investors
    should focus on is is the is you know
    are we are we in the next 10e bull
    market for precious metals um and you
    can make your own decision but if you
    are then you know then anything you buy
    right now pretty much is going to be up
    a lot
    um you know in the next few years and
    that’s where I honestly think we are I I
    I see a lot of similarities with 20012
    2002 when I got into the business and um
    you know that was the beginning of a
    10year bll market you know that went
    until 2011 to 2012 depending on what you
    know sort of index you look at but um
    you had a good 10 years there you know
    and it included the credit crisis sort
    of crashing and recovering very quickly
    but you know uh but but but within that
    um blip uh you had a good 10 years of a
    bull market where you know good quality
    companies in in gold or silver um
    especially ones that actually survived
    the whole time without getting taken
    over uh they they went up hundreds and
    hundreds of percent in fact you know you
    know some of them thousands of percent
    uh return uh if you go from you know
    kind of 012 to to the to the end of that
    rally so there’s just some extraordinary
    returns possible obviously this is not
    investment advice and you you have to
    pick the right companies but that’s you
    know to me that that was my you know
    that was my job you know back then and
    it’s still my job now even though I’m
    running a company now but um that to me
    that’s that’s an extraordinary almost
    you know generational opportunity that
    you know that we made in the very early
    are yeah and I think well said where
    especially with silver i g if there’s
    ever been an asset class where there’s
    benefit to being able to take a step
    away from the day-to-day movement in
    prices I think that would be it and
    especially David I’ll mention that at
    the same time that we’ve seen this rally
    again we we still have the higher
    interest rates here’s a look at the
    pricing where now we see one rate cut
    priced in for the rest of the year we
    were looking at estimates of five to six
    rate cuts um earlier when we began the
    year although inflation has not come
    down quite to the targets had hoped for
    and I would suggest maybe the US
    government not making that any easier
    here we see over the weekend uh voted to
    borrow another 100 billion to send to
    Ukraine which a lot of things fueling
    inflation and um
    any thoughts in General on what you’re
    expecting out of the Federal Reserve
    this year where now again we have
    forecast pricing in just one rate cut at
    this point well it’s interesting because
    I think when when the when the five or
    six rate Cuts were expected the the gold
    and silver prices were actually quite a
    bit lower than they are
    today um which which is not which is
    counterintuitive you would expect the
    opposite so we have very strong you know
    precious metals Market um
    despite this this longer for higher for
    narrative and uh you know it is it is
    sort of very difficult to see what the
    Catalyst will be for the FED to start
    cutting interest rates right now um I I
    think the the what may happen is is
    eventually the you know there’ll be some
    maybe impetus to to to try
    and boost uh economic activity a little
    bit starts to languish um and and maybe
    maybe you know drop by you know quarter
    basis points kind of thing but I don’t
    see any I don’t expect anything dramatic
    unless we have a black one event so um
    so I I I think really the interest rate
    story is almost not a story for this
    year um and uh you know and we’ll we’ll
    have to look at other other you know uh
    macro factors
    um currencies
    uh the election um you know geopolitical
    risk other things like that I think
    we’ll probably have a bigger bearing on
    the gold price and therefore andless the
    silver price than uh than interest rates
    well yeah and interesting you mentioned
    the election in there especially since
    last week or two there’s been a handful
    of stories Judy Shelton comment who was
    uh part of Trump’s team commenting on
    the possibility of a gold standard and
    few other articles saying suggesting
    Trump’s overall team at least
    considering that so would be quite uh
    quite a day if we woke up going back to
    a gold standard one day yet either case
    uh sure a lot uh will depend on the
    election coming up in just a couple
    months one other thing I wanted to
    mention here before we took a quick look
    at kuya we did have the silver Institute
    put out their world silver survey
    last week uh yeah and as we see here a
    deficit in 2023 of 184 million ounces
    interesting they’re calculating or
    forecasting rather an even bigger
    deficit for
    2024 and the one thing I wanted to ask
    you about is we see the mine production
    peaked back in
    2016 obviously you and I as well as
    other people have been on the show have
    talked about what kind of production
    comes online at higher prices but just
    in a more General sense in the next 5 to
    years what do you see happening with the
    Mine Supply do you think it’s realistic
    that we’re substantially higher is that
    feasible to get back to that $900
    million Mark or when you look at let’s
    say we had a silver price stay around
    here at least for the next couple of
    years what do you see with the Mine
    Supply in the next half or full decade
    or so so you know so basically you need
    another 880 million ounces um roughly of
    of annual
    production and that’s got to be net of
    all the losses that you know that that
    typically happen just from uh uh you
    know M mind
    depletion so um so that I mean that’s
    that’s a that’s not going to happen in
    any one year or close to that that
    that’ll probably take another decade to
    get back back up to that level would be
    my my suggestion um
    uh we’re just we’re not really seeing
    the clues that would suggest we’re even
    going in on an ready to go on an uptrend
    in mind
    production um you know there there was a
    there is a lot of money or there was
    more money being raised in the last
    month I mean that is one thing to look
    um for for for uh for juniors um but by
    and large the money is all going into
    exploration which does not translate
    into new production for a very very long
    time so you know so that’s not really
    helping uh the Mind Supply at least go
    up um and the other thing is I think the
    the larger sort of the leaders of the of
    the of the silver mining industry there
    are some of them that are doing doing
    well but but there’s quite a few that
    are still even at these prices you know
    languishing in terms of their cash flow
    and their
    profitability and and so and you’re you
    know and so I I I’m not sensing that
    there’s a lot of expansion uh going on
    there with with those bigger companies
    you know that can be a source of new
    production is if you know let’s say
    first Majestic takes one of their and
    I’m not an expert on first Majestic but
    say they take one of their Silver Mines
    they say well we’re making so much money
    over here let’s sync a 100 million into
    this mine and you know increase
    production that stuff is not happening
    right now uh whatsoever and um and and
    so uh so that’s so I just I don’t see
    any signs right now anecdotally or
    otherwise that the that the M Supply is
    going to grow uh in the next few years
    and of course you know you you know I
    guess Metals Focus agrees with me there
    they’re forecasting a small reduction I
    think it was 8:30 to
    8:23 um but uh but yeah you know it’s
    um uh I think we’ve got a long way to go
    before before M mind Supply sort of
    catches back up to where it was yeah I’d
    certainly agree with that although one
    area you said there’s no signs of new
    production coming out maybe you didn’t
    say that exactly but I will point to one
    sign of some new production coming out
    that I know you’re quite happy about
    which is your Bethania mine down in Peru
    and uh perhaps you could give people an
    update on where it stands in the
    timeline of going into
    production perhaps also the full amount
    once production is ramped up and a
    little bit on the cost structure as well
    so people can be up to date on what you
    have going on there sure yeah we we we
    won’t contribute a whole lot to the
    global Supply this calendar year um you
    know uh maybe a few hundred thousand
    ounces but uh we um we are uh we’re in
    the sort of the latter stages of of uh
    you know the underground development
    that we need to do to prepare the mine
    for production and we are looking to you
    know sort of start production and and a
    rampup process uh later this
    quarter and uh and then continue that uh
    ramp up over about another 12 months so
    we’d be looking at full production or
    maybe full as the wrong word but our
    initial Target production from the
    bethan mine we we’d hit that around mid
    2025 and at that rate we’ll be producing
    you know over a million ounces of of
    silver equivalent um so maybe about a
    million ounces a year of pure silver and
    you know that’s intended to be just sort
    of phase one and we you know we’ve all
    said all along that we think the p is
    going to get a lot bigger and but we
    want to we want to get some production
    going first and start you know we you
    know we believe our our costs are going
    to be very low especially once we get up
    to that full production rate next year
    um and so we can make quite a bit of
    cash flow you know even at a million
    ounces a year and that you know and and
    you know if we can put some of that back
    into exploration or uh you know look at
    using that to expand or both um you know
    that kind of organic growth I think is
    is going to be very very lucrative and
    as a large shareholder myself of kuya
    that’s really what we’re what we’re
    looking for is you know to to maximize
    the growth of the company uh minimize
    delution and you know we can do that by
    generating some of our own cash
    flow okay and what what are you
    expecting as an Allin sustaining cost uh
    once that is ramped up well I I don’t
    think we’ve ever given you know sort of
    formal guidance based on our new new
    plan but I I guess what I can say is
    that um in our paa uh that you know
    that’s a couple years old now we we had
    kind of a range of 102 an ounce uh all
    in Su sustaining now that was if we
    build our own Mill and we’re not doing
    that right now we’re doing toll Mill for
    the first you know year or so and then
    build our our Mill later um so the toll
    Mill will we’ll add a few dollars two
    maybe $3 an ounce to our costs and uh on
    on all and sustaining basis but again
    it’s it’s worth it for us because we
    save so much Capital up front um that’s
    very difficult to to raise right now uh
    without you know without just kind of
    you know
    deluding uh the shareholders to Smither
    so we’re able to do that and at least
    you know uh get some production going
    some cash flow going uh and uh we’ll be
    in a much stronger position to build
    that Mill when we decide to do so in
    next two years okay that makes sense and
    at the same time you’re doing that you
    also did have an announcement about two
    months ago that you were involved in the
    um Hadid silver project interesting over
    in Saudi Arabia and curious if you could
    give us a quick update there and also
    curious if that’s helped to exp expose
    you guys to a new group of investors
    that uh a little bit different than as
    you phrased it in one of your mailings
    just the typical gold and silver crowd
    that is going to the show so anything
    you could touch on on that one yeah I
    mean interesting you point to that one
    um that that’s um you know definitely an
    unusual um you know deal for us but um
    the background there is that we were
    already in the region um and we have
    been for for quite a while we have some
    big shareholders in the Middle East and
    we’re you know uh we’ got us strong
    presence there we’ve been attending the
    future minerals Forum which is a fairly
    new conference that they they hold in
    Riyad Saudi Arabia I think this year
    2024 was the third year they do it in
    January and um couple years ago you know
    we were um you know and we’ve we’ve been
    a speaker there and and uh had you know
    had a very very different presences over
    the years and uh this year uh 2023 the
    the Saudi government um uh released a
    portfolio of properties uh to be bid on
    to kind of an auction process um but
    you’re not actually paying them what
    you’re doing is your your bid is how
    much you want to you’re going to spend
    on on the project they because they they
    want they want money to be going in the
    ground there uh to raise the the the the
    mining industry up to boost the mining
    industry and um you know also uh social
    you know CSR environmental that all that
    goes into the bid and um and so we
    partnered with a Saudi company uh they
    were really leaning on us for the
    expertise the mining expertise and the
    exploration expertise um and so we were
    able to partner with them they provided
    um the funding for it for the bid and uh
    and we’ll and you know together we were
    able to win it so that was just
    announced in January and um
    uh and and again you know as you alluded
    to really are you know you know I don’t
    see us you know uh as kuya at least
    going and starting a mine in Saudi
    Arabia um first of all this is a very
    early stage project and it would be many
    years before it would be in production
    even if it’s even if everything works
    out but with that being said um you know
    it is a it is a region that has uh you
    know definitely an appetite for
    investment into the mining industry
    they’re looking at ways to do that both
    domestically and foreign and outside of
    Saudi Arabia and I think um by
    developing these Partnerships it gives
    Kia an advantage you know to tap into
    that that that Universe uh when we
    needed in the future uh and certainly um
    for bigger opportunities um it is a
    great place to to go uh and you know get
    get partners get get financing
    Etc um and and with that
    with that being said the the Saudi
    government is very very serious about
    developing a a mining industry you know
    I would say about between 2third and 40%
    of Saudi Arabia is um you know kind of
    exposed rock at surface and and
    favorable to Mineral exploration um but
    despite that very little has been done
    because of the focus on oil and gas in
    that country and so uh they they do see
    an opportunity to to have a you know a
    kind of wave of mineral exploration
    going through the country that should
    lead to some new mines in the next 10
    years um and uh yeah and so uh so it’s
    it’ll be great if we can be a part of
    that yeah especially like you said
    earlier if we are at the beginning of a
    10year bull market then certainly seems
    to be good to have a investment partner
    there and seen a lot of plans for them
    to increase their mining access and of
    course the Saudis were one of the
    investment groups that
    does have some history with their
    involvement back in what we saw on the
    spike in 1980s so glad to see that you
    have some new partners out there and
    also taking bethana forward so seems
    like good times and good things are
    happening and David perhaps just
    wrapping up you could let people know if
    they have any questions about what
    you’re doing at kuya or would like to
    get in touch what’s the best way to do
    so um well I would say go to our website
    and um we’ve got a contact tab there and
    uh we have you know a number of ways for
    for people to contact us but they can
    you know um they can contact us there um
    it’ll go to our info at silver.com
    email um can book a meeting uh with uh
    with us and um and then we’ve also got
    all of our social media on there you can
    follow us um on LinkedIn acts Facebook
    Instagram Etc and we’re we’re uh we’re
    happy to to stay in contact with our our
    fans our many fans and shareholders on
    on those platforms as well well I
    appreciate that and that’s at kuas
    silver.com link also in the description
    field below and David great as always to
    catch up with you and really nice uh I
    guess that’s one of the things that
    happens when you’re doing something for
    Years or or decades but at least uh you
    and I talking about silver for years and
    thinking back especially to that 2022
    silver Symposium and nice to see when
    things turn around a bit and also
    projects get moved forward so I say
    congratulations to you on everything
    you’ve been doing and great to catch up
    with you as always we’ll have to do this
    again soon thank you very much Chris it
    was my pleasure

    Has #Silver Entered Its Next Bull Market…

    With gold and silver rallying over the past 2 months, while the threat of additional financial sanctions continues to grow seemingly by the day, precious metals investors are wondering whether the next bull market has finally begun.

    So in today’s show, I talk with David Stein of Kuya Silver about the current rally, and whether this is the beginning of the bigger move so many have expected following a decade of 0% interest rates along with years of de-dollarization.

    David talks about some of the similarities between what we’re seeing now and the rally in the metals between the turn of the century and 2011, the subdued response by the mining stocks, and how likely he sees a significant increase in the mine supply of silver in the years ahead.

    To find out more about the latest in the silver market, click to watch this video now!

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    1. One big item missing on that supply/demand chart…yearly quantity of silver used by the military. In my mind, this amount must be massive. They say that each tomahawk missile uses approximately 500 oz of silver, and other missiles use silver as well, and in times of war, like today, the consumption would rise rapidly. So once again, our data is incomplete.

    2. Hasn’t gone anywhere and that trend will continue. AU+AG have industrial uses not financial uses n a digital world. Wake up clowns

    3. I met David at Money show , I was 21 and realized intoxicated, wouldn't leave him alone until he thought me everything about silver and silver mining. I ultimately dumped a ton of money in to KUYA . Bottom line is I love this guy and think he is really smart.

    4. HOW??? It can't Break $29 per ounce? We were at $29 per ounce Aug 2020 and told at THAT time it was the beginning of a BULL market….44 months later we are finally back to $27 ish per ounce……I still see no evidence that we can BREAK thru $29 per ounce and stay above $29 for 3 consecutive days……when that happens I might buy into claims of the beginning of a bull market.

    5. It will depend on what gold does. Silver follows gold, more or less. People who can't afford gold but see why gold is rising will opt for silver which is still affordable.

    6. Your video serves as a calming beacon, particularly when financial markets are in tumult. Your analysis offers a prudent course of action, fitting seamlessly with the current stage of the economic cycle. Nonetheless, one cannot overlook the expanding mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies since 2019, as well as the fervent discourse surrounding prospective Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. Might these elements sustain the market in this particular cycle? Speculation abounds that we are on the verge of a significant market upswing, making this a moment of great import for any discerning investor. My own portfolio, enriched by 34 bitcoins in a mere seven-week interval, serves as a compelling testament to Kerrie Farrell financial wisdom….

    7. Three years ago a bunch of commentators on YouTube were "backing up the pickup truck and loading up on silver." What a bunch of fools. 😅

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