Biden crackdown on power plants expected to speed shift away from coal


    1. diffidentblockhead on

      Nothing much new here but right still trying to spin as “crackdown” instead of ongoing business trend

    2. Missouri just got hit with a bill for about $800M for dumping coal faster than local renewables could be built. As long as we’re getting new energy plugged in to keep the lights on, full steam ahead!

    3. duke_of_alinor on

      Why not a timed phase out?

      Why increase costs and drag it out? I can see this raising energy prices as power plants justify it by added expenses.

    4. Now do gas. Spewing methane through leaky production and distribution systems is no better than burning coal.

    5. There are going to be Republican administrations happening before any of these deadlines–and they will kill this.

    6. Energy_Balance on

      The pro-fossil energy crowd has been claiming the possibility of carbon capture.

      This rule simply puts a time limit on that claim, which is strongly pro-consumer because the consumers would not be paying for those upgrades in their rates. Carbon capture from fossil fuels is not proven at scale, measured by cost and efficiency of capture. 90% required efficiency should be the minimum.

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