Adrian Day: I Am Buying Junior Gold Stocks That Present Exceptional Value

    and so at the beginning of the bull
    market I think you want to be in the
    senior stocks but are the first move and
    more Serv to move um but am I buying any
    Juniors oh absolutely much more
    selectively than the seniors but some of
    them are just are just well I mentioned
    origin as an
    example Adrian day how are you I’m fine
    thank you Andy how are you doing well
    thanks for coming on here last time I
    had you on was in last January and you
    had a great call you said that you have
    about three months to start accumulating
    you’re given it so April at the latest
    and boy were you right the gold stocks
    hit a bottom in mid to late February and
    then they just went up straight up we’ve
    had a somewhat small pool back here
    recently and wanted to get your your
    thoughts um that runup and where we’re
    at right
    now okay that’s that’s a that’s a big
    question um and I’ll try to be brief I
    mean as we all know for the last 18
    months let’s say up until this year up
    until the beginning of this year
    predominantly the main driver of gold
    was Central Bank buy we know that we
    know that from reports and you add up
    the numbers and it just makes sense the
    ETFs had consistent outflows last year
    and other indicators
    of uh uh other indicators of buying like
    for example um coin sales all the
    dealers were complaining about coin
    sales being you know coin people buying
    coins being down you could tell this
    from the premiums the premiums were very
    low the shipments from the mints of new
    coins were all down so anyway all the
    indicators you want to look C were very
    weak other than for central banks so it
    was central banks were buying gold and
    they were not buying gold as an
    investment because of the investment
    scenario because the investment
    environment of interest rates going up
    in a strong dollar is of course negative
    for gold they were buying they were
    buying as an insurance and when you’re
    bu part partly mostly um as protection
    against a dollar a weaponization of a
    dollar so when you’re buying with with
    that objective in mind your price
    agnostic you just want to buy just as
    when you buy house insurance you might
    around but you don’t say I think I’ll
    wait 6 months until the prices come down
    mean you get the best deal you can at a
    um uh so your price agnostic so anyway
    that that’s sort of set in the scene and
    and that explains to me that explains
    means why gold was going up so much but
    the gold stocks weren’t which was the
    big question of that everyone was asking
    last year it makes sense because the
    central banks the buyers of gold want a
    fisal gold they did not want new month
    they certainly didn’t want Ajax
    expiration or Consolidated moose pasture
    so what we’ve seen this year is really
    interesting what we’ve seen this this
    year so far is only a very slight shift
    in that buying frankly um we’ve had a
    new buyer that’s um Chinese buy that
    came in this year and particularly after
    the Chinese New Year um and when you
    think about a Chinese are cons they’re
    both concerned about the economy in
    China and they also see potential for uh
    some monetary easing in
    China but they’re concerned about the
    economy and and they want to leave their
    money in the banks cuz a bank ex stable
    and Chinese buyers traditionally if you
    look at the Avenues where Chinese buyers
    go they do like stocks but stocks in
    China are way down may may be a good
    opportunity but you and I both know but
    most people buy things when they’re
    going up not when they’re going
    down um real estate Chinese like real
    estate but they’re not going to be
    putting their hard ear savings into real
    estate right now when they’re concerned
    about the economy so what do they buy
    you know Bitcoin oh no that’s illegal I
    forgot so the anything left this is gold
    so you can see Chinese buying of of gold
    both speculative buying from the
    Shanghai exchange and also physical
    buying um is has been very strong in the
    last six weeks but do you look at the
    other indicators that I mentioned coin
    sales ETFs you know we’ve seen what I
    would regard what I would describe as a
    modest shift and I’m talking Western now
    Western ETFs and Western coin usn or
    North America and Europe we’ve seen a
    shift but by no means of uh U by no
    means a stout shift or or a change in
    Direction so you look at ETFs for
    example January every single January and
    February every single week was net
    outflows from ETFs even though gold was
    going up the way it was even though
    power was talking about cutting reads
    astonishingly still net outflows in um
    really the last let’s say the last few
    weeks you’ve seen a little bit of a
    share so but some days you’re getting
    buying some days you’re getting selling
    I just looked at the last nine days you
    know this week and last week Buy sell
    sell Buy sell sell Buy sell sell so
    we’re still overwhelmingly we’re seeing
    outflows from
    ETFs which again might strike you and me
    as pretty astonishing given what’s
    happening you look talk to coin dealers
    and the again they say there’s a little
    bit of a shi they’re getting some people
    buying but they’re still getting more
    people calling up to sell what they have
    rather than to buy new
    so so I I lay that
    out just just to emphasize
    that if we’re going to have a glal
    market we are only fairly at the
    beginning of it people simply have not
    joined that party yet um and that’s true
    for North America it’s true for um
    Europe I can talk uh without giving away
    what I’m not allowed to say but I can
    talk about
    goans we are not getting any inflows at
    the moment well very few very few I mean
    you know people obviously people have’
    been in gold for 40 years tend to be a
    little more sophisticated and a little
    more country so I shouldn’t say we’re
    not getting any we are getting some
    inflows but we’re still getting people
    but we’re not getting new accounts look
    at the Gold fund that I
    um January every single day was now flow
    every single day in January was now flow
    but the last four weeks we’re getting
    some days of inflow some days of outflow
    so it’s turned a little bit but it’s not
    the sort of dramatic turn that you would
    expect so the point I’m making is that
    the sentiment towards gold is still very
    negative most investors particularly
    investors it’s not negative they don’t
    care and that’s even
    worse um so so um it’s it’s an extremely
    underbound Val
    asset it’s difficult to get to be
    precise but estimates have been made
    there may be you know three gers to 1%
    of global investment assets are in in
    gold and gold related assets Which is
    meaningfully less than the than the
    historic average so anyway it’s it’s
    unloved it’s very very under owned but
    we did see as you mentioned we did see
    in the last two months from the middle
    of February to now we did see what
    happens to Gold stockes when the
    sentiment changes they move very
    dramatically and yet even now uh the
    gold stocks are very very very
    undervalued um you know relative to
    longer term
    valuations I mean we talk about that now
    give give let’s go to that but let’s
    first go back to a couple of things you
    said because I have a few questions I
    think that you’re the second person
    that’s told me about the ETFs
    their net outflows from the ETFs and
    that is astonishing to me why do you
    think that is the case I think it’s
    because the overall economic environment
    right now is not a positive economic
    environment for gold interest rates have
    been moving out the dollar is
    strong um and and and even more recently
    of course there is fed spokesman
    including paly uh fed chman J Val
    himself have started in to some degree
    or another um pushing back on the idea
    that we’re don’t have interest rate Cuts
    uh very very a lot of rate cuts and very
    soon so we were a lot of them now to was
    expecting March if you remember in
    December a lot of a market was expecting
    March Cuts then we went to June cuts and
    and and now I I’m sorry I haven’t looked
    at the F phot Futures uh uh today but
    but last time I looked even June was
    sort of 50/50 it was by no means an
    overwhelming sentiment for June so
    they’ve started pushing back but I think
    the main reason is just that you know
    the stock
    market is still doing reasonably well um
    treasuries are yielding 5% shortterm
    treasuries um you know there’s just sort
    of no need to be interested in gold
    right now you know the FED is really in
    a very difficult I’m not the first one
    to say this of course but the FED is in
    a very difficult position right now if
    they cut rates too soon we’ve seen
    inflation picking up in the last three
    months and it’s just steadily picking up
    not dramatic but steadily this is even
    assuming forget all the arguments about
    is a CBI real and you know cor CPI
    versus called PC and all that but
    inflation but the reported inflation
    numbers have been picking up after
    dramatic declines and in the face of the
    numbers going in the wrong
    direction I don’t think how wants to cut
    because that risks just unleashing
    inflation and and he’s very concerned as
    all his associates and and has been said
    many times he’s very concerned about his
    legacy he doesn’t want to go down as as
    another a of birs um which is a little
    unfair of poor old Al of birs but that’s
    a different story um so so he’s really
    he he’s he’s reluctant to start so soon
    but on the other hand biggest issue is
    not the economy it’s although I think
    we’re heading into a recession it’s not
    unemployment although I think the
    unemployment the headline unemployment
    grossly underestimates the real um labor
    picture um you know because as we know
    most of the new jobs created in the last
    three months of in government jobs or
    part-time jobs so if you look at if you
    look at simply the number of people who
    are employed in the private sector
    fulltime we’ve lost about a million jobs
    in the last six months don’t put me on
    that but something like that yeah so so
    that’s not going in the right direction
    if you look under the hood um but it’s
    not unemployment it’s it’s not the
    economy it’s certainly not the stock
    Market um it’s it’s interest on
    government debt that’s what the big
    issue is for the FED because we know we
    know the deficit what is it now 8%
    budget deficit we’re at 100 over
    100% um you know dead to
    um and and it’s going in the wrong
    direction you know that’s what Jenny
    Ellen was in China for last week please
    please please budy I have bonds by the
    bond yeah yeah and you know they’re not
    getting they’re not getting long-term
    buyers now I’ve had some push back on
    this people have said oh B you looked at
    the last numbers foreign foreign
    treasury buyers have actually gone up in
    the last couple of months yes but it’s
    not for the most part it is
    not um foreign investors buying bonds to
    hold to maturity in Belgium Cayman
    Islands which are where the hedge funds
    trade through
    so there’s people betting on short-term
    directions in rates trying to trying to
    make a a bit of money uh which I don’t B
    grud I’m sorry I don’t mean that
    sound uh but way so the point I’m making
    is China is not going to be buying her
    bonds Russia’s certainly not buying
    her bonds and Japan which has been
    buying bonds you know when CH when Japan
    shifts its industry policy which it’s
    been doing slowly but you know it’s
    coming a change in Direction and and and
    rates move up I think they’re now at
    basically 0.1 or something but when they
    move up a bit and when the Yen reverses
    all have money but Japanese institutions
    are put in in foreign not just foreign
    treasuries but foreign investments
    generally will St to come home so Japan
    I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be relying on
    Japan for the treasury market for very
    much longer yeah you’re talking about so
    I’m sorry go ahead go ahead well I was
    just going to say so they they have with
    all the treasury issuance and remember
    over the last five six seven years under
    both admin you know Republican and
    Democrat um administrations they have
    been issuing bonds at the short end
    which in my view was a huge mistake when
    we had rates basically Z zero lower
    Bound in US negative in Europe and Japan
    US strongest you know economy in the
    world and all that good stuff and the um
    Reserve currency we should have been
    issuing 15 100 Year bonds and locking in
    those low rates uh forever mean I ask
    you Italy no offense against Italy I
    love the clothes and the cars and the
    food but if Italy can issue 100e bonds
    at what were they seven 7 and a half%
    and if Argentina and a g I love I love
    the music and the food and but no
    offense to Argentina but if Argentina
    could issue hundredy year US dollar
    right surely the us could do it and what
    would we if if Italy and Argentina were
    78% us I guess could have done it for 4%
    wouldn’t that look like a great bargain
    right now but anyway we didn’t do it or
    they didn’t do it I wasn’t asked and so
    they issued at the short end to save a
    little bit of interest and so all our
    sales are coming due so the bond that
    was issued three years ago four years
    ago at 1% is now having to be reissued
    the bill I should say is now having to
    or the note is now having to be reissued
    at at
    5% um and so those interest rate charges
    for the US are only going to go up over
    the next couple of years you yeah you
    brought up a couple of things I was
    going to mention you’re you were talking
    about the really the Yen cury trade
    which is I think is a um very
    underreported and that is such a huge
    huge story if that
    ends and um yeah all that money is going
    to dry up which I think Japan again you
    brought up a great point they were I
    think they were the biggest or after the
    Chinese they were the biggest bu of US
    debt show so um you’re going to see a
    liqu you can see a potential
    crisis just right there but what’s
    really surprising to me is how strong
    is in spite of high interest rates that
    you would think that they were opposed
    to each other and that just shows to me
    that they’re just a really big foreign
    government out there and were
    speculating I agree with you it’s the
    Chinese um they’re buying they’re buying
    it up so I think also well if you look
    at the last numbers now the last
    reported numbers are for February
    because uh the world gold Council is the
    goto place for World Central Bank and uh
    you know they’re always late they have a
    spreadsheet and they plug it in this as
    they get the numbers from different bags
    so we don’t even have all of February in
    yet but we have most of it and and you
    know but they’re still um they’re still
    strong buyers as a as a febrary still
    strong buyers um uh lower than January I
    should point out and lower on a run rate
    than last year but of course last year
    was was only slightly less than the
    record of 2022 so I think I think there
    something else in the market though uh
    and I’ve talked about this before you
    you’ve got central banks you’ve got
    Chinese buyers and they’re retail buyers
    or small institutions but I think you’ve
    also got um I don’t know we could call
    them Wales if you like but we’ve got
    some very wealthy individuals and
    families primarily in the Middle East
    and in Asia who are
    concerned about the fragility of the
    financial system um you know the
    geopolitics isn’t
    helping the weaponization of the dollar
    isn’t helping but I think it’s people
    who are just
    concerned about you know the underlying
    fragility of the system which means you
    know the huge amount of debt that we
    have the derivatives that we have um and
    and uh we could talk about commercial
    real estate that’s that’s everybody
    knows oh commercial real estate
    commercial real estate but you know most
    banks in the US most insurance companies
    in the US are still carrying all that
    stuff at book they have not marked it
    down um in the way the Japanese Banks
    and German banks Japanese insurance
    companies who lend to us commercial real
    estate have marked it down have been
    forced to mark it Down By The
    Regulators um in the US it hasn’t been
    marked down and I don’t think it will be
    marked down
    until you know someone says oh we can’t
    pay you we’re bankrupt and and then it
    has to be down
    but you know what’s what’s the
    expression defer
    um the down down the road oh Sly kicking
    the can down the road and oh delay and
    extend and pretend that’s what I’m
    looking for extend and
    pretend um some that don’t have to mark
    it down you know I don’t think they will
    and The Regulators in the US sure are
    going to force them to because they’re
    concerned about the fragility of the of
    the fragility are on word they’re
    concerned about some banks in the US
    being being
    vulnerable so I forgot what the question
    was but I think yeah I think I think
    there are some some people who are
    accuma physical in size they’re doing it
    over the over the counter in over the
    counter trade so it’s not being
    reported um and I don’t mean they’re
    doing it deliberately not to reported
    maybe some some aren’t but I’m saying
    it’s just not being reported in a way
    that ETF sales are reported every single
    day right um and that’s the only thing
    that fills the gap between what we see
    is what we see as um uh uh you know
    Central Bank buying Shanghai Exchange
    buying deduct the ETF outflows there’s
    someone else in the market buying and
    and you know you know that makes that
    makes logical sense to me and we know
    some big us people are buying gold for
    those reasons yeah yeah it’s fascinating
    it’s absolutely fascinating and it’s one
    of those things where I think just
    literally overnight or one day we’re
    going to wake up and Gold’s priced a lot
    higher as well as silver so and again I
    don’t want to sell
    um uh well I was going to say conspiracy
    tin hat foil guy and that’s that’s may
    be unfair to some people who have been
    saying the same thing I’m about to say
    so um but you know I think we’re I think
    we’re we’re seeing more and more people
    wanting to take delivery of their goal
    yeah not wanting to trust you know
    intermediaries and paper go and maybe
    that’s one of the reasons that the ETFs
    haven’t been seen the
    buy um I mean I’m not one of those who
    thinks that that uh Sprout and and um uh
    uh GLD I’m not one of those who thinks
    they don’t have the
    goal um maybe I’m naive but you know
    they have they have audits by two
    different firms every year and so but
    anyway but I think that might be one of
    the reasons but certainly you look at
    the comx you’ve got last week you had uh
    uh uh almost regular High open interest
    and yet the physical held in in the in
    in the warehouse was was down so it
    suggests to me that more and more people
    are wanting to to take delivery of gold
    and again that makes sense yeah if
    you’re buying gold because you think
    it’s cheap and because interest rates
    are coming down and you think over the
    next year you can make 20% on your money
    you don’t really care why go out buy
    physical and have to store it why not
    just buy an ETF or buy a a a contract on
    the comx but if you’re buying gold
    because you’re actually afraid of the
    financial system well you want physical
    yeah absolutely Yeah well yeah
    fascinating stuff um let’s talk gold
    stocks here um they were on a move um
    really again in mid to late February we
    had it bought them and they just ran
    until recently probably last week uh
    week to 10 days uh they just went
    straight up parabolic uh they’ve come
    down a little bit what are your thoughts
    now and really again I want to give you
    props because you really you hit it up
    you hit the nail on the head on that one
    um what do you think um would you be
    accumulating off these pullbacks would
    you be taking some more profits um what
    are your thoughts g into the rest of the
    year okay no good question the second
    one is a little more difficult than the
    first one
    um look the the thing I would say is
    that the gold stocks as as a sector are
    still extremely
    undervalued they are
    still the prices are way down from
    previous prices and of course there’s a
    difference between price and value as as
    Oscar wild reminded us um and and
    they’re very very under
    own so just to give an example of value
    you look at AO eil which is the third
    largest Gman company in the world and I
    men like Neo because like there’s no
    hairs on like Neo when I say something
    about bar people say oh well that’s
    that’s cheap because they’re in Pakistan
    why say something about Newland oh
    that’s cheap because they just bought a
    ukis but if you look at at nego they in
    solid jurisdictions great balance sheets
    great minds great Pipelines
    um great management etc etc so there’s
    no oh well that’s only because with ago
    and yet other than the last quarter of
    2015 it’s selling at basically its
    lowest price to free cash flow in 40
    years that’s crazy you know that just
    doesn’t make sense when gold is where it
    is and where Costo where they are
    Everybody Talks I think I think the
    companies haven’t done themselves any
    by being overly optimistic some of them
    overly optimistic on costs and every
    quarter had to come out saying well we
    missed that cost inputs because
    inflation you know everybody knows about
    inflation um and I think they they made
    investors too too anxious about the cost
    going up you know if you look at oil
    right now oil is the is the number one
    cost input for running a mind not for
    building a mind but for running
    operating mind oils at what $85 or
    something in 2011 the last time gold was
    over 2,000 oil was at 140 145 if you the
    second highest the second largest cost
    in P is all the local costs local labor
    local uh you know food you buy for your
    people the housing all the local stuff
    buy and a good way of measuring that is
    to look at the cost of local currencies
    so if you look at what are called
    commodity currencies your Australian
    dollar Canadian dollar the South African
    rand they are all very low today Chile
    and peso very low today compared to 2011
    in 2011 the Australian dollar Canadian
    dollar was selling the 25 30% premiums
    to the US do they’re now at 25 30%
    discounts so the cost although the costs
    have gone up and they are likely to
    continue to go on and it is something we
    should definitely watch the plain fact
    is is that today they are pretty low and
    the earnings this first quarter’s
    earnings and the second quarter earnings
    should be pretty robust when you’ve got
    gold to 2200 or 2300 as it is you know
    today even after the decline it’s over
    2300 and you’ve got all in sustaining
    costs of
    14,300 those are robust margins yeah so
    and and we tend to forget that now I
    think we’re I think the market is right
    to look at costs because that was what
    killed us in 2011 as cost ran out and
    people were only looking at the price of
    gold not at the cost so anyway I think
    they’re they’re very undervalued today
    and I get the example of aga’s price
    free cash flow but I could give other
    examples of uh any and earnings and yeah
    so for other companies so the stocks are
    cheap and they’re they’re still nowhere
    uh at at their high prices the industry
    robust um uh and they are very as I
    mentioned earlier they are very very
    undervalued when the sector turns let’s
    not forget you know we’ve all seen those
    comparisons of of gold stocks versus
    apple or versus Tesla and they’re
    definitely worth looking at but I I’ll
    give you another one if I may the value
    of every Gold stock in the world
    including the expiration companies is
    maybe 400
    billion you look at the largest gold
    mining company which is Newland which is
    about what 50 billion yeah Nvidia Nvidia
    has had 10minute moves but are four and
    five times the market cap of the largest
    gold money company in the world Tesla
    has traded more in a single day than the
    market cap of the largest uh goney
    company in the world point I’m making is
    when money turns into this sector you
    know the stocks are going to move
    dramatically now would I be buying now
    that’s always a difficult question
    because when you’re already pretty fully
    invested I would say there is no need to
    increase right now at this point if I
    was underinvested or didn’t own anything
    I would certainly want to
    buy and and and I I sort have said no
    but we are buying certain stocks today
    you know mostly the smaller stocks well
    B2 gold for example which is not that
    slow B2 gold of 455 it’s a great company
    great balance sheet they pay a dividend
    that’s about oh gosh it’s about almost
    6% right now but um uh uh sorry
    255 um it came down a lot when they
    bought um Goose Bay from Sabina in the W
    uh in the Yukon it came down a lot as
    often happens you know when a company’s
    in the process of constructing you’ve
    got to borrow money you’ve got to
    build go wrong right so the stocks T
    typically come down and then in the last
    couple of months it’s come down
    additionally because of the problems in
    Mali their largest mine 27% of their n
    is in Mali and so that’s cost extra
    extra CERN now that’s just an example
    that there are great companies that I
    would would buy another one I like is
    origin origin royalty which um uh has 70
    million 18 million in cash strong strong
    balance sheet for an exp for a junior
    you know Prospect generator exploration
    company um uh 18 18 million they got
    they got cash flow from royalty
    andano uh first Majestics mining in
    Mexico so i’ got cash flows so they’re
    free cash flow positive which is very
    unusual for a junior company yeah great
    yeah and they have a royalty on Anglo
    Gold’s a big new discovery in southern
    Nevada the the BT District they have a
    royalty on two of a deposits silicon
    Merlin uh which currently according to
    Anglo is over 13 million ounces right
    now and they have a a 1% royalty on that
    so and that’s come down a few
    pennies um and we’re buying that but by
    and large you know looking at AO or
    um or Franco you know I wouldn’t be
    adding to positions if I already had
    good positions so just be very selective
    ping companies but but but I should end
    on the positive which is if you’re
    underinvested I think you’re better off
    $122 for Franco rather than trying to
    get it for 118 and maybe missing it yeah
    that would agree it’s it’s the big
    companies I would definitely I would
    definitely be getting a position if you
    don’t have yeah I would agree so really
    um and I want to paraphrase just let me
    know if I’m telling you what is correct
    we’re still in the the beginnings of the
    run if you would and um if you don’t
    have any go you is there’s certainly not
    a you would be accumulating and so would
    I um and I just paraphrase there uh
    let’s end on this um would you be taking
    any gambles with any Prospectors or not
    Prospect is wrong but just any really
    Juniors that are just you know more or
    less wild no absolutely but here’s the
    thing in at the beginning of a gold
    market uh typically the big cap stocks
    move first and they move for obvious
    reasons that and not only do they move
    first but they’re much more certain to
    move so if you were to buy just to name
    the ones I’ve said Barrick andigo the
    second and third largest and Franco and
    Roy or weaton the two largest royalty
    companies and throw in a Cisco and Beach
    you gold for fun you well beu is not a
    not a big cap so but but the big cap
    ones you can be virtually certain but if
    gold goes to 2500 you can be as certain
    as almost anything in the invest
    business that they will go up right some
    may go up more than others some may go
    up less than you expect but they’ll all
    go up you buy Consolidated L posture and
    Amalgamated Ajax they may or may not go
    up and so at the beginning of the bull
    market I think you want to be in the
    senior stocks but are the first to move
    and more certain to move um but am I
    buying any Juniors oh absolutely much
    more selectively than the seniors but
    some of them are just are just well I
    mentioned origin as an example that’s
    not you know tiny but it’s small um yeah
    I mean some of them are just
    ridiculously G
    um yeah no I would agree Lage
    what I would say though that if you’re
    buying the Juniors I would first of all
    you want to be more selective but the
    one Criterion that I would really look
    at is is is the balance sheet either
    they must have cash if they they must
    have cash have cash flow which is few of
    our between or at the minimum have
    access to cash by access to cash I mean
    um oh I don’t know um I can’t think of a
    good example off top of my head I I mean
    if you think back to Virginia when
    Audrey gon ran Virginia anytime he
    wanted money he could raise
    money so you don’t have to worry about
    it but if we start seeing the economy
    slow unemployment going
    up uh you know may even though interest
    rates may come down it may just be more
    difficult to get Capital his money make
    sure but when they say that they have
    cash you it’s not just a number it’s
    cash in relation to their spend what’s
    called a Runway you want to see a
    company that an expiration company with
    at least I I like to see at least 18
    months wrong way yeah that’s great
    advice that’s great advice and I can’t
    tell you how many times has happened to
    me where it’s like
    okay great project great jurisdiction
    the usual blah blah blah blah blah but
    then you you look at how much cash they
    have and it’s not 18 months at least
    as he would say and then they have to go
    out and raise money they dilute my
    shares um so yeah and if they have to
    raise money in a bad period you know if
    you’ve only got a year left that’s not a
    long time because you can’t wait till
    month 11 before you raise money and
    everybody in the market knows you need
    to raise money yep yeah and you’re not
    getting varable terms yeah so Adrian
    great talking to you uh where can people
    find you if they want to be a part uh
    work with you or be a part of of your
    funds that you manage yeah um well the
    best place to go is Adrien
    and and we have information on the
    newsletter we have information on money
    management we also have a lot of well
    interviews from your competitors sorry I
    hope you don’t but we have a lot of
    Articles and interviews and stuff on the
    website excellent I’ll put all this in
    the show notes well I want to thank you
    so much for your time and um I’ll have
    you on again in the next few months to
    see where we’re at excellent thank you
    so much Andy thank you for having me
    thanks Adrian

    In this insightful interview, investment expert Adrian Day discusses the current state of the gold market, including the pivotal role of central bank buying and the impact of economic factors like interest rates and the dollar strength on gold’s value. Adrian shares his strategies for investing in gold, emphasizing the importance of starting with senior stocks in a bull market and being selective with junior stocks. He highlights several companies for potential investment, focusing on their value, balance sheet strength, and cash flow. The conversation also touches on the broader economic environment’s impact on gold investments, including the Fed’s interest rate policies and the global debt situation. Adrian provides advice on evaluating junior mining companies, stressing the significance of a strong balance sheet and sufficient cash runway.
    For more info or to work with Adrian Day, please visit:

    Adrian Day Asset Management

    00:00 Navigating the Bull Market in Gold Stocks
    00:28 Adrian Day’s Market Insights and Predictions
    01:10 The Driving Forces Behind Gold’s Value
    03:26 Understanding the Shift in Gold Buying Trends
    09:07 The Surprising Strength of Gold Amid Economic Challenges
    23:17 Exploring the Potential of Gold Stocks
    32:34 Strategic Investment in Juniors and Seniors in the Gold Market
    33:58 Expert Advice on Selecting Gold Investments
    35:49 Connecting with Adrian Day for Investment Opportunities


    1. Adrian is a great guest. He always careful not to insult people while at the same time expressing a definite opinion. (I am a tinfoil hat wearing Gold bug.)

    2. I was thinking to add more B2gold aswell. Orogon royalties is great for the long term, but i want to buy into it when it corrects.

      Any opinion about snowline gold and abra silver?

    3. Thanks Adrian. You're 1 of a very few I make a point to listen to.
      You didn't drill down on your outlook for silver and its few miners. Have you looked at AYA-tsx AYASF?

    4. Net outflows from gold ETFs could be authorized participants exchanging shares for physical delivery.
      Do ETFs report redemption of shares for physical?

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