Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy: Panel 1, Captive Nations and Captive Regions

    okay well my colleagues are taking their
    places I want to extend really my
    sincere thanks to O mki for putting such
    great panels at first I was um I was
    taken AP by having so many people on one
    panel but then I looked at the bios of
    all of the speakers that are speaking
    today and I was literally dra away they
    incredible people with Incredible
    biographies I’m going to introduce them
    now uh and and by the way at each panel
    but I’m going to introduce my panel
    today we are going to start with Paul
    gobble who is a senior fellow at the
    foundation and he is also a longtime
    specialist on ethnic and religious
    questions in Eurasia uh Paul has
    distinguished Korea working for the
    government uh advising the state
    department during the breakup of the
    Soviet Union and now providing his
    insights about what is happening in
    Russia and what could happen in Russia
    in the future Paul thank you for being
    with us
    today we have
    both now I’ve unmuted okay can you hear
    me okay it’s a great pleasure to be here
    and it’s a great it’s an even greater
    pleasure that such a meeting is taking
    place those of us who are old enough to
    remember in the years before the end of
    the Soviet Union know that there were
    not very many similar meetings then uh
    because there was much less riness to
    admit that the Soviet Union was about to
    come apart than there is now that the
    Russian Federation is headed to the
    Dustbin of history and I think that
    represents real progress the problem is
    that there’s a lot more progress that
    has to be made and I think this is a
    very good place for us to start
    I’ve I’ve given my paper to Margarita
    and so I’m going to be very brief uh
    anyone who wants my Fuller thoughts on
    this can get a copy from
    her we’re going to publish it Paul on
    our website right most most people in
    the west
    today unfortunately still assume that
    the coming disintegration of the Russian
    Federation will be quick and easy that
    it will be something like what happened
    1991 and that uh we will the the West
    will be supportive the Russians will be
    supportive and the divisions within the
    Russian Russian Nation itself will not
    be important none of those things are
    true uh and I think we just have to come
    to terms with it I’d like to focus on
    some part of that I’m absolutely
    convinced that what is coming will not
    be as quick nor as easy nor as bloodless
    as what we saw 30 years ago in fact it’s
    much more like it’s likely to be far
    more complicated last far longer and
    require far more discipline and focus
    not only by Western governments but also
    by those who were in the immigration and
    the need for them to have close contacts
    with the peoples of the peoples of their
    homelands I fear increasingly that what
    we headed into is a period when the
    demise of the Russian Federation will
    resemble very much too much that of the
    Ottoman Empire in the 19th and early
    20th centuries for for 100 years the
    Ottoman Empire was known as the weak man
    of Europe and it had a national
    revolution in the form of The Young
    Turks but it also remained powerful
    enough throughout that entire period not
    only to repress its own subjects but to
    threaten the world world and I fear we
    have to be ready for that too now I
    would love to see us take a much more
    forward policy but my own experience in
    1991 and subsequently suggest to me
    that’s not uh not very
    likely understanding why the events
    looming on the horizon are going to be
    so different and worse than those of
    1991 is critical not only for the
    peoples involved and the strategies they
    adopt but also and perhaps as especially
    for outside governments who are once
    again going to face a greater challenge
    than they did three decades ago when all
    too many of them wanted to Proclaim
    Victory the end of history and assume
    that they would get a peace dividend
    from all this the fact is that after a
    rupture occurs whenever that is the
    tasks ahead are going to be larger
    rather than less had we recognized that
    after 1991 we would not be having Putin
    and would not be in the Kremlin and the
    war in his war in Ukraine would not be
    going out it wasn’t and so we are
    suffering as a result as are the people
    of the region what I’d like to do very
    quickly is to point out some of the
    reasons why the coming the coming years
    are so much are very much likely to be
    different from
    1991 first of all in 1991 almost
    everyone who did think the Soviet Union
    was coming apart agreed on the number of
    countries that would emerge and the
    number of and the borders they would
    have there is absolutely no such
    agreement now with range of options and
    the number of countries that we hope to
    see ranging from one in the case of
    Vladimir Putin to over a hundred in the
    estimates of some people that very fact
    means this is going to be very very
    complicated and very very
    explosive second in my view at least
    ethnicity is not going to be the primary
    factor far more important is going to be
    regionalism within the Russian Nation
    the biggest problem we have in talking
    about the future of this part of the
    world is that people don’t address the
    fact that R the Russian nation is a
    itself a myth the tragedy in this part
    of the world is that the the Russians
    became an imperial State Nation before
    they became a state before they became a
    nation as a result the the Russians who
    live in vladist stock as opposed to the
    Russians who live in kingburg are as
    different as the Americans and the
    Australians and we had better start
    figuring that out but instead we tend to
    ignore the regions within the Russian
    within the Russian nation and it’s going
    to be those that will determine outcomes
    because if it’s if they do not matter
    and that is the working Assumption of an
    awful lot of people then we will have a
    situation where the overwhelming Russian
    majority led by a ranous government will
    engage in actions like Ukraine again and
    again what is necessary to make the
    disintegration of the Russian Federation
    work is for the Russians themselves to
    come apart and form separate Nations and
    countries they talking about ethnic
    Russians may not be popular in a group
    of non-russians but unless we figure out
    what happen happens with the ethnic
    Russians we’re not going to get our
    we’re not going to achieve our goals and
    we’re certainly not going to have
    Independence or at least not for long
    that’s one of the mistakes that was made
    1991 and the years afterwards we
    shouldn’t make it
    again moreover we need to remember that
    what’s coming is not going to be even
    nominally within the terms of the legal
    framework of the Russian Federation
    there is no right to secede in the
    Russian Federation Constitution there
    was one in the con in the Soviet one
    that allowed the West to move as far
    toward supporting them the this process
    as it did and we didn’t move very far
    one should not forget that the United
    States was 37th to recognize the
    recovery of independence by the by the
    three Baltic countries and the so the
    United States Department State kept the
    flag of the Soviet Union up 6 days after
    Boris yelson took it down over the
    Kremlin and over the Soviet Embassy in
    Washington DC the idea that the West is
    going to come and support and create a
    tabalo razza that other people can then
    write on is simply not going to happen
    and in 1991 we had a Russian leader in
    the person of Boris yelson who was
    prepared to give up the per periphery in
    order to get get rid of the Soviet
    leadership of
    gorbachov mostly on the assumption that
    yelson believed and so did the people
    around him that the periphery would come
    back because it had nowhere to go
    there’s not anyone now who thinks that
    Putin has that view or would would adopt
    that kind of strategy and that Ally that
    the non-russians had in the person of
    Boris yelson simply isn’t available in
    Moscow today and that that’s that that’s
    going to make this process far difficult
    my own View and it’s one I’ve written
    about many times over the last 20 years
    is that what’s coming is going to be
    that Russia is indeed a failed or
    failing state but what is coming is
    going to be far more like what happened
    1918 when this when the state dissolved
    and then was reassembled by a newly
    mobilized uh Central regime that got
    that was able to achieve what it
    did because the West provided just
    support for Moscow for the Kremlin to
    Target the regions on the periphery as
    being handmaidens of outside Powers but
    not enough to allow them to win there is
    an enormous danger that’s what Putin is
    trying to do there is an enormous danger
    that that will be repeated again and
    again especially if those seeking
    Independence in the future Place their
    hopes in the west above all it’s going
    to be have to be in your hands and in
    the hands of your peoples and it’s going
    to require that they adopt a much more
    long-term strategic approach than most
    of them have up to
    now I think the danger that we will see
    a process of growth of contraction and
    then reexpansion and then contraction
    again in the Russian case in the coming
    decades just as we saw the uh efforts of
    the Ottomans to do the same in the
    absence of outside
    force and it was a war it took a War
    World War I to to destroy the Ottoman
    Empire completely and even then it
    didn’t go all the way because I would
    remind you that the largest Nation on
    Earth that doesn’t have its own state
    are the
    Kurds and they’re not a state because of
    position this is going to mean that the
    that we are what we will see will be
    much more much more
    problematic now those who want to help
    the non-russians and the ethnic Russian
    regions to achieve independence freedom
    and democracy have got to remember I’ve
    got to do three to five things first the
    West needs to to recognize that it made
    a terrible mistake in
    1991 when it ju proclaimed just about
    everyone a Democrat and assumed that
    privatization of the economy would solve
    everything I’ve often said that the
    greatest tragedy for the former Soviet
    space was the Triumph of the University
    of Chicago economics Department in
    Western thinking the idea that economics
    would determine everything economics has
    done nothing to keep Putin from invading
    Ukraine and that’s something which
    unfortunately Western governments and
    Western analysts still don’t
    second for all the problems that the
    disintegration of the Russian Federation
    will involve and those problems will be
    highlighted by all kinds of people in
    all kinds of Western governments that
    will argue we must do nothing because it
    would get worse need to recognize that
    the only way forward to a peaceful world
    where democ and freedom are possible for
    large numbers of people will be to
    dismantle the Russian Federation the
    Russian State and that means
    transforming the Russian the ethnic
    Russian myth into a variety of peoples
    into a multitude of Nations themselves
    if we’re not willing to do the things
    that will make that possible then the
    future for many people is not going to
    be very good
    third the west and this goes to others
    as well but must recognize that there’s
    going to be some kind of Russian State
    at the end of all
    this there are too many people who are
    happy today to put up maps that don’t
    show any Russian State
    remaining there’s going to be one it’s
    probably going to be centered on Moscow
    and it’s going to be large enough and
    well-armed enough to create real
    problems for all or most of the others
    that simply has to be understood that is
    not an argument for not doing something
    it is an argument for recognizing it and
    thinking about what is necessary to
    constrain that state so that it will be
    less likely to invade its neighbors it
    will be less likely to repress its own
    people much of the discussion about
    what’s happening now in in the Russian
    Federation ignores that reality and
    somehow Acts as if well if we can just
    have somebody better than Putin or we
    can have just have the non-russians who
    are a third of the population go away
    that will be enough I promise you it
    won’t we should have learned that lesson
    in the last 30 years regrettably we
    have’t fourth and this is going to be
    the hardest thing for people in the west
    and especially the United States to
    recognize the obligations and the
    challenges and the burdens that we are
    going to have to assume to make these
    kinds of things happen are going to be
    greater after this process starts than
    they are
    now that means we have to view them as a
    long-term investment in a stabled
    peaceful and Democratic world if we’re
    not prepared to do that then I fear we
    will probably cause more trouble uh and
    help and help fewer people and finally
    and this is something which I know a lot
    of non-russians don’t want to
    hear it’s absolutely essential that
    cooperation be promoted between various
    groups of Russians and the non-russians
    both in the areas where they live and
    more generally the two the two silences
    between them are extremely dangerous if
    there isn’t that kind of cooperation if
    there isn’t a recognition that there are
    multiple russas and there are many
    non-russian uh Nations that should
    become States then it isn’t going to be
    a good future for either of them now as
    many of you know I have long been and
    remain absolutely committed to the
    freedom and Independence of all the
    peoples of what is now in the Russian
    Federation I’ve said things that a lot
    of people don’t
    like 1994 when I was asking lvia whether
    lvia should be a member of NATO my
    response was no the real question is
    whether Brion oist next to Moscow should
    be a member of NATO I’m in favor of a
    very much more forward policy than we’ve
    adopted but at the same time the basis
    of having been in this business for now
    five decades I am also convinced that
    those of us who are
    involved must recognize just how
    difficult this is all going to be rather
    than assuming that we are in a situation
    where by saying the right thing
    convincing a few people to respond
    positively everything is going to fall
    into our laps without difficulty if we
    aren’t willing to admit that and make
    the commitment required to make a
    difference then there is a very great
    danger that we and those who we uh uh
    that we and the peoples we want to Hope
    may be dragged down into the dpin of
    History along with the Russian
    which I am quite convinced is headed
    there if not in this decade then
    certainly in the coming months thank
    you thank you very
    much thank you uh we allocated a little
    bit more time for Paul to uh to talk to
    you today because of his vast experience
    and his insights uh and kind of to set
    the frame for this discussion today now
    we’re going to have a few more a few
    last minutes for all of our uh next
    participants so let’s stick to six seven
    minutes at the most so that we can
    finish on time and allow the next panel
    to start on time our next speaker is
    asset Abdula she is a vice Minister
    Foreign Affairs of the Chan Republic of
    each career uh founder of the Union of
    churan Youth in quebe in Quebec Canada
    thank you and thank you for coming here
    today from from Canada thank you uh good
    morning ladies and gentlemen I would
    like to thank the organizers of this
    conference uh it’s a great honor for me
    to be here in Washington and thank you
    for inviting me here in 2002 when I was
    11 years old my mother who is the the
    people’s artist of the churching
    Republic of itara was invited to Moscow
    for an interview she took me with her
    when we arrived the Russian journalist
    us and she looked at me and said to my
    mom don’t take the subway with your
    daughter my mother was very surprised
    she said why and the journalist replied
    you are blond you look like Russian but
    your daughter has the features of a
    person of the Caucasian of Caucasian
    nationality you might have problems with
    local militia it
    means and my mother was shocked years
    later when I started to reflect upon the
    incident uh and the reaction of this
    journalist I understood that her
    reaction was caused by phenomenon of
    cusop phobia present among ethnic
    Russians and spread by Putin’s policy of
    demonizing the chin so I find it’s
    important to understand the roots of the
    chaan and Russian conflict historically
    the relationship between Chans and
    Russians has been characterized by the
    by the Russian willingness to use the
    overwhelming might to suppress the
    Chan’s will for
    self-determination in
    fact uh uh during the Great Caucasian
    War uh the Chans were were were
    represented by the image of a wicked
    chin who who wets his dger kin as it is
    written by one of the greatest Russian
    poet lont in his famous kak
    LBI during Soviet times Stalin accused
    the entire nation uh for alleged support
    for Nazi Invaders and deported the
    entire all the population to Kazakhstan
    in Siberia and label the chin people as
    Enemy of the State although it is a
    historic fact that Nazis Germans never
    reached chachia so 50% of the population
    perished on route to
    Kazakhstan uh in 1994 when yelon
    launched a fullscale air and a land
    attack on chat yelon labeled the chin
    resistance Bandits the regime as
    criminal and the head of Chan government
    johar to as mad uh later Putin portrayed
    Chans as uniquely a criminal criminal
    nation and Islamic terrorists in fact a
    upon coming to power he right away
    struck a cord with the Russian public by
    promising to waste all the terrorists in
    the ouse so the chan people are victims
    of Russian propaganda and are being used
    as a scarecrow to scare everyone away
    from the chin State and the truth is
    that Russian imperialists including
    Russian liberals until this very moment
    support this narrative and deny the
    existence of the Chan indep dependent
    state it is a fact that the Chan
    independent state is a legitimate State
    as state as was USSR the Declaration of
    State sovereignty adopted on 27 November
    1990 was in full Conformity with the USS
    legislation uh it is also a fact that in
    19992 the government of joar DV signed
    an agreement on the apportioning of
    weapons and military equipment uh with
    the minister of defense of the russan
    Russian Federation pav grov if joar had
    really come to power after an eared
    Rebellion as it is claimed by all
    Russian imperialists including liberals
    there would have been absolutely no
    question of transferring arms and
    military equipment to the government he
    headed after the defeat in the first
    Russo Chan War Russia recognized the
    sovereignty of the Chan Republic of
    ichara the jury and de facto concluding
    a peace treaty with Chia in May 1997
    where both states were designated as
    subjects of the international law
    Russian imperialists refused to admit
    that Russia committed war crimes in
    chcha there is a lot of documented
    evidence about the fact that Russia’s
    tactics in Chia were not in keeping with
    the Geneva Convention and its
    commitments to the organization for
    security and cooperation in Europe
    vacuum bombs deliberate attacks on
    civilian populations ethnic cleansing
    torure sweeps everything has been used
    in Chia which resulted in the death of
    300,000 Chan civilians including my
    father 42,000 children and the death of
    democracy in Russia in fact Putin’s rule
    has been synonymous with eradication of
    political opponents anti-democratic
    reforms uh suppression of Free Press and
    demonization of church and people puting
    turned Russia into into a unitary state
    and established a autocracy with the
    russion sh
    imperialist ideology at the heart of his
    rule which transformed into a form of
    fascism one furer one Russia and for
    Russians only and this chauvinist
    imperialist ideology until this very
    moment is deeply admired by all Russian
    liberals by adopting the policy of
    appeasement by tolerating Putin’s
    narrative and accepting the block black
    hole of lawlessness on Russian side side
    in chachia the world the West has
    unfortunately raised a monster which is
    today threatening the entire world with
    a nuclear button so what’s next how do
    we deal with this crisis in Eastern
    Europe the West must realize that that
    to achieve a long-term substantial peace
    in the region it can’t just sweep Chia
    under the carpet as it has done for the
    past 30 years yes the Soviet Union
    collapsed but the evil empire did not
    fall apart precisely because the West
    convinced Ukraine to sign the 1994
    memorandum and did not recognize the
    independence declared by Chia and
    tatarstan it’s time for the
    west and in fact the West going to
    commit the same mistake if it continue
    to listen to Russian Li liberals who
    want to save the great Russian Empire
    it’s time for the West to change its
    policy towards the occupied Church in
    Republic ofar and Caucasus it’s time to
    follow the example of Ukraine and
    recognize the sovereignty of Chan
    Republic of itara as Ukraine has done it
    on 18th October 2022 the Chan government
    in Exile is closely working with
    Ukrainian authorities and is willing to
    cooperate with the United States of
    America and the European union we need
    diplomatic and political support and
    financial support our capacities are
    very limited because we lack funds uh we
    can’t mobilize all our forces because we
    don’t have financial means for that I
    can assure you that the moment will
    receive support from the West it won’t
    find any better Ally than the Chan
    Republic of itar even tolto said that
    Chans are true friends and worst
    enemies uh uh and we stand with United
    States of America we stand with Ukraine
    we we we value Freedom as much as
    Americans do because we have been
    fighting for it desperately since 18th
    century and I find it’s amazing that
    today I can sit here in Washington and
    represent my country without being
    afraid that I I will be killed or
    kidnapped as it happens in Russia when
    anyone dares to speak about the
    independent CH and Republic of Iaria the
    United States of America values freedom
    and democracy and that is why we’re
    looking forward to us cooperation and
    finally let’s not forget that the defeat
    of Ukraine will be a disaster for the
    entire civilized World it will be indeed
    the end of history but not in fuk way it
    will be the end of History where Goliath
    defeated David the first president of
    chch Republic of H Jo warned the entire
    world about the disastrous consequences
    that the Russian Empire would bring if
    not stopped in Chia today we can see
    that Russian Federation is igniting the
    Sparks of Terror all around the globe
    and that’s exactly what joar said 30
    years ago the United States of America
    abandoned Chia and the only wish I have
    today now may this never never happen
    again thank you so
    much thank you very much I will move
    quickly to our next speaker shamilov who
    has a a PowerPoint presentation he is a
    vice Minister Foreign Affairs of the
    church and Republic I’m sorry he is a
    vice chair of the committee for North
    cuses Nations and he’s also honorary Cil
    of the ch Republic of each carea in
    France um so he is going to be
    presenting on on the his
    organization thank you the Powerpoint
    already the PowerPoint
    please thank you for the
    presentation I proud that there is an
    important delegation uh of our committee
    here uh I said uh myself I you are
    chashan in USA and our chairman uh
    Captain Adel bashka who is also chashan
    and the vice chairman of our committee
    and many guests here representing the
    chashan diaspora in USA and the churchan
    diaspora uh your presence here is a
    testament that we didn’t surrender and
    that we will continue our struggle for
    the independence
    I will limit my speech explaining seven
    points of our
    strategy so the first point is the
    necessity to support Ukraine the
    government of the Chan Republic of
    ichara leaded by Ahmed Zak and our
    committee started from the first day of
    the Russian aggression to support
    Ukraine in all the Spheres defense
    politically in the media by every means
    that we have so we are
    appealing here to the Congress of USA to
    continue to support the Ukraine because
    it’s vitally NE necessary to continue to
    help the Ukrainian resist the Russian
    aggression it is needed for Ukraine for
    the north Caucasus and for all the
    Civilized world the second point is the
    defense of the north
    Caucasus it consist in the creation of
    the north Caucasian Army in
    Ukraine while Russia is becoming more
    uncont uncontrollable genocides and Wars
    against the population of the north
    Caucasus are possible
    again persecutions and murdering of
    hundreds of
    activists are going on in North Caucasus
    now in Ukraine the prime minister of the
    Chan Republic of ichara Ahmed zakay
    managed to form the army of the Chan
    Republic of ichara and we must do all we
    can to obtain necessary support to
    advance that process this Army has
    double function helping ukrainians to
    resist Russian aggression and prepare to
    the liberation of the nor asan
    territories every day the Chan Army
    becomes a real modern Army legal
    internationally recognized trained
    respecting all the conventions
    respecting the convention of
    genev coordinating its actions with the
    Ukrainian Army and all our political
    partners and when the time comes that
    Army those combatants will be ready to
    protect the population of the north
    Caucasus from Russian aggression and
    will assure stability and peace in the
    region the F the third point is the
    necessity of creation of an
    international media platform for
    information for all the north Caucasus
    Nations news discussions analyes culture
    broadcasts about the different languages
    of the north Caucasus and other content
    is necessary the Russian opposition has
    many effective media platforms while we
    have very little media
    they don’t accept our struggle for
    Freedom they just want us to stay in the
    Russia of the in the in the Russia of
    dreams they don’t accept our struggle
    for Independence but we we don’t want
    the false Russian Federation and its FSB
    methods nether the so-call new beautiful
    Russia of their dreams so we have two
    propaganda sources working against us
    the Russian propaganda and the
    propaganda of the Russian
    opposition so we are very concerned by
    this point and we need support to have a
    media efficient media to work in that
    direction this is we are more than able
    to establish independent states and form
    in the future a confederation of North
    Caucasian Nations like the European
    that is the mission of Our Generation
    now and of the generation of our
    children and the media is the most
    important tool to help achieve
    it the fourth
    point is establishing political
    alliances we are working on establishing
    political alliances between Western
    countries and the government of the Chan
    Republic of ichara in Exile and our
    North Caucasus Nations committee this
    work started in Ukraine and we need
    other countries to join this that
    process it is in the interest of our
    people and in the interest of Ukraine as
    well as Europe and USA that the north
    Caucasus becames free and able to form a
    civilized region of prosperity and
    development built on the principles of
    democracy it will open many
    possibilities for the world economy
    Investments resources transport
    facilities trade military
    alliances the fifth point of our
    strategy we demand we we ask and we
    demand the recognition of the
    genocides and the condemnation of the
    continuing systematic crimes committed
    by Russia against Chans engush chians
    and and the other people of the north
    Caucasus and that was committed all
    those crimes were committed throughout
    the history of Russia throughout the
    three periods of Russian history the
    chist period the Soviet period and the
    so-called Russian Federation period the
    Ukraine has already recognized and
    condemned the genocide of Chans and
    English the resolution of recognition
    and condemning the genocide of chians is
    preparation and we want the other
    countries to join this
    process in 2018 the government of the
    churchan Republic of isaria
    sent a document listing all the crime of
    aggression the war crimes and the crimes
    of Against Humanity through the
    international Court of uh the heg
    Criminal Court of the hag but
    the absence of political will and the
    fear of
    Russia caused a total ignoring of this
    document by the international court and
    that must
    change the sixth
    point we are working on the preparation
    of economical scenarios of development
    of our region and it’s it’s important
    for us to have experts and experienced
    politicians to join Us in that
    work finally the seven point we would
    like to alert everyone Russia threaten
    the world with nuclear arms then with
    the energies gas and oil then blocking
    the export of Ukrainian cials and now
    they are using again extremism and
    terrorism to threaten the world trying
    to stop the support for
    Ukraine we are working every day on the
    social networks and with our
    aspas alerting our people not to follow
    the manipulations of Russian proxies
    using religion Islam has its place in
    our society and it is a religion of
    peace and
    progress and we are successfully
    providing our people with the peaceful
    true and civilized knowledge of our
    religion the three the free North
    Caucasus will not represent any threat
    to the
    world to the contrary it will be a
    region of stability and modernization
    and the model of multiethnic and
    multifaith States respecting different
    religions different Traditions
    respecting the human rights and doing
    all in favor of development and
    prosperity we are sure that in all these
    points we have common interest and we
    ask you to work with us and so the
    independence freedom and the development
    of the north Caucasus will be achieved
    many thanks to the organizers of this
    conference to the J Jamestown foundation
    and the Forum of post Russia uh of the
    fre people of post
    Russia uh for the possibility to address
    directly here in USA in Washington DC
    all our partners and friends and to
    present our struggle for the
    independence to the American society
    thank you very
    much thank you very much um I will turn
    now to b b mang B man who is Chairman of
    the Congress of O cik people and also
    member of the free Nations lead thank
    you good
    morning I am glad to Welcome to the
    participants of our
    conference we are at the entrance to a
    geopolitical uh ER the reasons uh for
    this include not only corporate
    strategies new scientific
    discoveries and Technologies artificial
    intelligence and climate change but uh
    also the unreasonable Ambitions of the
    leader and uh uh the people supporting
    him in a country that has become a banal
    victim of mass anger Self
    Indulgence uh
    resentment uh and the desire of Revenge
    my name is B bang I am the chairman of
    the uh representative body of my
    nation’s Nation uh the Congress of oat
    kalmuk people and uh I’m a member of uh
    free Nations uh
    league for the last uh 35 uh years I
    have been professionally in judged in
    politics as well as in public investment
    human rights party activities uh
    business teaching historical
    Etc uh as it turned out uh in the
    conditions of Russia
    practically everything I was in judging
    except politics was politics pure
    underground or uh official and uh today
    I will talk about what I have been in
    judged uh in politics for this 35
    years dreams that the oric people could
    become uh the owners of their own
    independent States state was born in the
    early uh
    1990s but after Putin’s arrival people’s
    uh consciousness uh became infected with
    thoughts uh of a great Russia not
    kikia gradually people began uh to
    realize that is it is impossible to
    preserve their culture Traditions
    language uh their ethnicity or simply to
    develop uh in this uh criminal Russian
    state it is a very self uh uh
    deception uh and
    Utopia uh either uh our people and other
    peoples will sooner or later uh be eaten
    up by purpos purposeful uh assimilation
    or they will be killed by obedient
    service to the Moscow Homeland this is
    uh exactly what is uh happening in the
    case uh of Russia’s war against Ukraine
    tens of thousands of people from among
    non-russian peoples are sent in the
    interests of Putin and uh the Russian
    Empire to commit war crimes and death
    the alternative and uh the only
    guarantee of liquidation of a treat not
    only to the peoples living with in
    Russian state but also to all man
    mankind is a termination of existence of
    Russia and Creations creation of
    independent states on this post Russian
    territory I must say my people have had
    uh several independent states in the
    past now I just want to list what an
    independent or at K kikia would be and
    what uh benefits uh it would bring to
    United States Europe Ukraine and the
    whole world or at kukia has a favorable
    favorable uh position in many
    respects uh and is uh part of several
    historical natural geopolitical cultural
    uh areas and mcro regions at the same
    time territory of the Republic Kia
    is part of the Black Sea caspan mcro uh
    region and the northern Caspian Sea it
    has a long coastline of the cpic sea
    Caspian Sea with the a shallow shelf
    located within the Caspian oil and yes
    estimated uh
    hydrocarbon uh reserves are about uh 20
    billion tons of fuel
    equivalent it occupies occupies and
    Transit position on the north south
    Russia trans
    caucasia uh Iran and East West uh
    Central Asia Ukraine trade routs and may
    become part of the bridge between Europe
    and Central
    Asia it’s located on the path of the
    shortest uh air routs between Europe and
    East uh and Southeast Asia this is a
    territory through which a significant
    part uh of the caspan oil pipeline
    Consortium passes which annually pumps
    about 70 million tons of oil from
    Kazakhstan and Southern Russia to
    terminals in the Black
    Sea it could be used as a route for new
    oil pipelines from the caspan sea to
    Ukraine and further to
    Europe can be used for fiber uh optic
    routs and uh the information traffic
    from Europe to
    may be of interest for the
    Diplomatic economic and Military
    presence of the United States European
    Union Union uh nato in the Caspian Basin
    area this is a small part of what uh I
    would like to say I’m ready to talk
    about uh it in more details as I have a
    lot more to discuss on the topic welcome
    to uh our independent to at Kia to all
    our friends thank
    you thank you but it’s so important to
    stress the economic opportunities and
    potential of those regions and how they
    can sustain themselves um if uh when
    they become independent um I would like
    to invite now vaselina orlova with her
    online presentation online talk uh
    vaselina is Anthropologist she is at the
    University of Texas here in the United
    States she studies Siberia post Soviet
    ruins immobility and potency and
    toxicity of Soviet um uh of Soviet
    effect thank you vaselina for being with
    us today
    is she here she’s there
    right can you hear us
    vaselina I don’t think um I don’t think
    we have her all right um then we have
    Yuri HOV who is uh at Fletcher school
    he’s a visiting SCH scho at the Fletcher
    school at TS University right now
    otherwise he’s a political analyst and
    media manager he’s also going to speak
    to us
    online y yeah uh yeah uh good afternoon
    good morning in Washington DC thank you
    for inviting
    me uh to speak at your conference I’m
    sorry for not being in DC uh these days
    uh I don’t claim to represent any
    particular region or Nation here right
    right now but I want to share with you
    my recent research on the crisis of Russ
    Russian nation building Russian Nation
    hood that I did during my uh stay at the
    Fletcher School recently and hopefully
    uh it’s going to be published uh in full
    soon uh when we hear uh Putin’s
    assertion that Russian bordies do not
    end are we compelled to ask is it merely
    rethoric or reflection of a deeper truth
    in light of Russia’s aggression against
    Ukraine questions about the essence of
    Russia’s identity surface us to
    scrutinize its social and political
    landscape more
    closely this examination challenges the
    conventional notion of Russia as a
    unified political entity and here I
    totally agree with uh Mr go uh therefore
    it becomes imperative for us to reassess
    conventional perspectives on Russian
    identity and explore alternative
    Pathways Pathways
    forward through this exploration we aim
    not only to grab the tapestry of
    Russia’s reality but also to pave the
    way towards a sustainable
    peace let’s embark on the brief
    exploration of nationhood and the
    process of nation building considering
    whether Russia’s experience aligns with
    established theoretical paradigms
    Benedict Anderson’s seminal work
    imagined communities provides a valuable
    framework for understanding Nations as
    imagined political communities
    understand uh insights underscore the
    pivotal role of collective imagination
    in fostering a sense of belonging among
    divers populations challenging the
    notion of Nations as fixed entities and
    highlighting their construed nature
    however the conventional dichotomy
    between Civic and ethnic nationalism put
    forward by the scholars like Michael
    gnaf fell short of encapsulating the
    complexities of national identities
    gites advocacy for example for good
    Civic nationalism over bad ethnic
    nationalism oversimplifies the ingate
    processes of identity formation
    particularly within culturally diverse
    contexts like Russia here the there in
    Russia govern the
    government has often utilized such
    distinctions to qu descent with the
    within uh break breakway regions like
    chna and to just justify aggressive
    actions against neighboring
    states uh instead Scholars like will
    kimer or Gregory yanis advocate for for
    a more holistic approach that integrates
    cultural dimensions and political
    representation into the fabric of nation
    Endeavors the historical trajectory of
    nation building in Russia reveals a
    complex interplay of Imperial
    aspirations and autocratic rule as noted
    by uh British historian jofrey hosking
    uh the omnipresence of monarchy
    inhibited the emergence of cohesive
    nation state perpetuating a political
    landscape marked by autocracy and
    stagnation uh attempts by uh the emperor
    for example Nicholas I first to cope the
    concept of nationality as a metaphysical
    bond between the ruler and the people
    further impeded the development of
    Representative governance essential for
    more and for modern
    nationhood furthermore Russia’s
    expansive territorial conquests and
    militaristic culture have profoundly
    influenced its historical development
    research by Russian historian Alexander
    Atkin sheds light on how the Russian
    Empire’s expansion contributed to the
    colonization of various ethnic groups
    and the assimilation of ethnic Russians
    in in their in its core shaping Russia’s
    relationships with its subject the term
    Russian itself has undergone significant
    Evolution reflecting shifts in rist
    vision and political
    context as we navigate through these
    historical and theoretical insights it
    becomes in my view evident that Russia’s
    identity is far from as far from
    monolithic uh it’s complex tapestry of
    cultures histories and political
    Dynamics necessitate a nuanced
    understanding and reevaluation of
    paradigms by embracing this complexity
    we can chart a course toward a more
    inclusive and peaceful future not just
    only for post Russia but for the broader
    Community and as we deep and as we um
    delve deeper into the complexities of
    russan identity and nation building we
    confront contemporary challenges of
    imperialist of imperialist Legacy and
    the rise of putinism the confusion of
    nationalist favor and Imperial Nostalgia
    underscores the task of navigating
    Divergent ideologies in today’s Russia
    while putinism stronghold rests on
    Notions of national greatness and post
    Soviet resentment it faces opposition
    from uh the ethnic minorities and
    Alternative forms of Russian nationalism
    that challenge the states honic
    uh uh the uh the task of of of
    redefining Russian identity M historical
    uh this baggage and present day hurdles
    represent a formidable yet imperative
    task unlike the trajectories of many
    European nations Russia’s journey toward
    a unified national identity
    has been marked by
    deviations under Putin’s regime a
    paradigm of uh paradig this Paradigm
    rooted in statist
    imperialism uh has supplanted the notion
    of modern political Nation limiting
    Russian identity to adherence to the
    state agenda rather than individual
    self-identification roots or cultural
    affiliations it begs the Urgent question
    can Russian nation building pivot toward
    alternative nonauthoritarian found
    there thereby fundamentally reshaping
    continent Alexander Atkins recent book
    uh Russia against modernity casts light
    on Russia’s struggle against progress
    highlighting its Reliance on fossil
    fuels and ex exacerbation of social
    inequality Atkin uh Atkin foresees
    potential scenarios for decolonization
    or as he said calls it def
    deeder uh suggesting that Russia May
    face fragmentation but potentially
    giving rights to
    self-sufficient and uh probably
    entities however the realization of such
    scenarios are hinges on the cultivation
    of a coherent narrative and New National
    identities without this these potential
    Transformations May remain elusive or
    worth exacerbate existing grievances to
    avert further resentment after the
    breakup of the Russian Federation it is
    imperative to empower communities
    seeking the Empire less future and the
    establishment of their respective
    National Homes including those for
    ethnic Russians one Avenue for defining
    the identity of ethnic Russians lies in
    for example IL zaro’s vision of a
    Russian nation state viia or Zia such a
    state would Encompass some regions in
    the Russian ATN ATN cultural core in
    European Russia this approach aims to
    provide ethnic Russians or whatever uh
    they choose to call themselves with a
    home finded by clear boundaries and
    historical cultural foundations
    countering the
    expansionist rethoric prevalent in
    mosco’s discourse while following a Euro
    authentic path the unique experiences of
    regions like my own uh Northern Homeland
    pomor may serve as examplars for the
    redefinition of nationhood on new
    grounds by prioritizing local and
    regional identities and nurturing a
    sense of rooted cosmopolitanism
    democracy Society groups can
    counterbalance the K homogenizing
    narrative fostering a modern national
    identity rooted in the rich diversity of
    their respective cultures the
    empowerment of Grassroots resistance the
    preservation and celebration of local
    Heritage and advocacy for decolonization
    to present in my view promising avenues
    for reimagining post Russian identity
    Beyond authoritarian and Imperial
    legacies though this path may be bumpy I
    know this but there was charting a new
    course abound this and it falls upon us
    to take the first
    step thank you you once
    again thank you very much Yuri and now
    we have our last speaker for this panel
    Nas Zina who is an anti-war activist a
    researcher of Central Asia uh in
    information Warfare in post Soviet
    states she was also NGO representative
    at the United Nations economic and
    social Council in the past she she lives
    in New York thank you very much n for
    being with us today thank you Margarita
    and good morning dear colleagues uh I
    was born and raised in Western Siberia
    in tomsk and uh today I want to raise
    awareness about several things related
    to Western Cura uh this include of
    course the Region’s natural resources uh
    scientific and cultural heritage and the
    impact of propaganda on the younger
    generation in Siberia through different
    tools first of all through universities
    and specific youth forums in addition I
    want to draw attention to students from
    post Soviet States if you follow uh
    specific news about higher education in
    Russia um Russia issued theas
    significant number of higher education
    quarters uh this year for foreign
    students not only uh from post Soviet
    territories but from other countries as
    well but however we all have to
    understand that actual motive behind the
    the kremlin’s offer is not to promote
    scientific cooperation between states
    and um regions but to re-educate or
    educate young Specialists with current
    Russian political standards they aim to
    make young students uh first of all
    ideologically but also financially and
    socially dependent on premin narratives
    and Kremlin controlled institutions and
    Thoms has become a popular destination
    uh for intern National students who are
    often recruited for PR Kremlin projects
    under the appearance of Education
    initiatives this is part of a larger
    strategy by the government Security
    Services to create a network of groups
    that are loyal or can be loyal in the
    near future to the Kremlin University
    Administration are often involved in
    such collaborations which aim to engage
    young Professionals for political
    objectives in Russia so dictatorships
    often manipulate Young people at forums
    and conferences to secure their future
    power the kremin uses students and
    researchers as tools for current and
    future propaganda
    efforts also tomsk possesses uh a
    cultural and sent um thank you and
    scientific Heritage of global value
    including its wooden historical
    architecture a unfortunately we cannot
    restore many wooden buildings in tomsk
    because um our architecture is not an
    economic uh priority for for the Kremlin
    and for the local authorities as well in
    the near future we can lose this
    Heritage so the history of scientific
    centers in Siberia is shadowed by pain
    due to political repressions from the
    past and the practice of exiling Highly
    Educated individuals to Siberian
    previous centuries just some
    um historical facts so how we know
    thousands of people were imprisoned
    murdered and tortured in Lamor camps in
    Siberia especially until
    1953 in the past Soviet authorities
    masked places where where thousands of
    people were
    murdered as an example kalpas skar this
    is a big grave with people who were shot
    and hidden by their own authorities
    however the truth was hidden only until
    1979 when part of the bank of the op
    River collapsed exposing the brutal
    reality of the past four people but even
    after this discovery the authorities
    tried to hide this event again a large
    number of individuals living in siira
    don’t know about such essential stories
    about our region because such stories
    are never included in our school
    programs the significant State Control
    in Russia has led to the Banning of
    nonprofit organizations such as n
    memorial for example which advocates for
    the rights of
    victims of Russ repression
    the kremin has been uh has been using
    the manipulation of people’s memories as
    one of its most effective tools it’s a
    fact that most people are not aware of
    the dark side of the Soviet history and
    about uh the current situation in Russia
    in other words we don’t know who we are
    the gradual influence of thisinformation
    on the younger generation can lead to
    consequences first uh first of all this
    is aggression toward some Nations mainly
    European and North American countries it
    can also lead um to an inclination
    towards conspiracy theorist and a
    tendency to constantly perceive the
    United States in a negative light after
    being educated in Russian institutions
    Russia’s leadership seem seems
    exclusively focused on its own interest
    while exploiting other regions to
    satisfy its own desires people in
    Siberia fail to recognize the
    significance of local Heritage and the
    richness of Siberian land as a result we
    are missing out on huge opportunities
    for success in tourism many Americans
    ask me when we can go to Siberia when we
    can travel to Siberia to see the real
    Siberian winter to fill the real
    Siberian VI Vibe but my answer is always
    I don’t know because I’m afraid to go
    home and I think you’re afraid to go to
    Russia too because of
    politics moscow’s leadership has
    developed a long-term plan to exploit
    the resources but also population of
    Siberia Moscow heavily relies on natural
    resources from Siberia such as wood coal
    gas oil diamonds using this money the
    Kremlin has brutally continuing
    attacking Ukraine for more than two
    already Western Siberia is a hostage of
    kremlin’s desire to increase its wealth
    and power when we free ourselves from
    moscow’s control we can gain a deeper
    understanding first of all of our
    history unlock our full potential of the
    region invest invest in the growth of
    our region and have the freedom to be
    ourselves so and I just want to conclude
    my speech with a citation from Financial
    Times which is what happens in Siberia
    matters to the rest of the world very
    short and very true thank you thank
    you thank you
    and we will continue with the topic
    about Siberia we have six more minutes
    left vaselina thank you for joining us
    today thank you so much I appreciate
    it uh the topic of our panel is captive
    Nations and captive regions uh just
    yesterday the news went viral of the
    Dwellers of Oren Bor obas in Russia who
    cooperated to block the water from
    Raising and flooding their
    FS earlier at them in orenburg broke the
    people came together to create a dam
    that prevented the Ural River from
    inflicting further damage in addition to
    the damage that the flood already caused
    in orsk and
    orenburg the people build a new dam by
    themselves without the help from the
    government doing things by themselves
    without the help of structures that were
    supposed to be there becomes the only
    form of self-government in Russia that
    can protect the people from the natural
    the government abandoned the people as
    whatever means and resources the
    government has the government directs to
    the Russian unlawful war of colonial
    aggression and genocidal land grab in
    Ukraine the notion of captive Nations
    and captive regions represents the
    orenburg OAS in Russia even if not
    everybody there might agree the Russian
    government has been touting the vertical
    of power a notion invented by veslav
    as a way to justify the Uber
    centralization along with such Notions
    as Sovereign democracy and
    stability everyone can see now that
    stability was not as stable as it
    appeared if anything the stability of
    extraction impoverishment and
    depopulation is the stability that
    Moscow regime is offering to the Nations
    and regions that are currently Loosely
    United by the name of the Russian
    Federation and a broader notion of the
    Russian World the vertical of power is
    extremely rigid and the central
    government habitually adopted an
    extremely extractivist approach to the
    regions during my anthropological Field
    Works in eastern Siberia I often heard
    that people
    complained they related the feelings of
    Abandonment the feeling of Abandonment
    by the central power the feeling of
    extractivist approach of moscow’s
    government those were prominent these
    feelings were betraying the expectations
    of a paternalistic government which
    comes as no surprise to anyone who
    observed the video messages recorded by
    Russians of the content Putin help us
    one of such videos was even recorded in
    oror goess during the recent flood as a
    result of the broken Dam looking at such
    expressions of expectations from the
    government and a demonstrated loyalty to
    the government one could ask if our
    hopes for
    self-directedness and local governments
    futile however the voices of the local
    intelligence Regional intelligence the
    elites of the national republics which
    we hear at the forums the forums of the
    three nations of post Russia are not to
    dismissed his voices must be heard and
    appreciated and one of the reasons why
    we hear them outside of Russia more
    often than coming from Russia is because
    such speakers are being labeled
    extremists and terrorists in Russia they
    are silenced and
    imprisoned these people are doing
    everything that depends on them to build
    connections with the Allies in the west
    and the East and in Africa they expand
    our understanding of colonialism to
    include Russia as one of the colonial
    Powers this the tasks of the Russians or
    at least the way I see it is not to
    publish Memoirs titled patreon not as
    the Widow of naali announced naval’s
    Memoir is going to be
    titled but in supporting Ukraine and the
    national liberations
    movements the work in Russian by an
    ethnic Russian that could be worthy of
    attention will be titled National
    traitor Russia needs to be decentralized
    and the Moscow regime needs to lose the
    ability to GA vehicles and Manpower
    throughout Eurasia for its Colonial
    Pursuits inspired by the vengful desire
    to reattribute Kev as the capital of the
    Kian R and the credle of the Russian
    civilization to the current Russian
    Federation the Recollections of ruric
    and other myths of the Russian State
    hoods can happen in interviews but they
    cannot be the ground of such wild
    revisionism as Russia is currently
    attempting I hope the world may come
    together once again together with China
    and the global South to denounce the
    violent unilateral revision of sovereign
    borders in support of Ukraine’s heroic
    fight and in support of Liberation and
    decentralization movements in Russia
    thank you so much for your attention
    you thank you vaselina thank you
    everyone on this wonderful panel
    unfortunately we don’t have time for
    questions but we are going to be here
    all day and you are going to be able to
    ask our panelists questions in the
    meantime and also during other panels
    please um direct your questions um to
    these panelists as well don’t limit to
    to one panel only thank you we are
    switching now to the next panel another
    eight participants here with uh their
    take on their own aspirations for
    Independence or or more freedom uh and
    our moderator is going to be Tas

    About the Event

    The imperialist Russian polity under Vladimir Putin is a source of conflict worldwide, from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus to the Middle East and Western Balkans. The Russian “Federation” is a federation in name only and, at its heart, is a colonial empire. Moscow is a key partner of the People’s Republic of China, a vital enabler of Iran and its terrorist proxies, and a long-standing partner of North Korea. The Kremlin is encouraging a new “Axis of Disruption” (Moscow–Beijing–Tehran–Pyongyang) of authoritarian and totalitarian dictatorships with the shared vision to undermine the global order, discredit international law, weaken the effectiveness of institutions in independent states, and destroy Western unity in defending freedom and human rights.

    Russia’s war against Ukraine has exacerbated the deep-rooted problems of the Russian state and society. As the war rages on, the potential for Russia’s political, economic, and social collapse continues to grow and cannot be discounted. The impact of Russia’s rupture would reverberate globally, as did the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russia’s decolonization and de-imperialization could be gradual or rapid, similar to how other empires have collapsed in the past. With informed foresight, the process of disintegration can be managed to stabilize commodity markets, mitigate the human consequences of political or state collapse, limit the possibility of violence, and initiate denuclearization.

    The conference “Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy,” jointly organized by The Jamestown Foundation and the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum (FNPF), examined the possibility of Russia’s rupture and gather educated perspectives on what scenarios might arise.


    1. For more than a thousand years they tried to carve up Russia. Teutonic knights, Mongols, Napoleon, Western troops in 1917, Hitler.. Noone succeeded, just wet dreams, entirely delusional.

    2. What a pile of **
      I'd say the US states will break up before Russia does.

      this is the opinion of someone who has clearly been fed propaganda his entire life and formed these strange predictions as a result.

    3. I think is completely valid for a profit-driven society like the West if these clowns make a living or profit someway with this kind of pathetic presentations.

      But just imagine if there is decision/policiy makers and offcials whom actually and actively listen and believe this non sense.

      You guys are unbelievably nuts!!!! You are reaching south park parody levels of insanity and estupidity!

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