UPROCK UPDATES: Token Launch Secured + IOS App & More! | Crypto Gossip

    Hello everybody welcome to another
    update from crypto gossip my name is
    Adam your host some exciting updates
    from upro the results from the voting
    and a couple of other important updates
    I wanted to make sure that you were
    aware of as they go live with their
    token but they did end up as part of
    this voting we’ve talked about here
    recently they did end up securing second
    place in the Jupiter lfg Launchpad
    voting when you go back to the voting
    page the results pretty much stayed in
    line with what we saw when I first
    posted about this on the first day that
    it was live sanctum ended up getting 64%
    of the votes their liquid staking
    protocol out on salana pretty popular
    right now so a really good project to
    check out as well and then uprock got
    second place they always pick the first
    two to go move forward with the token
    launch so upro has now secured their
    place in getting their token to go live
    with the Jupiter Launchpad so they
    talked about this here in this Twitter
    post voting is officially concluded and
    we’re thrilled to announce that uock has
    secured the second position in the
    Jupiter lfg Launchpad so there’s some
    thanks in there and they talk about some
    of the numbers there were 45 million or
    almost 46 million upro votes if you do
    vote in this Launchpad we’ve talked
    about this being something that i’ I’ve
    been heavily involved in I went from 200
    Jupiter tokens in the first round to
    over 500 now for this one you do get
    rewards in the form of Jupiter tokens
    and any of these that win the vote you
    do get some of their tokens as part of
    this promotion as well so exciting to
    see how this will work out you know as
    we all know I’ve been talking about upro
    for a while they’re a competitor to
    grass and that they actually sharing
    your internet bandwidth you know in
    exchange for data and playing this data
    AI play as well so really a lot of
    interesting things in this kind of deep
    end space that we’re talking about with
    upro so exciting to see them actually
    moving forward with the token launch so
    there’s really not a lot of more
    information other than that they’ve won
    you know when you look at the last that
    first round of voting and those two
    winners that they started off it did
    take about a month or two for both of
    those to play out and get launched so it
    may be a little while before see this
    play out they’ll have sanctum go first
    and so that might be the next couple of
    weeks so I would imagine it’ll be about
    a month out for us to see this token go
    live in this voting process so uh we’ll
    stay tuned on that I’ll keep you posted
    on that one but the other big update I
    want to make sure that you were aware of
    is that up till now upro has only been
    available for Android and they did also
    announce here recently that uo’s you
    know uh iOS version their app will be
    ready and here on May 4th so you can go
    on here and actually I’ll show you I’ll
    provide the link in the description
    below for you to be able to look at this
    and you can actually Reserve there’s a
    place for you to actually pre-order you
    can just click to get this and it will
    do a little check mark where it will
    notify you and remind you to download
    this and pre-order this when it’s
    available because obviously you’ll want
    to get started with sharing your
    internet and earning income as quickly
    as possible I won’t go through too much
    of the details on how this all works you
    can go back to some of my previous
    videos where I do a walkthr on their
    dashboard and how this all works easy to
    set up or you basically just set this up
    as an app on your phone with with
    Android or now iOS and and then you’re
    going to see the download speeds and
    you’re sharing bandwidth from your phone
    service plan your Wi-Fi whatever the
    services you have there and you’re
    earning your these upt tokens on a
    regular basis so compared to Grass where
    it’s this point system and you don’t
    really know exactly how that’s going to
    work this one’s very clear and I really
    like the upro you know platform you know
    the the the UI the way that this all you
    know work works it’s very easy and and
    very user friendly not nearly the
    hiccups that we see with grass where it
    just seems like it’s constant glitching
    and it’s not loading it’s not giving
    rewards I think upro has definitely been
    one you can you can tell has a strong
    team behind it and is is doing things
    the right way so excited to see how this
    will all play out the third update I
    want to make sure that you’re aware of
    as well is they did announce um on their
    Discord and out publicly on Twitter
    there’s an nft that they are offering
    for sale called D pioneers and so if
    you’re interested in the dpen space and
    want to get invested into a unique um
    opportunity to get involved with this
    this they do actually are offering this
    um you know they’re sponsoring this
    where it’s this first ever hybrid dpen
    Dow NT multiple tokens in one pfp are
    you dpen or out and they have this
    pre-sale where they’re selling this
    pre-sale of group one is to salana so
    it’s around $300 at today’s prices group
    two is sold out at 2.25 salana group
    three is now on sale for 2 and a half
    salana and group four will conclude at
    2.75 salana you have to accept some
    terms and conditions here and they have
    some explanation that there’re basically
    going to be an nft collection that’s a
    dow backed by token value it’s a new
    type of hybrid nft Community merging the
    multi-billion dollar dpen market with
    the social prowess of pfps plus one cute
    cat so when you meant your own nft
    you’re securing a stake in this top dpen
    tokens on salana and joining a premier
    Dow all wrapped up in a perfect pfp so
    you can see the projects they’re going
    to be investing in so that your your nft
    represents ownership in a collection of
    kind of a basket of tokens that
    represent the deepend space on salana
    you’ve T we’ve talked about some of
    these being pretty familiar names we’ve
    talked about individually on the channel
    like you’ve got render here you’ve got
    you know grass you’ve got Hive mapper in
    here i.net which we’ve talked about you
    have the win meme token as well that
    they’ve talked about in some of their
    Partnerships they’re going to have with
    them in this there you’ve got upro we
    know helium and some others that are out
    here so it’s an interesting play if it’s
    just something you’re interested in they
    did announce this recently in this sale
    wanted to just make sure that you were
    aware of this as we were talking about
    upro and then yet another opportunity to
    get more involved if it’s something of
    Interest so of course you know just to
    conclude all this exciting to see that
    this vote came through for upro so we
    can see the fruits of you know the the
    work that we’re doing over the last
    couple of months and trying to earn
    these tokens that we will be able to
    actually have these you know going live
    here soon as well as the fact that the
    IOS app will be available as well you
    know you know that from when I’ve talked
    about it I use it for my salana Saga
    phone but it’ll be nice to have another
    option to earn even more with this uh
    this iOS option and also this D Pioneers
    nft as well is another option that
    they’ve you know to get more involved in
    the dpin space on salana so want to make
    sure you saw all these updates for upro
    4 today make sure you like And subscribe
    to the channel for this type of content
    I’ve got my referral Link in the
    description below if you have not yet
    signed up for upro still some room to
    get more earnings and get this going
    before they go live with their token so
    keep posting on all this as we go along
    thanks have a good rest of the day and
    the week

    Some exciting updates for UpRock as they secured 2nd place in the Jupiter LFG Launchpad and will be launching their token soon! Also an update on their IOS app and an NFT you may want to check out!

    UpRock Referral Link: https://link.uprock.com/i/3574669b
    IOS App Pre-Order (Coming May 4th): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/uprock-ai-rewards-for-income/id6479072102
    DePioneers NFT Collection: https://depioneers.com/

    Referral Links for Crypto Gossip:

    Solana Ecosystem:
    Parcl: https://app.parcl.co/ (use referral code “cryptogossip” for a 5% point bonus in perpetuity!)
    UpRock Referral Link: https://link.uprock.com/i/3574669b
    Grass Referral Link: https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=hbZVY4bPFaY1Ky7

    Airdrop Farming Opportunities:
    Easy Node: https://app.easy-node.xyz/ (Use CRYPTOGOSSIP for 5% Discount)
    Layer3: https://layer3.xyz/?ref=cryptogossip.eth
    Mint Blockchain: https://www.mintchain.io/mint-forest?inviteCode=8D0288C7
    Ola: https://olavm.org/massive?minerCode=2YU8P5
    Param Gaming: https://paramgaming.com/?referCode=D15A357BD9#/
    Bubble/Imaginary Ones: https://bubble.imaginaryones.com/?ref=2DB2QE

    DIMO: https://drivedimo.com/?ref=cryptogossip. For the app use referral code 086BQ3 to receive 50 $DIMO signup bonus.
    Soarchain/Motus Drive to Earn: https://shop.soarchain.com/?ref=cryptogossip (10% off order)
    Helium Mobile: https://hellohelium.com/ and use referral code MK6CHNF to get $5 credit

    DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. Affiliate commissions are a great way to help fund and support the channel.

    I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.

    #uprock #depin #solana #cryptogossip


    1. Thanks Adam! Have been farming UPT on my Android phone, does this mean i can farm UPT on my iPad simultaneously from 4th May? will the points stack?

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