Silver has a HIDDEN WEAPON – pushing it to $35 (ENTIRE market flips)!

    silver has a hidden weapon pushing it to
    $35 flips entire Market silver took
    steep drop today but in this video I’m
    going to show you silver has a secret
    weapon to push it up to $35 an ounce
    let’s start with this from
    NASDAQ this article has a headline is
    silver going to break out on the upside
    and I certainly believe it will check
    this out this article says uh in an
    article that I wrote this according to
    this author Andrew heck in an article
    that I wrote dated April 1st I drew
    attention to the to the falling silver
    gold ratio a bullish signal for silver
    known for its volatility and speculative
    nature among precious metals and I
    stated in this the silver to gold ratio
    is trading at an elevated level on April
    1st which is a mixed blessing on the one
    hand the metric tells us that silver
    continues to underperform Gold however
    the high level could create a
    significant opportunity if silver is
    heading for an upside break that could
    take the volatile metal substantially
    higher over the coming months I favor
    the upside for silver and believe each
    price correction is a buying opportunity
    this article continues the ratio was
    near 90 to1 on April 1st and declined to
    below 83:1 that’s a strong drop uh
    declined to below 83 to1 at the most
    recent low are reflecting Silver’s
    outperformance compared to Gold over the
    past weeks now we have to remember
    silver made uh an showed an increase of
    20% over these past weeks and gold
    actually only showed an incre increase
    of 15% and so that’s a that’s
    outperforming silver has been
    outperforming gold and we we often lose
    sight of this as silver stackers we we
    we uh we our jaw drops when we think
    about the gold price getting to 2,400
    and higher but
    really silver outperforming and uh that
    that’s something that we often we often
    forget let’s continue with this article
    it says uh silver rallies and comes to
    life while gold rallied over s 7% in the
    first quarter and silver was up
    3.45% um early early in that quarter the
    second quarter has been another story as
    silver has taken the leadership baton at
    the latest
    $2,448 was a high for gold um gold
    Futures moved 9% higher than at the end
    of March while May silver Futures
    reached $29 per ounce a 20% increase
    from the first quarter closing level so
    you know silver is really it’s it’s just
    something that we we we often forget uh
    I know uh that I like many silver
    stackers I I have my eye on gold and I
    know I should not I’m just honestly I I
    know that I should not I should focus on
    Silver and I should focus on that on
    this as this data is showing us I should
    focus on the silver to gold ratio and
    not the daily spot price but it is just
    so easy to follow the spot price and get
    excited when especially when we saw
    silver reaching for for $30 an ounce and
    seeing gold shoot up so much but really
    silver is oh by the way if you’re
    enjoying this content please hit the
    like button and hit subscribe it really
    it helps so much silver really is a
    sleeper and sleeper is a term that we
    use in this market which refers to
    something that is undervalued and is
    soon to just really break out and this
    article is really supporting that and
    showing that silver certainly is set to
    move up and and break out and we’ve seen
    it just even the past 3 weeks we cannot
    ignore that difference that silver
    showed a 20% increase and gold showed
    only a 15% in increase this article say
    that the 5-year weekly chart shows that
    the continuous silver uh Futures
    Contract moved within 35 cents of the
    February 2021 Peak at $30 an ounce the
    critical technical resistance level uh
    the long-term chart highlights that a
    move above the February 2021 High could
    be a technical gateway to much higher
    silver prices and I I absolutely see
    that coming this article says the factor
    supporting a significant rally in the
    silver Futures Market are now check this
    out a breakout over the 2021 high will
    be a very bullish technical signal as
    silver is a highly speculative metal
    also silver demand has been rising the
    silver Institute watch this the silver
    Institute a Trade Organization forecast
    that silver demand will increase to 1.2
    billion remember that number silver
    demand will increase to 1.2 billion and
    I think that’s conservative 1.2 billion
    ounces in 2024 that’s what the demand
    that’s how they see the demand The
    Institute expects Global silver Supply
    to really only be at one 02 billion
    ounces so there’s a huge discrepancy
    between the supply silver and the demand
    for silver that right there that is the
    weapon we have that shows silver the
    price of silver is most likely really
    undervalued and it is absolutely going
    to show its true value just as we see as
    we’ve seen the past three weeks with
    silver getting that bump up close to $30
    when I look at that difference between
    supply and demand and that’s every
    Market is based on supply and demand
    when I look at that difference between
    supply and demand it tells me that
    silver is absolutely ready to get not
    only past $30 but up to $35 and staying
    there that will be our next level that
    we’ll get to again I’m just a silver
    stacker I’m not a financial adviser I’m
    just a guy that Stacks silver but when I
    see this the difference between supply
    and demand I mean that is very different
    from what we see for gold it’s different
    from what we see for for for most metals
    and we also have to take the other part
    of this factor in um in silver price we
    have to take this into consideration and
    that is the uh the devastating Market
    that’s going on for the real estate
    market I mean it’s just horrible this is
    the season for people to be buying that
    other tangible asset which is real
    estate and people cannot buy it because
    we have a 7% mortgage rate so you put in
    that that that issue of of people
    wanting to go into real estate they
    cannot not go in because it’s with not
    within reach they’re going to put their
    funds into precious metals and that is
    going to show us a nice bump in price so
    I see as the next weeks come out silver
    is absolutely going to show that it
    continues to outperform gold and reaches
    for that $35 mark

    Silver stacking is the way to go. There are many ways for us to protect our wealth, many ways to swap out our fiat currency for a tangible asset and silver is the best choice. Just look at the past two decades and you can tell that silver will dramatically rise and increase in value over the coming years. You absolutely can’t go wrong. The smart thing to do is to buy as much silver as you can and stash it away! Don’t touch it … the bullion prices will continue to rise and when you wipe the dust off that silver – in 2055 – you’ll be glad you bought in now!

    Visit my channel for information
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    Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, lawyer, or financial advisor. I am just a guy that loves to stack precious metals. This video is for your entertainment ONLY. Content in this video may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY.

    Topics covered:
    Often we stack silver and gold by working with a silver dealer but today white collar crime impacts the price. Inflation causes prepper reactions as gas price, oil, gold price are at record levels. Silver stacking price along with spot price makes precious metals a likely investment. Does finance and the economy and interest rates make stocks in the stock market a last resort for hyperinflation? Economic news for mining stocks may be a good financial education and choice; though if you are a constitutional silver stacker then bullion like gold coin and silver bars or even silver rounds offer likely alternatives to central banks. What is a CBDC? Is it part of the FED or is the federal reserve simply a fiat currency? People tell us investing in gold and how to invest in gold but not the best gold coin to buy. Do you wonder about financial education, safe haven assets and where to Buy Gold Coins. Getting started buying gold. The final topic is how to buy gold coins, and which gold coins to buy. Plus, how to invest in gold because buying physical gold requires a beginners guide to buying gold. Arguments about the best place to buy gold coins as well as the best gold coin to buy. For your introduction to gold coins, American Gold Eagle, and of course American Gold Buffalo! YouTubers referenced: Yankee Stacking, Silver Dragons, Silver Slayer, Smart Silver Stacker, and Salivate Metals.
    #gold #silver #preciousmetals


    1. Luckily I only buys silver coins as capital gains tax applies to silver bars I Britain. I could see capital gains tax rising so I'd be swapping silver bars for coins if I owned any. Crypto col

    2. Great content as always. I am not ready for silver to go up my stack is not nearly where I want it to be. Anyway I'm in it for the long run and dollar cost average.

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