How to Use MetaMask Bridge (MetaMask Bridge Tutorial)

    this video is how to use metamask Bridge
    with the bridge we can actually send
    tokens from our account on one network
    over to another Network keeping the
    tokens in our same account and our same
    wallet address just on a different
    network so what I would do is get your
    metamask extension up and then I would
    click the three dots here and just press
    expand view firstly and from here I
    would add the networks in that I’m going
    to use so if you don’t have them added
    already in the top left click this and
    then just add the networks in right so
    you go to add Network they should be
    here in a list add the networks in that
    you want to use and bridge between if
    you can’t see them here you’re going to
    have to add them manually and too much
    for this video but just go and find the
    details of the networks that you want to
    add you can go to chain I’ll
    link it below and it gives you all of
    the details of the chains that you might
    want to bridge between now from here we
    have to press metamask Bridge which is
    this icon right here on the extension if
    you have that it’s the same icon
    metamask Bridge so click this and this
    is going to take us actually through to
    metamask portfolio which is where the
    bridge exists metamask portfolio is just
    the new version of metamask sort of and
    you get some extra features and you’re
    going to have to actually connect your
    wallet here so in the top right hand
    corner click connect wallet and that’s
    going to go through and connect the
    wallet that you want to connect and
    actually Bridge from so I’m going to
    click this one which is the wallet that
    I want to use press connect right here
    and that connects my wallet and it can
    redle my balances now metamask Bridge
    isn’t actually a bridge within itself
    they’re ENT entially aggregating a bunch
    of different Bridges and giving you the
    best trade at the current time much like
    they do with the swap feature but in any
    case just make sure that you have the
    wallet connected that you want to bridge
    from that’s in the top right here
    because metamask portfolio allows you to
    add multiple accounts so just make sure
    you’ve got the one added that you want
    to bridge from now second is that not
    every network is supported for bridging
    so from this network that’s where you
    have the tokens that you want to send
    out to a different network Network so if
    I click this you can see the supported
    networks are pretty much at the moment
    just the main networks so choose where
    you have the assets that you want to
    bridge now you’re also going to have to
    pay a gas fee here as well for the
    transaction which if you’re using layer
    twos should be very small but you you
    have to make sure that you have some gas
    coin in the network that you’re bridging
    from so for most networks that’s eth but
    if you’re using avalanch for example
    that would be avax or polygon would be
    Matic so just make sure you know which
    network you’re br from and that you have
    enough gas to pay for the transaction
    I’m going to press base right here now
    we want to choose the network that we
    want to bridge to and again not every
    network is supported but you can pretty
    much choose any of these to bridge to so
    there’s no restrictions here so I’m
    going to choose optimism and then you
    send this is the token that you want to
    bridge over so I’m going to search right
    here and I’m just going to search for
    eth and it shows that I’ve got a balance
    of e now you can see there are many
    different tokens available right so
    whichever one that you want to bridge
    over so I’m just going to bridge eth
    right here and then you receive now
    actually what you can do is receive a
    completely different token you don’t
    have to receive the same token so if I
    want to receive maybe usdc or something
    like that on optimism I can actually do
    that so what they’re doing is Bridging
    the value and swapping into the
    different token now that may be more
    expensive as well for you and so what
    I’m going to do is just go ahead and
    swap the same token and then choose an
    like this and then essentially what it’s
    going to do is tell me how much that I’m
    going to receive and what the cheapest
    way of of bridging it over is now like I
    said metamask doesn’t have its own
    Bridge it’s using third parties and so
    what it essentially does is scans the
    best Bridges and the best trade at the
    current time so for right now it says
    that the best way to bridge is the
    across bridge and that’s via socket and
    that’s the best price now for these two
    networks which is based on optimism
    that’s a one minute Bridge so you know
    pretty fast so no problems there but you
    can see that I’m bridging over
    $16.17 worth of eth and I’m getting
    $15.97 so it’s not a big fee in terms of
    the amount of dollars it’s you know just
    a few cents whatever so it doesn’t
    matter however if we go down and click
    this on the right hand side you can see
    the summary and so I am paying a fee a
    swap fee you know a bridge fee uh and a
    gas fee fee as well which is going to be
    low or high depending on which network
    that you’re using and then right here
    you can see there is a metamask fee as
    well that includes a 0.875 metamask fee
    which is very very high especially if
    you are bridging larger amounts it’s
    almost 1% to bridge from one network to
    another but in any case I’m just going
    to press switch to base so you have to
    obviously go to that Network and do the
    transaction so I’m going to switch
    Network and then I’m going to confirm
    now this should bring me through to the
    page uh where I just confirm the
    transaction and have to sign the
    transaction with my wallet if you’re
    using a ledger or a treas or a hardware
    wallet you need that plugged in now to
    obviously sign this transaction as we
    can see here you send this amount of eth
    and the estimated fee is 2 cents plus
    the metamask fee and everything else and
    so if you want to go ahead and do that
    press confirm right here and that will
    take the amount of time it tells you to
    Bridge Over from one network to the
    other now doing that with metamask is
    very simple however paying metamask that
    fee isn’t great so I’ve got another tip
    for you here that may save you a chunk
    of cash if you’re looking to bridge
    assets so what I’m going to do is reject
    this transaction and then I’m actually
    going to search for the bridge directly
    and cut metamask out of the transaction
    so there are many bridges out there a
    cross Bridge you can go and search for
    this bridge if you want and connect your
    wallet to it directly but I’m just going
    to show you a bridge for an example here
    so Stargate is a very popular bridge and
    it works with metamask as well so what
    we’re going to do is go to Stargate
    Finance this is the link right here I’ll
    link them below as well just so you know
    you’re going to the right place and
    we’re going to connect a wallet then
    we’re going to go metamask here and
    we’ve got our metamask set up already so
    we are connected then up at the top I’m
    going to press transfer you can just see
    that up at the top here it’s in Gray and
    we’re actually going to use the bridge
    directly and we could save a chunk of
    cash and not pay the metamask fee so
    transfer I’m going to transfer from the
    base Network and that’s the one we’re on
    right now and we’re going to transfer
    that over to the optimism Network
    exactly the same as what we did in
    metamask and the token I’m going to
    select is eth and then bridge eth over
    well exactly the same amount and you can
    see yes we are paying a small fee here
    but we are cutting metamask out and so
    we might be getting a better trade you
    can see you you’ll receive an amount of
    ether here the slippage is 0.5% between
    it but we’re paying a 1 cent fee so we
    can press transfer here and what’s going
    to happen is it’s going to open up my
    metamask and you know ask me to sign
    this transaction again so you may not
    want to do this but in any case it
    doesn’t really matter you can go and
    search for the best bridge and see what
    is going to be the cheapest way to
    actually Bridge your assets from one uh
    one network to another it might be
    metamask through their Bridge it might
    be using a bridge directly like this uh
    so you can check that at the time that
    you actually want to Bridge and Bridge
    using the cheapest method if you are
    just looking to get assets from one
    ethereum network to another you may just
    want to use your centralized exchange as
    a bridge I don’t personally like to use
    bridges that much because they’ve been
    targets of hacks and everything else and
    so you may just want to take your tokens
    and then just press send send them into
    your centralized exchange wait a couple
    of minutes and then withdraw them over
    the different network that’s an easy way
    to bridge between networks and you’re
    using a centralized exchange as a bridge
    which is typically cheaper because all
    you’re doing is just sending tokens
    which is usually the cheapest blockchain
    transaction as well and so depending on
    the cost that may be a better option for
    you cutting out the bridge alog together

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    0:00 How to use MetaMask Bridge
    0:48 Connect to MetaMask Portfolio
    1:26 MetaMask Bridge tutorial
    5:26 Connect to external bridge
    7:27 Top tip


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