Unstoppable Bitcoin Wallets

    this is Matthew crder from Bitcoin
    University today I want to show you how
    Unstoppable Bitcoin wallets can be
    governments have recently been flexing
    their muscles and trying to stop Freedom
    money this is why they’re going to lose
    because bitcoiners are smart bunch of
    people we’re also crazy motivated
    obsessed Freedom Seekers we’re not a
    bunch of government stupid government
    rent Seekers with 9 to5 jobs and 2hour
    Martini lunches so if you close one exit
    we’re going to find another I would say
    good luck stopping the Bitcoin virus we
    know how well that worked last time good
    luck stopping software code and people
    in 195 countries good luck stopping
    Bitcoin wallets and I want to show you
    in this video how difficult that is
    going to be for example if you need a
    free and open source desktop laptop
    Bitcoin wallet you can use Sparrow
    wallet if this website were ever to be
    taken down this thing would be hosted
    Elsewhere on GID and many mirrored
    locations I imagine if you want to learn
    how it works you can go to this video
    which link to in the description notes
    below Beware of the telegram room for
    Sparrow there are a lot of scammers
    there who will try to get you to give
    them your 12 words and also make sure
    you’re downloading this from the correct
    website check the URL if you know how to
    verify release uh or if you don’t if you
    want to learn how to do it there are
    notes down here how to do that as well
    to make sure that you’ve downloaded the
    correct piece of software but this is a
    great uh desktop and laptop Bitcoin
    wallet that we’ve talked about before
    now it’s not available for mobile so
    what about about Bitcoin wallets for
    your phone unfortunately as we’ve been
    seeing in the last week phone app stores
    are centralized point of failure for all
    apps really but especially for Bitcoin
    wallets these days this is because
    governments can apply pressure to Apple
    or Google and this duopoly makes it very
    easy to censor your app or what
    governments can do instead is they can
    just apply some sort of adjacent
    pressure and cause companies to
    self-censor their own products so they
    don’t end up in jail like the samurai
    guys did that Samurai wallet guys who
    were arrested last week and this has had
    the ripple effect of other companies
    pulling out of the us as well for
    example async the maker of the Phoenix
    wallet uh in this tweet says recent
    announcements from us authorities cast a
    doubt on whether self- custodial wallet
    providers lightning service providers or
    even lightning notes could be considered
    Money Services businesses and be
    regulated as such and this is why they
    decide to remove Phoenix wallet from the
    US app stores and if you uh still have
    Phoenix wallet make sure you drain it
    before uh May 3rd uh Friday of this week
    this is something we talked about before
    uh late last year what happens of big
    Tech bans Bitcoin wallets or governments
    ban Bitcoin wallets and in that video we
    talked about Mutiny wallet which has
    just gotten better in the meantime this
    is a wallet that you can run out of
    either of the app stores you can also
    use it in a browser which makes it
    especially interesting that’s what we’re
    going to talk about in this video but
    first if you’re finding this video
    helpful I just ask you to help to
    support the channel by clicking that
    subscribe button leave a thumbs up or
    like leave a comment question suggestion
    for a future video also share this video
    with a friend or family member that
    would really help the reach of this
    channel so Mutiny wallet is a self-
    custodial lightning wallet it’s not an
    onchain wallet it’s a lightning wallet
    the lightning network is just this layer
    two that’s built on the Bitcoin base
    layer still uses the same money it still
    uses Bitcoin or sat Satoshi they are 100
    million Satoshi in one Bitcoin now the
    lightning network is often much cheaper
    and faster to use than onchain Bitcoin
    especially when transaction fees are
    quite high on the base layer lightning
    Network makes a lot of sense for small
    payments like buying a cup of coffee
    there’s no real reason to do this on the
    bass layer buying a cup of coffee
    sending money to a friend now what the
    Mutiny wallet does is it spins up a
    lightning node in your browser either on
    your phone or on your laptop or desktop
    and if you think about it that’s just
    amazing that someone figured out how to
    run a lightning node inside of a browser
    and then what it will do is it’ll
    connect you to lightning service
    provider and LSP to help you get inbound
    liquidity into your channel and unlike
    Phoenix which use the parent company’s
    LSP Mutiny allows you to switch from one
    one LSP to another as a regulatory
    environment evolves so they’re this very
    neutral piece of software that you can
    connect to different pipelines if you
    don’t have enough Bitcoin to pay the
    onchain transaction fee that comes with
    opening up a lightning Channel when you
    first start using the Mutiny wallet you
    can instead join AFF fedin which is a
    custodial solution but this is a
    solution that allows you to still use
    the wallet while you accumulate enough
    SATs to open up a lightning Channel now
    fenamin as we said it’s custodial it’s a
    solution that’s secured by a community
    multi so it’s much better than trusting
    a single custodian like coinbase you
    have multiple custodians working
    together and they need to sign a uh a
    multi-sig transaction in in order for
    the Bitcoin to be moved so this is the
    kind of thing we’ve we’ve theorized that
    for example a village or Community would
    have their own uh fedt and if you trust
    the people who are running the uh the
    Federation then you are fine with them
    maybe you trust them in your community
    one of them is your lawyer one of them
    is your doctor one of them babysits your
    kids and so you trust them enough with
    your kids so you’re certainly going to
    trust them enough to be part of a multi-
    sake custodial solution so again it’s
    much better than a single point of
    failure custodian like coinbase and what
    perhaps will happen is different fedt
    will be competing globally to win trust
    you can also have different fediman in
    different countries their Guardians can
    be in different jurisdictions as well
    the thing is once you’re inside of a
    fedt fedt allow members to send chami
    and eash to each other in an extremely
    cheap and private manner where even the
    fedt Guardians can’t see who is sending
    how much money to whom and they can’t
    see how much money you own inside of the
    fedin so it’s a little bit little bit
    like a bank but much much uh much much
    better this CH and ecash that’s used
    inside the fenan it’s provably backed by
    Bitcoin itself so it’s not it’s not
    another token it doesn’t require a
    another cryptocurrency you can think of
    fedt maybe like Global islands and then
    these Global islands are connected to
    each other globally by sending Bitcoin
    to each other across the lightning
    Network so you can easily move from one
    fedt to another now once you have enough
    Bitcoin or SATs inside of your Mutiny
    wallet you can then exit the Fed that
    you’ve joined and use the proceeds to
    fund a lightning Channel or even move in
    onchain U Move the the Bitcoin on chain
    onto the Bas layer where you you’ll
    actually own a utxo now Mutiny as we
    said it can be used in any browser it’s
    actually a progressive web app at pwa so
    no app store is needed in order to ban
    Mutiny wallet you would need to ban
    browsers on computers and phones and
    that’s something that Elizabeth Warren
    can have fun uh trying to do so next
    thing we’re going to do is we’re going
    to go to my iPhone install Mutiny and
    then show you a little bit how it works
    so here we are inside of the Brave uh
    the brave browser I went to Mutiny
    wallet.com and you have an option here
    of downloading it in one of the app
    stores the Apple App Store or Google
    Play Store there’s no reason to do that
    now because this is one of the things
    we’re trying to actually work around by
    learning how to use this as a
    progressive web app so now we can just
    click use in browser if you already have
    a mut new wallet this will allow you to
    import your existing seed wordss what
    we’re going to do here is click new
    wallet and it’s going to build a new
    wallet for us inside of the browser then
    we can name oursel you can add a
    lightning address if you have it you can
    also change your avatar up here then we
    just click create and it’s going to
    create a wallet for us this is the point
    at which you can decide whether you want
    to join one of these fedt one of these
    federations you can scroll down here and
    see a bunch of different ones I’m just
    going to go with this top one you can
    actually skip it um and actually I’m
    going to skip it for now just to save
    some time but all you need to do is
    Click add if you want to add one of
    these federations and start using
    fedin I’ll click skip for now okay so
    now we’re on the home screen and
    actually I think because I’m going to be
    sending a very small amount of Bitcoin
    that I actually will join a federation
    just to make sure that uh works the way
    I think it’s going to do so I’m going to
    add uh the freedom one uh Federation
    okay now that I’ve joined the freedom
    one fedt or Federation I’m just going to
    click on profile and then I’m going to
    click on home and I’m going to first
    receive some SATs so in order to do that
    I’m going to click receive your first
    SATs and I’m going to receive let’s say
    30,000 SATs click done uh click continue
    now I’m just going to copy this QR code
    and then I’m going to go to my Phoenix
    wallet and send the money over so I’ll
    click Send and I’ll paste from the
    clipboard allow paste I’m going to pay
    with lightning which will be a little
    bit cheaper and I’ll click pay and it’s
    taken it out of there so then let’s go
    back and take a look at our Mutiny
    wallet so payment received we just
    received a 30,000 SATs which is
    currently about $18 $19 and there was no
    fee to receive these STS we did not need
    to open up a lightning Channel because
    we are trusting the Federation so that’s
    basically how it works the next thing
    you should do is you should go up to the
    m and you should go under backup right
    here and you should write down your 12
    words this is the only way to back up
    this wallet if your phone is destroyed
    or something goes wrong in your browser
    so this is very important uh to do
    before you use it so that’s the basic uh
    the basic functionality of this we will
    come back at another time and look at a
    little more detail as I pointed out
    before but I want to reiterate that
    Mutiny wallet is not a lightning service
    provider as they say in this tweet we do
    not run a node or LSP we interface with
    others you may open channels to any node
    we never process any lightning Channel
    payments onchain transactions utxos Etc
    our lightning address server is built
    with blinded Authority and we can’t link
    payments to your node so they’ve done a
    very good job of making the par parent
    company very neutral here now what would
    happen if the Mutiny wallet decide to
    block us residents and citizens from
    accessing its website in that case you
    could just use I suppose you could use a
    VPN or you could use T as well from
    anywhere in the world so it’s really
    impossible to stop Bitcoin wallets as I
    hope I’ve begun to suggest in this video
    but here’s why at a more fundamental
    level a Bitcoin wallet is ultimately
    just a very long random number so as
    we’ve talked about in other videos I can
    toss a coin 256 times and use the result
    to create a Bitcoin wallet if I I needed
    to and then I can receive Bitcoin into
    that wallet even without being online or
    having an internet connection I can then
    store my private Keys as 12 words in my
    head I can convert that long random
    number to 12 words I could also embed a
    Bitcoin receive address in a song or in
    a painting I could share a Bitcoin
    receive address from the same wallet
    using a QR code using smoke signals
    using Braille Etc so you can encode
    information in any form that you want
    and the fundamental basis the
    fundamental base of a Bitcoin wallet is
    this very long random number so this is
    something that’s very very difficult to
    stop I’m not sure regulators and
    legislators understand how Unstoppable
    Bitcoin is as money and I want to to end
    this video with my Bitcoin Pizza QR code
    a pizza like this is just another way to
    encode the information that you need for
    a Bitcoin receive address so while she’s
    add it Elizabeth Warren should start a
    bill to ban pizzas if you enjoyed this
    video be sure to hit the subscri
    subscribe and like buttons hit the
    notification Bell if you want to be
    notified when I publish my next video
    and let me know your questions and
    comments in the comment section below
    thanks all for watching and I’ll see you
    in the next video

    Join the private Bitcoin forum:

    In this video, I discuss how Bitcoin wallets are unstoppable, using both the Sparrow Wallet and the Mutiny Wallet as examples.

    If you are going to ban Bitcoin wallets, you will also need to ban random numbers and other math.

    Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

    Sparrow Wallet:

    Samourai Wallet Founders Arrested:

    Phoenix Wallet pulling out of US:

    What Happens If Big Tech Bans Bitcoin Wallets?

    Mutiny Wallet:

    Apple disables PWAs in EU:

    Mutiny is not an LSP:

    Download the Tor browser:

    I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


    Neither Bitcoin University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video, on this YouTube channel, or at www.Trader.University or www.BitcoinUniversity.com (henceforth, “the Sites”) should be construed as such by you. This video, channel, and the Sites should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. Trading or investing in new and volatile assets like Bitcoin can be risky.


    1. WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something. I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up. You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Bitcoin University from the imposters. Follow me on Twitter @mattkratter

    2. Do you think the coming tyranny could affect money market/brokerage accounts such as Vanguard, Matthew? We know banks can go on a “holiday,” but I’m wondering if that same holiday could occur inside of these aforementioned accounts as well….

    3. One of the reason i don't mess with altcoins (besides the obvious) is because they are too complicated for my simple (lazy) brain to understand. Now with Bitcoin i have to learn all sorts of work arounds and all these new wallets and now i gotta learn what a progressive web app is. Its getting to the point where the easiest course of action is just capitulate to the government, it seems the easiest route in life is just let them put you in prison or keep you poor

    4. Great to see these technologies, but so much more is needed. How do we 10x or even 100x capital investment to push more development? Do you believe current models of grant-led FOSS development is viable to scale to what is needed? Opensats (and similar initiatives) are fantastic; but I'm not convinced it's going to incentivize the commensurate level of human skill that will be required in the coming decade to create the technology needed for 9 billion humans. I hope I'm wrong.

    5. Matthew, I use a Nunchuk wallet phone app with a block stream Jade.

      If Nunchuk wallet leaves the US and is deleted from the app store, is my Bitcoin at risk? Thanks 🙏🏻

    6. We all should be thinking about what to do if and when executive orders like the following comes.


      All persons are required to deliver all BITCOIN now owned by

      them to a Federal Reserve Bank, Branch or agency, or to any member

      bank of the Federal Reserve System.


      $100,000 fine or 50 years imprisonment, or both as provided in

      section 9 of the executive order.

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