Do Not Buy These 20 Crypto Coins

    do not buy these 20 different crypto
    coins Forbes just published a list of 20
    different blockchains just trashing them
    basically calling them zombie coins and
    all the rest of it they say these 20
    blockchains command a total market value
    of more than a 100 billion dollars
    despite the fact that they are unproven
    and have little utility other than for
    speculative crypto trading most have
    treasuries brimming with Millions but
    they answer to neither shareholders nor
    Regulators whoa Forbes chill out chill
    out now I want to go through this list
    of 20 coins with you give my hot takes
    on all of these coins as we go through
    and let’s just start off with the juice
    xrp they say it’s payments platforms
    that has yet to challenge Swift now
    threatened by stable coins and I would
    agree look xrp has been around for a
    long time if one day xrp really does
    take off and starts processing like tens
    of trillions of dollars annually in
    volume then yeah very exciting and they
    will start the burn mechanism will
    actually do something relevant at that
    point but but the Ripple Company still
    owns a gargantuan sum of xrp that
    they’ll probably sell directly to all
    these Banks and stuff like that so the
    use case when xrp came out was super
    solid and it was actually a great use
    case now in 2024 I don’t feel that use
    case is very strong anymore stable coins
    are indeed a big threat things like
    chain link ccip are a big threat bricks
    bricks bringing out their own stable
    coin and blockchain payments and stuff
    like that which is all planned and me in
    works xrp needs to step the game up okay
    next one cardano oh ethereum competitor
    launched in 2017 by crypto Pioneer with
    cult like following that’s Forbes
    comments I think if you’re a cardono
    holder how are you not a bit
    disappointed in the progress I’m just
    being honest again all the coins are
    mentioning here I don’t care what you
    guys make money on guys I want you to
    make money I want you your coins to go
    to the Moon if you get rich and sail off
    into the sunset in the Caribbean with
    the wife and the kids on the yacht okay
    I want that life for you we’re just
    being real I’m ging my hot takes here
    cardano’s been around since 2017 and
    right now the daily transactions total
    value lock total number of developers
    total number of apps built all that kind
    of stuff salana dwarfs that okay and
    salana only came into the market four
    years ago think about that it had so
    much more progress so much faster
    Avalanche same
    story all these ethereum layer 2os
    coming out arbitrum look so much so much
    more is happening on arbitrum than on
    cardano I mean how is a cardano holder
    and I made a lot of money off cardano
    big fan by the way thanks Charles I
    appreciate the the gains but but how are
    you not be disappointed cardano’s got to
    step up this cycle absolutely man next
    next Bitcoin cash Forbes comments born
    in 2017 after a holy war over bitcoin’s
    primary function look Bitcoin cash when
    it came out I said you know what fine do
    the Bitcoin cash thing it’s all good if
    you guys think that’s going to be the
    future of Bitcoin and all that stuff
    fantastic never bought Bitcoin cash
    didn’t really care for it very much but
    hey I got it okay it was I
    think an Endeavor that made sense that
    being said I wouldn’t buy Bitcoin cash
    why would I buy Bitcoin cash for what
    possible purpose would I go out and buy
    Bitcoin Cash There’s Bitcoin and then
    there’s all the knockoffs okay want a
    Coca-Cola I’m not going to go and
    buy I don’t know Walmart brand Cola or
    whatever you might want to say as a
    knockoff brand for uh Bitcoin might be
    as a comparison so Bitcoin cash doesn’t
    really float my boat Litecoin number
    four they say Bitcoin spin-off is faster
    and cheaper fewer developers but used
    for purchases that’s for comments
    Litecoin again one of those coins back
    in the day made sense back when payments
    was like the ultimate use case there
    weren’t any stable coins really around
    in the Market at all yeah this made
    sense Litecoin came out it’s cheaper to
    use than Bitcoin faster than
    Bitcoin this whole narrative all it’s
    the silver the Bitcoins gold whatever
    it’s all Bs the Litecoin who cares and
    it’s probably going to do okay enough
    maybe it even gets an ETF one day which
    could do okay that would be cool great
    ETF for Litecoin it’s non-controversial
    it’s a commodity coin it’s you know
    honest money it’s got It’s got stuff
    going for it okay I like to make fun of
    Litecoin sometimes but it does have
    things going for it it’s not all bad
    right I just don’t really see a strong
    use case for it given the fact you can
    send stable coins over well telegram for
    free now 900 million users come on
    salana Tron ethereum layer tws where is
    the use case the strong use case for
    Litecoin these days I just don’t see it
    not saying it won’t go up in this cycle
    because it because everything will go up
    but doesn’t really float my boat
    internet computer next one Forbes
    comments created in 2021 to disrupt
    Amazon web services and Google Cloud
    minimal usage ICP they did do some
    pretty cool stuff with onchain AI
    recently and that was cool I like that
    that’s neat I like it let’s see if they
    can actually try and snowball that into
    something and now I think we’re starting
    to get into some of the coins on the
    Forbes list that maybe are even more
    controversial inclusions and I look
    internet computer’s been absolutely
    Savaged the price has been Savaged from
    where it came out to where it is right
    now okay so let’s keep that in mind but
    potential moving forward can they still
    do something can they flourish I mean
    they’ve got a lot of great use cases
    people are excited enough about ICP and
    all that kind of stuff so yeah maybe
    they’ve got a good future ahead of them
    right very competitive blockchain space
    all that kind of stuff as usual right
    but I feel like it’s such a new protocol
    that it’s got potential moving forward
    next uh ethereum classic for comments
    original ethereum chain supported by
    purist ethereum classic is total garbage
    nobody uses it nobody cares about it
    miners mine and dump it but that’s like
    not like a thriving flourishing
    ecosystem it’s like yeah miners mine it
    because they know that they can dump it
    on somebody for money that’s it nobody
    uses ethereum classic I I know I know
    there’s the one dude in the comments but
    I use ethereum classic dude who are you
    what are you doing what are you doing
    there’s like almost nothing built on
    ethereum classic almost nothing you can
    do what is the point nobody cares how’s
    it even still in the top 100
    cryptocurrency let alone even mentioned
    anywhere ever next Stellar founded by
    Ripple co-creator Jed MB and competes
    with xrp has large treasury I’d say
    Stellar competes with not just xrp but
    also with ethereum but that being said
    Stellar man nobody talks about Stellar
    anymore back in 2017 we talked about
    Stellar a lot right it was the big
    competitor xrp and all that kind of
    stuff and with more utility and stuff
    started being built on Stellar in like
    late 2 17 early 2018 there were some
    projects actually launching on Stell
    there still a few projects launch on
    Stellar from time to time but it’s super
    nerdy the team is really sort of
    reserved and reclusive they don’t really
    talk they don’t really do marketing I
    guess they just do B2B reach out or
    whatever I I don’t know it’s not really
    a coin that gets me excited in any kind
    of real way tokenomics are terrible for
    Stellar a huge huge quantities again in
    the hands of the foundation and all that
    kind of stuff and I don’t know Stellar
    just feels like an old coin that doesn’t
    get me very excited and maybe they come
    out and they’re curing puppy sadness
    tomorrow but I don’t care about Stellar
    next up is Stacks Bitcoin compatible
    blockchain Sports def5 benefiting from
    Bitcoin Surge and imminent upgrade
    Stacks I feel it’s a relatively
    controversial addition to this list
    because again you have to think about
    not where we are but where we’re going
    that’s why I’m quite harsh on like these
    payment coins right because yeah
    payments man we got payments all over
    the place in crypto come on but
    something like Stacks Bitcoin defi just
    starting to take off if we’re on like an
    exponential adoption curve we’re like
    way down here and it’s about to go up
    here so maybe Stax is very well
    positioned for that takeoff in terms of
    Bitcoin defi getting exciting for people
    and all that kind of stuff so maybe
    that’s something that’s got some
    potential here again look at where it is
    today to where it could go next is Caspa
    I don’t know super much about Caspa we
    have we’re doing a a video on this
    pretty soon but it says Forbes comments
    payments system like Bitcoin with little
    discernable use and it’s all about use
    isn’t it if people it doesn’t matter how
    cool technically you think your
    cryptocurrency is but like
    hey the founder did this or the
    technology is this or blah blah blah
    who’s using it show me the show me the
    money Labowski that’s all it really
    matters are people using it is it
    getting adopted what kind of adoption is
    it getting does anyone outside of your
    Niche bubble care about it that’s the
    real question and that will be need to
    be answered for Caspa moving forward I
    know it’s could create a lot of hype and
    attention I don’t have great opinion not
    right now is I don’t know enough about
    it but just a general comment on on
    altcoins more broadly next up is Theta
    forb says decentralized video streaming
    network with few users now what’s
    interesting with Theta is that Theta
    whatever whatever however it’s
    pronounced what’s interesting with this
    is that they’ve been around for a while
    they’ve put in the work they’ve got AI
    now they’re adding on and they have
    these Partnerships with like uh Sony and
    Samsung and they have all these crazy
    patents and stuff like this that could
    really see them take off
    so it can take a while for the right
    Market fit to develop I’m saying you
    know they had Theta had a great idea the
    whole time but maybe now we’re starting
    to see enough mainstream adoption of
    cryptocurrency Technology where they
    actually take off because the Market’s
    finally ready for what they have to
    offer so this is again one of those ones
    where I see where it is now to where it
    could go being high potential so maybe
    it’s a bit tough for Forbes to be
    kicking Theta in the nuts right now when
    they have a lot of potential moving
    forward next up is Phantom Forbes says
    ethereum competitor runs several
    different decentralized exchanges to
    trade tokens upgrade coming Phantom it’s
    an interesting one um I by the way I own
    some of the cryptocurrency we’re talking
    about I own phantom for example not many
    of the ones that were actually on this
    list but I do own some Phantom I think
    that Phantom’s got great potential you
    can see my full disclosures in the
    description or the pin comment on X
    anyway Phantom there Sonic upgrades
    coming Andre cron is responsible for a
    lot of major Innovations in the
    cryptocurrency defi space so will the
    Sonic upgrade be the game changer do
    they have enough big things in store to
    make a difference and layer one
    blockchain competition is wildly wildly
    competitive at the moment but I feel
    like Phantom out of many of the ones
    that I looked at does have good
    potential for that reason right I think
    they do have the the Mind share and the
    excitement and of the community and
    stuff like that that they could take off
    but it’s it’s a tough SLO it’s a tough
    slog because you got to get those users
    enticed on chain right now you gotta
    compete with bass and salana and
    arbitrum and zky and Linea and SOI and
    and Avalanche and everybody else only so
    much money in crypto space but I do have
    a speculative bet on that it was an OTC
    deal so it’s not technically my
    portfolio yet it’ll get released a bit
    later on but I think it does have great
    potential once that narrative starts
    kicking in okay next one Monero I mean
    Monero I think is super controversial
    they say privacy Centric Bitcoin
    spin-off that’s Forbes comments I think
    it’s super controversial to have this on
    on this list because dude it’s Monero
    it’s nothing like anything else on this
    list at
    all there is money payments whatever in
    crypto and then there’s Monero monero’s
    if you start to dive into the tech of
    Monero it is so
    crazy it’s so good if you’re looking for
    actual private money it’s Monero it’s in
    a category of its own completely and to
    even be included on this list makes even
    question what the heck forbs is doing
    putting stuff like that on this list
    it’s Monero man if you don’t understand
    Monero then I guess you will put it on
    this list anyway whatever moving on R
    weave uh the Forbes comments blockchain
    for storing immutable data with
    minuscule usage again usage really
    where’s the money right are is it making
    money can it make money rwe’s been
    around for quite a while in the market
    and I think really now again the demand
    for the product from the markets finally
    starting to happen can that be then
    snowballed into massive success for
    token holders time will
    tell next up is algorand algorand forb
    says ethereum competitor launched in
    2019 still sees itself in the Uber mode
    focusing on growth over Revenue alaran
    ma’am I just do not think about alaran
    very much and I feel like a lot of the
    market doesn’t necessarily do that
    either I’m not really hearing many
    people talking about algorand I’m not
    really hear many people build on
    algorand and you know no shade but man
    it’s it’s a tough space out there in the
    layer one blockchain ecosystem and I
    feel like alaran is not getting that
    kind of love from the market maybe it
    will at some point but right now it
    feels kind of a bit maybe institutional
    focused or a bit focused on like you
    know the suits let’s say maybe that’s my
    just perception of it and you guys can
    of course as with any of these I’m sure
    everyone’s already furiously writing
    down in the comment section but feel
    free to correct me on any of this stuff
    and share your opinions respectfully of
    course next up is Flo forb says known as
    host of MBI top shots but activity
    dwindled as nft swound has Ultra
    strategy now this is an interesting one
    because Flo I don’t know huge amounts
    about flow I’ll just say generally
    anything related nfts you’re kicking it
    in the balls while it’s down nfts aren’t
    popular right now nfts I think are
    awesome Tech I think they’re the
    ownership layer of the internet super
    interesting super valuable technology
    powerful technology even and you might
    forget about that when you’re just
    playing around oh a profile picture or
    trying and get an next nft minutt to
    flip it for more than I bought it for
    okay sure but then you start to realize
    about all the stuff that can be built on
    nfts and all the potential for nft Tech
    and I know okay flow they’re focusing on
    like nft sports cards essentially stuff
    like that great cool fun big use case
    big use case absolutely
    massive so maybe that’s something I
    think has got a good amount of potential
    and is an interesting one to put on this
    sort of good foro blockchain list that
    Forbes put out here next up is
    Multiverse X eold Forbes says ethereum
    Challenger built to power Med metaverse
    gaming development but used mostly for
    token trading so eold I actually sold my
    eold bags recently
    um I think I just wasn’t loving
    everything that was currently built
    there and not to say won’t do well part
    of it was also just to try and try and
    keep my portfolio somewhat a bit leaner
    it just gets too crazy you look at the
    money I took out of that and put into
    something else a relatively you know
    something in a similar market cap range
    with similar potential or better
    potential I think you know so there’s
    that but right now just not that much
    built on Multiverse X and I’m sure that
    team is working on stuff I know they
    have a big year ahead with lots of
    different updates coming so maybe they
    do have that chance to prove themselves
    we shall see again layer one blockchain
    space wildly competitive can you get the
    developers can you get the builders can
    you get the users can you get the money
    it’s tough it’s tough and the the cream
    is definitely rising to the top and
    everybody else really struggles and it
    only takes one big app to really make
    your chain kick off but I think
    Multiverse X hasn’t found its feet in
    that regard yet it can but it hasn’t yet
    next one Bitcoin SV forb says Bitcoin
    spin-off of called Satoshi Vision
    Champion by Nakamoto Pretender Craig
    Wright Bitcoin Satoshi vision is a
    burning dumpster fire of
    [ __ ] I I don’t know if there’s any
    other way to put it who’s buying Bitcoin
    SV which what you what do you got I know
    I know there’s one guy in the comment
    section we like dude Craig writes
    Satoshi Bitcoin SV is the real deal it’s
    the big thing man what are you doing
    what are you doing Bitcoin Craig’s not
    Satoshi Bitcoin SVS a pile of crap why
    would anybody buy this why has anybody
    bought why is it why even trade there’s
    so many better things to even just trade
    even just from a just a pure like I
    don’t care what I trade like no don’t
    trade that how about that not Financial
    advice uh next up Mina Mina data light
    privacy protecting blockchain with low
    fees I hear nobody talking about this I
    don’t know very much about it I I hear
    almost no one talking about
    it don’t have any real opinion on it I
    guess that says in itself nobody really
    talks about Mina these days I I don’t
    know what’s built on Mina I’m sure
    there’s something over there that people
    can do but I have no idea I’m not seeing
    any of the Decks that I get sent on a
    weekly basis no one’s building on Mina
    everyone’s building on salana in base
    and ethereum main chain and Bitcoin and
    stuff like that nobody’s building a Mina
    nobody’s talking about Mina I just what
    what’s it even do besides of course the
    dialight protecting low transaction fees
    blah blah blah yeah everyone’s got low
    transaction fees man nobody cares
    anymore that was a compelling value
    proposition seven years ago 10 years ago
    in 2024 everyone’s got low transaction
    fees man arbitrum Minea ZK syncs Scrolls
    salana and on on only except you know
    like ethereum and Bitcoin still kind of
    suck balls when it comes to transaction
    fees but they’re the old grandpa coins
    so what are you gonna do next tesos
    little used blockchain with massive
    treasury Reserve that is yeah man it’s
    so wild tesos 2017 coin right big wild
    hype like yeah tasos man is gonna change
    everything and
    then just not that much really happens
    over on tasos and I know guys I know I
    know there’s like nfts and there’s some
    apps and stuff to use I’m not saying
    nothing’s happening on tasos I’m just
    saying that nobody cares about it really
    broader Market speaking it’s got its
    Niche community and maybe the niche
    Community is enough but in terms of like
    people getting really excited about it
    big things being built Big Ideas
    happening over on tasos I just not see
    it currently that might change very
    quickly and they’re going to bring out
    something big again layer one
    competition between blong chains is
    massive right now capital is very
    mercenary and if there’s something that
    mercenary Capital wants on tasos which
    has not eventuated itself yet I have not
    seen anything over there exciting and
    maybe I’m just in the wrong circles and
    people aren’t talking about it but I
    haven’t really seen anything exciting
    happening on tasos personally and
    finally we have EOS Forbes comments
    raised $4 billion in the largest Ico of
    all time but now crypto post a child for
    irrational exuberance so
    EOS haven’t kept up with it haven’t used
    it in years back when I did use it
    absolute pile of [ __ ] terrible
    blockchain terrible blockchain to use
    what a what a what a just
    utterly nonsensical blockchain and
    here’s the thing block one the company
    behind EOS raised $4 billion built the
    blockchain dumped it on the community
    said we’re [ __ ] on out of here man get
    [ __ ] basically and they took their $4
    billion walked away bought like 150,000
    Bitcoin or something like that started a
    cryptocurrency exchange and did a bunch
    of other stuff and completely abandoned
    EOS the
    blockchain wild wild
    Behavior but that’s EOS and nothing’s
    really built on it nobody really uses it
    I mean I know there’s like I don’t know
    some games or something over there
    somebody somewhere is probably using and
    I know the user experience got better
    over the years I just didn’t care
    anymore I didn’t want to go back to EOS
    and try it all out again and do the
    [ __ ] that I just didn’t care anymore
    and I think the market doesn’t care
    anymore nobody talks about EOS nobody’s
    building on EOS nobody’s doing anything
    on EOS anyway these are my hot takes
    this is my opinion on all those I think
    Forbes talking a lot of sense for a lot
    of this some things I think they’re
    maybe being overly harsh on some of
    these blockchains that do have some
    pretty interesting potential moving
    forward but hey you’ll let me know what
    you think of any of my hot takes or any
    of forbes’s takes down below in the com
    section thanks for watching

    Forbes publishes a list of 20 crypto altcoins that are failing.

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    00:00 Intro
    00:37 XRP
    01:43 CARDANO
    02:59 BITCOIN CASH
    03:52 LITECOIN
    05:01 ICP
    06:32 STELLAR
    07:35 STACKS
    08:17 KASPA
    09:04 THETA
    10:05 FANTOM
    11:30 MONERO
    12:16 ARWEAVE
    12:46 ALGORAND
    13:39 FLOW
    14:39 EGLD
    15:54 BITCOIN SV
    16:44 MINA
    17:49 TEZOS
    18:53 EOS

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. Odd choices 🤔 why didn't they name meme coins that are just pure speculation? Or stable coins that have questionable backing and no oversight or audits?

    2. Other than Bitcoin, Ethereum and maybe Solana… Every crypto today can wind up on that list based on your reasoning. It's starting to seem like unless its a new coin/Blockchain, youre better off cashing out everything in the bull market and wait for the new narrative in the new cycle.

    3. I agree on everyone of these. Forbes do know what they are talking about. I would not touch any of these if you gave me money to buy them. The only one that gives me pause is stacks, only because of btc defi.

    4. Kaspa is releasing smart contracts and memes and a whole ecosystem in 2-3 months. The perfect time to buy is BEFORE that happens. Shouldn’t be on this list. Only on it because it’s new.

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