Crypto Prices To The moon! | Raoul Pal

    I think this space is going from Two and
    a Half trillion to maybe 12 trillion
    this cycle to 100 trillion uh by let’s
    say 2032 that’ be the largest fastest
    wealth accumulation of all time trillion
    dollars of New Wealth created which
    would be the largest amount of New
    Wealth created in all history that’s by
    the way twice the size of the
    hundred-year accumulation of wealth of
    the S&P 500 just to get your heads
    around what it is Maybe I’m Wrong Maybe
    I’m Wrong by 50% so 50 trillion so it’s
    the same as the S&P over 100 years 25
    trillion half the amount the entire us
    economy had generated in equities over
    the last 100 years you know it’s
    beenanas Ro pal the founder and CEO of
    real vision and Global macro investor is
    a prominent macro analyst and crypto
    Enthusiast known for his bullish stance
    on cryptocurrency assets and
    technological stocks he views these
    assets as the true beneficiaries of the
    exponential age according to Pal
    cryptocurrencies represent the best
    investment opportunity ever offered to
    retail investors they not only offer a
    unique chance to hedge against fiat
    currency to basement but also present a
    leveling opportunity un parallel by
    other asset classes like many crypto
    enthusiasts pal is optimistic about
    crypto asset prices in 2024 and 2025 he
    predicts that the overall crypto market
    cap will reach a new all-time high of12
    trillion approximately quadrupling the
    current range of
    $265 to $2.70 trillion this surge in
    market cap is expected to propel
    individual crypto prices to new record
    levels Pal’s price targets include at
    least $200,000 for Bitcoin $88,000 for
    ethereum and $111,000 for salana stay
    tuned as we share clips from Pal’s
    recent video broadcast where he
    elaborates on his predictions and
    outlook for the cryptocurrency industry
    in 2024 and Beyond ever feel like you’re
    wasting your money on things that don’t
    really matter stop you don’t have time
    don’t miss out on this 2025 Bull Run
    educate yourself now don’t spend $12.50
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    today please take moment to like this
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    forget to drop your comment and
    observations in the comment section
    below thanks and enjoy the video so
    given that all assets are driven by
    debasement everything is basically
    driven by the business cycle and
    everything is correlated something’s
    lead crypto and Technology lead as the
    business cycle bottom so ISM comes
    across 50 Commodities and cyclical plays
    come into play there are some lagged
    things that come behind real estate and
    stuff but anyway business cycle rules at
    all everything’s highly correlated it’s
    all driven by the everything code so the
    dirty secret is this is the easiest
    game in the world you just
    divide all the asset prices by each
    other look for the best performing asset
    so that’s what I did and that’s what I
    uncovered and that’s what changed
    everything about me as you know I’ve
    been involved in crypto since 2012 um
    but I really started to realize that if
    I divide S&P by cryptos down
    99.98% if I divide Gold by Bitcoin then
    99.99% if I divide oil stocks if I
    divide Emerging Markets if I divide
    World equities
    99.9% they’re all down since 2012 versus
    Bitcoin and Technology the secular bull
    market that’s made everybody a fortunate
    99.93% right so everything goes down
    99.9% over time versus crypto but it’s
    not over that what uh 10 years time
    Horizon 12 years time Horizon actually
    when you look at it crypto is the best
    performing asset in the world three out
    of four years fourth year it’s the worst
    performing asset then it’s the best
    performing for three years then it’s the
    worst performing this keeps going on
    bitcoin even with three or four three
    80% draw Downs is 75 whatever the
    average is still has done
    about 40% a year returns let me just
    repeat that annualized return of Bitcoin
    140% a year since 2012 you can own any
    BC fund you can have any other asset
    class nothing comes close 20
    million per returns since 2012 20
    million per since I started real Vision
    Bitcoin is 450,000 per returns and we
    started talking about it but eth came a
    cycle later a couple of Cycles later
    actually well eth is about 160 something
    per 6 165% returns annualized been
    around less salana 200% returns
    annualized cuz it’s been around less
    earlier on the network effect I don’t
    know if you can get your heads around
    this and if you’re not a crypto investor
    I I I simply don’t understand why when
    you’ve got the best performing asset
    class of all time the fastest adoption
    of any technology in all time outside of
    AI the largest generation of and fastest
    generation of wealth in the shortest
    period of time why you’d not be involved
    it’s kind of it’s just bananas to me um
    it’s a scam it’s all you’re doing is
    helping yourself disappoint your future
    self right an asset is Future deferred
    consumption later and you want your
    assets to be worth as much as possible
    because you’re taking risk with that
    money by locking it up so therefore you
    should be compensated for that risk your
    future self will go well done R 10 years
    ago 15 years ago you bought this stupid
    thing called Bitcoin it’s now up 20
    million per. thank you that’s great I
    can go and buy a house or go on a world
    Cruise or buy a mega yacht so anyway
    that’s what I got to and it’s not
    because I’m like this singular Focus
    Bitcoin or blockchain is or crypto is
    everything it’s because it is everything
    in previous interviews and tweets pal
    has explored the clear and significant
    correlation between business Cycles
    Global money supply and asset prices his
    new thesis the everything code delves
    deeper into this correlation and offers
    insights to help investors better time
    their Market entries and exits pal
    posits that the liquidity cycle occurs
    approximately every 3 and a half years
    with intermittent slowdown periods
    typically marked by recessions according
    to the macro expert we hit a bottom last
    October and central banks are poised to
    resume money printing in his recent
    video the former Goldman saxs executive
    highlights three major reasons why
    central banks are gearing up to increase
    money supply and how these actions will
    contribute to significantly higher
    prices for crypto assets stay tuned for
    more clips from Pal’s video as he
    further elaborates on these insights and
    their implications for the
    cryptocurrency market at the phase where
    Bitcoin harving is happening the
    election cycle where they give out free
    candy to the kids stimulus and um we
    generally get well we’ve got the Central
    Bank who wants to cut rates even though
    inflation is not playing that game we’ll
    talk a bit about that in a sec um and
    then we’ve got um stimulus Global
    stimulus cycle from the weekly Global
    liquidity index which has been rising so
    this is the part where liquidity starts
    going up significantly the Europeans are
    going to start cutting we’ve already
    seen I think the Swiss cut we’re going
    to say a few Nations cut Latin America
    was first a hike started cutting Brazil
    so we’ll see The Cutting cycle Global
    cutting cycle will pick up we’ve got
    China with a very uh um lackluster
    economy in fact it’s a debt deflationary
    trap driven by an aging population and
    excess debt we all know about those
    things because we’re all living in one
    whether we’re living in Europe or living
    in the US or Japan so they’re going to
    stimulate more uh the Japanese are
    pretending to raise rates but they’ve
    still still running um kind of negative
    interest rate policies when you look at
    it in real terms and we should see
    inflation continuing to slowly decline
    now it’s been flatlining for a while but
    many of you have seen me chart out um
    tweet out a chart of previous inflation
    Cycles versus this one it always has
    this flat bit then it hooks down if I
    look at the true flation index the guys
    at true inflation have this realtime
    inflation index with millions of prices
    uh that thing is now at
    1.78% it’s falling I know nobody
    believes me either way the Federal
    Reserve want to cut rates why because of
    the everything code I’ve told you about
    the everything code if you not seen it
    before please watch the Youtube videos
    on the everything code the everything
    code basically suggests that they have
    to use liquidity to monetize the
    interest payments on the debt we’re
    coming into the teeth of the interest
    payments now uh and we’re paying for the
    interest um for the for the debt we
    issued during the pandemic so we got a
    lot of payments to do the bond market is
    freaking out from this obviously because
    they’re like how can we pay for all of
    this stuff at 5 and a half perent rates
    without issuing more and more and more
    debt gold Market’s breaking out on the
    back of this and so it should be because
    the answer is going to be they’re going
    to have to use liquidity will they use
    quantitative easing probably not why
    because we all know the trick and we
    know the name quantitative easing equals
    money per goes bur so what will they do
    well you know they firstly they’ve been
    running down the reverse repo that’s
    okay doesn’t matter what the format is
    but they’ve been running down that which
    means banks have been putting money into
    the market then um they have been doing
    they’re still doing conative tightening
    but they’re already talking about well
    at some point we need to stop that of
    course they do because the reverse repo
    is almost empty that runs the FED out of
    opportunities at this point next part is
    what do the treasury do because the FED
    is basically just helping the treasury
    now well the treasury’s been building up
    the treasury general account that’s
    their their bank account and then what
    they will do is start running that down
    over the election which is liquidity
    flushing into the system we got to get
    through I think um Mike Hal talks about
    this we got tax season and often that
    takes money out of the money markets and
    then then it goes into the treasury
    general account then it gets drawn down
    some people think that’s liquidity
    negative I’m not entirely sure I think
    but in the end the treasury general
    account will be like a trillion dollars
    and they’ll inject that trillion dollars
    nicely back into our hands and number go
    up um and then all the other nations
    around the world were doing something
    similar then we’ve got prob
    Basel 4 which is next year Basel 4 is
    even tighter standards that means that
    the banks have to use more regulatory
    Capital which means they need to own
    more bonds clever that right find a way
    for the banks to own all the bonds so
    you can keep issuing them okay they’re
    all doing that so that’s about to happen
    rolls out in I think it’s the UK first
    or Europe first in like January and then
    the no UK is following the US which is
    July and I think Europe’s in January so
    we’ve got that whole liquidity event to
    come then we’ve got oh no the commercial
    real estate Market the banks are stuck
    with this what do we do oh my god let’s
    absorb it onto our balance sheet pal
    predicts a 43% increase in bitcoin’s
    price before the current cycle concludes
    his projections for ethereum and salana
    are even more optimistic expecting gains
    of approximately 700% and 852 per
    respectively from their lows before the
    cycle ends in
    2025 pal maintains a bullish outlook on
    asset prices in both the short and long
    term attributing this optimism to
    central banks continuous injection of
    liquidity into the economy however pal
    points out a concerning aspect
    traditional asset classes are not
    experiencing real growth instead they
    are merely responding to the influx of
    liquidity without genuine appreciation
    in value this ongoing liquidity
    injection could potentially lead to
    continuous currency debasement without a
    corresponding increase in purchasing
    power what are your thoughts on Pal’s
    predictions for Bitcoin and the broader
    cryptocurrency industry please share
    your comments and observations in the
    section below for more daily dose crypto
    news check out these two awesome videos
    on your screen click now and we will see
    you on the next video

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    Credit: Raoul Pal The Journey Man
    πŸ”΄ 𝙇𝙄𝙑𝙀 AMA: Drinks with Raoul Pal

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    1. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!

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