$50 Trillion Is Coming To Bitcoin & Crypto

    I think that we’re just in the in the
    still in the very very beginning of the
    global investment Community getting
    exposure to the native crypto stuff
    Bitcoin salana ethereum etc etc and so
    that’s going to go to to you know what
    is it now two and a half trillion I
    think that’s going to go to 50 trillion
    you know over the next 10 years and if
    not sooner and you know that’s going to
    everything all right guys bang bang I’ve
    got bill here uh bill it feels like
    during the entire crypto winter there
    was massive scrutiny there was tons of
    problems with companies that offered
    trading of cryptocurrencies yield on
    cryptocurrencies borrowing earning Etc
    you all were one of those companies it
    felt like every regulatory body was
    scrutinizing this business model in
    these companies but you’ve come out the
    other side and you have kind of a new
    twist and some regulatory approvals that
    I think a lot of people are wondering
    what are you doing and how did you get
    this done and so maybe you can just walk
    us through like what happened during
    that bare market and then how did you
    guys get to the other side of this uh
    with this new regulatory approval sure
    so there were there were really three
    aspects to what I’ll call the lending
    yield space right there was staking
    itself which is basically just earning
    yield via staking ethereum or staking
    Solana or any other stable proof of
    stake assets then there’s the yield via
    lending which is could either be direct
    lending collateralized you know
    borrowing dollars collateralized and
    Bitcoin and then there’s defi uh based
    yield so that’s that’s kind of the yield
    is part two and then third is borrowing
    against your own assets right so that’s
    just that’s just literally lending out
    and so we’ll come back to the lending in
    a bit but on the staking and and
    borrowing yield side right the states in
    particular came down certain States came
    down very hard on players in the space
    that these were security offerings now
    for most companies in the space it
    didn’t matter because they died right
    Celsius Voyager blockfi you know Etc ETA
    they’re gone so there’s nothing to fight
    other than who gets the money back right
    in there basically and that’s a function
    of the fact that these were all pulled
    Assets in a in a bank-like structure
    where when you pull the asset you became
    a liability on the company’s balance
    sheet meaning your Bitcoin that you’re
    earning yield on became a balance a
    liability on Celsius is balance sheet
    right so so so that was a major problem
    in and of itself independent of the fact
    that they thought that staking in many
    states like California and others was a
    security offering Okay so that all
    basically got shut down in Via a myriad
    means including settlements with us for
    our old business okay to this day in
    like 15 or 20 States you can’t stake
    ethereum or salana on a whole bunch of
    exchanges in the United States okay and
    and that’s because basically they’re
    fighting with coinbase and others that
    that those staking processes where
    they’re in the middle are security
    offerings now my personal feelings on
    that don’t matter we capitulated and we
    said look we’re going to settle this out
    and we’re not going to do it that way
    anymore so to your question what we did
    is we went back to the drawing board and
    we said okay let’s let’s just assume
    that we’re gonna bite the bullet and
    play nice and and basically say that you
    know we’re gonna offer some type of
    Securities account for doing this in a
    very simple manner what’s the most
    straightforward way to do that in other
    words come in and register and when we
    analyze what we realized is is that
    there is a wealth advisory model in the
    States that should allow you to do this
    so we investigated we documented we
    argued with lawyers over the course of
    almost a year and we basically came up
    with a registered invest investment
    advisory model ra model that allows us
    to offer yield staking lending basic
    investment in crypto through again
    through this ra model but it also it’s
    it’s beautiful for a couple of reasons
    one you’re not a liability on my balance
    right which means um if we go away you
    still retain title to your assets so for
    the people listening to this it’s kind
    of a tough pill to swallow who are still
    fighting you know with the Estates of
    Celsius and FTX and blockfi and Voyager
    to get their assets back that can’t
    happen here okay because you’re
    retaining title and it uses what we call
    a separately managed account structure
    which many high net worth investors are
    familiar with from the equity space smas
    manag trillions of dollars in assets in
    the United States States and similar
    models around the world so to my
    knowledge we were able to get approval
    for this through a lot of hard work on
    the legal side and are the first to do
    so in the United States so there are
    other Ras for crypto in the United
    States but they’re not directly for
    consumers via an account model doing
    yield staking lending so you can deposit
    Bitcoin in your SMA and borrow dollars
    out right um and we use defi this is the
    cool part we use defi for 100% of our
    lending and and yield and staking
    Services right Abra is not a
    counterparty to any transaction in the
    system we’re simply deploying out of the
    SMA on behalf of our clients which is
    what an advisor is supposed to do uh and
    that’s a big breakthrough as far as I
    know I’m not familiar with any other
    peer play service that does yield where
    it’s 100% based on defi now so when you
    think about this new model there’s
    really three components in in my mind
    there’s the regulatory kind of structure
    and approval there is the SMA component
    and then there is the interfacing with
    defi there’s a lot of bells and whistles
    but like those are kind of three main
    components right yeah on the regulatory
    approval uh I use approval specifically
    because you can’t just elect to be an
    raia and all of a sudden like you just
    start acting like an RA you got to go
    you got to present an application the or
    and other regulatory bodies all evaluate
    this and there’s somebody who says okay
    yep thumbs up you get approved knock
    yourself out what was that process like
    and I’m assuming it wasn’t just like
    sending the application a day later they
    send back the approval so what did you
    have to do to get through that to
    actually become an approved Raa as a
    matter of fact I think a day later they
    sent back denied so and and we kind of
    expected it you know we we lawyered up
    we we have multiple law firms I mean
    look the last couple of years has been a
    legal nightmare for everyone who
    survived all right I’ve talked I’ve
    spoken to every CEO that you know in
    this space at one time or another over
    the last couple of years and it has been
    brutal uh now it’s it’s it’s it’s less
    brutal than dying right to a degree
    because you know you you gota I mean
    distress every day okay so no no
    sympathy gained I’m sure on any of that
    but we basically lawyered up last summer
    documented every Nuance of what we
    thought we would need to document put an
    entirely new compliance program in place
    because this model is different than the
    way we operated via retail in the past
    put an entirely new platform in place
    because of the separately managed
    account structure that I described
    before that’s a new architecture right
    we have to put staff through compliance
    training you have all kinds of
    disclosure requirements just to get to
    the point where we
    submitted the application I’m not using
    the legal terminology but whatever the
    the right term is the application to the
    SEC took us the better part of of almost
    a year okay so it’s a lot of upfront
    work so this idea of of you want to be
    in raia on Tuesday you you wake up and
    on Wednesday you’re in raia that’s
    that’s never that’s not gonna happen
    that’s nonsense okay so yes tremendous
    amount of work you lawyer up hundreds of
    thousands of dollars in legal fees um
    you know more than one interation with
    the SEC a whole bunch of compliance
    training and new systems uh your
    Communications get monitored when you’re
    you know when you come in and register
    etc etc and then talk about the smas
    right obviously lots of investors use
    them uh it would have helped investors
    in some of these cases uh with these
    other platforms um do you think that the
    industry now like smas are going to end
    up being the standard or do you still
    see they’re being kind of pulled funds
    uh and the smas is one option but but
    there will be plenty of assets still
    kept in other
    models I I think you would have to be
    crazy to put you know six seven eight
    nine figures of assets into a pulled
    model given everything we’ve learned
    over the last few years so many people
    have talked about this you know the
    mismatch between how crypto transactions
    move how Banks work um you know let talk
    about the ETFs for a second what
    happened a couple of weeks ago when when
    Iran sent uh drones and and and and
    aircraft to to Israel what happened to
    bitcoin that weekend and so you know
    retail investors okay I’ve got a bunch
    of you know few thousand dollars in my
    raia Ira or my 401k you know the price
    went down fine but if you’re sitting on
    millions of dollars in crypto and you
    basically want to hedge yourself on
    Saturday night can’t do it right banks
    are closed more than they’re open right
    stock markets closed more than it’s open
    so I would posit that a vehicle that
    247 the same way Bitcoin trades um and
    and makes that accessible 247 is the
    right way to do this and highet worth
    investors have known this for decades
    right where is now making it available
    to everyone and and that’s a
    breakthrough so
    so exchanges are not meant for basically
    buold investing they’re meant for
    trading and speculation that’s fine
    there’s a place for that right we’re
    basically saying there’s a place or
    investors to invest and that’s different
    Trading and then talk to me about the
    interfacing with defi obviously um it’s
    exciting I think that you know there’s a
    lot of people probably say hey this is
    part of the like promise of a lot of
    um but at the same time are there risks
    or how do you think about like the pros
    and cons of this decision both for your
    business and for the user so so the way
    I think about accessing defi through
    Abra now through Abra Capital Management
    is that we want to make the risks the
    same as if you knew what you were doing
    and accessing D5 via
    metamask okay so um with the caveat that
    we’re not going to go full on dgen and
    and and choose brand new protocols that
    have $10 million total value locked and
    make them accessible to our high net
    worth clients okay we’re going to do um
    upfront homework as we have for years
    because we’ve been using D5 for a long
    time it’s just this is the first time
    we’re making it available as a standard
    okay so what we do is we go in and we
    choose right the defi systems that have
    the most tvl are the most liquid um have
    the most kind of tried and true
    transaction volume and represent the
    best investment opportunities in terms
    of yield interest rates etc etc for our
    clients and we make those available to
    them and basically what’s happening is
    it’s like the advisor is deploying via
    an via a metamask like model but in a
    way that our clients don’t have to
    understand this conversation the risk
    disclosures associated with dii they can
    read right to the sec’s point all along
    uh people aren’t disclosing the risk
    well we do right there’s a long set of
    documents that they have access to
    they’ve seen that are actually on the
    sec’s website that disclose all this and
    the clients can read them in detail ask
    questions or not it’s it’s their choice
    and then they tell us where they want to
    deploy and we manage the deployment for
    them but again 100% defi based and so
    far the clients seem to love it and what
    are the uh advantages on the defi
    obviously there’s the decentralization
    and and kind of no counterparty or a
    different counterparty that the user is
    interfacing with um but are there higher
    yields available are there lower fee you
    know structures like what are some of
    the other things that the clients now
    are starting to experience so so so
    there’s several advantages and you you
    you alluded to one which is you’re not
    you’re not taking named corporate
    counterparty risk meaning you’re not
    taking counterparty risk to ABRA you’re
    not taking counterparty risk to a named
    borrower which was the model that you
    know the dead companies in the uh in the
    yield space were doing you’re you’re
    you’re taking pure defi risk now if you
    if you remember in the early days of the
    Celsius bankruptcy all the nothing was
    getting repaid with one exception they
    had some exposure to to defy and they
    had to pay back those loans or they were
    going to get liquidated and they did
    because the system worked as correct as
    it was supposed to and you couldn’t stop
    it right meaning there’s no off switch
    and that’s how way it’s supposed to work
    right so so the beauty there is is that
    you’re not taking any counterparty risk
    other than the fact that you’re taking
    smart contract risk and we’re leveraging
    smart contracts that have been tested in
    some cases for years now and that’s what
    we want right and we explain that to our
    clients and so the other benefit is that
    yes there’s opportunities that we can
    recommend that our clients rotate into
    on occasion because you know Bitcoin
    might be paying you know abnormally high
    yield like nine or 10 percent which
    happens on occasion and a lot of times
    you can’t capture it very quickly you
    know if you don’t know what you’re doing
    as a kind of a metamask user who doesn’t
    know how to deploy into contracts and we
    we can text a client or or email a
    client and say hey want to get on the
    phone because there’s an opportunity
    here for something we’ve been testing
    with our own money that we think you
    should consider deploying into and we
    can now recommend that fairly quickly uh
    for our clients and it’s very very easy
    for our quants uh our analysts to test
    these new uh these new opportunities as
    they unfold and they are every day and
    and we have a group that does nothing
    but test those things and so that’s the
    advantage that our clients have now and
    then talk about uh what all call uh kind
    of high net worth accredited you know
    private uh clients institutions and then
    you also are able to service
    unaccredited investors as well and so
    like what are the differences that
    you’re seeing across these different
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    oh yeah so so I would say on the high
    end we have mining clients that take
    advantage of Structured Products hedging
    you know they’re they’re using uh Auto
    Liquidation capabilities on our
    over-the-counter trading desk and you
    know obviously our lower end our retail
    clients don’t need that uh most of them
    want to buy and hold and they can earn
    some yield on their dollars that’s fine
    so again on the highend be everything
    from you know large block orders for
    trading um you know hedging positions um
    via you know the mining uh you know
    mining Auto liquidations to uh crypto
    ATM networks that have to replenish on a
    Sunday when markets are screaming uh we
    do a lot of that as well so so that’s
    kind of a high-end very um traditional
    Prime model right they might be looking
    to trade on credit which we wouldn’t be
    in a position to do for retail for
    example so they’ll on board and send us
    financials and go through risk
    management and things like that high net
    worth retail probably the the most
    bespoke thing they’re interested in
    doing is borrowing against their Bitcoin
    right so they’ll basically say oh I’m
    gonna Park x million dollars worth of
    bitcoin and I want to borrow y dollars
    and so we’ll basically again use defi
    through the ra to manage those loans for
    them going forward which is really cool
    right so basically like they’re not
    taking counterparty RIS to ABRA even for
    loan so they’re just borrowing directly
    from a di5 protocol and then on the low
    end it could easily be you know I want
    to buy $25,000 worth of bitcoin I’m
    happy to park it in a yield account I
    want to leave $100,000 of stable coins
    and a dollar cost average in over time
    it’s as simple as that right so you got
    a whole gamut of services that we’re
    able to offer now because we’ve
    carefully put the right legal structures
    in place one of the interesting I think
    kind of developments that we’re going to
    have to see here is
    uh for the last couple years it’s been
    like Bitcoin and crypto are one end of
    the spectrum traditional finances on the
    other the ETF is starting to bridge the
    gap is your vision that eventually we
    will just see like I’ll have an
    investment account and I could have
    stocks I can have crypto I can have kind
    of these different assets and like maybe
    companies like Abra are actually backing
    into being full-fledged kind of
    Financial Service uh providers yeah yeah
    so when you’re fullon in crypto putting
    real world assets aside you’re inside
    the The Matrix right that’s how that’s
    my favorite analogy and an ETF kind of
    like an exchange represents a Hardline
    into the
    Matrix the The Exchange Hardline is good
    because it works 247 except for Bank
    wires right those can only be processed
    you know 15 and 20 hours a week ETFs can
    only basically buy and sell 30 hours a
    week 35 hours a week whatever it is so
    those hard lines have a lot of
    limitations the SMA puts you inside the
    Matrix separately managed account puts
    you inside the Matrix so you’re using
    something that in the background works
    very similar to how you and I would just
    use metamask to deploy in a defile
    that’s super cool and then and then we
    also give you the wire access to be able
    to get your stable coins into the system
    U etc etc so I think that this is the
    future for wealth management not only
    for crypto but we’ll stop because real
    world assets once they’re tokenized are
    going to be are going to end up these
    Securities accounts as well and then you
    can basically make tokenized real estate
    fungible with Bitcoin through an SMA and
    then choose which asset you’re going to
    borrow against using some Oracle to
    decide what the price or value of the
    assets is in order to give you the loan
    super super interesting right so so I do
    think that there’s a bifurcation coming
    between trading and investing right and
    trading makes sense on exchanges you
    know through our Prime business just
    like others have Prime businesses and
    investing traditionally through advisors
    we’re just giving you a Next Generation
    architecture that’s still compliant with
    the existing
    rules and I saw recently that there’s a
    proposal to make the stock market trade
    247 um I don’t know if it’ll get
    approved or not but uh gets at some of
    these you know points that maybe the
    crypto industry has pushed forward by
    just existing uh where there’s traders
    in the traditional Market who are like
    hey these guys could trade 24/7 like why
    can’t we do you think that stuff will
    will happen and and like are you
    anticipating many of the advantages that
    the crypto Market has had will come to
    these traditional assets sure so look
    we’ve been we used to call it straight
    through processing I was at Gman in the
    early 90s and we were talking about
    straight through processing 30 years ago
    and here we are still talking about it
    and it doesn’t exist I think there are a
    lot of entities I’m looking up here just
    trying to think this through but I think
    there’s a lot of entities
    disincentivized for this to happen in
    the US in the short term I do think that
    t plus Z or straight through processing
    time settlement 247 for equities is
    going to happen outside the US
    relatively soon in certain markets and I
    think it will be a good attractor
    meaning meaning list on our Market in
    and I’m making this up now in Dubai or
    Abu Dhabi or Singapore markets that have
    been open to this stuff or in
    Switzerland Switzerland a little older
    might take a while but but probably more
    open than the US anyway and that’ll be
    in attraction because this is It’s a
    competitive Planet you don’t have to
    list your US Stock in on NASDAQ or NYC
    you can list it in Asia or Europe or
    Singapore whatever whatever right and so
    I think that this is going to be a
    competitive Advantage for certain
    markets that can move faster than the US
    I think the implication of your question
    was what is the US going to do and I
    think that we will get to you know from
    T plus5 to to t plus Z over the next X
    years I don’t know what x is I would
    venture a guess that it’s less it’s it’s
    it’s less than 10 and more than three uh
    and and we’ll probably require a new
    Administration that is more investor
    friendly and and recognizes that the
    tokenization of assets isn’t the second
    coming of
    Satan you mentioned other geographies
    what are you all seeing with either
    clients and other geographies or
    Partners um in terms of their enthusiasm
    their Capital flows you know various
    things that they’re doing on that
    front yeah so look I I I uh I’m super
    bullish on a bunch of things I mean real
    world assets started with stable coins
    and by the way I I actually group
    Bitcoin in the real world asset category
    now which I’m maybe I’m the first to do
    that I don’t know because we’re seeing
    people borrow against it so once you can
    borrow against the commodity to me it’s
    a real world asset um but we’re seeing
    like you know globally miners trying to
    figure this out do I do I what portion
    do I liquidate where do I take risk how
    do I hedge how do I borrow huge flows
    there getting inbound questions all the
    time can you help us with the the
    Overflow on stuff that we can fulfill
    the exchanges on the on the ETF
    um we do I do a ton of work you know
    with um High net worth investors I speak
    at a lot of high net worth uh investor
    events not not crypto specific right I
    generally this is more like you know how
    do I diversify away from uh you know
    real estate stocks into other or
    uncorrelated things and it feels like an
    order of magnitude more interesting and
    even bigger than it did in 21 when we
    were starting to ride the yield wave
    back then right so this feels bigger and
    I would posit that institutions outside
    of crypto native aren’t here yet we’ve
    talked about it and when we say Black
    Rock black rock is servicing retail
    today right if you think about who’s
    buying these ETFs it’s 401ks it’s it’s
    IRAs it’s it’s it’s you know the the E
    trades right they’re now we’re now
    seeing I’m hearing permission coming
    from institutions to participate in some
    cases via the ETF so I do predict in the
    second half of the year we’re going to
    see a lot of Institutions come in Via
    these Equity Vehicles which has been
    fantastic marketing for abis so far
    right because when I explain like we
    talked about earlier like the difference
    between buying an ETF and an SMA if if
    you if you’re investing more than half a
    million dollars the SMA wins almost
    every time right for the reasons that
    we’ve already talked about and so so so
    I think that there’s the existing flows
    and we have I think a pretty good
    understanding of where the new flows are
    going to be coming from over the next
    few few months and years
    and then what is the kind of end state
    for Abra over the next you know five or
    10 years so you’re talking a lot about
    the industry but like what is the thing
    that you guys are driving towards or
    when you guys sit down in your product
    meeting that kind of product um you know
    uh pipeline what does that look like so
    so I’m going to put the legal
    terminology aside for a second so I’m
    going to use some terms that the that
    the Regulators don’t like me to use so
    so so I I see Abra longterm as a big
    global bank for crypto okay now I’m not
    using the term the way The Regulators
    agree with or whatever I’m just saying
    what does it mean to be a bank it means
    you can hold your stuff you can you can
    earn interest on your stuff and you can
    borrow against your stuff right U you
    know whether it’s a helck on a house or
    or borrowing against your Bitcoin which
    I think is going to be the biggest and
    fastest growing aspect of lending uh
    over the next 20 years globally right
    because if you have this asset that’s
    just going to bajala and and people who
    didn’t have access to credit can borrow
    against it instantly that’s going to be
    just a for Lending right so so I see
    Abra as being on a path to becoming the
    premier Global crypto Bank via whatever
    regulatory means we have to do that now
    when we first when you and I first met
    like I don’t know maybe eight years ago
    you know we were talking about money
    transfer and payments um and I think
    that’s all coming right now we’re
    getting there in a in a different way
    than what I had either predicted or
    maybe even wanted versus when I first
    had the ideas for all this free ethereum
    was just Bitcoin but we’re getting there
    right and and now we have stable coins I
    had to invent a synthetic Dollar in the
    early days of abber because there was no
    ethereum I was just too early and now
    all this infrastructure is there right I
    can easily access defi to process loans
    and do money transfer and all the things
    I want to do and so we may be working
    from the top down in terms of
    Institutions High net worth investors
    you know middle class investors and
    hopefully sooner rather than later to
    the bottom of the pyramid but you know
    legally it’s it’s it’s unfortunately the
    further down the pyramid you go from an
    income perspective the harder it gets
    legally which it should be the opposite
    honestly but but we have what we have
    and and so that’s my vision my vision is
    to be the premier Global crypto bank
    that Services every aspect of of the
    income pyramid for you know the Next
    Generation which is defi based and you
    know we’re just going to make it easily
    accessible to everyone starting at the
    top and making our way down I think that
    that is uh incredibly compelling as you
    guys go to build it um the last thing
    I’ll leave with you is uh there’s great
    debate on um Bitcoin uh smart contract
    platforms various assets Etc um what do
    you think people’s portfolios look like
    five or 10 years from now is it like
    Bitcoin is a store of value and then all
    these other things are kind of like
    technology stocks that they’re you know
    trying to figure out where value acrs or
    how do you just think about like the
    portfolio construction and how that will
    evolve yeah dinner with a a very famous
    CIO from a large raia last night and we
    were having a raging debate about what
    it means to to hold cash flow assets
    like stock versus real estate versus
    Bitcoin and and I was making the case
    that every time I look at an investment
    opportunity and I see a lot you know
    I’ve been living in Silicon Valley for
    30 years I compare it to my crypto
    Holdings and I say you know do I believe
    that the cash flow Potential from this
    stock over five years warrants
    me selling or giving up you know a piece
    of my Bitcoin a piece of my salana a
    piece of my ethereum and 99.9% of the
    time right now the answer is no okay so
    that’s me and I I have conviction for
    why this is an exponentially growing
    technology and how that Maps out but but
    getting back to reality for the average
    investor I do think you’re going to see
    real world assets become tokenized
    especially starting outside the US like
    we talked about and you’re going to have
    all these Investment Services that
    basically make them all fungible meaning
    I can hold real estate I can hold stocks
    I can hold bonds I can hold crypto
    native crypto um and and they’re all
    fundable because they’re all tokens I
    can trade across each other or borrow
    against I can pull real estate Bitcoin
    and and stocks and and and take one loan
    right because it’s it’s in one
    separately managed account and it has a
    value so how is it going to break down
    in terms of native crypto Holdings
    versus stocks and real estate I don’t
    know I I I think that we’re just in the
    in the still in the very very beginning
    of the global investment Community
    getting exposure to the native crypto
    stuff Bitcoin salana ethereum etc etc
    and so that’s going to go to to you know
    what is it now two and a half trillion I
    think that’s going to go to 50 trillion
    you know over the next 10 years and if
    not sooner and you know that’s going to
    change everything because now you’re
    going to have these credit markets that
    just weren’t possible before because
    nobody had to knew how to give people in
    the Philippines credit or give people in
    India credit and they will know
    right $50 trillion is a big number but
    uh the trajectory seems to uh be headed
    that way for sure uh so I think there’s
    a lot of people who are are excited
    about that happening but there’s a lot
    of work to do between here and uh here
    and there where can we send people to
    find you on the internet or find out
    more about what Abra is or if they want
    to download sign up Etc yeah sure
    abra.com is is is a great place to get
    some more information on what we’re
    doing I’m I’m reasonably active these
    days on on Twitter uh billb barx on on
    Twitter and and Abra Global on Twitter
    so we’re pretty easy to find we’re out
    there and uh we’re we’re pretty engaged
    awesome Bill well listen thank you so
    much for taking the time to do this I
    think that people will will really enjoy
    this one and uh as always we’ll
    definitely do it again in the future
    thanks B great to see you

    Bill Barhydt is the Co-Founder & CEO of Abra. Abra is a global platform for digital asset prime services and wealth management, leveraging trusted DeFi expertise to connect the on-chain and off-chain ecosystems for private clients and institutions. By integrating trading, borrowing, lending, yield services and asset management into one offering, all underpinned by institutional risk management, Abra provides clients with actionable insights and a competitive edge. Abra’s client base includes a diverse range of private clients, family offices, hedge funds, venture capital and crypto infrastructure firms. In this conversation, we talk about the brand new regulatory approval as a registered investment advisor, what that means for Abra, how they can service both credited & uncredited investors now, why allowing basic financial services has been so difficult, and where the industry is going.

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    Pomp writes a daily letter to over 265,000+ investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand language while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at https://pomp.substack.com/

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    Follow Pomp on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/APompliano
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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonypompliano/
    Website: https://anthonypompliano.com/

    #AnthonyPompliano #Pomp


    1. abra…are these the same bastards that took my crypto. Had money on their wallet for years, they never informed me that I had to remove them by a certain date or loose them…I see this as stealing.

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