We’re Entering ‘Greater Depression’: Brace For War, Sovereign Defaults | Doug Casey

    we have a real problem here and that’s
    why I’m that’s why I say that we’ve
    embarked upon something I call the
    greater depression and what’s going to
    happen or what is happening is what’s
    going to be it’s going to be much worse
    and much longer lasting and much
    different this depression than the the
    unpleasantness of 1929 to
    1946 and uh during that period incident
    uh war was a big part of the equation uh
    I think the war situation is going to
    get much more serious quite frankly Doug
    Casey joins us today he is a
    best-selling author of Crisis investing
    and later crisis Investing For The 90s
    we’ll be talking about crisis investing
    today it’s a very timely theme as Doug
    believes we’re going into a greater
    depression what does this greater
    depression mean why will it be here and
    what is going to happen to our
    investments how do we protect our wealth
    in this greater depression we’ll be
    talking about these themes as well as
    Doug’s upcoming book in his High Ground
    series of novels first it was Speculator
    then drug lord then assassin then the
    protagonist is going to transition into
    another role Doug will explain why and
    how this fits into today’s society this
    episode is sponsored by nordvpn Doug
    welcome back to the show always good to
    see you thanks for being here it’s a
    pleasure to be here with you uh David
    although you’re in Vancouver I’m in
    Buenos areus where I am a good part of
    the year I Reon that the weather where
    you are is currently better than the
    weather where I am although I’m hoping
    that could reverse sometime soon because
    we’ve had enough of winter here um well
    Vancouver’s got the best weather in the
    world during the northern summer but uh
    bu sis is a very moderate climate 12
    months of the year so it’s it’s nice to
    be here in Argentina you also uh the the
    argentines elected a new president we’ll
    talk about economic reform a little bit
    more towards um the middle of the
    interiew let’s start by talking about
    you know what let let me sorry give me
    30 seconds as Window Washers
    back oh that’s very authentic don’t
    stick away or cut their ropes that’s
    great it shows that you’re not you you
    backgrounds let’s keep this going um I
    want to start by talk let’s start by
    talking about global growth okay uh the
    wef world economic Forum uh president he
    recently made a remark at um a summit in
    Saudi Arabia uh borer Brenda he said
    that Global growth this year is around
    3.2% it’s not bad but it’s not what we
    were used to the trend growth used to be
    4% for decades um he said that there’s a
    risk that the economy could global
    economy could fall into a stagnation
    like we saw in the
    1970s uh he said we cannot get into a
    trade War we still have to trade with
    each other are you concerned about a
    global stagnation
    Doug well I’m actually more more
    concerned that people give any Credence
    or pay any attention to these people
    from the world economic forces I mean
    they’re the uh they’re the forces of
    darkness and and evil most of these
    people uh answer to the question is that
    uh I’m a long-term Optimist why I’ll
    tell you why because first of all all
    people at least mentally sound people
    tend to produce more than they consume
    and try to save the difference we’re
    kind of wired like squirrels that way
    that’s number one and number two
    technology keeps advancing and in fact
    it’s advancing at thread of Mo’s law so
    you add those two things together and
    you come out with a happy ending but uh
    at the same time and this is why I’m am
    gloomy for the short term uh the world
    has in recent years been consuming more
    than it’s been producing that’s what all
    the world all the debt in the world is
    about and the amount of regulations that
    we have today and the level of taxes and
    the level of inflation make it much
    harder to produce and for technology to
    so it could go either way but I’m
    putting my money on what I call the
    greater depression a period of time when
    most people’s standard of living goes
    down significantly and it’ll be
    noticeable so these guys pulling numbers
    3.2% uh it impresses me as nonsensical
    these are madeup numbers uh the trend
    does seem to somewhat support your
    thesis of either a greater depression or
    some sort of Greater slowdown because
    again the E 3.2% 4% the number here may
    not be relevant but the key point is
    that it missed consensus expectations
    for what Global growth should have been
    things are slowing down much faster than
    anticipated are you observing in that in
    your own life or research that things
    are slowing down at a much rapid Pace
    much more rapid Pace than before well
    here in Argentina where I am right now
    we’re in an anomalous situation because
    the current president Javier Malle is
    overturning a 100 Years of Argentine
    history where this country has gone from
    one of the most prosperous and
    wealthiest in the world a 100 years ago
    to scraping the bottom of the barrel
    where they say half of the Argentina
    population are in poverty at the moment
    but he’s turning that around so my
    personal boots on the ground experience
    here in Argentina is not at all like
    what it is in the US or Canada uh uh
    things are getting better here there’s a
    period of
    Readjustment uh where they’re firing not
    just thousands but tens of thousands of
    government employees and uh you know
    inflation’s been running several 100%
    per year which makes it impossible for
    the average Argentine to save money
    that’s changing too so um personal
    experience well here in Argentina it’s
    anomalous doesn’t relate much to the US
    or Canada Doug is going to elaborate
    more on this greater depression and the
    investment implications but first a word
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    what should the correct government
    policy be to combat hyperinflation let’s
    take Argentina as an example but we can
    expand this conversation to a more um
    generalist theme of how to combat
    inflation but in Argentina like you
    mentioned double digit triple digit
    inflation hyperinflation should the
    government have do have dollarized would
    there have been a better solution to
    well let me comment on something that
    you you said what should government
    policy be and the fact of the matter is
    I don’t believe in government policy now
    that sounds like a shocking thing to say
    I know but the reason I don’t believe in
    government policy is because government
    as an institution assuming you even
    believe in government as an institution
    uh but it should only do three things it
    should defend you from force and
    violence that’s all it should do that
    implies an army to defend you from
    violence force from outside the bail
    awick of the government police to defend
    you from criminals within its bwick and
    a court system to allow you to
    adjudicate disputes so this has nothing
    to do with government policy actually
    that’s all the government should do
    unfortunately uh in most places in the
    world the government does everything but
    those three
    things they they try to regulate
    everything tax everything influence
    everything it shouldn’t do any of these
    things uh so I like to get down to the
    uh kind of the basics people forget what
    the basics are and those are those are
    the basics government is coercion it’s
    Force comes out of the barrel of a gun
    like Miles said so I want to limit it
    extremely okay so what about the central
    bank which supposedly is an independent
    entity from the rest of the government
    should we have a central bank to
    regulate inflation or or the labor
    market no now you don’t need or want a
    central bank anyway anywhere they’re
    engines of inflation governments use
    Central they talk about central banks
    being independent this is nonsense uh
    central banks are used by governments as
    a means to inflate and inflation is how
    government uh uh generates a great deal
    of its income it can where does
    government get income from taxes okay
    that’s simple enough but also by
    printing up money which it gets to spend
    so no the Central Bank serves no useful
    purpose it should be
    abolished uh listen people forget that
    1933 all the governments all the
    countries of the world use gold as money
    in day today
    Commerce you you didn’t use Fiat
    currencies paper money you used actual
    gold and since then we’ve had endemic
    inflation so no abolish the central bank
    and of course this is one of the good
    things that mle has promised to do and I
    believe he will do uh well he’s promised
    to dollarize and he hasn’t done that yet
    does it doesn’t does it look like he’s
    going to keep that promise I I believe
    he will keep the promise and uh one of
    the reasons that he’ll succeed in that
    promise is that the Argentine population
    they can’t save in pesos I mean only a
    total idiot would try to save in
    Argentine pesos they’ve been saving in
    dollars so there are hundreds of
    billions by best estimates of uh US
    dollars that are secreted secreted
    offshore and foreign bank accounts and
    under people’s mattresses here in
    Argentina and
    his first step is to stop printing pesos
    number one and this P peso has
    stabilized incidentally it’s it’s
    maintained the same exchange rate with
    the dollar for the last several months
    this is really unusual and uh yeah
    people look what mle has said is you can
    use anything here in Argentina you can
    use anything you want as a currency you
    can use dollars you can use pesos you
    can use Euros you can use gold gold you
    can use Bitcoin they’re all equally uh
    legal here so that’s an excellent First
    Step you don’t want to rely on just the
    dollar I mean the dollar is a a floating
    abstraction it’s the US fiat currency
    going back to my inflation question then
    if we have a country like Argentina
    that’s experiencing hyperinflation if
    not for government policy then what can
    be done to fix that and make it easier
    for the
    people well stop printing money uh
    there’s a uh famous anecdote about
    ludvig vanon mises who is um uh Javier
    mle the president of Argentina’s
    favorite Economist and mine too uh where
    the uh German government asked him what
    to do about their famous hyperinflation
    in the early 1920s in Germany and he he
    took a couple of government members uh
    out at night to a printing plant where
    in the middle of the night the
    government was printing up uh marks
    destroying the currency he says kill
    that noise stop that noise which was the
    noise of the printing presses printing
    more marks so that’s the answer to the
    question and then let the market decide
    what it wants to use eventually
    hopefully AR Argentina and the whole
    world is going to go back to gold and
    it’s not just Argentina I mean look
    uh all around the world people people
    are trying to get rid of the dollar
    because they know that the US government
    is printing up trillions of new dollars
    every year to finances deficits so the
    dollar is becoming a hot potato the
    Russians don’t want to use the dollars
    for all kinds of reasons the Chinese
    don’t want to use it nobody wants to use
    the dollar they realize that it’s a hot
    potato so what are you going to use
    instead of the US dollar well you’re not
    going to use the Russian or the Chinese
    or Indian currencies or or or the euro
    uh they’re going to go back to Gold
    that’s the answer to the
    question I know it sounds incredible but
    that’s what’s going to happen is there
    is that the best way to discipline the
    government to stop printing money which
    is to Anchor their currency to gold or
    any other hard asset or perhaps the
    dollar or perhaps tie their currency to
    another country like form a Euro zone
    for example whereby many countries share
    the same mon Ary
    policy I think it’s a mistake for
    countries to have
    currencies government should not be
    involved in the currency business quite
    frankly and at the same time I’d say
    government shouldn’t be involved in any
    business shouldn’t be involved in the
    education business it shouldn’t be
    involved in the food business or
    anything government should just protect
    you from fraud and violence end of story
    I know that’s a shocking thing to say
    David I mean that’s not what most people
    have come to that’s not the world they
    live in right now I’m telling you what
    should be not what not what
    is when it to what when it comes to what
    is what we do as speculators is take
    advantage of the stupid things the
    government does the distortions that
    creates to create opportunities in the
    market okay we’re going to get back to
    the economy but since we’re talking
    about government policies I know you
    don’t believe I know that’s an oxymoron
    for you but uh I i’ like you to comment
    on the recent proposal to raise capital
    gains taxes in both the US and Canada so
    for the US the Biden Administration has
    proposed a raise of the capital gains
    tax to
    44% uh on those individuals and
    corporate entities with over $400,000 of
    income I believe um similar policy in
    Canada has been proposed except they’re
    raising it to above
    60% uh what is this going to do these
    are completely idiotic and destructive
    proposals uh North
    Americans have been forced to uh buy
    inflation to get out of currencies and
    into hard assets the hard assets go up
    in price as a result of inflation and
    then when you want to sell them uh the
    government steals 40 or 60% of that uh
    in the form of capital gains so no
    capital gains taxes should be El limited
    now not not just reduced but eliminated
    not raised these people have these
    people are living in a Bizarro World
    everything’s up I’ve heard the argument
    from um somebody I spoke to uh that this
    will help alleviate the government debt
    problem which is to say it’ll bring down
    the deficit
    somewhat this is this is crazy talk
    although a lot of people are making this
    crazy talk it’s like alleviating an
    alcoholics Problem by giving him more
    alcohol I mean it’s the same thing uh
    trusting the government with more money
    to solve their problems like giving is
    PG work like to say giving a 16year old
    boy keys to the Corvette and a bottle of
    Jack Daniels and telling him to go out
    and have a good time okay so you don’t
    you don’t think that the issue of debt
    is going to be solved by higher taxes
    generally speaking oh no if you want to
    solve the problem you cut
    expenses you stop spending because most
    of the money the government spends is on
    things are not just stupid and
    nonproductive but they’re actively
    destructive well you can start with the
    wars that they’re fighting in the case
    of the US they’re fighting on two fronts
    now maybe soon on three fronts it’s
    going to bankrupt the country in
    addition to killing hundreds of
    thousands maybe millions in fact maybe
    they’ll go for billions of people in the
    future speaking of uh debt um at the
    same wef form the president made this
    comment uh we haven’t seen this kind of
    debt since the Napoleonic Wars we are
    getting close to 100% of the global GDP
    in debt he’s talking about world debt
    many countries as you know including the
    US has already
    surpassed 100% of debt the GDP levels um
    certainly this is an issue for a lot of
    people what can we do about this debt
    issue if it even if it even is a problem
    I mean if your view is that this isn’t
    really a problem so far then that’s okay
    no it’s a big problem so far and the
    reason that’s a big problem is because
    some people owe other people that debt
    and the people that are owed the debt
    rely upon it being
    paid uh but it can’t be paid so all this
    government debt and a lot of private
    debt is going to be defaulted on uh look
    there’s only two ways government can pay
    off its debt one by taxing its subjects
    and two by inflating the currency and
    they’re doing both and both are
    extremely destructive so uh we have a
    real problem here and that’s why I’m
    that’s why I say that we’ve embarked
    upon something I call the greater
    depression and what’s going to happen or
    what is happening is what’s going to be
    it’s going to be much worse and much
    longer lasting and much different this
    depression than uh the unpleasantness of
    1929 to
    1946 and uh during that period
    incidentally uh war was a big part of
    the equation uh I think the war
    situation is going to get much more
    serious quite frankly well speaking of
    depression some economists have argued
    that one of the catalysts for the Great
    Depression of the 1930s was the
    introduction of the smoo Holly Act which
    raised tariffs on Foreign imports uh do
    you think that a similar protectionist
    measure today would be the impetus or
    could be the trigger for the Next Great
    Depression or the greater depression as
    you like to call it well you’re quite
    correct on that
    um these governments
    um they’re they’re capable of anything
    telling people what to do what not to do
    what they can buy what they can’t buy at
    what price
    and so
    uh yeah it’s entirely possible that the
    US and Canada for instance are going to
    have foreign exchange control foreign
    exchange controls in the future let’s
    take the US in particular uh most people
    are unaware of the fact that the major
    export of the US isn’t boeings and soy
    beans or ibms any of that the major
    export of the US for the last 40 years
    has been dollars we print up dollars and
    ship them abroad and the nice foreigners
    ship us uh Mercedes and Sony’s and God
    knows what else that’s going to come to
    an end and as it comes to an end uh the
    you the government will attempt to
    control its subjects not control itself
    and what that means in the monetary
    realm is foreign exchange controls where
    you’re going to have to ask approval to
    uh send money out of the country or
    perhaps even to travel within certain
    dollar limits I mean they could hardly
    prohibit travel but they might say sure
    you can go abroad and take a European
    Vacation but you can’t spend more than
    $5,000 let’s say or something like that
    uh I think that’s in the cards it’s
    predictable because at some point uh
    these scores of trillions of US Dollars
    which have been expatriated shipped out
    all over the world in exchange for real
    Goods that have come into the US when
    uh the standard of living of the US has
    been artificially increased by in effect
    a debt dollars that are outside the US
    are really a debt and when they come
    back to the
    US what’s going to happen is you’re
    going to have trillions more dollars
    floating around inside the US which mean
    prices will go up and the titles of land
    and and businesses and share
    certificates are going to be owned by
    foreigners who will trade their dollars
    for those things so uh this is a real
    serious problem that I don’t think many
    people are talking about are we going to
    get a market crash first before the
    depression sets in like what happened in
    1929 uh hard to say it’s a question of
    how quickly the US government uh or I
    should say the federal reserve prints up
    money I mean if they print up money in
    adequate amounts there’s no reason why
    the stock market Should Crash although
    I’ve got to observe right now that in
    terms of price earnings ratio Price to
    Book value ratio all the uh traditional
    parameters uh the stock market is very
    very overpriced it’s as overpriced as
    any time in history so I really don’t
    have any interest in being in the
    conventional stock market it’s too
    dangerous that’s say it’s going to crash
    that’s a question of printing money as
    much as anything else but I don’t want
    to be in it so if not for the stock
    markets and the obvious question would
    be where would we go and I think this is
    kind of the theme of your books crisis
    investing and then crisis investing um
    in the 90s um believe you talked about
    how to how to protect your wealth in
    times of Crisis or in this case a
    greater depression what should we do
    well I’ve long been an advocate of gold
    both as money and as a speculation and
    as a vehicle for savings uh I started
    buying gold when it was $42 an ounce
    back in the well way back when uh 50
    years ago and uh it’s treated me pretty
    well uh and sometimes gold has been an
    excellent speculation in addition so my
    suggestion to listeners is that if they
    want to save money set aside Capital
    they do it by buying gold coins and buy
    silver coins too uh that’s what they
    should do if they want to speculate on
    uh things well you can do that in the
    stock market and the bond market and
    other places uh we could talk about all
    these individual things as well yes in
    the well in the 1970s you you did very
    well speculating on gold what was it
    back then that made you look into that
    well the price of gold uh uh had been
    $35 an ounce since Roosevelt
    artificially fixed its price at that
    point uh you’ll recall that before
    1933 uh you could take your $20 bill go
    down to the US Treasury or any bank for
    that matter and uh trade the $20 bill
    and get a double legal gold coin which
    is to say an ounce of gold well since
    then that’s been impossible because the
    US government has been printing up paper
    money uh much faster than it’s been
    adding to its gold
    um so I guess the they’re not going to
    stop doing that I mean they painted
    themselves into a corner they can only
    print money at this point at the time
    did you observe I’ve answered the
    at the time did you observe any
    indications of a rise in the gold price
    for macro forces like higher debt higher
    inflation uh much lower dollar etc
    etc yeah look it was obvious to me a
    long time
    ago having paid attention to economics
    and the way the world works is that the
    US government
    was getting out of
    control I mean that these people think
    that uh government not only should but
    can control the economy that they were
    going to continue printing money and now
    it’s going into hyperdrive so actually
    gold at 2300 where it is more or less
    today is probably as good a value as it
    was way back when when it was $42 an
    ounce so you think it could go much
    higher even from today’s level yes
    because they’re going to continue
    printing money the government has really
    no other alternative for funding itself
    well it taxes a lot and they’re trying
    to raise taxes too but yeah they can do
    two things they can they can tax money
    and they can print
    money so that’s what they’re G do if if
    you believe that at some point some
    governments will adopt gold uh as a
    uh backing or perhaps even go back to
    the gold standard why would you as a
    Speculator then want to buy gold because
    wouldn’t the price of gold be fixed
    again like it was in the Breton Woods
    era yes that is going to happen in the
    future I believe but it can only be
    fixed at a much higher price level than
    it is today uh there it’s said uh that
    the US government owns 265 million
    ounces of gold okay so what you have to
    do is take the number of dollars in
    existence and uh divide the number of
    ounces of gold that the US government
    owns and come up with a number and uh
    you know these numbers are all floating
    around inaccurate but
    uh just US dollars that are outside the
    US now forget about the dollars inside
    the us but but just the dollars outside
    the US and nobody knows how many of
    those there are but it’s probably
    something on the order of 30 trillion
    I’m a wild guess and you come up if you
    use even that number uh you come up with
    the doing the math in my head $10,000 an
    ounce so no it’s uh going
    higher I’m not talking about tomorrow or
    next week although we’re in a bull
    market but yes it’s going higher if we
    if we talk at this time next year again
    I I think it’s going to be way above
    $2,300 an ounce we spoke last year and
    it was yeah much lower than today um so
    your your instinct then has been correct
    as well let’s talk about then the other
    some other assets CL asset classes
    mining shares for example you talked
    about how maybe the overall stock market
    may not do well in this greater
    depression what about mining stocks
    Doug well let me preface what I’m going
    to say there it by saying that mining is
    a crappy industry it’s really a 19th
    century Choo Cho train industry uh and
    uh young people don’t want to get into
    mining today I mean who wants to go out
    and play in the dirt with big yellow
    trucks I mean when you can type things
    into your computer apparently they pay
    well so um you know that’s for a lot of
    young people yes yeah that’s that that’s
    true but uh look mining is a terrible
    industry because you’ve got to
    spend Millions maybe many millions of
    dollars to go out on an Easter egg hunt
    looking for a potential deposit the odds
    are way way against you finding even
    something that looks like a uh a
    resource and then you have to develop it
    which is going to cost you many more
    Millions tens of millions of hundreds of
    millions and then your trouble really
    starts when you’ve done enough drilling
    at Great expense to
    yes there’s an or body of some type down
    there gold nickel copper whatever what
    have you uh then it’s going to cost
    probably billions to build the mine all
    this money is upfront on the IFC come C
    so there’s a business plan that’s a
    horrible business plan to uh make make
    guesstimates for huge amounts of money
    that you’ll probably fail at and then
    after you’re in production uh you have a
    fixed asset where governments will tax
    you and uh NOS will try to shake you
    down and make your life miserable and
    Native groups will look for their piece
    of the pie it’s a horrible business so
    why am I interested in mining stocks
    because they’re a very small area of the
    market and sometimes they go from being
    very very very very cheap too cheap to
    very very very expensive too expensive
    they’re they’re really the most volatile
    class of of stocks in the world they’re
    even more volatile than than high-tech
    stocks so your timing has to be good now
    right now is is an excellent time to get
    into them has been for the last couple
    of years they’ve gone nowhere for the
    last couple of years but I’m a buyer I
    think I think that um price-wise they
    have a great future ahead of them is
    that because they’ve been undervalue
    relative to the underlying medals gold
    for example very much so I mean gold has
    going up a lot but the the companies
    that mine it have not uh what does it
    cost mine an ounce of gold well a lot of
    definitions of what constitutes cost but
    all ins sustaining cost
    is the most popular maybe the most
    accurate parameter of what it costs to
    mine an ounce of gold and industrywide
    for producers that number is roughly
    $1,300 an ounce right now
    selling at 2300 so the big mining
    companies are making a lot of money
    right now but they’re not recognized now
    why is that because you know people hate
    the idea of mining it’s they say all
    these terrible things about uh about
    mining companies and with the Dei and
    ESG parameters that big fund managers
    like Black Rock and Goldman have they
    don’t want to own mining companies
    that’s like the kiss of politically
    correct death so they’re under owned
    right now so I’m a buyer I think that
    that’s going to change at least at least
    if you want you know steel to build
    buildings and aluminum to build aircraft
    and so forth so generally then I’m
    guessing you prefer the producing
    companies rather than the Juniors
    looking to get a deposit or find a
    deposit no well yes and no uh because in
    a bull market the big companies that
    currently have earnings are always the
    ones to move first I mean they’re the
    names people know they’re what people
    will buy first but I’m not crazy about
    big mining companies because they’re run
    by not by
    entrepreneurs they’re run by suits
    they’re run by bureaucrats so the
    companies that I prefer to speculate
    with uh are let’s say smaller producers
    or God forbid even explorers if I like
    the people that are running the
    companies and like the results they seem
    to be getting because these small
    companies these micro caps no no they’re
    not even micro caps they’re uh they’re
    they’re Nano caps uh some of them are
    Pico caps they’re so small that uh they
    tend to be very very volatile and it’s
    possible because I’ve done it to get a
    thousand to one over the course of a few
    years that’s possible uh unlikely but
    possible but uh when the market gets the
    bit in its teeth uh the average Mining
    stock will go up 10 to one many will go
    100 to one someone might say to you Doug
    that sounds like gambling betting on a
    thousand to one odds with very little
    chance of
    success yeah I see yes I I see that and
    the problem is that many people confuse
    speculating with gambling uh but they’re
    very very different
    uh gambling is taking an even odds bet
    or or even less than even odds if you go
    to a casino obviously uh I’m not
    interested in that when you’re a
    Speculator what you’re doing is you’re
    capitalizing on distortions in the
    marketplace caused by government which
    is the major factor in the marketplace
    today so if you know something about the
    mining business and know something about
    geology and a little about mining
    engineering and know about the PO ICS
    that are involved and the people that
    are involved you can make an intelligent
    assessment of what’s likely to happen as
    opposed to
    what the Hoy pooy who don’t know
    anything about mining think so it’s yes
    it looks like it’s gambling but it’s not
    or at least it shouldn’t be so how would
    you even the odds in your favor let’s
    say you were to pick a junior Explorer
    to invest in or speculate in and there’s
    thousands to choose from what would you
    how would you screen for them such that
    at least your odds aren’t close to
    zero well over the years I’ve developed
    a neonic I call them the nine
    PS uh so you can remember them and don’t
    forget them and they’re all things that
    begin with the letter P to help you
    remember them and the first is people uh
    it’s more important than all the other
    people put together good people make for
    business so living in
    Vancouver uh you’ve got all kinds of
    people involved in the mining business
    and you want to sort them out you want
    people that are technically competent
    and have voice Scout virtues then after
    that you look at the properties that
    they’re uh playing with and you have to
    know something about how to assess them
    look at the properties small deposit big
    deposit single metal multimetal many
    many many things uh the next thing that
    you might want to look at is financing
    spelled with the pH uh it’s great if you
    have good people and a good property but
    how are they going to finance it are
    they capable of doing that how much
    money is in the bank or do they have
    debt uh so forth uh politics it’s
    another p uh what’s the jurisdiction is
    in Quebec or is it in God forbid
    uh so you have to analyze where it is is
    it is it in the Congo or is it in
    Finland because the political situation
    in all these places is different
    uh the paper how much paper is out there
    these companies the main thing that most
    of them produce is Metals It’s Paper
    selling stock so who owns the stock uh
    what What’s backing each share in terms
    of dollars so there’s a lot of things to
    to look at uh before you decide to
    speculate and incidentally I do say
    speculate because you can’t invest in
    mining companies really I mean they’re
    too unpredictable to invest in that’s
    why Warren Buffett uh famously never
    invests in mining companies well he also
    doesn’t like gold but that’s a
    conversation for for another for another
    time Doug uh two more assets I want to
    ask about the first is uh uh bonds you
    had said on my show last year that you
    expect interest rates to perhaps rise to
    double digits while the long end of the
    curve has been steadily Rising since
    then we haven’t retraced 5% on the
    tenure yet although it’s inching towards
    that level um can you recap your thesis
    one more time about why interest rates
    might go higher and ultimately what this
    means for Bond
    well it’s a mystery to me why anybody
    would buy a long-term Bond at the this
    point because I think that uh you can’t
    trust the government inflation numbers
    Government they’re only slightly more
    reliable than the numbers that the
    Argentine government puts out quite
    frankly so why would somebody buy a
    long-term Bond and tie up their money
    theoretically for 30 years maybe to get
    a 5% return um when actual inflation is
    probably running
    it depends on who’s Computing the
    numbers eight or 10% I mean that you’re
    like locking in a loss of 5% per year
    but but there are other risks to bonds I
    mean it’s not just the interest rate
    risk in the it’s there’s a risk of
    default perhaps not with government
    bonds because they can always print up
    money to give you the dollars back I
    watched an old interview of yours where
    you actually said and you recommended
    that a government default on its debt
    because back then you had said that it’s
    unfair for the government to uh pass on
    this debt to the Next Generation and
    have them in uh Deb or
    servitude yes that’s quite correct I
    mean where do where do people think the
    money is going to come from just to
    these all this debt uh the US government
    is now at the
    stage with interest rates where they are
    and the amount of debt that there is
    we’re just paying the interest bill just
    the interest bill on US Government debt
    we’re talking at trillion dollars per
    year so where’s that money going to come
    from well I guess it’s going to come
    from the young people frankly that are
    going to have to pay for that debt so
    it’s going to be defaulted on eventually
    anyway there’s two ways you can default
    on government debt one by inflating it
    out of existence well that’s something
    the argentines have done any number of
    times uh the US can do that or it can a
    more honest thing to do is say we can’t
    pay it we were stupid and therefore we
    won’t pay it and I kind of like that
    better because it’s forthright it’s
    honest it’ll create actually less damage
    uh in the society than inflating that
    existence over time so so yes that’s
    what’s going to happen there are no
    Alternatives it’ll be defaulted on the
    only question is how will it be
    defaulted on and uh I also like the idea
    of default because it’ll punish uh the
    people that have been enabling uh the US
    government by lending it more money well
    wouldn’t that wouldn’t that put a lot of
    people in the fund management business
    out of business and have Ripple effects
    throughout the
    economy of course but let me point out
    that the economy is over financialized
    there are way way too many people in my
    opinion uh shuffling Dollars around
    buying and selling stocks not really
    producing anything I mean look initially
    the stock market was about raising
    Capital to fund productive businesses it
    was pretty simple there weren’t a lot of
    stock Brokers but today everybody’s
    involved in the financial business the
    world is over
    uh that’s one reason why it’s become
    corrupt so yeah that’s right the number
    of people that are in the financial
    business would drop tremendously and the
    world well the world needs more frankly
    the world needs more plumbers and
    electricians doesn’t need more stock
    Brokers the other uh asset I wanted to
    ask you about is passport portfolios you
    had talked about this even on your own
    website International
    about having a portfolio of passports in
    case things in your domestic country
    where your country of domicile uh fall
    apart and you need to go elsewhere where
    where which passports should we be
    collecting uh well you should definitely
    have more than one because uh passports
    are it says right on your passport if
    you look it says this is the property of
    the US or Canadian whichever government
    you’re looking at uh and if it’s their
    property they can take it away from you
    and if they take it away from you or
    invalidate it it means that you’re stuck
    just in the country where you are so
    it’s good to have a backup system so you
    should have at least one other
    citizenship that you can rely
    on um so what should you do
    U what uh well look it’s more it’s
    probably even more important for a um
    it’s important for both Americans and
    Canadians because the problem with um
    being a US citizen there are a number of
    problems with it but one of them is that
    even if you leave the US and go to live
    in Costa Rica or anywhere uh the US
    government is still looking to you for
    taxes for the rest of your
    life that’s rather shocking even if you
    never return to the US Canada is much
    better that way but uh many governments
    in the world are looking at following
    the US lead and taxing their citizens
    not based on residents but based on
    citizenship so um it’s uh another
    Direction Another another way where the
    world is heading in the wrong direction
    actually becoming more dangerous from
    the point of view of an individual who’s
    trying to live his life well I encourage
    people to check out your website
    International man where you talk about
    this issue in more depth uh Doug final
    topic I’d like to touch on with you you
    told me offline you’re working on uh
    well a body of work that explores what
    people should do with their education
    you had said to me Offline that perhaps
    postsecondary education College um
    universities may not be the optimal
    course for most people or many people um
    like to get your thoughts on this why is
    that and what should we do instead of
    college yes I’d go further than that
    David it’s actually not not optimal it’s
    highly suboptimal I’m not talking about
    taking stem courses science technology
    engineering math uh where you need lab
    work you need the formal discipline okay
    that’s what
    college uh is still fine for uh most
    people don’t take that though they take
    some type of so-called liberal arts uh
    where they’re in fact being
    indoctrinated for four years and at huge
    expense so you get out of four years at
    school you’ve actually learned nothing
    of value but the main thing you’ve taken
    away is all a huge amount of student
    debt which you’re gonna is going to be
    an albatross rod in your neck paying it
    off so I suggest no don’t go to college
    that’s a mistake from many points of
    view and this book that I’m working on
    with Matt with Matt Smith who shares my
    podcast with me Doug Casey’s take on on
    YouTube is um exactly what should a
    young person do with that four-year
    period of time and the money that he’d
    otherwise frit her away uh giving it to
    some University uh where should he go
    what book should he read oh what should
    he learn and uh we’re doing this right
    now with Matt’s son who’s um you know
    first thing he did was he gained an EMT
    took a course he’s now a registered EMT
    that’s allowing him to um this summer
    for his summer vacation kind of he’s
    going to become a um a forest fire
    fighter you know these guys that go to
    where their brush fires and put them out
    stationed out west and going wherever
    the fire is pay is good he’ll learn a
    lot meanwhile he’s reading lots of books
    especially classical
    literature uh he’s taking a courses to
    learn to become expert chess player
    after he Masters that game at least to a
    degree he’ll take go and become a master
    go player he’s learning Spanish formally
    disciplined to learn Spanish and after
    that probably Chinese would be the best
    language to learn so by the time he’s 22
    years old he’s going to have a an
    immense body of practical knowledge and
    theoretical knowledge and wisdom and
    experience whereas the average person
    that goes to college for four years it’s
    just going to spend the time frankly
    drinking beer and chasing girls so
    that’s it in a nutshell and hopefully
    that book will be out within the next
    year and when we talk next year I can uh
    show you a a copy I’m not sure if people
    read books these days but the book will
    I think get written at this point well
    certainly we should read your books
    where can we find your
    books well I’m very proud of my novels
    the high round Series where they we
    trace the uh evolution of our hero
    Charles knight uh where’s a Speculator
    in number one goes to Africa gets
    involved in a bush war and he becomes a
    drug lord the idea is to show that these
    Politically Incorrect occupations you
    can be a good guy so he becomes a drug
    lord in novel number two called drug
    lord number three uh he’s kind of pissed
    off at this point after they put him in
    jail for a couple years he becomes an
    assassin where we talk about the
    Assassins trade and the next one to be
    out is terrorist where he’s accused of
    being a terrorist and uh of course I
    have a lot of views on terrorism as a
    method of warfare uh which will shock
    people but you know it kind of amuses me
    to say shocking things well if if I’m
    sure some people enjoy being shocked um
    so I I I guess your books are a place
    for that so tell us where so we can find
    your work you mentioned you have a
    podcast on YouTube International man
    yeah those those books are on Amazon of
    course all books are um on YouTube uh
    Doug Casey’s take and I guess your show
    will be on YouTube among other places I
    imagine um and um International man.com
    where it’s an excellent free website we
    have great articles every day so
    I think people should uh take a look at
    those things perfect well Doug I
    appreciate your time today and we
    appreciate your insights uh thank you
    very much we’ll speak to you again next
    time right here on YouTube so
    uh pleasure thank you always a pleasure
    to have you thank you don’t forget to
    like And subscribe and follow Doug in
    the links down below

    Doug Casey, best-selling author, discusses what is going to be a “Greater Depression”, where lower living standards will affect the populace.

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    *This video was recorded on April 29, 2024

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    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-david-lin-report

    Doug Casey’s Take: https://www.youtube.com/@DougCaseysTake
    International Man: https://internationalman.com/
    Twitter (@RealDougCasey): https://twitter.com/RealDougCasey
    “Speculator”: https://www.amazon.ca/Speculator-Doug-Casey/dp/0985933259
    “Drug Lord”: https://www.amazon.ca/Drug-Lord-Doug-Casey/dp/194744901X
    “Assassin”: https://www.amazon.ca/Assassin-Book-High-Ground-Novels/dp/1947449095

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    For business inquiries, reach me at david@thedavidlinreport.com

    *This video is not financial advice. The channel is not responsible for the performance of sponsors and affiliates.

    0:00 – Intro
    2:20 – Global economic growth
    7:50 – Fighting hyperinflation
    10:55 – Dollarization in Argentina
    15:45 – Capital gains taxes
    18:05 – Global debt problem
    20:00 – Trigger for next Great Depression
    24:50 – Speculating in gold
    29:20 – Mining stocks
    38:39 – Interest rates and bonds
    43:00 – Passport portfolio
    45:00 – Post-secondary education
    48:22 – Doug Casey’s work

    #economy #investing #money


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      What is the biggest threat facing the global economy today? Comment below what you think and don't forget to "like" this video and subscribe!

      Doug Casey's Take: https://www.youtube.com/@DougCaseysTake
      International Man: https://internationalman.com/
      Twitter (@RealDougCasey): https://twitter.com/RealDougCasey
      "Speculator": https://www.amazon.ca/Speculator-Doug-Casey/dp/0985933259
      "Drug Lord": https://www.amazon.ca/Drug-Lord-Doug-Casey/dp/194744901X
      "Assassin": https://www.amazon.ca/Assassin-Book-High-Ground-Novels/dp/1947449095

    2. 27:30
      If the ratio of US dollars in circulation to US Gold Reserves approaches 10,000, it doesn't guarantee that the price will reach that level. The price will be determined by the ratio of US dollars in circulation to global gold reserves and some factor of US gold reserves/Global Gold Reserves, and it's uncertain how it's being considered or calculated.

    3. Can't we just call it the Communist Revolution? Wasn't the Russian Revolution a great depression of sorts as well? The same Ashkenazi Mafia is in control of the Government here with the same motive and means.

    4. The government is never ever going to just come out and say” sorry my bad going to have to default “ yea right and oh: “by the way it is all you citizens fault for buying our debt( and I guess paying our taxes too?)” Remember this guy writes fiction.

    5. Our government has no ideal how people are suffering already. I feel for the seniors and people with disabilities not getting the help they deserved. Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity. Imagine investing $2000 and receiving $7,300 in 4days.

    6. The US's greatest export is dollars. Before claiming it will come to an end, it's important to understand how it began. It's not because it was a fair deal. Also, before claiming moving to gold is the answer, it's important to understand why we moved away from gold. It's not because we moved to a more fair system. None of this is about a fair system. In the end it's all about power and control, and when the current system doesn't work, a new system will be forced upon the people and all the idiots will cheer for it because they are told to. You can not analyze the system from within the system.

    7. Govt should not be involved mantra only applies for a stupid govt like the current Argentina n the US govts. Singapore, Russia n China govt policies served the people well. Having said that, there's more stupid govts than there are good ones. Totally agree.. 😂😊

    8. The fed has figured out how to prevent crashes. If they can save us from making us stay home. Then anything is possible. In the old way the economy worked. Yes a crash should happen and should have happened. But not anymore!

    9. Stupid advices 🤣why U.S don't follow stop spending? Cuz if U.S stops all economy will crash. Gold is not possible anymore. Not enough gold to grow economies & gold value is controlled by JP Morgan & HSBC. Crap. There's no depression coming, it's a lie. Depression was when gold standard was in, cuz not enough gold to invest, with paper money liquidity & capital problem is solved. Debt is not an issue is country got industry & sells stuff to get currency. Capital limits should be imposed as globalists will take all capital of country like they wanted to do to Russia. Capital flows must be limited if global economy is gone, capital must stay inside own country to benefit you otherwise West will manipulate capital & want real land, companies in exchange for investment. Own your own capital as a country to grow.

    10. Argentina should not dollarize under any circumstances. The strength of the dollar is only temporary. The US fiscal condition with out of control spending and deficits will ultimately inflate US currency far worse than the Argentine currency. Just let the new leader reform Argentina’s economy and the country will be much better off in the long run. Americans are just at the beginning of an existential crisis and will be learning their lessons the hard way.

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