Let’s Do It Let’s Do It Let’s Do It
    clicking the button we are going live as
    soon as possible we are starting the
    show oh yes oh yes oh yes so yes guys
    welcome to another episode and as you
    know during the last few days this
    industry has been hit by all kinds of
    attacks from the US we did have the
    tornado cash situation we did see
    Samurai wallet we did see consensus
    getting sued as well and actually
    consensus is counter suing the SEC so
    there has been a lot of negativity this
    whole Space has been a bit a bit
    depressed during the last maybe two
    weeks two three weeks but the last week
    especially when we had all of this anti-
    crypto Coalition you can say basically
    the pocah hontas you know who and Gary
    gansler coming together attacking cpto
    from all fronts but but but but I’m here
    to tell you that actually if you zoom
    out and you see at what’s happening it
    looks fantastic Bitcoin looks so great
    Bitcoin actually if you look at the
    monthly see many people are so worried
    they’re so concerned that Bitcoin is
    dumping but look at the monthly what has
    happened Bitcoin has pamed for 1 two
    three four five six seven months seven
    months in a row we pumped like hell now
    this is the first month in seven months
    that we are red and guess where we are
    ending the month we’re ending the month
    at the previous resistance here in 2021
    which is now support so from from this
    simple perspective you already now see
    that actually we are confirming the
    breakout we did see this massive
    resistance on the monthly scale here on
    on the chart you can see from the
    previous res resistance and now it is
    support okay and we’re bouncing there
    exactly so that’s number one number two
    what’s important to understand is that
    when you have such a chart where you
    have s months in a row bullish and then
    you have one month red it gives more
    confidence to investors when you are an
    investor and you look at the chart which
    is just green green Green like seven
    months it’s green you start feeling a
    bit worried you start feeling a bit
    concerned you start feeling maybe just
    maybe I’m buying the peak and this is
    why after some months like after seven
    months of just up we do see a red month
    because at some point investors are
    looking at this they’re feeling what the
    hell maybe maybe it will have a red
    month like how many green ones in a row
    will it have will it have 10 20 7 how
    many will it have in a row green it
    cannot have a 100 maybe it can have 50
    probably not maybe it can have 20
    probably not well now we don’t have
    seven in a row we have now a red one
    which resets the psychology of investors
    next month it’s way more comfortable to
    buy than last month because now you’re
    are buying the the first uh green one
    and that’s very important and this is
    very key also from all of the indicators
    whether you look at macd whether you
    look at any momentum indicator you will
    see that it is now reset we’re at the
    same levels as we were basically at 40K
    when you look at fear and greed when you
    look how confident investors are to be
    in the market it’s a bit shaky which
    means that the market doesn’t have
    momentum we’re still at 60 plus we’re
    still at 63k we we’re still at super
    high prices but but people are so scared
    momentum is reset and you have to do
    that the indicators need to reset we
    need to go from overbought to oversold
    or basically scared in our sign forth
    and this was happening right now that’s
    why you need Bitcoin to change hands we
    always speak about this but this is the
    key right now we’re witnessing a very
    important moment in that the month is
    closing the month is closing this is the
    last day in 16 hours the month will
    close we will end a new month of May and
    that’s going to be a new beginning for
    this uh for this cycle because we’ve had
    an insane rise I mean look here we’ve
    had here 7 months and it started where
    like at 20 at 26 we had from 26 all the
    way to
    73 is now we’re at 63 and the month is
    ending we are recessing there is a lot
    there’s a lot to say here also something
    else very very important here is the
    parabola you should follow Kevin spanson
    if you if you’re not following because
    he’s the voice of reason when it comes
    to a lot of these worries and concerns
    people have because we’re still within
    the parabola we’re still creating Base
    Four and this is also according to plan
    exactly according to plan and the sell
    Point according to this chart is at 90k
    exactly like we’ve been saying on this
    channel as well Additionally you have an
    additional spice coming online and
    that’s the Hong Kong ECF which opened
    today and this is an effect we’re going
    to see over the coming weeks many people
    are expecting something to happen today
    you know we have Hong EF so today like
    this second this very second it should
    just Moon everything but just like with
    BlackRock ETF you remember what happened
    Black Rock ETF was approved we actually
    dumped like we actually dumped and then
    it took a few weeks for the etcf to warm
    up and and really become online and have
    all of the institutions put money into
    it and start and and start functioning
    as this black hole for money in into
    crypto the same thing right now is with
    Hong Kong EF basically what has happened
    is that the ETF for Bitcoin is now
    trading in Hong Kong I I also think it’s
    for eth as well uh and when you look at
    the Chinese investors and Chinese R&B
    holders the Chinese currency holders
    they can now get access to bitcoin via
    the Hong Kong ETF and this is massive I
    mean obviously you look at Asia a lot of
    the all coins that are hyped for example
    look at say you look at other all coins
    such as Celestia they’re very much hyped
    and or they were hyped during the past
    few months why because of the Asia
    markets the Asia markets are driving a
    lot of old coins and now the Asia
    markets can also Drive the spot ETFs and
    that’s an even bigger market for Asian
    money so that’s very very important and
    we just had it today so if you look at
    it from this perspective suddenly the
    sun is shining suddenly the sun is still
    here and the Gary Ganer has not removed
    the sun fully from our lives and this is
    the key because although we’re in a bull
    market as you can see it never really
    feels like it and this was also by the
    way in 2020 we were in a massive bull
    market but because Bitcoin it’s a bit
    sideways it’s a bit down sometimes
    although we’re up like hell from just a
    year ago it doesn’t feel like it right
    it doesn’t feel like it it doesn’t feel
    like we just get everything for free you
    know this Market just moons it doesn’t
    feel like it at all but when you zoom
    out you look at the chart especially you
    go back to last cycle you see how how
    much people made that were that were
    there you understand man you got to have
    the big perspective got to have the big
    big perspect anyway welcome everyone who
    is watching live we will be continuing
    the discussion big shout out to Guzman
    who is time time stamping us this
    fantastic Tuesday it’s Tuesday in it
    exactly that’s how you say in the UK and
    welcome everyone who is watching live be
    sure to smash up the like as soon as
    possible subscribe to the channel if you
    haven’t yet and if you haven’t yet check
    out the bit link below I know on bit you
    can go long you can go short you can
    make mone1 crypto pumps or dumps in both
    directions you can also trade spot you
    can use leverage if that’s within in
    your risk profile or you can just use
    normal spot if you don’t want to touch
    leverage as well you get access to all
    the new projects and so on so forth with
    idos getting into buyit and using the
    link below you do get a big fat juicy
    sign up bonus looking at the overall
    Market what do we see it is greener see
    it’s greener pastures we’re coming now
    from the dead zone of the SEC attacking
    everyone attacking now to a bit of U
    optimism not too much like we’re not
    super optimistic here we’re just %
    optimistic in Peppa Avalanche only 5%
    optimistic only 5% optimistic so
    it’s not like you know 40% optimistic
    but then you have uh warm Wormhole being
    a bit more optimistic 14% uh Ina 133% so
    a bit more optimism in some coins uh
    some pessimism as well but the helium is
    11% optimistic so listen many coins are
    getting a bit of optimism back let’s see
    if they can sustain it but from a big
    picture perspective
    we do see everything aligning very
    nicely and some people who are just
    following their strategy they keep
    executing even in this depressing
    environment such as micro strategy micro
    strategy keeps buying they’re buying
    whenever there’s a deep they’re buying
    whenever there’s any kind of dip they’re
    buying because they know that Bitcoin is
    the it is the best play if you can get
    cheap money you can get cheap Fiat which
    is printed all the time you can get that
    cheap interest rate you put it into
    Bitcoin into hard assets so you own hard
    asset then you get more of this cheap
    Fiat which is printed every day and you
    buy something that cannot be printed you
    just continue doing it you Loop it you
    Loop it over and over again and you put
    as much as possible into Bitcoin and
    that’s what micro strategy is doing
    they’re buying another 122 Bitcoin
    overall right now they’re holding 15.2
    billion do in Holdings and uh for
    example the newspaper they say despite
    despite a 5.5% drop this massive drop
    guys of 5.5% The Firm continue
    aggressive BTC Investments well when
    when there is a drop it means discount
    most people don’t see it as a discount
    most people see it as a disaster as a
    financial ruin but if you are an
    investor you know what you’re doing you
    see it as a discount and you have your
    thesis and you have your conviction so
    on the Bitcoin front we have all of the
    ducks in a row that’s very good on the
    East Front something interesting is
    going on so apparently SEC has been
    investigating eth since March 2023 and
    they still don’t really have a lot of
    results I mean basically what they have
    done is that instead of going after e
    they’ve gone after consensus and likely
    they’re going to go after consensus
    because of metamask staking metamask
    trading and so on so forth and at the
    end of the day if we can remove this
    uncertainty with e Ico e investigation
    this and that is going to be very
    bullish for the price because we have
    this uncertainty like especially Bitcoin
    Maxes are spreading the fear that oh you
    know SEC they’re going to come after
    vitalic they’re going to jail vitalic
    because he did an Ico like over 10 years
    ago and all of that or when was I think
    it was approx maybe exactly or probably
    like 98 when was like 2015 or something
    they did it so yeah like nine years uh
    so there is this F perpetrated mainly by
    Bitcoin Maxis and the thing is because
    it was so long time ago and also it’s
    really a lot to investigate like is it
    really a security if Ripple is not a
    security can you really make that
    argument if you are if the could not win
    against Ripple they’re going to win
    against e like it doesn’t even make
    sense but still the market is affected
    by the uncertainty so if we can remove
    the uncertainty from the picture for
    example they’ve been investigating and
    then investigate and they investigate
    and investigate and what is the result
    no result or maybe the result is that
    they go after consensus then the the
    uncertainty is removed we know what
    we’re dealing with and um just like with
    you know the Bitcoin chart where you
    know that okay we’ve had a red candle
    now I feel more certain that the that to
    buy because I just bought after a red
    one and not after like 10 green ones the
    same thing is with eth it it feels more
    certain to buy when you know that all
    cars are on the table you know what
    you’re dealing with so this uncertainty
    is very very important and it is getting
    removed now that the SEC is showing uh
    their card and just like Ryan says here
    this is a very important post from from
    Ryan because we do see SEC coming after
    consensus and consensus is one of the
    key companies in in the eth ecosystem
    and they’ve been building and supporting
    and doing all kinds of stuff like
    metamask for example so Ryan has just
    read the formal consensus filing against
    the SEC it could not be more clear under
    G leadership the SEC has been on a
    multi-year crusade to misrepresent eth
    asset security they don’t care about the
    law they don’t care about the facts they
    don’t care about the American investors
    they’re supposed to protect well they
    don’t like if if that’s a surprise to
    you guys then good morning
    basically good morning to you if you
    haven’t noticed it yet these guys
    they’re not really on your side so yeah
    good morning now the the SEC basically
    has been harassing consensus for years
    and consensus has produced over 88 pages
    of Discovery all kinds of information
    like this is what has been has been
    publicized be this is what became public
    now after this after this lwuit
    basically over the last year the SEC has
    issued numerous subas pursuant to its
    formal order consensus itself received
    three subpoenas in 2023 containing two
    dozen distinct requests for information
    many compromising several detailed sub
    requests the subpoenas do not just seek
    information on consensus Acquisitions
    Holdings and sales of e they also seek
    detailed information concerning the role
    of consensus including the software
    developers in a host of ethereum
    improvement proposals uh related to the
    merge Pro of stake and so forth and look
    here consensus has made it has made at
    least eight documents totaling over
    88,000 Pages um so it’s never been I’ve
    never been one to put much weight into
    deep State conspiracies says Ryan that
    he he didn’t believe Alex Jones he
    didn’t believe when Alex Jones was
    yelling on his stud in his Studio that
    they’re turning the frogs gay I don’t
    know if you
    about this like interdimensional
    lizards let’s see what kind of audience
    we have let me know if you’ve seen these
    kinds of videos that I’m speaking about
    from Alex Jones but anyway he’s saying
    that I’ve never been much for this
    conspiracies I’m not the Alex Jan
    fanatic okay I’m not I’m not watching
    this uh this woooo Alex Jan okay but but
    it gets weird fast when you are being
    targeted when you are being under the
    attack from the so-called deep state it
    gets weird fast like why is it so that
    they are attacking eth why is it so that
    they’re coming after eth in this way in
    this unfair way uh because what do you
    call a coordinated effort by those in
    government to squelch crypto in the US
    and by the way if they squelch e they’re
    going to come for Solana they can
    they’re going to come for everything
    just like they’re attacking tornado cash
    because it’s the easiest Target you can
    say oh money laundering private
    transactions all the criminals this and
    that but the next victim after that is
    going to be all the wallets because
    whatever they say in the first lwuit is
    going to apply to the second and third
    and fourth one and in the first lwuit
    against tornado cash they say that if
    you have any kind of website interface
    or app even if it’s noncustodial you are
    a money transmitter okay this is what
    they’re saying so what do you call a
    coordinated effort by do in government
    to squelch crypto in us okay what do you
    call it Gary is a rogue regulator yes
    but to be this Brazen in
    abing What What In
    abating AB negating what is this word
    guys I have no clue let’s see if we can
    have some app helping us here not really
    let’s see can’t you like press or
    something anyway AB but to be this
    Brazen in
    abating his Mission he he he he would
    need the support of powerful allies
    there you go good good English lesson
    right here the American people aren’t
    asking the government to ban ethereum so
    who is whoever it is they’re not working
    for us for us exactly listen exactly
    this is exactly what’s happening and
    this is what we’ve been saying on this
    channel as well someone someone really
    really sponsors the current actions in
    what way I don’t know but the isas some
    force behind it and let me know in the
    comment section what you think also we
    do see coin Center replying to the
    tornado cash lwuit so coin Center is a
    Lobby Group which is pro crypto in
    Washington and they work a lot with
    regulators and they are basically the
    crypto interest group in Washington and
    they react to whenever something bad
    happens in crypto or good and give their
    opinion and Lobby and all of that so now
    they’ve given their opinion on this uh
    tornado cash situation and they’re
    saying that What’s happen right now it’s
    crazy I mean it’s crazy sudden doj
    charges against non-custodial wallet
    developers challenge long-standing US
    policy on money transmission it is
    regulation by criminal enforcement
    they’re saying this is important and if
    you read it you you will see in detail
    that it’s insane because since
    2013 this industry has been living in
    peace with Regulators because we did
    have the finsen guidance that said that
    if you don’t control funds you’re not
    the money transmitter okay and now they
    just change it and they say that we in
    the US we don’t care about finson all
    right in the context of cryptocurrency
    that definition includes some
    ambiguities about whether cryptocurrency
    is currency funds or other value that
    substitutes for currency if
    cryptocurrency is funds then any person
    engaged in the transfer is a money
    transmitter if alternative
    cryptocurrency is currency or if it is
    other value that substitutes for
    currency then any person who both
    accepts and transmits currency is a
    manage transmitter a plain reading of
    the regulation suggest that
    cryptocurrency is a substitute for tra
    traditional currency and therefore a
    person is a mind transmitter if they
    both accept and transmit that currency
    as a business for other people in other
    words if someone has actual control over
    another person’s cryptocurrency and uses
    that control to move that person’s
    cryptocurrency to another person or
    location they are money transmitter that
    this has been the standard at
    understanding and the
    standard uh practice which is now being
    changed through this enforcement
    criminal criminal lawsuit this has been
    the controlling law since before
    cryptocurrency existed and has never
    been amended or overruled by Congress
    the course or regulation this is another
    good point that even outside of crypto
    this is how money transmission has been
    defined the minor ambiguity over whether
    cryptocurrency is currency funds or
    value that substitutes currency would be
    resolved early in the history of crypto
    regulation by
    finson uh and so they then published so
    finson then published what what is
    virtual currency and they said that it
    is value that substitutes for currency
    and it’s not funds or currency okay and
    the recent actions is that we did see
    this lawsuit which is Bonkers the way
    they argue at least it is Bonkers and in
    their lawsuit the government has this
    example that
    what if you have a postal service that
    accepts Parcels that are locked with
    money then can the Postal Service claim
    that they’re not a money transmitter if
    they have a business let’s say you and I
    we set up a business where we accept we
    accept boxes we don’t know what’s in
    them but we can kind of assume that
    likely it’s money but we don’t know like
    we don’t know and we transfer those
    boxes like are we a money transmitter
    the government says that this would be a
    too easy loophole if anyone can just
    start a business and then say Oh but we
    don’t see anything we don’t see what it
    is we just move we have no clue what’s
    inside that’s that’s what the government
    says and the same and and so they’re
    saying that uh the same thing is for
    tornado cach and every every other
    wallet you guys are transmitting you may
    not know what’s inside like you not you
    don’t have control you don’t have
    control but you’re still transmitting
    but coin Center says that that’s
    ridiculous that’s ridiculous because uh
    how can you be a money transmitter if
    you don’t know what you’re transmitting
    okay first of all if you can’t open the
    parcel how do you even know what’s in it
    can you be guilty of UNL Min
    transmission if you were told you were
    only moving boxes of canned spam and had
    no way to open the boxes okay second
    finson in the past has ruled that
    armored car businesses that are limited
    to secure transportation of currency are
    not manone transmitters under the rules
    okay so as you can see there will be a
    lot of arguments being made against the
    government as well so let’s see how the
    court plays out sadly the prosecution
    May dismiss that that administrative
    ruling just as they have dismissed the
    otherwise comprehensive and clear
    guidance that finsen has offered on
    Virtual currency so govern basically has
    they have dismissed finson they don’t
    care about finson guidance and they may
    dismiss this armored vehicle thing also
    uh anyway let’s see what’s gonna happen
    guys it’s it’s crazy the only thing I
    can tell it’s crazy and uh that that’s
    that’s it um but at the end of the day
    this this is going to take years likely
    to figure out and the crypto will not
    give up easily because we have all kinds
    of of companies right now in an active
    war with the SEC through losses you have
    for example Kraken coinbase uh Unis swap
    binance uh now consensus it is basically
    all of the crypto industry all of the
    crypto industry and it wouldn’t surprise
    me that more and more companies start
    suing the SEC for example
    others that have any kind of wallet
    non-custodial wallet and many exchanges
    do nowaday wouldn’t surprise me if they
    also start suing because this needs to
    come to an end in one way or another uh
    now guys a final thing is that Elon Musk
    potentially will remove likes and
    reposts like one thing I can I can tell
    you Elon Musk he he has some kona to
    change things he has some kona to
    experiment basically I mean I wonder how
    this will play out because I love Elon
    but the X logo I hate it is the ugliest
    crap I’ve seen I mean I’m sorry but the
    the bird was nice to the eye the logo
    the X logo oh my God is the worst is the
    worst and obviously the name doesn’t
    make sense you say Twitter you don’t say
    x um so he’s made many great things but
    this Twitter changes man I’m not a fan
    personally with with the Rebrand I’m a
    fan that he does it that he does the
    financial side he he makes it a super R
    he’s done many great things as well like
    for example editing tweets I don’t think
    we had it before Elon uh also like this
    long form stuff tools for creators I
    love it like there are many great things
    he’s done with Twitter and that you can
    have uh this uh videos as well they he
    took back live stream like it’s many
    great things he’s down but when it comes
    to like logo and name oh my God it’s so
    bad and now he’s got
    okay so now he’s gonna remove likes and
    reposts uh I see someone in the chat
    saying that he’s playing for the chess I
    mean maybe I hope he is um maybe it is
    the social media platform X could be
    removing likes and repost from view on
    the timeline within the next few weeks
    according to soft Eng Tex I’m not
    working on this change myself but
    employees are still dog fooding it it
    should be gradually rolled out to user
    so basically employees are already using
    it internally so this is what’s called
    Dog footing and um then they’re going to
    roll out it to the users in the next few
    weeks and the ux may change by then and
    it came as response to a demo video of
    an of the unreleased user experience
    which shows uh an exploding menu where
    likes and repost are
    contained so you have this there is no
    likes and repost guys I I don’t know if
    it’s going to be good I need to try it I
    don’t I don’t know if it’s going to be
    be good um noted that the video shared
    by Stanley was actually just the more
    menu and not necessar over overarching
    ux for X users liking should be equally
    fast replying should be faster notably X
    users should would be still able to view
    the number of likes and comments on any
    post but would need to select each post
    individually so you don’t see the views
    oh by the way the views that that’s that
    was another great thing that he did the
    that the fact you can see the views is
    fantastic is great but now he’s gonna
    remove it I
    guess anyway I’m not sure I’m not sure
    what’s going to what gonna happen guess
    uh but because we’re all using Twitter
    in this industry we love Twitter uh and
    uh it’s important for us to follow
    Instagram Instagram hit public like
    count DB horse it’s up in 2021 uh okay
    ah maybe Instagram already I can’t
    haven’t even have they removed it in
    2021 let me check in in Instagram I’m
    not a big Instagram user so maybe I just
    don’t see it let’s see no but I see
    likes what do you mean this is ah this
    is false I see
    uh what this is fake news because I do
    see likes when I open Instagram anyway
    some misinformation here by con
    Telegraph however X has not yet offered
    much in the way of material explanation
    of why it is removing likes anyway let’s
    see guys let’s see let’s see how this
    turns out but whatever Elon does I I’m
    hopeful but uh like that X logo man it’s
    not good it’s not good anyways a bit
    shorter today I don’t want to
    regurgitate too much another
    important another important event that
    happened is the igen layer
    airdrop and the people are not happy
    like people are not happy I L did the
    airdrop but people are pissed they’re so
    pissed is crazy they’re very pissed the
    the community because basically this is
    what aan L did igen lir attracted $15
    billion doar in Stak e and other
    currencies and when you staked they had
    no restrictions you could be from
    freaking North Korea and stake it you
    can be from us and stake it now the air
    drop to stakers like whoever
    participated in the network before the
    the coin launched the airdrop obviously
    didn’t go to the US it went to a few
    specific countries and their list of
    excluded countries is like the biggest
    this industry has ever seen they have
    excluded like most of the world and
    there are some countries that get the
    air drop so people are pissed but not
    only that when you receive the airdrop
    in igen layer you cannot move it so you
    you get the airdrop you cannot sell it
    because it’s unmovable they will decide
    later on when you can sell it the da
    will decide now the da are the VCS so
    that’s why there is a bit of this outcry
    you can
    say on Twitter that uh people don’t like
    the airdrop they say that it’s a rug and
    all of that but I mean obviously it’s
    not a rug likely it’s going to do well
    but uh let me show you basically a good
    summary this is from a very very trusted
    Source like this is a very professional
    uh summary you can say this is true
    journalism right here it’s basically a
    shade but uh this is what happened guys
    let let me know what you think about
    for you can’t sell guys
    fore foreign
    foree foreign
    spee spee
    guys you get the point now long term
    what’s going to happen to a long term
    there we have seen a few of these hated
    launches like starnet was another one on
    stet launched and it was also you know
    VCS this and that and people were
    massively disappointed now I lay
    launched massively disappointed with the
    how how the whole thing is set up but at
    the end of the day within six months the
    the community is going to move on and
    it’s going to be about the tech like is
    the tech good is it used does it
    actually have fundamentals that you know
    people are deploying on this IG layer or
    not and then that’s what was going to
    come to and this shortterm annoyance
    it’s very important also but it it leads
    to the meme coins okay people are
    annoyed with the IG layer and Stark net
    and let’s see how ziki sync does the air
    drop like ziki soon could also be a
    massive f up f up okay they can also
    mess it up massively because I know so
    many people that are excited for ZK sing
    airdrop and imagine if they also do
    something like this that people are
    disappointed I I almost like I’m quite
    certain is going to be like that because
    the projects are structured in a similar
    way and the expect ation of the
    community it has to come down a bit like
    this is how these air drops work with
    this projects that are that are uh VC VC
    backed I mean very much like this it
    works but it doesn’t mean that the
    project is bad absolutely not within six
    months like no one even remembers how
    the hell it launched there’s always
    drama whenever something launches and a
    lot of this drama is because people are
    disappointed that they didn’t get free
    money now it’s not fully free money
    because you did have to stake you
    basically paid with your opportunity
    cost so I do have respect for that that
    whenever people are getting
    uh not enough airdrop and they see like
    you know VC’s got more I fully get the
    frustration and also that’s the
    opportunity cost is quite big by the way
    because you could have gone into mem
    coins you could have lost the money but
    you could have also made Millions okay
    so so so that so that’s a very very
    important thing to understand this this
    U uh phenomena of the meme why are the
    meme coins so big because they have no
    VCS there is no problem with this like
    Insider situation uh it’s it just you
    see everything and if there is sometimes
    the team has coins you see it on chain
    like you yourself can see everything on
    chain from day one so that’s it that’s
    it with the Z guys but now that we have
    I layer covered I think you now
    understand the Z guys of today fully and
    on this note guys let’s go to Q&A
    questions answers debates discussions
    let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it
    already man time flies already 32
    minutes I thought today guys I mean
    literally when we started the show I
    thought I would I would pull up the
    chart I would give you some information
    about Bitcoin some about Ethan maybe
    we’re done in 15 minutes I thought hey
    maybe it’s enough with 15 minutes today
    but time flies man time flies maybe it
    is my you know expanded explanations
    that take time but uh yeah hope you
    enjoy it let me know in the comment
    section what you if you learn something
    if you if you are more informed if you
    feel that you you know you grasp this
    industry better let’s do it let’s do it
    hammer and chisel uh Eric Eric no no
    hammer and Sher
    please because with the uh you know
    so-called um let let me play a video
    about the hammer and chisel stuff by the
    way the this is very important this is
    from Argentina president mle and he’s by
    the way the first president in decad
    that has got Argentina into a surplus a
    budget surplus uh okay listen to this
    for you get the point I mean that’s why
    he’s the president because this is
    actually what most people are feeling
    that’s why he he became the president he
    took a very harsh STS against the Chisel
    the hammer and chisel so no hammer and
    chisel here absolutely not uh okay let’s
    go guys what is the main consequence of
    metamask being a money transfer is kyc
    main consequence well the main
    consequence is going to be that they
    will shut down metam mask because it’s
    no longer needed if it has kyc then we
    can use coinbase it’s going to have more
    more features than metam mask so that’s
    number one number two the second
    consequence is going to be that metamask
    will likely convert into an open-source
    uh like executable you download you’re
    going to go to memas GitHub you’re going
    to download executable to your computer
    and run it so that’s going to be the
    change so at the end of the day the
    change for the end user is not that big
    instead of having an extension in your
    browser you now have a downloadable
    thing on your computer that you
    downloaded from GitHub which is open
    source and that’s it for the end User
    it’s not going to be a big problem now
    we may see a bigger problem on the
    on iOS and on uh Android because there
    to publish an app especially on iOS you
    need to have a company account with
    apple and you need to have like you know
    accept terms and be like a company
    representative um so that may be a
    problem because the whole idea is that
    you don’t want to be pushing wallets as
    a company instead you want to be
    publishing them as open- source code
    that users can just download themselves
    and then you’re not a publisher so on
    iOS this may be a big problem because
    you cannot have a website you cannot
    have an app on Android I think it is
    less of a problem because there you can
    bundle the application as an APK file
    and download it from GitHub just like
    you do to your desktop so there it may
    not be a problem now since I was an
    Android developer and used Android back
    in the day I mean this was like over 10
    years ago last time I had an Android and
    used it and and also developed on it
    like at that point it was quite easy to
    install APK APK uh I’ve been hearing
    that number one APK is not even the
    standard nowadays that Google has they
    have something else now which is like
    more optimized and like all of the all
    of the resources are adapted to the
    phone and so and so on and I also heard
    that now they’ve made it like harder to
    install uh random software but you guys
    Android users let me know in the in the
    comment section I don’t think it’s a big
    problem I think it should be possible
    maybe it’s only on like Google I have no
    clue actually but on and like this
    should be possible to install your own
    APK from GitHub it should be like what
    happened to is is apk Android let’s see
    Android APK like did they delete it or
    like restructure it or maybe it was just
    um not even a big APK like was it
    removed or not you can still easily use
    okay yeah yeah you you you you can you
    can do it okay that’s good that’s good
    uh but wasn’t there some news some year
    ago that they wanted to remove it or
    something but maybe not maybe not yeah I
    mean like like you guys say it’s easy
    to it’s easy to install it Ivan’s hair
    has its own show yeah yeah we I I get
    the cut yesterday get the
    haircut and yeah I mean I I told the guy
    shorter on the side and and longer on
    the top and this is the
    result let me know the feedback to him
    Google and apple are now scanning your
    phone files client side not safe for
    yeah I mean that that’s not great so
    listen if this man transmitter really
    becomes a problem I guess we will have
    to use it mainly on the desktop and on
    Androids and uh and but then if crypto
    really becomes massive then Apple will
    have to add it like apple will have to
    find ways to support it also as open
    internet protocols that you can like get
    some up into iPhone somehow because I
    mean Apple is very powerful they can
    they can have control but when you have
    crypto being like the next big thing on
    the internet and they don’t have it I
    don’t know if they’re more powerful than
    crypto like let’s say that crypto
    becomes massive like you can use it on
    Android on desktop but not on iPhone man
    I would get Android
    instantly because what the hell it’s the
    only way to use it so yeah let’s see
    let’s see let’s see
    super easy to install good good good
    okay guys that’s it that’s it that’s it
    uh we’ll be back tomorrow same place
    same time as always Smash Up the like if
    you haven’t yet check out the bit link
    below if you haven’t yet big shout out
    to Guzman for time stamping us today
    another 140 minute show in the bag enjoy
    your Tuesday and uh goodbye guys smash
    like subscribe goodbye
    enjoy and we will be bullish at some
    point this industry will rocket alss
    will rocket Bitcoin will rocket today is
    not that
    day is it going to be tomorrow let’s see
    let’s see hopefully it is tomorrow we
    are in a new month new month eventually
    exactly eventually Bitcoin will be
    pumped eventually eventually hopefully
    tomorrow as it is it’s a new month
    anyway goodbye guys have a good day
    bye-bye thanks Eric Guzman see you see
    you see

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    00:00 Intro – Industry has been hit by all kinds of attacks by US
    00:26 Whole space a bit depressed by anti crypto coalition
    00:44 But zoom out – BTC Monthly chart
    01:14 First month in 7 months that will be red – confirming the break out
    01:48 Important to understand – 7 months green and 1 month red gives more confidence
    02:45 Red candle resets the psychology of the investors
    03:02 All momentum indicators are reset – RSI, MACD
    03:39 This is why we need BTC to change hands
    03:55 Month of May will be a new beginning
    04:18 Kevin Svensson – We are still creating Base 4 of the parabola
    04:44 Hong Kong ETF opens today – Give it a few weeks
    05:36 Chinese RMB holders can now get access to BTC
    05:56 Asian markets drive alt coins and spot ETFs
    06:17 Gary Gensler has not removed the sun from our lives
    06:42 Zoom out and get the big perspective
    06:54 Welcome to the chat
    07:11 Shout out to ByBit
    07:36 Moralis Money Market overview – greener pastures
    08:25 MicroStrategy invest in 122 more Bitcoin – Buy the dip
    09:43 SEC has been investigating ETH since March 2023 – going after Consensys
    10:12 When we remove this uncertainty it will be good for the price
    10:47 Is ETH really a security if even XRP is not a security?
    11:43 Ryan Sean Adams – SEC on a multi year crusade to misrepresent ETH as a security
    12:51 About the SEC subpoenas against Consensys.
    14:17 ETH under attack by the Deep State?
    15:00 Next victims will be all wallets
    16:12 Someone really sponsors the current actions
    16:27 Coin Center replying to Tornado Cash situation – regulation by criminal inforcement
    17:26 FinCEN guidelines thrown overboard – about definition of money transmitters
    19:21 Government uses locked postal parcels as example – Coin Center says That is ridiculous!
    20:44 Armoured cars are also not money transmitters
    21:35 Companies at war with the SEC
    22:07 Elon Musk – X will potentially remove likes and reposts
    22:47 Twitter rebranding to X is so bad
    24:50 Not sure what it going to happen to Twitter
    25:53 EigenLayer airdrop – People are not happy
    26:34 Airdrop went to a few specific countries and you cannot move it
    27:28 Current state of the market of EIGEN – video MEME
    30:14 EigenLayer – long term will be about the tech
    30:58 zkSync could also be a massive F-up. Project is structured in a similar way
    32:12 Phenomena of the Memes
    32:34 Q and A
    33:27 No Hammer and chisel – Milei video
    34:29 Q1: Main consequence of MetaMask being a money transmitter?
    36:24 About Android APK development and installation – A quick research
    37:29 Q2: Ivan’s hair has its own show?
    37:53 Q3: Google and Apple are now scanning your phone files client side?
    38:59 Outro

    🙌 Collaborations and Business:


    This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.

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    Good Morning Crypto

    Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist


    1. 0:00: 📈 Positive outlook on Bitcoin's monthly performance amidst recent industry challenges.
      4:36: 📈 Bitcoin market dynamics influenced by new ETF launch in Hong Kong.
      8:34: ⬆️ MicroStrategy's strategic approach to Bitcoin investment despite market dips and perceived risks.
      12:57: 🔍 SEC's extensive subpoenas to Consensus reveal detailed requests for information on Ethereum proposals and acquisitions.
      17:16: 💰 Regulation on cryptocurrency as money transmitter in the US causing industry upheaval.
      21:14: 💥 Cryptocurrency industry facing regulatory challenges, potential legal battles, and influence of Elon Musk.
      26:21: 💰 Controversy surrounds a cryptocurrency airdrop due to exclusion of certain countries, causing dissatisfaction.
      31:26: 💰 Understanding the dynamics of airdrops, opportunity cost, and meme coins in the crypto market.
      35:47: 💻 Challenges with publishing open-source code on iOS and Android platforms.

      Tammy AI: Get video info faster & better

    2. Alex Jones has been right about everything literally proven right about everything😮 everything he said what happened has happened exactly🌞🌞

    3. Its incomprehensible to me that someone used to be in deep with the google mobile operating system and now owns apple products. Android is still lightyears ahead of apple. Most people that have used both realize this. So strange

    4. Hi Ivan! I appreciate the way you elaborate on a specific theme and at the same time keep a wider perspective. I don't always get what you say, because I'm not so much informed about the crypto world and its meanders, but I feel you are an honest educator in this field. I just love the light and funny way you always approach things. Thank you for each and every show and see you tomorrow! "Same time, same place" 😉

    5. Alex Jones was actually right about some chemicals turning frogs gay lol, among many other things that at the time was being considered "just some crazy conspiracy".

    6. People are starting to wake up to the proposition that the government does not represent the people but has turned into a hostile force in the service of other interests. BTW I am a money transmitter – I took a $5 bill and transmitted it to the donut shop for my morning coffee.

    7. Before you go into crypto, if you understand, it’s going to go up and then come down… You will be better mentally prepared when it actually goes down…. It happens every time. And in the bull market, which we’re in, it will go back up. So buy the dip and be patient.

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