Crypto News: Massive Currency Turmoil!

    hello everyone hello
    $64,000 uh just like yesterday a couple
    hundred points
    below but not much else to say um there
    is a lot of currency turmoil in the
    middle uh in Japan specifically they’re
    saying it will spread to other regions
    they are actually saying it will
    actually spread spread to other regions
    and that you know like some people are
    saying that’s good for Bitcoin because
    people will buy Bitcoin as a hedge did
    be ever come around hadera’s using well
    I mean no he’s still obviously he’s
    still saying it’s not a partnership
    between Black Rock and um and hyera
    which is true it’s not actually a
    partnership between Black Rock and
    hadera but they are using hadera to to
    tokenize one of black Rock’s funds yes
    it was completely AR but yes it was
    completely AR X’s Arc X’s decision but
    it does not mean that black rock did not
    know that arcx was going to do this I
    think it’d be foolish to think that
    black rock didn’t really know what ARX
    was doing look big e32 is completely
    dedicated to near but there are other
    blockchains other projects that are
    actually very very good in the crypto
    field it’s not just going to be his
    that’s like super awesome or
    whatever yeah that’s pretty big a six
    bass so yeah
    so anyways the the the currency
    turmoil um not really sure what to make
    of it so if you actually look at it
    Bitcoin chops 64k with Japanese Yen
    tumble maybe signaling currency turmoil
    I mean that’s really not all that much
    um but the Japanese genen is actually
    falling some
    definitely so the yin’s volatile episode
    May spread to other Fiat currencies as
    us rate Cuts remain Elusive and sticky
    and sticky inflation which could drive
    investors to gold and Bitcoin so they’re
    hoping that the currency fluctuation
    will drive investors to gold and Bitcoin
    now I don’t really know if that’s true
    or not the Japanese Yen fell Friday to
    its weakest level against the US dollar
    since 1990 Bitcoin remained flat around
    64k as some altcoins slid lower
    intervention may follow soon if Yen
    devaluation continues Le Capital Quinn
    Thompson said now um I don’t really know
    what kind of intervention they actually
    they’re actually talking about but um
    the Japanese Yen obviously is in a lot
    of trouble that’s probably making the
    dollar Index go up cryp so basically
    um it’s like like uh bitcoin’s down
    about 0.9% over the last 24 hours but
    the Japanese Yen slid another
    1.3% during the day which is like you
    know that might not seem like a big move
    for all of us who are accustomed to like
    several percentage points moves but
    that’s really really big in a single day
    for like a major currency so people are
    getting uptight about this stuff so
    basically like this is the weakest level
    that’s been against the US dollar um
    1990 of course even though our GDP went
    down uh not I mean didn’t go down even
    though our GDP
    uh roughly like you know it didn’t meet
    expectation it is expectations it’s
    still going up unlike Japan’s economy
    right now so moves of this size and
    speed and currencies is not normal to so
    I expect some intervention or
    coordination fairly soon if it continues
    into the next few weeks the Yen’s
    devaluation didn’t impact crypto markets
    yet but this could change the boj bank
    of Japan steps in to prop up the
    currency Neola ainson analyst and author
    of crypto is Acro now report said in the
    email interview a possible intervention
    would mean the D boj selling US dollar
    assets to buy yen and a weaker Greenback
    could in theory help crypto prices so if
    they do that that means the dxy would
    actually go down and that would help um
    that would help crypto but I kind of
    doubt they’ll actually do that another
    form of intervention could arrive from
    the US policy makers decide deciding to
    inject liquidity into the markets which
    could support risk assets like crypto so
    obviously we put more money into the
    markets it’s going to support things
    like cryptos because people will
    actually have more money but I’m not
    really sure if they’re going to do
    either of those things because the FED
    seems like dead set on not doing any of
    these things we could see a collective
    selling of US Treasury to raise cash to
    support local currencies adding further
    upside pressure to us yields while
    adding inflationary pressures elsewhere
    I the fed’s not going to be in favor of
    doing any of these things but there is
    certain fear because the Yen does
    actually seem to be dropping against the
    dollar and dropping at a large Pace
    Japan’s economy does not seem so healthy
    right now bitcoin’s remain relatively
    flat we’ve only lost about $600 and I
    don’t really I can’t really see it going
    down unless there’s like a total
    collapse somewhere I don’t really see it
    going down any more than it has now so
    um yeah the Japanese genen is very very
    weak right now
    like the Japanese yen is like very very
    weak right now and I don’t really know
    um how they’re going to prop it up I
    don’t think that I really don’t think
    the FED is going to be all that open to
    like injecting liquidity into the system
    because their goal has been to control
    inflation all this time and that would
    go counter to their goal of controlling
    inflation but the thing is like this
    like the volatility in currencies
    definitely could benefit Bitcoin though
    it definitely could benefit Bitcoin um
    because it could actually make people
    more attune to other assets that aren’t
    tied to National currencies which is
    exactly what Bitcoin is so that that
    actually is um that that’s actually a
    very very interesting state of things
    that have actually sprung up so yeah
    Japanese need to buy Bitcoin the Japan
    that would be nice if the Japanese
    bought Bitcoin but like the Japanese
    government is going to favor their
    currency so I don’t think they’re just
    going to completely switch to bitcoin
    although I think it would be hilarious
    if they just completely switched to
    bitcoin which I doubt I doubt it’s
    actually going to happen also for those
    of you that are upset by the 44% capital
    gains tax it’s likely a nothing Burger
    because it because one it doesn’t affect
    people that make under a million dollars
    so it probably doesn’t affect any of you
    but it’s also not going to pass so
    President Biden’s move to introduce a
    44.6% federal capital gains tax probably
    won’t wouldn’t affect most people in
    crypto because most people do not
    actually make a million dollars a year
    and also it’s also not going to pass
    United States President Joe Biden
    proposal to increase the capital gains
    tax rate to 44.6% for certain people the
    highest rate in US history would likely
    be a nothing burger for the average
    crypto investor Matthew walth founder of
    crypto tax Made Easy told toin coin
    Telegraph that Biden’s latest tax
    promises probably wouldn’t affect most
    people in crypto even if they did end up
    being signed into law which is unlikely
    for 99.9% of people it’s a big fat
    nothing Burger because ENT it’s
    essentially just a proposal and it
    doesn’t affect people under a million
    dollars the uh making under a million
    dollars per year not overall but per
    year the suggested tax rate as well as
    additional proposal to imp uh impose a
    25% tax on unrealized gains which is
    definitely not going to happen has
    garnered massive attention across social
    media despite the information being
    public for more than a month so actually
    proposed this a month ago I’m not really
    sure why it’s just being circulated now
    the now Wily referenc 44.6% figure was
    introduced in March 11th Department of
    explanation so this is like basically um
    together the proposals would increase
    the top a separate proposal would first
    raise the top ordinary rate to
    39.6% uh
    43.4% including the next investment
    income tax an additional proposal would
    increase the net investment income rate
    by 1.2 percentage points above 400k
    bringing the marginal net investment
    income tax rate to 5% for the investment
    income above 400k threshold together the
    proposal would uh increase the top
    marginal rate on long-term capital gains
    and qualify dividends to
    44.6 for example a taxpayer with so it
    is $1 million that threshold for for an
    example a taxpayer with 1.1 million in
    taxable income of which 200,000 is pref
    uh ISE preferential Capital Income would
    have 100 uh th000 of capital income
    taxed at the pref preferential rate and
    100,000 tax at the ordinary rate so a
    million dollars is that cut off so if
    you make under a million dollars a year
    it does not affect you and it’s only the
    amount that you make over a million
    that’s taxed at that rate also this is
    never going to pass so really high
    income earners could potentially if this
    budget proposal goes through face a much
    higher long-term capital gains tax rate
    but for the most part it’s unlikely it’s
    going to affect the average crypto user
    obviously this does not not affect your
    short short-term rates at all for anyone
    but it does affect the long-term rate
    but only if you make over a million
    dollars a
    year so like the average income earner
    will not be affected uh by this Biden’s
    tax proposals are targeting High income
    earners at least 400,000 or more on one
    end and a million dollars or more on
    another end so basically
    um according to data from crypto payment
    AAA the annual income for the average
    crypto investor internationally stands
    around $225,000 now that’s going to be
    much higher for the us but it’s not
    going to be anywhere near a million
    dollar the
    uh the 25% unrealized thing is not going
    to uh ever
    pass however bind proposed 25 tax 25%
    tax targeting unrealized gains would
    only apply to individual taxpayers with
    more than 100 million in net assets so
    basically if you have less than $100
    million the 25% uh tax does uh uh
    unrealized gains tax would definitely
    not apply to you so so unless some of
    you have over $100 million in net assets
    it does not apply to you so I’m guessing
    it applies to exactly zero of you in
    here it’s the same with the unrealized
    uh capital gains tax rate it’s it’s for
    the ultra high net worth individuals if
    we’re to go through it’s not it’s not
    going to affect pretty much anyone on
    crypto Twitter now I don’t know if Carl
    has a hundred million do or any of those
    big crypto influencers have $100 million
    but not a lot of people have a $100
    million it’s more of a postering
    political play the Democratic party has
    kind of made an enemy out of wealthy
    people and that’s one of the ways they
    play to a lowincome low education
    base but like that doesn’t actually work
    because like um like opponents are just
    spinning this as a 44
    44.6% tax on everyone and a
    25% uh unrealized gains tax on everyone
    but the 44.6 capital gains tax bombshell
    would only really affect those making
    more than a million dollars per year and
    the and the um
    25% unrealized tax only affects those
    that have more than $100
    million so
    people on like Twitter are obviously
    overexaggerating this it’s difficult to
    describe how insane a 25% tax on
    unrealized capital gains is not a
    onetime 25% hit it’s a compound it’s
    compounding annually taking 25% of every
    dollar of potential increase before it
    can grow not an exaggeration to say it
    would single-handedly crush the economy
    I would leave the us at the passing of
    this except except this guy probably
    does not have over $100 million so it
    would absolutely not affect this guy at
    all it still it obviously won’t
    pass it it obviously won’t pass but like
    it doesn’t it wouldn’t affect any of us
    there are always Downstream effects and
    you tax business individuals at a higher
    rate they have less money to hire
    innovate and grow you know Milton bits
    that’s rarely ever been the case
    it’s never going to happen yeah it’s
    never going to happen because Wall
    Street like because Wall Street has way
    too much power and they’re not going to
    vote for this but realistically the
    average Joe that’s hollering about this
    it does not impact them at all
    whatsoever and yeah Wall Street actually
    makes all the
    rules you like Maple Finance over gold
    finch I mean I think both Maple and
    Goldfinch are fine I I don’t like
    necessarily prefer one over the other
    they’re both like uh the they’re both
    like good R rwa
    plays have that much
    power like Milton baits like that sounds
    nice but realistically like that’s
    really never been the case for
    businesses like when you lower taxes on
    them the net effect on the economy is
    almost zero same thing when you raise
    taxes on them
    you like
    avac yeah but this isn’t that like I
    don’t actually see this as like immoral
    where I obviously see that as
    immoral remember I am not a staunch Pro
    capitalist business person like I
    generally favor capitalism over
    socialism but there are definitely
    limits and I think like rich people have
    definitely taken those limits way over
    what they’re supposed to be the fact
    that like the CEO to worker pay has
    has gone from like 30 to1 to 360 to1 is
    ridiculous it should have it should have
    stayed at 30
    to1 like just because they manipulated
    it up just because Wall Street
    manipulated it one way doesn’t mean we
    can’t manipulate it back the other
    way go through as uh easily 4K worth of
    crypto I’ll be over a
    million oh they made it too
    easy there’s always a point but
    realistically like it’s never really
    affected the economy that much it’s
    really never affected the economy that
    much whether you raise rates on
    businesses or lowered rates on
    businesses and the threats to leave the
    United States over over tax changes have
    been basically like not never been
    carried out even then even when those
    tax changes went
    through Joe does everything to lose
    voters no he doesn’t actually like some
    some of this will actually some of this
    will actually appeal to the masses like
    I said I don’t really care about this
    all that much the CEO meaning in small
    business usually takes all the risk so
    with the small business it could be a
    higher Gap yeah but big boy crypto this
    isn’t going to affect the small
    businesses this is made for like really
    large businesses small businesses
    usually don’t have a100 million in net
    assets and most small business owners
    don’t make over a million dollars in any
    given year
    I were poor two years ago and rich now
    because they’re hard
    work you have over 1 million third world
    country is Paradise sure but like look
    Dave Hooper the threat of businesses
    leaving the US has rarely been carried
    out and there’s plenty of businesses
    that want to come to the US just because
    it’s such a large
    Market the big businesses that that that
    want to go out of the US they would have
    done that anyways just to escape like
    certain laws and
    things it will affect some of the
    viewers in this chat some of us don’t
    have 200 bucks in crypto and just watch
    fun yeah but you know a million dollars
    is honestly like a far cry from
    well look 10 JK Wall Street generally
    votes for like Republicans anyways so
    this isn’t going to really affect
    that yeah I I know yours is a small
    business you have contracts but it’s
    aund it’s a million in net profits and
    it’s also 100 million in net assets if
    you have over a 100 million in N Net
    assets you’re no longer a small
    business a lot of secure
    um from East t- Mor SE nice nice I mean
    a lot of c a lot of countries do
    actually have like a we like like a like
    an unrealized gains tax the US has never
    really worked that way and I and I don’t
    think these are I don’t think the laws
    will actually
    pass like every time they want to raise
    taxes on business businesses make like a
    big deal about how they’re all going to
    leave the United States and it’s going
    to devastate the US business like the
    business scene like in the and in the
    few times they’ve done it it’s been
    basically a nothing
    burger like they all they and they
    always say like you cut bit taxes on
    businesses like the economy will Thrive
    but that’s also never really happened
    how come I see the market gap for gold
    finch in some states but uh it’s
    probably because the circulating
    Supply no I think like taxing unreal I
    think taxing unrealized gains is like
    dumb altogether cuz CU there’s the other
    but me because there’s the other part of
    it if you tax unrealized gains you’re
    going to have to you’re going to have to
    have them they’re you’re going to have
    to let them deduct unrealized losses and
    that’s going to be such a
    headache yes you’re well I the top
    European rates may not be that much
    bigger but that like the European rates
    actually graduate a lot faster than the
    American rates so like whereas an
    America like in America you might not
    reach the top rate until like half a
    million dollars you like you might reach
    the top rate in Europe after like 50,000
    so like the top rate yes it is a little
    higher in most European countries but
    it’s really the F the the real part of
    it is like it graduates so much faster
    than America CU there’s not that many
    people actually making over the top rate
    but there’s a lot of people in the
    middle rates and if you bump the middle
    rates up that tends to tax people a lot
    more uh do you hear about recent
    partnership between snck and Max I don’t
    I’m not that familiar with Max Mau but
    no I haven’t really seen the uh
    partnership with snack
    I’m surprised that like someone would
    partner with a small meme coin but look
    I mean sounds pretty cool though sounds
    cool it’s not hard when you have 1
    million to make 10% in a
    week homes over are over a million say
    you have saved invested now they want
    30% of your what no no not D not you no
    no that’s if you make over a million
    dollars a year if you buy a house that’s
    income if you buy a house that is not
    income so like if you buy like if you
    buy a house with $1 million with your $1
    million you have in the bank that
    count like it has to be $1 million in
    actual income buying a house like buying
    a house is not income we we’re already
    over 644 we’re already at 6416 4 we’re
    about $100 above that selling a house
    also does not count as income because
    you’re losing the house
    it actually has to be like you make a
    dollars cuz like if you sell a house
    like even if it’s like a commercial
    property if you sell a house you get to
    deduct however much you bought it
    for so it wouldn’t be unless you held
    the house for like 50 years or something
    it wouldn’t be a million dollars in an
    income yeah yeah yeah yeah Milton Bates
    it is a capital gain but you have to you
    you have to subtract how much you bought
    the house
    for you you absolutely have to you have
    to subtract how much you bought the
    house for so unless your house
    appreciated by a million dollars it
    doesn’t really matter for
    you yeah like capital gains like how
    much you earning how much you’re earning
    minus like how much you spent to buy
    them why does anyone us care about
    paying and also like not for you the
    unrealized gains tax only affects those
    with net worths over $100
    million so that’s uh that’s a bit hard
    to break for most people 100 million is
    a lot of
    money it’s not even a house for them to
    take 40 over one million is theft stop
    upward mobility of many
    people it’s not like look it’s not $1
    million in net worth it’s $1 million per
    year of income it’s a big difference the
    the unrealized tax doesn’t really hit
    until you get a100 million of net worth
    and yes $100 million still qualifies to
    make you very rich
    yeah except you don’t have a $100
    million Bill Gates actually does have
    million not giving
    up I of millionaires I lived in us I to
    my landlord
    yeah the unrealized gains tax doesn’t
    actually doesn’t actually take effect
    until you have $100 million net
    worth you plan to get there most people
    plan to get there the vast majority of
    people don’t make it there most people
    St most people spend more time worrying
    about the the imaginary taxes they never
    have to pay instead of how they’re
    actually going to get there
    yeah I don’t think George has that much
    from his stream donations but George
    probably gets several hundred thousand a
    year from stream donations if I got that
    much from stream donations I would
    definitely be streaming from different
    places that’s actually like that’s one
    of like the poison pills of America like
    them actually like continue usually
    saying lower taxes on the rich actually
    hurts them from getting there cuz then
    there’s not as many like training
    programs and education programs for the
    people that want to get there this
    bootstrap thing doesn’t work because the
    system is already rigged against like
    poor people from the beginning VJ and Co
    coin price prediction I’m still looking
    at 50 cents to a
    dollar there are a bunch of the we have
    a bunch of Thieves in office
    we’ve always had that in office look it
    really hasn’t changed in the recent
    years and also like the bills aren’t
    going to pass but I’m just saying that
    even if the bills do it doesn’t affect
    any of you well very few of you it
    affects very very few of you especially
    like the unrealized gains one which is
    like kind of which is ridiculous but
    even if the unrealized gains one does
    actually pass it doesn’t actually affect
    any of you cuz I’m I’m assuming none of
    you have over $100 million
    Wormhole you know between Wormhole and
    Jupiter between Wormhole and Jupiter I
    would actually take
    Jupiter Luben yeah we we we actually
    talked about ethereum suing the
    SEC that’s actually really interesting
    like I said I think the SEC is going to
    have such a headache dealing with
    ethereum and because ethereum has a lot
    of the dirty receipts from the SEC like
    there was definitely some collusion and
    if they if they really go no holds bars
    a lot of that collusion will actually
    out no like Lake Show for life because
    it’s the headlines the rich people make
    them think that they’re protecting their
    own money when these laws really don’t
    have anything to do with
    them anything to do with their money
    because like instead like when they when
    they talk about the
    44.6% tax they conveniently leave out
    the fact that it only affects people
    making more than a million dollars per
    year when they talk about the 25%
    unrealized gains tax which doesn’t even
    apply to most people because most people
    most poor people don’t like really
    invest all that much they also forget to
    leave out that you have to have over a
    hundred million for that to actually
    affect you so yeah it’s because like the
    way they it’s because how like Wall
    Street like um it it’s how wall it’s
    basically because of how Wall Street
    like uh kind of like angles these kind
    of bills they try they they they make it
    seem like so it really affects the
    poorer people which it doesn’t
    has a net worth of 150 million took him
    forever though I mean he’s made a lot of
    movies that’s Johnny
    Depp po cheering for
    multi-millionaires dude like most people
    in crypto are cheering for
    multi-millionaires because they all
    think they’re going to be
    multi-millionaires never mind the fact
    that even if they are multi-millionaires
    they probably still won’t have $100
    million like even if they are
    multi-billionaires they still won’t have
    million crypto sizzling yeah look
    crypto’s made a lot of big crypto’s not
    making too many big movements it’s
    really still I’m hoping they make a big
    movement Monday or Tuesday because of
    the Hong Kong ETF but I do think people
    are putting too much uh hope in the Hong
    Kong ETF you may be uh on paper and
    you’ll still have to pay tens of minut
    to the government before you have any in
    your bank
    account all right LA and Ace who in here
    has over a hundred million in equity
    Holdings like if you have over a 100
    unless you’re like a unless you’re like
    a really small startup that blew up like
    Amazon you’re not going to have that and
    there might be like three people in
    America that actually have that 100 from
    a million B coin since 20 uh since
    2010 yeah but the thing is like South
    play crypto like it see like you’ve
    gained that over the years for for the
    for the tax to affect you you have to
    make over a million dollars in one
    year you have to make over a 100 million
    in like one year and if you’re if you’re
    looking at the total net income thing
    like if you’re looking at your total net
    worth you have to have not a million you
    have to have over a hundred million
    before it affects you
    you have to have over aund million
    before it actually affects you and you
    know a million dollars is still really
    far away from a $100 million like many
    people actually do reach a million
    dollars net worth in their lifetime not
    many people reach a100 million do in
    their lifetime
    uh that’s not necessarily true but yeah
    you’re probably right a lot of rich
    people don’t hang out on YouTube
    channels they probably have better
    things to
    do so like and in Lakes show for life
    you are right like a lot of the Richer
    companies would actually be a would
    actually be forced to actually like
    reinvest more of it more than just hoard
    it same thing with a lot of rich people
    they wouldn’t be able to just completely
    hoard it they might actually take it
    offshore but they do that anyways right
    now and yeah like the thing is
    realistically if you have over100
    million in equity Holdings unless you’re
    like the founder of Amazon that never
    sold his shares
    realistically like that’s not going to
    be a case so it’s going to be a very
    extremely extremely rare case like you
    have like Jeff Bezos Mark Zuckerberg and
    maybe like one or two other
    people outside of that probably not
    didn’t really fect the market I mean for
    sure the thing is like the GDP data
    although it’s less than what we thought
    it’s still
    positive yeah I don’t think like like I
    don’t think the IRS is even thinking
    this through because if you have taxes
    on unrealized gains you’re going to have
    deductions for unrealized losses I think
    they’re actually going to I actually
    think they’re going to end up losing
    money over it realistically cuz like in
    bad years people are going to deduct
    those unrealized losses like crazy so I
    don’t think actually make much money um
    over it LTC uh Peak price prediction for
    this bull run I’m not too I’m not too
    bullish on LTC I’m going to say like
    $300 but I’m not really that bullish for
    LTC but then again I’ve never really
    been an LTC Advocate you know like I’ve
    never believed in
    LTC who do you think is the richest
    crypto YouTuber purely crypto I’m not
    sure it might be like George or Carl I
    mean but Carl’s not really a YouTuber
    he’s more of just an overall social soci
    media influencer he probably has more on
    Twitter than
    YouTube what’s the currency news Japan’s
    currency is like dropping Like a Rock
    that’s the news so like they’re they’re
    thinking that some governments like
    either Japanese government or other
    governments might have to step in to
    stabilize Japan’s currency and the
    volatility will actually be good for
    Bitcoin because people will rush into
    gold and Bitcoin because currencies are
    really volatile so they’re hoping that’s
    the case I don’t really see it but
    they’re hoping that’s the case
    uh what’s
    ALB sailor is not really a YouTuber
    though he’s just a Bitcoin buyer he’s
    not really a YouTuber sailor’s going to
    be very rich because he got into like
    he’s been buying Bitcoin for a long long
    time so he’s going to be very very rich
    and well
    off excited to write off all my
    unrealized crypto losses each year
    they’re probably going to put a limit on
    unrealized losses just like they put a
    limit on like Capital losses but I mean
    a lot of people are still go a lot of
    people are still going to write off
    their crypto losses and like I said I
    think they’re actually going to end up
    losing more money that way than they
    gain crazy enough I actually do think
    they’re going to uh end up losing more
    money uh than they gain
    HB is decks on
    base I don’t see them uh going to BTC
    gold or silver as the dollar we’ll see I
    mean they could go over to I think some
    of them probably will but because I
    think BTC is becoming more and more a
    common part I do think Bitcoin is
    becoming more and more a common part of
    the portfolio so I I don’t necessarily
    see them shying away from Bitcoin raise
    the capital gains taxes what’s with
    these people
    like I really didn’t I’ve never really
    thought that capital gains should be
    different from any like from regular
    taxes I don’t I’ve never thought they
    should separate the two so like I’m not
    surprised they did I’m glad that it is
    this way in the United States because if
    I do make capital gains I have to pay
    less on
    it Brett took a massive dump when people
    found out insiders held 80% of
    Supply that happens with coins all the
    man I’m not I’m not actually concerned
    about that uh I mean like memes are
    going to continue to be strong no matter
    how much you dislike them think Congress
    themselves would vote against yes
    there’s a lot of members of Congress
    that would vote against it 100% there’s
    going to be a ton of members of Congress
    that would actually vote against
    it so I’m not I’m not really concerned
    that it will actually I’m not really
    concerned it will actually pass or
    anything because I’m pretty sure it
    won’t 2.1k Bitcoin isn’t really that
    much for grayscale
    though crazy scale sold another I mean I
    don’t think grayscale will completely I
    don’t think grayscale will completely
    out cuz like they don’t want to exit the
    market but like the CEO is really
    dragging his feet on bringing down the
    rates because I don’t know if he still
    thinks he can be us bleed out black rock
    and Fidelity but it’s kind of dumb if he
    thinks like he can bleed out black rock
    and Fidelity because that’s just not
    really going to happen
    that’s really not that’s really really
    that’s really not going to happen you
    can’t really bleed out black rock and
    Fidelity cuz like that like that was
    literally their plan from the beginning
    like that was literally their plan from
    the beginning they’re like we’re not
    going to lower our rates because you
    know the rates from the other ETFs
    aren’t sustainable and they’ll have to
    change their rates to match ours and
    then Rock and Fidelity is like no we
    have plenty of money to support this and
    we can easily Outlast you so like they
    obviously aren’t going like their their
    plan just isn’t
    working it’s not once again it’s not
    Black Rock that’s buying like people
    still think that for the ETFs it’s Black
    Rock that’s buying it’s not Black Rock
    that’s buying it’s the customers that
    are buying the ETFs so Black Rock has to
    match so it’s Black Rock buying the
    Bitcoin because their customers are
    buying the ETFs yes the retail investors
    of the ETF are being tapped out of money
    right now they’ve been buying Bitcoin
    like they’ve been buying Bitcoin like
    crazy for the last three months they’re
    kind of tapped out on their funds so
    that’s why like black Rock’s inflows
    have kind of stopped right now but I
    don’t think the institutions themselves
    have actually come in yet like a lot of
    the hedge fund managers and stuff I
    don’t think they’ve come in
    yet the government debt does matter as
    long at least like the amount it’s
    expanding at
    and also like the confidence in the
    dollar a lot a lot of the confidence in
    the dollar has to do with the
    government’s ability to raise revenue
    taxes uh are insider trading they use
    influence to show the public always
    check who the largest holders are I mean
    look that’s true with most coins like
    not just meme coins but that’s true with
    coins but yes a lot of the low cap memes
    are insider trading and obviously like
    if you make if they make a meme coin
    obviously like the uh the team is going
    to have is probably going to hold the
    share what’s happening with
    salana um salana actually gained a lot
    of hedge fund investments in the last
    quarter which is pretty
    cool B&B almost hit a new alltime
    high BNB is just buying back in like
    basically pumping up their coin look BNB
    is going to do well regardless like CZ
    isn’t actually head getting it but
    realistically his wife is still in
    charge of the company so he’s still
    really involved guys please hit the
    likes drop a donation and uh smash that
    notifications button
    man why are memes dumping extremely hard
    on Bas because memes pump and dump all
    the time that’s
    why because Brett’s dumping so that
    might be that might mean the rest of the
    memes are dumping on
    base also the thing is like bitcoin’s
    just been going sideways and that
    generally isn’t great for memes except
    for the really long large ones that’s
    generally not great for memes like the
    thing is like you need to wait for like
    the next leg up if you’re really into
    memes they pass the unrealized capital
    gains would that basically guarantee an
    annual Market
    tank I mean not really I it it depends
    how much of the like it really depends
    like how many what percentage of
    investors have over100
    million but it would actually force it
    would actually Force like really really
    rich people to sell off which that’s why
    it’s not look the bills aren’t going to
    pass Wall Street would never let those
    bills pass Wall Street has a lot of like
    Wall Street has a lot of power uh in
    terms of like politics and policymaking
    they’re never going to let that
    pass yeah basically we’ve been going up
    like multiple months in a row having one
    month of cool down isn’t really like
    some kind of devastating thing and it’s
    not like and realistically it’s not like
    we even went down a lot we just haven’t
    gone up
    it’s like people expect us to like
    massively go up every single month which
    you know isn’t really a which you know
    you can’t sustain that forever even
    during a bll run you have to have like
    it has to take a breather every once in
    while yes unrealized gains would create
    a massive headache for the IRS because
    like that it would actually like um
    force them to deal with unrealized
    losses as well which it’s just never
    going to pass it’s going to create a
    huge headache for them and even if they
    um even if they do have this thing like
    even if they do pass it they’re going to
    repeal it because the unrealized losses
    would just be like way way too
    uh way way too much for them to deal
    with and I think they would end up
    losing money worried
    about look this count that’s because
    people love to worry about taxes that
    they will never have to
    pay that’s why
    and like like I said like the the head
    the the headlines honestly are very
    different from what the bills actually
    are like a lot of these people just
    assume that it applies to everyone
    because they haven’t read the uh because
    they really haven’t read the um actual
    bill to realize that it doesn’t affect
    them they pass it that my nephews can
    get his tax returns from investing in
    Squid coin basically I
    mean I mean technically if you invested
    money and you lost it you should be able
    to get it back
    you you technically should be able to
    get it
    back because it it it does count as like
    Capital Lo it does actually count as
    losses so sell in May Buy in June is
    even no like you don’t have to I don’t
    think it’s going to go down in May
    really I don’t think the Market’s
    actually even going to go down in May
    like sell in may like actually is sell
    in May is basically saying like you
    think the Market’s actually going to
    drop in May I don’t think the Market’s
    really going to drop in May it might not
    go up that much but I don’t think it’ll
    drop in
    May are bearish on 8 and all the other
    you know it’s going to turn around
    everyone on Twitter well I mean you know
    even if people like turn around on the
    market like those coins might not be the
    the ones to benefit though like like
    both Ada and xrp have their own problems
    and other newer projects like near might
    actually get the
    shine you don’t get it back and offset
    your capital gains you can also deduct
    up to $3,000 a pasture capital gains
    with losses each
    year and the thing is like your your
    losses do carry over your your losses do
    indeed carry over
    yeah the FED would get not not so much
    the fed the IRS would just K the IRS
    honestly would just get pissed off
    because everyone was um everyone was
    basically like deducting unrealized
    losses side uh sideways action as always
    after the having my guess is that’s
    probably the case it’s going to be
    sideways action for a month or two and
    then parabolic up but really istically
    you don’t know when that parabolic up is
    going to come most likely like most
    likely towards the end of the year or
    like at least towards late summer but
    you don’t know it could go up like next
    it could actually go up next month and
    you don’t know and even if we go up from
    64k to like 75k and stay there for a
    long time you’re still going to miss the
    64 to 75 so I honestly would just hold
    right now no I don’t think the sell and
    may rule is valid it doesn’t happen
    every single May
    it doesn’t actually happen every single
    day people like these little people like
    these little tropes because they want
    investing to be easy but investing is
    just not that easy there’s no like
    rules maybe not a big drop because there
    I don’t really think there’ll even be a
    drop I mean it might not go up but I
    don’t think it’ll be a
    drop because I I still think the
    um I I still think
    the I I still think the demand is pretty
    strong I still think the demand in the
    long run is really strong for Bitcoin
    not from the only from the United States
    but from like other places as
    well I mean like I I feel like there’s
    like a lot of investors abroad that are
    going to be in uh that want to be in
    crypto ethereum
    ETF ethereum ETF probably isn’t going to
    come until the end of the year if not
    next year and there’s no there’s no real
    there’s there’s no real incling of an
    xrp ETF or any other
    ETF I think the only I think the only
    coin with to get an ETF within the next
    year is going to be ethereum and if
    ethereum gets it because the SEC seems
    to be set on denying ethereum’s ETF um
    next month so I I don’t think like we’ll
    see another uh coin ETF at least not in
    the United States for probably like
    another eight nine months at least and
    also um Hong Kong yes they do have a
    ethereum ETF but I’m not really sure how
    much much money that’s going to bring
    in it’s probably going to be late 2024
    2025 because the SEC just has not the
    SEC has just not down done the
    groundwork to actually bring in um an an
    ethereum ETF the price of Min swap has
    dropped 5% today but the values
    increased from 80k uh increase from uh
    400k what do you mean the values
    increase from 80k to
    400k I mean Bitcoin dropped a little bit
    that’s probably why some coins are
    dropping most coins are in the red today
    like ltc’s gaining etc’s gaining a
    couple of others are gaining but a lot
    of the other coins are dropping what do
    you what do you mean from 80k to 400k if
    you if you’re talking about the volume
    volume can fluctuate from day to day so
    that’s not really like a that’s not
    really something to be worried about if
    you’re talking about the volume on Min
    Swap and also 400k is still really
    really small volume for an exchange so
    it’s really not it’s not really
    something to to worry about
    I’m not bearish like I’m actually like
    way more bullish on like BNB and salana
    than I am on like xrp or even Ada cuz
    salana honestly has done it right salana
    has done it right in terms of like
    getting the promotion getting the
    adoption the others like the other coins
    not so much like BNB salana I think
    they’re doing things right obviously BNB
    has their own methods but like some of
    the other chains I’m just not really
    Q day approaching can ethereum
    yeah I think the real tricky part to
    taxes is like the liquid staking is the
    uh is the staking taxes that is a real
    real [ __ ] to calculate cuz technically
    you’re supposed to report them the
    moment you get the staking rewards which
    kind of sucks but you know
    whatever can decentralize Cloud
    Solutions significantly challenge
    industry giants like Amazon web services
    I haven’t seen one yet that’s
    successfully I have not seen one yet
    that’s successfully done that so right
    now I’m going to say no but it’s not
    impossible I can kind of see it but not
    really I mean like I I I don’t exactly
    know how the decentralized storage would
    work I’m going to guess it’s going to it
    would kind of be like a CDN but like I’m
    not exactly sure how that would
    work like would you use like individuals
    computers I I just don’t quite
    understand that you still have to have
    the hardware somewhere I mean that’s all
    that’s all part of dpen though thoughts
    on how much longer the market will dip I
    mean the Market’s not really dipping
    we’re still at 64k we we’ve been between
    60 and 70 for a long time yeah we
    retraced from 73 but we’ve held at this
    level for a very long
    time in investing uh uh it dropped 30% I
    mean for like smaller swaps they can
    drop pretty fast snck will follow
    cardano so if you really want snck to go
    up you like you should be part of the
    party that wants Charles to get usdc on
    Ada if you like any of if you like the
    Ada ecosystem you should be you should
    be banging on Charles’s Dora telling him
    to actually get usdc on
    cardano what are we are arranging and
    probably will for uh probably a couple
    of weeks or months I mean like people
    are hoping for a big fomo like next
    Monday or Tuesday because of the Hong
    Kong stuff I think like I think they’re
    overestimating what like the effect of
    the Hong Kong stuff but we’ll see that’s
    just my opinion jup and near looking
    like a good pair I mean Jupiter I think
    is actually a pretty good buy there’s
    going to be there’s going to be like um
    Supply dilution for Jupiter but I think
    Jupiter is actually a pretty good
    buy definitely not really dipping yet
    but you will know when it dips I mean I
    think we already had the dip down to
    like 60 and I think that was the bounce
    Point like a lot of people but a lot of
    people were betting on like a huge posst
    having dump but those are the same
    people that were betting on like a preh
    having dump like a massive massive preh
    having dump which didn’t really
    happen like the 40% the 40% dump that
    people are hoping for is probably just
    not going to
    materialize if we go uh go up in a
    couple of weeks we are 49 days of
    ranging yeah I mean I I wouldn’t really
    be surprised if we go up at any time at
    this at this point but right now like
    the the ETF demand has kind of like
    simmered down at least right
    now but like analysts are thinking it’s
    going to pick back up like like in like
    uh after like late Q2 early Q3 been
    preceding the ETF that’s partly why
    Bitcoin have already have held up pretty
    well that might be it but I I mean like
    I think Bitcoin would have held up
    pretty well like with or without their
    seating I think I think overall like
    especially after the having demand is
    just going to exceed
    Supply and like I said I think a lot of
    the hedge funds are only starting to
    come into crypto right now near I think
    like $40 is over
    near yes I do believe DCA is the best
    strategy you’ve got to pick a number to
    stop DCA though you can’t just DCA
    forever um like I would say like you
    know if you’re dcing I definitely put
    like $100,000 as like the stopping point
    for DCA BTC I would have actually
    stopped dcing at the all-time high but
    then I would have been dcing like the
    entire year and a half before that can’t
    wait for the gbt selling the gbtc
    selling has already kind of like calmed
    down um they’re selling much less per
    day now because like they don’t have as
    much right now and also like the people
    that want to sell have already kind of
    if you DCA since 2013 you’ll be a
    millionaire in
    2023 well I mean the S&P 500 essentially
    has a 7% annualized
    return so yeah at 100K you start to DCA
    but selling no you stop DCA at like 100k
    then maybe you start selling at like 150
    or something 120 cuz you should have
    been dcing all the way up from like 15K
    to like 100k and then you start selling
    at 120 and you maybe like climax selling
    at like 160 or something and that’s a
    solid way to get like
    3x an India ETF would be good but the
    Indian government is hostile to bitcoin
    the Indian government not isn’t
    necessarily hos hostile the Bitcoin I
    the problem with the Indian government
    is like we don’t actually know what the
    hell they’re doing like one day they’ll
    be really one day they will be really
    hostile to bitcoin and the next day
    they’re like oh bitcoin’s awesome and
    wonderful so like I’m just go I’m just
    going like what the hell are you guys
    exactly going to do I don’t really know
    all Indian money would leave India I I
    think that’s also like part of the
    reason governments like that’s
    definitely one of the main reasons that
    governments don’t like are guarding
    against Bitcoin they don’t want money to
    actually leave their
    country does it want people in lower
    cast I thought India already got I I I
    thought India already got rid of the
    cast system for the most part like
    people could actually apply for jobs in
    like different fields now I thought like
    they mostly got rid of the cast system
    at this point I I know like it was
    really big but I thought they got rid of
    most of
    it cuz like you know like it workers
    make a lot in India especially if they
    can do like Outsourcing for the United
    States the salary that they can make
    here is pretty
    big yes
    Narnia The Lion wants to the lion wants
    to invest in your Bitcoin
    ETF xrp case I don’t know if it’s going
    to be resolved this year actually cuz
    like the SEC is asking for $2
    billion and like Ripple is essentially
    saying like they don’t want to pay more
    than $10 million so there’s a huge
    disparity and there’s going to be a huge
    fight if the judge rules in Ripple’s
    favor it’s a huge huge blow to
    the because if the judge rules in the
    Ripple s that means like the SEC
    basically doesn’t get any of their legal
    back cast system
    still exists in India but I don’t think
    it’s I don’t think it’s quite as
    impressive as it was before because you
    can get you you might you you can still
    get basically any kind of job kind
    distribution Network yeah a CDN is
    basically a Content distribution Network
    it’s kind of like a decentralized way to
    host a website CU you can ping from like
    several different databases to get your
    content to whatever their content needs
    to get to so it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a
    way it’s a convenient way to manage that
    stuff how much do you think ultimately
    pay in fines I’m going to guess it’s
    going to be I I I think maybe like 20
    $30 million I don’t think it’ll be
    anywhere near $2
    billion because I think the SEC is
    definitely reaching on it and I I I
    don’t even think the SEC is going to get
    their lawsuit money back obviously
    Ripple Al um lost a lot of money in the
    lawsuit but I don’t think it’s going to
    be anywhere near the2 billion dollar
    that the SEC wants because that’s just
    that’s kind of a ridiculous
    fine yeah I think that’s like d
    Godfather I think that’s about to change
    because I think I think coinbase is
    going to win their lawsuit like it like
    courts have already signaled like how
    they think it should rule because like
    remember like the
    courts like the courts ruled in the
    class action lawsuit against
    coinbase that like uh coinbase like the
    secondary Securities thing weren’t uh
    the secondary markets weren’t
    Securities uh it wasn’t the it wasn’t
    the SEC lawsuit
    it was it was not the SEC lawsuit but
    like it was like a class action lawsuit
    bought by investors and they lost that
    so I think that sort of signals how like
    that case with the SEC is going to turn
    out and that’s going to be a big big
    blow to the SEC as well if they lose
    lawsuit so I I don’t think secondary I
    don’t think secondary markets going to
    end up being Securities however primary
    markets might be Securities cuz remember
    how judge Torres ruled like that
    institutional sales of xrp were actually
    Securities and that’s why and that’s why
    Ripple exchanged xrp for
    usdt within the United States but that
    also means that usdt is not a security
    which you know like there’s so many
    there’s so many holes in the sec’s
    argument there’s like so so many holes
    in the sec’s argument they’re they’re
    just having like a they’re basically
    having a hard time fending everyone off
    made by Satoshi Nakamoto 2 cuz there is
    no Satoshi Nakamoto 2 and no one cares
    about btc2 btc’s already got the
    foothold and and BTC is basically the
    crypto index all these other Forks
    they’re not the crypto index so
    therefore no one gives a crap about
    them proof of work is not guys proof of
    work is not the future for like crypto
    but Bitcoin is going to remain number
    one because it was like the first crypto
    out there and everyone looks at it like
    the market index but like uh
    BTC but like proof of work is not the
    future all this stuff like LTC bch it’s
    eventually going to fade into Oblivion
    no matter how many fans those coins have
    bsv has already kind of faded into
    Oblivion because Craig Wright was proven
    as a fraud because there wouldn’t be a
    fair launch bitcoin’s history can’t be
    replicated I mean even the coins that
    proposedly have a fair launch like their
    teams actually do have quite a bit of
    the coin from from what I’ve seen
    anyways Peaks at atth this August and 20
    we should would surprise
    everyone I think sort of would I mean I
    don’t know if it exactly
    would I don’t think it’s going to Peak
    until next year but we’ll
    see it going to happen once it going to
    twice yeah it’s a huge first mover
    advantage and that’s why some people
    have trust in Bitcoin and even though it
    was like technically fairly launched
    there are still some really big old
    wallets like satoshi’s wallet which
    probably doesn’t which is probably not
    able to be opened is still worth a lot
    of money like it’s still worth a lot of
    Bitcoins it has 5% of the
    stack and that’s partially because no
    one cared about Bitcoin when it was
    first launched so people didn’t really
    think it was going to be worth all that
    much so they so like they didn’t try to
    accumulate Mass amounts of
    it file corner aptose I would probably
    go for Aptos
    that people know crypto is a thing the
    new token yeah now that people know that
    crypto is a thing everyone’s hoping to
    get rich and because everyone’s hoping
    to get rich you can’t really fair launch
    a coin anymore because everyone like
    when you launch a coin people want part
    of that coin don’t you think hitting
    atth before having means we’re going to
    top uh not necessarily we hit atth
    before having because the ETF and the
    ETF is just another Factor like there
    there’ll be positive inflows of the ETF
    for quite a while I mean there’ll be
    like sudden stops there will be stops
    like right now but there’ll be positive
    overall like the time of the having
    really hasn’t
    shifted I don’t really know what foxy is
    so I don’t know whether it’ be bullish
    or bearish on it if it’s another meme
    coin it’s probably just another pump and
    dump no Black Rock didn’t buy
    today yeah the pizza man didn’t think
    much of BTC like a lot of when BTC was
    worth like P no one thought much of
    BTC realistically Bitcoin didn’t really
    Bitcoin didn’t really blow
    up like Bitcoin really didn’t blow up
    until like 2017 bull run like people
    knew like I think people knew about
    Bitcoin since like 2013 or 2014 a lot of
    people but like it didn’t really get
    popular until like 2017 that’s when the
    market cap like really really blew up
    and it actually became like sort of
    back in the days we were using BTC like
    I mean that’s what Bitcoin was kind of
    be like Bitcoin was kind of meant to be
    used like cash though like they wanted
    like a they wanted to run like they
    wanted to run like an economy off of
    Bitcoin but then they realized that
    Bitcoin couldn’t scale to do
    that you should patent money go up
    crypto Theory one talking about it like
    that number go up crypto Theory man
    number go up crypto
    Theory Maybe
    I bought pizza and coffee
    daily altcoin July and altcoin season
    I don’t really invest in stocks I’m not
    really sure what news Snapchat had look
    I I think like July and August we might
    see one altcoin pump but I think the big
    altcoin pumps December January and not
    all altcoins are going to pump at the
    same time but I think the big one’s like
    December January I I do think the
    altcoin cycle is going to follow like I
    I definitely think the altcoin cycle is
    going to follow the last altcoin cycle
    days when I would just get 20 sent to my
    account on banked to the Future every
    month for 1K
    investment only on eth and so be good or
    a bad
    thing usdc has like five or 10 different
    networks that they run off of it’s not
    going to be just on ethereum or soul I I
    don’t see a reason why usdc would take
    themelves off the other networks it it
    doesn’t really make any sense for them
    to take themselves off the other
    networks so I I don’t think it’ll be
    just on ethereum and
    soul should I move on from 88 if it
    doesn’t hit yes you should move on from
    8 if it doesn’t hit a dollar this cycle
    but the Cycle’s not over you still
    literally have like more than like a
    year or more before the Cycle’s like
    technically over and most of the pump
    happens within that last
    year I I don’t think Bitcoin for
    remittance is really like all I don’t
    think bit Bitcoin is that compatible for
    remittance the fees are too big for
    Bitcoin you would use something you
    would use something else like salana xrp
    or something for resistance for
    remittance or maybe even like usdc on
    salana for remittance because like you
    want something that’s doesn’t have fees
    for remittance think next altcoin season
    will follow last cycle because altcoins
    don’t have the ETF factor and there’s no
    reason for them not to follow the last
    cycle yes I still hold ad8
    but like I said if it doesn’t reach its
    alltime if it doesn’t reach like the
    all-time high during the bull run I
    might have I I have to switch to a newer
    coin for
    sure I mean like look if Charles gets
    this U if Charles gets usdc on cardano I
    definitely think like cardano is gonna
    be good this run but I don’t know if he
    it you know like right now I’m looking
    towards near and some of the newer coins
    but realistically I’ll see what new
    projects come up in the last
    cycle yeah because the digital store of
    value is really the only thing bitcoin’s
    good at doing it can’t do anything else
    it legitimately cannot do anything else
    because it’s
    slow it’s slow so it can’t do anything
    else you need coins that can scale to do
    the other stuff and Bitcoin simply
    scale but it’s got a pretty it’s got a
    pretty good use case in the store of
    value and that’s where it should like
    that should be its
    Forte that definitely should be its
    Forte the store value the other stuff is
    just not good at doing why is Bitcoin
    moving slow because there’s no reason
    for it to move fast like markets are
    suppos markets are technically supposed
    to act like this most of the time unless
    there’s a big ShakeOut it’s not supposed
    to move a lot turmoil yeah the Japanese
    Yen dropped 1.4 1.3% today against the
    US dollar and for a major currency
    that’s a big big movement in a day so
    and also the Japanese yens fell to the
    lowest point against the US dollar since
    1990 so it’s kind of a big
    deal it it is kind of a big deal for for
    a major currency to move that much
    so they’re they’re thinking that like
    they might like people might want to
    in but I doubt like I don’t think the
    FED has any real interest in stepping in
    the fed’s still trying to fight
    inflation so they’re not going to want
    to inject liquidity into the system
    I mean well I mean when you talk about
    major currencies you always talk about
    them in relation to other major
    currencies what do you think will happen
    to the
    British no what do you mean the
    British do I think Bitcoin will go down
    to 585 it’s
    possible but um I still think 60k is
    going to hold
    man some of the some of you some of your
    countries that got colonized by the
    British are still not over that whole
    colonization thing huh time to let it go
    man time to let it go it’s been like a
    years time to let it
    go I definitely think it’s a
    I mean I don’t know if it’s a steal like
    some sometimes when those coins go down
    they don’t come back
    up dude it’s a freaking meme it’s it’s a
    meme you kind of expected to do that
    when big like it goes up a lot and then
    it goes down a lot it hits 100K
    wise M do not forget yeah but you can’t
    change history and you’re not going to
    sail a fleet up to attack England so
    might as well just let it go
    Kathy Wood is calling Kathy Wood calls
    for some like crazy ass numbers man I I
    wouldn’t pay attention I wouldn’t really
    pay too much attention to Kathy Wood’s
    predictions dude Perry why do you come
    in here like every three days to cry
    V you haven’t waited for four years yet
    dude Kathy Woods heavily
    invested Kathy Wood is Kathy Woods is
    heavily invested in like BTC in crypto
    in Bitcoin and ethereum so obviously
    she’s going to want the coins to go
    up obviously ethereum is not going to
    reach 166k even if they get an ETF
    there’s no way they’re going to get to
    I mean she hasn’t look Woods has not
    made the best calls on like when to buy
    and sell
    Bitcoin but like she has she’s made a
    lot of money because she got into
    Bitcoin early if you get into Bitcoin
    early it doesn’t actually matter what
    price you sell out you’ll still make a
    lot of
    Adam data Dash is going to be very sad
    in like a couple of weeks what I I don’t
    know if I would buy I’m like Adam
    staking was really good during the bare
    Market I don’t know if I would want to
    go with Adam in the bull market
    though look I’ve been telling you from
    the beginning on like on these other
    coins like V you got to wait for a full
    cycle if you haven’t wait waited for a
    full cycle yet then stop crying
    if you actually want to invest in non
    meme projects like real projects you
    need to have the patience to wait for
    four years if you invest in memes that
    you don’t need that but I mean
    realistically you’re also taking a much
    much bigger
    risk call for 10K
    Bitcoin oh data Dash yeah 10K Bitcoin is
    not happening
    neither is 20K or
    30k he just can’t like he just really
    can’t let go of the bearish
    theme he really needs to get let go of
    the bearish
    theme because like those those ultra low
    prices are clearly not happening at this
    point even if we get like a 30 40% dump
    from 70k we’re still not going to 10K
    a lot of altcoins a lot of allcoins have
    not recovered to anywhere near their
    highs like the allseason thing isn’t com
    like the allseason thing just hasn’t
    yet Who the hell’s paying him to be
    bearish Jerome pal I don’t think so like
    who would actually pay him to be bearish
    Gary guinsler Jerome pal I doubt the SEC
    is going to pay him or the fed’s going
    to pay
    him so yeah I don’t believe he’s being
    paid because I don’t really see who
    would actually pay him to be
    bearish yeah I don’t think I don’t think
    Elizabeth Warren’s actually talking to
    data Dash data
    Dash paid off the books by a deep State
    Spooks you know Milton Bates I bet a lot
    of the crypto conspiracy theorists would
    actually believe that I’m almost sure
    that if you like said that a lot of the
    crypto conspiracy theorists would 100%
    that I I think Bitcoin will hold 60k as
    well also keep saying is going to go
    down with the stock market once the
    crash of the sentury occurs you know
    we’ve been waiting for kiyosaki’s crash
    of the sentury for like the last six
    years six or seven
    years like I don’t think kiyosaki’s
    predictions really come true all that
    often he got look kosaki literally made
    all his money by like writing and
    selling a book that’s what he’s good
    at like legit all of his money comes
    from writing and selling a book called
    Rich Dad Poor Dad in that
    Series without the book series he
    wouldn’t actually have that much money
    he basically writes books and does
    seminars for money
    he literally writes books and does
    seminars to make his money he hasn’t
    actually like the the other stuff he’s
    done actually hasn’t made that much
    money for for kosaki and kosaki is
    generally Pro
    Bitcoin despite despite kiyosaki’s
    ridiculous calls kosaki is generally Pro
    is broken clock that shows correct
    yeah yeah dude just like you can just
    check your portfolio like once a day or
    something or once a
    week and just wait for like December or
    January that’s probably when it’s going
    to pump if it’s ever going to
    pump no like he’s Pro BTC but kiyosaki’s
    calls are pretty bad
    kiyosaki’s calls are pretty bad and he
    just like and he keeps on going with the
    same things he’s like you know like the
    dump of the century which is SPO which
    he’s been doing for like six
    years I think he’s I think kosaki like
    reading his book I think he’s still
    bitter that his dad wasn’t rich and he
    didn’t like his dad didn’t really care
    that much about money so he didn’t like
    leave kosaki with a gigantic inheritance
    like his friend’s
    dad did you really put all your life
    savings in one
    crypto man I mean I think it’ll work out
    for you but I’ve been telling people to
    diversify and not put everything in one
    it’s one of kiyosaki’s books a huge
    market crash in 2013 because the Baby
    Boomers would retired and take their
    money yeah they’re not going to take
    their money out of the market my my
    parents retired their money’s still in
    401K they with they do withdraw from it
    slowly but they didn’t take all the
    money out all at
    once no like if like James have you read
    rich like have you read Rich Dad Poor
    Dad have you rich have you actually read
    Rich Dad Poor Dad he always talks about
    like how his friend’s dad like left his
    friend in Hawaii with like a huge uh
    huge inheritance and his dad just left
    him with a bunch of bills I’m like first
    of all you don’t have to pay your dad’s
    bills you don’t actually inherit your
    parents’ bills it’s not how it
    works like if you actually read that
    book you can tell he’s kind of bitter
    I don’t know one of his childhood
    friends is supposedly one of the richest
    guys in
    Hawaii like if you actually read Rich
    Dad Poor Dad you can tell he’s
    bitter because he starts it off with
    like he starts it off Like A Tale of Two
    Cities and like he’s the he’s the pulper
    or or yeah and he’s the pulper guy
    but dude like realistically though but
    real but realistically like kosaki made
    all his money writing his
    books and it’s not like kosaki it’s not
    like he grew up in a poor house he grew
    up in a regular middle class house he
    grew up in a regular middle class
    household where his dad didn’t really
    allow them to talk about like making
    money at the dinner table like his dad
    was like his dad wasn’t like uh wasn’t
    completely obsessed with
    materialism always also hates phds
    dude like I said the dude made all his
    money writing his books
    man like literally the dude makes up
    made all his money writing his books if
    it wasn’t for like the whole cash flow
    quadrant thing and the Rich Dad Poor Dad
    thing kosaki wouldn’t have that much
    money like something more than
    materialistic things
    like all all like his wealth generally
    St stems from the Rich Dad Poor Dad
    business and cash flow
    quadrant because his father was a PhD he
    needs therapy yeah his his father was
    actually an academic and his father
    didn’t really care that much about money
    or the pursuit of massive amounts of
    money he actually like he wrote about
    how like he actually like he actually
    set up kind of like a like a coinage in
    the basement when he was a kid and
    printed nickels and he didn’t understand
    that was
    illegal tangum seems to be getting more
    and more popular right
    now tangum actually seems to be really
    really popular right now
    like his dad was like a professor so
    their family wasn’t like poor or
    anything but he was just middle class
    said teachers were
    communist dude that’s because Robert
    Kiyosaki sold his soul in pursuit of
    more money more or less and pursuit it
    to get
    money so keeps telling us that this is
    our last pump and that we’re idiots for
    alts dude if it’s the last pump you
    definitely want to buy
    alts yeah he was like minting well I
    mean remember this was like back in the
    50s though like this was back in the 50s
    more or less or 40s even cuz like this
    was like I think this was right after
    World War II like in the in the early
    50s so he was like he was in Hawaii
    minting like counterfeit
    nickels and like his dad like he didn’t
    realize that was illegal
    which meme coin are you most bullish
    on like still flaky right now for
    me no he was a he was a kid in the 50s
    so like kosaki was like a kid in the 50s
    that’s why he was minting nickels in the
    garage because adults wouldn’t actually
    mint nickels in the garage
    I don’t know if he actually fought I
    think he did go I think he did get a
    tour in Vietnam but I don’t really know
    if he was on the front lines
    fighting he did get S I think I mean he
    did join the
    Army he he did actually join the uh the
    troops but I don’t know if he was
    actually sent there
    I mean he wasn’t he he wasn’t uh he
    wasn’t super rich then so he couldn’t
    get off on bone
    spurs has never had any crypto
    Holdings no I think Cen probably has had
    Bitcoin Holdings I don’t know if he has
    any other
    Holdings and look Cowen makes all his
    money selling his course he doesn’t
    actually make money with crypto he
    doesn’t actually I don’t think he
    actually makes money selling crypto he
    makes money selling his course most
    YouTube influencers make most their
    money on YouTube like for YouTube money
    they don’t actually make that much money
    with crypto or like comparatively
    little Marine helicopter pilot
    nice I mean but he did make it in the
    end because he he wrote a book and he
    sold a lot of that book
    and selling that book made him really
    really rich that that’s how he got
    that’s how he got rich he he wrote a
    book and he sold a lot of the book which
    and that’s not a I’m not saying that’s a
    bad thing I think if you want to write a
    book and sell a book to get rich I think
    that’s perfectly fine by the
    ways but don’t tell me that you’re an
    expert on
    like on crypto or currency just because
    you wrote a book and you sold a
    book even uh I wouldn’t be surprised if
    half these influence even whole crypto
    that they done get via
    donations I mean to be fair salana has
    actually done pretty well in this bull
    run like it’s cooled off some definitely
    now but it actually did pretty well and
    I think like once the market goes back
    up it’s still going to do
    well he probably bought cardono when it
    was pretty high
    he probably bought cardano when the
    price was pretty high that’s why he he’s
    probably sour against it now but he just
    bought it the wrong
    time like I said like cn’s calls haven’t
    been that
    great it’s not like Cowan’s calls have
    been that great
    man Royal Consulting for probably set
    next to Charles on a plane for 13
    hours dude I’m not making a coin I’m not
    interested in making a coin is it better
    to cash or the or wait for a coin to
    rebounds I mean depends what kind of
    coin for a meme coin it might be better
    just to cash the loss but um otherwise
    if you believe in the project I would
    wait for it to rebounce because we
    haven’t hit that R run stage yet
    he wasn’t wealthy enough to get a doctor
    so he had
    childhood Asma
    Isis staking since toup don’t of the
    losses I see look look I mean I I mean
    like Ben Cowan does have a PhD in
    mathematics but like the issue with that
    is you’re trying to use trying to use
    mathematical models to determine the
    future of a market and that’s really
    really hard to
    do Clinton was actually a really good
    though Clint like Clinton was actually a
    really really good president despite his
    personal life
    you know the thing is like La a I don’t
    think Hillary’s policies would have been
    any different from Bill’s they were
    really close in terms of like in terms
    of like political Viewpoint Hillary and
    Bill were like really close I’m pretty
    sure her like her actual policies would
    have been pretty much the exact same
    thing as bills
    now whether those those policies would
    have worked or not is another story was
    a currency like Japan’s currency fell
    1.3% today against the dollar and that’s
    like a huge huge movement for like an a
    big International
    currency because like intern big
    International currencies Don’t Fall by
    that much per day so it was kind of a
    shock and it was kind of a big
    deal I mean you could say that war you
    could say that saon was compromised too
    by the
    ring would be a pretty good time to
    visit Tokyo the the Japanese genen is is
    at like a 35y year low against the US
    dollar so visiting Japan is not a bad
    the JPY is definitely losing its Peg
    against the USD
    though which is very
    bad can buy a lot of sushi
    Japan is always cool lots of anime
    hologram definitely
    in the meantime Japanese cars are
    alltime high on the US I see
    the touristy places in Mexico are pretty
    safe the other places not so
    much people hate look people literally
    hate people hate um runes because runes
    like makes Bitcoin really really slow
    that’s why people hate
    runes I’m not a huge fan of runes cuz
    runes does bog up
    Bitcoin but I really don’t care about
    runes all that
    much they want to do their ruin thing
    fine Al Salvador is a lot safer than it
    used to be I don’t know if it’s like
    really safe if you have a tattoo they
    might arrest
    you cuz like that’s how they keep the
    gangs out of Al Salvador like they
    basically arrest everyone that might
    look like they’re part of a gang and
    bui’s like incredibly popular because of
    that policy CU most people are willing
    to forego rights to get rid of the
    gangs dangerous dangerous that’s really
    dangerous but the gangs used to be so
    bad there that people are willing to do
    that it’s nuts
    and she said it was really quiet and
    safe now yeah like I said they basically
    have like the police essentially have
    that place on lockdown now like if you
    like look like you’re part of a gang
    they’ll arrest
    you yeah guys please hit the likes drop
    a donation hit that notifications button
    tell people about this channel
    five days to cash out why is it five
    days to cash
    out oh Oh you mean the the speed of the
    the network
    yes Max I mean they know who Max Kaiser
    is Max K they know that Max Kaiser isn’t
    like a Kingpin or something so they
    probably don’t give a crap about Max
    Kaiser all right guys that’s going to be
    it for right now like And subscribe hit
    the Bell notifications button I will be
    back later today and I will see you guys

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    Japanese Yen is looking very Shaky. Is this good or bad for Bitcoin?
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    1. Cardano, the Google of the crypto world, hasn't started marketing yet. When it does, it's poised to climb to the number 3 market cap.

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