Why You’re Always Broke – 7 Myths Ruining Your Crypto Portfolio

    so you have decided that you want to get
    into crypto to make lifechanging
    money where’s the money at why you still
    feeling broke well you’re in the right
    place but just maybe you misunderstood
    how things work around here just maybe
    you doing something that is wrecking
    your portfolio and your chances of
    actually getting rich now according to
    the 2023 Henley and partners inaugural
    crypto wealth report there are
    88,200 crypto millionaires worldwide
    with more than 40,000 of them holding
    Bitcoin now with the Advent of the Bull
    Run exciting times I know it’s been a
    bit challenging recently but the numbers
    probably higher than they were last year
    88,200 is a big number though but there
    are estimated to be
    425 million crypto users worldwide which
    means only a small percentage of those
    people actually made life-changing money
    so what gives well this is probably
    because a lot of investors still have
    false beliefs and I want to bust some of
    these myths in this video stay with me
    until the end because one of them just
    might be holding you back from actually
    making the millions of dollars that
    other people can make and you can make
    too one of the founding fathers Benjamin
    Franklin be frank what what’s up man
    once he said that an investment in
    knowledge pays the best interest and of
    course great wise advice this quote
    given to us a couple hundred years ago
    still Rings true today we often here D
    yo R let’s do your own research before
    investing your hard-earned money into
    crypto but do we follow it n just ape
    right what could go wrong well a couple
    years ago the mly fool a financial and
    investment advice company based in the
    USA conducted a quiz and found out that
    the average American lacks even basic
    investment knowledge the average person
    in the USA only got 48% of the questions
    that they asking correctly now the
    questions do not even tackle crypto
    stuff which is arguably of course even
    harder once again since it’s a
    completely new asset class with new
    technical aspects and rules and all this
    kind of stuff
    right sometimes there’s a dozen updates
    happen every single day in crypto is
    wild so yeah if you have decided to
    enter into this Niche you better damn be
    prepared to study hard to do your
    homework you can’t expect just to throw
    money into some new coin and hope that
    it’s going to just triple your portfolio
    over not you might get lucky but you’re
    probably not going to be the exception
    you’re probably going to be the rule of
    people who get their asses handed to
    them while there is a possibility of
    winning it big the higher possibility
    you lose everything if you don’t do your
    homework right so you have to put in the
    work I know it’s not sexy but it’s
    important the second example is a bit
    controversial especially with the
    Bitcoin maximals out there but somebody
    needs to say it anyway look Bitcoin is
    the OG I love me some Bitcoin but it’s
    not the only game in town far from it
    yes it is the safest crypto currency
    since it has the largest market cap and
    big financial institutions like Black
    Rock and Fidelity they’ve given it the
    stifling Embrace that they do but other
    projects can also be considered to be
    blue chips and relatively quote unquote
    safe play for crypto personally I think
    Bitcoin is the gold standard however
    that does not stop me from investing in
    other projects like ethereum Avalanche
    polka dot chain link right I also don’t
    shy away from those smaller market cap
    coins Jupiter beam Aerodrome for example
    full portfolio disclosures in the
    description and the pin comom the next
    but you’ll say but Lark why risk it well
    Bitcoin will go to Millions after 2030
    so why not just go all in and wait I
    know it’s cliche to say that we are here
    for the technology and the financial
    Revolution which we are it’s what makes
    this asset class so exciting but we also
    need to be honest that we’re here to
    make as much kaching kaching as we can
    all right stuff as many of these bad
    boys in your pocket as he can let’s go
    now Bitcoin gives us one of two 35x this
    cycle great but lesser known projects
    have potential to give us 10 or even
    100x gains for 2024 alone Bitcoin grew
    68.8% when it reached its 73k all-time
    high that’s impressive but according to
    coin Geo’s research other narratives
    like real world assets AI they grew by
    more than 200% as in all the coins
    combined just in the first quarter of
    2024 and let us not forget mem coins
    gave us those mindball 1,300% Returns on
    average a lot of them of course spend to
    zero but still big numbers right now let
    me ask you a question how much of your
    asset do you keep on a decentralized
    exchange this is the next thing we need
    to bust if you keep the majority of all
    your crypto Assets in exchanges then let
    remind you of this line not your keys
    not your coins very simple let me also
    remind you of the 2022 FTX collapse he
    once very popular crypto exchange failed
    due to news of course that the company
    was misusing and embezzling customer
    money so dumb all they had to do was not
    steal people’s money and they would have
    been so rich anyway according to reports
    customers of the exchange lost8 billion
    this is a reminder that centralized
    exchanges are not Banks I’m not saying
    the banks are better either Banks also
    pretty problematic these days since
    money left in the bank does lose its
    purchasing power assuming the bank
    doesn’t collapse Bank collapses they
    seeming to happen more and more all the
    time if there is any consolation at
    least Banks do have FDIC Insurance up to
    $250,000 I’m probably going to get a
    government bailout anyway now if you
    have to use exchanges just transfer what
    you need to trade or learn how to trade
    on chain through your own wallet that
    you control the keys of also pretty cool
    I know trading on chain especially in
    the ethereum network can feel like
    highway robbery but go use Layer Two go
    trade on Bas go trade on arbitrum go
    trade on salana it cost like a penny in
    fees instead of paying an arm and leg on
    eth use that layer to solution or
    another blockchain and after trading you
    might want to keep your crypto of course
    in a self custody wallet now look I’ve
    made videos about Jupiter and crypto
    wallets and all that kind of stuff I’ll
    leave some links below to that if you
    want to know more but before we get into
    the next myth that we’re going to bust
    that could be holding you back and
    keeping you broke let me interupt the
    flow real quick to let you know about
    something that will hopefully help put
    you on the right side the equation which
    is my newsletter wealth Mastery every
    week we bring you the latest and best
    moneymaking insights on airdrops altcoin
    news deep Dives on altcoins nfts
    technical analysis all kinds of
    information you can join our 120,000
    plus weekly readers and sign up for free
    using the link Down Below in the
    description or the pined comment on X
    now the fourth myth is that crypto is
    for short-term plays only well if I’m
    going be honest here there is some truth
    to this we have seen of course several
    Traders out there making millions of
    dollars in a very short period of time
    by trading and flipping some meme coin
    they put in 500 bucks and they cashed
    out for a million we also have some
    active traders who can make a lot of
    money using High leverage at the right
    right but this is not the norm for most
    people in the market most of the time
    you need to hold that bag for at least a
    little while before you can cash out a
    lot of people want to get rich overnight
    if you can have a little bit more
    patience than that you’re already ahead
    of most of the market now there’s this
    old chart that suggests that if you want
    a sure 100% profit then you need to hold
    your Bitcoin for around 3.65 years which
    also correlates to the 4year cycle
    period yes that is long but you can
    double your money in four years if you
    leave it in a bank no you can’t okay
    obviously Bitcoin doubles in value
    faster than gold faster than the S&P 500
    it’s the fastest moving horse of the
    asset classes and that’s not all
    historical data also shows us that
    buying during the bare Market can more
    than double our money once the bull
    market comes of course those bare Market
    purchases are going to seem pretty good
    now the next one of
    course myth to bust is a bit of source
    debate for crypto investors it’s either
    you love it or you hate it and that’s
    meme coins some people call them stupid
    other people call them tokenized culture
    it wasn’t made to be the next form of
    money or to change the world it was
    originally made as a joke with no
    utility Dogecoin right however we cannot
    deny the amount of money that is being
    made with mem coins right now and it
    feels stupid to me to fade that to Mid
    curve that the first quarter of 2024
    meme coins like dog with hat and Brett
    and all these things gained many
    thousands of percent gains this Niche
    was 4.6 times more profitable than the
    next best narrative which was real world
    Assets Now what is causing these price
    surges all this craziness to happen well
    we cannot dis count price expectation
    after all again most
    people are here for
    this but most successful mcoin projects
    have a dedicated Community supporting
    them which means that they have a lot of
    excited people who are going to talk
    about their bags and hold on to their
    bags Do Not Fade Away these tokenized
    conos seur you can see mean coins is
    representation of crypto and of Internet
    culture more broadly now the sixth thing
    I want to talk about is the belief that
    everything will just keep going going up
    forever it’s not how it works if you’re
    thinking of holding for the next 5 or 10
    years then yeah it’s just going to keep
    going up right longer term but this only
    applies to established coins your brand
    name your Bitcoin your ethereum or
    salana blindly buying a random altcoin
    will not guarantee you profit even if
    you wait a decade data suggests that
    over 50% of crypto projects have died
    since 2014 and if you expand that out
    the vast majority of the other 50% are
    you also have to remember that even in a
    bull market a 10 to 30% correction is we
    expect for Bitcoin 30 to 70% Corrections
    for altcoin so keep this in mind
    especially when you’re using leverage
    the last one personal favorite
    influencers are always right ah but are
    they no of course not obviously not look
    a lot of influencers content creators
    we’re going to call them can help you to
    navigate the infusing world of crypto
    with tutorials explainer videos opinion
    all that kind of stuff and you can get
    ideas from them but you still need to
    dyr back to point number one according
    according to the research paper called
    crypto influencers following the advice
    of influencers can often generate
    negative returns because we’re just
    people too depending of course on the
    holding period but still the more expert
    the influencers claim to be the steeper
    the loss can be so you have to be aware
    that the people making videos on YouTube
    or Tik Tok or wherever else they’re just
    investors like you okay they might
    promise and say this is definitely going
    to happen this is what’s going to blah
    blah blah blah chances are they don’t
    know what’s going happen or maybe
    they’re bullshitting you they don’t what
    to talking about whatever look at the
    end of the day no one has a crystal ball
    not your hedge funds not your
    influencers no one I certainly don’t and
    I’m frequently wrong okay I get wrong
    stuff wrong all the time I just get
    enough stuff right that I make money I
    really feel the line from Socrates all I
    know is that I know nothing anyway just
    remember you don’t have to be a rocket
    scientist to be profitable in this
    market you just need to have patience
    and the willingness to learn and to put
    in the work and if you do that then
    you’re ahead of 90% of people in this
    market and it might sound simple but it
    works thanks for watching

    7 myths preventing you from earning a lot of money from crypto
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    00:00 Intro
    01:29 Just Buy without DYOR
    02:45 Bitcoin is the only crypto
    04:36 Central Exchanges are like Banks
    06:52 Crypto is for short-term plays only
    08:12 Meme coins are stupid
    09:25 Everything will just go up
    10:10 Influencers Are Always Right

    #bitcoin #crypto #investing
    Subscribe for more great crypto videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2oCaw8hdR_kbqyqd2klIA

    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. Thanks for the continuous update! I am super excited about how my stock investment is going so far, making over 15k weekly is an amazing gain πŸ₯°.

    2. People always get in when bullish resistance is about to take place .when you should get in nobody wants to buy. we are not even in the bull market yet.. we're at the door.

      May has always been lacking for crypto but after May expect things to take off

    3. I feel like I have decent portfolio, but every new coin pounds my brain into fomo mode. I never sell at a loss, but I have no issue swapping them out. I’m selling my car (I have an extra) for some virgin cash to throw at fresh coins. I’ve never been more bullish, and this return to an accumulation phase makes me even more bullish.
      With all the crazy laws that are being proposed, I doubt we’ll get another chance at these kinds of gains.

    4. !!my outlook on money changed when I realized someone making $300,000 can retire broke & someone making $80,000 can retire a multi-millionaire. With the current market movement, you have $100,000 to invest. Where are you investing it?

    5. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!

    6. Since I became so rich in cryptocurrency I realise that crypto is the future cuz I invested 10k and made up to 36k as weekly profit I appreciate the help of your channelπŸ˜ƒπŸ™‚

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