Uniswap and SEC Face-Off: The Crypto Community Reacts – The Chopping Block Ep 636

    that’s what I’m saying like I feel I
    feel like maybe this is just a way to
    figure out how to run up the bills so
    that then then you look I got I made you
    so much money I I I don’t think it’s
    like that turn I think it’s I like that
    conspiracy though I like that I like
    that so the question what Venture fund
    is gonna hire gendler that’s the that’s
    the big question and they seem to hire
    all The Regulators you think andri is
    gonna hire well I just mean look at look
    at1 M $100 mil uh solo GP fund um it’s
    guzzler Ventures mean to you6 I think
    actually all all the big funds would
    probably ban together and fund him just
    to get him to stay out of uh out of
    politics that’s what I’m saying this
    might be a genius boy on his part and
    you’re all not you’re all not thinking
    thinking deep enough not a dividend It’s
    A Tale of Two CL now your losses are on
    someone else’s balance generally
    speaking air drops are kind of pointless
    anyways unamed trading firms who are
    very involved I like out e the ultimate
    Protocols are the antidote to this
    problem hello everybody Welcome to The
    Chopping Block every couple weeks the
    four of us get together and give the
    industry insiders perspective on the
    crypto topics of the day so quick intros
    first you got Tom the D5 Maven and
    master of memes hi everyone next we’ve
    got Robert the crypto connoisseur and
    Zar of superstate
    Audi next we’ve got tun the Giga brain
    and gr Puba at
    Gauntlet yo and finally I’m hi the head
    hype man at dragonfly we are early stage
    investors in crypto but I want to caveat
    that nothing we say here is investment
    advice legal advice or even life advice
    please see chopping block. XYZ for more
    disclosures so um it has been a another
    very eventful week uh tun and I were
    just in Dubai for token 2049 which was
    uh basically like an endof the world
    situation going on over there I don’t
    know if anybody followed what was
    happening on Twitter but there were
    insane storms that beset Dubai or just
    generally around that area in UAE and uh
    some of the neighboring countries um
    most people flew in early part of that
    week and then Tuesday uh which is
    actually the same day that I flew in a
    crazy storm flooded Dubai it was I think
    two years worth of rain in about 24
    hours all the streets got flooded a
    bunch of people who were actually on my
    flight so I I had a driver that was
    waiting for me when I arrived uh because
    I was worried about what was going to
    happen with the floods I was supposed to
    go to Abu Dhabi after I landed which was
    like a couple hours I was like you know
    what never mind I’m just going to go to
    my hotel like this kind of seems really
    dicey people who were on my same flight
    uh who were just behind me they had to
    wait multiple hours to get a taxi and to
    get like it took me 15 minutes to get to
    my hotel it took the people who were on
    my same flight I was texting with them
    uh during the day it took them six hours
    to get from the airport to the hotel
    same hotel that I was staying at and
    they were like you know they’re fing
    through like flooded tunnels and like
    you know cars were floating through uh
    insane it was it was total [ __ ]
    apocalypse stuff it was crazy crazy um
    tun you you had uh an ordeal when you
    were getting in right yeah so I uh I
    like you saw the weather and was like
    I’m going to reserve a
    car um and then instead because I’m was
    like this city I bet you if it rains too
    much like Uber drivers all crash
    everywhere it’s like Texas and the
    snowstorm um and so I uh it turned out
    there were other people who made the
    same decision as me and uh unfortunately
    our we landed later than you so we
    didn’t get our cars so the car company
    car service
    company uh rented a
    bus uh and this bus took about like five
    or six hours to drive it would normally
    take like 20 or 30 minutes but the best
    part about it was I uh I spent my bus
    Journey sitting next to one Anthony
    scaramucci uh and uh it was uh you know
    it was a very funny funny funny ride
    because we we we get almost all the way
    from the airport to like where all these
    hotels are
    and everyone’s like excited like finally
    it’s done Mr Mr scaramucci does not feel
    that way he he gets off at the first
    stop and he says I’m going to get a cab
    back to the airport after we’ve fed
    through tunnels as you put it uh so that
    I can leave right now and it was like
    Wow but but all I gota say he was very
    nice I was like not I you know I was
    like I first of all I was just not
    expecting to end up sitting next what
    wait how did he get the flight out like
    the the airplan I have no I have no clue
    what happened after he left the bus
    that’s that’s beyond above my pay GD but
    I will say that was very funny that you
    know after already Conquering the thing
    he wanted to
    urn that’s that’s nuts that’s what you
    that’s what you like you want a
    contrarian fund manager you know yeah
    well he’s also very good at exiting
    right that’s his thing like Trump
    campaign markets FTX he’s good at
    getting out and moving on to the next
    thing so you got to respect that well
    it’s also funny to me he’s like coming
    to conferences and like still you know
    still hustling doing that type of stuff
    still hustling yeah I was surprised um
    so okay I will just one more note about
    like just the aftermath of all this so a
    bunch of venues got flooded so pretty
    much everything that was scheduled so
    the the main conference was to start on
    Thursday but like Tuesday and Wednesday
    everyone had all these other events and
    lunches and kind of pre-conference side
    events everything got cancelled so many
    venues got flood
    bunch of people who I knew who lived in
    Dubai like their houses got flooded you
    know water was seeping in through the
    windows um it was it was just total
    Mayhem for everybody in the city um even
    the hotel that I was staying in which is
    which is a nice hotel like the ground
    floor of the hotel I was on the third
    floor ground floor got flooded so those
    people had to like move rooms or just
    like live in a flooded Hotel I guess uh
    like the ceiling was Dripping so if you
    were on the top floor you were also
    getting issues with the rain it was just
    it was so insane like I did not think
    that that was even possible in a city of
    of this stature you know like Dubai um
    and then the next day it took a little
    while for the the streets to clear up
    but basically the city was like
    bifurcated where certain parts of the
    city were still basically underwater and
    certain parts of the city were
    traversible right so like the part of
    the city that I was I was in you could
    get around within that area but anybody
    who was like downtown you were just like
    I can’t see you today uh maybe I’ll go
    up there on Thursday or Friday when the
    streets clear up um and so uh like if
    you drove going through downtown or like
    going to downtown they were just
    abandoned cars like rolls-royces and
    like you know you know Lamborghinis that
    were just like they’ just been abandoned
    because they were just floating you know
    they were just they were like [ __ ] it
    I’m just leaving I also think hilarious
    thing is I was reading some articles
    about how Dubai is not like covering
    like no one gets real Insurance there
    and so a lot of those cars may not um be
    covered in any way shape or form so you
    might as well write them off as a
    complete loss
    yeah well I don’t think anyone is
    ensuring water damage in Dubai no
    definitely not definitely not and
    anybody who’s a water insurer is out of
    business so that’s uh you know game over
    for them because the amount of property
    damage in that city was absolutely nuts
    and I’m sure there’s going to be like
    mold problems and stuff from all these
    buildings that have had I mean hilarious
    the government was like oh you don’t
    talk about on social media but then they
    were like we’re building a 60 billion
    dram drainage system
    something well they they said
    specifically so I mean UAE it’s a
    kingdom right so it’s not you know
    obviously they’re they’re kind of
    restrictive on what you can do there but
    so they immediately announced that it is
    illegal to tweet or put anything on
    social media implying that the storms
    were caused by cloud seating so there
    was somebody who I heard of I don’t know
    if it’s true but I heard that there was
    like some tourist who basically was like
    on Instagram talking about oh it’s
    because of cloud seating and they were
    thrown in jail uh because they could
    normally they would Deport you but they
    can’t no flights right they can’t Deport
    you so they just threw her in jail until
    like the planes started going again um
    anyway I I don’t know if this is true
    but this is what I heard um how was the
    conference how was the confence the
    conference you know I no that we’ve said
    nothing about the
    conference no so I I will say I was
    expecting that the conference itself
    like it was a stacked conference I was
    really surprised the number of Heavy
    Hitters who were attending this
    conference it was like almost everybody
    was there besides obviously the two of
    you cuz you’re both lazy
    but everybody else was there well we
    made the right call we avoided clearly
    it’s funny cuz I was thinking about not
    going I remember I was actually I was in
    our slack talking about like oh you know
    I’m G delay my flights like kind of
    seems dicey there’s like all this
    weather [ __ ] and then you know Iran and
    Israel are kind of fighting and I you
    know I don’t want to be in the
    neighborhood because maybe the airspace
    is going to get closed um and everybody
    I spoke to I was like hey you know I’m
    I’m thinking I might cancel my flights
    and not go and they were like what
    you’re the only one who’s not going to
    go like everyone else is going and I was
    like oh maybe I’m an idiot like am I
    just paranoid um and uh it classic VC
    move is that I asked everyone else what
    they’re doing and nobody else was
    cancelling and I was like oh I guess I
    should just go and uh I absolutely the
    wrong move I should have just I should
    have just [ __ ] followed my gut and
    cancelled uh and then that weekend uh
    Israel retaliated against Iran which is
    exactly what I was worried about um and
    I was lucky my flight uh was a day after
    uh so but if if it was my flight would
    have been canceled because the airspace
    got closed so um but anyway the
    conference itself was actually pretty
    good like I was surprised how many
    people showed up and like still kind of
    you know I mean everyone was there you
    were kind of stuck hats off hats off to
    to Alex the
    organizer yes uh and and others because
    like I don’t know how they pulled that
    together given all the flooding and
    stuff and I feel like they they like
    somehow by the seat of their pants
    somehow were able to pull it off but
    like they work their asses off to get it
    to even happen after Gilgamesh level
    flood so yeah it was kind of like I I
    was a little worried that it was going
    to be like crypto fire Festival where
    just everything was kind of in shamle it
    crypto it more like burning man Burning
    Man is crypto Burning
    NOK this this is more like yeah fine
    Middle Eastern desert desert yeah more
    authentic burning man yeah but UAE has
    its own flavor of degeneracy right so
    there was this uh there was big fight um
    this thing called crypto fight night
    that uh I actually went to where anom
    who I was on a panel with him talking
    about meme coins uh anom fought some
    crypto influencer guy named Barney who
    I’d never heard of um got his ass
    whooped uh in the ring he ended up
    crashing the price of whiff apparently
    like the moment that he started getting
    hit like he just had no he had no
    ability he did not train or something I
    don’t know it was like kind of
    embarrassing to watch him in the ring uh
    cuz he was the headliner and so I was
    like there and I was kind oh man why I
    don’t know this is like very depressing
    to see all these crypto influencers just
    like beating each other up in a ring um
    and they’re all you know not this a very
    it’s a very Dubai thing too like I don’t
    ex exactly it’s kind of like you know
    you have like your you have like your
    tigers that you keep in like your little
    ranch over here and then you’ve got like
    oh let’s let’s pay the crypto
    influencers to just beat each other up
    in a ring and and then we’ll we’ll fly
    them out for that but the my favorite
    thing was was it was sponsored by Bonk
    all of the boxing gloves had Bon yes I
    was like what the [ __ ] what how does bon
    have this much of a marketing budget I
    don’t understand I thought it was a b
    bot makes a lot of money no yeah Bon is
    a revenue generating meme coin it is
    what bbot is is the telegram bot right
    that you can use to trade and like
    charge I didn’t realize yeah I didn’t
    realize that it was owned by bon the
    meme coin uh or team or something I
    guess I guess the foundation or I don’t
    know I don’t assume they have yeah I
    don’t know I don’t know if they have a
    button up structure in that way but new
    new paradigm new paradigm conceiv there
    are no foundations I love you there are
    no foundations yeah okay fair enough
    anyway um so yeah that’s the recap on
    Dubai um I’m I’m finally I’m back in
    Civilization very relieved to to be to
    be out of there um be was an experien
    the the interesting thing so this was
    all happening right around the time of
    the Bitcoin happening so that is kind of
    the big story of this week uh the
    Bitcoin havening for those who do not
    know is every four years Bitcoin Supply
    Cuts in half so when we talk about
    Bitcoin being
    deflationary Supply issuance Bitcoin
    Supply issuance uh the rate of issuance
    the inflation rate of I was about to say
    this is this is a bad rebasing coin
    sorry um so so uh so ever since Satoshi
    Nakamoto originally programmed Bitcoin
    there was basically a rule that roughly
    every 4 years uh the issuance rate of
    Bitcoin Cuts in half uh meaning the
    block reward that you get Cuts in half
    uh every four years until the year like
    2100 something uh at which point there
    is no more new Bitcoin being minted and
    so that’s what we mean when we say that
    Bitcoin is deflationary um technically
    it’s disinflationary mean the inflation
    rate is going down every single year so
    um that havening happens every four
    years on the dot and this was the fourth
    happening so um you know it’s been 16
    years basically since Bitcoin started
    and therefore uh the the inflation rate
    and the the reward cut in half one more
    time so this was widely anticipated
    because bitcoiners love to talk a lot
    about the havening as being a very
    bullish event for Bitcoin um the theory
    of why the havening is bullish always
    been a little bit of a mystery to me and
    I’m going to show my cards here that I’m
    a having nihilist I don’t think the
    happing matters but uh bitcoiners will
    say that the havening is a very bullish
    event they will draw these charts and
    they’ll show you know roughly a few
    months after the happing is usually an
    alltime High and um something something
    something I don’t you know I don’t know
    I don’t totally follow the arguments um
    but the happening happened I think it
    was Friday or Saturday uh depending on
    what time zone you’re in that The
    Happening took place yeah 420 420 okay
    420 happening uh just as Satoshi wrote
    it up and the uh bitcoin price has not
    really done a ton uh it seems to mostly
    have tracked macro uh
    so thoughts the Bitcoin happening was it
    real was is it [ __ ] are we waiting
    three months for the Bitcoin happening
    to happen
    is it priced in that’s is it priced in
    or you know do you have to I don’t know
    okay let me ask one technical question
    for anyone who knows the answer maybe
    none of us know the answer is it four
    years based on like a Unix time or in
    the actual Bitcoin software or is it
    based on an expected number of blocks
    based on expect expected Block it’s
    number of BL number BLX it’s like the
    difficulty adjustment deals with the
    time delay and then the the actual
    happing block so it’s not every four
    years so to be clear it’s close to every
    four years on aage four years
    approximately pretty high certainty
    right because like over that long a
    period of time it’s just going to
    average out to basically be years but
    approximately okay approximately yeah
    okay so I mean are we having are we
    having a accuracy versus
    Precision no not on this not on the show
    we’ll save that debate for offline uh
    all right so my my my initial take is
    like the very like you know midwit take
    on the heaving which
    is all things equal it’s both good and
    bad right so the security budget of
    Bitcoin gets cut in half in that if the
    price of Bitcoin stays the
    same for an extended period of time then
    there’s really like less incentive to
    secure the network but on the other side
    there’s half as many coins being minted
    per day which are being sold and from a
    technical perspective the there’s
    fundamentally less of a gravity on the
    price of Bitcoin because miners are in
    the business of selling right they are
    good at electrical engineering and they
    make Bitcoin in order for them to
    actually achieve a profit they have to
    sell the Bitcoin or hedge it in some way
    that sells the Bitcoin and so less block
    reward less selling and so selling has
    gone down I mean due to miners mining
    Bitcoin you know it’s a drop in the
    ocean compared to the total market for
    bit Bitcoin and like how many people
    want to buy or sell on a given day but
    directionally there is less gravity to
    the price and so I think it’s generally
    like a good thing so are you a having
    realist or are you a having niist I’m
    I’m a realist um I actually do think
    there is an impact to it um you think it
    wasn’t priced in oh I I definitely think
    it was priced in given that that’s what
    I mean when I say a realist do you think
    it’s priced in or
    not I I think it’s priced in I think it
    is good for the price of Bitcoin I think
    it’s priced in in like the near term
    like you know how far can people do you
    think it was priced in like a week
    before The Happening a month before The
    Happening a year before the
    happening uh two weeks okay you think
    two weeks before the happening it got
    priced in but three weeks before the
    happening it was not priced in well it’s
    a gradient it’s a gradient it’s not a
    binary thing right like it was gradually
    getting priced in two weeks before but
    then like it yeah most before okay um
    tun what’s your take so the reason I’m
    taking the other side is actually
    because there was this very big launch
    of uh
    standard called runes on bitcoin which
    led to the largest ever transaction fee
    block I think it’s like almost 40 BTC in
    transaction fees which is much higher
    than the subsidy which is what got cut
    in half um and so I I think like I it
    wasn’t priced in because no one knew how
    much demand there would be for runes
    right around the havening now that’s a
    very tongue and cheek answer because
    that’s kind of nothing to do with the
    havening but the idea that the Bitcoin
    transaction fees were higher than the
    block award multiple for like a
    non-trivial percentage of blocks post
    happening is more a sign that uh the
    like security budget thing like um you
    know in in the sense that the’re
    happening is a religious event for
    Bitcoin maximalist and people have found
    ways to add new things around each
    religious event to increase the net fees
    around that time then maybe that will be
    a counterbalancing force but it’s sort
    of more random than haveing itself so
    hence it’s very it becomes harder to
    in yeah so okay we we’ll talk about
    runes in a second but you know runes is
    only about a day of crazy transaction
    volume my point is like includ now that
    people know that there’s like this like
    doing a launch on happing day is like
    the best time to do something on CH I I
    think is not an undone this won’t this
    won’t go backwards instead we’re going
    to get all sorts of weird stuff
    happening and it becomes too hard to
    predict we’ll see in four years I mean
    if you’re going to it’s kind of like
    okay there’s like black Fridays like one
    day a year that you know a bunch of
    people go shopping but that’s not you
    know that’s not enough to offset what’s
    happening on on the Ping side I’m just
    try I’m just trying to find the closest
    to rational it’s not priced in thing I
    could I think the only like it’s like
    the most most obviously predictable
    Supply shock uh ever and and I think to
    Robert’s Point too you know we’re
    talking uh really a minuscule amount of
    of Bitcoin um that’s being produced
    these days compared to exchange volumes
    compared to ETF inflows things like that
    um really I think the reason why you
    know you could argue that it’s bullish
    is because it just creates a news event
    for Bitcoin um every single bitcoiner is
    on network television on mainstream
    press talking about The Happening
    getting it back in the news cycle and
    short of that there isn’t there aren’t
    really that many opportunities to talk
    about Bitcoin unless you know the ETF is
    launching or uh you know something else
    is is is happening but usually you’re
    talking about the price and so I think
    that is really the story is it’s just
    reflexive and it’s an opportunity to
    talk about Bitcoin which itself is maybe
    bullish for the price of Bitcoin but
    everyone knows that people are going to
    be on TV talking about the happening
    right so it’s not even it’s not even uh
    like that’s you could price in most
    people don’t follow this in our crypto
    the people who are buying right but the
    question is who is setting the price for
    Bitcoin right who is the person who’s
    the buyer marginal which is UL the
    person who sets the price well one it’s
    Global right it’s not like I don’t think
    of it in terms of like you know who’s
    watching like us business television
    like it’s Global the happing The
    Happening is event covered worldwide
    yeah so it sounds like then you’re
    you’re saying that it’s not priced in
    because uh people who are buying Bitcoin
    aren’t paying that much attention and
    it’s only nerds like us who even know
    that the happing is happening so it
    sounds like Robert you are implying The
    Happening is not priced in I think it’s
    mostly priced in
    like let’s go with mostly I that
    contradicts what you just said you just
    said that look it’s only us who are
    paying attention most people are not
    therefore it’s not priced
    in so what what do you think do you
    think it’s priced in or not I don’t
    think of these things as binary there’s
    not like a thing like everything about
    priced in like in financial markets is a
    gradient right so like some people like
    expect it some people don’t it doesn’t
    go from zero to one like for any
    prediction market right a and so like my
    personal view is probably around like
    two weeks most of the flow for people
    who actually like are involved in
    Bitcoin have like figured out that the
    happening is happening
    right when it happens yeah there’s
    absolutely incremental people learning
    about it for the first time in four
    years or the first time in general I
    don’t know how many of them are running
    out being like oh this is the reason I’m
    going to buy Bitcoin now is because like
    of this event I think it like kind of
    like like a brand awareness campaign
    where like everybody knows that coke
    exists and yet they still buy massive
    Billboards and they sponsor a bunch of
    stuff and it’s like why it it’s it puts
    the idea out there and kind of inets you
    and I think I’m sure there are marginal
    buyers of Bitcoin who see people on
    Bloomberg talking about Bitcoin and
    maybe they like yeah maybe I’ll put 1%
    you know into Bitcoin and this is kind
    of what we see I don’t know if you saw
    um some of the holders from the Bitcoin
    ETF um uh were um revealed this week and
    it’s kind of random it’s a lot of random
    wealth Managers from all around the
    world who are putting you know small
    allocations of their Assets in a Bitcoin
    and um you know I I’m sure you maybe
    it’s not those people maybe is some of
    those people maybe it’s you know retail
    investors but it’s it’s a brand
    awareness campaign and I think that
    alone is uh you maybe good okay so if
    you analogize it to a brand awareness
    campaign and says oh it’s kind of like
    Coca-Cola buying ads you know cocaa is
    going to buy ads but still they can like
    affect the amount of people buying
    Coca-Cola but Coca-Cola buying ads like
    they can do a job with ads this year
    right they just have some ads that are
    kind like H whatever or they could do
    like the polar bear and everyone feels
    warm and fuzzy and they’re like oh I
    want to go out and drink some coke so
    like they can underperform or
    overperform relative to the fact that
    yes they’re going to do brand awareness
    but sometimes it sucks and sometimes
    it’s awesome and I guess it feels like
    the same thing must be true of the
    having is that sometimes the having
    marketing brand awareness people on TV
    talking about it it hits and it’s like
    wow actually more people are going to
    buy Bitcoin than we thought we’re going
    to buy Bitcoin because they’re having uh
    but it can underperform and it seems
    like maybe it’s not priced in well no
    it’s it’s like there’s a baseline of
    price in but you can kind of do a better
    job than the median or a worob than the
    median of what the market is expecting
    to happen with a having but by this
    logic meme coins are brand awareness for
    salana I think me coins a brand
    awareness for no for salana I mean like
    the number of people I talk to are like
    oh yeah you work in that crypto stuff
    right I downloaded Phantom that has been
    like something I have encountered more
    in the last few months than anything
    I’ve ever encountered where people knew
    about crypto it is it is it cuts across
    demographics and age groups much more
    okay so all right I think we’ve betrayed
    a little bit uh our cards here on priced
    in or not priced in um one of the things
    that tun was alluding to was this new
    phenomenon called runes so runes uh
    created by Casey Rod Armour who is uh
    the originator of ordinals uh and
    inscriptions on bitcoin um so he created
    this new standard basically trying to
    create a better version of what was
    previously known as brc2 which is a you
    know basically a way to try to create a
    equivalent of an erc20 token on bitcoin
    BRC 20s however were super inefficient
    they were very expensive they were kind
    of a really stupid way to implement a
    fungible token on top of uh Bitcoin and
    so uh Casey created this much more
    efficient uh standard that’s much more
    aligned with the utxl model that’s used
    on bitcoin already um and so there were
    a bunch of rules that were implemented
    around Rune it was going to kick off uh
    you could basically mint the first runes
    by taking a ticker the ticker there are
    certain rules around the tickers have to
    be a certain number of letters long um
    and there only certain characters you
    can use uh and so people could mint
    those tickers for a new Rune um I think
    it’s called a rune uh starting with the
    having the first block of the having and
    that’s why there was this crazy
    effectively an auction that took place
    in the first Bitcoin block post having
    of people trying to find the best
    tickers and mint these new runes and all
    this stuff so um that drove a crazy
    amount of fees on bitcoin for about 24
    hours um since then the activities
    really died down uh I was looking
    through the the runes Explorer and it
    looks like a ton of them didn’t really
    get minted out uh seems like most of
    them actually are not fully minted um
    and uh I don’t know this kind of seems
    like a bit underwhelming so there was
    $80 million in fees on bitcoin on day
    one and those fees have basically gone
    down to pretty close to Baseline now
    uh a few days later so thoughts on runes
    I I’ve seen a lot of chatter about it
    online but it seems like people have
    mostly stopped talking about it today I
    have not interacted with runes so I will
    excuse myself from this part of the
    conversation yeah very very for runes
    very beish runes if if if Robert doesn’t
    doesn’t ape into it that’s very
    bearish why did okay let me ask why why
    did you not decide to buy uh some
    runes I’m not that active in the Bitcoin
    that’s why it just you know not
    something I spend that did you do any
    BRC 20s or ordinals or anything no not
    really I’ve done like okay a tiny tiny
    tiny bit of ordinal stuff but okay so
    you did some though you did non-zero
    amount but you didn’t the runes was just
    not not worth it to you I I’ll say this
    I went into
    the deep research phase
    and of ordinals and talking to people
    and learning about I did not do the same
    thing for runes okay got it uh Tom tun
    did you guys mess around with runes at
    all any perspective also dabble with the
    ordinals that have not gotten the runes
    I um yeah something about the whole uh
    you know bc20 and runes ecosystem is
    very strange to me where like you’re
    basically totally dependent on these
    offchain indexers to determine like the
    amount of the token that you have like
    there’s no real enforcement of the
    validity of these transactions on
    bitcoin itself it’s so it just feels
    very like antithetical to I feel like
    what bitcoiners always talk about and
    kind of what the ethos of the space is
    to like yeah actually we’re going to be
    like relying on this you wallet or this
    third party to allow us to trade these
    things um or to tell me what the balance
    of my my assets even is and so um yeah I
    I really don’t get it and obviously it’s
    like just um you know short of having an
    application or something that this stuff
    plugs into it is just mcoin Trading not
    to disparage mcoin trading but um you
    know i’ we’ve seen this before I uh I I
    do think like the the problem is like I
    think ordinals when they first came out
    were there was like a lot of novelty but
    now people have gone to the extreme of
    like these
    very you know the Bitcoin L2 space is
    basically a lot of fake l2s like none of
    them have the the viability of like I
    can withdraw my assets from the the
    bridge contract in a a very reliable
    manner um or at all in some cases
    without a centralized third party and it
    s or or you know some extra trust
    assumption and like you know a lot of
    the Bitcoin L2 stuff I mean the ZK stuff
    is real because like okay actually
    they’re actually just posting the proofs
    to bitcoin that’s kind of reasonable but
    those ones are not live and the ones
    that are live seem like three guys in a
    trench coat with a multisig you know
    it’s like they’re not they’re not
    they’re not I three but by three guys I
    mean three Asian mid- tier Asian
    exchanges and a trench coat with multi
    and uh and uh I I you know they none of
    them seem particularly real they seem
    like this like merry goor round Ponzi
    thing that I don’t I it’s like the
    Bitcoin L2
    space feels just like fake and I I like
    for lack of a better word I don’t want
    to get flamed now for saying that but
    but you will absolutely get flamed but
    it’s all right we real there are some
    real ones like the K ones I think are
    that people are trying real but not live
    right so like real but not live yeah but
    the ones that are live are are like
    basically multisig they’re side chains
    yeah they’re side chain they’re a side
    chain side but that’s fine if you call
    them a side chain but there’s no there’s
    no so I spent a lot of time on this when
    I I was in Hong Kong a couple weeks ago
    before I went to Dubai for the web 3
    festival and in Hong Kong so the first
    thing I’ll say the Bitcoin ecosystem
    very concentrated in Asia so you know a
    lot of the demand for for BRC 20s and
    ordinal are actually not in the US or in
    the you know kind of anglophone world
    which is I think a lot of the reason why
    a lot of this stuff feels somewhat
    opaque to a lot of folks who are living
    on crypto Twitter um because it is just
    the case that most of the brc2 ordinals
    activity was happening in the Chinese
    speaking Community uh and less so in the
    English ordinals make much more sense
    like you look at the code bases like I
    know what they’re doing I look at the
    code base for these these Bitcoin L l2s
    and either it’s close Source or like
    op so it’s I don’t know what it’s really
    doing or it’s like yeah like I said it’s
    like an evm chain that happens to have a
    multisig that you Peg in and out of okay
    we’ve seen R forever right it’s like
    they’re not
    L2 don’t how these here’s thing here the
    thing I was in Hong Kong and I and I met
    a ton of people who are very big into
    the Bitcoin L2 ecosystem and it was it
    very curious for me because almost
    everybody I know on the western side
    thinks the Bitcoin l2s are [ __ ] and
    basically did not invest in almost
    anything right a few Western VCS have
    invested into them but overwhel
    definitely are a bunch they a bunch who
    have they a bunch who have in the ones
    that are coming out of the US are like
    these very kind of academic high
    integrity teams and that’s like they’re
    all they all suck like the Bitcoin L2
    game is not about like Tech Innovation
    it’s about Gathering up lots and lots of
    Bitcoin from Bitcoin Wales and like if
    you look at like the the the the
    granddaddy of these is Merlin so Merlin
    they is unreal I mean you look at the
    the the like there’s like single wallet
    with a billion dollars of Bitcoin
    depositing into it yeah yeah there’s a
    huge amount of capital in there that’s
    basically I mean everybody in Asia kind
    of knows it all comes from a small
    amount of super Bitcoin Mega whale
    miners so in Asia you know people love
    Bitcoin because Bitcoin equals proof of
    work equals mining everyone in Asia gets
    that right so lots of super wealthy ogs
    are miners in Asia and so the Bitcoin L2
    story basically the reason why it’s so
    compelling for many folks in Asia is
    that they want yield on
    bitcoin which sounds stupid cuz it’s
    like what how does that solve that
    problem and the answer is well points
    you guys in the west do all this points
    stuff and you get yield on whatever
    you’re putting into the points things so
    we’re going to create Bitcoin points and
    you can put Bitcoin in this thing and
    you’ll get yield and the miners are all
    like great I love that I love my Bitcoin
    I love yield here you go here’s a big
    pile of Bitcoin give me yield and it’s
    weird to call it an
    L2 blast it’s blast as a service for
    Maxis so here’s the thing here’s the
    thing I I was talking to the nervos team
    which is like super OG proof of work
    guys very legit and they’re building a
    Bitcoin L2 effectively okay and so I
    asked them like look you guys are
    technical you know like I talked to some
    of these teams and they have no idea
    what the fal they’re saying but like you
    guys are really technical how is this in
    L2 right this is not trustless obviously
    Bitcoin is not validating any of this it
    can’t validate any of this you’re
    running an evm chain how are you going
    to validate evm on bitcoin and the
    answer is that no no no in Bitcoin the
    word L2 means something different
    in Bitcoin L2 means that you are Bitcoin
    aligned that’s what it means so if
    you’re aligned with Bitcoin you’re an L2
    and I’m
    like what wait what then what’s is rsk
    an L2 and he’s like well you know I
    don’t know it depends on you know
    depends on your definition um but yeah
    that’s what L2 means so it’s kind of
    like I was telling you guys like Fair
    launch in meme coins means that no VCS
    that’s what Fair launch means for mcoins
    uh in the same way like the word L2 has
    just been reclaimed by bitcoiners to
    mean Bitcoin aligned yeah it makes sense
    does it does that make sense that I feel
    like that does not make sense yes
    because every phrase gets completely
    Twisted in general to the point where
    everyone on the outside world doesn’t
    really understand it and sense yeah I
    mean literally the term erc20 right
    which now at this point
    like yeah exactly like at least the
    first erc20 knockoff the trc20 is
    bitwise identical minus for the one
    character of the T and the but
    brc2 not so yeah like so I mean erc20
    like literally there was a list of 20 of
    these ethereum uh uh um sort of uh
    what’s the word what are they they eips
    yeah proposals and they can convered to
    ERC yeah they converted into erc’s right
    what does ERC stand for uh request for
    e request for comment it
    is okay yeah so ether request for
    comment so you do an thep it gets
    approved or whatever and then becomes
    request for comment and that’s what rc20
    comes from and so now they’re just
    everything 20 uh rc20 is just like means
    token in people’s minds and so they just
    copy this thing over and over again um
    anything even if it doesn’t obey the
    rc20 standard they call it rc20 uh just
    because it just kind of sounds like a
    token and so I can see that happening to
    L2 and that’s kind of an interesting
    language on the move kind of linguistic
    phenomenon at the same time we have the
    term side chain which was invented in
    Bitcoin land and there’s a bunch of
    things that are still called side chains
    in Bitcoin land you know like all the
    stuff that uh um uh what’s it called the
    the Bitcoin uh uh shoot what’s the
    company that does all the Bitcoin stuff
    Stacks um no no not Stacks um
    centralized company that rais much of
    venture blre blam right blockstream has
    their side chain that everybody points
    and laughs at and it’s like oh this is
    just a side this is like a centralized
    side chain and it’s like oh yeah but
    that’s also what the Bitcoin l2s are so
    what exactly is the difference you know
    I guess like
    aspirational um I don’t know but it’s
    Vibes basically tldr it’s all Vibes at
    least that’s what I’ve been told I don’t
    know are you guys looking at any of the
    Bitcoin L2
    stuff we invested in one Bitcoin L2
    which is a you did yes but a real L2
    real L2 it’s
    VM or something how does
    it sorry it’s not it’s notm it’s its own
    VM yeah yeah it’s it’s sort of like the
    VM but they they have a specialized Pro
    it’s like all the blockstream stark
    people who left uh because block stream
    was building sort of this thing and then
    no one wanted to stay there so I see it
    it’s called Alpin I think they just came
    out of stealth like last week oh yeah
    yeah yeah we spoke to them okay alpen
    yeah they’re yeah that I sort of count
    them in like the Western high integrity
    teams of like people who are making a
    real honest effort at building something
    good um unfortunately I mean no no
    disrespect to them but I think like if
    you’re not plugged in to these Chinese
    whales who are basically you know
    plugging huge amounts of Bitcoin into
    these networks uh I don’t know if you
    can win this game because it feels very
    uh stacked against you so to
    speak yeah maybe I mean there I I feel
    like there’s enough non Asian whales you
    know the Wes of the world who maybe will
    be the patron but those guys all hate
    this stuff like there people like oh
    just wait for lightning why are you guys
    doing this uh evm [ __ ] you know this
    is all like clogging up the chain I
    think I think I think people have
    learned that lightning is secretly more
    centralized than your multisig L2 in
    some ways so I I do think that they’ve
    kind of they’re kind of turning the
    corner on that more than you think is
    that right it doesn’t feel like that
    from the you know what do you think the
    sentiment of what do you think the
    sentiment to lightning is on Twitter I I
    would argue that it’s had this extreme
    crash lately yeah I I would bet it’s
    actually just like not
    even that well
    understood like or the l2s lightning
    like no one’s talking about it anymore
    you know for the most like most of the
    people have come into crypto in the last
    couple years might not even know oh true
    yeah yeah if you were if you’re class of
    like 21 22 you probably have you know
    you’ve only heard of lightning in
    passing you probably think it’s an erc20
    token uh wasn’t there um what was the a
    standard there’s a token standard for
    lightning Raiden Raiden Raiden was the
    ethereum lightning so there was there
    was an oc20 that was close well there
    were a couple there were a couple there
    was also all the state channels L4 yeah
    yes yes but they didn’t have a token L4
    didn’t have a token they didn’t have a
    token but a lot of people who work there
    now have tokens that isin had a token
    and uh they had some great you know side
    state Channel tech oh I forgot about
    that yeah actually uh fun fair did too
    so it’s like the casinos and like that
    kind of unsavory stuff were very
    experimental you know what they say
    about you know it’s the it’s the
    toughest industries that have to
    experiment with new technology uh true
    yeah yeah okay well speaking of tough
    Industries um there’s a big story this
    week about Unis swap uh that got hit
    with a Wells not notice from the SEC so
    let me explain what all those things
    mean Unis swap uh most of you are
    probably familiar it’s the biggest decks
    um it’s an amm completely decentralized
    uh you know runs with no onchain kind of
    administration whatsoever uh it’s been
    around forever run by Hayden Adams so
    not run by I should say founded by
    Hayden Adams um so the SEC which uh we
    know both the cftc and the SEC have been
    interacting with uniswap labs for quite
    a while since of course Unis swap has
    been around since I think 2018 or 19 um
    the SEC uh it was announced on April
    10th issued a Wells notice to Unis swap
    so Wells notice is when the SEC is
    considering bringing a lawsuit or some
    kind of enforcement action against uh a
    counterparty they are required by law to
    First give a Wells notice which
    basically says hey we are planning to
    sue you if you have any kind of cont
    contradicting evidence that would lead
    us to think that maybe we should not be
    suing you or that this would be an error
    uh here is your chance to to present us
    that information um almost always after
    Well’s notice uh response to Wells
    notice doesn’t end up causing the SEC
    not to go forward with the lawsuit but
    at least gives the company time to you
    know sort prepare themselves and and
    potentially um you know get their
    Affairs in order effectively um for
    what’s to come so uh now you might
    remember when the SEC sued coinbase as
    well as when the sued Ripple in both
    cases uh when the SEC sent them their
    Wells notice both coinbase and ripple
    front ran the SEC went to the public and
    basically started a PR campaign
    immediately saying we got issued with
    the wells notice uh we believe the SEC
    is doing things unfairly and they’re
    kind of you know trotting over the
    rights of Americans interact with crypto
    blah blah blah we’re going to fight them
    uh to the death and they kind of control
    the narrative which I I’m sure very much
    frustrated the SEC uh in at the time
    this was considered to be a crazy thing
    to do like this is not what happens
    generally like normally in most other
    Industries when your regulator suing you
    you kind of you know you slink away you
    TR you start preparing lawyers and uh
    you know kind of preparing to say lots
    and lots of no comment um and instead
    coinbase and ripple Source showed that
    actually you want to go on the offensive
    and so far it seems to have been largely
    effective although you know it’s not
    over but it’s hard to tell but it looks
    like so far people think that hey it
    actually looks like this is the right
    strategy well Unis swop has done the
    exact same thing once they got the wells
    notice from the SEC Unis swop went to
    Twitter and basically said hey um you
    know the SEC is supposed to be
    protecting investors maintaining Fair
    orderly markets I think unisoft does a
    better job of this uh the SEC should not
    be coming after us uh you know we are
    founded by American entrepreneurs we’ve
    been following all the laws um you know
    blah blah blah effectively stating that
    hey we’re going to fight this we think
    the SEC is in the wrong uh we have no
    control over Unis swap the protocol uh
    and you know basically come at me bro
    was effectively the energy that SC that
    unap was giving the Unis swap token uni
    token uh did took a hit on the day that
    the wells nose was announced I think it
    went down roughly
    15% um but the industry really rallied
    around Unis swap under the belief that
    swap is going to be a very very strong
    defendant uh now that said we don’t know
    what the charges are uh people are
    speculating that these charges may be um
    you know being an unregistered broker uh
    or something which you know many people
    are saying that this would probably not
    stick because judges have been very
    unsympathetic to this claim coinbase of
    course in their case had this claim
    thrown out uh for coinbase wallet saying
    that you know they had no custodial
    control uh however uh it’s also possible
    they go after uni token claiming that
    uni token is a security in which case
    this might be the first Battleground
    case to decide whether a governance
    token for something like this ends up
    being uh an unregistered security so
    I’ll stop there that was a lot uh what’s
    your guys take on the Unis swap Wells
    notice well none of us have actually
    seen at least as I understand it the
    wells notice all we’ve seen is unis
    swaps response um you know it came from
    Hayden it came from there was a great
    blog post you know I read the blog post
    I thought it was wonderfully written
    where they framed really you know the
    arguments for why a Unis swap is
    important B you know it really shouldn’t
    be a target of you know enforcement when
    there’s extremely vague and nebulous uh
    applicability of you know historical
    laws to them and see why you know they
    think that whatever the charges may be
    they’re going to win and I thought it
    was a wonderfully written blog post you
    know since then there’s been a lot of
    more sophisticated commentary coming on
    crypto Twitter and starting to be in the
    press you know I feel like in one of the
    next episodes you know once things start
    to come out into the public maybe we
    should have on you know a guest who’s
    like more familiar with these issues but
    I thought the response and that’s really
    the only thing that any of us on this
    show or on Twitter or anywhere have
    available their response was great and
    you know I give a lot of kudos to the
    whole team at Unis swap foundation and
    Unis swap labs and everyone peripheral
    to it and like the community because you
    know I feel like they are
    ready and willing to
    Champion and fight to the death on a
    case that they have an extremely good
    shot at winning according to fundit
    online and so you know if this is the
    thing that creates case law where
    there’s absolutely not enough or no case
    law you know unisoft is in phenomenal
    shape you know it if they had gone after
    you know some scammers you know I feel
    like the SEC would be better position
    but they’re not going after scammers
    they’re going after a company that has
    been trying to
    innovate the right way for a long time
    and I think they make a terrible
    Target M Hayden is such a genuine
    believer right he’s done everything
    right they they’ve been probably one of
    the most kind of fastidious and
    upstanding teams in crypto period uh
    much less in defi in defi I mean I don’t
    know I think he’s a national treasur and
    the SEC it really feels like a huge huge
    miscalculation in choosing Unis swap as
    a defendant here right been much better
    going after like sushi swap or one of
    these other things that like just plays
    worse uh as a defendant you know like
    they were kind of faster and looser um
    I’m sure they didn’t they they’re not as
    well defended of a door they don’t have
    as much resources they’re not as beloved
    by the community they didn’t actually
    invent the [ __ ] thing like so many
    people are like wow amm blew my mind
    they changed my idea of what was
    possible in finance literally the
    example that people give of why defi is
    so transformational is unis Swap and the
    idea that you would go after this guy
    and this team to say hey let’s make an
    example out of how bad this industry is
    and how you know non-compliant they are
    with like the laws that they’re supposed
    to mind read um is is just insane to me
    it it is I mean there’s to your point
    like you know even if they’re looking to
    build case law because I feel like at
    this point most of what the SEC is doing
    when it comes to crypto is about
    defining their political perimeter right
    they should be going after a garbage
    project that like forked Unis swaps code
    behaved badly you know stole money from
    people and will have zero sympathy from
    a judge instead of going after unist it
    is uh weird I I mean I agree that it
    seems like it would be more likely to be
    about uni than Unis swap the protocol or
    um unisoft the the website being a
    broker or something like that um but it
    is weird that uni was not named as a
    um in the sec’s lawsuits against
    coinbase or binance they had a huge
    laundry list of tokens that they claim
    for Securities uni was not on it and yet
    somehow now they are getting a Wells
    notice that seems possibly related to
    the uni token um yeah just very very
    strange well but it clearly not
    exhaustive right I mean they only listed
    like 12 or 13 tokens total across all
    the lawsuits and there’s you know uni is
    like number 30 or something on sure but
    why sit on this for you know so long if
    you nothing changed he here’s my uh
    totally non- lawyer Layman from the
    outside perspective it’s because there’s
    a good chance the SEC will lose their
    case against you and if it’s a part of
    like the coinbase case or whatever and
    they lose and it happens you know even
    if like the coinbase thing is going
    through appeal and it’s years and it’s
    going to Supreme Court I feel like it
    wasn’t named in there because they know
    that it’s a risky case for them
    actually okay I want it to influence
    like a coinbase case no this makes sense
    but I think it’s actually the other way
    around because okay when they go after
    coinbase right they list these 13 uh uh
    proclaimed Securities coinbase wins the
    case if they can prove that none of
    those 13 assets are securities right
    because those are the ones that the SEC
    actually claimed um if they put uni on
    that list and coinbase wins that case
    then now it has bearing on the
    enforcement action against Unis Swap and
    the SEC wants to win as many cases as
    possible which means that means implies
    that the that the assets they listed on
    the coinbase case they were not planning
    to pursue so you put things on there
    that you’re not actually planning to go
    after one by one if you were planning to
    go after salana and you put salana on
    the coinbase case then if they win
    either case it [ __ ] over the other case
    right but if you if you go after
    independent enforcement actions from the
    ones that you list as Securities then
    one judge over here in this District
    could be like oh yeah I think this is
    fine another judge says well this has no
    bearing on this other case so like I
    actually think that uni is a security uh
    and screw these guys whereas if the same
    question was litigated in two different
    venues very likely the judge would defer
    to whatever the other judge did uh given
    that the same question was being
    adjudicated that actually makes a lot of
    sense as to why they didn’t list uni
    because they want to pursue it
    independently and they’re not planning
    to go after any of the l1s because
    that’s way too hard go after an L1 and
    it’s like well but ethereum is not a
    security and if etherum is not a
    security on what basis is so not a
    security right so it’s very safe to go
    after the l1s uh because sorry very safe
    to name the l1s because you don’t want
    to go after the 101 because actually
    they take you to court they’re going to
    bring out ethereum as an example and
    it’s going to make the SEC look really
    bad and kind of picking playing
    favorites um whereas uni is very unique
    right there is nothing really like uni
    and so uni kind of has to go make a very
    different kind of shaped argument than
    the l1s could that’s my theory crafting
    of maybe why the SEC chose to pursue it
    this way I I will say you know one thing
    I thought was very funny was after this
    news came out uh they just turned on
    front end fees for all their pools that
    was like a very funny form of rebellion
    where it’s like [ __ ] you like we’re
    going to like if because they already
    charge fees on on some of the front end
    pools and then there’s like now gonna
    turn them on for everything uh I think
    there’s like a great Dune dashboard of
    like their revenue from the front end
    fees like spiking on the wells notice
    to yeah I mean it if I I I looked at it
    like the day it came out I haven’t
    looked at like the dashboard since then
    but like it are they still doing like
    you know half a million a day in
    income I think it was something I
    haven’t actually looked either since the
    a day Tom you happen to have it in handy
    any chance I I can pull it up I me I
    don’t think it was half a m a day I
    volume revenue and fees fees yeah no no
    no it was nowhere near half a million a
    day once yeah no it was like 12 mil
    annualized uh yeah yeah yeah no
    ra the fees it reached over half it it
    it okay so 411 281k 412 38 335 332 I
    think it it it didn’t quite go to half a
    m but it’s like
    yeah a day it’s
    Spike they from like 20 30 20 to 30k to
    like hundreds now it’s like
    100k 100K a day Okay so
    annualized 35 36 yeah yeah okay that’s
    pretty good you know they have to have a
    legal K have a legal kiss to fight I
    just thought I just thought that was a
    funny form of rebellion you’re like
    you’re going after us already whatever
    turn on the kind kind of true kind of
    true um yeah interesting but I mean they
    also know the content of the wells not
    it so it may have had nothing to do with
    the the front end um so that may have
    been the basis on which they decided to
    do that I don’t know
    so I mean this this obviously will be a
    very consequential case for defi
    generally I mean again we don’t know the
    Contours so we’re kind of guessing but
    regardless of what this particular case
    is it’s definitely going to be
    Monumental within the space at the same
    time the weird thing about it is that
    you know genzo is already fighting a lot
    of fronts I sort of assumed that they
    were going to stop here because they
    have the binance case they have the
    coinbase case they have the Ripple case
    um they’ have a lot of resources that
    they’re expending and you know fired a
    couple lawyers they fired a c lawers
    over that there was the whole yeah there
    was the whole debt box thing where they
    got censured by a judge for uh gross Mis
    conduct in in a different uh uh
    enforcement case they were bringing in
    some some random uh defi project uh so
    the sec’s kind of feels like they’re
    over this feels like a Hail Mary this is
    like the like hey election year we might
    be out let’s just like throw the Hail
    Mary that’s what this that’s at least
    that’s my impression of this got to keep
    everyone busy until the the elction why
    though like that doesn’t make sense
    maybe it’s like the only way to justify
    your budget or
    something that that that sounds strange
    um yeah obviously if Trump ends up
    winning genzo’s out there’s a decent
    chance that even if Biden isn’t winning
    that he replaces kensler given how
    unpopular he’s been even within the
    Democratic party um so it does feel like
    it’s a very strange move to be going
    after this I mean it’s one thing if you
    go after some scam project and they’re
    going to settle and it’s going to be
    quick thing but he had to know that
    unisoft is going to fight this given how
    much resources they have yeah it’s going
    to be a ripple like case where you know
    both sides come out
    slugging and it’s gonna be years you
    know this this thing is not going to
    happen soon so as usual The Only Winners
    here are law firms so you would be
    hilarious is this if Gensler ends up
    going to the law firm that makes the
    most fees off these cases because
    they’re like thank you so much for for
    the donation
    gz us their own lawyers no no no so
    let’s say let’s let’s say let’s say
    there’s like three firms used for these
    cases unless like gendler gets kicked
    out office and needs a new job who do
    you think wants to hire him the most the
    one who made the most billable hours and
    so maybe this is all a secret indirect
    play for that right that’s funny
    actually after the debt box thing which
    was this when the SEC lawyers got
    censured for gross misconduct there were
    a bunch of people on crypto Twitter who
    were calling
    um you there are a few folks who are ex
    SEC who have worked who’ve come into the
    crypto industry and have uh some people
    have you know fairly senior roles
    obviously you’d want to work with
    somebody who knows the insides of how
    the SEC works and a few people from
    crypto Twitter were calling for guys
    let’s freeze the SEC no more hiring
    anybody who’s worked at the SEC so that
    people learn this is not a way to get
    into the crypto industry if you work for
    this institution screw you we’re not
    going to hire you um I don’t know if
    people are going to stand strong on that
    uh because you know when when you
    actually want to be dealing with SEC
    obviously it helps to have people who’ve
    been on the other side uh and I imagine
    for ripple or coinbase they are very
    very grateful to have uh you know legal
    support from people who understand the
    SEC from the inside um but the spirit of
    it I think is quite sensible uh because
    of course many people who are working in
    government they are kind of hoping that
    on the other side they can end up
    getting a cushy uh you know Private
    Industry job that’s that’s what I’m
    saying like I feel I feel like maybe
    this is just a way to figure out how to
    run up the bills so that then then you
    look I got I made you so much money I I
    I don’t think it’s like that turn I
    think it’s I like that conspiracy though
    I like that I like that so the question
    is what Venture fund is going to hire
    gendler that’s the that’s the big
    question and they seem to hire all the
    regulator you think and is gonna hire
    well I just mean look at look at H1 M
    $100 mil uh solo GP fund it’s ginzler
    Ventures coming to you6 I think actually
    all all the big funds would probably
    band together and fun him just to get
    him to stay out of uh out of politics
    that’s what I’m saying this might be a
    genius boy on his part and you’re all
    not you’re all not thinking thinking
    deep enough about well first I’m sure
    the first deal he leads would probably
    be Prometheus I think the thing dler is
    already pretty wealthy so I I this
    wouldn’t be true but if it was someone
    who was less wealthy than gunler it’d be
    like I’d be
    yeah well um I guess we’ll see where all
    this plays out um we’re up on time so
    we’re going to have to wrap but another
    fun week uh we’ll be back
    soon um hopefully by the time that we
    learn more about the particulars of the
    case we’re going to have some some more
    color on uh exactly what unisoft is
    facing but until
    dry thanks everybody

    The Chopping Block: Unraveling Uniswap’s SEC Challenge, Dubai’s Deluge Disaster, and Bitcoin’s Halvening Hype!

    👉 https://unchainedcrypto.com/podcast-chopping-block/the-chopping-block-uniswaps-sec-scrutiny-token2049-flood-catastrophe-and-bitcoins-halving-impact/ 👈

    Welcome to The Chopping Block, where Haseeb Qureshi, Tom Schmidt, Tarun Chitra, and Robert Leshner dissect the crypto world’s topics of the day. In this episode, we delve into the SEC’s recent scrutiny of Uniswap, exploring the potential legal and regulatory impacts on the DeFi landscape. We also discuss the unprecedented flooding in Dubai and its effects on the recent crypto conference, highlighting the resilience of the crypto community in the face of natural disasters. Shifting our focus to Bitcoin, we analyze the implications of the latest halvening event and what it means for Bitcoin’s inflation rate and market dynamics. Through these discussions, we unpack the intricate relationships between regulatory actions, environmental challenges, and technological advancements in cryptocurrency. Join us as we navigate through these complex topics, offering deep insights and expert analysis on the events that are shaping the future of blockchain and digital currencies. Tune in to understand how these pivotal moments are influencing the strategic direction and ethical considerations within the crypto space.

    Show Highlights
    🔹The devastating floods in Dubai and their impact on the Token 2049 conference
    🔹 Analysis of Bitcoin’s halving event, exploring whether it’s a bullish signal or just market noise.
    🔹 Examine the evolution and market impact of new Bitcoin protocols like ordinals and runes, assessing their effectiveness and reception within the community.
    🔹 Explore the dynamics of the Asian market’s influence on Bitcoin’s secondary layers, discussing the integration of substantial Bitcoin deposits and yield strategies.
    🔹 Dive into the SEC’s Wells Notice to Uniswap and its broader implications for decentralized finance (DeFi).

    ⭐️Haseeb Qureshi, Managing Partner at Dragonfly
    ⭐️Tom Schmidt, General Partner at Dragonfly
    ⭐️Robert Leshner, Founder of Compound
    ⭐️Tarun, Giga-Brain & Grand Poobah at Gauntle

    Time Stamps:
    00:00 – Intro
    01:51 – Dubai’s weather chaos & Anthony Scaramucci
    08:04 – Token 2049
    12:30 – Bitcoin Halvening – Is it priced in?
    15:29 – Robert’s take
    17:31 – Tarun’s take
    19:26 – Tom’s take
    24:10 – Runes & Ordinals
    28:10 – Bitcoin L2 space is fake
    32:40 – ERC20 vs. BRC20
    38:50 – Uniswap vs. SEC
    47:00 – What’s the SEC’s strategy?
    52:00 – Gensler’s future

    #bitcoin #ethereum #crypto #cryptocurrencies
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    1. Bingo Tom (regarding Runes/Ordinals)… I don't understand why people would want off-chain ownership. The point of blockchains to me is that I can verify ownership of my digital assets on chain.

    2. uni wasn't sold, or am I crazy? How can UNI be a security if there wasn't an exchange of money with Uniswap labs for the token? I put money into the uniswap protocol.

    3. Bitcoin layer 2 is like kids putting slice of paper between fins on their bicycle and calling it motorcycle. Just call it sidechain or make your own word, like lightning network did. These bitcoin sidechains will end up stealing ton of money at some point and selling them as layer 2 is just a scam.

    4. 0:00: ⚔️ Crypto community speculates on potential venture fund hiring Gendler to avoid political involvement.
      4:29: 🌊 Crypto community faces aftermath of flooded venues and homes, disrupting scheduled events.
      8:31: ⚠️ Risk of travel ignored, resulting in potential danger due to geopolitical tensions.
      12:55: 💰 Bitcoin's halving event reduces block rewards every 4 years, leading to deflationary supply until 2100.
      17:30: 💰 Bitcoin transaction fees spike due to launch of runes on Bitcoin, impacting security budget post-halving.
      21:56: 💡 Impact of Bitcoin halving event on brand awareness and potential new buyers.
      25:36: 💰 Discussion on underwhelming minted runes, decrease in Bitcoin fees, and lack of interest in investing.
      30:16: 🔍 Bitcoin L2 ecosystem viewed differently in Western and Eastern markets
      34:39: 🔍 Language evolution in crypto communities leads to mislabeling of standards and concepts.
      39:28: ⚖️ SEC issues Wells notice to Uniswap, potentially leading to lawsuit, allowing time for response and preparation.
      43:23: ⚖️ Crypto community supports Uniswap in legal battle against SEC, confident in potential case law impact.
      47:57: ⚖️ SEC's strategy of not listing certain assets in the Coinbase case to pursue independent enforcement actions strategically.
      52:25: ⚖️ SEC's actions against Uniswap questioned amidst upcoming election and potential leadership changes.

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