Keystone 3 BTC-Only Crypto Hardware Wallet -Highly Secured

    hello and welcome to my NTC reviews
    Channel today I’m going to be talking to
    you about the Keystone 3 now I have
    reviewed the Keystone 3 in the past a
    few months ago but it was a completely
    different firmware so Keystone 3 has a
    multi-coin firmware so you’re able to
    host a plethora of different coins
    including BTC in your Hardware wallet
    well recently and by popular demand
    Keystone released a BTC only firmware
    for the Keystone 3 so those of you that
    are BTC holders and wanted a crypto
    wallet that was specific to hodle your
    BTC well now that option is available
    with all the other great bells and
    whistles that the Keystone 3 offers as I
    mentioned earlier I have reviewed the
    Keystone 3 with the multicoin firmware
    and in that video I go over other
    options and other experience that I’ve
    had with other cold wallets so if you
    are interested in checking out that
    video video I will link it here in the
    top right now as well as link it in the
    description but for today it is all
    about BTC so before I go any further let
    me go into the specs on the Keystone 3
    so getting into some of the specs as I
    mentioned and the whole purpose for this
    review is that the firmware is BTC only
    by having BTC only firmware it
    dramatically uh decreases the chances of
    being hacked cuz there’s less points of
    Entry by having a BTC only firmware the
    Keystone 3 is verifiable open source it
    is 100% air gap which means it is 100%
    offline no Bluetooth no NFC and no Wi-Fi
    in order to connect the Keystone 3
    offers three secure elements your seed
    phrases and your fingerprints are stored
    separately making it much more difficult
    for hackers to access your cold wallet
    another great feature is that the
    Keystone 3 holds up to three seat
    phrases so that’s basically like having
    three cold wallets at your disposal all
    built into one Hardware device there is
    a self-destruct feature so all the DAT
    is protected and safely housed inside
    your Hardware wallet and if it were to
    be tampered with physically it will be
    wiped out and your information will not
    be accessed the Keystone 3 is powered by
    rust so it is rust based there is a
    passphrase feature which is an extra
    lock that you can add to the hardware
    wallet to increase your security the
    Keystone 3 integrates with multiple
    wallets the Keystone 3 is simple to use
    it has a 4in touchscreen allowing you to
    see much more information as you’re
    sending and receiving there is
    fingerprint verification that adds to
    the security and of course speeds up the
    process while you’re doing transactions
    there is a camera which will allow you
    to scan the QR codes adding to its air
    gapped features and it has a built-in
    long- lasting battery Keystone 3 has a
    test net where you can go ahead and
    sandbox certain features and try them
    out before actually doing real
    transactions there is Dice entropy which
    will allow you to make a special set of
    words if that’s something that you need
    for your seed phrase the Keystone 3 now
    includes multi signature so that way you
    can actually share and disperse who has
    access to this specific wallet there is
    a Shamir backup feature which will
    divide up your seed phrase into multiple
    backups so you can go ahead and line up
    those features against other prominent
    Hardware wallets that are on the market
    and you’ll probably see why I feel that
    currently the Keystone 3 is the best
    choice on the market at least for my
    needs and that doesn’t mean it’s not
    going to change tomorrow but as of right
    now I have yet to find something that’s
    as easy and as secure as this Keystone 3
    when it comes to setting up the Keystone
    3 specifically with the BTC only
    firmware it is the same simple process
    that I went over in more detail in my PR
    previous video so if you do want to get
    more detail or more specifics definitely
    check out that video for the purpose of
    this video I’m just going to go through
    it briefly and one of the main reasons
    for that is that Keystone on their
    website has a complete detailed walkthr
    on setting up your Keystone 3 they did
    an excellent job so I would refer you to
    that start page follow those directions
    specifically and you will be set up in
    no time but as I said I’ll go through a
    quick glance so to speak at that setup
    and from there will go into sending and
    receiving a BTC transaction all right
    let’s head over to the Keystone page to
    get started so I will put a link in the
    description to the get started link on
    the Keystone site but it’s also super
    easy to find all you got to do is head
    over to their site click on resources
    get started and you’ll be right at this
    prompt to get your Keystone 3 set up
    first thing we’re looking at here is the
    language so you’ll select your language
    go ahead and continue now there is a
    device verification that does say skip
    AP able but obviously for your first
    time I suggest that you do not skip this
    step it will basically tell you if you
    have a legit piece of Hardware or not so
    you’ll go ahead and click on device
    verification there will be a verified
    device button you’ll click on that QR
    code will be set up you’ll go ahead and
    scan that with the camera on your
    Keystone 3 device from there you’ll go
    ahead and enter the verification code
    that appears on your key Keystone 3
    device and if everything’s good to go
    it’ll tell you that you have a legit
    copy and you can go ahead and proceed
    from this prompt okay once that’s done
    you’ll go ahead hit continue and this is
    where we update the firmware now keep in
    mind that we are talking about the BTC
    only firmware if you are upgrading from
    a keystone 3 device that has the
    multicoin firmware that will be
    completely wiped out and replaced with
    your BTC only so make sure that you’re
    aware of that that in my case I opted
    for the two different wallets one that’s
    going to be multi-coin and one that will
    be BTC only it works well for me maybe
    that’s an option that will work well for
    you also now when you get started you
    will want to use the USBC cable that
    came with your keyone device and you
    have two different methods you can
    update it via the web itself utilizing
    your USB port on the Keystone 3 or you
    can go ahead and use the SD card feature
    which is what I opt for
    I have spoken to Keystone multiple times
    and they had told me that it’s fine it
    is safe to hook up via the USB and do
    your updates that way but for the
    purpose of keeping everything air gapped
    in peace of mind for me I opt for the SD
    card and trying to keep my device as air
    gapped as possible so you’ll go ahead
    and click on that firmware update and
    you will see different options we will
    go with theit Bitcoin only firmware and
    from there that’s where you’ll see that
    you can update via US b or you can
    update with the SD card make sure that
    your uh SD card is formatted go ahead
    download this uh BTC only firmware.bin
    file and then what you’ll do is you’ll
    go ahead and drag and drop it onto your
    SD card from there place the SD card in
    the SD slot on the ks3 and follow the
    prompts on the hardware wallet to go
    ahead and get your firmware updated do
    keep in mind that the battery needs to
    be at least 20% charged in order order
    for the firmware update to be able to
    begin another question I get asked is it
    okay to charge your Keystone 3 via your
    device whether it’s your computer your
    laptop your iPad your phone once again
    uh detailed discussions with Keystone
    and they had told me there is no issue
    no security issues at all if you do
    decide to charge your Keystone 3 device
    with your standard mobile device but
    once again me always airing on the side
    of caution I end up just either hooking
    it up to an electrical outlet or using a
    power bank in order to charge my
    Keystone 3 wallet once again just extra
    piece of mind on my side you can opt to
    do whatever works best for you okay once
    your device is updated you go ahead and
    continue from here is where you can
    create or import your seed phrase and
    you’ll have a bunch of different choices
    just like rolling the dice option that I
    brought up uh initially when I started
    this video if you have an existing uh
    BTC seed phrase you can go ahead and
    import that or once again you can just
    go ahead and create a new one now there
    will be let’s say for the purpose of
    this video we’re just going to create a
    new one and as you go through this
    you’re going to want to write down your
    seed phrase your 24 words and just keep
    in mind if you do lose these 24 words
    you will most likely lose complete
    access to all of your assets so keep
    that in mind you know with this high
    security also comes with a a lot of
    responsibility so if you’re a keystone 3
    or any hardware wallet were to
    malfunction as long as you have that
    seed phrase you can go ahead and opt for
    a different wallet or buy the same
    wallet and get a new One Import your
    seed phrase and you will be good to go
    without losing your assets and that’s
    why I highly recommend not only writing
    it down in the beginning and double
    checking and triple checking which of
    course the Keystone wallet will also
    have you uh double check and confirm
    your seed phrase once it’s created but
    you’re also going to want to back it up
    on something sturdy like uh there’s so
    many different options out here as you
    could tell here that I have some from uh
    Crypt tag and Bill photo and uh bit
    plates uh key Keystone itself has a
    couple different options make sure that
    your seed phrase is at the very least
    fire and waterproof there next up you’ll
    also be able to add a passphrase which
    just gives you extra security and also
    gives you the option to log into your
    wallet as well as confirm your
    transactions from there you’ll go ahead
    and pick the software wallet of your
    choice that you want to be the companion
    app for your Hardware wallet that you’ll
    utilize on your mobile device and there
    are a bunch of different options once
    again depending on the operating system
    and the devices that you use and maybe
    what you are already familiar with and
    want to keep utilizing in the Keystone
    wallet itself you’ll have a device
    settings options you’ll go into the
    settings and you’ll see where you’ll be
    able to pair it with the software wallet
    also in there there’s a bunch of other
    options where you can go ahead and set
    up your fingerprint set up your pattern
    recognition and just just tweak the
    wallet and be able to utilize different
    settings to make the wallet more
    comfortable and more convenient for you
    to utilize for your daily needs or for
    your specific hling slvt needs and that
    was the quick No Frills setup of your
    Keystone 3 BTC only firmware device as
    you can tell it’s relatively simple and
    you can backtrack and go back if you did
    mess up but the one thing that you
    really got to keep in mind is make sure
    that you have your seed flip phrase
    written down make sure you have it back
    up on one of these metal devices and uh
    in the future you’ll be able to sleep
    much better you can trust me on that one
    okay so what I would like to do now is
    send a BTC transaction I have my blue
    wallet here paired with the Keystone 3
    and it’s on my mobile device zero BTC in
    there now I do like to confirm my wallet
    address so if I’m here in the blue
    wallet on my mobile device I’ll go ahead
    and click on receive and I will see the
    QR code and the actual wallet address
    below and what I want to do is I want to
    make sure that I go into my Keystone and
    match up those addresses just for an
    extra layer of security so I’ll go ahead
    and input my uh passphrase here it opens
    up I’ll go ahead to receive and I’ll go
    ahead and check that
    address and as I look at it it is the
    same as the address in my blue wallet so
    I’m good to go on on that aspect so now
    I can go ahead and get out of the blue
    wallet itself and I’m going to go over
    to the account where I do have a bit of
    Bitcoin and I’m going to go ahead and
    send that BTC over to the address in the
    Keystone 3 so I have this account open
    and go ahead and get it ready to scan
    and here on my Keystone 3 I’m going to
    go ahead and hit receive QR code comes
    up we already verified the address with
    the one in the blue wallet and I’m going
    to go ahead and
    scan and be enable to Cent so here I’m
    going to put in
    $65 worth of BTC to send over to this
    wallet asking me to confirm my identity
    so let me go ahead and do that and the
    total BTC will be
    7893 including that
    fee so let’s go ahead send the BTC
    and it is sent so now we wait for it to
    arrive in our Keystone wallet okay so
    that took about a minute and as you can
    tell here there already is the pending
    transaction so it’ll take some time to
    go ah go ahead and verify and confirm
    throughout the BTC Network once again
    nothing to do with the actual Keystone
    wallet this all has to do with the
    Bitcoin Network at this point okay so
    I’m checking my blue wallet it’s about
    about 20 minutes later 25 minutes later
    I actually said it executed fully with
    all the confirmations after about 18
    minutes so you can tell here shows me
    what I have in SATs and it shows the $65
    us that I transferred over all right so
    I’m here in my blue wallet in the
    account that I had just created for this
    video with the BTC that I had sent over
    now I want to get it out of here and
    transfer it to a different wallet to
    show you how to send a transaction so
    I’m in my blue wallet here I’m going to
    go ahead and send I copied the address
    the BTC address that I wanted to send it
    to so now all I have to do is paste it
    into that field I’m going to go ahead
    and I’m going to send the full balance
    which should be the $65 minus whatever
    fees and I’m going to go ahead and hit
    next QR code comes up I go ahead over to
    my Keystone wallet hit
    scan head over to the UPC code hit scan
    it’s telling me here now the amount that
    I am going to send which is of course
    the amount that I had in there that I
    just transferred before minus the fees
    I’ll go ahead and approve that it’s
    asking me to enter my passcode I’ll go
    ahead and enter
    that that now it’s asking me to scan
    this with the actual wallet so now I’m
    going to go ahead and confirm it is
    scanned send
    now and we have our blue check mark we
    are done and as you can tell here we
    have that pending transaction of sending
    out to my other address so as you can
    saw completely air gapped nothing was
    connected to any device just utilizing
    the QR codes and sending and receiving
    was actually that simple and more
    importantly that safe so bottom line if
    you are in the market for a BTC only
    Hardware wallet that is definitely A Cut
    Above the Rest excellent customer
    support good active Community continual
    updates definitely take a look at the
    Keystone 3 by Keystone

    Get Your Keystone 3 BTC-Only Ready HERE Using My Affiliate Link:

    Check out our latest video review on NTC Reviews where we delve into the world of cryptocurrency security with a focus on BTC-only hardware wallets.

    In this comprehensive review, we explore the highly secured features of the Bitcoin wallet, discussing its hardware security measures and its effectiveness as a cold storage solution for secure Bitcoin storage.

    We compare it to other hardware wallets in the market, providing you with insights into its multi-signature capabilities and its role in safeguarding your cryptocurrency assets. Join us as we uncover the Keystone wallet features and assess its suitability as a secure BTC storage solution.

    Don’t miss out on this in-depth analysis of hardware wallet security and Bitcoin wallet protection.

    Subscribe to NTC Reviews for more informative content on cryptocurrency hardware wallet reviews and comparisons.

    CRYPTOTAG Seed Backup Review:

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